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@DaViDa that's not a technical description. That's why someone will need to dive into your code/server configuration and start debugging the whole issue. Not sure if there's someone here that wants to do that...
@HamZa hmm okay thanks
@FlorianMargaine you mean the variables or?
I mean the http request.
the bytes sent over the wire
@FlorianMargaine sorry i have no clue what context you mean, I am posting my form variables to a php file and then inserting them in the database
@DaViDa do you know how http works?
@FlorianMargaine I never debug those things, I am not an experienced php developer either
@DaViDa do a var_dump($_REQUEST);, see what values you get
i.e. do you get all the values?
@DaViDa "I never debug those things," Then you either need to learn how to debug stuff, or hire someone to do it for you...
do php-src people care about trailing whitespaces?
@FlorianMargaine i have tried your dump request, it gives me the full array with all the markers
@FlorianMargaine yet only 2 gets saved, but before this i made a route with 8 markers and that worked, it never works again after 1 has been put in the database
@FlorianMargaine My understanding is, if it's new code, keep it tidy....if it's existing code, then cleaning stuff up is not appreciated.
@Danack yeah...
I think I'll send a mail named: "The Great Whitespace Cleanup"
so that it's done once and for all
Actively harmful post suggesting singletons w/ static calls for PDO
@Jimbo it's not even a singleton...
@FlorianMargaine Exactly. Primarily the statics
(could do with your input in a comment explaining that :-))
I'm in a conf call right now...
fuck facebook api
fuck all the apis
@PeeHaa my phone isn't getting reception
Talk to badgergirl we talked about 20:00 at Dam square near the statue
@BenjaminGruenbaum Stupid Dutch carriers :P
See you there :)
hi to all
@BenjaminGruenbaum Alright
if i am to send html tags in a url how do i protect it ? example <font>
@salathe I... what?
hey guys...could someone pls correct this syntax? something is wrong: mysqli_query($link,"UPDATE Employees SET FirstName = '" .$firstName ."', LastName = '" .$lastName ."' WHERE EmployeeID = " .$employeeId);
@Japa Learn to use prepared statements
@Joseph, what are you trying to do? (why send html tags in the url?) Have you read up on xss
@PeeHaa could you give me a example using this peace of code i have posted now?
if you pls..
And pls is not a word
posted on November 28, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Ciprian */

@Japa always check the manual php.net/manual/en/pdo.prepared-statements.php
Hi everyone
Does anyone know what are mb_http_output() and mb_internal_encoding() exactly?! I use utf8. and everything is OK. Should I use them?
posted on November 28, 2014 by Anthony Ferrara

An interesting pull request has been opened against PHP to make bin2hex() constant time. This has lead to some interesting discussion on the mailing list (which even got me to reply :-X). There has been pretty good coverage over remote timing attacks in PHP, but they talk about string comparison. I'd like to talk about other types of timing attacks. Read more »

@PeeHaa is this a correct prepare statment?:
// new data
$title = 'PHP Pattern';
$author = 'Imanda';
$id = 3;
// query
$sql = "UPDATE books
SET title=?, author=?
WHERE id=?";
$q = $conn->prepare($sql);
not really
I have a guy in my Google contacts called Mustafa Ho
@Japa why did you not look at the link I gave you?
It has a pretty easy to follow example in the top
@ircmaxell your last blog post: did a lot change since your draft and is it worth a re-read?
not really, I cahnged the explanation of the assembly a bit, but not a whole lot
you wouldn't get anything new I don't think
Okay, thanks. Especially the last half of it was interesting for me ;-)
Never read about timing attacks before.. was a nice introduction. Thanks @ircmaxell
I mean from index lookup on.
crap, that was the wrong window
@RonniSkansing i´m trying to understand it and adapt to my needs...i din´t ignore the link...but i´m having a little dificulty...
@DaveRandom You get the call hi when you need something special? ;) ^^
for example: $stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO REGISTRY (name, value) VALUES (:name, :value)"); it assumes that name is a variable already given with a value right?..could i say:$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["FirstName"]); ?
but then i´m confused because it says: (name, value)
@Naruto I guess it's some joker emailing internals or something
could you explain it to me?
@Japa No, it's not related to the names of your PHP variables
You create a new name in the query string, then you can attach any value you want to that name
Think of it sort of like another "layer" of variables
i´m gonna fry my brain a little bit more..
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO REGISTRY (name, value) VALUES (:name, :value)");
$stmt->bindParam('name', $name);
// but you could just as easily write
$stmt->bindParam('name', $foo);
Often you will find that the placeholder names map directly to existing variables, because that's the way to write code where it's obvious what value goes where, but you don't have to do that
but you´re right..it makes more sense to associate a created variable with the name of the value...like this: $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["name"]);
@Japa, just letting you know I am not ignoring you, just a bit busy. Let me find something else you can read
with this i know that the variable name is related to my posted name...
@RonniSkansing thanks man...i really apreciate your help
@Japa you are welcome. I opened a chat room we can talk in, I got bout 5 min to burn =]
@Jimbo uh... it is primarily opinion based
@Jimbo Isn't that also 3 questions?
@FlorianMargaine In that case, everything in computer science is primarily opinion based
it could be on-topic on programmers.se... but even there it's too broad
@LeviMorrison But they tie together. They're talking about global state - with the sub-categories that may or may not be significant contributors to this.
and also, I want to answer and tie them all together...
Hey if 12 people suddenly showed up and voted Yes to safe casts that'd be awesome. Not going to happen, but I can dream :p
@AndreaFaulds I could vote no if you really want though :P
I don't have a php.net acc yet
(otherwise you'd have one less "grass colour arguer" on the team)
@PeeHaa no, you have the wrong username to vote against
We need an extra No voter between/before/after rasmus/salathe
Lets go recruit him/her!
I can go before
you're fmargaine
too low in the list
It's a beautiful pattern except there needs to be a third row between rasmus/salathe
@AndreaFaulds fyi, I'm abstaining. I think another set of casting rules to remember is a bad idea (in isolation), but not strongly enough to vote against it. It might be a different story if it was in parallel with a casting scalar hints RFC that followed the same rules...
Does anyone here have hh_server and hh_client available?
I tried building HHVM and friends but certain dependencies won't build for me :/
I'm kinda tempted to make my own PHPPHP
Would be useful for rapid prototyping.
Why not PHPPHPJavaScriptPHP
posted on November 28, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Esteban */

@PeeHaa so 8 at the Dam, we'll eat something then go sit somewhere
@BadgerGirl is updated. Near the lions
First I got excited because I received the fiber router for my new 1gb up/down, but then I realized it's not yet connected :*(
I don't think I have a box that can handle that amount
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think I will be a bit later. Huge traffic jam... :( will text you when I am near Amsterdam
can some one help me regarding to server configuration?
this is my personal server, what is good for it as the os? rehl, centos or cloudlinux?
and what is the control panel you prefer?
No control panel
That's for pussues mere mortals
For personal server, no
@JanakaRRajapaksha it's btw. rhel…
ah yeah
so what template i should start?
@FlorianMargaine could you please point me to good article if you have found
@DaveRandom you drunk again or did you just text me because you miss me :D
well ... this guy gets points for being media-savvy:
@_teresko I have revised the SO question which you voted to close. Would you consider reopening it? Thank you. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27191572/what-is-the-design-pattern-for-wordpress-core
Lol @ twitter ro beggars :P
@tereško we could argue whether WP implements eaipatterns.com/PipesAndFilters.html at its core
Wp liked to talk about hooks/filters and the loop
@ircmaxell the table of cache (L1/2/3) speeds is borked: blog.ircmaxell.com/2014/11/its-all-about-time.html
@PeeHaa you went to amsterdam?
2 hours later…
Would it be better to set loads of tests as 32-bit only, or to set loads of tests as 64-bit only?
(for the zpp fail on overflow patch)
Serious question.
Yeah, that's my thoughts as well, since 64-bit is the dominant archictecture
This also means I should be able to really easily finish the ZPPFailOnOverflow patch
(i.e. by just marking a lot of tests as applying only to AMD64)
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