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it's funny how the random scene matches the whole talk*
* actually it doesn't, it's a nice talk
an entry level, but it's kind of expected from the title
Guys, the array is generated, but I can't echo it. Any idea what's wrong? pastebin.com/J3sEzB9Y
array filter normally takes two args? php.net/manual/en/function.array-filter.php
Yep, removed that..

echo $cursos[1]['id']; // Works

echo $curso[1]['id']; // Inside foreach, doesn't works
I kinda did it.

foreach($cursos as $curso) to while($i < 40)
$curso[$i]['id'] to $cursos[$i]['id']
The problem is that I have to give a static value to the loop =p, but at least it's working...
Anyone here familiar with laravel? I'm having trouble when trying to use a different laravel project. When I do php artisan serve while on the root of my new project, it hosts a different laravel project which is saved in a different folder.
Why is this happening/
1 hour later…
@ircmaxell Really great talk, this makes me want to write a fake FAT32 drive...
1 hour later…
@ircmaxell Not sure what you mean.
Here's my red-eyes question: how does SO insert <p> tags inside user inputed questions?
@HelpingHand See markdown.
@DanLugg How would I use markdown with PHP?
@DanLugg Ugh... You're support of personal research is humiliatingly awesome. Thanks for the link.
@DanLugg Hey mate.
How's your work on magic delegation for collections?
On hold because not good.
@DanLugg Looks like "parsedown" answers my question. Simple enough. Danks for da help. Night all.
Well, I have at least split the inheritance checks for return types up into more cohesive pieces. Switching from covariant to invariant return types is almost just deleting code.
i want to create one php file that has all the crud functions
What you want, Joe, is not what you need.
however i don't know from the frontend, how can i specify which crud function i need to be called
@LeviMorrison so what do i need then?
Sounds like you are using some framework I am not familiar with.
I'm not using any framework here
just thinking of a good way to make the call to the right function in the php using angularJS
When creating a product table, does it make more sense to have a UPC as the primary key, or to set the UPC as a unique key with a separate, auto-incrementing pk column?
^^ I'm an advocate of surrogate auto keys.
So, yea, UK + surrogate autoinc PK
@JoshBjelovuk ^^
how much json records could be considered too much?
trying to implement angularjs pagination with php
@JoeSaad it's too much when it's too much
because that's so subjective, it's not even subjective
@DanLugg I've got another question for you... how can I reverse the HTML back to markdown language with parsedown.org
@HelpingHand not a clue sir. not a clue. sorry.
I don't think parsedown is the best implementation though [citation needed]
@DanLugg Yeah, I read that they use some different methods for cross version compatibility.
Yea, that's what I was leaning towards. Thanks @DanLugg!
@JoshBjelovuk Keep in mind, I'm by no means authoritative on this, but practically, it's never failed me over dozens of similar implemetations (PK vs UK + PK)
@DanLugg What's UK + PK ?
@DanLugg Oops... I thought @JoshBjelovuk was talking about parsedown... my bad.
Night all.
@ircmaxell Doesn't take long to type Y E S.
if i black listed an ip or a range for the purpose of brute force attack, then can't he see/view the site using that ip or range
Can anyone tell me how we install Latest Angularjs framework in ubuntu system . Please help me
Q: What's the issue in printing the array data into excel sheet using excelwriter php class and downloading the same file?

PHPLoverI'm trying to write PHP array data into an excel sheet using some library. If I tried with sample data array it's getting written to the excel file. But when I tried to loopover my array and tried to print the array data to excel file it's not getting added to excel sheet. I also have to download...

sorry wrong question added
here is the correct one
Q: How to insert a new line in an excel sheet cell using PHP?

PHPLoverI'm using a ready made class called "ExcelWriter" to write data from PHP to excel sheet. For this I'm creating object of class ExcelWriter and calling it's methods to do the operations using PHP. Till here everything is working fine for me. All the code is doing it's job well. The only issue is...

1 hour later…
@DaveRandom usually not on weekends. Did you encounter problems with pecl/pq?
Have a job inteview tommorow... abit excited.. got up early today..
good job is it ?
posted on November 17, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by aldouille */

@JoeWatkins not really the dream job.. it is primarly maintaining a webshop and etc.. but it is the job I need atm. and located very close to where I am living. So atm it is the job I want/need [=
in an office is it ?
you can't smoke in those you know ...
hehe.. big suprise, I have not smoked for 10 days now
quitter !!!
(last break was 10 years ago)
nah, kidding, good for you :)
@FlorianMargaine sapi already has a place to put common code, SAPI.h/SAPI.c
I was burning around 500$ a month on the smoke, so I decided I needed a break
Made me really pissed off for a couple of days
thanks btw
got yourself one of those electronic things yet ?
they are all the rage here ... the misses gave up using one ...
About 6 month ago, small shops supplying those popped up, but they are closing down now.. But I was/am not really addicted to the nicotine.
yeah that's why they are no good for me ...
apparently you can get ones that can vapourize good stuff, but they are super expensive ... might try one though ...
I often considered switching to a vapor or just making cakes all day, as the only "real" concern I had, was lung cancer...
and yea, a proper vapor is really expensive
yeah I worry about the smoking myself, still, I'm actually a horrible person if I don't smoke, I'd rather live for 50 years and have a family and friends than live for 80 on my own, and I would be on my own ...
I bought a pipe a couple of months ago, in an attempt to cut out cigarettes, but I was too caned to do anything for about a week ... so that didn't really work ...
=] That was actually how I stopped smoking cigarettes, everytime I felt like a smoke, I would roll a blaster or take a hit..
Downside, my consumption atleast doubled
that didn't work for me at all ... just spent the whole time useless ...
yeah that's the problem ...
@NikiC I wanted to see how IS_EQUAL worked so that I could see how var_dump affected it. Thanks for the tip, I always forget about get_debug_info...
@JoeWatkins thanks!
what's SAPI_API decl?
@JoeWatkins no silver bullets ... time for coffee
@FlorianMargaine export
so that if libphp5.so is built, the SAPI can call these functions ...
can't declare the exported func as inline then
if it's being used in nearly every sapi then there's no need for inline anyway ...
it's only going to be used in 2 SAPIs
I haven't seen the function anywhere else
pretty big functions iirc, inlining probably not sensible anyway ... we tend to use static inline to mean "don't export" without actually thinking about whether the function should really be inlined
ah ok
it's not a "big" function tbh... barely 20 lines
I have no memory of anything
A: Running multiple processes in parallel in php

Joe WatkinsIs it possible to run 20 threads simultaneously? Some hardware has more than 20 cores, in those cases, it is a no brainer. Where your hardware has less than 20 cores, it is still not a ridiculous amount of threads, given that the nature of the threads will mean they spend some time blocking wai...

yeah not really a sensible candidate for inlining anyway ...
Duikb00t is ill feels not chill.. mondays is a bitch but I keep working to become rich...
I never had someone rap a greeting at me before ... thanks @Duikboot
is inlining a function used through a function pointer stupid?
show me
Hehe, good morning @JoeWatkins ;)
that's okay, you're using inline to mean don't export
isn't static enough for this?
yeah it's enough ...
traditions mean something though ...
I use inline because it's a very small function (1 line)
@JoeWatkins ah...
what if a compiler comes along that can do something magical with an inline function that it can't do with a static one ...
yeah is sensible candidate ...
all compilers can do something magical with inline, but what if ...
@JoeWatkins it's gonna break everything :P
need some replies so I can go ahead and create the extension ...
I'm not subscribed to this list...
the list sounds boring...
ofc, but I need a couple of +1's ...
you gotta post there, or are supposed to when creating new pecl packages
I've done it before without posting there, for uopz, because no-brainer, but I'd rather get a couple of +1's for this one ...
what I'm saying is that I'm not sure I'm well positioned to +1
anyone with php.net account is ...
Hard day @Duikboot?
It has only started!
GOod morning!
I start the day with Android dev!
@JoeWatkins omg, yes! Does the current source compile and work on latest 5.6 branch?
also the default value limitation, is that something that can never be overcome with the current parse, or just not at this time?
@RonniSkansing Yup, -_-' no focus doing stupid things in my php logic I am writing..
@NikiC which get_debug_info were you talking about? :s
@Jimbo nin
@Jimbo yo !
good afternoon :(
Anyone know much about this error?
Crypto error: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1.
@crypticツ works for 5.6
@crypticツ can't be overcome without a change to the parser, and it's not a change that makes sense
function (integer $int) {}
$int is assumed to be an object of class integer, and since that can't have a default scalar value, it doesn't make sense to "fix" the parser ...
posted on November 17, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Adrian */

I think just live with no defaults as a limitation ... we intend to deploy this at work and aren't worried about defaults ....
@JoeWatkins don't you say 5.4 in your mail?
??? confused ???
@JoeWatkins So the chances are good that this will be maintained? I'm really tempted to suggest this at work too :)
... I wanted to put some utf-8 emoticon, but too lazy
was asked about 5.6 specifically, 5.4+ is supported ...
@Patrick yes
@Patrick it's not very big... chances that there are bugs are slim...
moin @PeeHaa
Any one here worked with the microsoft access database with php
I have a problem
@FlorianMargaine but my C foo approaches zero, so that's an issue in case something goes wrong and it's not maintained anymore. But then I guess I would be able to handle that somehow if I had to...
Sone wordpress #geeks here? Have a quick question.
@Patrick yeah sure, just saying that the code is pretty small. Most of it is boilerplate. So the chances that there is an issue are slim :)
@Duikboot no swearing pls
Haha :D
access like query is not working
what's this password thing in bugs...
I want to close this one by saying it's released in 5.6.3...
but it asks me for a password...
try login first @FlorianMargaine ?
@JoeWatkins I am
then no idea
@DaveRandom remember the name of the one who wanted this feature? ^
@ThW ! ^
I anybody worked with atom feeds before, could you please look into this test feed and why SO doesn't like it?
@FlorianMargaine :-)
@PeeHaa mimetypes and relations in links are missing
What should the mime type be?
application/atom or something like that?
And what is that relations thing?
for the self relation, text/html for the alternate
Hmm, I am installing php-common (5.6.2) but I can't find a php_openssl.dll in my modules dir.
<link rel="self" href="https://feedr.pieterhordijk.com/atom/1/demo-feed/feed.xml" type="application/atom+xml"/>
@ThW now you're gonna start using it? :P
@ThW ty
@JoeWatkins care to explain how the strict ext works?
argument type is verified by ZEND_RECV/ZEND_RECV_INIT/ZEND_RECV_VARIADIC and ZEND_DO_FCALL, first the extension uses zend hook to compile the type hints to their scalar type, then the extension overloads ZEND_RECV/ZEND_RECV_VARIADIC in order to intercept that opcode and perform validation, ZEND_DO_FCALL is not overloaded because that's where internal functions do the verification, and there's no point in supporting that, RECV_INIT isn't overloaded because no default values
that is all ...
we can do same for return types ... when we have return types ...
giving us ~ what hack has ...
@DaveRandom A while back you told me to fix my ssl installation. Needless to say I didn't do it yet, but I cannot find the discussion anymore. You still have to somewhere/
@JoeWatkins ha, thanks
Q: Search query splitter - Convert JavaScript to PHP

petjatoI working with web application that has embedded search engine. Currently I have made that search engine successfully on JavaScript. Now I should convert all this to PHP, just because my web server uses it. I'm not personally able to do that, so could you help me? As example; if my search query ...

^ so is this acceptable IYO?
@JoeWatkins so you created a class for the scalar type?
the parser compiles them as class hints, then the extension recompiles them to their proper type ... github.com/krakjoe/strict/blob/master/strict.c#L275
Yeah we need @DaveRandom in here -_- damn ssl issues.
what does ->onDelete('cascade'); do in laravel schema?
What did google say about it?
What did the manual say about it?
@Fabien you rang?
Crypto error: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
Centos 6.5. php 5.6.2. I read most fixes about php_openssl.so (dll) but I have openssl installed. Can't see that extension file
You don't have a CA file set up correctly
@Fabien remi or self-build?
Both had the error. Currently on remi.
$ curl curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem -o /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
Didn't help either.
php -i | grep openssl.ca @Fabien
openssl.cafile => no value => no value
openssl.capath => no value => no value
Useful to know I can check such things in the php info.
Right, go into php.ini and set openssl.cafile to /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
I will have a word with remi about that, he should probably ship that as the default value
he maintains a ppa?
these paths usually change between centos/debian
He maintains a very commonly used yum repo used on centos/fedora/rhel
How do I set it @DaveRandom? I mean there's no default in here.
@Fabien at the end of your php.ini, add:
just vim php.ini, find that line
openssl.cafile = /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
Ah, that would've been my first guess too :P cheers
if the openssl.cafile directive doesn't exist
If you search the file it's already there, it just doesn't have a value
Hmm, still errors. it's in php -i now though
fpm retsarted and nginx
shouldn't it be cafile = ca-bundle.crt and capath = /etc/pki/tls/certs?
or is it the same? cc @DaveRandom
No, capath is for a specific layout of cert-per-file
I forget exactly how it works
I think it's <thumbprint>.crt or something
Nothing wrong with path. cert is definitely in there.
@Fabien You're sure the URL you are trying to retrieve actually has a valid cert?
gtalk it to me if you want, I'll check
Will check. It's a picked up URL so can't always be sure. I'll find it.
If you are crawling the public web you probably want to just disable verification @Fabien
I'm guessing you don't actually need secure communication here
@PeeHaa are you running on nginx?
What does disabling verification affect?
It stops the server from verifying that the certificate of the server is valid. This means that you might not be talking to who you think you are.
(in case of MITM attack)
^ that
Humm, yeh it looks like that domain should pass though @Fabien, can you check the value in your script with ini_get?
Also, cat you cat the ca-bundle file and check that it matches the file you tried to dl from curl?
@DaveRandom ja
k 1 sec
gtalked link Dave, emote is =/ to need to use that instead
in Symfony I extended service from FOSUserBundle . now in my custom service how can I get current session ?
in userManager I want to use Session
@Fabien the actual path on the server is irrelevant, only the domain matters. I checked both servers and both are set up fine, it should work, I suspect your cafile isn't set up right for whatever reason, like I say you should verify that the active value in your script is what's configured in php.ini, and check that the cafile actually contains the data it should
@DaveRandom the link FWs to a different url. I'm following redirects to get final URI.
Domain still the same though
I end up on rapidgator.
Also, your cert file should not contain the root certificate (it should contain everything up the chain, but not the root)
Also you should yum update openssl and restart nginx/fpm
de nada
@DaveRandom When you say active value in my script you mean what Artax is using?
hola @Gordon
though tbf, code works locally.
@Fabien var_dump(openssl_get_cert_locations());
@PeeHaa que tal?
@DaveRandom Result
@Fabien ls -l /etc/pki/tls/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    19 Aug 28 11:55 cert.pem -> certs/ca-bundle.crt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Nov 17 09:38 certs
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Nov 17 09:38 misc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10906 Oct 16 14:59 openssl.cnf
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Nov  6 12:36 private
That cafile must not have the right data in it
cat /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem
Eee there's a lot.
Check that it matches the data in the curl file you dl'd before
Not really a match. the one I am using has settings and stuff. Downloaded one just contains certs
@Gordon muy bien. et tu?
@PeeHaa si si. un cerveca por favor.
Those certs seem the same though. edit Some are different
@Fabien "settings and stuff"?
like what?
should just contain certs
btw I can't repro this with the URLs you gave me and file_get_contents
I also end up at a different redirect location though
Also, you do some dodgy-ass shit for work :-/
Oh wait I can repro it for the final URL you gave me @Fabien, but I don't get redirected to that URL
@Gordon :)
@Fabien they don't send their intermediate cert chain, that's the problem
@PeeHaa do you know whether you'll be in munich this month?
The only thing you can do about that would be to either manually trust that cert, or disable peer verify
I'm leaning toward the latter for the job in hand
@Gordon Don't think so. Apparently people want to spend their budget for this year, so I am kinda batshit busy :(
@Gordon ...so you can leave the country, presumably?
@DaveRandom huh?! Oo
slow morning ... if you're subscribed to php.pecl.dev list, please provide opinion http://news.php.net/php.pecl.dev/12410 #php
@JoeWatkins I'm... not so sure this is a good idea.
If it's on PECL, people will actually use it, and that might force our hand in core
@DaveRandom Sorry was on the phone.
What would you recommend I do?
no it doesn't force hand, I mention there that I will remove support for 7 if 7 gets support ... at that time it becomes a compatibility option for 5->7 code that wants to use strict hints ...
obviously a core implementation would be superior, it's a no brainer ...
@DaveRandom Settings like
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 93214 (0x16c1e)
    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=AT, O=A-Trust Ges. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH, OU=A-Trust-nQual-03, CN=A-Trust-nQual-03
            Not Before: Aug 17 22:00:00 2005 GMT
            Not After : Aug 17 22:00:00 2015 GMT
        Subject: C=AT, O=A-Trust Ges. f. Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH, OU=A-Trust-nQual-03, CN=A-Trust-nQual-03
(see full text)
7 is about a year away from releases, and I want to use it now ... it's even further away from being used in production
@Fabien Weird, seems to have embedded YAML or something?
regardless, the problem is with the remote site, you probably want to just disable peer verification,
I take it there is an artax setting? Why does this work when running from my windows machine?
Did I hear embedded YAML?
sentry doesn't use laravel schema? it has a plain sql file
YAML is a subset of JSON:
JSON syntax is a subset of YAML version 1.2, which was promulgated with the express purpose of bringing YAML "into compliance with JSON as an official subset".
YAML was my guess too.
@Fabien My Win8 machine seems to have that cert in the trusted intermediate cert store. On Win, when you don't specify a cafile, default openssl verify routine is bypassed entirely and it uses some custom code that verifies against the Windows cert store.
Ah fair enough.
Does artax have an option to disable verify_peer? I mean I am looking.
I imagine so, never looked, moment
What release are you using?
@Fabien OP_CRYPTO => ['verify_peer' => false]
Danka. rc5
@m6w6 No I'm just trying to understand a) what the difference between pq and ext/postgres is in terms of feature set (if any) and b) pq seems to be in persistent beta state, wondering if there's a reason it never made it to stable other than "it's not been tested enough"
@Fabien You're not disabling verify_peer are you?
I like the OO API and it has the async stuff that I will want at some point so it looks like a winner in general, just trying to ensure I understand exactly what the implications of designing a production application around it would be

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