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I am basically inserting data in a select few columns, but other columns (part of the table, but in which I am not targeting), keep saying I can't insert null into them. There are like 50 columns in the table. I can't go through every column.
What if I can't alter the default value?
There is a reason those columns cannot be null
> There are like 50 columns in the table. I can't go through every column.
why not?
@Gordon My money is on "lazy"
Also, why are there, like, 50 columns in a table.
@PeeHaa It's a members table and the user id I am inserting will never be used for actual profiles stuff.
How many of those columns are optional?
50 aint that much. i've worked with tables that had more columns than excel would allow to be exported in a row
That's what I want to know.
@Gordon lol that job must have sucked :P
@DemCodeLines Does that really matter?
@Danack really leaving, but also: I'll address your issue here soon. I know what the problem is and it's a simple fix but I just haven't had a chance to get to it yet.
Q: Why the US zip codes which are not in use is accepting even after validating with proper regex in PHP?

user2839497I'm validating US zip code values in PHP. From a form I'm getting one zip code value from the end user. If it's not a valid US zip code an error should be thrown. It throws for some values for some it's not even they are invalid US zip codes. Suppose if user enters zip code value 35302 it must th...

@PeeHaa Yes, in this case.
The condition to not be null is perfectly fine for all other entries.
But this is a special user.
@user2839497 Just judging the title here: WTF?! :P
It won't have a public profile and stuff, so those columns don't need values.
@rdlowrey np - it doesn't affect me currently - there was a bug in my code that was causing me to keep doing the same set of requests over and over....I haven't seen it since I fixed that.
@PeeHaa it didnt. I mean, yes, it had lots of enterprise process braindamage and the db sucked arse but I had lots of freedom. my boss was cool and the project is still in use by about 4000 people despite architects hating that its written in php.
@Danack Well you still shouldn't even be capable of creating that error if my code is correct, so I'll fix it either way :)
@user2839497 Again judging by the title: that is not proper regex, because it doesn't do the job
And finally: how would a regex pattern know what zipcodes are in use?
@PeeHaa:Then how could I validate the US zip code value? Do you have any solution for it in PHP?
@user2839497 certainly not a regex on its own
You could capture the first three numbers and look that up against something though
@user2839497 Look for an api of the postal service of your choice or open data or whatever
@user2839497 how would you validate it manually?
So Monty just went on stage at #ayb14 and said that women don't really "get" hacking. Feel like I should get my coat ...
Any my coworkers wonder why I fuss about sexism in the industry so much
Monty Widenius explains the problem with women coders :( "A different mindset &(?) a desire for a life precluding 16 hr working days" #ayb14
@KevinMGranger @PeeHaa @nikita2206:Anyhow I want to validate the US zip code value. If any of you have any easy and efficient solution for it please provide it as an answer to this question.
@user2839497 I already did.
To be honest, I haven't seen sexism in our industry personally. The number of female applicants for our jobs are approximately none. We have had a few but they were web designers, not developers, so we didn't interview them.
Oh on the question itself, I guess I could
@KevinMGranger:But I'm not able to see any answer for my question on the question link.
The few females in the CS classes I've been enrolled in have been excellent students and I can't recall there being any jokes/attitudes that would be sexist whether there were girls there or not.
@user2839497 I also already did
@user2839497 are you looking for programming help or just someone to write the solution for you?
stackoverflow.com/q/26428784/508666 some people would not even learn after 1000 questions
@LeviMorrison he earned the shitstorm
It's sad that sexism happens anywhere, but especially in programming because there are so few women in the field (at least in my area)
^ 10k req btw
@lornajane @auroraeosrose I had a somewhat similar experience when a keynote speaker openly mocked PHP at a non-PHP event. I almost left.
Could somebody please tell her that whoever did that was probably right
@LeviMorrison I called out coworkers in the past when they would remark CV's of female devs with "oh, she speaks five languages. hope she speaks french" and other occasions.
@PeeHaa are those equivalent? Am I missing something?
5. I struggle with 1 :(
@LeviMorrison it's a bit of a chicken and egg problem isn't it?
@KevinMGranger yeah, I felt the comparison somewhat unfortunate, too
@KevinMGranger Yeah pretty stupid reply
We work hard to make every AYB inclusive and were gutted by @montywi's comments earlier which were plain wrong #ayb14
I guess they wont invite him for a keynote again
Seems a bit much
@Fabien Not really.....having a keynote speaker do that during a talk makes it really hard to attract sponsors for the next event. No sponsors = no conference.
Any idea what he/she actually said?
He, and only from the tweets above. But basically "women aren't good programmers". Yay for inclusion.
I went to PHPcon in Nashville (they only had 1) and they invited Rasmus Lerdorf to keynote. The event was heavily sponsored by CakePHP and CakeDC (prolly the largest Cake dev in the US). In it, Rasmus proclaimed that "all frameworks are s***". I've noticed they haven't had another one since.
@Fabien I dont know the exact wording or context. Can only judge from the tweets
I bet Monty stepped in it the same way
@Danack Oh. Well that's not cool.
@KevinMGranger No. Don't be sexist, period. ^^
@LeviMorrison meaning sexism pushes women away from the field but also isn't apparent in one's workplace until the workplace is exposed to more women in the field
@KevinMGranger it is apparent even if you have no women working in your company
@KevinMGranger I can safely say we aren't sexist. The only bias I know of is that I think our director puts way too much emphasis on employees being able to 'fit in'
@LeviMorrison Behavioral exclusivity is not uninclusive.
@Gordon You are a great fan of scrum right?
@PeeHaa who said that?
Yeah - take that back!
@Gordon I think I remember that :)
@PeeHaa go home. you're drunk
@Gordon I would have been offended it that wasn't the case ;-)
I've got two problems with Scrum: 1. I dont know anyone who does Scrum. They all do a scrum-ish thing. 2. the Scrum alliance feels like a sect that just wants your money.
But in theory I think Scrum is pretty nice.
A client asked me to read this for some project, because well idunno :P
I reject Scrum on the basis of stupid nomenclature.
Let's be Agile! Mobile! Fragile!
@PeeHaa I can send you the CEO's Guide to Scrum if you want a shallow overview of how Scrum works and what it tries to achieve. That will probably be enough to converse with your client.
@Gordon Yeah please
Scrum = Silly Company Roles Under Management
O lol. I think I missed this one blog.gordon-oheim.biz/2013-03-13-Always-Return-Something when BS posted that.... thing
Who the hell is Ulf Wendel and why does he actually make me more angry than Lester Caine? How is that even possible?
@Charles Ulf is the other mysql core dev next to johannes and a fun guy.
@PeeHaa ok, eMail incoming. Also make sure to watch this short introduction: youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
@Gordon Noted. Somehow when he talks to Lester he makes me very, very upset, and I don't understand why. Normally people telling Lester to shut up makes me happy.
@Gordon :D
hey guys how can i pass the value of "var" in a url (i tried it but im kindo stupid)
header('Location: fil.php?var=".$id."');
any idea?
@PeeHaa if you want to read more after the Exec guide, try scrumfoundation.com/library. If you want to buy a book, you can probably do no wrong with the one they told you since it's by Jeff Sutherland.
Read the Java tutorial (probably the whole thing). Then read the W3C specs for html and css. Then read the JavaScript/ECMAScript standard. Then re-read all of them. Maybe look at the code for Firefox (open source, but it's not Java; probably C++) for help. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. — iamnotmaynard 4 mins ago
I know html, css, javascript languages I have project, I programmed by PHP and I want to display that project in custom browser not in IE, Chrome, Firefox, ... — Dilovan Matini 2 mins ago
@Gordon ty
Dilovan needs to have better English skills to accomplish what he wants, it would seem.
What are you trying to do?
X Why u do dis!?
@KevinMGranger I'm trying to send the value of $id, but if i do it:
header('Location: fil.php?var=".$id."');
it says i'm wrong... i dont understand why..

I tried also with:
header('Location: fil.php?var=$id'); but it doesnt work
@Jean <?php
header('Location: fil.php?var='.$id.'');
@Jean "it says I'm wrong" is very unhelpful. Are you seeing an error? What are you seeing? And what are you trying to accomplish? What value are you trying to send, and why?
Fatal error : header(): You're wrong
@Jean php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php read through that first, especially parts about interpolation
sorry, it says : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$id'
I tried it @MasterJ... It doesn't work
@Jean if that's the whole file, then where is $id even coming from? Better, where do you think it would come from? What are you trying to accomplish?
@Jean You're mixing quotes
Start using an editor with syntax highlitghing
an editor?
i use dreamweaver
I suspect you don't have an url of fil.php?var=".$id." in your system
heh. Those blue eyes. Found that guy in Hawaii back in 2009.
@Fabien lol
Make sure you don't send any content before using header()
Q: Why is my website loading twice?

CatherineMy company's website (http://www.junkluggers.com) is experiencing very slow load speeds (avg of 6 seconds) and I think it has something to do with the fact that (according to Pingdom and gtmetrix at least) the site is loading TWICE. I cannot for the life of me figure out why though. Any ideas? ...

Weell, well, well... Let me check
@Jean are you flagging someone for using sarcasm?
please stop flagging for no good reason
well, please stop flagging at all, the flag system is broken and annoying :V
hahaha sorry.
it isn't a laughing matter
it's annoying and just going to piss people off. it notifies every user with 10K+ rep in every room on chat.so
Hello :)
Guys check the github.com/Aresak/intermap and give me feedback ;)
function __construct($map) {
    return true;
return true; U WOT M8?
What's wrong with that?
The real programmer is putting returns everywhere. Even on construct and destruct...
Why is the entire thing indented?
my favorite PHP sandbox site is down. :(
@TomášAresakMalčánek The return values on construct and destruct are discarded. Honestly, the language should E_STRICT about that...
I didn't get any notices about that. But fine, mistake happened when I was putting the returns into addImage etc.
This is the feedback I wanted ;)
Start with SRP
And don't close tag php files ?>
^^ What Fabien said.
Style-wise, it's not a good idea to do one-liner conditionals like in addRegionAttr
@Fabien Why not? Is there any specific reason or is it just.. It is? :D
Q: Why would one omit the close tag?

danipI keep reading it is poor practice to use the PHP close tag ?> at the end of the file. The header problem seems irrelevant in the following context (and this is the only good argument so far): Modern versions of PHP set the output_buffering flag in php.ini If output buffering is enabled, y...

Also, you probably want to add phpdoc comment blocks to each method.
In particular, you need to get consistent with your return values.
Always returning true, even when there's no chance of failure, is silly.
@Charles I had all the atributes in addRegion() but it was disaster and now the comments.. I have a wiki on github about everything ;)
@Charles I agree with the unreasoned returns here. I've changed the most booleans to void functions
I love comment #2 on this question
Q: I need help sending information to my server using Ajax, PHP, and mySQL without using a form

tearishaAll of the tutorials I've looked up only show how to everything works using forms. I want to avoid using a form. Right now i have the code for Javascript to map my answering based on what's clicked and make array thats shown in a alert. (in the end i don't want it to be in a alert but im keeping ...

@rdlowrey feature request - can we also have Response::getOriginalRequest() to trace back through the responses and get the initiating request in one go, rather than having to check and loop ourselves.
@TomášAresakMalčánek feedback on what?
♫ So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, adieu,
♫ I'm going, to drink, and drink and drink and spew
@DanLugg this is a bad decision
when you throw up you lose a lot of alcohol

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