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I sure hope it's a female, or whatever works for you.
@amenadiel Diapers? :P
@PeeHaa I can relate, it's warm in here i.imgur.com/nS1Tr74.jpg
Looks like you have terminal root beer royal guard.
yeah, it's better than shellshock
@PeeHaa drinking team has a programming problem.
lol - I just freezed a whole bottle of oliphant the other day which was pretty cool but not drinkable any longer
@NikiC: in nikic.github.io/2011/12/10/PCRE-and-newlines.html in /(*ANY)./u - is it really apart from Unicode or including? (compare with line above).
Was ist oliphant Hans? Elephant in Olive oil? :P
perhaps the precursor of PHP... :)
@PeeHaa I'm thinking... the extension will have to be a chrome app, won't it?
I mean, you won't have the debugger in just a small window
I need short if inside chaining methods. How can i do it? I need something like:
MyClass::method()->method()->method(){($something) ? '' : ->method2() }->method();
@Stol3x No, you don't need a ternary operator inside method chaining, write sane code, not abominations.
Haha, i just maybe figured out a better solution. Like this:
'something' => 'static',
'something' => 'static',
{($something) ? '' : function()}
'something' => 'static'
is there a way to do that?
@Stol3x You're mixing an associative array with a regular one. Do you mean to do that?
You can do a ternary operation inside an array declaration if that's what you're asking
Damn. I'm sorry, i talk BS, haven't sleep for a long time. It's a regular array, not assoc
good mornings
How if i can know?
The chaining... not great. You don't need to chain to start with. If you wind up needing some conditional calls, that should be a deal-breaker for chaining even if it were a good idea. You're making it hard on yourself.
@Chris I'm working with laravel. Where is everything chained :D
Do you actually understand what's happening with chaining?
Hard on yourself for no good reason, because chaining method calls doesn't actually give you anything. It is 100% only a stylistic thing. It isn't Laravel, it is a choice on how you express your code.
You do not have to chain, it doesn't matter what SeeEmEss you're using.
Everything you're doing with chaining, you can do without. Don't try and force your code into doing something horrible for no good reason
i.imgur.com/7yauVVg.png This marked function have to be conditional. How?
@Stol3x Holy injection, batman!
Please, don't hurt me
You're doing a pretty good job of hurting yourself
Why does it have to be conditional?
Unless Auth::user()->id is already sanitized
Don't ask for help, then ignore the advice people give you
@Leigh Can you tell me what is wrong here? I don't get it. I'm not pro.
@salathe If user is logged i have to run that query, if not, no.
Really, the solution is to get some sleep. You're essentially asking how to use an if statement.
You haven't actually explained what you're trying to do
@KevinMGranger There is no time for sleep. Sleep is for weak. I still have few Red Bulls left :D
But seriously, leave it for a while and come back to it with fresh eyes. It should be clear then.
Production, bit**
The reason one chains method calls is to aid readability by eliminating visually redundant code in order to enhance visual scanning. If you're using code that doesn't work unless it is chained, then you're working with terrible code.
also, don't post screenshots of code, if I can't copy/paste/modify, I'm not going to type it out ;)
most times chaining is just ugly... KISS
Hm, how about condition inside function and if it's true, return something, else nothing haha
@Leigh I don't need a code (i guess), i need an advice.
well, why don't you go big .. if user logged in, execute one query, else execute another query
then condense from there
@Leigh It means double query. You see how big it is, when i change one, i have to change other. Double job...
still quicker than trying to make conditional method chaining work ;)
@iroegbu The irony is i found answer a long time ago on stack that says "if you can chain it, chain. No need for multiple vars"
lol, it puts everything in hidden temporary variables anyway
I must be seeing a different image, because the chaining has nothing to do with actually what @Stol3x wants to do.
@Stol3x what version of PHP are you using?
@Leigh i.imgur.com/OYVqvZk.png Take this! :D
@Stol3x maybe that's the root cause of your problem? that you took that statement for real?
@salathe That's another thing... he's asked a bunch of questions about chaiing, and the code he posts doesn't have a lick of chaining in it.
@Stol3x well done, you made something horrible, but what's the point of passing an empty string to the select method
@Chris it does, it just has nothing to do with the problem
I figured out. Thanks everybody. I mean, I do ask many stupid questions, that's why I confuse even myself
I have a feeling that will be very popular here.
If you're using PHP 5.6, check out argument unpacking, then you can build an array of queries based on whatever conditions you want, and just unpack them in the chained method
@Leigh PHP 5.5 :/
well, as you write the SQL by hand anyway you could perhaps profit by creating a single object that builds your query with the parameters passed in which you could encapsulate the decision about the login. you could then condense your code to a single line or two within the controller (or whatever you call it where that code resides).
@Leigh It's not empty query. Just will that part leave empty.
within your SQL connection you can even set variables btw.
^ i've done that before. works pretty well if you have some value that won't change over the life of the request
I'm doing a hackaton next weekend and we don't have a really good idea. If you have some leftover ideas from PHPNW let me know :P
*sad face* I miss you, qa.php.net :'(
@salathe ...is it gone? Like, forever?
Rasmus says we're waiting on a new machine, so maybe a few more days (pure speculation).
From who?
I don't know what the problem was, maybe just an underpowered host machine (qa/snaps/museum were VMs IIRC)
Who is providing the hardware?
I've no idea
I don't even know if there is a new machine, Rasmus' reply to my mail to systems@ was very short. :P
> We are waiting on a new machine and someone with the time and energy to set things up on the new box.
@PeeHaa you on?
it's a bit embarrassing that we (I say "we", having never been involved) can't keep basic infrastructure online...
What kind of specs do you need for this machine? I might be able to convince TPTB here to donate hardware and hosting.
Not only outdated, but also outdated and proud to show it.
@FlorianMargaine sounds about right
@amenadiel Noice :-)
@Mr.Alien jo dawg
@PeeHaa so before you enter the gui, you need a login screen where user can login right?
@FlorianMargaine Didn't really have given it a lot of thought yet
@Mr.Alien correct
so where you are going to save the credentials? in a db? cuz this will be running mostly on localhosts....
@Mr.Alien In the config file
aaah nice.. thought so
So there will probably only one single user+pass
yup, got it
@FlorianMargaine wow. that domain is still up :O
Also morning room again
@Charles :-)
hello :)
why the hell I am constantly so tired ?
@Jocelyn heya \o/
long time
@tereško mononucleosis?
@PeeHaa it might have something to do with 60h work-weeks
anyway , I need to get some sleep
@tereško Same here.. I wake up tired :)
I just learned something, kind of surprised that I've never heard of it: microwaves can interfere with WiFi
Our work microwave is old and janky, every time someone heats up their sad American lunch, the wifi has zero throughput. The second the microwave stops, page resumes loading.
does anybody know ::How can items be removed from Woocommerce shopping cart via URL
@PeeHaa btw, want it responsive?
I've already thought about the multi browser support :P
what do you think?
@FlorianMargaine nice template :-P
yeah, well, I haven't written much code :P
I was more thinking about how to handle the multi browser support
now I'm deeply disappointed :-P
using cpp for that... I like the trick
ah, yea, preprocessor is great
@Chris Yeah, basically it's about 2450MHz, which can interfere, but I'm a bit surprised it has that power...
Wrapping it in tin foil should do the trick :)
@webarto The first thing that came to my mind was to make a "gun" out of the radio emitters in an old microwave. You might be able to point that at an area and kill the wifi signal.
long live the cable… who needs wifi…
Then, you plant a compromised router in the area that uses the same name as the target router. When the gun stops killing the wifi, clients re-connect to the compromised router instead of the real one.
Then, you transmit fake Android and Windows updates on the compromised router
Pushing spyware to anyone with auto-updates turned on
@Chris aren't there any certificate verifications first?
I don't know why, but any time I learn something new about technology, I always think of how it could be used for mayhem or crime. I have a clean criminal record...
If you have a router that will lie about everything for you, I think you could fake every bit of authentication and verification. IDK, just a random idea, I've never researched what the update process entails
@webarto Ya, fair enough, but then you don't get to do something dangerous with old microwave parts
Experiment a bit :P
@Mr.Alien Yes. Or at least usable on mobile
You can make GSM/GPS/WiFi jammer with a bit of knowledge.
@FlorianMargaine I would suggest to get it to work on chrome. Porting is going to be easier that way in my experience
@PeeHaa yep, I'll do that
@PeeHaa Why, because you get me to do it for you? :-P
@DaveRandom already tried phpdbg on win?
No I'm just fighting with a work-ish related issue but I'm going to try building it shortly and see what explodes
@DaveRandom As a matter of fact I wanted to append it to the sentence, but I was afraid you were still awake ;)
@DaveRandom just a question… what's your tz?
@PeeHaa cool
@bwoebi Greenwitch drunk time
@PeeHaa :-P
@PeeHaa GDT? okay, fine.
@bwoebi UK (UTC + 1)
@DaveRandom that's called BST ^^
(peehaa's dutch ftr)
I can never remember all that crap. The world runs on UTC, fuck everything else.
ok people. I'm going to setup scrutinizer again. If I'm not back in 1 hour call the cops
clean php build... let's smoke
@PeeHaa ^^
@Mr.Alien \o/ looks good man
;) will continue tomorrow, 3am here.. nyt ~
@Mr.Alien Sure. thanks so far!
btw, the dark border bottom is the one where user hovers the rows
scrutinizer just ran on the first try
That's just amazing
@PeeHaa 9.4 not bad
The duplication 'issue' is just a bad report.
@LeviMorrison Am I reading it right and it thinks the two kinda similar methods are dupes?
Yeah, it's just a false-positive based on their fuzzy matching.
Ow nice it even shows who to blame nowadays
@JoeWatkins do you use dnf?
hmmmm why doesn't travis run meh tests
@PeeHaa you can let scruntinizer run the tests for coverage
@ThW yo
@ThW So I don't need travis anymore?
Does that also report issues when somebody adds a PR?
I use Travis for testing the build against the different php versions, but scruntinizer for the coverage
Ah. I see
Yeah I had the external CC thing in there which reports to travis
Sounds much nicer and safer to do it that way
(your way that is)
@bwoebi quick intro into how to send a command in xml?
When does phpdbg server know if the command is finished etc
I had problems with the transfer, sometimes it did not wwork for one of the builds and messed up all the results
@ThW Yeah I remember those exact same issues
yeah seems to work
Damnit. Stupid chat
Any idea why travis won't run my tests?
Or do I need to tell it to run it on anything other than master?
It didI think, second build is in the queue
@PeeHaa I think it's just overloaded - it's building now travis-ci.org/PeeHaa/OpCacheGUI/builds/37335904
ah ok :|
"No tests executed!"
Well. It didn't crash.
@Danack What tha fuck
@FlorianMargaine just send it as if you'd be in cli mode
@bwoebi there is a very serious bug :D
@FlorianMargaine that means command separator is \n
@FlorianMargaine what bug?
Why does everyone always forget that?
@DaveRandom Damnit I always forget it
@DaveRandom lol
i don't see a travis or phpunit configuration on master
Try connecting over telnet, send some text like <help></help>\n\n
@ThW It's not in master yet
i see
And... Well, my computer is rebooting right now. It completly freezes :D
yeah only a bootstrap file
I think it's the CPU
yeah I forgot to push :P
#pragma DWIM
> alias peegit='git commit && git reset --hard HEAD~1' # Abandon All The Things
Javascript history states are a little bit of a pain in the ass. lil bit.
@Chris Yeh that API sucks
@DaveRandom :)
php > $r = stream_socket_client("tcp://localhost:4000");
php > fwrite($r, "<help></help>\n\n");
php > var_dump(stream_get_contents($r));
string(545) "<intro severity="notice" version="0.4.0" msgout="[Welcome to phpdbg, the interactive PHP debugger, v0.4.0]
" /><intro severity="normal" help="help" msgout="To get help using phpdbg type &quot;help&quot; and press enter
" /><intro severity="notice" report="http://github.com/krakjoe/phpdbg/issues" msgout="[Please report bugs to <http://github.com/krakjoe/phpdbg/issues>]
@FlorianMargaine ^ this?
@bwoebi can confirm, first \n and phpdbg takes 100% of CPU
I connect through telnet
with telnet I can't get it to work either
You have some stupid telnet client config that tries to send telnet commands before server does?
nb: telnet != raw TCP socket
@DaveRandom what's the diff?
Telnet has a bunch of "commands" that (iirc) start with the ascii esc char, whatever that is
something <0x20
@DaveRandom isn't git reset --hard not enough?
It's about negotiating echo modes and such
@bwoebi That was obviously a joke :-P
Gotta love my bug report
@FlorianMargaine What's the exact command you ran?
To start phpdbg?
$ phpdbg -x -l 4000
No, to send the cmd via telnet
the screenshot should tell you all
I just added help\n at the end of what you see
it crashed after \n
I tried just staying after typing help, didn't crash
as soon as I hit [enter] (\n), the CPU usage skyrocketted
I know why.
telnet sends \r\n
so phpdbg takes 100% CPU for revenge? :D
and somehow phpdbg infinitely loops when you send a \r
@FlorianMargaine :D
@FlorianMargaine yes ;-D
@bwoebi btw, isn't it better to get \r\n rather than \n?
I mean, over the network
http already does that
@FlorianMargaine both should be allowed.
well, yeah
@bwoebi why 2 \n\n?
@FlorianMargaine because you wrote Try connecting over telnet, send some text like <help></help>\n\n … btw. nice chat msg id (19300000) ;-)
my bad
and thanks, I totally did that on purpose
@bwoebi I guess the bug is around here
@Charles "The Powers That Be"?
Commit & Push, good night room 11
@FlorianMargaine no.
the bug is in lexer
no, the code is commented
@bwoebi oh
@Chris noite
Anyone want a OnePlus One invite? I have one with a couple hours left before expiry.
@FlorianMargaine localized and fixed, will push soon.
First to grab first to get
this is why you need users :P
@bwoebi pushing on xml-protocol branch?
Someone just made me realise I can get jet brain products for free :O
Won't try tonight anyway, it's 00:14 here, gotta go to bed
@bwoebi you could get a free phpstorm license btw
@FlorianMargaine I know.
Did you request it?
@FlorianMargaine PHP group has one for contributors, apparently
Oh, that's cool
Anyway good night everyone
nite @FlorianMargaine
@FlorianMargaine merged into xml-protocol
not yet
Now it works.
@FlorianMargaine you can test now, at least I cannot reproduce any issues :-)
@NikiC I don't think that approach will help me; the issue is that at this point I can't look up the class entry for self (or it's resolved name) because of the state everything is in.
I've tried converting self to the class name on parse and the issue was that it couldn't look up the class entry.
How would you guys answer this? [tag:/r/php]
Maybe zend_lookup_class would work where zend_fetch_class_by_name doesn't
lol. On the topic of that video though, no ones farts dissipate that quickly.
@LeviMorrison the code isn't exactly what you need but the idea is the same. common.scope contains the self CE and common.scope->parent contains the parent CE
(Also it may be that we will have to register the ce before doing inheritance checks on it - I suspect otherwise things where there are circular deps between typehints won't work)
Ah, I see. So when I have self or parent for a return type I can access the ce on the function.common.scope
@NikiC That appeared to work with opcache enabled.
Checking now with disabled.
So what did you mean by inefficient?
Tests also pass with opcache disabled.
@Fabien why does he calls it a framework if it's written by one guy? and why does he care if he is actually leaving that company? looking for thoughts for his notes? so that framework might be as poor as him writing the notes ... .
@SecondRikudo 404?
@PeeHaa Yeah, why? :X
dunno :P
who wants a OnePlus invite? fast...
@CSᵠ lol, really?
@SecondRikudo you can send it to shoever
yeah :(
my friend can't right now in a few minutes
but wants one
fuckd up
@CSᵠ You can claim it, and it'll last for another 24 hours
Just open an account for him on OnePlus and claim it through that
@SecondRikudo is this how it works? invites only active a few hrs/a day?
@CSᵠ 24 hours since you get it, plus 24 hours since someone claims it
@SecondRikudo It seems I still do not have invites :(
One domain transfer has finished; the other is still pending.
can i link unanswered questions in this chatbox?
You can, but generally won't get much more help if any.
And don't do it repeatedly ^^
Also, the room is kind of quiet right now anyway, so it won't get much exposure.
I have a gigantic data set that contains millions of arrays. inside the array theres this: NumberLong(41119375) - how would I be able to remove the NumberLong() ?
so the value inside it only stays behind
Is it always NumberLong?
"summonerId" : NumberLong(41119375) - this for example is always numberlong yes
...is this for League of Legends?
yes -_-
does having a dataset means you've got a database, too?
158gb database yes
@hakre It's the format the vendor returns.
Probably should capitalize it: The Vendor.
just formulate the query to the database in such a way, that you get the data in the form you want to process it.
I have a json file and a php webpage which I want to use to parse/echo the information
but i think json does not supper NumberLong(value)
jsut the value part
In this case I would recommend storing and retrieving the data pretty much exactly as the vendor hands it to you.
well, if it's a display problem only, just filter the string when you display it.
could also go to word and try find and replace xD ?

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