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@AndreaFaulds The <K,V> sort
@NikiC Oh, that kind of generic, I see.
Though you could write a non-generic API :p
@LeviMorrison I didn't listen closely to the last cmake discussion, but I think it comes basically down to this: cmake doesn't suck much less than make (and even that's contested...) and the current build system kinda works (even tho nobody understands it anymore)
cmake's like automake but with slightly more readable macros
and it can generate Visual Studio projects
we already have a windows build system
which is actually kinda nice
in that it uses javascript
and for all its defects, js is still at least three orders of magnitude better than m4 ...
yes. the .w32 files are js files
Wait, is it JScript? Like, Windows Scripting Host?
@NikiC thank you for reviving Exceptions in the Engine :)
@NikiC I can understand that. Pointedly, if nobody really understands it then it would be difficult to port reliably as well.
@AndreaFaulds not just readable, parsable is the real benefit, which is the exact reason JetBrains chose CMake for their C/C++ IDE
Also +1 on exceptions in the engine.

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