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evening boys, girls and everyone else
going to do one more pass over my RFC then send the mail
and then have a stiff drink and wait for stas
@Danack lol
@Leigh link?
the one that's pinned
Ah, loop else
Boo, you changed it to default
yea, it's loop default now :P
the RFC explains why
Why, because idiots do while (true) if (false)?
because, we allow statements without {}, so it would break existing badly written if statements that had loops
because, Zeev explicitly requests that we maintain the spirit of PHP
Why the hell are we making a programming language that considerates the idiots?!
which is to be idiot friendly
@Leigh And that is exactly why I don't do PHP anymore.
idiots keep me in a job
I'm still an idiot, mind you. But not as much as an idiot as I used to be.
@Leigh Eh, I found a job without PHP either, and it's going pretty smoothly.
do you want badcode or my code (ok some of my code looks pretty horrible, and I can be a bit of a twat in this chat, but I can write good code ;))
I'm a sysadmin for my day job now, I don't touch PHP at work
when shit goes wrong
You can write good code in PHP
I'm still the first person who gets called
But it bothers me that PHP is idiot oriented
My continued fascination with PHP is more about pushing it's limits now
The $ for variable name, the horrible dependency on globals, the crappy configuration engine, the function names.
All oriented towards idiots
I don't care about pretty code or design patterns or frameworks, I want to make it do things it was never designed to do, in the face of all those idiots :P
@Leigh I moved on to more interesting things.
Namely, Node JS and Python.
I've been working on a node project at work
basically a live feed + dashboard of our nagios
I really like the freedom JS gives you. It's not restrictive, which means it's by no means idiots-proof
But it isn't meant to be used by idiots.
seriously, any idiot can use any language
@Leigh Yeah, but it takes a special kind of idiot to use PHP :D
I'm happy being a special kind of idiot
@salathe Looking good
@Leigh Sure. Don't get me wrong, PHP does some things right
@SecondRikudo I don't care if it does nothing right
And for your everyday presentational site, PHP all the way, WordPress even.
But I don't feel that PHP is the right tool for complex web systems anymore.
my side projects lately have involved implementing 256bit arithmetic on 32 bit builds of PHP (no gmp/bcmath), because... it's a challenge I enjoy.
@Leigh That's fine, but I'm talking about practical value.
You know, stuff you make money on
Any substantial piece of code you write, I can make it run faster.
I can earn money with that
@Leigh Not the point.
PHP is cheap to develop in, but more often than not, is expensive to maintain.
urgh, we're just going to argue all night, and I need to do some writing. You know it's nothing personal, just feels kind of pointless
@Leigh How does default avoid breaking in a switch?
@derp switch requires a colon
Ok, it's deeper than that, @derp have you any experience with LALR parsers? (i'll admit my experience is narrow, but I think I have enough to explain this to you)
So, to avoid conflicts, you have to make the parser grammar unambigious
I.e. you have to create situations where the parser doesn't have to choose between two equally correct scenarios
now, at the moment T_DEFAULT (the token for the default keyword) is only allowed in a case_list which is only allowed in a switch_case_list, etc.
aaand now I think I see a potential BC... crap...
switch ($herp) {
    case 'derp':
           // stuff
        // stuff
stupid dangling else/default
it's less breaking than else though ... :(
@Leigh How about using or?
I'll document the potential BC, and limit the target to PHP 7
@SecondRikudo T_LOGICAL_OR works in the grammar, but really not sure on potential BC
while ($poo)
  if ($crap) doStuff();
or doSomethingElse();
I did experiment with a few keywords
I'm not fussed about the keyword as long as 1) it makes sense semantically, and 2) it doesn't break BC
or makes sense, can you think of any BC?
(also it would let us use and for python style else :P)
@Leigh or has two uses AFAIK
$var = $couldBeFalsy or "defaultt"
and if ($cond or $cond2)
Correct me if I'm wrong.
In both cases, a statement.
isn't that one use?
as far as the parser is concerned, those are exactly the same thing
Okay, so a statement nonetheless.
T_LOGICAL_OR and T_BOOLEAN_OR both use zend_do_boolean_or for that scenario
So unless Mr. Idiot forgot to add a semicolon to terminate his statement, I think no BC break is possible.
Because this would have unexpected results:
while ($poo)
  if ($crap) doStuff()
or doSomethingElse();
Based on doStuff()'s return value.
You can always invent a whole new keyword.
But we don't have to worry about that, because... it's not JavaScript :)
oh, T_LOGICAL_OR is now also used in Anthonys constant scalar expressions, but we can ignore that because it needs to be in a constant definition
yea otherwise has come up a lot
maybe I should just add options to the RFC and let internals bikeshed... but to me that seems like a way to get it rejected more than coming with a concrete solution to start with
adding reserved words is always a bc break
@derp Well, sure, but that applies to any addition to the language.
new functions, new classes, whatever.
but if we can avoid it....
that keeps people happier
people who will vote no if they are unhappy
@Leigh I think the least BC breakage you'd have is with or
you might be right, doing some experiments now
@SecondRikudo Right. I'm actually for else for this. I'd rather break BC for it than pick something subpar.
@Leigh watch for BC with this eval.in/195909
@derp Same.
@CSᵠ yep, that's what @SecondRikudo raised
fucking idiots and their dangling shit
Intuitiveness-wise, else is best.
no, wait...
you asshats
@Leigh got draft we can see ?
you tricked me
It's already part of a very well known control structure. It's one of the very first things that a programmer learns.
@Leigh Hmm?
@JoeWatkins pinned
12 mins ago, by Leigh
switch ($herp) {
    case 'derp':
           // stuff
        // stuff
I knew that ... was testing you ...
you passed ...
this will not work
because of the colon
@Leigh What about alternative syntax?
BC in-tact :D
what's up with not using else ?
@JoeWatkins ... lol... BC, check the RFC :)
while (true)
  if ($crap) doPoop();
else whoops();
@SecondRikudo that requires a while(): and an endwhile();
@JoeWatkins ^^
and if they use a semicolon instead of a colon?
@Leigh And after that, default: and endDefault;
@JoeWatkins cool kids don't use that
yeah after 40 seconds reading I see the problem ...
hey y'all
looks good to me ... ship it ...
@SecondRikudo why's that a BC break?
    switch() {

this actually works as intended
Really??? I thought md5(md5 was about the best you could do for passwords!! Do you have any other suggestions? As far as matching up, I'm not quite catching it. — Kim N Anthony Stole 20 hours ago
Not sure if serious or idiot
Wait, @Leigh, why is that a BC break?
@SecondRikudo it's not
thats pretty horrible, I wouldn't include any code like that in the discussion ... keep to using {} I think ..
The other way around
if ($something)
	while ($cond)
		// loop body
	// this now belongs to the while loop
@salathe ^
yea thats the example from the RFC
You can't prove anything!
@SecondRikudo why does it now belongs to the while loop?
because parser resolves with a shift
I'll let the guy with the C-fu explain :D
@JoeWatkins Don't think it is.
WordPress is a tool. If you don't get too deep, you can do some pretty nice stuff without getting too involved in the warts.
@SecondRikudo it was certainly a waste of time ... we ended up getting called names
anyone else here who is already in the github developer program just get an email about : "welcome to the github developer program"?
@JoeWatkins Heh, link?
scroll down from there ...
Also, it's understandable, it's like insulting the iPhone
Fanboys will eat you alive.
switch ($herp) {
    case 'derp';
           // stuff
        // stuff
@JoeWatkins All I'm seeing is the story of you and your homicidal friend (kidding!)
Scroll further? :P
@derp Still under the 'derp' case.
further yeah ...
That Mark dude?
Does seem to be related to your poll
@derp I think that will be ok.... for the loop it will be an empty statement, for the switch it wont be valid
@ircmaxell for psr4 it looks like ...
@ircmaxell To publish it as his own?
But then, why the attribution :|
@ircmaxell the only reason I can think of, is to spread insecure crypto libs for great glory in Arstotzka!
@Leigh that's valid for a switch, you can use semicolons in place of colons. or am I misunderstand you?
(if you never played "papers please" feel free to ignore)
@derp I wasn't aware that you could
tell him how scary it is before he disables issues ...
@derp Nice catch
@Leigh You just got SERVED :D
going to get my laptop so I can actually try that on a working codebase....
generators are so awesome.
all valuable feedback, thank you :)
Looks like it's consistent across all versions.
yes, but we dont know if its broken yet
Well, you did say the parser resolves with a shift
Which I assume it means that it will apply to the closest applying structure.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
yea, so reduce means "compact into rule", while shift means "absorb the next token into THIS rule", kinda
@salathe you still here ?
I'm not really sure how to vote on this integer semantics rfc ...
I really don't think necessary ... "we need this", 20 years in, changing many many tests (presumably tests that passed on all kinds of architectures) is not positive reason for change ... this is the only negative thing about it though that I can see, that it changes so many tests, but it does seem to change them to something better ... so I'm looking for reasons, either way ...
if anyone who voted yes has anything useful to say ... @rdlowrey @DaveRandom ?
I don't do useful
try real hard
nothing ... awesome :D
another negative thing about it is that it's adding moar warnings ...
but it's not for no reason, and is consistent with other bits ...
@ircmaxell any thoughts ?
I don't know...
@JoeWatkins I voted +1 because a) consistency is good. The whole NaN etc thing doesn't actually bother me at all, it's an error plain and simple. The same probably goes for negative shifts, anyone relying on it has certainly done the wrong thing. b) The shift wrap-around element has bitten me a number of times, << 32 should be useful, but it isn't. This RFC makes it useful.
I haven't givin it much thought
@derp yep, you broke it, have a cookie
So.... next option ----> T_LOGICAL_OR ...
As it is, a bunch of bolierplate is required to get an integer with the least significant 32 bits set (a useful thing in binary ops when the input in a 32 bit int)
100 internet points for @derp
~(~0 << 32) <-- doesn't always work on 32 bit
@derp I will document all of this in the RFC, if you want me to put your name there, let me know what name you want :) you can contact me at leight --> gmail if you'd rather not have it logged on SO
You can put Paul Crovella in if you like, though it's not at all necessary.
of course it's not, you broke my RFC ;)
The "https://api.github.com/authorizations" file could not be downloaded (HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity)
Ok then.
@Danack Error message sounds like you sent an invalid request body?
Going to cook dinner, and see if I can think of any holes in loop+or
@DaveRandom Meh...it's through composer....the same version I've been using for months....suspect rails shenanigans.
I call shenanigans rails
@JoeWatkins As I've thought about it more I'd rather leave it undefined.
Anyone feel free to persuade me otherwise.
@JoeWatkins INF/-INF => 0 is a big NO NO, just can't justify consistency with this
@LeviMorrison chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/18992763#18992763 is my main reason for voting yes. The other elements I could take or leave but I view as harmless, and defined > undefined in the general case IMO.
The actual return value isn't hugely relevant because you dun messed up either way - but a warning telling you that is a useful thing
((int) INF) > 0 === false
does that make sense ?
it doesn't really make sense does it ?
@Leigh please remember i started the breaking process :)
@JoeWatkins No it does not. But that's not relevant, because the operation itself does not make sense
If you perform that operation, you failed to check for an error/invalid input somewhere else
doesn't matter does it, if we are going to say that we should make this sort of change for consistency, then the first thing we should be consistent with is common sense, the second is the rest of php, as far as I can see this isn't consistent with either ...
@JoeWatkins nope
@JoeWatkins So what then, PHP_INT_MAX?
2 mins ago, by DaveRandom
The actual return value isn't hugely relevant because you dun messed up either way - but a warning telling you that is a useful thing
that code will (should) never make it to production
@DaveRandom yes+notice (at least)
@DaveRandom that's what ZPP does today
That is the first good argument I've heard for that result
Why have I not heard it before?
@JoeWatkins does ((int) $computed_value) > 0 == false or ((int) $computed_value) > 0 == false as a code makes sense?
(has @AndreaFaulds heard it?)
@LeviMorrison If you're still there, I just encountered a possible bug in Auryn. Can you just check pastebin.com/WVxEAVZp - would you expect that code to work?
@JoeWatkins I cast it to 0 because it's as bad as any other value, and I want to cast to something consistently. Also, if we have bigints, PHP_INT_MAX ceases to make sense
@AndreaFaulds that's true. if we have bigints...
I'd argue that refactor should happen once you introduce bigints. Without it, it makes less sense... IMHO at elast...
Even without bigints, I'd prefer cross-platform consistency
infinity isn't a number and there's precedent for using 0 as a value when casting things that aren't numbers to ints. (int)INF === (int)"INF" makes perfect sense
code that doesn't run on 32bits won't be better off with this type of consistency anyway
6 mins ago, by DaveRandom
The actual return value isn't hugely relevant because you dun messed up either way - but a warning telling you that is a useful thing
The warning is what matters
The RFC is not perfect, but it's better than now, hence my +1
I agree 0 is silly
There's nothing in this RFC that says the value cannot change again before 7.0
But I'd contend every other value is equally bad
@derp (int) new stdClass
@DaveRandom That too. I may yet make it emit a warning in a future RFC
That's something I'll probably add to an RFC I'm planning
moving forward by trading one crutch for another is an extremely inefficient way of moving forward ... I'd rather we were voting on the final implementation ...
@salathe I never said PHP applied it across the board, just that there's precedent.
php > var_dump( (int)new stdClass() );
PHP Notice: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to int in php shell code on line 1
PHP Stack trace:
PHP 1. {main}() php shell code:0
@JoeWatkins Disagree, in this case
@derp And there's precedent for 1 too. :)
i must agree php sux with type conversions for edge cases right now anyway
@Charles Yes, that is a WTF. It bugs me.
I can tell you why that happens too.
@Charles awesome, precedent for E_NOTICE at least
Normally, when a cast fails, it's an E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR.
The bit-shifting changes I can understand, even if I don't care a jot. The "consistency" ones still feel like change for change's sake.... to me.
@JoeWatkins think of it more like trading a cast for crutches. You're still highly immobile, but at least you can now make it out the front door
That cast doesn't fail. The standard object handler lies, lets the cast succeed, then emits an E_NOTICE
btw @Leigh using or (but not ||) sounds like a generally good way to go
@DaveRandom they are both crutches, we can still point at it and say "that's silly" ... and I didn't say it was silly, the person who wrote it did ...
float handler should emit notices too :)
also, floats are better standardised than integers
@JoeWatkins Yeh but that's ignoring the bigger picture. There is no value that makes sense here. The fact that you performed the operation in the first place indicates that you did something wrong somewhere else - emitting a warning is a last ditch "your code is wrong, fix it because what you are doing has holes in it" flag
@DaveRandom been experimenting for 15 mins, haven't broken it yet, and I like the semantics more
aside: any PHP conferences in the summer (maybe with a beach) that wont cost me air-fare to australia?
On an entirely unrelated note, I spent several hours (on and off) concluding that openSUSE is the 2nd worst OS currently available. I've just discovered that the thing I was trying to set up also supports CentOS :-/
first worst being?
I was a debian man, until I entered an environment that was purely redhat.... it's not that I like redhat more, it's that I hate having to switch between two different ways of doing the same thing
@JoeWatkins My reason is that I think the current behavior is illogical. Inconsistency and lack of uniformity across platforms is a worthwhile goal. I'm in favor of addressing issues like this in majors.
kind of... the most frequent of two evils
@Leigh meh honestly I don't see much difference
the changed tests make it look like there was uniformity across platforms
@FlorianMargaine it's mainly /etc/apache2 vs /etc/httpd that bothers me :p
and log files for the same thing being on different paths...
yeah... not much
@FlorianMargaine OSX
some tests are still only run on 64 bit ... whats the reason for that ?
@Leigh this looks BC stable: 3v4l.org/jeX0G
@Leigh ln -s :-P
oh I c, need to read whole tests for the answers to that...
I think INT_MAX makes more sense than 0
@CSᵠ we've proven we can break switch with default, when it's dangling, trying to break things with or right now
girlfriend away ==== cook enough for two people, but end up eating it all anyway :X
That's what we need. An ==== operator.
universally equal to
@Leigh if (@eval('while (false) or return true;')) echo "broke!"; :p
i'm broke already, that's why I got 16 burgers for £3, and 8 beers for £6
lol fucking equal :D
I don't lol a lot, but when I do, it's DaveRandom
I found this earlier today ... zazzle.co.uk/coder+clothing?ps=120
got a tshirt at 44con ... ROP chains many happy returns...
I like fork bomb one.
@JoeWatkins pretty expensive tbh

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