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@SecondRikudo SO knows my IP address?? =oO *puts on tin foil hat*
@crypticツ SO knows where you live.
@crypticツ OMFG mind blown!
Good morning
@crypticツ SO knows what you did last summer
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 5 hours ago, by mikedidthis
kick-mute is not a sniper rifle. Please don't shoot the tiny avatars off the hill.
@PeeHaa I thought that's precisely it's intention
Nehhh. Many people have a special place on my tiny avatar list for different reasons. They don't deserve to be kicked by a long shot
What do you think of: live.jordanmrichards.com Is there a free alternative?
@PeeHaa who cares? (:
Sorry, I meant, is there a free alternative to this: grabaperch.com ?
@JordanRichards yep, I know one
We need to implement the ability for anyone to kick anyone, and see who is the last one standing.
@AlmaDo Care to share? :)
@crypticツ +support
@JordanRichards it's.. difficult to share - since it's your brain. But if you like ..
@DaveRandom pong
@AlmaDo ;_;
Okay, I guess I might just make a separate webpage for each article manually. As well as update the "recent articles" manually. Not that much work, probably less work than trying to find the blogging cms I want.
@crypticツ mexican standoff =] yay!
@PeeHaa :P
Hi, I want to ask you, if you had to design server for instant messaging and expect many, many clients, would you use short-polling or long-polling? :-/
@jakubinf Can't I use option C?
Websockets, probably with node.js.
Easiest, fastest, has the most example code out there.
@Charles Definitely.
@Charles You forgot sane
@PeeHaa Sanity is relative.
Callback hell on one hand, designed for the task on the other...
Yeah callback hell is pretty fucking horrible
Just uninstalled wordpress, Muhaha.. ha.. ha.. bwaah.. bwhahahahahahaha!
Hey guys. I asked a question a while ago related to bytes on StackOverflow, but it's been almost 3 days with no response. I can't add a bounty because I don't have enough rep. Does anyone here want to give a whirl at solving the issue, please? Thank you! It is related to decrypting a server's byte input stream. I have the example properly coded in Java, so just a simple translation is needed.

live.jordanmrichards.com Opinions so far? (The background image is just a placeholder)
@baseman101 Have you ever tried Google Translate?
cHao, No, haha.
Hey, someone know why can some URL work on Linux and Mac but not in windows?
@baseman101 You should try it sometime. In particular, try sticking something in there that you already know the translation for, just so you can see how badly a word-for-word translation screws up the meaning.
@cHao, I've already tried many different methods. My question was why it doesn't work, but how I can fix the issue.
was not*
@carla do you mean from the client side or from the server side?
This usually depends on the webserver. For example, IIS is not case sensitive with regard to the URI. Apache is.
@rdlowrey It seens a htacces problem, whenever I use a '>' or a '*',the "Forbiden" message appears
I feel like that would have been pertinent information in your original question.
Sorry, I was writing it.
Well, ">" is specifically not allowed in a URI.
You need to urlencode it to have any expectation that it will work correctly.
well, for starters, java's (byte) x doesn't just translate to $x -- it translates to something semi like ($x & 0xff) * (($x & 0x80) ? -1 : 1).
On windows or in any OS?
@cHao, Hmm. I'll try something like that. I did ($x & 0xFF) before.
you can lose the last part if you know the value will always be non-negative. but you need the & 0xff part.
@carla Has nothing to do with OS. Nothing should work if an unencoded ">" exists in the URI.
It explicitly violates the specification for a well-formed URI.
I know this is a serious question and all, but it's still pretty funny:
Q: How can I study computer science without any access to a computer?

AbhimanyuHow can I study computer science without any access to a computer? Like if I'm teaching students in Africa that have no knowledge of a computer besides general-level know-how but who aspire to learn advanced computer science and devote most of their time to this hobby? And no, there's no touch ...

@rdlowrey I just asked my mate and I was informed the replacement is made.
actually, i was wrong about the translation.
@carla Well, you honestly haven't provided a clear problem, so there's not really anything I can do.
I want the PHP manual's bork feature added to SO
We could probably make an awesome userscript that does that XD
cc @PeeHaa
That's easy. Just grab the borking code and userscript that shit :)
it's a bit simpler... (($x + 0x80) & 0xff) - 0x80 maybe?
Now to find the borking code.
@LeviMorrison a little assistence? :P
@cHao, and would I apply this every time I make a change to the byte?
Question: would it be worth duplicating PHP's existing standard library functions for filesystem access in userland using the php-uv extension under the hood?
Mousetrap.bind("b o r k", function() {
    var bork = function(text) {
        var subs = [[/a([nu])/g, 'u$1'], [/A([nu])/g, 'U$1'], [/a\B/g, 'e'], [/A\B/g, 'E'], [/en\b/g, 'ee'], [/\Bew/g, 'oo'], [/\Be\b/g, 'e-a'], [/\be/g, 'i'], [/\bE/g, 'I'], [/\Bf/g, 'ff'], [/\Bir/g, 'ur'], [/(\w*?)i(\w*?)$/g, '$1ee$2'], [/\bow/g, 'oo'], [/\bo/g, 'oo'], [/\bO/g, 'Oo'], [/the/g, 'zee'], [/The/g, 'Zee'], [/th\b/g, 't'], [/\Btion/g, 'shun'], [/\Bu/g, 'oo'], [/\BU/g, 'Oo'], [/v/g, 'f'], [/V/g, 'F'], [/w/g, 'w'], [/W/g, 'W'], [/([a-z])[.]/g, '$1. Bork Bork Bork!']];
Actually, I may end up doing that for everything applicable in the standard library to start working out the API I'd like to see in userland when/if we/I work out how to incorporate libuv into PHP :)
@baseman101 basically, yeah, if you insist on literally translating the code.
@cHao, thanks. I'll try this out and get back to you
i might recommend having functions to do these translations, just so you don't have mass amounts of casting math cluttering up the code
FFS @PeeHaa can you trash one set of my messages?
I had an epic lag
2 messages moved to bin
Jo mr dave
@rdlowrey Not without async/await or something
Well, I already have that in my userland libs. It would obviously need that too.
This is sort of off-topic, but there was a gmail account leak recently. I found that a website used to check the leaked accounts was registered two days before the link. Coincidence? I think not.
The problem is that none of the async/parallel things that need to happen in PHP can happen without the introduction of event loop.
Yeh but new APIs will be required to deal with that
The old APIs can continue to work, but they will still need to be synchronous
For sure. I realized that in the next message.
Unless we have an async/await keyword pair or something
@Ja͢ck I didn't add it because I couldn't find it
Well yeah, but for that to work you still need an event loop under the hood. Even if you don't expose it to userland you can't do things the way they should be done without one.
@LeviMorrison Better do another RFC
@rdlowrey that's basically what the idea of my github repo is (to which you have commit access I think, let me check)
@NikiC Okay.
Yes you do
What repo?
Oh, I'm not talking about a streams API at all.
I have a question about url's.. for example you visit a site with a path like: ile_uploads/9999.pdf?_vs=0_N&_vs=0_N is there a way to check all the other files in there?
FS is streams
Though that goes along with it.
I found out file_uploads/9998.pdf?_vs=0_N&_vs=0_N
and file_uploads/9997.pdf?_vs=0_N&_vs=0_N
... are files should it be possible to generate txt file from it with all available files?
I've only done socket-y things so far, but the idea of that is that it will have FS stuffz as well
What's more important is the interfaces
@DaveRandom FS is love, FS is life
I still think that any streams should be very close to iterators.
And with Generator::send() you have everything you need for write operations.
Not the same API exactly, but close to Iterator
I... can't really grasp that. It's too late and my brain isn't working properly.
Yeah, I don't want to think about streams right now.
(also I'm stupid, but we'll gloss over that element of the problem)
so today I got some swag from Akamai. it's a combination lock, so that only the person who knows the combination can open it. Pretty sane so far right?
Also, on the bottom, it has a keyhole, that fits government issue keys, so the TSA and HMRC can also open it, without the combination
Akamai, premium CDN, and government lapdog
@rdlowrey I just checked the new artax version it looks good. <pedantry>you've named the update parameter percent_complete, when you meant fraction complete</pedantry> The only real question I have is, I'm still seeing slightly odd behaviour on the progress updates - they don't seem to be firing that often. I've put the progress callback I'm using and the output I'm seeing here
The downloads took 20 seconds...and only two of them had an progress callback triggered.
@PeeHaa haha that's pretty awesome.
Although I generally am not a Thomas Fuchs fan
Ah yes. Much better!
@SecondRikudo wtf is with naming two functions the same thing? I mean I know it works but... wtf
@DaveRandom I literally copy-pasted 75% of the code from the PHP manual code (it works there too, without the console script)
Yah, that's a real model of good practices and sanity :-P
@Danack Thanks for checking that out -- I will change the key to fraction_complete and try to reproduce the issue you're seeing and address it.
@DaveRandom ikr
Actually @Danack can you post a simple reproduce script somewhere? To demonstrate the progress thing not firing when it should be firing?
@rdlowrey Yes, I'll make a simple reproduce script, and see if it still happens then.
Otherwise it might have to be a complex script.
When you click to drag the progress point in a YouTube video, to scrub through or find a point in it, drag it upwards, and the progress bar will grow and change the scale of the time.
@Danack Actually, don't worry about it. I think I may know what the problem is
@rdlowrey cool.
@Danack Can you test something real quick for me and let me know if it fixes?
instead of new Artax\Progress($callback) add a second param to that constructor like so:
new Artax\Progress($callback, 0)
if the zero fixes it then I have the issue isolated.
Actually, make the param 1 and not 0 nevermind. I'll just update the branch with an actual fix.
@Danack Sorry about that cluster -- there are a couple of other things I have to do to fix it. I'll just update it and let you know after that and you can test that the issue is gone.
@rdlowrey np - I am about to take some painkillers, so will probably check it tomorrow.
always maintain good sitting posture people
@Danack Cool. I will make the key name change and fix that and go ahead and merge into master.
Should be fixed when you get to it tomorrow.
I'll verify with you before the end of the day when I tag 1.0.0-beta.
Reason for error: using units in milliseconds but failing to divide the number of seconds by 1,000.
Yes, I can see that might be a problem.
So instead of updating once every 20ms it would only emit an update once every 20 seconds.
Actually, @Danack if you're still around I just updated that branch upstream if you care to test.
@rdlowrey you just have to market it as "optimization"
"Event flooding prevention by use of conservative temporal scaling factor"
Literally, lol.
See, that sounds like a feature right away
@rdlowrey Yep, they look like they're firing appropriately.
Okay, cool. Sorry about that weirdness. Thanks for the feedback to help improve the process.
Will merge that into master and close the issue later.
@NikiC temporal scaling? sounds good!
PHP Y U NO private const???
^ I just use private static $MY_PRIVATE_THING = 42; for that.
Would be nice to have
Yea, that's what I'm doing.
I don't want people depending on public constants as part of the API when they're only for private use.
Actually fuck it, public is fine, but it'd be much better if it were private.
@rdlowrey Precisely. Without context, they're just clutter.
@Danack last FYI thing: because the human eye can only discern ~30fps I set the default update throttle on those progress events to 30ms since they're mainly used for generating progress bars. You can modify that by passing the second parameter: new Progress($callback, $msThrottle = 0);
If you're updating more than one bar on the same display it can get choppy if you don't throttle the updates (in my experience, anyway).
@DanLugg why would you need it? That's really not important if const values leak.
At least it's better than people copying scalar values.
I just don't want people to use those as part of the API to help prevent potential breakage if I change internal implementation details down the road.
That's what private const would be good for. If something is public, it's part of the API even if you don't want it to be. It's mainly helpful to prevent users from doing stupid things.
Until we have type-safe enums (i.e. never) I'm less and less keen on the idea of class constants in general.
But it's not a deal-breaker to not have the capability because private static
@DaveRandom +1
Literally the only thing they give you is autoloadability
I'm certainly not a fan of attaching them to classes that actually do stuff
I suppose they're OK-ish in interfaces
I've written more than a few things using class constants where it breaks my very careful decoupling
@rdlowrey Yep, was planning to also throttle in the progress rendering, btw people can definitely see more than 30fps - it just looks farking weird. files.futureleap.com/TheHobbitDesolationOfSmaug48fps.mp4
CGI people have to hate that, right?
"Wait, you mean we have to animate twice as many frames?"
I don't know if that's actually how those things work, but it seems logical that it would mean more you have to do as an animator.
For the modellers and animaters it's fine, it's only for people who have to touch up the individual frames that it sucks.
Legolas is so fucking cool
Orlando bloom is kind of annoying in general, but Legolas rules
Okay, folks. AFK. More coding later, though I suspect some of you will be checking out soon. Catch you on the flip side.
hmm. I found out what I dislike about smartwatches. That one cannot wear them all day and night; they need fresh power from time to time…
You wear your watch when you sleep?
@LeviMorrison Yes. I wear it while awake, while swimming, while sleeping… always.

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