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Why not ask for a spec me thread on a building forum? And ask for explanations of why they chose those products?
what's the point of asking for explanations, if I'm not able to understand half of the terms ?
Same reason I hang around in this chat. I get an idea of what to google.
that's not how I buy expensive stuff
Besides they're not overly technical.
I prefer to gain some reasonable amount of education on the subject
Which you can. It's just a free opinion and possible direction.
@tereško because dual channel?
@Gordon yes, of course. But the last time I was learning about hardware, the DDR was "the new thing
How would I get a list of all the tables that exist in an Oracle DB?
I know
but tbh the last time I bothered with hardware was probably when DDR was the new thing, too ;)
the old sdram modules did not have such a thing
my last desktop was assembled by someone who I simply trusted to know what he was doing
since among the people I know, I happen to be the "truster computer person", it's not really a valid option
@DemCodeLines first result on Google: stackoverflow.com/questions/205736/…
@Gordon yup currently reading that
@PeeHaa Can I give you my million dollar idea yet? :P
is it possible to 'append' a query?
@RahulKhosla yes, use a query builder
thanks any recommendations?
do you use a framework? chances are you already have one then.
@Gordon I'm currently trying 'UPDATE users SET downloaded = downloaded + :downloadID WHERE id = :userId'.
why is oracle considered better than mysql?
@DemCodeLines better for what
it's definitely more in demand these days.
@DemCodeLines according to whom?
@DemCodeLines You do realize that MySQL is owned by Oracle, right?
@SecondRikudo Yes, I was referring to PL/SQL vs MySQL stuff.
@rdlowrey Just to be clear, you don't need to do composer things to not break stuff in a lib. You only need to do composer things if you want to tell other people what versions you installed when testing locally. That allows people to develop against the same version, or allow Travis to run the tests against the same version of libs as you were using. That's the extent of what the composer.lock file does in a library repo.
And there is support for downloading other stuff from git/svn that doesn't have a composer.json - getcomposer.org/doc/05-repositories.md#package-2
I haven't checked that it actually works as expected - which is the repo you're trying to include?
How would I get a list of tables created by the user in mysql?
Someone into Laravel here?
And yes, Composer is not as good as using a proper build system....
/CC @DaveRandom and @Ocramius - how to include projects that aren't composer'd.
@DemCodeLines your questions are easily googable: stackoverflow.com/questions/2247310/…
oh, in mysql. nvm
@rodvaN no framework fanboys in this chat room
do you have any specific question ?
@tereško How can I understand how to create a framework if I dont know how to use a framework from a big community?
what the heck
.. I don't even know where to begin with this
what problem would your framework solve?
$do = oci_parse($conn, "CREATE TABLE..."); oci_execute($do); doesn't work.
Ok, let me understand. This is some kind of bluffing chat? I mean, its PHP knowledge. Why would you limit it to what you think?
you are asking people to explain something to you that is a very broad topic. broad enough for a book to be written. that's out of scope for a chat room. asking you to be more specific is a valid request to narrow down the scope of possible answers. if any.
there actually been written several books about it ... it was kind of a disaster
Just were trying to do some network here. I had a special proposal.
Or is it against the rules? Im tired of using ODesk, it sucks, same as Elance and so on.
/me is buried in work for next 3 month at the very least
I can't get a freaking query to run
@tereško I understand that feeling. Do you delegate?
Keep getting: Could not execute query: ''
.. also, I need some sleep
@tereško Using a framework will allow me to focus later on Nodejs. Sometimes I dont get time for anything and you need to fast deploy for clients. I loved some of the Routes:resource properties of Laravel. It allow you to create a CRUD app in just 1 line of code.
nite all
@tereško do you take vitamins? I am starting to ache of being sitted haha. I might try the pills from Ray Kurzweil to do things faster. rayandterry.com
nite, guys and gals
... hell, there is a new tiny avatar just before I go AFK
@Danack I already suggested all dat stuff
ah - k. Missed it.
Anyone available?
Im wanting to do something like: if(date(h:i:s) == "12:00:00") { is this the best way? If time = midnight (server time).
that yes was for i am here
not for the question
So you have any idea on my question?
first, at midnight time is 00:00:00 not 12
no problem
Not sure how the syntax is with h:i:s
I read up on time();
Is that any use to me?
that h should be capitalized
theres some sort of error in this if(date(H:i:s) == "00:00:00") {
syntax error, unexpected ':'
that is the correct one
@Danack Yeah that's fine. My frustration was from being told that you couldn't use composer to get a repo that didn't have a composer.json and then that you had to use a post-install hook (which wouldn't be executed if your repo was a dependency of another repo). As long as the packages thing is possible it's a non-issue. /cc @Ocramius
It's incredible how legacy code looks GOOD when you throw some Value Objects at it
feels refreshing!
Nice :)
I can't help but feel my outlook on PHP programming is hopelessly skewed by never having to deal with legacy garbage.
And if I do it's legacy garbage that I wrote so I deserve the flagellation anyway.
@rdlowrey what are you actually doing for a living btw? I always wondered since you're always on the edge
@Danack ping?
@DaveRandom pong
@rdlowrey I've just tagged Addr 0.2.3, btw
@Danack Have you figured out what's going on with predis?
In terms of what I can point composer.json to
@Ocramius my real work is people paying me money for access to financial data that I repackage and analyze.
It's all automated so I'm able to spend most of my time working on programming pursuits with the occasional catastrophe or week of hardcore work thrown in.
I can't figure out what feature you needed from that branch that's not in 0.8.6, or is it a bugfix?
@DaveRandom documentation more than anything else...there shouldn't be any functional changes.
@DaveRandom its the callbacks passed to Reactor::run($callback) being passed the reactor instance.
So I can do this:
@rdlowrey gotcha, now you look less like super-lucky :P
@rdlowrey no I mean in predis
@DaveRandom oh okay :)
@Danack So I can just point composer.json to ~0.8.6 and it should be OK?
@Ocramius well I'm somewhat fortunate too, but I actually ... you know ... do stuff.
@DaveRandom Yep - I did that and the redis tests pass just fine (I haven't pulled recently)
Is there anyway I can check if I have the permission to create tables in a database through an oci connection?
@Danack OK good because history will be a fooked :-P
One of these days I'm going to finish my half-baked non-blocking redis client.
Give me 5 mins to fix it up
You'll have to pull -f/pull --rebase
And that grants statement doesn't work.
@rdlowrey Although I am interested in what's going on Alert 0.9.0, not had a chance to look at it yet
@DaveRandom there's a CHANGELOG in the base of the repo that I actually try to keep updated when things change. Should be all you need.
I've been trying very hard to keep changelogs updated in all my stuff whenever I add a new tag for the last few months.
\o/ my oculus arrives tomorrow!
oooohhhhhh shiny
finally the real use-case for the dual GPU monster
Yeh I'll check it out when I've cleaned up this shit git mess
@rdlowrey The one based on React/EventLoop not good enough ?github.com/nrk/predis-async
@rdlowrey yeah, I need to get started building some cash cow as well btw
like some SaaS or PaaS bullshit
@Danack oooh we can actually use that now as well
b****s love PaaS
Well, before @DaveRandom made is compat lib I started my redis thing
But yeah, you can totally use that now because: Chris.
how come there are only 5-6 active people in this chat while the website is ranked 52 worldwide ...
Although I suspect Loopio will incur a noticeable perf hit, I'd personally rather use that sparingly
@zeeks I haven't said anything in hours but I've read a lot of it. Until this message was posted, I was not considered active.
I'm pretty sure the room 11 chat is not the #52 most visited site in the world. Stack Overflow Exchange is.
It's fine in applications, just probably better to avoid it internally in libs
@LeviMorrison ok, then 6-7 active people :p
@zeeks Go to room 10 and see how active it is there.
@zeeks the rest of the world is outside, having fun
it's dark and scary outside. I prefer my computer.
Also do not talk just to talk :)
Well, FWIW I'm just going to keep churning out non-blocking libs for use with alert.
what is fun? what server is that?
Will start with redis and postgres.
@LeviMorrison He waits. That's what he does. Tick follows tock follows tick follows zOMG did you see these kittenz??!?!?
@HamZa what is room 10 about?
@zeeks I was working out and played some table tennis
@zeeks Well the answer may vary from person to person. Visit it and look for yourself.
aha ok
@RonniSkansing yeah I totally checked-out. I mean, I'm just over the constant re-architecting of the same process over and over. HTTP is not that complicated. Request comes in, response goes out.
It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.
Woah, I generally think of myself as being completely stupid three years ago. But I just ran across an old answer on the main site that wasn't terrible. I'm surprised.
I probably just deleted all the old answers that were garbage though.
@zeeks pastebin.com/mneL8n2r gyazo.com/8b08e22ce0196f6c7a57a70920c55a2a any ideas on this one? I guess it works but i'm guessing it's maybe the query?
@rdlowrey that works only with teenagers.
I don't follow your meaning
@RahulKhosla May I send an interrupt signal?
"Woah, I generally think of myself as being completely stupid three years ago. But I just ran across an old answer on the main site that wasn't terrible. I'm surprised."
well only teenagers get what i said :p
@HamZa Sorry? I don't get what that means.
Totally didn't expect this to work. Totally pumped that it does:
php > @trigger_error('test error');
php > var_dump(error_get_last());
array(4) {
  string(10) "test error"
  string(14) "php shell code"
I for one deleted I guess more than 20 old answers and edited a bunch of others. This week got an upvote for an answer that was using preg_replace() with the "e" modifier :O
well at least it wasn't using ereg() :)
@RahulKhosla Interrupt signal in the processor. Anyways, I meant to say this: you keep asking googleable questions. You will NEVER learn if you ask for help everytime you encounter a problem. So my advice is to stop asking such questions and start using your favorite search engine
@rdlowrey What's so surprising here?!
@bwoebi I don't know, I mean it totally makes sense that it does and I'm glad because I need it for something (don't ask).
hehe true :)
I wonder, when will those ereg functions vanish from php?
@rdlowrey Well, I'd like to ask tough ;-P
It just seems like a really stupid thing to do ... using @ to suppress the error when calling trigger_error() is a little ridiculous :)
@HamZa I tried googling first.
@RahulKhosla Also check this out room-11.github.io/canonical.html
@rdlowrey yeah, that definitely is, but that it works is not a surprise.
Well I'm emulating the results of stream_socket_enable_crypto which returns true/false/0 depending on success/failure/needs more data.
I use @ on the function call and if it returns false I generate my own exception using error_get_last()
So when emulating that while manually doing the 5.6 TLS things in userland for earlier versions I need the same behavior.
So I return the same true/false/0 and if something goes wrong I trigger my own error (and suppress it there)
And it means I don't have to change any code. I can just @trigger_error() and return false from my legacy TLS emulation function.
So that's the silly reason for @trigger_error()
Either way, it helps allow me to use the same TLS context options in older versions of PHP that are added for 5.6 and get the same secure results.
So, obviously, that sort of thing is a win for artax (and aerys after that, even though you should be using 5.6 for aerys because TLS performance is better if it's verified in C and not userland).
@AlmaDo I'm at level 23 :)
I can't add php to a .tpl file, it outputs commented like this: <!--?php echo "Test"; ?-->, it's not smarty, but a custom plugin from Get-Simple CMS, I can't seem to find any way to add PHP to this type of file, any suggestions? Already googled a lot about php in tpl files but had no luck
I'll look at adding userland stream wrappers to allow the same behavior pre-5.6 as well for great security justice.
Good lord I have screwed up the history of my feature branch good and proper here
git push -f to the rescue.
@Danack that said, master and the release branches are stable, you can do whatever you want
@rdlowrey I wish, not this time
problem is I merged your earlier PR upwards into it earlier, and I've subsequently had to revert it in master and apply it in the 0.2 branch instead, to avoid ending up with a merge commit in the wrong direction screwing things up there in future
Well you won't hurt my feelings if you reset --hard to before the PR and just manually change the version number yourself.
And then force push, of course :)
@rdlowrey Oh I had to do that anyway
lol okay
But... I didn't merge upward into the feature branch, I rebased (because it's a feature branch and will need to be moved back down)
FYI the artax crypto stuff is smart enough to renegotiate your TLS session on an existing persistent connection if you pass different call-time TLS options on a per-request basis than those used to initially establish the TLS session. It was a PITA to implement, but it totally works.
So now I have a bunch of commits I need to rebase onto master and I can't, because I have commits in my history from where I did it before and... it's all fooked
@rdlowrey just don't force push in repos where you have composer if not absolutely necessary. It creates problems with the version reference of composer.
I may just export a patch, nuke the local branch and check it out again and apply the patch
@DaveRandom I've been known to do that myself.
It's kind of cheating but I have a feeling it will be quicker and less painful
@DaveRandom cherry-pick to the rescue?
@bwoebi will fuck up the history when I try to merge the feature branch back in I think
maybe not actually
complicated VCS is complicated
you might just replace master by the feature branch later.
instead of merging back.
for the record @rdlowrey (and I realised you've said this before yourself): don't PR against the wrong branch plz :-P
oh sorry.
meh, it's easily done
And I didn't spot it on my end either
@bwoebi lol I've done this too.
@bwoebi Would rather avoid that if possible, it's a feature branch, not the new master
"This merge is going to be terrible. I'll just delete master and rename this feature branch lol. YOLO!"
master has other stuff being merged in
@DaveRandom merge into the feature branch :-D
no, rebase into it.
or cherry-pick.
cherry-pick ALL THE THINGS!
In fact I may be over complicating this, one sec
@DaveRandom that's what humans usually do.
Just when it's too complicated, humans think it'd be simple.
Oh I just fixed it lol :-P
Hey @bwoebi what's the latest on the countable problem?
how much money does the owner of github make? does anyone know
I forgot my local branch had an old history before this morning's rebase, I just git reset --hard HEAD~4 (reset one commit further than where it diverged), git pull (get it back in sync with remote feature branch), git pull --rebase origin master (rebase onto new master history), git push -f, jobs a goodun
@Danack I'm not totally sure what to do. Did write a bit of code and then threw it away.
Will look again on it tomorrow.
@DaveRandom you still can use your reflog?
@bwoebi You've seen Matteo's email on the list? It looks like it's not a problem that can be solved easily.
@Danack That's why I threw it away later.
Maybe I have some better idea tomorrow.
@zeeks As long I can freely put my code I don't care
@bwoebi Basically never use it but seems to work, why wouldn't it?
@zeeks If the owners are smart they probably make very little income and rake in a metric ass ton of capital gains at that sweet 15% tax bracket.
I don't care about the history of this branch as long as I can merge it back into master without conflict
@DaveRandom Said @rdlowrey of every feature merge he's ever authored ever.
@DaveRandom the reflog is really the ultimate tool if you're fucking up your branch.
Yeh, turns out I didn't actually fuck it up though, it was just my local clone that wasn't playing nice because it had an old history I don't care about
it's not even like I lost any commits
I will have to look into reflog I guess, I don't really know a lot about it
(like 95% of git, I imagine)
very litte? you mean 100-1000 dollars or millions? @rdlowrey
I was simply opining on the loopholes of the US tax system. I have no idea how little or not little the owners of github make. Sorry :/
@rdlowrey Paying yourself $1/yr ftw
@DaveRandom a whole dollar. So much!
an african kid works 12 hours to get a dollar :'(
I know, but I'd like a tax bill where it's easy to read the rate you are paying because it exactly matches the number of cents you are being charged. It's awesome both for my laziness and my anal retentiveness.
you do not seem lazy here :p
oh btw @bwoebi I am personally of the opinion that cherry-pick is basically evil inside a repo. I don't mind doing it to pick commits from another remote, but doing it between branches in the same repo is just asking for trouble
@zeeks Well... it just took me like 2 hours to basically revert one commit, commit it again and merge it into 4 branches so...
That's more of a competence deficiency than laziness though
^ story of my life
well, you are not the only one
How the heck do I convert this mysql query into that which is compatible with oci_parse? CREATE TABLE 'dogs' ('id' int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 'name' varchar(99) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY('id'))
@DaveRandom agree. But not an issue if you're going to replace master with the branch later.
ffs? for f*** sake? lol
"All dictators should know: approval in a rigged election should be like a spring day. High sixties. Low seventies." -- John Oliver
Sorry for the Fahrenheit scale.
@DaveRandom what a circle jerk that whole process was... at least it's over
I had to re-read that thrice and then connect it to what you said @rdlowrey :D
@Ocramius I was trying to find the actual video of him saying it but couldn't :/
dang, I'm so not used to Fahrenheit that I was thinking of Fahrenheit 451 :D
Meh, we don't seem to know which scale we use. If it's hot it's farenheit (oooh, it's 91!), if it's cold it's celcius (brrr, it's -1!)
@rdlowrey ah, now everything makes sense…
...and who are all of those pings from? drum roll @rdlowrey wins the prize! :-P
There was at least one ping apology in there somewhere.
Although awesome that you got it all working :-D
Yeah I'm putting the finishing touches on it now. Will push it up to the artax repo later tonight and work on splitting that stuff out into its own repo later this week.
So you can set "peer_fingerprint" and "peer_name" options for your artax TLS settings back to 5.4 and get the same behavior as with 5.6
great, definitely going to be very worthwhile
have you ever thought to create a new coin like bitcoin, it may be a good idea, since at least 100k dollar can be made. what do you think
I think it's been done badly many times by people much smarter than I am
ahhahahah why so pessimistic
@rdlowrey yeah, you apology for pinging by pinging. Great ;-D

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