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@JoeWatkins Admittedly you're in an expensive part of UK but yeah. North or anywhere cheaper could be worth it. Especially since you're a remote worker anyway.
@JoeWatkins Depends on what the family says I guess. You'll get more for your money in general but particularly if the kids/wife are settled where they are with friends etc then it's a big ask for them
@rdlowrey It's interesting, but terrible, because I fear, confusing…?
Part of me still thinks I should drop everything and start writing in dart exclusively because it can do client + server side and has really great concurrency support.
they are in, no tears even ... just "shall we move somewhere we can have a real big house", response was "yes", explained, other side of country, new friends, new teachers, "we want to go"
The adventurous and spontaneous part of @rdlowrey psyche
Wish Lebron would hurry up and tell us who he is signing with *fingers crossed for Cavs*
@Fabien F THAT.
Lebron, Love, Irving. <3
@rdlowrey that's not just putting all your eggs in one basket, it's worse than that, it's getting your eggs and smashing them together in the hope of making a bigger egg ...
@rdlowrey I'm playing with that now
Tell me you don't want to see those three play!
@JoeWatkins yeah I'm totally not going to do it, but dart is awesome
> Overall: 16 084 installs
30 days: 3 271 installs
Today: 78 installs
it does look cool, nothing came up yet I can use it for ... sure it will ...
@Fabien I agree. Just so the sports media can finally stop talking about Lebron James and get on with football coverage.
It's just that PHP's async concurrency support is so far behind everyone else's. I've had to spend so much time working around that problem and developing async solutions on my own.
The weirdest thing is happening to me. If I access a php controller directly, it will parse the view cleanly and whatnot, build the html and spit it out. If I use Ajax to call it it says that there are missing variables? :| (aka Message: Undefined property: stdClass::$Item)
16,000 installs! Awesome! And the code is awful!
@cspray Football boo :P
Oh and don't forget WIGGINS
@rdlowrey Imagine you want to make async calls, but multiple calls need to be returned before you invoke the final closure async. Is this something generators can help with?
@Jimbo Yes!
@JoeWatkins where would you be thinking of going? I mean there are some crap places (just as there are down south). Avoid the new towns/overflow towns, and avoid mining towns (probably a few exceptions but a good rule of thumb IMO)
And avoid Warrington
That's good advice for everyone
@rdlowrey It's something I really need in 5.4 - are generators the only option here?
Including the people who already live there
@Jimbo you still can use an older release…
Yes. Avoid Stab Warrington
@Jimbo No, you could use the react promise library
> Overall: 1 497 386 installs
30 days: 187 594 installs
Today: 4 710 installs
^^ woah
Ah screw you ^ :P
@JoeWatkins Isn't that kind of... overkill?
@ircmaxell what's that? passwd compat?
Surely you'd be OK with a 3 bed?
IMO generators are a far better solution than async()->then(something())->then(somethingElse());
I'm really anti-thenables
Maybe 4 if it doesn't have an office
If I call it via ajax the var_dump of the variable is `b>object</b>(<i>stdClass</i>)[<i>29</i>]` but if i access it directly it has the values inside that object.
Anyone ever got accross something like it?
@rdlowrey fully support that.
@rdlowrey I like it; it's like with but without all the poop.
@DaveRandom a 3 bed has no office space though, 4 beds are just as expensive and there's only a chance of office space ... 5 beds have a bunch of space ...
@bwoebi ya
But it's so inferior to this:
Nice, so that's where promises can help. I'll take a look :-)
It's like, callbacks for callbacks. Kinda
function something() {
    $foo = (yield asyncThing());
    $bar = (yield asyncMultiply($foo, 42));
    yield $bar * 2;
    // this is so much better than chaining then()s
@JoeWatkins And you can manage £1000/mo?
And the error handling is built-in with generators because Generator::throw()
@rdlowrey the only disturbing thing are these parens around yield statements :-D
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills and no one in the PHP user space appreciates generators.
@rdlowrey the problem is the cognitive load on what's actually happening there is significantly higher
@ircmaxell I disagree.
yield is imminently easy to understand
yield itself is
@ircmaxell I wouldn't think so. You just need a bit time to habituate yourself.
lol. Zoolander quote
All you have to know is "yield future values"
but you're yielding another generator (and taking data back from it)
Hi, I receive a json array string and it's impossible to transform it into an associative arary
@ircmaxell that are implementation internals. not important to understand what the code itself should do.
[{"id":"d5657d38","message_id":"160","created_on":"2014/07/11 17:10:01","enterprise_id":"MYWJwwVF"},{"id":"b2413ef1","message_id":"159","creat‌​ed_on":"2014/07/11 17:10:10","enterprise_id":"MYWJwwVF"}]
How to decode those two json object into this json array
@Tchi json_decode() takes a second parameter for assoc
@DaveRandom that's about our maximum right now that we can afford, it's covered for 6 months, by that time the misses should be working at least part time, making it a little better ...
The end user doesn't have to know anything about how it works. She just has to know to yield the results of async invocations.
I already tried
@bwoebi implementation details are still part of congitive load
And thenables error handling is awful.
@ircmaxell not if you get used to it.
@rdlowrey won't argue that
@bwoebi then you have a very different definition of cognitive load than I do
@Jimbo I already tried with "true" as second parameter
function async() {
    try {
        $future = (yield someAsyncThing());
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // look how easy this is
Ok this is beyong weird, never hapenned to me: I have an object object(stdClass)[29] that clearly has something in it but for some reason I can't access nothing inside of it
@ircmaxell Don't think so… mhm…
@MoshMage How are you sure there's something in it?
it says [29] ?
In any case, this is why we need non-blocking IO + event loop built into the language so that we can reduce the cognitive load by having standard functionality that everyone can depend on.
@ircmaxell I just read in this context the yield as do_async()
Instead of asking people to learn non-standard userland things to get nb concurrency.
^ this.
Concurrency needs to be handled at the language level. It's as simple as that. Userland solutions will always be suboptimal.
@JoeWatkins (I'm obv biased because I am a manc) rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/… the vast majority of those are near very good primary schools rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/property-45295147.html
@cspray but if I do $a = get_object_vars($object) then var_dump($a) it tells me that it's empty? =|
@rdlowrey agree
@MoshMage Yea, I'm not sure. Would need to see more of the code
I hope when I live in my first house it's detached.
@NikiC Had any more thoughts on the feasibility of removing the IAP?
arg, upgrading to Trusty (14.04) messed up my compiz settings
Not so trusty anymore.
hmpf. Don't think I can show you the code without a Wall Of Text to make sense :\
But I think I'm getting nearer: I lose the values inside once I call it from ajax. If I access the controller itself the thing works as supposed to (it loops the object and fills in the needed input values and spits html json_encoded [i know, encoding html in json is not the best practice - i was just trying to put it to work]
yeah ... well .. that's not what a controller is supposed to do
@rdlowrey ;-)
@DanLugg I'm so transparent :/
Like a broken record :P
@cspray pastebin.com/s937w0Ar if you need the values from the object lemme know
When you see how long I've been whining about this it seems like it's time for me to actually do something about it :)
@rdlowrey I do what I do to inspire :-P
@rdlowrey libuv in core? :D
@DaveRandom we had the idea to arrange a few viewings over a weekend and have a look around, I'll let ya know where/when, in case any are terrible ... but it looks clever to move away from here at this point, I can afford 1g now and it will only get easier to do that, you get nothing for the same money here ...
@LeviMorrison yeah that
@LeviMorrison yes!
@MoshMage So what exactly is the problem here?
So, If I go to the controller directly from my browser, it works cool;
If I use the ajax call, it tells me `$details` is empty
and therefore screams errors after errors
@MoshMage You mean $data['details']?
(wait. mght be something wrong with the ajax call!)
@JoeWatkins Really what would matter for me in your position is that the local schools are good, most of south manchester falls into that category. If you end up around here give me a shout, we can grab a beer or something :-)
@cspray $data['details'] becomes $details ~~because CI is awesome~~ but yes :)
where is the default location of dbs in ms sql server?
@DaveRandom awesomesauce
.. how do I strikeout? :|
or using management studio?
@MoshMage Then it seems likely that your web service call is not returning a value
@MoshMage three dashes: ---strike me---
anybody know whether facebook uses namespaces?
@NikiC Doesn't HHVM not support namespaces?
@cspray nah, I'm just dumb. rowType (js var) didn't have a value but it was a string length 0
for some reason php thinks that != false :|
@DanLugg Composer itself is fine. Having any of your build or deployment process touching packagist means you're doing it wrong.
@cspray Thanks for making me look at my code though - it helped :D
It'll be easier to get to PHPNW too @Joe
Talking of which:
Anyone know how long #packagist takes to update so my #composer update can pull the latest commit? #php
@cspray hhvm supports them
HippyVM doesn't
also: my love for dart has completely disappeared...
Ah, ok. I thought I read it somewhere but admittedly I haven't looked too deeply into it.
@ircmaxell that was over quickly ...
what happened ?
@tereško hi can you please tell me where the location of databases in ms sql server are?
java style method and property access (no prefix of this or something, to clarify whether something's a function, method, global var, local var or object var). Nullable types by default, etc
@ircmaxell lol
@cspray HHVM supports them, just wondering whether they make use of that
@NikiC It looks like they do here: github.com/facebook/facebook-php-sdk-v4
Whether they do for internal code I obviously couldn't comment on ;)
Is anyone interested in a complete noob session about Git I'm doing tonight on hangouts?
In about an hour or two perhaps?
part of me wants to design a new programming language. Targetted around mixed-mode typing (like dart and PHP), but focused on readability and with sane types (if you ask for a String, it can't be null)
also: first-class immutable object/class support
@SecondRikudo like us watching you give a talk or what?
@rdlowrey Yeah, on Hangouts
With a screen share
why not make video and upload to youtube?
@iroegbu I'm also thinking about that
I might do that
But I set up with a friend to give him a session
Since it's on hangout, there are currently 7 slots still open if someone wants
Can I sit passively by?
Yeah maybe. Can't say how much or for how long I'll participate. I'm going to the gym here in about 15 minutes but after that I will stop by the booth.
So I need more like 2 hours than one.
@rdlowrey You need a noob intro to Git? :P
@Danack Eh eh eh?
Oh, I was just going to join the hangout and offer moral support :)
@SecondRikudo when you upload please ping me with the link will look at it tomorrow.thanks
I am sure I could use one, my basics are pretty weak
Sure, we'd love you there
Also @rdlowrey you need to sort Artax out so that when I try and get 6.* or whatever you have in the docs, I actually get the latest version. Currently, one of the typehints from the phpdoc is wrong so it expects an An object
and I'm trying to avoid dev-master ;) - as @DaveRandom had a right rant about it a while back
@GotalovePHP I still don't know if I'm going to record and upload, but if I will I'll post and pin it here.
@Jimbo yeah I know, artax has been an orphaned child for the last year or so.
Working on these things.
cool cool
ok thanks gota go its 6.47 pm here.way past my office hours @SecondRikudo bye guys and @tereško sorry for pinging you with my question at random
bye guys have a good one
man.. Every time i write "Quantity" i can not help myself to think "TITIIIIE!" x)
@GotalovePHP have a nice weekend mate :)
thanks @MoshMage you too
RT this for a chance to win a copy of Vagrant Cookbook :) http://bit.ly/1mGpO01
@Fabien ^
you have about 6 mins :-P
Cheers Dave. Not that I am vagrant fanatic but free is free :p
Q: CActiveRecord findAll() - results inconsistent

Karl ViiburgI have an action that fetches results using CDbCriteria and also the usage of offset and limit. Everytime the function runs it is given a new offset based on the current offset and the number of results recieved. Every run it is also limited to 5 results. public function actionGetCompanyActiveSi...

@KarlViiburg Quit
using YII framework
Docker is weird though. More research required.
@Leri I can't do anything about that. It's being used by my company and we aren't planning to drop its use in the near future
ok, screw that, starting to look at Rust
@KarlViiburg In that case read only first message. :-)
What's with the language hunt?
@ircmaxell It's okay. I've actually used it.
Hardest problem is the constant changing.
what do you think? Only "ok"?
It's not stable at all in that regard.
@KarlViiburg How do you calculate start index? Also, if(isset($_GET['start_index'])) $startIndex = $_GET['start_index']; looks pretty hacky there.
I specifically like the immutable features of it...
I never really looked closely at Rust, but from what I saw the language seemed to be nearly as complex as c++
it does look reasonably complex
but the immutable types, and the lack of null really seem interesting
@ircmaxell Syntax reminded me F#, which is the only language I know from this family...
@ircmaxell Generally the concept of being safe (in any number of meanings) is interesting for a low-level language
Well, how do you define low level?
c++, not go ;)
well, not by example. What features would be required to consider it "low level"?
for that matter, also safe in comparison to java ;)
and I agree, I don't think go is low level.
@ircmaxell low level for me only means fast
Hi there.
Anything that compiles to native code and gives you possibility to dig with metal?
@NikiC so you consider Lua to be low level?
@ircmaxell I have no idea what lua is ;)
@iroegbu Such a troll :P
Is there something like FileSystem and Jimfs for PHP? Symfony has a filesystem library but it doesn’t offer a FileSystem interface that can be used for an in-memory filesystem, so it’s pretty useless.
@NikiC and how can you quantify "fast"?
@ircmaxell c-level performance
@NikiC low level for me means the level of abstraction provided.
@Danack I'm not even looking at packagist, actually.
so lua is low level, since in at least some cases it can actually out perform optimized C
Hence I consider C low-level and Haskell high-level, even though Haskell programs can be really fast (comparable to equivalent C programs) even using only high-level constructs.
@ircmaxell The important bit if the lack of "in some cases"
c is high level =]
many languages perform the same as c in the "tight loop" case
My definition: direct access to memory. If you can (without using an "unsafe package") directly allocate and modify memory without using abstracted types, it's low level.
@DanLugg Yeah, a lot of the problems that Composer has are that it looks there for information, which means that it's not reliable, or controllable.
things usually break down once larger amounts of memory come into place
@Danack I think I may have solved (one of) my issues.
Though I'm gaining skepticism about composer as time ticks by.
@ircmaxell and does rust allow you to directly modify memory without marking it unsafe? Presumably not. And it's still low-level in my eyes
Arguably, it could all be me just derping along.
@NikiC no, it abstracts memory (stack and heap, etc), so in my eyes it's "high level"
@ircmaxell okay, we just use different terminology then
C++ is another example where high-level code can be incredibly fast.
my definition of C++ is that it's a low level language that has some high level features
Alternative way of saying it: By "low-level" I mean anything that can be used in place of C. That's C++ and Rust. Not Go and not Java.
@NikiC I don't like performance as the criteria, because that's 1) problem specific, and 2) really depends on implementation
I get that might not match what the word usually means. Just clarifying what I was referring to there
I consider Java primitive and low-level.
It’s pretty much C with classes, generics, exceptions and garbage collection. :P
@rightfold And nulls. Lots of nulls.
@rightfold so, it's high-level.
Ewww null.
@Leri I think I got it solved, the problem doesn't seem to be in the code but in the results that it's fetching. I had two colleagues test it out and theirs worked perfectly as it should.
@NikiC are there plans for type hints on properties, by the way?
@NikiC yeah, I get that. But Go is a lot closer to C than Java or Python or Ruby, etc
Like private Foo $x;.
Go y u no generics. :[
although Java can be fast...
Haxe is all I want from a language, I wish it had better support...
/me doesn't understand why people want generics so badly
anyway, going back to do something productive...
To write generic code.
@rightfold none that I'm aware of
To avoid duplicate code.
thanks for the discussion @NikiC
@NikiC How’s the scalar type hints going? Still not decided on casting behaviour? :P
@rightfold Nope ^^
Make string error and ~string cast. :P
Make it a php.ini setting!
General 5.6 TLS FYI:
FYI stream TLS always fails behind an HTTP proxy in #PHP 5.6RC2. @ghrd pointed this out previously. Fixing this wknd https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/3120
@rightfold please no
@rdlowrey Safe dynamicness, I'd say.
@ircmaxell When I speak, exclamation marks mean sarcasm. :P
@rdlowrey oh noes!
At this point I think I'd be okay with strict scalar typehints
@NikiC ajf is resurecting my former patch for casting hints, with notice/warning on data-loss cast
@DaveRandom yeah, there's a code branch that gets used when a proxy is involved that I never touched or realized existed. I don't think it'll be too much trouble to bring it in line with the other changes.
@ircmaxell I'd vote -1 on that
Have classes wrapping scalars like Java and JavaScript do. XD
I can get behind allowing lossless casts, but everything else must be an exception
@rdlowrey Well, this is what the pre-release process is for, I suppose
@NikiC well, then change the notice/warning to an exception. But that only makes sense if everything in the engine that isn't core-fatal is an exception...
(which for the record I agree with)
@ircmaxell or (recoverable?) fatal if you wish. just not something that runs on after the type failure
Remove notices and warnings and all that crap completely and throw exceptions instead of returning FALSE. I wonder if there’s a library that does that for many APIs.
not sure
Oh, snap. Lebron to Cleveland.
@ircmaxell Woot awesome.
We currently do this:
set_error_handler(function($errno, $errstr) {
    if (error_reporting() === 0)
    throw new Exception($errstr, $errno);
huh wait wut why is there the if statement.
I have a script called file1.php that includes another script ~ require (file2.php)

file2.php contains an array with numerical indexes. Why when I output the array on file1.php does it say "Notice: Undefined offset: 0" when it is defined?
@rightfold Because that check is required if you want to respect the @ error suppression operator.
Oh right.
That was it, yeah.
Otherwise you'll get the exception even if you wanted to suppress the error.
@rdlowrey and who would want to do that?
The array in file2.php has index[0] set, why can't I pass the array to file1.php?
@ircmaxell There are lots of spurious errors especially in the stream/socket libs.
@BDillan SSCCE.
Like E_WARNING: Success
That's a personal favorite.
@rdlowrey yeah, I know :-)
@rdlowrey wait, what?
@rdlowrey Classic :D
I guess, it oculd be "We expected this to fail, so the success may actually be failure and we should warn you about the success"
I know you can get E_WARNING: Success from some of the openssl socket code when a encryption is successfully negotiated :)
I've been meaning to go fix it forever but at this point it's kind of like an adorable fault that gives character to PHP.
if (@mkdir(…) === false) {
    // no warning but I can still handle the error!
Although not possible to find out what the exact error was.
@rightfold though if you already convert to exceptions, why not use try/catch instead of @ ?
@NikiC True.
@rightfold error_get_last()
@rdlowrey Oh, nice.
Just slap that baby inside the block handling the error and you can find out what went wrong and put that info in your exception
I should write a filesystem abstraction library anyway.
Gonna do that next time we have a project in PHP.
the other amazing thing about rust: macros look different than normal functions!!!
Erlang has that too. It’s very nice.
also, I really like that almost all syntax is an expression
so you can do int foo = if 1 + 2 { 1 } else { 2 }
anyone who have used Facebook PHP SDK 4.0?
In PHP are arrays dynamically typed in the sense:

$new_array = array();

$new_array[0] = '1';

echo $new_array[0]; //outputs 1
Will that work ^
Since '0' is the key for 1
@BDillan Yeah. That will work.
See ya you awesome bannana raiders you ;D
Have a nice weekend.
Because if I make $new_array = array(10); and output $new_array in another file it will give me '10'
@BDillan dynamic typing is not very relevant.
@BDillan You are including a file? or you mean otherwise?
Anyway Il look at it myself
@BDillan That will be the best. You can always get back to us if you ever get confused.
gods below
I already know that I will feel like a roadkill in the morning
... then again, it's probably exactly how it is supposed to feel like
Drink some water, sleep well.
Best suggestions I can give ^^
on a different note, the new chapter for "The Breaker" is out
@rightfold Only pie in the sky ideas. There are several features that need to make it in first before I'd personally propose it.
@tereško purposeful choice of words there?
woah, rust will auto-derefence pointers if you use . or [] to access members of it...
Github return a 404 if the Oauth2 token doesn't have permission to do an API call.
@Danack WAT
sd aha7gr E@R^G@#"?EO67cg08 ewgpewFPEQCN0VQNCY
Spent 3 hours debugging it because everything else is working.....it must be something in my code right?
@Danack seems normal to me
assuming that your OAuth token is invalid for that particular resource
@Danack yay to using status codes correctly
@Ocramius They return Bad credentials most of the time.
Or 'Requires authentication' if you miss of the credentials entirely.
@Ocramius There's far better status code to return for something that is not authenticated. It isn't that the resource could not be found it is that you don't have permission to do what you're asking to do
the point is hiding the existence of a resource
@Ocramius oh no...it's not a user defined resource that needs to be hidden. It's the standard github api location of "/user/emails"
@Danack ah, ok, their effup then :)
The exact response is: {"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":"https://developer.github.com/v3"}
I am so going to the pub.
I'm even considering skipping work to do a PR marathon
the PR queue states 190-ish or so :(
fuck windows updates messed up my sound :( (cry)
@Ocramius yeah, 404 could be an appropriate response to a resource you don't have access to...
In this case, it's actually a POST for adding a new email to an account.....as I said. Pub.
Those Rustlers burgers usually taste like aids but just had a BBQ one and it was pretty nice.
I'll ask again
Is anyone interested in joining a from scratch Git introduction session I'm having on hangouts soon?
Soon being in a few minutes
hi people
Yay getting rep raped again "atleast in that way" people are now scrolling down my ansers voting down and then removes it! how wonderfull
stackoverflow.com/questions/22929053/… shows -2 rep yet the answer doesn't show a downvote
how wonderfull -.-
@Fabien I have developed a simple php online program which helps a day care center to capture information of the kids , fees and all that . now I was asked if I can connect it to the bank once a person pays in the bank and put the child’s student number as a reference , it should update the database . so that the child fees are updated automatically . I don’t have an Idea on how can I do that . any Idea ?
same as my question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24602036/weird-issue-regarding-my-hashing-function/24602415#24602415

that;s why comment on vote should be required.
@MikeM. Answer has a downvote.

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