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any one use phpmyadmin much ? wondering theres a simple way to move all primary keys down by 1 in a table as the table's primary goes : 2,3,4,5 etc instead of starting at one ! :(
Who isn't asleep now?
@Dave Why is that a problem?
but it looks wrong and it irks me :P
@Dave Don't. Touch. Primary. Keys.
Next you'll be complaining about gaps when transactions get rolled back.
this table is unchanging it just holds items i always like it to start at one for the first item
if it was user_items or sumin i wouldn't care
Technically you could do with an update using an order:
update someTable set blahID = blahID - 1 order by blahID;
Might want to back up the table first though ;)
Seriously though, primary keys should never matter....If they do matter, you might need another column like 'priority' etc.
somebody there can give me a little help? Im having an issue with my while loop
drop your question
Anyone have knowledge of Bitcoins, especially on the topic of Bitcoin Exchange?
@Marby Whats the issue your having with the while loop?
1 hour later…
Anyone available who also knows stuff in C#?
c# is inactive atm :D
let it go it was stupid question and I already got it xD
2 hours later…
morning :D
@tereško do you maybe know how to stop the math 1E+17 notation in c#
I am going off for college
cya all!
@MikeM. "to stop" ?
Can anyone help me to find a solution to this
A: Codeigniter resizing of image not working

BurakTry this cleaner version, the config for height or width doesn't need a px, hence your code is a little bit confusing : $id = 1; $config = array( 'upload_path' => './userdata/'.$id, 'allowed_types' => 'gif|jpg|jpeg|png', 'encrypt_name' => true, ); $this->load->library('upload', ...

my condolences on your choice of framework
My script is in php which process the text.
Can I execute it on excel?
when user enters any text in cell, script should be executed (like macro) and result should be written on same file
Hi, any one knows that
how to connect multiple bigcommerce store ni loop
using it's php api
do you want to go as far as recommending frameworks? ;-)
yesterday, by Second Rikudo
## What do you think of <INSERT FRAMEWORK HERE>? ##
It's crap

## But... ##
that's an excellent recommendation :)
Hello good morning.
Is it hard to use the Facebook API/ is it possible to do the following... I am currently in a FB group which I'll be leaving soon. But there are a lot of images/videos. I would like to save to my harddrive as memory. ( It's about a membership in a local group of people). Is there an easy way to save all the images in that group?
Hi anyone knows wordpress plugin development?
@Boopathi Shoot... not sure I Can help.
@Duikboot okay ty.. now i am creating one wordpress plugin.
that plugin shortcode use the default theme file for display
i want to know how to use custom template for display particular shortcode
i know its possible..
that technique can be used in marketpress plugin
I highly recommend the latter.
The latter is top notch
How to use custom template for display particular code? So you want to wrap your plugin into a custom template in a theme? And your shortcode is defined already in your functions reference? add_shortcode(..).
@Duikboot yes
@Patrick ty dude..
@Patrick why i want to use uninstall plugin
because wordpress
@Patrick it removes all files right
@Boopathi Yes.
@Boopathi it's a not so subtle hint for you to stop using wordpress.
@Boopathi Yes. Then you can start writing clean code from scratch instead of using that pile of crap called wordpress
Morning :)
morning Germany!
@SecondRikudo ty. how to do that? you have any idea?
@Boopathi With the aforementioned plugin I guess? :P
@Boopathi There is this language that you could use to write web apps. I think it was called php.net
morning from germany ;D
Guten Morgen
@Patrick it's a wordpress plugin
mostly every plugin uses page.php as template
@Boopathi I give up
@Boopathi are you thinking of a theme?
Plugins does not use a "template"
@RonniSkansing do you know marketpress
It uses themes/mytheme/page.php for displaying products
@Boopathi I am not sure what you mean. The products are made in the backend and presented in the frontend
Sure it has some files for preview, but the name of the file (like page.php) does not matter
you are probably looking for widgets on pages
E.g. to create a custom product page:

1. Make a copy of the page.php template file in your theme directory and rename it mp_product.php

2. mp_product.php must use the mp_* functions instead of the_content(), see template-functions.php for a list of functions relevant to products.

MarketPress searches your current theme folder for template files specific to store pages. If

a template file does not exist it loads the theme's page template instead. Just like WP, the

plugin will search for templates in order of priority from top to bottom. Here are possible
well it is pretty obvious from that it is a theme
did you buy a theme for it or a custom one?
@RonniSkansing I am developing one custom plugin
Well you need to develop a theme
Good morning!
it display products on frontend
@Boopathi yes you need to make a theme for that
Awwwww x3
@RonniSkansing i am using forte theme
@Boopathi then you are lost
you need to make a child theme of it
do not modify the original files
@RonniSkansing that plugin use this theme file for display products
dammit stupid bank accounts. why the hell am I saving money there.
+ 1.30% every year = nothing.
here i want to use custom theme file for display products
@Boopathi .. sorry what was the question even?
@Duikboot If you have 100k in there, that's 1300
I wish I had... >< but even then.. 100 000 and then 1300 every year are peanuts imo.
@SecondRikudo new day of fillers tomorrow? :p Are you ready?
@RonniSkansing my shortcode does get_header(); Myshortcode process get_footer();
@Naruto I dunno what you're talking about, no fillers up until now
The entire Madara and Hashirama as children saga was canon.
@Boopathi sorry, I can not understand it. Maybe you should make a question wordpress.stackexchange.com
I watched the first episode of FMA last night
Which FMA?
@RonniSkansing okay thanks dude.. No problem
Brotherhood or not brotherhood?
@Boopathi I would love to help, but I just do not get it =]
@JoeWatkins I'm happy to see phpdbg support for the storm is gaining momentum.
@SecondRikudo Brotherhood :)
@Jimbo Did you like it? :P
@Jimbo Good :)
How do you like it?
@RonniSkansing okay no problem. can i explain once again
@Boopathi From the start, please explains what you're trying to do, without the how.
Actually, I did think it was pretty good! Rather weird and confusing but the story was interesting and I wanted to know more about how it all worked. Looking forward to continuing the series this evening :-)
@Jimbo I small heads up
Also, the guy that randomly took his shirt off at the end... 0.o
@SecondRikudo Have you seen both? I've never seen non-brotherhood, so I don't really know what the big difference is apart from following manga or not till the end, is it also animation/voice acting that is different in quality?
The following few episodes are a bit hard to watch, but when you get past that it's top-notch.
I thought he was going to rape the protagonist. Until I was told "nope, he always does that"
@Magikaas Aside from the character names and design, there's absolutely nothing in common between the brotherhood and no brotherhood
I see
@Jimbo Heh, Armstrong
@Patrick thanks for sharing my plugin btw =]
@SecondRikudo The issue is the same as my one no?
> We can link good answers as part of the FAQ. But evidently SO hasn't been a filter for the same questions we get asked or practices we recommend several times daily. I simply wish to establish a single manageable point to which we can refer these generic questions.
@Fabien Well, you accepted my canonical response, so I figured we weren't talking about the same thing
@Jack dude emailed in the last few days, they are writing it now apparently ...
that's great!
@RonniSkansing Do you accept donations to write a drupal and joomla plugin? ;)
yeah 'tis nice, bob is the one sorting it, so thanks to @bwoebi :)
@SecondRikudo I closed because there wasn't a general interest. I was going to provide an example as per Dave's request but I went on holiday and since have been lazy :P
@Fabien Well then you have another chance :)
heh. We have another chance.
We could put that in the faq too. "I am having a problem with wordpress..." -> link to plugin
didn't even see the mail until he had already helped them getting started ... because no time ... except for kittens ...
there's always time for kittens.
@Joe, What's the debug version of PHP for?
Hey! This might or might not be PHP related but SurveyGizmo has a system to test your survey and receive random test responses. I can supply a number of "robots" which will test my survey. When I look at the response I see that it's completely random but with higher number of bots (1,000) and two answers they are close to 50-50.

How do they start a test to run through the survey? How can I do that in PHP?
@JoeWatkins How are things really? Slowly getting back on your feet?
Also is ZTS only worth it if you use Apache?
@Fabien the debug version is really for developers of extensions really, it enables certain things like tracing memory and reporting leaks and debug syms ofc ...
there's not a really good reason to have a zts enabed web server, avoid that too ..
So no-zts no-debug
@SecondRikudo not really, I'm stuck in my current situation for basically the rest of this year ...
If you want bugs that magically disappear when you restart the web server, use ZTS.
Ah I see. I noticed since last time I installed you default enabled fpm too.
I think...
@Fabien yes, that's what I consider production for web servers ... cli can have zts but hard to build/maintain/update really ..
@JoeWatkins How so? I figured house rents/sales pick up before September usually due to school
@SecondRikudo I call it fillers if it does not include you and me fighting ;)
@Naruto lol
@JoeWatkins Speaking of cli, naturally I can set the env but when I build the base box I am not currently installing the PHP package. In order to use one of yours as default without running php.env is possible?
Don't worry, I'm giving you a proper pounding while this flashback is going on
@SecondRikudo I wont' be able to afford a new tenancy until at least december, probably after that ...
@Fabien you could symlink
or export path yourself ... that's all php.env is really doing ...
@JoeWatkins Still no available jobs?
I have a job
to get a new tenancy I have to have 6 months rent + deposit in my hand, nearly £6k
@JoeWatkins Oh, I see.
@JoeWatkins Symlink would work. I'll google for where to do it thanks.
Well, my land owner accepted me without a 6 months rent with only a safety cheque, maybe you can try to find someone like that.
ln -s target linkname
ln -s /opt/php/master/no-zts/no-debug/bin/php /usr/local/bin/php
Telling you work in high-tech can also help
Joe's going to move to 'murica and have an awesome house with an awesome job at google anyway :)
Hey! This might or might not be PHP related but SurveyGizmo has a system to test your survey and receive random test responses. I can supply a number of "robots" which will test my survey. When I look at the response I see that it's completely random but with higher number of bots (1,000) and two answers they are close to 50-50.

How do they start a test to run through the survey? How can I do that in PHP?
@JoeWatkins Thank you :)
@Fabien I wish ^ that would be awesome (if that's what he wants anyway :D)
@Patrick hehe =] next time I have to work with either I will probably make one
I can't think of a person better suited to work in Google than Joe.
Except me of course -_-
They probably need a janitor.
@Fabien Start (not finish) our little Go project, and then we'll talk about how you fit into Google :P
LOL yes. I am becoming VERY bad at finishing projects.
I can see Fabien in an interview in Google
Let me finish 2 and it goes to top-priority.
projects that are worth writing don't finish ...
> "Yeah, I made a little Go project"
"Oh? You program in Go?"
"No, the game Go, not the programming language"
good point. Let me v1.0.0 two projects and Go project gets bumped up.
^ Did you guys make that Go game?
Lol :P
@RonniSkansing We're... Thinking about it :D
A nice js + whatever backend project
We're going to make it in Go and call it 'Wake me up before you go go'
@RonniSkansing js + js
That's the plan
Sounds fine
Guys, are we going to do that tomorrowland meetup or did nobody get tickets?
@SecondRikudo you wish :D
@Naruto ^^ You'll just have to wait and see.
@MagnusBurton It is hard to give you a answer from what you wrote.
@ircmaxell phpnw said no, said I have to be a student and prove it :(
Hit them with the philosophy angle. We're all students of life.
phpuk gave me a ticket, and I didn't even ask ...
Whut. You have a ticket?
(free ticket)
no, phpuk conference is different one ...
@SecondRikudo I'm a patient man ;)
also, was pretty terrible
How come?
first room I went in, was a well known person talking about opcache, and they started out by saying that they had just learned what a union was that morning ... they continued on, making very obvious mistakes ... that was a fail, big big fail ...
second room I went in, lass was giving a lecture on cleaning up after attack, it was semi interesting (obvious stuff), but she was good at presentation whatever ... her chosen platform was wordpress, I zoned out after ten minutes ...
@JoeWatkins Whatever big a fail it was, I've seen bigger.
then started throwing up ... so left ...
@JoeWatkins You just need a conference buddy.
Someone to whisper critiques to and then get drunk with after.
I wanna see anthony's new talk ... since it includes stuff we were working on together ... :( wanna go ...
Me too. :( Me too. Any idea if it'll be live?
Maybe you can Google Hangout into the room :P
don't think so ...
Good morning
Hey Alma
yo @AlmaDo
What a shame. I've got an invitation to special government IT organizations party tomorrow, but I have not calling cards ;(
Calling cards like super villains leave behind at crime scenes?
well, at least usual business cards
that's not what parties are for ...
Ah shish. Turning code that was non-async into async. The code loops around, array_merges each time in the foreach, then returns.
@JoeWatkins what are parties for? I've never been there, so..
Now putting a callable in there, it'll just do the callable once and that's it
@Jimbo we usually call "non-async" as "sync"
@AlmaDo wearing a pretty dress
@JoeWatkins I have no smoking :\
Any ideas for the conversion? 3v4l.org/iq4P8
I think I'll not go. I have no idea what to do in the perty or what to say
@Jimbo not really sure why $callable makes anything async ?
@Jimbo your both snippets are doing same
@JoeWatkins The getTorrents method uses Artax\AsyncClient - effectively the results are placed into the callable
why do you think second is "async" ?
(It's my code from another library)
ask daniel probably ...
@rdlowrey I summon thee ...
It's more the non-blocking / callback-hell paradigm I need help with :')
(I now dub it as that)
Morning all!
heh. Kuchiyose no Jutsu!
Hey @PeeHaa
morning @PeeHaa
moin @PeeHaa
moin moin
@Danack @ircmaxell Guess who is running a command now to parse mysql page files and sees his data in stdout
Backups are for pussies!
lol You found a recovery method? :)
Yes I did!
Nice. This is been a few days of recovery for you :)
And it was pretty damn easy :)
@Fabien Yeah now I am recovering from the match yesterday and tonight another mtach :|
lol. Isn't your neighbour German too? Bet he enjoyed it.
@Fabien Yeah we had some fun yesterday
This guy just saved my ass twindb.com
BTW @Jimbo Puphpet uses .yaml for its configuration files. So you're now 1 of 2 people I know who use it :)
@Fabien Symfony does as well :P (or can be configured to if it's not the default)
@PeeHaa On a scale of 1 - Fired. How bad would a non-recovery have been? :)
@Jimbo I have to say... it's certainly readable imo.
@Fabien 6. But if I do something like this ever again I'm sure I will fire myself
Interesting that the data is still there though. Assuming you dropped.
@Fabien Yeah I still had all the data in the ibdata
\o/ for stupid mysql
@JoeWatkins Not a php.multi bug I believe but a vagrant one. I'm including all the libs needed for an install one of which is curl-devel. Vagrant on 'upping' errors on this package with

Error: Could not find package curl-devel
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Package[curl-devel]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Could not find package curl-devel

But php installs fine from multi. If I remove that package from the vagrant config and try installing php from multi it fails and I have to yum curl-devel for it to work.
@PeeHaa mysql? I thought you're a postgres guy unless it wasn't your project initially.
@Fabien I am, but it indeed wasn't my project initially
probably not the exact name of the library, use exact name
libcurl3-devel or something it might be ...

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