and what happen is they give the midea for some one and he have to the Watch the movie or what ever and use this application
to Translates movie
now my idea is to make a website commite for translator they loging and select what ever they wanna to translate and they will get 50 cell(each cell is a is in english for example) Usually it is 1300 for the movie and each one in the site will have the same and also there is account for people who check if the translation is right
hellow everyone i was wondering if you guys could help me a query im using pdo and for some reason i cant get the bindings variable correct im using a mysql LIKE cause and for bindings i dont know how to add the percent signs on the front and end of variable can you guys please help me
$select_reposts = regular_query("SELECT * FROM t_board WHERE photo_name LIKE :name ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1", ['name' => '%$file%'], $conn);
So, the question: what should I write to "CSS" part here so "options" (elements with grey background) will be at their places, but rest document would be behind them? (so they should overlap the rest text & elements). I've played with position and/or z-index, but no success.
@DaveRandom huh. ignore "select" (dropdowns). They are just to show from where I've got the data. In fact, those dropdowns will be hidden. The goal is - to emulate situation, when dropdown options are shown (so with pure dropdown those options lists are at the top of view - overlapping all elements behind them)
@Leri yeah. It's just .. pain. I even don't know how to google it properly
I suspect z-index has something to do with it, but I've not succeeded with usage of it..
the "why" is same reason why you tell someone who learns PHP to make a blog as the first exercise - you will understand what the expected end result is
well, no. I mean following thing - usually, if the exercise has use-case, I like to do it. But this exercise hasn't real use-case because there are thousands of good implementations. Yet in same time - somehow I want to accomplish it
mornings. I'm working with some PDO again, if someone has some better practice and knowledge (I'm relatively new to it), I just had this question:… (pdo + mysql in sepcific) about memory and statement management.
In my application I am performing Transliteration of Arabic to English. On web page I did it, so that when user enters any character it gets trasliterated instantly to other language.
Now I wanted to do it for excel, when user write text in one cell, it's converted text should appear in neighborhood cell
@hakre so... pdo_mysql_stmt_dtor() does the same thing as pdo_mysql_stmt_cursor_closer(), so as long as the statement object is either explicitly unset or goes out of scope before the next thing is executed, it shouldn't make any difference. That said, I'd still prefer to do it explicitly
Also that only applies to PDO_mysql, I've not looked into other drivers
@DaveRandom Yes, but I somewhat hate this "to be on the safe side" and then pumping method calls onto objects as this is so bloaty and doesn't help to defeat madness :/
@hakre The database connection has implicit global (or at least, shared) state. By using a statement, you are affecting that state. Therefore you should explicitly leave it how you found it
@hakre Actually what @PeeHaa / @JoeWatkins are discussing is quite closely related. What I do know is that an object's dtor will always be called when the object is destroyed, the question is whether you have to wait for GC to do it or whether it will happen when the stack is popped.
I think the word "free" is right if we are talking about Zend, the memory used is free'd for use by zend again, but it's not freed in the real sense of the word, zend never actually free's memory allocated by it's manager (that's to say, non-persistent memory) ...
this is how zend allocates memory, it requests from the system by whatever means memory in segments, since syscalls to free/malloc incur global locking and other strangeness, most complex systems written in C include their own allocator ...
so when you call free, the memory is put into a "free list", available for use by subsequent calls to emalloc, but is not actually free'd in the real sense ...
@JoeWatkins OK so here's something I have previously wondered that seems to contradict that: when you run a very long running PHP process on Windows, it starts up and you get a sizable-ish chunk of memory used, a few MBs. When you leave the process running for "ages" (not sure how long in practice) the process is using a lot less (often <1MB). How can that be if nothing ever gets free'd?
@DaveRandom Yeah, same for me. I know that GC must not kick in immediately. But perhaps some internal objects are able to mark themselves for strict clean?
Both statements are true.
Let me explain. (It's true since at least PHP 5.0 (before, I don't know). There comes phpng now, which does fundamental changes, but this principle is still used.)
The cirular garbage collector
The circular garbage collector is just used for circular referenc...
if JS is placed at the bottom of the document (before the closing </body> tag), then it will be called when DOM has finished loading, but hasn't yet finished drawing
wrap your code in an anonymous function to isolate it from extrernal global state
Hmm.. my router is acting stranly.. whenever I connect a third pc the pc gets a assigned a "U.s. Department of State" ip with a limited connection.. =/
@AlmaDo because HTMLCollection is dynamic. If you create a collection of DIVs, then if you add another DIV to your document, it will magically end up in that list
@tereško I've faced that strange (now I see it;s intended) behavior when I was changing classes of options one by one. And I always was able to switch only half of them (obviously, because another half was changed by loop itself)
and second question
(back to original issue) - you've asked me to implement that replacer in return to the question "what are use-cases & advantages of nested closures in js". So.. why this case is an answer to that question? I can't see where I've used them so much in my code..
@bwoebi what happens when a variable's scope ends? does this unset or different? and is the destructor of an object called on unset or on garbage collection?
I want to fix DateTimeImmutable::modify()'s description from "Like DateTime::modify() but works with DateTimeImmutable." to something that makes it absolultely clear that the calling object is not changed [it wouldn't be immutable if it was changed!], but concisely. I thought along the lines of "Like DateTime::modify(), but returns a new instance of DateTimeImmutable with the modified date and time. The calling object is not altered." But I'm not happy with it.... thoughts? :)
The act of committing isn't so much a problem, but the lack of reviewing, discussion, changing after that, is. Unfortunately, it means bad things get added into a release, then can't be changed/removed for BC reasons.
> If you do not understand why someone would want to hide the sausage making, and you enjoy eating sausage, never, ever, watch sausages being made, read "The Jungle", or otherwise try to expose yourself to any part of the sausage making process. You will lead a much tastier (and perhaps shorter) life in your blissful ignorance.
but tbh, I dont have a problem with DateTimeImmutable::modify. I agree that it seems counterintuitive at first glance, but its not rocket science to understand. The class says immutable, so if you spend two seconds thinking about it, it should be obvious that it returns a new instance.