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Yea, read that page.
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/photo/register.php:39 Stack trace: #0 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/photo/register.php(39): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 {main} thrown in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/photo/register.php on line 39
I think I'm supposed to only have one execute?
Dude, read the fucking documentation. If you had, you'd know how to use it.
And yes.
What's the exception throwing? What's the message?
@Gordon semi finals eh? :D
The error.
What? What's the exception message?
@RahulKhosla Yeah, not like that.
Trying to see how Im doing this. The manual says I have to define it as an array() too???
$sth->execute(array(':calories' => $calories, ':colour' => $colour));
@RahulKhosla Try to rationalize about what you're trying to do and how the API is designed rather than blindly mashing your keyboard.
You're trying to execute a query with parameters.
That's possible
Check out PDOStatement::bindValue() as well
@hakre I was encountering the issues while running unittests
@tereško then it's broken. anyway got to run. cu l8ters.
Ok, i've even array'd them i'm 100% sure some midget is sitting in my computer messing all my code up, or at least hiding the errors.
Oh this is what I have now if anyone was interested. pastebin.com/EyMyDUHm
@RahulKhosla Are you using NetBeans?
Yes ofc.
You'd not even acknowledge me if I didn't.
lol, no, that's not the case.
I only suggested it to your benefit, not mine.
Anyway, Tools > Options > Editor > Formatting > Language:PHP, Category:Alignment > Group Multiline Alignment, turn them both on.
Then write your arrays like this:
$a = array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'hello' => 'world',
When you format, it'll be:
$a = array(
    'foo'   => 'bar',
    'hello' => 'world',
Which is a helluvalot easier on the eyes than array('a'=>'b','c'=>'d',18=>'ass','dangle'=>'berries')
Looks tidy.
Can't tell in here; might as well delete that message.
But the problem, the INSERT is not working :(
What, if anything, is happening?
@DanLugg I don't know how to reply to that.
You should either use a debugger or var_dump.
var_dump($registerStmt->execute(...)) in order to see what the output is.
If it's false, then it's failing.
Or is it throwing an exception?
@DanLugg I've just var_dump'd this: gyazo.com/d3a11422bd075db54ecc2de85fb03e30
I got no output.
How are you accessing this? Via HTTP or CLI?
http, its on my localhost.
Okay, what I think you need to do, is isolate things accordingly, and trim down your test/example. I can't pinpoint what you've done wrong, mind you I'm in between a few things.
Don't rely on the whole HTTP roundtrip application state. Try encapsulating the behavior into a single function, that takes the $db as a parameter, along with any of the data, so you're not reading $_POST directly there.
Then you can move that function into another file, which can be included into others; then you won't have logic and HTML mixed all over the place.
This is a very very very very simple example of "separation of concerns"
HTML and SQL have no reason to be in the same logical file, let alone the same part of the application.
Ok I think I've got something.
Once you've done that, you can then test your doStuffFunction
var_dump($_POST['first_name'].$_POST['last_name'].$_POST['email'].$hash.$_SERVER‌​['REMOTE_ADDR'].date('Y-m-d h:i:s').'24:00:00'.'1'.'2');
You don't need to concatenate '.' them together, var_dump is variadic and takes an arbitrary number of parameters.
Ok well ^ that gets me results.
So i've narrowed it down to the stmt. I guess?
I don't know. Until you rip all the SQL (data access in general) code out of your HTML templates, it's going to be a pain in your ass.
And you'll be kicking yourself if you ever need to come back and work on this.
I guess. I've just narrowed it down to:

$registerStmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO users (first_name,last_name,email,password,ip,account_creation,download_reset,account_type,download_limit) VALUES (:first_name,:last_name,:email,:password,:ip,:account_creation,:download_reset,:account_type,:download_limit)');
@RahulKhosla There is no guessing; if you don't separate your display/query/logic code from one another, its going to be a shitty mess in the end.
Also, where is $db even coming from?
@DanLugg It's better to get rid of sql at all. :)
Then another include in the header.
Life was so much easier with userCake
Why o why, sha and globals.
@RahulKhosla lol, that's what you think now.
It wasn't just non-secure, or a global clusterfuck. It was just terribly written.
You should write one.
No. That's not how those things work, generally.
@DanLugg LOL, no, actually I mean 1k abstraction layer above data source. :)
How can I get rid of ALL SQL?
You can't write a "user management script" that just drops into any application without it being terrible.
@RahulKhosla By letting your app write sql for you. ;)
Im a bit more confused now @Leri.
Don't even suggest an ORM, I don't think we're (he's) there yet.
But if you don't know sql well, forget it.
Look just take a look: pastebin.com/0iy1UEnB
When you see a term you don't know, double click it to highlight. Then, right click it, and choose "Search Google for <term>".
@RahulKhosla Then you need to do a lot more reading and/or a lot more playing around.
Trust me, you have a lot of learning ahead of you if you intend on competing with shutterstock.
IEnumerable is the loveliest thing in .NET I swapped whole communication and DAL layer in 2 hours. :) Well, I can do the same with php but.. side-effects sounds really scaring.
Just sorting this one part out
@RahulKhosla Hint: you are not validating input at all.
@Leri You mean checking for content within the input?
        <input type="email" name="email" required />
@RahulKhosla Client-side validation can be bypassed without leaving browser. :)
But thats another problem, the current problem is getting the insert.
I think I found it
never mind, i didn't.
What's the problem currently?
I am stuck at work. :P ^
@Leri On a friday? @Gordon?
@SecondRikudo It just wont insert into the DB.
@SecondRikudo Yeah, that happens when you have to integrate with awfully documented gateway. :)
@RahulKhosla No error?
@RahulKhosla Have you enabled reporting them in the first place?
@Leri @SecondRikudo pastebin.com/QYeSZe9V the $db + error reporting.
I have a quick question.
Today today is liquor store day
Today I'll buy my booze
And drink and drink and drink and drink
And drink and drink and snooze
I am building an agenda. And I don't know if it is better to get all the data at once from the databank and filter it in php. Or launch like 30 queries
@Ghost 1 query is better than 30...
Depends on your database structure though
And how much data you're talking.
I have a databank with dates connected to data.
Y'know, I like the term "databank" better than "database"; the analogy of a "bank" carries some useful semantics with it.
yea ok so I think i have like 2 or 3 rows of data per date
don't mind the language. That is dutch :)
@Ghost How does your database look like? And what kind of info are you trying to get?
@SecondRikudo as you see the data below on the first page, I am trying to get it into the agenda
so now I get a big array between two dates but then I need to loop multiple times through the array and put it in the right date
@Ghost Okay, so what makes you think that 30 queries might be better?
I don't understand your logic
1 Query => Looping multiple times and getting out all the dates
30 Queries => Query per date and get just the data for the one date
@Ghost You know that here are conditions other then equals?
yea I know that
@Gordon Goddamn what a terrible match again.
Still... SCHLAND!!!111einzeinzeinzeinzeinz
@Ghost God and pma and in dutch.
Yay, FINALLY phpng is enabled in lxr…
@PeeHaa I think i figured it out :) so thanks everybody
2 hours later…

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