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can someone help me with a setcookie()?
Can anyone tell me if this is correct syntax? I want the cookie to expire when the user closes their browser and I want it over HTTPS only. setcookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue', 0, '/', 'wetkittyvideo.com', TRUE)
Oh, and in all directories.
hi! :D
I paid some dude at code mentor.io to help me for 30 minutes and now I'm more confused than before.
never just pay some stranger you don't know to fix something unless you know he/she can explain it to you properly
ah bootstrap the so called "easy" designer
since when do we outline every line at the beginning?
I am trying to create a cookie on my index page only if the user clicks the agree button. then i need the sub pages to check for the cookie un case the user tries to go to a sub page first
If no cookie it redirects them to the index page.
Then once accepted redirects them to the page they wanted originally.
scroll down and you have an example of what you need
I am strting with a php file that sets a cookie but am not sure how to format properly.
Yeah, I looked there, but it isn't clear to me.
@antman1p Creating and reading cookies is very easy with php. So where are you struggling?
Like for time... If I don't want it to expire do I leave it blank, skip it, write 'o'...?
I wrote what I have above, just want to know if it is correct.
"If set to 0, or omitted, the cookie will expire at the end of the session (when the browser closes)."
Ok, do I need '' around it?
no it's just to state a part of text in the second link I sent you
"mktime(). time()+60*60*24*30" as the page says = 30days
it's not good to have a never ending cookie I would suggest you to use the 30days example
@antman1p Look at the parameter int $expire = 0. It means it expects an int, not a string. Although php might automagically convert empty string '' to 0, just use an integer
How ould I do 6 hours?
just as you calculate 6hours
mktime(). time()+60*60*6
@MikeM. without the mktime() part :P
HamZa it's just from php itselves :D
The time the cookie expires. This is a Unix timestamp so is in number of seconds since the epoch. In other words, you'll most likely set this with the time() function plus the number of seconds before you want it to expire. Or you might use mktime(). time()+60*60*24*30 will set the cookie to expire in 30 days. If set to 0, or omitted, the cookie will expire at the end of the session (when the browser closes)."
setcookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue', time()+60*60*6, '/', 'wetkittyvideo.com', TRUE) Correct?
@antman1p It's all written in the documentation. Note that time() returns the time of the server (not of the client). You need to take that into account
@antman1p are you using https?
So when it posts to the user's browser it will go by his/her browser time?
antman1p the cookies will be set through the SERVER time not client time
@antman1p it means that if the server's time is 8:00, +6h = 14:00. Let's suppose the client's time is 13:00, then the cookie will expire within 1h on the client's machine
Ok, so what's a good way to ensure they get 6 hours?
Crap, I'm helping someone with a -18 website :O
I thought that the URL is suspicious...
lol HamZa were you checked the website rate xD
@MikeM. jij mag dat niet checken gap :P
What's that mean?
@HamZa Why not? xD
@MikeM. you're 17 :P
I just got the site up.
@HamZa So? I am still an equal human just like you. no matter it's age. remember Age doesn't say something about maturity.
@MikeM. kekeke ok
@HamZa :P
lel: "Become a mentor for the next wave of makers and get paid while making an impact."
lol: "Work whenever it suits you. You decide your own schedule and customize your availability however you'd like."- I will work 1 minute per day each week xD
@MikeM. url?
So is there any way to work around the time differences?
And you wonder why I paid a stranger?
it's a pain...
Anyways, why don't you use sessions? (google it)
Probably bc they don't tell me to go read somwthing
I had one good mentor and 2 crappy ones.
It's hit or miss.
HamZa sessions closes on browser close yet cookies stay for that time - if using cookies it's mostly because of a login and if the user closes the browser he/she don't need to logout
antman1p it's easy: Life is going about reading stuff :D
atleast in the developer world
If you can't or don't want to read just don't start developing :D
I read. I have a book on php, but it doesn't help on specific problems.
I have the book right in front of me. you posed a problem that I didn't see in the book so I am asking you, an experienced coder how to solve it.
Just in no way I am not experienced I am just saying random stuff that might help ;)
My "experience" is just 6-7 months old and handled by google + friends + self experimenting
the pain I was talking about is the following:
1- You need to somehow define the client's timezone
2- Do some calculations
3- set cookie
Point (1) is the toughest I guess...
Right, and mine isn't much when it comes to php and js. I google all day long.... But I have no friends who code so I come to these chat room in hope of compensating for that lack.
So for sake of all trouble, why don't you just set a cookie in the far future?
Sowhat is the most possible difference in time zones?
uhm all are possible
google says 25 hours
utc - utc +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 etc.etc.
not what i mean.
that are so called "time zones"
so I'll make it expire in 31 hours.
@NikiC git.php.net/… nice! :-)
well HamZa it doesn't need to be hard if you let the user set their timezone with the registration
after that it's just checking for that and you're prety much done (no need to calculate) xD
that's also how most forum software(s) works btw.
brb getting drinks
I can't find what each of the multiples stand for.
@MikeM. yeah, well there are several approaches. I think that and the following are the best: detect the IP, compare it with a local database to determine the country/timezone
@antman1p hint: it's all in seconds
@MikeM. we might as well become mentors :O
so for 24 hour it is +60*60*24*1 ?
*1 is redundant
just remove it
couldn't I just say 86400?
also possible
OK, so does the syntax look correct?
@antman1p It's easier to use conversions though, no?
setcookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue', time()+111600, '/', 'example.com', TRUE)
What do you mean?
You're trying to convert 24 hours to seconds, right?
HamZa how would you detect each IP to the correct timezone?
24 hours * (60 minute / 1 hour) * (60 seconds / 1 minute)
@Jeremy yes
^ So leaving the conversion in the code makes it more readable.
I suppose.
is that better?
that's 6 days
I mean no it's not 6days
@MikeM. No?
I thought *6 was 6 days
@MikeM. I think there are databases available to download. I had one site but I don't have the url by hand.
that's like 1day and 6seconds isn't it
@antman1p It's not 6 days. That's 1 day + 6 seconds
oh derp
Common misconception: a day is exactly 86400 seconds
It's not
is it better to say 29 hours then?
@antman1p Why would you say that?
@HamZa Then we need to define "day"
Astronomical day?
Befcaue I want it to expire in 29 hours
atually 31 hours
it's simple +seconds_to_1_minute*minutes_to_1_hour*hours_to_1_day*x_days
ok so +60*60*31
thats basicly what +60*60*24 = 1 day
@antman1p It's just conversions... do you know dimensional analysis?
// I'm off, I will need to work on some wp code when I get up :/
@HamZa good night + good luck
@MikeM. thanks, jij ook :)
+60*60*31 = 31 hours - miss-saying
oh sorry I meant 31 hours xD
@MikeM. Not quite
@antman1p Figure everything out?
You are all confusing me.
Was I correct for 31 hours?
@antman1p Yep. 31 hours * (60 minutes / 1 hr) * (60 seconds / 1 minute)
Thank you.
31 hours let's see 24h = 1day | 31 - 24 = 7
your answer: 31 hours = 1day & 7hours
I understand the logic
I just want to make sure my syntax is correct.
lol we sai that quite a few times now
I can't believe I am spending this long on creating a cookie.
@antman1p If conversions are too hard (which they shouldn't be and you should learn dimensional analysis if you don't already know it), you can search google for "31 hours to seconds" and it'll automatically convert it for you
No, a simple yes that is correct would have worked.
"+60*60*24 = 1 day" "+60*60*31 = 31 hours - miss-saying"
I already wrote it in seconds
Then I was told that it wasn't how it is supposed to be written
I don't get what you mean by "miss-saying
antman1p since when is reading too hard? "+60*60*31 = 31 hours - miss-saying" is automaticly a yes if you ask it us 31hours or not
@antman1p I'm saying it makes your code more readable
No, yes i yes
I firstly wrote 31days that's why the miss-saying
@jeremy I know, so I took your advice
dude if you ask 1+30 = 31 right and the user says 1+30 is 31 you got your yes there -.-
if you want us to answer with yes and no's fine then we can do that for you but if you ask something wrong and we just say: "no" you won't get helped
This is just for the sam of my understanding, but lets say I want secure to beFALSE, but want HTTP to be true, do I put ' ' for secure?
no you can just remove the whole 'true' part
Well, if it is no, then I'd like some help which you did for me, but a yes will suffice for a yes. LOL
so how does it know I am not saying TRUE for secure?
@antman1p Do you know PHP or are you just improvising?
setcookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue', time()+111600, '/', 'example.com', TRUE)
if it's not in the function php will turn it to false
This is what I wrote for Secure to be TRUE
setcookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue', time()+111600, '/', 'example.com', 1) will also work
What if I wanted secure to be FALSE and HHTP to be true?
@antman1p Look at the docs. The function description they give us is:
bool setcookie ( string $name [, string $value [, int $expire = 0 [, string $path [, string $domain [, bool $secure = false [, bool $httponly = false ]]]]]] )
http is NOT a secure connection.
I know
The = means that it defaults to a certain value.
I kinow
https is. so if you don't set it to true it remains false so secure won't be used...
If you want $httponly to be true, then continue with the default values:
if you don't set it at all it's still false
ok let me explain better
setcookie(.., .., .., .., false, true);
okay let me explain it better:
setcookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue', time()+111600, '/', 'example.com', TRUE) = https
If I leave https blank so it defaults to false and I change http to true...
setcookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue', time()+111600, '/', 'example.com') = http
@antman1p When you say http, do you mean the URL or do you mean the $httponly parameter?
how does it know if i meant to make https true and left http false by leaving it blank?
I mean HTTP only, the last parameter of the function
go read the dox
@antman1p The parameters are in order. If you choose one optional parameters, you need to fill in all the optional parameters that precede it otherwise the interpreter won't know that you intended your value for the third parameter as opposed to the first.
if=d have to put '' for https right?
that is what I asked above right?
Mike, no manual
Anyways I gotta run.
YES manual
manual knows everything about php.
Then say you don't know the answer
Because you got it wrong
Uhm we do know the answer yet you don't want to read
omfg please leave -.-
Thanks @Jeremy
getting tired of your bs now.
stung huh?
next time don't start bitchy and google
good bye antman.
Hey at least you weren't bored.
Other rooms post cat pictures.
No but I am annoyed now.
I know Mike
It'll be ok
I get annoyed too.
Getting a straight answer in a chat room is like pulling teeth
That's why I ended up paying codementor
ofcourse and what it got you?
nothing more than just a script with no knowledge right?
what is the sense of making something / release something if you don't know anything about it.
The guy was supposed to help me get this all to work with AJAX and didn't know anything.
well 2/3 times
I have deadlines Mike
that's what you get by strangers and you don't know how they work
And I am dying to learn on the way.
We all have but that doesn't mean we just let someone code for your customer
I'm the customer
what if your boss or customer says I want this changed to blabla this.
and the coder.
then you don't know anything about it
learning is the key to experience - keep that in mind
I don't know enough php
reading is the key to learning
I am great with C# which doesn't help me much here.
php != c#
I read a book, still doesn't fill all the holes
ofcourse not
Hence why i ask questions.
that's why we help you on the way to the correct location.
if it was a long doc ofcourse I would help
I've found that the coding work has so many people who want to be good at coding but want everyone to learn the way they did. not everyone learns the same way.
antman1p everyone learns the same way as in reading
Not true
it is true
if you don't read something you don't learn it
again, not everything is in a book
Ilike to learn from people with experience.
or google
reading is on the internet aswell
PHP.net => manual gives you almost all information needed since it's keeping up2date daily
yes sir
a few weeks / months ago there has been a new php update - your book won't tell anything about those update features. yet php.net => manual get's you most of the information needed
I agree it's not always the simplest thing to read on php.net => manual but everything is explained
So, instead of a chat room, why don't you just post "Google it."
Or the link to the manual?
I posted the link to the manual many times
I mean post it and have no one in the room
The point of the chat room is what?
Perhaps instead of bickering back and forth just walk away from the computer. Or Alt|Cmd+Tab to your editor and write some code.
antman1p like I said I would help if it are such long docs
yet there are much advanced docs you don't want to read such as the mcrypt docs
that's why we can help. but little docs such as function.setcookie = easy to read and helps you way faster
if you are willing to see the mcrypt docs here you go: php.net/manual/en/book.mcrypt.php
OK, so if you would please give me a reference.... I need a JS function when the accept button is pressed to somehow call the php document to set the cookie. I am trying to figure out how to do this and am told AJAX is the way.
I am not into that JS and AJAX setting
but I will google it...
not the best loved site yet not the best up2date site but here: w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp
ok. thanks
Q: Set cookie and get cookie with JavaScript

DrWooolieI'm trying to set a cookie depending on which css file i choose in my Html. I have a form with a list of options, and different css files as values. When I choose a file, it should be saved to a cookie for about a week. The next time you open your html file, it should be the previous file you've ...

that also will help
might even be more usefull xD
Yeah, but I don't want to set it with JS, just need the function to call the php function when the button is clicked.
I need it server side.'
And I am not familiar with AJAX at all
what if you turn the I agree button to submit and check if the submit button is triggered?
like a html form with a submit button and your php page only needs to check for the strip_tags($_POST['submitID']);
I suppose I could, but idk how efficient that would be.
uhm I think the same speed and less coding
Plus I need it to redirect back to the original url that the user intended after they hit agree
don't set an form action
put the setcookie in the php file
or just to the main page if they just typed the index page's url
and you're done
Q: How to call a PHP function in JavaScript?

Newbie CoderI have index.php <select id="year_list" name="year_list" onchange="check_year_event('year_list', 'event_list');" > . . . </select> <select id="event_list" name="event_list" onchange="check_year_event('year_list', 'event_list');" > . . . </select> . . . <?php function checkYearandEvent($yea...

I use an action.php file on my forum software I am creating
this will check the login credentials and if it's checked it uses header("Location: ....")
Yeah, that shows a JS, but I don't see where ajax is implemented. I guess I really don't understand ajax.
I am going to sleep it's 04:25 AM
@antman1p Back :p
1 hour later…
tl;dr I'm an idiot. — Jhecht 1 min ago
@NullPoiиteя ....
This kind of question is what makes me think that most PHP questions are just trolls messing with us
I mean, that can't be a real question can it?
I think the worst part in all of that is the fucking 307k reputation user answering it
true .... i second you
repwhores are everywhere :D
Yea, true dat
Well, I gave his answer a downvote because it adds absolutely nothing to the question and is a blatant attempt to repwhore
Unfortunately he still winds up netting positive points out of this :(
i have too .. :)
Well, I'm pretty sure that if my wife was looking at me anymore sternly I would literally turn into a pile of dust
It is time for me to go to bed. See ya later
later ... :D
Whoever feels like it, ping me with 5 best programming related books you've ever read.
cc @tereško @ircmaxell @(other regs)
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning
good morning @ThinkkSo
Is it necessary to have a robots.txt file in your website?I have read that robots can ignore your text so what is its use?
can someone point me to the right direction im trying to grab a photo from a directory/folder and save it to another folder without moving that image but copying to another folder @GotalovePHP
no robot here lol
@GotalovePHP robots.txt is "please go here, please don't go there"
@ThinkkSo you mean like upload?
The crawler doesn't have to respect it, if you want to enforce it, don't make the page accessible. (or make it password protected)
Google's crawler however, will respect robots.txt, as well as most other legitimate crawlers.
no say i upload a photo to a directory called my photos and say i want to grab that photo from my photos and copy it to another folder @GotalovePHP
So the only reason to lock a page from a crawler, is if the page contains private or sensitive information.
@SecondRikudo oh thanks
just what i was looking for thanks @GotalovePHP
welcome @ThinkkSo
@ThinkkSo Please use google next time. "Copy a file from one directory to another" is a very common and basic problem.
@SecondRikudo yeah i searched it but i phrased it differently so thats why i came here
like I just did :-P
@GotalovePHP Shut it Ichigo
hehe!what!Bankai! :-D
hey @SecondRikudo what's your take on sitemaps?I have been reding this article and now am not sure whether their useful or not for a normal html php website. yoast.com/why-you-should-not-use-xml-sitemaps
@Magikaas I'd like to hear your view as well on the above.If you don't mind
@GotalovePHP On what above? The link you posted?
your take on sitemaps usability in SEO.my posst to secondrikudo
@GotalovePHP Considering my extremely limited knowledge of both sitemaps and SEO, I will say this: "Uhm, sure, if you want to"
hehehe nice honest opinion
will try it and see if it makes a difference
My current query is this: SELECT * FROM bc_reservations WHERE slot_date BETWEEN '06-30-2014' AND '07-17-2014' AND slot_start BETWEEN '06:00:00' AND '10:00:00' AND slot_end BETWEEN '06:00:00' AND '10:00:00' AND DAYOFWEEK(slot_date_mysql) IN (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 0, 15 but my problem is that user_id needs to be matched to the username in a different table, as I would like to order by that. What JOIN should I be using or is there something better I am overlooking?
@GotalovePHP Sorry, wish I could help you, but I can't really give you any information without talking out of my ass, and you don't want that, only bad things come from there
Need help checking if some code is vulnerable to email injection @Magikaas check my pastie pastie.org/9349199
no problemo @Magikaas
@Brandon you want to order by?and consider editing your query for quicker readability
I am trying to use the user_id from table one to order by the display name based on the user_id in table 2, but the rest of the query is only related to table 1

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