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06:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

how can I log an error in php right now i m using ubantu and lamp server but not able to see an php error in the page
You can use error_reporting(E_ALL), that should turn error reporting on.
Use it in the top of your document.
@Gordon I realized something. The root of my problem is not the paradigm I'm using.
I've been trying to fix the wrong problem all the time.
The problem is in fact the process.
A static class, an OOP approach and a procedural approach - although each with their own intricacies - only should change the way the end-developer thinks and writes his code.
What I did not realize is that the boot-up process approach I was using is really wrong.
But now that I do, hopefully I've got a good trail to follow over this whole issue. :)
1 hour later…
RIP John McCarthy - father of Lisp and eval()
@KristofferlaCour you should use -1 instead of E_ALL because E_ALL doesnt include E_STRICT before 5.4. Also, you have to make sure you you enabled display_errors and display_startup_errors ini setting.
@rickchristie yes, but -1 will enable all error reporting, including any future additions. so -1 is the most reliable (and shortest).
'order' => 'Post.timestamp DESC',
				'fields' => array(
					'Post.title', 'Post.views', 'Post.url_title',
                    'Post.public_key', 'Post.timestamp', 'User.username',
                    'User.public_key', 'User.image', 'User.reputation'
hate this kind of coding
@OZ_ cakephp
@Gordon why people dislike SQL so much ?!
@tereško likely because its another language you have to know in order to use it.
@tereško cakephp makes it pretty simple to avoid that
@tereško tbh, i'd do the same on higher abstraction levels. just keep the sql in the persistence layer where it belongs. though we could argue that because cake is using activerecord there shouldt be sql at that level.
@tereško in fact, i maintain a cake app with lots of specialized queries that contains raw sql in the activererecords. simply because it was easier to have it that way than it was to specify them through the arrays.
@tereško but for simple crud its easy enough and convenient to just specify fields.
@Gordon I hope it was not your code (with dozens of strings)
70k, gratz, @Gordon
@OZ_ thanks. but the number is rounded. its still 69,970 ;)
@Gordon we can fix it
@OZ_ no need to. it fixes it by itself by tomorrow ;)
wow. the room is packed. 37 people :)
"There are other rooms, with 33 users currently talking in 13 rooms."
so there is more people in the php room than in all the other rooms together?
Is there a party, or something?
@salathe they are all here for you i guess
@Gordon yes , for simple crud , but when you start having multiple joins , people still try to use activerecord
@tereško blame rails :)
oh , but i do
rails was the worst thing that happened to php in last decade
I see, that with last three comments POST/DELETE became a trend :)
3 messages moved to bin
Did anyone hear, that John Mccarthy died day before yesterday?
@Eugene scroll up pls
I see. Sorry.
Sad news.
@Eugene no need to be sorry :)
does anyone know if it makes a difference whether I create a Zend_Db_Statement_* just once and then reuse it with named params or whether I create it anew each time I need it?
Why would you need to create additional?
@Eugene i dont need to. im just interested if it makes a difference.
@Gordon I feel difference
It should. It will as I understand consume more memory.
if this object has state, then some variables may have garbage data.
but I don't know what Zend_Db_Statement_ is.
@Eugene i guess my main concern is whether Zend_Db_Statement_Oracle uses serverside prepared statements. lets see if i can find out anything about it.
@Gordon I'm not familiar with Zend_Db_Statement_* object, but if it receives a statement as a string parameter and there is a way to reuse it, then it is probably the best way. I guess.
and if there was some thing like lazy loading... then it's better to instantiate new
but again: I'm noob in ZF
And so they did close
ok, so the ctor of Zend_Db_Statement will prepare with the db adapter's prepare mechanism, which is oci_parse for Oracle which leaves the question whether that executes a query to prepare the statement
well, i guess in any case it doesnt hurt to reuse the statement
@OZ, @Gordon Do any of you guys work with Twig?
@Eugene No. But @NikiC does IIRC.
Yea, I know. But sadly he is not here. :(
@Eugene i have some experience
Then I have a question. Let's say I have page with multiple blocks. Sign In block, Cart block and others where in the center is main content area, but URI is so specific, that it shows only what action should run, How should I include other elements in last template engine, there was a way to call specific ViewClass, that I guess extended some sort of component class and this ViewClass had it own template, so it content would be inserted into where ever from it was called in main template.
Hope it didn't come out too complecated. :)
@Eugene you can't include there, you can only extend.
so perform all data in the View object, before rendering template
@OZ_ Already thought about it. Seems, that with Twig there is no other way. Well, at least yet.
#gtav rockstargames.com [offtopic]
@JohnP anything known about the story?
@Gordon nope, trailer coming next week
why are there so many people here today :O
@JohnP collecting army to defeat python.
@OZ you mean That Which Will Not Be Named :P
Hi all, I'm looping through an array of arrays using a for loop. I want to add an element to the current array, how do I do this? Appreciate the help.
@JohnP Which Will Be Written By Spaces
@Sid show us your code
@Sid you can modify it if you have a reference (if you're using a foreach). Otherwise just modify the parent directly
Does anyone here use PhpStorm?
woaaaah. Feeds is spamming.
5 messages moved to bin
hey, where did all the people go?
@Eugene yes
I think their activity timed out
Just wanted to share my observation from yesterday/today morning
@OZ mentioned python and everyone legged it from the room :(
Looked at PhpUnit in PhpStorm and I see, that it doesn't fully support all of PhpUnit features.
For example @depends annotation.
@Eugene isn't PhpStorm just use libraries which installed in your system?
@Eugene or I can use PhpUnit in PhpStorm without installing php, pear and phpunit?
Yes, you can add them to your project structure to have support and see how some methods are done.
I run my tests on my local machine server.
@Eugene "add" means that I have them already. It's not what I'm asking for :)
Php and PhpUnit are only on server.
@Eugene and you work on windows?
so where is your phpunit?
because PhpStorm can't even highlight his classes in autocomplete, if phpunit not exists on machine locally
I work on Windows7 x64 and my PhpUnit is installed ( so files are there too ) on my local server, that is on VM ( Ubuntu server ). So via putty I run my tests there.
@Eugene so tests runs not by phpstorm, but in console
so why are we talking about phpstorm?
But I downloaded PhpUnit files from my local server and added them to separate libraries section ( in PhpStorm ), so when I create tests I can see what does PhpUnit method do.
then you can write @depends in your tests and all other things
@OZ_ I know, that I can)
@Eugene ok, it's just for autocomplete, I had same thing
I mean, that Storm highlights it as incorrect PhpDoc comment.
@Eugene aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
then write feature request
So that means, that it can't parse it correctly
Ah. I did write one yesterday. About getter/setter autocomplete proposal.
Like in IntelliJ if you know.
@Eugene I saw
3 hours ago, by Gordon
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7865448/how-do-i-return-the-href-values-of-a-elements-in-a-page-as-an-array-in-php, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7765469/retrieving-day-names-in-php/7765689#7765689, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7886606/why-use-phpunit-when-traditually-manual-testing-can-be-used, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7886267/extract-tag-attribute-content-from-xml, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7885954/general-questions-about-frameworks thx
still too many open and undeleted :)
But it's another thing
I know. Probably will add later today feature request for that too.
Just thought it is worth mentioning in here.
I wonder is it possible to distribute provider data around view tests and not use it distincly for one
@Eugene I could not install PhpUnit - I spent around 3 hours to deployment, to fix his autoloading and dependencies errors (on development vps), I even changed include_paths setting for phpunit (what I very don't like to do), but he still don't want to work, because some dependencies not resolved ("File/Iterator" folder doesn't exists in my "lib/PHP").
Are you doing it on windows? O_o
no, debian
@OZ Gordon pointed me yesterday to that answer and I installed it perfectly
A: PHPUnit Command Line Tool Not working

GordonMake sure your PEAR is up do date: pear upgrade-all Do the above until it says nothing to "upgrade-all" then reinstall PHPUnit pear install --alldeps --force phpunit/PHPUnit If this doesnt fix the error, make sure you have all error reporting enabled in your php.ini and check your error logs.

so I wrote my little implementation: github.com/jamm/Tester - it's around 1% of PhpUnit's features, but it's all what I need. And it has same name of assertions methods, so I can switch to PhpUnit in future (if it will be necessary).
@Eugene thanks, will try
I'm looking not for CLI, but for running from script
There might be a number of reasons, two diff version PhpUnits.
Ou. I see
Why not just plain exec then?
@Eugene I don't like crap like exec or eval
Well is there some other way how it would be possible to do that? You can add task to cron.
communication through API is more civilized way
but not all applications are civilized
Well, but on the API side you will probably need to do exec to run test/s, no?
@OZ_ what for?
@Gordon because sometimes I want to see arrays in results. CLI is perfect just to see ......F... line
added answer to favorites, thanks
will give phpunit second chance
@OZ_ can run it with --debug or write your own logger for that
Is there a way to make two data providers in PHPUnit test, where one will serv data to test for manipulation and other will in same iteration serv data which is expected after manipulation so I could compare are both arrays same or there is some mistake in algorithm?
@Eugene put the test data and the expected result into the same provider
public function provideDataForTest()
    return array(
        array('input', 'expectedOutput');
Great. Thank you.
stackoverflow.com/questions/7889578/… before genesis adds yet another pointless answer to it
Hi all, I posted earlier but wasn't able to reply to answers. My question is, how do I add an element to an array which is part of an array of elements?
who rocks SQL
here is my code: pastebin.com/hSdd5G49
the last two lines in the for loop is my attempt to add new elements to the array.
so you already have an array, and u want to add some part of other array
like $something[2] to add to array
explain it a bit
and what's the element you want to add
I think u've given me an idea...
you have lots of combinations
try some
ok will do.
and can someone help me about SQL now?
cuz SQL room is empty lol
aint working good today :(
@zack thnx dude, i worked out a solution
whats yr sql question dude?
I don't get the realtions about SQL
when I create secondary and primary key I don't get how everything fits together
for example, if I have table with just NAMES_ID and NAMES, and second table SURNAMES_ID, NAMES_ID and SURNAMES
your question sounds deep, the most I know about is primary keys is that they are used to uniquely identify each row...
I would like to know how FOREIGN KEY in this Surnames tables changes if I add some surnames
or when I'm adding elements to that table, do I need to include values for NAMES_ID
this is driving me crazy
maybe I'm learning from the wrong book :(, cuz I think it suck at this party
I mean part, lol
how are your foreign and primary keys defined?
I defined primary key to be NAMES_ID in names table
what data type?
and that the same key to be foreign key in surnames table
it's INT
for both tables
I don't think the foreign key should be auto increment, coz that means sql will populate this automatically when u add a new surname record?
oh rite, I didn't make foreign key AUTO_INCREMENT, just new primary key for that table
I left that FOREIGN_KEY to be the same data type as primary key in names table
lol this is confusing
yeah it is. Can you post yr tables schema pls?
ok sec
I created two tables now
like I would usually
and the problem is using these tables, if I populate first table with some names
than when I want to populate another table with surnames, what's the roll of this foreign key
do I need to include it in the inputing with other surnames
I guess I can go without keys and relations at all, but probably is better to understand this
ding!!! 70k
I think you have to include the foriegn key id when adding new surname records.
otherwise it will give an error
well it should be this i.imgur.com/Bsrci.png
primary key in the first table , foreign key in this table
I will leave this thing for later
see u
ok sorry dude, cudn't be of more help.
@Gordon - congrats!
@rickchristie thx
YES! PHPUNIT works! Thanks, @Gordon!
@OZ_ np :)
Guys, please confirm that I don't mislead OP with the answer (and comments): stackoverflow.com/questions/7881378/…
@rickchristie +1
@Gordon - the OP is starting to ask questions that I'm not sure I can answer in the comments
@rickchristie tell the OP so
@rickchristie commented
yea I think it's resolved now :D
how do i make comments in twig :< ?
{# found it #}
I know, that this is PHP chat room, but maybe someone can give an idea, why font-weight: 800 in FireFox is so bold, that it looks ugly, and in Chrome it is perfect.
probably the same thing why eclipse renders bold text extremely blurry and other editors not
Might there be any golden middle?
different browsers have different font rendering engine
hello everyone
@Messi really? after I pointed you to the articles showing how to use a DOM parser?
@Gordon dom parser is evil, too much code
@Messi ah crap, I'm not pro enough for that one :(
@Messi too much code. uhuhu
@Gordon regexp is pretty better. I don't care about performance, why not? D
@Messi why is it better?
@Gordon one line instead of 10
@Eugene use always 400 or 700, other font-weight values looks different in most of the browsers
@Messi you can write all the DOM code into one line if you want
@Gordon too much symbols then
@Messi If you can't write the regex, it doesn't matter how few lines the "solution" might be. No code is still no code.
@Gordon 300 instead of 30, anyway regexp usually ~10 times smaller
@Messi well, then write one.
@Messi Great. Thank you. Will keep, that in mind.
@salathe its better to learn something new, then play an easy way
@Messi but you dont want to learn. you just ask people to give you teh codez
@Gordon have tryed, got nothing. Will share happiness for some solution
@Messi too localized I guess
@Gordon if you don't ask, then you don't learn. Any feedback is appreciated
@Messi i guess there was plenty feedback pointing you to a DOM parser now ;)
A: Best methods to parse HTML with PHP

GordonI prefer using one of the native XML extensions, like DOM or XMLReader. If you prefer a 3rd party lib, I'd suggest not to use SimpleHtmlDom, but a lib that actually uses DOM/libxml underneath instead of String Parsing: phpQuery, Zend_Dom, QueryPath, FluentDom or fDOMDocument You c...

@Gordon do you really think its better to use something like phpquery instead of regex?
@Gordon its messy to include extra libraries to make a small updates for the code...
@Messi DOM is a native extension. Built right into PHP.
@Gordon thanks for the link
@Messi the problem with regex is that they dont know anything about the structure of an HTML document. So whenever you need to modify a document, you have to teach each and every regex what exactly you want to match. A dom parser knows the structural elements and lets you focus on those parts you really want to change.
@Gordon would you help if I make a question how to do this via dom? ;)
@Messi No. The question your question got closed with has all the information you need. I would closevote a new question with that again.
@Gordon I use regex on the small piece of code, in example just one unordered list where can't be much different structure
@Gordon You have closed too much today, have a beer brake
@Messi i have 38 closevotes remaining
@Gordon daily to-do? seems it wasn't a pretty good idea to share link in a chat
and also, if you really want to learn something like you claim, then take your time and try to understand how it works. asking yet another question is just lazy. you are asking for fish instead of trying to learn how to fish.
@Eugene Why can't you use {% include %} for that (though I'm not sure I understand the question right)
@Gordon I'm a designer, my brain doesn't like to write code
@Messi then dont do it. design.
hi @Gordon
@Gordon then I have to ask everytime, too much
@Gordon good advice, thanks
@Messi and before asking a new question about dom, please use the search function. I have answered craploads of DOM related questions in the past and chances are the things you want to know are already answered in there. And even if not, these are not the only q&a around parsing HTML.
@NikiC hi
@NikiC I read about it. Haven't tryed yet, though.
@Eugene russia?
@Gordon anyway you broke my heart by closing that question
@Messi it wasnt me alone
@Gordon now Ive too drink much whiskey to forget about that
@Gordon it was your idea btw
@Messi well, you broke my heart asking it after I pointed you to dom parser in your question before that
Afternoon gentlemen.
@Gordon do you make wordpress themes from the html code? for the money
@Messi no, sorry. i dont do wordpress.
oh, now everybody's hearts are broken ...
what is the copy command in sql from one database to another
depends on the dbms. most won't let you copy everything, but you could often do something like create table stuff select * from otherdb.stuff
all bets are off if (for example) one's on mysql and the other is on sql server, though
and some systems will require syntax like create table stuff as (select * from otherdb.stuff)
@salathe @NikiC ive got a comment on stackoverflow.com/questions/5734011/… which i cannot answer. OP asks which of the four binding approaches on closures wil be available in 5.4. since you took part in the voting I guess you know which one it is?
Would $this refer to the Closure itself if used outside an object?
(assuming the approach in that first answer)
this crappy framework github.com/dragoonis/ppi-framework wants to be a member of PHP-standards group: groups.google.com/group/php-standards/browse_thread/thread/…
@Gordon I'd say A too
Oooo, vendor prefixes, how quaint
it's so easy to understand why PHP has so bad reputation! it really looks like everything what coded in PHP were coded by noobs.
I like how the view class includes things like includeStylesheet and other related methods
@Messi What would you mean by that?
we have crappy frameworks, unbelievably crappy PEAR modules... where is Java legacy?
@NikiC ok. thanks. @salathe same?
@Gordon Scroll down the page to "Modified Proposal A, Roadmap". That's what was implemented ;)
Basically A
But now I noticed that I told Christian one wrong thing yesterday or so. I thought that 5.4 still does not support $a->closure() but it looks like it does
@NikiC okay. i guess thats all I need to know :)
Though I just tried and seems like $a->closure() still doesn't work: codepad.viper-7.com/BJXe0f
That's a bug, correct?
@Filipe Not necessarily. People don't tend to implemented what they wrote in the RFC ;)
But that's possible in <5.4, is it being removed for 5.4, or is it a side-effect of other changes?
no, it's not possible in 5.3 ;)
It's not? I quite vividly remember doing it, but I did just test it and you're right...well now..
No loss there, I was just certain it was possible, heh, sorry about the confusion.
ha! got my question from earlier today solved. oci_parse will not do a roundtrip to the server to prepare the statement.
@OZ_ - code doesn't seem to bad, can you tell me what's bad about it?
@rickchristie lol
@rickchristie doesn't seem? public fields?
apart from the statics
@rickchristie This is the "statics are evil" chatroom, so "apart from the statics" doesn't count ;)
class PPI_Model_Auth extends PPI_Model {
	protected $_name = 'ppi_auth';
	protected $_primary = 'id';
	public $_addEditFormStructure = array(
			'fields' => array(
				'controller'    => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'label' => 'Controller', 'options' => ''),
				'method'        => array('type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Method (optional)', 'size' => 30),
				'role_name'     => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'label' => 'User Role', 'options' => ''),
				'type'     		=> array('type' => 'dropdown', 'label' => 'Access Type', 'options' => array('1' => 'allow', '2' => 'deny')),
@OZ_ - ah, the class where I look has protected variables github.com/dragoonis/ppi-framework/blob/master/Config.php
is it not enough bad?
It's not horrible, but certainly not within what one could consider standards-setting level
I'm trying to learn from people's mistakes here
function parseConfig() {

		// Make sure our config file exists
		if(!file_exists(CONFIGPATH . $this->_options['configFile'])) {
			die('Unable to find <b>'. CONFIGPATH . $this->_options['configFile'] .'</b> file, please check your application configuration');
it's normal code in config? die? lol
Seriously, how many years of experience does it take to have that sort of quick code analyzing eye? Seems like everybody here can do it.
I miss a lot of stuff when I'm skimming through somebody else's code
I guess once you make mistakes you learn to recognize them faster
@OZ_ thanks for replying
@Filipe :)
@NikiC stackoverflow.com/questions/7892749/… is an odd question. I uv'ed your answer and the Q but I also cv'ed it for being not constructive because I think it cannot be properly answered.
@Gordon Why?
I would be interested in an answer too
I would like to see some code that could actually profit from traits
little question.. im working with doctrine in sf2 right now.. and i learned how to specify entities and then "update" the scheme with doctrine.. can i also import doctrine-unrelated tables into that database or is doctrine only working with a doctrine-created-(and maintained)-database ?
stupid question.. nevermind.
C trigraphs really show what the programmer wants to say: stackoverflow.com/questions/7825055/what-does-the-c-operator-do
??!??! really makes sense in that error handling context
in C#, 2 mins ago, by rlemon
I'm reading a binary file and I don't know how large the file is. What is the best way to read until the end of the file? currently I have implemented
lets get some action in that c# room!
Hi everyone. Does anybody here have universal function to split SQL queries correctly?
@genesis split?
by spaces?
@OZ_ INSERT INTO dummy VALUES (';'); INSERT INTO dummy VALUES (';');
by delimiter
stackoverflow.com/questions/7879402/… Could someone please have a look at this? The latest code is in the pastie link on my comment to the question
@Helbom No. This is PHP room
omg sorry... i clicked this room out of habbit... sorry
I have found this

"~^(?:\s|/\*.*\*/|(?:#|-- )[^ ]* |-- )*DELIMITER\\s+(.+)~i" but have no idea what DELIMITER is
@NikiC answered
@Gordon Just to ensure that I understand right: Traits are only usable to save you the injector method?
@NikiC yes, and the delegator/proxy method
at least thats why i would safely use them for now.
opinion is subject to change with upcoming conferences and blog articles ;)
@Gordon What is that proxy method for actually? Is it good design? It looks strange
@NikiC its the same you would add when using composition
class Foo implements Logger
    protected $logger;
    public function setLogger(Logger $logger)
    public function log($message, $level)
        $this->logger->log($message, $level);
you really just extract the logger aspect into the trait
@Gordon Yeah, I understand the trait part of it. My question is why you add the log() proxy and whether and what for it is good.
I was assuming that the dependencies should be only for internal use
@NikiC ah i see what your aiming at. hmmm. but wouldnt that couple Foo to the trait then?
@Gordon why would you implement Logger there ?
@tereško because i want foo to have a public log method
@Gordon no, I was talking about why the class should have a public log method ;)
i can see your point
so i guess i would use the trait only for public api
yeah , but traits are something like a year away
@NikiC yes, i know. the answer to that is because it makes no sense to use the trait for internals of the using class but only for public api
Great answer, @Gordon, thanks for the insight
@Gordon My question is now independent of the trait thing (I got that part)
My question is why it has a public log method at all
@NikiC because it is an example :)
Okay, that's a reason
I thought it was there for some reason ^^
@NikiC but like i said, opinion subject to change. i was really just writing down what i was thinking. it might be totally off. if it sounds plausible im happy though.
@Gordon It sounds plausible to outsource the injector method + property, yes
I don't quite like the idea of it, but I can't think of a reason why it should be wrong
06:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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