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code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/… why did they use User::find in TransactionController but Customer::find in CustomerController
laravel.com/docs/eloquent the docs say User::find , so now which is correct?
@shortCircuit /shrug that tutorial's format is pretty bad imo. Breaking up code like that to make comments is pretty asinine
Just make a bloody comment in the example code
And also: Because Laravel
And also f ActiveRecord in general
3 hours later…
can i run email existence verify application(php) in a shared server?
1 hour later…
Good morning.
Morning :p
Happy friday everyone.
morning all
@SecondRikudo told you it was going to be a filler? You afraid of me? :P Is that why you need fillers? :P
@Naruto I said I thought there were gonna be fillers. I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid of fillers :D
@SecondRikudo Fillers are scary, but they're not too bad as long as they are kept to a max of 2 or 3 at a time. After that it just gets annoying (imo) :P
@Magikaas They get annoying if there's a gap of at least 100 chapters (currently it's about 160) between the anime and the manga.
Wow, there is? O_o And they are still adding fillers every now and then?
That's a bit ridiculous, lol
@SecondRikudo You mostly into shounen?
@Magikaas Yeah, you could say that.
Guess that's a bit of a strange sentence, depending on how you look at it, saying you're into boys xD But you know what I mean :P
@SecondRikudo I'm not too much into shounen manga/anime, more slice of life/drama/romantic + sci-fi/fantasy, most combinations of those
But I'll make an exception for Naruto or game-related anime like SAO/Accel World
what is wrong with this sql ?
CREATE TRIGGER `trg_course` AFTER INSERT ON `esoftcar_centralserver`.`course`
  INSERT IGNORE INTO `course`(`C_Code`, `C_Name`, `C_Status`, `C_Type`, `Duration`, `C_Intake`, `C_Ins_Method`, `Branch`)
  SELECT NEW.`C_Code`,
FROM `esoftcar_centralserver`.`course`;
when i execute it it says just Error
semicolon after DELIMITER // ? I dunno
@Magikaas no
Then I don't know, was just a first observation, I'm not too familiar with create trigger syntax
i have created more than 1000 triggers
@Magikaas If you're into sci-fi/fantasy, take a look at Toaru Majutsu no Index
@SecondRikudo do you have a solution ?
@SecondRikudo I've seen that name around, I'll look at it
puts it on list
@SecondRikudo hehe :) Do you happen to have time to analyse some behaviour in jquery with me?
Yeah, JavaScript room?
let me look it up


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
ye found it :p
typing my explanation )
@cspray what framework should i use? with Symfony i didnot find any examples , now this is partly happening again with laravel ... i mean if i had one full working example to start with.. that would kick start things...
i say no to php frameworks. i suck.
@shortCircuit as long as you can reasonably justify the decision that's okay. a lot of us are not fond of frameworks either.
Sometimes you can make the best of the framework you're given
Remove a few bad practices, is what I tried to do with Silex :-)
i don't even know how to start using one :(
@shortCircuit You try.
Jump right in. Read the docs.
@Gordon I disagree.
@SecondRikudo you are just some weird anime guy. yoda is ancient wisdom, so what do I care what you agree with ;)
@Gordon I, the "some weird anime guy", can probably take on the entire Star Wars universe by myself, without even starting to sweat.
@DaveRandom ginmonr
@SecondRikudo nah, you got no force
@tereško Congrats on the airdog thing, I read about it on CNET
@Gordon Who needs force when you have the Rinnegan?
i think i will check codeigniter and then decide which among the three should i use..
Symfony is quite slow, and everytime i have to do that configure online thing.
Laravel feels like wearing someone else's underware ... like i have a Customer model and then suddenly i am writing Customer::find() in the controller , and i have not written any find method in the model.
Codeignite doesnot look sexy but feels less complex at first sight.
@Gordon I got limbo.
@SecondRikudo You can walk under very low bars?
@Magikaas i dont even know that is.
@SecondRikudo limbo dancing? hmmm … impressive :D
@Gordon Exactly, even with your force knowledge, you do not know
@Magikaas I have invisible, unsensible clones that can phase through objects and cannot be harmed by weapons from this phase.
@SecondRikudo he got limbo:
Just ask @Fabien
‮Morning @Patrick
@Fabien Darth Vader, or Limbo?
@SecondRikudo I see, guess I'm missing something explained later in manga :P
I have an object that implements \Iterator. This allows me to foreach() over it. Does this also allow me to use array_filter() on it?
Yeh the whole traversible/array support thing is a total mess
@Jimbo to flter, you use a FilterIterator and wrap the arrayIterator into it
good friday mornings
@Jimbo cool
@Gordon Noice, thanks
didn't know that existed
@Fabien what do you mean by "personalised"?
why do ppl still user RoR for web, the last time i heard was twitter moved from Ruby to JEE or something similar
@shortCircuit because RoR is good for rapid prototyping
hi i need some help with drupal
@aimiliano this is not the suicide hotline ;)
o i see
oh i will not suicide don't worry :p
suicide hotline .. lol
But you're using Drupal, it's only a matter of time
@SecondRikudo Vader wasn't so bad.
yes i know i ve seen a lot
but can't get away with it
my company uses it..
Wow, are you me?
Though, come to think of it, our company is stepping away from Drupal
i m hoping
to conveince them too
And I have to learn Umbraco C# MVC
i think so.. its like Brad Pitt's Fight Club
Yay me?
@DaveRandom Something easier to digest read wise. Closer to explaining in simple terms as well as providing links to those already in canonical.
@aimiliano But what's your problem? :P
Perhaps a little more aggressive in other aspects that are more room 11 orientated opinions too.
hm i just looked on umbraco seems cool :D
well i am developing a module
with form api
which will concume a restfull service fom backend and display i frontent
Okay, and where's the problem? :P
actually in the logic im ok i want to style it and i dont get the theme() functions yet
but i will search more.. don' bother !
im still learning the api..
suicidal indeed.!
@aimiliano So you want to know how to build up a render array?
Or want to use templates?
where to put the return data and how to handle it
@Fabien You mean more like an article than a list? Suggest you gist a short example so we can review it and understand what exactly you are suggesting. Not saying it's a bad idea, just can't quite visualise it.
@tereško You know anything about Max Flighttime; if RC Remote Control is available/possible; Does it use Arduino so is it hackable; Are there any plans for a hexacopter?
Linkin park's The Hunting Party is awsome
@SecondRikudo Thx for the help :)
@Naruto NP :)
@DaveRandom I'll do so and see if it's something people might be interested in cheers.
naruto? who is watching naruto ? :)
@hakre afaik, there are no plans for hexacopter, because that would be really shitty to fold. As for rest of the things .. lemme ask people who are making them.
morning peehaa
@tereško great!
how was the song?
ok .. @hakre , the current version can stay up in air for 15-20 minutes (depends on how fast the target is moving). The answer about Arduino was confusing - as I understood, it is not planned for the final product. And you can attach RC Remote to it.
for "is it hackable", I have heard the acronym "SDK", but not sure what's the current status of that idea
ah okay, good to know. and hackable would be nice. with open sauce it should be possible to create a hexacopter out of it, but I guess SDK is not going that far.
I think you are kinda moving in direction that is covered by NDA
National Defence Academy ?
National Dance Academy
What's the quickest and dirtiest way to fetch a web-page content?
<frames> ?
With PHP?
no.. html
@shortCircuit No, I mean fetch the page content with PHP...
For what purpose?
csrf, xss, sqli, mitm. Am I missing something?
@Patrick Injection, Broken Authentication and Session Management, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Insecure Direct Object References, Security Misconfiguration, Sensitive Data Exposure, Missing Function Level Access Control, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF),Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities, Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
@tereško well, it's okay so far. colleague is just thinking about a buddy package or something in a similar direction :)
Thanks @RonniSkansing
@SecondRikudo fgc
@shortCircuit There's no such thing....
np =]
@SecondRikudo file_get_contents() ... But what are you trying to do?
no actually sourceforge.net/projects/simplehtmldom its from this php library
@HamZa I just need a request sent
@shortCircuit and that library is actually superfluous.
fgc is what you want
@PeeHaa Thanks
o i didnot know about that. I generally do a curl. I came across the same problem when you guys suggested to use curl
curl works just fine, it's just that the api is terrible
doesnot fgc require it to be enabled by host.
A: How to use file_get_contents or file_get_html?

pguardiarioYou want file_get_html because file_get_contents will load the response body into a string but file_get_html will load it into simple-html-dom. $dom = file_get_html($url); $tables = $dom->find('table'); echo $tables[0]; echo $tables[1]; Alternatively you could use file_get_contents along with ...

nope it's "always" enabled
everything is always enabled - perhaps just a switch is missing, but it's virtually enabled. everything. always :)
Also my guess is @SecondRikudo is at least on a vps
@shortCircuit Unless you have PHP3 I guess :P
if there are no http wrapper for fgc enabled, why should the curl extension be installed?
no actually i tried it on 000webhost , they said its blocked for security issues or something.
If there are no http wrappers enabled wth are you still doing at that host? :)
yeah that is not hosting...
You really should get some cheap vps. It's a waste if you don't
000webhost is so old, I can remember when I was using it as a teenager... Was it 6years ago?
no.. 2 maybe in my case ... the last time i had the thought for having a website ... then i slowly realized ... nothing permanent comes without money
@HamZa /shakes fist
@shortCircuit ramnode.com
You're welcome
128MB VPS for $1.33 with the right coupon.
@SecondRikudo woot?
i don't have any money now. As soon as i get the job ... there are a list of things i need to get, in the first 2-4 months. 1 buy a decent laptop, 2 get a broadband internet, 3 get a hosting service, 4 get my gym membership card renewed, 5 find a girl friend.
@iroegbu what's that file_get_html()??
@shortCircuit somewhat sad that the gym is before fucking around.
I mean for the laptop + broadband I can understand :)
@shortCircuit girl friend or girlfriend?
well , none of the girls i ever met seem to like me.. so i put the one with the least probability of success last on stack
@hakre Hmm?
well, depends on what you want. another strategy could be to higher the frequence so that chance is not that important.
@SecondRikudo that SSD hosting there.
@hakre hehehehehe
@hakre Yeah, they're really REALLY good.
Support is awesome too.
@shortCircuit You make it seem like money is somehow related to getting a girlfriend :P
but 128MB ram is pretty little. maybe at the WE I try to get puppet running on that VM that just got rebooted by the hoster because of some security issue and when they did, the quota was full so that reboot didin't work. I wonder who hacked that box :)
@shortCircuit last time I checked talking to girls is free ;)
@HamZa Dude don't you fucking watch VI oranje?
Have you seen the player's girls?
@hakre I rent a 512 one for about $54 a year
@PeeHaa Oh it's so funny with rene en johan :D
@bwoebi it doesn't exist...
They have a better coupon than shown on the website, IRC33 gives you 33% off.
Any good html/css resource/tutorial? A classmate asked me but I learned it the hardway...
@HamZa CSS Tricks
Has some very good videos for beginners too
For HTML I normally suggest to start here: w3.org/MarkUp/html-spec
Hmmm thanks
why i am failed to render my view.php page
in php and yii
i am trying to create page
Well , then i got to have some real charisma to make the girls spend on me.. Else the way i see most of my friends, money is directly proportional to girls.
but when submitting records of that page then gettng error "Error 404 The requested page cannot be viewed"
and don't forget to echo "w3schools.com w3.org" >> /etc/hosts
@shortCircuit I don't care about the girls that are after my money, well I don't really have that much either :P
yes i have echo it
@SergeyTelshevsky ahahaha :D
@shortCircuit it's perhaps that money is directly proportional to self confidence (I give a shit, this will work out well anyway) and therefore with girls.
@SergeyTelshevsky redirecting to the fools site is allowed too.
can someone pls help me in this question ?
@DanLugg morning
@SergeyTelshevsky why i am getting error?
@DanLugg good morning
@user3233280 sorry, that line wasn't for you
@user3233280 but you may keep it
@DanLugg yesterday I found out the reason the 3rd party did output it that way, they say json_encode'ing everything is much more expensive than doing the same thing in chunks
@SergeyTelshevsky Awesome! (I have no idea what you're talking about)
Can anyone point me to some examples where mock objects are used for testing, that don't suck massively? All of the examples I see are either trivial or horrendous.
i.e. proper mock objects created with something like Mockery or PHPUnit, rather than stub/fake objects.
@DanLugg sorry, confused with Dave Random :)
@Danack whenever I use phpunit to mock things, it gets really, really messy :(
@tereško Thinking of picking up anything in the steam sales?
@Patrick That's what I'm implying - the trivial tests using mocks are just about readable.....but then you try to do a test that is not trivial and it's a huge load of incomprehensible (to both me and the IDE) gibberish, which will break completely if you rename functions anywhere.
Is it just me, or is it strange ironic that ApiGen doesn't have much documentation?
@Danack I often resort to writing mock classes either in separate files or just at the end of the test file that implement the same interface. But that's not the answer you were looking for I think
It'd be a lot easier to mock things (and do some other pretty nifty stuff) if types could dynamically implement act as though they were implementing interfaces (and adhere to them through __call)
Something like interface Chameleon { function __call($name, array $args); }
@Patrick Yeah, that's what I do also, create stub or fake classes. But that does limit the testing to input/output observations rather than behaviour.....which might be a good thing anyway. Im really just wondering if I'm actually missing out on a good thing - but any time I look at tests with mocked object I want to stab myself.
@Danack When you use the mock-builder of PHPUnit you normally create only trivial mocks.
@DanLugg mock the interface. phpunit supports that, I guess mockery does, too, but I don't use mockery.
Can someone explain to me, why doesn't this code throw any errors: http://pastebin.com/XS0UkiAd
The $data is not defined before adding any element to it
@SergeyTelshevsky wrong. it's defined just in that line.
@hakre so this is ok to write like that? without $data = array(); ?
I am trying to split up some of my custom framework classes into multiple composer packages. What I am supposed to do with interfaces like Getter? They are used in multiple parts. Do I create a separate package with those that the other packages require or do I keep a copy in each package that needs the interface? (which puts them in different namespaces)
I know I'm in a wrong room, but I can't access my subdomain with www. The hosting provider is GoDaddy.
@DilipRajBaral support.godaddy.com
guys, what's the name of that function that enables me to encode a url?
@Patrick I can't make a call right now and chat support is offline.
I need to pass a whole url as a parameter, but since I'm using CIshit if I give it / (slahses, as all urls have) it'll tell me to fuckoffanddie
can someone pls guide me in yii ?
@DilipRajBaral does this look like a godaddy support chat to you?
@user3233280 yes. don't use yii
@Patrick I know. I was just checking if any person had this experience, since I can't get to support right now. Sorry!
@Patrick ... you'd think that knowing me from here I've already googled for the function. though it's not urlencode nor htmlspeacialchars that I want.
@SergeyTelshevsky not only okay, pretty safe as well: 3v4l.org/lXK4W - it tells PHP to create an array with that variable. initializing the variable to an empty array can be useful with some preconditions sometimes (e.g. if you would otherwise only define within a loop).
Is there any workaround we could use to make a cookie set by a subdomain available to the domain?
@DilipRajBaral www is just a subdomain too
hence why I came here. I don't like being labeled a vamp, thank you ;D
@Patrick i have used single action for create / update but unfortunately i am just able to update and unable to create records every time i m getting an error
Anyone here play Democracy 3?
@Danack Noob question but on nginx how do I make site.com/es an alias of site.com/hello/world/index.html? Only a single url to show a single page on the /es path.
@user3233280 which part about "don't use yii" did you not understand?
@hakre I see, but I think that can go horribly wrong if later you'll decide to write/paste some code before it, should it contain some variable with a similar name
@Fabien actualy I do
@SergeyTelshevsky well, you should not do variable re-use in your code anyway. that would be another smell.
Oh? Which one(s)?
who needs steam sales when tf2 now comes with bread
saw TB's salesbox video .. few items seemed promising
@Patrick So, If I add a CNAME record www.subdomain and point it to @, would it work?
@hakre sure, but you know how it usually happens
@DilipRajBaral try it out
it's good practice to initialize your variables before use. for robust programs this makes sense. however, php initalizes arrays as outlined, so this can be robust, too.
@SergeyTelshevsky if that usually happens, you need to change the cause of that. because that's a clear mistake. you can only program correctly, not write code entirely defensive to prevent everything. that would be counter-productive (and also could drive you mad).
@Fabien Doing it in php isn't the worst thing in the world, but you could do it with a location block like :
location = /es {
	rewrite ^ /hello/world/index.html;
Hello, does anyone have any time to spare for me?
@hakre can't do this in a company where ~20people can and probably will edit your code
It's just a basic question.
@HassanAlthaf don't ask to ask, just ask your question
@SergeyTelshevsky well perhaps you should review your codes together a bit so that you can better say. that normally helps.
Ok, @Patrick what will be the most educational project to work on PHP?
@Fabien btw that has to be above the location block that matches /hello/world/index.html
Something that will require a high amount of knowledge in PHP and alot of logic involved in it.
@hakre I would do many things the other way would I control the flow of the development in the company
Is there any workaround we could use to make a cookie set by a subdomain available to the domain?
Yes, @DilipRajBaral
@SergeyTelshevsky it starts with finding three other developers that are motivated as you are.
@Danack aye. ATM it just gives me 404 unless I add permanent to the end which foes a fw :-/
@hakre anyway, I think writing $data = array('key' => 'value'); is not longer, harder or will drive you mad :)
Why not use $_SESSION[''] @DilipRajBaral
@Patrick That works. (Y)
Guys, can anyone answer me?
@SergeyTelshevsky looks fine to me. $data = ['key' => 'value'];or $data = []; $data['key'] = 'value'; is fine, too.
Whats would be the most educational and high logic requiring PHP Project?
@HassanAlthaf 42
@HassanAlthaf writing a function in PHP userland that defeats the bytecode juggler extension.
@hakre this company tends to take students about 80-85% of all devs, it's simply impossible, or will be a huge loss for business (that's what they say)
@hakre what?
I don't even know whats a bytecode juggler extension
@Danack got it. Was a little cached.
@Patrick what do you mean by '42'
@SergeyTelshevsky tick, tock. older than 5 years alread that "company"? and still in fear of "loss for business"?
@HassanAlthaf the answer to the question about life, the universe and everything. Which is about as specific as the question you asked.
@hakre sorry, can't say I understood what you mean by that, could you rephrase that, please
Coding a 42?
echo 42;
@Danack Cheers
Patrick I was not asking for history..
@Fabien Enabling rewrite_log on; is pretty useful for debugging what's going on with rewrites.
@Patrick NIce doodle :)
@SergeyTelshevsky if the loss in business is not to hire developers, then as a developer, this is most likely the wrong company to work for, because having developers is not part of their business plan.
@hakre I see, can't say this is bothering me much, this is the one of the two downsides that I see, the other one being bunch of legacy code
@SergeyTelshevsky yeah, I have a similar assignment right now. what can I say? strict work times and the "there is always another day to continue with this bug" helped a lot.
if the code is a pile of shit, I'm just mixing it.
@hakre did you want to say *f*ixing? :)
@SergeyTelshevsky well, the only fix I'm currently aiming for is automatic deployment and rebuilding the application from sources.
@Danack aye. May need to do so with apache.
I hate writing bloggy things
ooh wrong window :-P
^ this guy
I'm tired seeing bugs that are only in production and not reproducible in test or vice versa.
@hakre I tend to do it the way I read somewhere, if you stumble upon some bad code - don't be lazy and fix at least the whole method
@hakre I feel your pain
@SergeyTelshevsky the pain has been lowered to two days in a month or so.
finally a hundred upvotes :) - stackoverflow.com/a/14436877/367456
@hakre grats on your 100upvotes on an answer :)
I just couldn't do anything seeing that 99 on your profile
@hakre 100k soon eh?

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