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Whew! I just witnessed a 4 vehicle collision.
That's two accidents in the last few months and I'd never seen one before that o.0
wow, frightening.
(Well, aside from vehicles hitting wildlife)
I've been fortunate to have not seen many accidents lately
Cars slid off into a ditch at winter time but no real collisions
Even more fortunate to have not been in one for almost 4 years now.
Yeah, that is fortunate.
From r/php:
> The best use for dynamic typing is to introduce subtle logical bugs as a beginner and complex logical bugs as a veteran.
That's pretty good
@rdlowrey Question about Artax. Why do you typehint against the concrete AsyncClient instead of the interface NonBlockingClient in the Client constructor?
@cspray because the code is crap and I need to refactor the lot of it.
And I will finally have the opportunity to do just that in the next week or so.
@rdlowrey Well, I don't think it is that bad really ;)
And Auryn totally changed how I think about DI and containers
Funny you mention it ... I've been totally rewriting that for pretty much the whole day :)
Trying to get to a final v1.0.0 level.
I've actually got 2 projects right now using your libraries and have plans for quite a bit more with Artax.
Nice to hear. Hopefully Artax will be significantly improved in the coming days (Auryn too).
I also have this odd desire to rename all of my libraries to start with one specific letter of the alphabet ;)
Oh no! Don't do it!
I think I'll be able to resist
I always want to use different letters and people for some reason yell at me and tell me I have to stick with "A"
If only I had the foresight
I actually think it is interesting but could see how that would be a bit of a pain in the ass
I suck at naming things anyway
I also prefer lower-cased repo names (all mine are capitalized) and it's basically too late to change at this point.
I couldn't restrict myself to one letter
I've actually flip-flopped on that and think I like the lower case names better too
2 hours later…
hey good morning all
I'm tryin to configure MAMP in my mac, can anyone whelp me on this
@rdlowrey, can you help me to set up mamp, I've installed it but not able to host php files
@hara Nope, sorry. Also: please don't ping people randomly for help. If someone is around who is willing and able to help they will do so.
@rdlowery, fine
good morning
@rdlowrey * likes yelling at you *
GM guys
A: Strange behavior of unset in foreach by reference loop

bwoebiA simple code to reproduce your issue: $x = [0, 1, 2]; foreach ($x as $k => &$v) { print $k; if ($k == 0) { unset($x[1]); } end($x); // move IAP to end next($x); // move IAP past end (that's the same as foreach ($x as $y) {} would do) } If you foreach over an array,...

A little thanks to @ircmaxell for helping me figuring it out…
where do you put your csrf token stuff? in the session component?
hi guys.I need help with query below.Thanks
Q: Select statement with multiple rows from condition on values in single column

GotalovePHPI have the table below.Using salary as condition I want to get multiple rows. Below is current table call it employee. empid name salary ----------------------------------- 1 A1 alex 20000 2 B2 ben 4500 3 C1 carl 14000 My conditi...

found the solution thanks to @shree
good morning
Yo, Good morning.
I have a question about mass-emails. Currently I am using a service to send mails to people. This is a service wich uses credits... Beside that we are currently creating our e-mail in raw html. We create the tables etc all manually. Nowadays people open most of the time their e-mail on other devices as on phones/tables,...

Can someone suggest me a good workflow for generating 'fast' responsive e-mails?
The 'template' of the emails are 80% of the time the same.
you know, email html is still stuck in 1995
don't expect better than tables
@Duikboot Pretty tricky with all the different mail clients etc..
Is there a way of checking an array to see if it has any values other then ones I allow, maybe similar to how in_array('0', $days_of_week_to_filter) allows me to check if 0 is in the array, is there a way to check if anything but numbers 0 - 7 are in the array
@bwoebi +1 :)
@FlorianMargaine There is no "email html", how it's displayed solely depends on features of your browser (html rendering engine), the thing is that most email client parse out tags and display only certain ones.
@webarto wow, such pedantic
There's no "html", how it's displayed solely depends on features of your browser (html rendering engine) //fixed
What am I going to do with life now...
I don't know, I just got up :P
@brandon, you want to check array of numbers is in array?
Can someone open facebook? It errors on all pages.
fb is down
@Naruto No, I want to check that the numbers in the array are only one of these: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Everybody panic. Facebook is down. http://t.co/Q0GDh8wlfx
What the hell is that facebook are you talking about?
@BrandonGelfand write your own function for that? :)
@Naruto That is answering the question how?
@webarto It's back
@AlmaDo It's where you "(re)connect" with people that you'd rather forget about.
@BrandonGelfand Yay!
@BrandonGelfand If you know how to use in_array, it isn't hard to figure out how to use it for more than one element? Or is it just me?
@webarto which people?
What's people?
@Naruto not when it's different everytime
hm. I have no such people to (re)connect with
What is it then since it is so easy, I am interested to see.
Right, then comes the stalker feature.
After that it's rapist one.
what is "the stalker feature"?
Don't care, coooooffeeeeeee.
Screw it, just gonna run a foreach.
@webarto finally, now let's hope that the FB users will crush twitter next then.
@BrandonGelfand That's why there is this thing called parameters :)
@Naruto Ready for some more asskicking?
@SecondRikudo Hey man, how are ya?
@BrandonGelfand Fine, how are you?
@SecondRikudo Totally :D I think you are going to get some today tbh :( however I think this episode is going to be a filler.. :(
@SecondRikudo Pretty good, it's 1:36 AM and I have been working since 9:30 AM, trying to finish this stuff up. Also, posted on meta the question, basically got a pretty cruddy generic response.
@Naruto Really? What makes you say that?
uggggh morning
Can't you just sleep in till you're ready to wake up now?
because they just summoned those 4... And now they need a story on why sasuke should turn, and help me
(which he will ;) )
@Naruto No fillers so far.
All of what you describe is in the manga.
Which prob happen here 2, in a way..
@webarto FB is up again btw :)
Q: Cannot open facebook- Sorry, something went wrong

user3598251I am not able to open up ANY facebook link. Not even a single link starting with https://www.facebook.com/~something here~ is opening. I am getting the message, "Sorry, Something went wrong. We are working on getting it fixed as soon as we can." This error occurs on all my browsers, Firefox, Ch...

It was bound to happen
@Fabien Nope have some programming to do. Plan for today: finish menu, widget and page management
^ someone's feeling bold today
coffee arrived.
@SecondRikudo Programming
blah.. gif
@DaveRandom morningss
@SecondRikudo How's your jquery? :p
@Naruto It's good thank you, version 2.1 atm.
@PeeHaa Then weekend release!
@SecondRikudo :P
@Jimbo what? :D
The middle one is a Moomin and it is cute and it is fluffy and it is awesome.
Nice n Sober @DaveRandom? :P
@Jimbo 3 options: either you didn't get enough sleep, you are high or OD on cafeine? :D
@Jimbo I have always found it to be extremely creepy
Admittedly I haven't watched the thing since I was a kid, but I'll always remember the name
memory lane
@SecondRikudo I just got unblocked, somehow, someway, but I do have this warning: Wait! Some of your past questions have not been well-received, and you're in danger of being blocked from asking any more.
What method should I use to identify what the current server running the script is? Just base it off IP? $_SERVER stuff?
@Fabien I'd say that heavily depends on SAPI :)
But $_SERVER is normally a good start. Just take care that you encapsulate it well because those are mainly environment variables that can change per each system you put that code on.
@BrandonGelfand Because you've asked 5 questions. Two have 0 upvotes, one has -1 votes, and the other has -3 vote. That's a pretty poor average and you need to up your question quality
(according to the community, not me)
@Jimbo I asked those a long time ago, all of which were incredibly stupid.
I regret each and every one of them, lol
If we get one or two deleted that might disappear...
@Jimbo Thats a bad idea, thats how I got in this position in the first place, deleting my bad questions
@Jimbo It's sad reading my old questions, looking back I wonder why I ever asked some of them...
@BrandonGelfand Just make a new account ;)
Google disable all my lovely addons. Any quick guidance? - nvm, following guide here: github.com/Room-11/chat-linkifier
@hakre You want to translate Japanese to English with a PHP function?
@Magikaas No I want to a chatbot API that understands japanese and answers in chinese.
Has anyone checked out WebScaleSQL?
@hakre to make*?
@Magikaas No, an API is always to have, not to make.
@hakre "I want to a chatbot" do you want to make the chatbot or have it?
But you're misunderstanding me, I posted the link to close the question because it's of bad quality.
@Magikaas That's just blurb and joking.
Ah I see, yeah mismatched usernames
@Jimbo IIRC that doesn't help (and arguably hurts). What you need to do @BrandonGelfand is try to edit them into good questions. If you can do that I'm sure people in this room will be happy to review them and give you upvotes if they deserve it, and they you can get unbanned :-)
@DaveRandom I have been going through and editing them to the best of my knowledge. Unfortunately I know absolutely nothing about the area most of them are in (Objective-C) the few I do know how to fix I have. I am still searching for them though.
Also, I got unbanned apparently, I don't see the warning anymore either.
good mornings
@BrandonGelfand Cool :-) - just be careful next time you ask to ensure its a good question before you hit submit ;-)
You can almost never provide too much information to help explain your problem and what you have already tried or what you are trying to achieve.
google fucked the PHP chat extensions. this sucks big time.
I only have 2 questions and no idea if they are of any decent quality, but I figure I should post as much information as I can.
@Magikaas wrong. as little as possible and only as much as needed.
@hakre orly? error message?
@DaveRandom blocked because not in google store.
oh ffs
anyone got an account?
@hakre Oh, lol. I try to provide whatever information I can about the problem I have and what I have tried and if possible an example of my code. Am I doing it wrong? ._.
and I do not find any way to circumvent that. no commandline flag or whatever.
I would do it myself but I've actually reached the point where I don't have a card with $5 to spend on it
@hakre We'll just put them in the web store, it's no drama
I don't have a card neither right now. I should get one in the next weeks again, I then can spare $5.
I've been meaning to do it for ages anyway, it would make a bunch of stuff a lot simpler
@DaveRandom you mean in my own one?
@SecondRikudo Just a little longer :)
No I mean literally publish them on the Chrome web store so we can be done with all the complicated stuff
and god I wish all browser would work the same so I don't waist half of my time looking for work arounds for different browsers..
Google charge a nominal $5 (iirc) to get a publisher account though, as if that's going to somehow stop people submitting malicious code.
@DaveRandom I can submit it if you want, I don't mind spending $5 lol...
What do I need to do?
Hang on a minute, let me think about the best way to do it, if someone is going to spend real money on something we need to set it up right from the get-go
@PeeHaa @webarto ping
yo biatch
@BrandonGelfand Great
We need to submit cv-pls to the Chrome webstore, so we need an account setting up, which is going to cost someone $5 (iirc)
Now take the time to ask some high quality questions
To get you out of the danger zone
$5 that's like E. 0.20
Because right now you're still on the very edge.
@DaveRandom What if I have a adnroid dev accounbt btw?
I have a dream, that one day, all browsers will stop trying to act like they are a special child and support the same things i.e. Videos. Man, that would be nice...
@PeeHaa I know, but I literally cannot pay it atm, which is insane
It seems to be linked to your Google account, not sure if we can get a room-11 shared one
@PeeHaa do you get a message at the bottom about "developer registration fee"?
I've got one and if I recall correctly you could pay 5$ with google wallet only
Yes @DaveRandom
care to fork out $5? :-P
Maybe I'm on the wrong account. I have too many accounts :|
@DaveRandom @PeeHaa I will pay it, how though?
I imagine we can assign multiple maintainer accounts, not sure if we can do it for accounts that haven't paid the fee
Could I just send the money? Does google wallet have that feature?
@BrandonGelfand It's OK, I'm sure we can work something out, thanks though :-)
> You have published 0 item(s) (excluding themes) out of your maximum allotted 20.
Why would they have a maximum???
@DaveRandom Yeah np. Need to get my CC out of my car later though
yeh no worries. Just don't upgrade Chrome to latest stable or cv-pls will break, apparently
@DaveRandom I see you can have multiple tester accounts, but not developer
Well that's pretty stupid
You can change the developer display name
There is a cv-pls Google account actually, we could use that
Herro to you too :)
Take order pweez
Now that is lacist
I just bought the bluray of team america actually from zavvi, £6 quid or so
Steelbook too
His son ^ ^
Must be the wife.... ^ ^
@DaveRandom yes, razy lacism...
lol fake uzis =]
if (isset ($arr_email_data ['str_from_email'])) {
Words cannot express how much I hate that line of code
1 message moved to bin
Two boxes on the same network will have the same remote addr? yay or nay?
why cannot i do this:
int main(){
    int a = 7;
    float b = 2.0 , c;
    c = a%b;
    printf("%f", c);
    return 0;
Because it's not PHP
but why?
Because the language isn't PHP, it looks like Java.
@shortCircuit Why isn't it PHP? This isn't the Philosophy room!
Well, it's not PHP ;)
i wish Danack was here, he knows C
@shortCircuit you can not do that because operands have different types
@shortCircuit It's a long shot, but you could try posting it in the C chat room? ;)
c = a%(int)b;
@Fabien Meaning what, exactly?
@Fabien if accessing external stuff yay
@shortCircuit Define "can't do"
Unless you have ipv6 in which case nay
Unless you are smart in which case it is yay again :)
@DaveRandom I guess that means "it isn't compiling"
but replacing the % by + or / works i mean , the idea is if the type of the variable has the capacity to hold more (which in this case is flat and int) then the operation would be successfull
@shortCircuit % isnt /
i know, and that is why i am asking, why is it different for modulus
because modulus is an integer operator
^ this
you can either cast the operands to int and get an int, or cast the operands to float and use fmod and get a float
^ this (:
Also, for the record, probably the reason it's like that is that modulus of a float rarely makes any sense, and it's a much more complex operation
@DaveRandom fmod.. but yep. makes little sense because of / + rounding
they asked me in the interview . i wrote 1 as answer but i said i never seen this, so can't say for sure.
damn C
bless C
but i passed the interview because i answered the php and css and javascript correctly and some sql queries. they asked too basic questions.
What kind of interview asks PHP/CSS/JS and C?
(other than "an irrelevant one")
How to get parent array key based on sub array key ?
@DaveRandom well. I was asked about such things as stack memory for function calls, and what is the difference with heap memory ans so on. In web-developer interview..
$array = array(
        'D' => 'BCS'
        'B' => 'HND'
        'C' => 'LMU'
I need to get the parent array key based on sub array key "D"
and then again they develop web applications in Ruby on Rails. (some jquery and node.js too) and is now asking me to pay 60k rupees as caution. This is my first job. i just graduated.
You say "NO" and go elsewhere
the HR was a pain in the ass guy. He just said php is a bad language and is not OOP. i felt like hitting the guy with a sledgehammer .
^ he was right. OOP has nothing to do with PHP
They asked you to pay?
Wow.. =/ why?
@AlmaDo That's not what his implication was
@AlmaDo hmmm... still not sure how relevant that is to developing a web application...
He implied (imo) that PHP is either not capable of OOP, or is very poor at it. I think it's pretty good in the right hands
so that i donot leave the company before 1 year.
I mean, you basically never work with stack memory directly in PHP
@Jimbo is right
@DaveRandom me too. I failed the interview, but I have no regret about that :p
@shortCircuit Is that a lot of money? It sounds like a lot of money but I have no real concept...
I googled it, it's like £570
Yeh but actual value is relative
If a car only costs 15p then £570 is like being a millionaire, but if a car costs £100000 then £570 isn't that much
yes. it is a lot of money. a mediocre man working in a bank for 5-6 years earns rupees 30-40k a month.
with 60000 i could buy a motorcycle with 300cc engine.
62 rupees in 1$
Yay, bulk downvoted :D
@AlmaDo Were they hiring an extension developer or what?
So, what's the point of using GIT and deploy shit if someone in your team is coding directly to the server?! :|
'mornin @NikiC
Morning room.
@NikiC god only knows. However, I was ashamed enough to do and read what it that..
@MoshMage the point being that his work gets automatically overwritten on the next deploy?
i could by 2/3rd of Mac AirBook laptop with 60k
morning @DanLugg
@shortCircuit What for are you supposed to pay?
@NikiC because he's also using git, only his working directory is the server - instead of a folder somwhere
so, my changes get undone because he's all like "keep master files"
they declaration said, if i were to leave the company or the company was to sack me within 1 year of my training period(which actually is 6 months training and 6 months of probabation) the entire money would be forfeited
@MoshMage okay - make sure the deploy does an nff forced push ;)
@shortCircuit So naturally they'll sack you 11 months in, and keep the extra cash
hehehehe x)
DON'T fall for it.
yep, i'm not going
i just wished, i had learned all this aspects of C. its been so long that i have started hating this language.
I thought C was a dead language by now :o
Oh, btw, seems unlikely but.. If any of you for any reason will be in Tbilisi don't drive a car. I am already thinking to sell mine and get back to public transport.
@samitha problem fixed already?
(pure C, mind you. I thought ppl passed to c++ and c#)
@SecondRikudo It's almost time ;)
@MoshMage WAT?
but every interviewer asks questions on C
@Leri don't punch me in tha face. It's been ages since I last saw C and even then was a dying art
(notice how I called it art)
fuck google.
@MoshMage you was typing that message. Then, each key pressing was handled by your keyboard driver and OS. Both written in C. Is C dead yet?
@AlmaDo i said "i thought" meaning I had no clue whatsoever for its longevity.. I apologise profoundly for said athrocity but I think it's better to actually say what you think than go with the flow :)
Well C is very widely used
God bless C
Go DB Less C All programming related things.
^ badass :p
but yeah, I've learnt my lesson: C IS IMMORTAL! (and it beheads every other language to get moar power)
i think its better for me to start over and relearn C from start. but i need book or something that lets me go through all this detailed aspects of C.
@MoshMage I doubt it, somehow. One day someone will come up with something that will kill it. We will probably never see it in our lifetimes but it will happen one day.
@shortCircuit This is nice, IMO: c.learncodethehardway.org

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