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@ChrisP Don't ask to ask, just ask.
@ChrisP you don't need permissions to do anything... just try to follow this guidelines
All the variables in this worked before but since I tried converting the query to mysqli it doesn't execute and insert into the table :(

$query2 = "INSERT INTO promodata (promo_clientname, promo_dateofcreation, promo_artist, promo_title, promo_recordlabel, promo_country, promo_catno, promo_genre, promo_expirydate, promo_description, promo_numberoftracks) VALUES('$clientsname', '$todays_date', '$thisArtist', '$thisTitle', '$thisRecordLabel', '$thisCountry', '$thisCatNo', '$thisGenre', '$expiry', '$thisDescriptionEscape', '$thisTracks')";
one mo, will reformat
$query2 = "INSERT INTO promodata (promo_clientname, promo_dateofcreation, promo_artist, promo_title, promo_recordlabel, promo_country, promo_catno, promo_genre, promo_expirydate, promo_description, promo_numberoftracks) VALUES('$clientsname', '$todays_date', '$thisArtist', '$thisTitle', '$thisRecordLabel', '$thisCountry', '$thisCatNo', '$thisGenre', '$expiry', '$thisDescriptionEscape', '$thisTracks')";
mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $query2) or die('Error in MySQL query. Here is the error message: '.((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]
@ChrisP Alert: SQL Injection vulnerability detected.
Yeah there is, I am going to work on that afterwards, just want the system to function as I am the only person to be using it
nothing sadly inserts into promodata when similar querys insert
have you debugged it?
guys I'm having a weird error, and I don't think it's ci fault, when I attach the src= to the iframe the url is getting attached to the existing url thus becoming 10...../http:/
ronni i have read the error log and nothing comes up - i have tried echoing the information from each variable and they display on screen so I am seriously lost
anyone has nay idea what might be causing that?
@ChrisP so if you var_dump the query, it looks fine?
and if you then take that query that looks fine, and run it directly on the database, what does the database respond?
Ronni - I echoed the variables that are getting inserted with some data and

echo "<P>VARIABLE CHECK" .' - '.$clientsname.' - '.$todays_date.' - '.$thisArtist.' - '.$thisTitle.' - '.$thisRecordLabel.' - '.$thisCountry.' - '.$thisCatNo.' - '.$thisGenre.' - '.$expiry.' - '.$thisDescriptionEscape.' - '.$thisTracks;

Displays all the info correctly

VARIABLE CHECK - iCPLtd - 2014-06-17 16:20:48 - Fred - Funk This - Tekno - United Kingdom - FREDDY002 - Techno - 2014-08-16 - Fred is here. - 2

But it wont insert the info to the table
@Tyrael I don't like talking too much on list… feel free to dbring it up, I can answer on specific questions if they pop up…
@ChrisP as I said, dump the query, test the query directly on the db
if you do that, you will surely know what is wrong
forgive my ignorance but how do I do that
var_dump($query2); // or echo
@DaveRandom and real gods use tabs with spaces for fine-grained indentation
Yep it comes up this
Then copy it.
Go to Terminal -> mysql -u user -p
or if you use phpmyadmin or something you can also test the query in there somewhere
string(363) "INSERT INTO promodata (promo_clientname, promo_dateofcreation, promo_artist, promo_title, promo_recordlabel, promo_country, promo_catno, promo_genre, promo_expirydate, promo_description, promo_numberoftracks) VALUES('iCP Ltd', '2014-06-17 16:24:52', 'Fred', 'Funk This', 'Tekno', 'United Kingdom', 'FREDDY002', 'Techno', '2014-08-16', 'Fred is here.', '2')"

Which is the correct data but doesnt work
ah ok i'll try that
is there a columned named promo_dateofcreation?
@tereško if Sublime is pulling the Xml from the Filezilla and it connects with filezilla why not with sublime?
see when i enter everything here in phpmyadmin it inserts

INSERT INTO promodata (promo_clientname, promo_dateofcreation, promo_artist, promo_title, promo_recordlabel, promo_country, promo_catno, promo_genre, promo_expirydate, promo_description, promo_numberoftracks) VALUES('iCP Ltd', '2014-06-17 16:24:52', 'Fred', 'Funk This', 'Tekno', 'United Kingdom', 'FREDDY002', 'Techno', '2014-08-16', 'Fred is here.', '2')

Which makes me think that my code isn't calling the query properly

mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $query2)
have you dumped the hellish global[___... ?
nah i havent - this was code generated from mysql to mysqli generator
is there a better way to write this query to be called by mysqli?
why have you not done that?
i will try it now
woah that's returned a whole page of globals
@bwoebi Real gods don't used monospaced fonts. Tabs vs. spaces is not relevant to them.
@DaveRandom Well, if you don't use monospaced fonts, I wonder why nobody has put you in a rocket to fly in the sun yet…
I have rewritten the query and it still wont insert :(

$con = mysqli_connect($host, $db_user, $db_password);
(bool)mysqli_query($con, "USE $database");
$query2 = "INSERT INTO promodata (promo_clientname, promo_dateofcreation, promo_artist, promo_title, promo_recordlabel, promo_country, promo_catno, promo_genre, promo_expirydate, promo_description, promo_numberoftracks) VALUES('$clientsname', '$todays_date', '$thisArtist', '$thisTitle', '$thisRecordLabel', '$thisCountry', '$thisCatNo', '$thisGenre', '$expiry', '$thisDescriptionEscape', '$thisTracks')";
really frustrating me
the variables all display yet the query wont run
@ircmaxell you twitter needs more photos… MORE!
@JoeWatkins the office kitty's i.imgur.com/xU4uQk7.png mentioned
aww cute :)
@ChrisP do you get an error?
i cant see the error log - it isnt displaying in logs folder, just nothing is happening
@ChrisP what does var_dump(mysqli_query($con, $query2)); return?
btw set $database in fourth arg in mysqli_connect
hi guys, i'm trying to render an image using PHP I'm using the correct header(content-type and the correct imagefrom[format] method (infact i'm using PhpThumbFactory) but all i get is the "binary data" being displayed. any ideas how i can fix this? I've checekd the source for conflicting header("Content-type" but there arent any clashes
What did you set the header content-type to?
ok - 1 mo
What does your browser tell you it returned?
Strangely when i view the image on a page i get the image
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
@leviMorrison how can i work that out?
You need to learn how to use the browser's developer tools.
I can't really help you more than that.
I promise they are worth learning.
php is resizing the image and then within a page it renders, but viewing the image doesnt. so <img src='/image?id=123' /> works, but pointing the browser to example.com/image?id=123 will render the gash you see above
based on what i can see it looks like it's rendering it as an HTML document
@Andy open the developer console in your browser, open the network tab, and look at the response from the server....I suggest googling for a tutorial for whichever browser you use.
which isnt right so that might be the issue
@LeviMorrison and @Danack i'm way ahead of you, it's just terminologies :)
as said, text/html
so something is up somewhere.
Ronni I have changed the query to now say this

$con = mysqli_connect($host, $db_user, $db_password, $database);
$query2 = "INSERT INTO promodata (promo_clientname, promo_dateofcreation, promo_artist, promo_title, promo_recordlabel, promo_country, promo_catno, promo_genre, promo_expirydate, promo_description, promo_numberoftracks) VALUES('$clientsname', '$todays_date', '$thisArtist', '$thisTitle', '$thisRecordLabel', '$thisCountry', '$thisCatNo', '$thisGenre', '$expiry', '$thisDescriptionEscape', '$thisTracks')";
and if you echo the query out and inserted it manually it worked fine and inserted?
have you got a unique constraint?
Sorry I am not familiar with mysqli
it seems to not like running insert queries
and mysql which was working has now been depreciated
Yea sorry you had to have such a sad experience in your migration
What table in mysql shows privs for users?
I am not sure mate
Because i just added a user and gave them full privilages and it doesn't freaking work!
For like the 3rd time today
hire a developer
or at least a "computer person"
@tereško I am a computer person. I can't figure out what is the issue.
@rdlowrey fixed, cleaned up, committed, squashed, ready to go :-)
Screw you guys Catch y'all later, I'm going home
@DaveRandom Cool thanks. Will merge them this evening. Have a good one!
Found the problem
i was linking to wrong include file
rookie error
thanks for help guys!
Kreeti Technology is s a full-stack design and development firm from Kolkata, India. We specialize in mobile and web apps.

What is full stack design?
yessss bELGIUM!!!
goals and goals
2-1! Nicely done
If I have my own webserver (with PHP and SQL etc), will anything I put on that server wind up online / on Google? How can I prevent this? Can I just use a blank index.html / index.php file in the root?
@SecondRikudo did you get an answer about the DIC and dispatcher? I have to present a solution for implementing Auryn tomorrow at work and have the exact same problem. I'm leaning towards injecting it into the dispatcher.
@Patrick The solution I came up with is to not use a dispatcher at all.
Keep the controller instantiation in the bootstrap file.
I do that in my current project, but I don't think we can do that at work without rewriting a lot of code. I'll keep it in mind though.
@MyNameIsKhan No. You'd have to manually expose port 80 in your router/firewall and tell your router to send requests on that port to your machine where your server is running.
@rdlowrey The site is already online / hosted. I just wonder if I put a sensitive folder on my server if it will get indexed by search engines and such.
Oh I see. It depends.
Technically anything you have in your web root is publicly available.
Hi I am new to php and code igniter .... How can I use this chat stack overflow
But search engines won't index it if they can't find it ... i.e. if you don't have any links to that directory in your public facing site then search engines won't know it's there to index.
I'm okay with it being available (i.e. so I can access it from anywhere), but I just don't want any indexers to know about it
@user2986372 looks like you figured out how to use this chat
What if there are outgoing links from the sensitive folder?
You can also modify the robots.txt in your site root to inform search bots not to index specific directories. Of course, nothing prevents anyone from disregarding those and intrepid users with nefarious purposes would automatically look at your robots.txt for sensitive locations :)
That is precisely why I'm not going the robots route, lol
@MyNameIsKhan Depends.
@rdlowrey creeping on your profile picture i love your haircut haha
@MyNameIsKhan if something is sensitive it needs password protection and/or encryption. Period. You can't have something publicly available and expect it to be safe.
@JacobRaccuia hehe thanks -- sadly I shaved my head just a few weeks ago. It'll take me a couple of months to get my sweet mohawk back.
@rdlowrey every time I cut my hair short I regret it and spend the next 5 months trying to get it back to what it used to be
@JacobRaccuia Likewise. Post-partum depression every time.
When I'm bald on my deathbed I won't regret the lost loves and chances not taken -- it'll be all the times I cut my hair short.
heh exactly! I once had my friend cut my hair and she messed up and I had to go all the way off. rough rough times
@Jacob thanks ...
Hi guys, just a quick question... what file permissions are required to use file_get_contents on the apache error.log ?
Or what user must it be changed to?
@DaveRandom how can I check to see if my code is reaching my mysql db?
can anyone direct me to their favorite site for learning good PHP/SQL security?
More simply, what permissions are needed in order to use file get contents?
Is there a quick way to test to see if the user I have assigned for my PHP is reaching and has an established connection to my MySQL DB
is open sourcing your site's security a good idea?
can you elaborate on your question?
not sure how else to elaborate that
"here's my site code, now anyone can help make it strong"
ummm... you're saying to crowd source it?
yeah, don't do that
why / why not
open source is not about getting people to do shit for you. It's to allow others to benefit from what you've done
@ircmaxell I'm tweeting that (with attribution) unless you object.
go for it
that sounds more like a philosophical argument, i'm asking about safety / effectiveness
@user2175923 you seem to be missing the point of what is "open source"
My point was if you open source it so that others fix shit for you, you'll likely never get anything fixed. Because nobody will care enough to fix it. Instead, if you let others benefit, then they have a reason to improve it.
also .. this day has been filled with despair
I finally realized the extent to which is the development process in my company broken
2 messages moved to bin
^ this didn't come out in english =/
lol, what's up @tereško
@ircmaxell out of 5 developers, that we have, only 2 (me including) actually use GIT
yeah, that's a minor problem :-P
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'dor'@'*';
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
Why is this not working? The fact that I'm in this console implies that the credentials are correct
Also, I created the user a few seconds ago
the staging server doesnt even have have a GIT installed, because "everyone is using the same account on it"
@tereško Oh god
there are no description/workflow/process for setting up an existing project on your own development environment (which leads to "blank page", with no errors in log)
and it has become quite obvious, that I understand JS better the two "frontend developers" that we have
Found the problem.
oye found one problem with SublimeText
@tereško the curse of being competent. You have 4 choices: live with it, make them competent, make them leave, or leave yourself.
^^ this
@tereško from what I recall you're quite good at frontend, this shouldn't be surprising
@ircmaxell alternative 5: sit in design meetings - architect the frontend and let them implement :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum which is included in "make them competent"
so ... there was a problem today: a form had a "radio button replacement" .. because - design. Unfortunately it refused to change the real radio button, which caused the form to never submit it as a field
the best guesses from "front-devs" was: try this jquery function
.. which had no bloody effect
sounds like your old boss
after staring about 30 minutes at it, I finally figured that the problem was: <input type="radio" name="status" value="whocares">
you cannot use "status" as a name for the input
you can't?
Yeah, that's a nasty one.
/me didn't know that
They're not the first who fell for this :)
because when you start manipulating it, browser instead fucks with <form> elements status variable or something
ahhh. /me stores away for future learnings
SFTP fails on SublimeText :?
@ircmaxell there is an ancient problem with <input name="action">, which acts the same .. but with more fun results, because it changes <form action=""
It should only happen on some browsers too.
that's freaking dumb as hell
but then again, that's what you get when you od the crap that browser makers do
@ircmaxell the form API is ancient, so when you do form.elementByName you're doing voodoo.
If elementByName happens to be a name of a property HTMLFormElements have, you'll get that property instead.
which is fubar
For example, if you do name = "name" you're out of luck :)
Which is why I absolutely avoid accessing forms through form.elementByName syntax for the same reason I avoid accessing elements by id directly.
Fun fact, if you have a div with id = "Hello", you will have (except in Firefox in strict mode sometimes) have a global variable defined named "Hello" pointing to that div element.
right, which is also why I always scope my variables within closures
I don't, I usually scope my variables to objects when possible.
Or do you mean like globally? (Starting the code with (function(){ and ending it with })())
Value: 6; Missing a temporary folder. Introduced in PHP 4.3.10 and PHP 5.0.3.
What does that even mean?
@SecondRikudo do you know how uploading files works in php?
3 seconds ago it screamed at me that it didn't have permission to /tmp and now this?
What does it mean for a temporary directory to be "missing"? It's most certainly there.
yes, an imediately-executing-closure, at least for non-reusable logic
I usually prefer a module loader, but I get that. It's not that scoping in JS is stupid as much as the DOM and browser have rather insane defaults. I guess that's what you get when your api design goal was making a monkey gif dance in the first place.
@SecondRikudo what does php info say the upload_tmp_dir is?
(Also god, why do I remember this :/ )
well , @ircmaxell @BenjaminGruenbaum ... this is what our frontend people produce now: cashbackcatalog.com/assets/js/script.js
Fuck it, I'm 777ing /tmp
notice the 6 variable definitions a the top
they are used to detect, which select-replacement to interact with
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, yes. But even a module loader usually gives you a constructor function. You don't always need to build out a reusable object to use loading...
just be happy you didn't build t.co/OtJN84yAfb
The funny thing is that they're not even using jQuery correctly. lol.
I was reading that :D
I especially like lines like this
(function() {

    if ($(window).width() > 740) {
        $("select").each(function() {
            var selected = $(this).children("option:selected").val();
            var options = "";
            $(this).children("option").each(function() {
                if ($(this).val() != selected) {
                    options = options + "<li class='" + $(this).val() + "'>" + $(this).val() + "</li>";


            var html = "<div class='select-box'>"
drwxrwxr-x 2 nginx root 4096 Jun 17 15:26 uploads
@ircmaxell haha
@tereško the thing is - a lot of developers would think they're not using globals, but actually would use the DOM as their global. At least in this case they're doing both :D
whoami @SecondRikudo
Hi room.
Can somebody take pity on a PHP newbie?
What The Duck.
Q: Can't get opendir() to work to save my life

Duncan CI am a longtime developer (C/C++/Objective-C/Pascal/assembler) who's finally decided it's time to learn PHP. I am writing some VERY simple scripts to try to feed data to an app I am developing in Objective C for iOS. For now I am entering a URL to invoke my script in my browser and then looking...

I can assure you apache is not running
nginx is.
So where is this coming from?
The nginx config says the user's name is "nginx"
Any idea?
@DuncanC did you add
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
to the top of the file? and could you add you code to a pastie/pastebin or something?
@DuncanC Check the reason you have two close votes on your questions. Apply it.
@SecondRikudo sorry =/ dunno
Even after restarting everything it still says apache
Second, I see 2 close votes claiming my post is off topic/not related to programming.
Seems pretty on-topic to me.
@DuncanC Look deeper
Off-topic has sub-reasons.
> Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
Especially the shortest code is useful
Anyone for my issue?
Or should I turn to Server Fault for help?
@DuncanC what's in your error log? Where's the sample code?
I am putting together minimum sample code.
When I have the opendir() command in the script, it fails silently with no errors whatsoever. That's part of the problem.
@DuncanC remember, the tag gets a ton of traffic of garbage questions. I know you didn't intend it, but the question as it stands isn't the best (considering it doesn't even really have anything specific to what's happening).
meh… getting the same spam to my normal and the @php.net email address at the same time (15 sec diff actually)
now, with that said, it can definitely be improved and your problem can be solved :-)
@DuncanC with no errors whatsoever have you checked the error logs (of both PHP, and the web server)?
Can you tell me how? I am new to this, and don't know how to view the error log for PHP.
That would be a help.
It was the stuidest of errors. A missing semicolon.
So it was, indeed, a garbage question
But can you tell me about the PHP log?
I am not used to working without a source-level debugger, so I'm flailing around in the dark.
@DuncanC install xdebug or phpdbg then, and you can get a source-level debugger
but source-level debuggers won't help with syntax errors
Is there some way to get syntax checking and info about syntax errors? With a compiled language you get a compile error and it flags the line in question.
@DuncanC what editor are you using?
@DuncanC also, PHP will give you a proper error message as well. To the error log.
I'm using Smultron now, and sometimes Text Wrangler (both on OSX)
You don't need to ping me with every comment.
I'm right here.
it's not pinging you, it's replying to a specific message (hover over the message to see what I'm replying to)
Where do I find the error log?
Look up where it's configured. Without knowing your system (how it's installed, how it was configured, etc), I don't know. But you can check the ini setting error_log
I don't know how to check ini settings
I wonder what the search engines might ...
Lots of great resources
@DuncanC ini_get("setting_name") within PHP, or php -i | grep "setting_name" from the cli
So I should printf("Error log path = " . ini_get("error_log") )?
you can
That also seems weird though. I'd expect either print "Error log path = " . ini_get("error_log"); or printf("Error log path = %s", ini_get("error_log"));. There's no real reason to use printf() unless you're also giving it a format + args
print "Error log path = \"" . ini_get('error_log') . "\""; is yielding:
Error log path = ""
I have to turn on error logging I guess?
Well, you can set a path to an error log, but not in code, as parse errors won't go there (since the code won't be run yet). Set it in your global php.ini file
@ircmaxell quick question
not quick answer
On my test box with php and mysql running if I have the connection file on it and I want to test if it is accessing the mySQL through php should I just do a quick query or is there a different way to look for it?
Which leads to stupid question number 6,343 in continuing series... How do I find my php.ini file.
Oh I know where mine is
I want to make sure he the MySQL user is actually reaching the server
@DuncanC check phpinfo()
@DuncanC run phpinfo() (if used via webserver) or php --ini...
@JukEboX your question doesn't make sense. Which is why nobody has answered even though you keep asking it. Instead, please try to reform the question or explain what exactly your problem is that you're trying to solve. Right now, it sounds like an X-Y Problem
ircmaxell, thanks for your help. Looks like php.ini is in /etc.
@ircmaxell I moved a copy of my current live site to my test box and I made the same user account and structure and passwsord for my mysqlDB and the page is loading but anything that requires teh DB is not showing up. I am trying to figure out why it seems like the msql code isn't working if the server is running and the permissions are set.
@JukEboX anything in your logs?
@ircmaxell I don't see any errors.
Ok, looking at my phpinfo, error logging is on, but error_log = no value. Do I add a line to my php.ini file to specify an error log file?
And what is the syntax?
@JukEboX is there any data in the database?
error_log = "php_errs.txt"?
yes. it's got a full load of tables
This is all I can find when I refreshed the page and this came from my Apache log
Was a simple GET line to show the PHP on the index
are you checking for mysql errors when you execute queries?
Yes. No errors
If there was a connection problem it would throw a connection error correct?
Ok, I changed my php.ini and added a line error_log = php_errors.log. I can now see my errors. How do I clear the log?
How do I life?
@webarto breathe = eat = sleep = repeat
Much stupid, very newbie. wow. I know.
LOL @ircmaxell
something you're saying is wrong
either about no errors, or about data, or about something
See my confusion?
Server connection not throwing erro
cat /dev/null > error_log_file
@JukEboX are you connecting to the right server. Are you using the right database. Are you using the right tables. Is everything on the right version. Are you looking in the right logs, etc
I don't know where else logs would be hiding.
But if I test my login page
Its not actually logging in
Hi, what is causing a 406 error? And how do I fix it? When I type htt\p://link in the text intput I get the error. Should I make my action=""? IDK!?
1 message moved to bin
ircmaxwell, thanks for your patience with my stupid questions. I have error logging turned on now, and know how to find my php.ini file for other config changes. Making headway.
there's no w in my name
2 messages moved to bin
@JukEboX You forgot to mention drink.
@ircmaxell nice rep.
Important one, that.
Anyone good with solving errors? 406?
Not Acceptable.
@RahulKhosla 406 is a status code. Not an error. it's meaningless without the context of what's giving it to you, and what you're doing
Sorry to mistype your name ircmaxell.
@ircmaxell I type htt\p://link and I get this error: `Not Acceptable

An appropriate representation of the requested resource /index.php could not be found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.`
@ircmaxell yet typing link.com works fine.
that still doesn't say anything
when you type that where?
Into my input, its hooked up to the file_get_contents() function.
So file_get_contents($_POST['nameOfInputOfStuffTypedHere'];
Please tell me you're joking
$string_input = $_POST['original'];
$http_s = 'http://';
$lets_check = strpos($string_input, $http_s);

if($lets_check !== false) {
$stringURL = $_POST['original'];
} else {
$stringURL = "http://".$_POST['original'];
$string = file_get_contents($stringURL);
@RahulKhosla so anyone can ask for any file on the system?
@RonniSkansing the user just wants to get the conents of any url
@ircmaxell actually, file_get_contents with a http:// prefix should be always safe?
@bwoebi first, the question is safe from what. second that's not what he posted.
I was told the only walkaround would be to remove the http
what happens if you request the adress which makes the request?
and what happens if you request a page that simply blocks indefinitely (DOS vulnerability). And what happens if an attacker uses it as a proxy to hack another site...?
I didn't think that far ahead.
/me face-palms
it just gathers the content on the page in text format

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