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@Jimbo Yeh force update or the hook should do it if you have one set up
Won't I need to open up some ports or something on the router to access the internal box?
@Fabien can you at least only replace the relevant tables instead of the whole db?
@DaveRandom Done
cool thanks
@Patrick Maybe. I'm still looking at the Drush thing @FlorianMargaine linked.
god damn it I hate packagist so much. The website says stuff and the API says different stuff I think, I guess there must be some caches that don't get invalidated when a package is updated :-(
@Fabien why? can't you push/pull from your side instead of making the server do it?
Good morning
Server's don't update themselves, you update servers...
Except in Soviet Russia, of course.
guys, is this readable?
(just take a brief look, if you have time, it's quite long)
@DaveRandom in Soviet russia server upgrades you
@DaveRandom Good point
ERROR 1129 (HY000): Host 'IP-ADDRESS' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
@Fabien Yeh, you don't connect directly to the MySQL server though... invoke a script with an HTTP request that returns the backup or something
@Jimbo lol awesome
My pic quality is better though
Isn't connecting through mysql better?
which is surprising since it was taken with a really crap phone
@Fabien define "better"
easier :D
Yeh, and a shitload less secure
and less flexible
a http request to return an sql file? That'd need to be pretty secure too no?
assuming sql file is fine.
encrypted sql file ?
@Fabien HTTPS, restrict access to script to your IP address, maybe require a UN/PW as well, up to you
@Fabien not encrypted sql file. encrypted http connection. also known as https
@DaveRandom Why not public/secret key thing?
@Fabien That I cannot answer, how do you do database backups at the moment
Server encrypts SQL file with public key, you decrypt it on your end with secret key?
@DaveRandom Take a guess :D
^ mysqldump ?
@SecondRikudo What's the point when you can have HTTPS do the exact same thing for you transparently?
pffrt. No one here knows how to mysqldump.
how so?
@DaveRandom True enough
Actually @Fabien HTTPS and verify client cert is probably what I would do
Staging has no backups. Local uses some archaic file system storage which no one knows how to retrieve stuff from
@DaveRandom .. and send encrypted file via https. "Security!"
Our boxes with live sites do get backed up by our host though
oh, so, no backups?
^ this
Fairly sure the local database doesn't get backed up too. I think it's more like the box is imaged.
who cares?
I created a folder on my machine called "DB_Backupos".
I export whenever I import. (Y)
@Fabien The local shouldn't need backing up if you treat the live as the master DB
We don't treat the live as a master DB.
let me guess
you'll backup it on the same machine (and same partition of same disk), right?
Nah. It's stored to some sort of atrack and taken off site each night.
oh.. shame
We are a little unsure how to get anything back from them though.
The guy who knew how left.
in Soviet Russia we back up database on same server and same disk. Just because server is afraid to fail
So we have backups of live sites and local (kinda). But yes, it needs sorting.
@Fabien You really actually should hire a sysadmin. Either that or just stop trading now and save yourself some trouble :-P
@DaveRandom lol. I have already advised twice for the sys audit. Or someone to temp come in and fix everything.
I can maintain but I will struggle to fix. Or more accurately I don't want to be accountable.
@Fabien you just need to break something. So that will hurt and sysadmin will be hired
@DaveRandom Did you manage to get tit working? I can put more specific requirements in the composer.json file if you have a preference, I couldn't find the Artax version with the latest updates
@Fabien There's the kicker I suppose
@AlmaDo in soviet russia you do not back up database, database backs up you
@CarrieKendall no. we backup ourselves into databases
@salathe lol
Aye. I'm kinda already labelled as the acting sys admin, so I am trying to make my own life a little easier.
@Jimbo Was waiting for packagist to get a grip on itself and then got distracted by work, going to take more lunch in a bit, will come back to it then
@salathe what do you want from signed long? :D
@AlmaDo Look again.
@salathe ..aand? oct value. So ?
O god i'm glad I don't have to worry about back-ups.. Stuff like this is being done for me :)
@Naruto ...you assume
@DaveRandom yes, at least when it's broke i'm not the one getting my ass whooped by my boss :D (If it's not an application error that caused it in the first place to crash)
@AlmaDo octal doesn't have 8, 9 digits... but PHP accepts them (and throws them, and any digits afterwards, away)... which was my "oh, PHP" point. :)
@Jimbo Please, don't touch yourself.
@SecondRikudo You started to sweat last thursday? ;)
@SecondRikudo or do it while taking a video.
@Naruto You have no idea how much more ownage is coming your way.
Although my best friend/enemy was reanimated! So that's nice :D
Have an awkward question... I have a static class with a static method... which I'm instantiating as an object (we're slowly moving it from static to instantiated but due to legacy reasons it needs to be accessible on both interfaces for now). Normally I can just do this by creating an object of that class and then calling the static functions with -> but I can't work out how to unit test this.
@SecondRikudo I must say I was suprised how that happend... Did not expect that.. :)
@salathe change it in lexer to be an E_COMPILE_ERROR.
PHPUnit expects doesn't appear to work with static methods.
@Matt because static methods are not "units". Congrats, you've came to the point, when you'll realise that static methods are evil, and, more important, why are they evil
@Ocramius Ping question about entity associations when you have a sec :-)
@AlmaDo I realize static methods are evil a long time ago. :) That's why we're moving away from them, but it's a process.
so then your question is odd
I may have to put a wrapper on the static function or something
Yeah, static methods wreak havoc for testing
We have a database access layer, which is currently implemented as a static class. I can instantiate an object of that class with $db = new DatabaseConnector(); and then access them via $db->query($someQuery); even though query is a static method, but it seems I can't test them that way.
Static calls are fixed dependencies, Mocking works by replacing dependencies
What does PHP do internally when I instantiate a static class as an object?
I can't remember which version, might be 5.4 / 5.5 possibly, but you'll get a warning if you try to do something with statics that aren't static
@Matt define "static class"
@AlmaDo Rather, class with static methods. I wasn't aware until last week that I could call them with the -> operator.
@Matt That's because you shouldn't.
And that's because you shouldn't use static methods.
@SecondRikudo I know.
@SecondRikudo He said it was legacy code
Our condolences
@SecondRikudo I need no convincing, unfortunately legacy code exists. :D
Oh, didn't read far enough
@Matt so what's the difference between "static" and usual class?
@AlmaDo Class that doesn't comprise solely of static methods
@AlmaDo The lack of non-static functions
It's perfectly ok to use static methods, they have their use cases.
Just use whatever makes cleaner code in your case.
@Matt ok, but what this has to do with class instantiation?
Not everything belongs on an object.
@BenjaminGruenbaum In this use case, I absolutely don't need static, unfortunately tens of thousands of lines of code use it that way.
Ignore @BenjaminGruenbaum, he uses wordpress
such a bastard :D
@Jimbo most php websites use wordpress.
@Matt is it just a testing issue or do you want to fix it for your new code?
static methods are quite acceptable, even in large code bases.
For example in utility classes.
I'm just trying to test whether I'm sending the right query to the DatabaseConnector object.
Use a singleton
Oh sweet mother of god I can't hit the little burn icon from the chrome extension I got fast enough
Ahoy hoy elevenites.
Now he's trolling :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see.. you're already wordpress-infected :p
A static singleton? Should I somehow find a way to implement some GOTO calls as well? TT___TT
@AlmaDo We'll know he is when he starts suggesting the_ prefixes for everything.
Singletons encapsulate only having one of a type, they're useful in stuff like database connectors.
"Wordpress is good", "use a singleton", "static methods are acceptable in large code bases".
make sure you use theLoop (or whatever wp calls that abomination)
@DanLugg sounds dirty
Gotta throw a couple of md5 calls in there
Why'd I eat spring onions the day I go to the dentist... sigh.
@Fabien Because you hate your dentist?
Jun 4 at 12:29, by DaveRandom
// md5 the password
$password = 'md5' . $password;
Singletons solve a very common problem, you should probably have a few of them in your code base.
@Jimbo all is a consequence from first statement
use global
@Jimbo mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE PASSWORD='".md5($the_password)."';";
Do I win a prize yet?
@BenjaminGruenbaum TBH, Singletons do solve a very common problem
Just not in PHP :P
@SecondRikudo Singletons solve a very important problem: whether to hire this developer or not.
@Matt mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE PASSWORD='".$_GET['password']."';";
^ ^ ^
@AlmaDo Even better :D
@Matt In languages with persistence and shared memory between execution, a Singleton can save you a lot of memory
@SecondRikudo yes in php, why is php different? Some of us are trying to write real code while you're coding your db skins.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh you troll you
@Jimbo why do you think php is any different?
Why can't you do this in C++ room? That's all nobs
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because PHP doesn't have shared memory between execution
Just because it's a horrible language (php), doesn't mean you can't write real code in it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because Request -> Response -> DEAD. If you instantiate an object more than once, that's your architecture's fault
So the one reason to use a Singleton is nonexistent in PHP
If you only need one instance of an object, only instantiate one once
cat /dev/ass > /dev/head
@SecondRikudo sure it does, not all php is the sapi.
@Jimbo it still makes life easier, with db objects.
@BenjaminGruenbaum No it doesn't, you can "share" this around your application but you don't need a singleton
@Jimbo c++ room actually knows their shit and I noticed teresko, Anthony, Levi and Daniel weren't here ^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum The fastest way to finish with dinner is not do the dishes.
Singletons in my experience have never made my life easier, they offer nothing that proper dependency injection doesn't except a need for painkillers.
@BenjaminGruenbaum do not forget also - you should store user friends as a comma-separeted list in your database
@AlmaDo passwords too :D
@AlmaDo I'm supposed to use a database? Not just a text file?
Eventually, starting with dinner is becoming a hassle. You need to look for clean dishes, maybe spend some time washing a dish or two, maybe even outsource the dish washing process.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you should store passwords in cookies
But the fastest way to finish with dinner is always not to do the dishes.
matt, password, admin <-- users.txt
@SecondRikudo Fuck dishes. Serve everything directly on the table.
/me sighs
@bwoebi that was my original opinion also, and seeing how nobody bothered to fix it in the last 5 years I would say no point changing it now.
If you need to do the dishes, you're not ordering take out enough.
@DanLugg fuck table. Eat on the floor
@DanLugg @AlmaDo Sadly, when you see things like this you learn that that's actually possible.
So I take it the answer to my question is 'stop using static clusterfuck'?
@Matt clever guess
@AlmaDo LOL
@Matt can you rewrite it for your new code? or write a wrapper?
Oh I'm such a nerd, I'm actually laughing at all these messages. I think I need to get a life maybe
@Matt probably stop with php. Switch to Hack.
@Patrick I'll have to wrap for now.
@SecondRikudo I've opened that. Lots of ".psd" there. So.. are they storing passwords in .psd ?
Doesn't help that I'm on engrish.com either
It's a much better language.
@Jimbo Just reading is better than joining in the conversation :D
Hack solves a lot of the problems with php, like bad types, performance and more.
@Patrick Don't have the ability to budget time for a complete rewrite of the connector and fixing everything dependent on it. I'm only just getting unit tests in the code base.
@BenjaminGruenbaum and adds a completely broken object model
@BenjaminGruenbaum I only wish JavaScript had a new language off of it, seeing as the original is just so poor performance-wise
@Jimbo poor performance wise :D?
@tereško yup
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, real slow :-(
It's not binary enough.
oh, that's trolling, right?
@Jimbo oh yeah, JavaScript is so slow. A good indication that a language is slow is that you can compile another program in another language to it and it'll still run at over half of native performance. I totally agree there.
@FlorianMargaine Hey I'm not the only one doing it!
@Jimbo I don't get why, but it's still installing alert 0.1.2 :-/
@FlorianMargaine no, no. We are all serious
sorry, I thought trolling meant saying close-to-truth things
@SecondRikudo by the pits of hell, what was that?
@DaveRandom It's gotta be something to do with Artax. seriously, if you try checking out his version 0.4.* or something, then compare it to dev-master
It's not the same
@Matt I know that feel. We are still in the process of migrating from codeigniter to custom OOP code. Just do it part by part
@AlmaDo That, my friend, is eating off the fucking floor.
@Danack I think this is why I concluded you shouldn't commit composer.lock, it causes issues when updating deps recursively
@FlorianMargaine Nope, that's clever trolling xD
@SecondRikudo eating shit, you mean, right?
@DaveRandom Can you point to the composer file + repo you're having trouble with?
in JavaScript, 21 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Someone wanted to learn C, so they made a joke pull request to PHP to add goto, it was accepted within a day and since then php has goto... god what a joke language haha.
@Jimbo well yeh, I know it's not the same, that's the point. Right at the moment I actually do want artax dev-master because that's the only thing that should install Alert 0.8.1
And TorrentPHP's composer lock points to the correct things, yet (even though TorrentPHP dev-master points to the right commit) installing still gets the previous versions
@DaveRandom It's being a nob -.-
@Jimbo that's sara, and is a true story.
Look it up :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum It is a little pretentious to call it a "joke language" though ;)
@Jimbo it's a little pretentious to call it a 'programming language' too but you guys do it all the time :D
Oh you trolling nub ;D
@DaveRandom That's the problem that the lock file is meant to prevent - having all the dependencies resolved in one project, rather than having the resolution resolved over multiple projects.
@tereško Seen your competition Hexo?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Surprisingly you rarely come across goto usage in the wild in PHP, the only usages I've ever seen are actually pretty sane (i.e. carefully used and solely for perf reasons)
Oh, perf reasons, that must be sane then
@DaveRandom lol at 'perf reasons' :D
Clearly, we can't fix the language's bad performance without introducing something the whole industry has been working on eliminating for the last few decades :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum True story, the fact that it gives a significant performance boost over function calls isn't brilliant though, I admit :-/
okay. You guys want trolling? Here's the one from perl. Now feel like trolling noobs you all :-)
@Fabien yeah. Saw it. They "decided to launch" 4 days before ours was going live. And their "drone" actually cannot even fly. All videos are fakes based on the mockup
@tereško Is that your company you work for, airdog / helico?
@tereško Seems a little cheap of them
How's that room 11 discount coming btw?
Ok, I'm done trolling back for what @SecondRikudo did, blame him everyone :D
@Jimbo I work for AurumIT. The "airdog" is part of our incubator: innovationcafe.lv
@Tyrael yep. Please change the tests to make them pass.
I know some of these letters
@Danack Yeh but now I'm trying to actually update the deps and it no worky
Everything seems to point to the right thing and yet the child's deps don't update...
@DaveRandom Repo on github?
I am reading this page on the PHP Documentation on XML, the first user example http://www.php.net//manual/en/simplexml.examples-basic.php#111643 gave a simple conversion from XML to arrays.
Is this always a good thing to do? OR will there be instances where it is not advised?
@Danack github.com/J7mbo/Seedstream requires github.com/J7mbo/TorrentPHP dev-master -> requires github.com/rdlowrey/Artax dev-master -> requires github.com/rdlowrey/Alert 0.8.1. Packagist looks like it should work, but when you compose install you end up with alert 0.1.2 (which is what you'd get from Artax latest stable)
Also blame @Jimbo for all the dev-masters
By the way, generator people and people who understand async - I'd appreciate help with this.
@dotman14 Personally I would never use SimpleXML, it has way too much magic, I'd always recommend using DOM, however some people enthuastically disagree on this point
"PHP SUCKS". "Btw, I have this little problem I could use some help with..."
@DaveRandom "Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. " that's not a good start.
@Jimbo plz halp kind sir, boss needs results. urgent!!!
@Jimbo well, it's not like it's a PHP issue.
@DaveRandom Yeah, that type of dependency is a problem in all current software managers.
Guys stop ripping me for the dev-master, I couldn't get it to work with the latest version numbering so was forced to use dev-master there :P
This is why guzzle uses a different namespace for their new version.
@DaveRandom thanks
@BenjaminGruenbaum So (just so I'm sure I understand this correctly) you're basically trying to do a bunch of async jobs and yet iterate over the results as they occur in a blocking manner?
@Danack Wtf, just doing a composer update did it. This is exactly why it's not about dev-master @Jimbo, I was afraid to do that because of all the other things I'm not touching that are also doing that...
@DaveRandom How do I fix it? :-)
@DaveRandom yaarp. Though you can do dry-run (or similar) to see what is out of day.
11 mins ago, by Danack
@DaveRandom "Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. " that's not a good start.
You've checked in an old composer.lock or failed to update it.
But I did a composer update, then committed the latest lock file
@Jimbo Well in this particular case, to get it working I actually need dev-master from Artax because there's no release with the functionality I have in it yet and there's no dev branch for next version either
@Jimbo This is in Seedstream, not TorrentPHP
TorrentPHP is "fixed"
Ahh ok
@DaveRandom you can still avoid dev-master'ing, by specificying specifit git commits with the sha numer with dev-adcea21231321312441 as 1.2.3
@Jimbo let's go through the offenders one at a time: what do you need from Doctrine that's not in 2.4.0?
@DaveRandom 44,444 reputation :)
Take a SS before it's destroyed
Oh sweet
@DaveRandom The ability to use Value Objects
See Server and IpAddress
user image
Saved for ever more!
btw if you use this composer dependency grapher you're going to need a bigger monitor:
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by Nick Dugger
phew.. that's just true. Why that was flagged?
Why so much hate for PHP?
because it is PHP room
@Danack lol awesome
@Jimbo I don't get the point in the IpAddress type, it seems like you might as well just have a string...
@Matt How can the people who don't know it hate it as much as those who do?
@DaveRandom That's just an example, I like the idea of value objects. I want 2.5 :-)
@DaveRandom Why have a URL class?
There may be future ones
Same thing, basically.
@DaveRandom yes
hey so I'm learning Laravel, I have a start and end column in my DB, how would I select something where today is between the start and end using Eloquent?
@DaveRandom congrats
sorry to just barge in here with questions, can't figure this out :p
btw @DaveRandom @Jimbo You need to either be using dry-run with composer update, or stop using Packagist altogether, because of stupidness
@LeviMorrison I mean in this specific impl, it's literally just private string prop, single arg constructor, __toString(). I mean yes, it's immutable, but that's not hugely useful here...
@Danack no, if you need a bigger monitor, you clearly have too many (direct or indirect) dependencies.
Yes Bob, using libraries is bad.
@Prefix learn php/programming instead of the current crappy hip framework
@BenjaminGruenbaum well the thought occurs that you could accomplish the same thing with a good old worker thread, but I guess that's not the point of the exercise
@Danack no. Overusing libraries is bad.
can I ask for view upvotes: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7897776
I don't have a HN account :9
@ircmaxell tnx :-)
@DaveRandom how? The worker thread needs to notify the observer on more data, I want to wait for these notifications and iterate them.
Done @tereško
@DaveRandom Strong typing does make it easier to check for bugs in code.
The registration only asks for username and password. Auto logs in without email for anyone concerned.
AKA make it up.
@DaveRandom More useful than a C struct.
@SecondRikudo delvoted on the question...
@BenjaminGruenbaum First iteration => create worker thread, execute async op, await notify from thread, yield value; subsequent iterations => await notify from thread, yield value; last iteration => join thread, yeild value
Also works
^ two by the price of one
@DaveRandom why do I need the thread? I assume I already have something that produces, I just want to wait for it (asynchronously, without blocking) and consume items when I am able.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeh I just drew myself a little diagram and can no longer understand what I was thinking in the first place, I'll just crawl back under my rock
Correlation doesn't imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing 'look over there'.
(largely unrelated)
Actually, other than just Google docs, does anyone have a recommendation for tools for documenting architecture of queues, threads and background processes etc?
gmail is not loading for anyone?
^ Loading fine for me

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