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Then start by simply converting all your code to use PDO like-for-like - don't make any changes to the way the queries are executed. Then you can look at making it injection-proof
So you coded it 10 years ago? :)
(i.e. one job at a time)
@Fabien more like 5 years ago.
@JukEboX no excuse. PDO was there like in PHP 5.0 or 5.1
@HamZa I am not making excuses just saying I have a life outsie of coding and its not my profession
Let's just say the internet is full of "mysql_" examples. I can still remember 5years ago...
@HamZa PDO for mysql was actually less "safe" than ext/mysql until 5.3.something (5.3.7 I think)
Question--> How does this get exectuted? $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb;charset=utf8', 'username', 'password');
What do you mean "how does it get executed"?
@JukEboX This is a good place to look over PDO
@DaveRandom Oh I see...
@Fabien I am looking at it but I am also testing it and it doesn' seem to like the connection line. I can't see where it is actually using that line for accessing te DB
@JukEboX That line is equivalent to a mysql_connect() call
so after that like I can still use mysql_select_db("Database", $db) ??
for connection?
I am still a bit confused
@JukEboX Look at the tutorial
I did
In 2 minutes you got through it all?
Well, actually it's equivalent to $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password'); mysql_select_db('testdb', $db); mysql_set_charset('utf8', $db);
yeah so this --> $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'pass');
mysql_select_db('testdb', $link);
turns into this --> $db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb;charset=utf8', 'username', 'password');
@JukEboX Yes, and then if you do $db->query() that's the equivalent of mysql_query()
trying it on my login page. It no like...... hmmmm
And that's it?
That the entire line?
@JukEboX You probably have a dependency injection problem, a lot of ext/mysql code doesn't bother to pass the connection resource around because it's done implicitly
so even if i had the variable $db as the main one
when it uses that $db in a mysql_query it will fail?
Yeh you can't use PDO and mysql_query(), you have to use one or the other
You call $db->query() instead
ok ok hold on
Getting a little Nosferatu-ish in here.
(actually in the long run you'll call $db->prepare(), but I suggest you just get it working without worrying about that for the moment)
@DaveRandom see what I mean? all these extra commands don't help me get the end goal of the matter. Its like the prolongged back story to a ham and cheese sandwhich
so I have to convert all my mysql_query's to sometjhing?
just a minute
no rush
Just a little frustrated. Sorry guys. This seems like turning a chocolate cake to an upsidedown cake for me
@JukEboX So here is a typical piece of ext/mysql code: pastebin.com/pJa7cUnm
@DaveRandom ok I understand that
Here is the same code using PDO: pastebin.com/a628AdZj
OK so here is how I have it working atm outside of PDO
DB connection is in an include() file
so I don't need it on every page
Two important points: firstly, notice how you have to pass the $db variable into the function, it doesn't automatically exist like it does with ext/mysql, and secondly notice that you can just foreach over the result set
@DaveRandom but doesn't the foreach become a pain when you only want a singular answer?
@JukEboX There are other options, $db->query() actually returns an object, it has a fetch() method, so you could do while ($row = $result->fetch()) { instead
Hi Guys, I'm on a deadline and I need your help. I can't solve this issue yesterday. I have posted my question in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24253597/wordpress-subdomain-internal-server-error-and-htaccess

It is a question about .htaccess, wordpress and subdomain. I am getting an Internal Server Error 500. Thanks in advance for helping :)
@DaveRandom I can't make the server connection a $con and use that as a global insie the include file?
Or I have to use the db connection in every file
@JukEboX Yes that's a common pattern. As much as it's really a horrible thing to do when writing new code, I suggest you do global $db; for the time being to import it into functions. Note that this is really bad practice, but in the interest of baby steps it's probably going to make your life simpler
If it's easily possible for you to pass it in as an argument, you should
@DaveRandom so your telling me that using a global con is bad?
@having the $con on every page is norm?
@DaveRandom This is room 11 - I thought we dealt in absolutes here.....
That seems like a lot of a pain in the butt if you had to change info on the con. Then you would have to chagne it on every single page?
@JukEboX In general you will only have one connection to the database, and there will only be one place in your code where you create it. With object-oriented programming the whole structure of the code is nothing like what you have and it would take hours to explain and (if you're used to writing procedural code) it will take you years to understand it
@Danack It's all about knowing your audience...
@DaveRandom so I can still use the global $con in the include at this point to make sure it works
And at this time of night the people who shout at you for deigning to suggest that someone doesn't try and immediately write perfect OOP when they wouldn't know where to begin are here
@DaveRandom I know....I'm actually getting quite fed up of other people keep repeating a cargo cult mantra of "Teh one true way" whenever people ask for help in here. Or even worse, insisting that "teh one true way" must be followed even when advice isn't asked for.
@JukEboX If you mean put the new PDO in a file and include it from every page, then yes that's fine
Yeah thats what I mean
So I am using that to test my login page but my logincheck has basic mysql in it
so I need to change that so it can access it correctly
Can you help me out guys? :) Thanks stackoverflow.com/questions/24253597/…
Yes well that's what you should do. Even when you write object oriented code that's effectively what you are doing, only in a much more complicated way
@DaveRandom I can go over all that when I now it works :P
@JukEboX Yes. Is that a function you are calling or another script you are including?
@DaveRandom so I guess that next question is how do I use the PDO in getting a basic mySQL query for basic information
@DaveRandom that include just has the connection information to the DB and I use that varible as a global so I don't have to pass it
so it loosk something like session_start();
include ("../Elements/Connection.php");
More code.....
@DaveRandom *aren't here. Honestly, it's a disease I swear.
lol that actually pinged me
@JukEboX No I mean the logincheck thing - is that a function called logincheck() or are you doing include 'logincheck.php'; ?
(or both)
@DaveRandom oh yeah I am using a loginCheck
function or include?
The form calls the fucntion on an include which uses a second function for confiming on the include and then comes back to header pushes to landing page
Right OK, so you'll need to get the $db variable into that function. Preferably, you need to add an extra argument to the function so you can pass it in
wait @JukEboX did you put the code on some public git server before? (i.e. can I look at it?)
umm yeah I did
would that help?
maybe if you see how bad it is you can see what I mean :(
@JukEboX Where is it, bitbucket?
@DaveRandom yes. I have to tell you though I got rid of the connection ifle because I was unsure how secure bit bucket was
I can always re add it
@JukEboX Can you add it, you can leave the username/password blank though
umm yeha one sec
Would you like me to add you to the bitbucket?
Yeh please, same username there as here <---
Any idea what this is about from git?
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.
hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.
@JukEboX you need to pull first
to get the newest update
@JukEboX run git pull --rebase
then try pushing again
You might get a merge conflict, I'm assuming you manually deleted the file through the bitbucket ui?
damn its not showing up
Try it anyway, see what happens
yeah the pull push owrked but it said it added but not showing up now
@JukEboX it shouldn't matter actually, can you just add me? I can probably dig it out of the history
crap cause it deleted from my local. If I put it back manually into my local will it force it back up?
yes sir
Sent @Dave
This is an important thing to note about git (and vcs in general): if you accidentally commit a password/private key/super secret thing then it's not enough to just delete it and commit, it will always be there in the history unless you delete those commits from history
yeah your right it does show in history. CRAP!
It's OK for the moment, it's private
Oh thank god
GIve me one sec
And I'm not going to steal much money, only a few million. I'm not greedy
Dryer is goig off
LOL @DaveRandom I wish it actually made money. BRB 5mins

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