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git battles
My go-to move is delete the thing and start again.
@Fabien git: 'battles' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
@Fabien That used to be mine a well, I've somehow magically got a bit better recently though, what's the problem?
13 hours ago, by DaveRandom
I hate git. git hates me
Oh, just trying to get it playing nicely with drupal on a multi-site setup on 3 different branch/boxes.
Although, that said...
It seems fine now.
Just Drupal likes creating its own files a lot. So teething pains figuring out what to ignore and what not to.
@Fabien Suggests you are working on a deployed site?
Also suggests you are doing git add * and/or git commit -a, neither of which should you do 99% of the time
at least, not before a git status
@DaveRandom Not deployed. Not yet at least. I'm trying to establish some sort of deployment. We have 3 main branches (now). Dev, Staging, Production. Each on their own box with their own mysql instances.
+ local development which is linked to the dev database on the dev (local) box.
Wait, what? You have dev/staging/production branches?
I don't commit -a but I do add -A
Yeah but the site isn't live. All running through subdomains.
@Fabien I presume that either does the same as -a or does nothing, what do you add it for?
-A adds everything as opposed to . which only does new and updated files.
@Fabien Having them as separate branches doesn't sound like it's going to end well, it suggests you might make changes to a branch other than dev, and merging downwards is going to cause you problems eventually
I've stressed that no commits ever go to staging or production
@Fabien Right yeh, same as -a. Don't do that unless you are 100% it's not going to add something you don't want it to, generally I git add <specific file> or git add <directory>/* these days, I shot myself in the foot too many times
@Fabien Why bother with the branches then?
Development branch for alpha phase changes. Staging for beta and production for release.
The marketing/management never look at the dev box.
Staging for testing bugs/new features
production just means the site 'should' have no flaws
yeh... but you just said that you never commit to staging or production, which means that (presumably) you're making those changes in dev and merging up anyway, so you may as well bin them if all you ever do is that
they only merge up once they've passed those tests.
You're using vcs as a deployment tool. stahp. :-P
Not unheard of I thought
Indeed it is not, but the way you are doing it you're not using it for versioning...
Use tags instead
The current deployment method is upload via filezilla... :P
@Fabien wtf, that makes even less sense then
@DaveRandom It's what I am trying to get us away from :p
Create as many 1.2.3-betax tags as you need and deploy them to staging, then when it's ready create a 1.2.3 release tag and deploy it to live
Have you never used tags before?
It's dead easy
Negative. Fairly noob with git really.
Reading on them atm
Basically, when you are ready to create a beta release, do git tag "<version>-beta<num>" <commit>
If it's the most recent commit, you can omit the commit ref
Can you run me through an example please? I have a site. There's a dev box, staging box (review) and production (the live product).
Then on the staging server (assuming you get it using git to pull down the code instead of FTP'ing it) you do git reset --hard && git clean -f && git fetch && git checkout <tagname> (clean the working tree and check out the tag you just created) and then do all your setup scripts or whatever
If you get really clever about it, you can use hooks so that all this happens automagically when a tag matching /\d+\.\d+\.\d+-beta\d+/ is created
that can be dangerous though
it's probably better to have a little shell script that has to be run manually
Yes. Will pass on that for a bit.
The advantage of this approach is that it means branches are for what they were supposed to be for - different versions
Notice how I have 3 branches here: github.com/DaveRandom/Addr
So i can retain my 3 branches but affix tags for handling the release
I make a change in 0.1 and merge upwards to 0.2 and master, I make a BC-breaking change in 0.2 and merge up to master, effectively master is the 0.3 family
each time I would normally merge up I tag instead
Then one day I'll branch off 0.3 from master and master will become the 0.4 version
@Fabien Yeh exactly
You'd nuke the staging/production branches because you are deploying tags instead of branches
a tag just points to a commit, the last commit that was made before that version was released
Going to swirl it around my head till I have it down.
Why numerically named branches anyway?
Ultimately it's a cleaner history of releases. I assume.
@Fabien Yeh it will probably take a while, it took me a long time to grasp it as much as I do and there are probably a lot of things I still don't fully get. I have to say, working with php-src improved my git understanding on an exponential curve, I know @rdlowrey would agree with that as well
What about a lot of the shitty small commits I make?
@Fabien It fits nicely with semantic versioning
and I do make a lot of them :P
@Fabien what about them? You don't have to tag every commit
Ah I see
Okay all makes more sense now
@DaveRandom You had a look at where the client is used yet?
Just make sure that you commit them to the right branch - the lowest branch that you want the change to go in to. You can merge up easily, don't try and merge down or future-you will hate past-you
Anyone know if there's a windows version of mallopt? Or any way of finding usage of uninitialized memory on windows?
@Jimbo No going to look over lunch, which I will be taking at 1
@Danack Is that a screenshot of chrome? :P
^^ meant to be a smooth gradient. The Image Magick guys refuse to run valgrind.....
@DaveRandom the tagging makes more sense to me when thinking about something that versions that are complete get released. Reaching a release point comes very late in our build. Almost at the end really.
Not to say we couldn't still tag things. Just not sure we'd be tagging correctly.
@Fabien Yeh but that's exactly the point. You only release stuff when you have something to release. It's not like you're doing you local testing as you develop on the staging box is it? Or is it???
it is -_-
ye gods
You can't set up a local web server on your machine?
We build our sites before we have content. We change them a lot during development too.
We paint on top of the old (still drying) paint a lot.
I do have a local web server on my machine. We have an internal box too. Which is currently the dev one.
Well yeh, but each dev should have their own local web server on their machine. You develop on that (in a feature branch), merge the feature branch into the version branch when the feature is ready (or master if you like, you don't have to have version branches but I like working with it), then when you are ready to have a client look at it you release a beta tag and deploy it on staging, release as many of them until you think it's ready to deploy to live (cont.)
...then you create an RC tag, deploy it to staging and get the client's final approval, then you create your final release tag (which hopefully points to the same commit as the last RC) and deploy to live
I'm not sure how many steps there were there but let's end that with:
192) Profit!
Well I'll take the first step and start tagging key points.
Need to sort out the database merging most of all.
Though most have suggested a custom script. Currently we (I) export and import wherever needed.
@Fabien That's a very good start. Then next I would look to try and use git to get the code on to the staging/live servers instead of FTP, so you can check out a tag to deploy.
Oh the git code is on those boxes already.
(that's still a little horrible but I think suggesting that you start using capistrano or something now will make your head explode)
That's how I originally intended it. I'm switching sites as we go.
So we dev locally and do all branching/merging/pulling locally. Then ssh in to the box. pull the latest.
When we do that pull on the actual box I will now also tag as they're the key points. Some more than others though.
@Fabien yeh that's what you should be doing, but instead of pulling on a branch checkout a tag - it's not a huge change
That internal dev server that runs off a local IP is a little annoying though. For mysqldbcopy... wondering if it's something I will need access to the router to open up.
Can't connect currently from one (external) box to it.
One of the other annoying things is sometimes we 'have' to merge down from production for when client changes happen. They upload products/images to the site.
Hopefully it won't be a ballache.
Oh BTW I went home to parents on the weekend and they had Fibre. It was ridiculous. Makes my current connection feel so depressing :P
@Fabien Client generated content (esp. images) doesn't go into vcs, that just gets backed up, treat it the same as the database.
@Fabien oh I forgot about that, let me check my watch on the line
Any Tor users?
@DaveRandom Those files will only exist on the live box though. When we sometimes have to fix issues we'd be missing a lot of files/content that the issues may exists in relation to.
Also.. drupal :)
@Fabien files/db don't belong to the vcs
even in Drupal
I've a VPS with Tor running CentOS with 128MB
Now I've noticed that occasionally the server gets epic slow
@FlorianMargaine So how do you handle them box to box?
@Fabien drush helps with that
Like SSH console has a typing delay, server very slowly responds to web requests
but basically, you have a single box of trust
@Fabien That's why you do back ups, and when you need to do local dev that requires those files from live or the live database, you "restore" the back up in your local env
Think it's a memory issue? Or could it be a network issue?
and you can use drush to sync between boxes (sql-sync and the likes)
We really should hire a sys admin :P
or just a script to do some rsync for files + mysqldump/mysql < sql.dump
@Fabien still nothing for fibre on you line, still projected for Q2 2014 though so hopefully very soon
@Fabien not really
One of the boxes (dev one) is on internal only. Which is sucking right now.
@DaveRandom Fingers are crossed.
For a browser, knowing whether to cache or not depends on the url, not on the request body.
is that true?
@Fabien Dev should be internal, it's dev...
How to copy a db from it to an external then?
staging and production are public, although staging should be access-controlled
remembering that I don't have router access
@Fabien That's the wrong way round... the master is the live db, you take (very) regular backups of it and restore one locally if you need to work on a copy of the live data
During build though.
@Fabien Not relevant. When you build, you apply changes to the database, not deploy a whole new one
Cheers @FlorianMargaine
It can be pretty simple, just an SQL script with a bunch of DDL
this game got me hooked
@DaveRandom Presently it's export/import
obv. you take a back up of the database before you run it though ;-)
@bwoebi you mean we should close #48770 as not a bug and document the current behavior as expected?
@Tyrael yes
@Fabien We just have a script that has a copy of the database schema from years ago, and every time someone makes a change we just add the DDL to make those changes to the script, with a bunch of IF NOT EXISTS etc to make sure that if you run the script against an existing database it will only apply the changes it doesn't have
@Jimbo seedstream does not have a composer dep of rdlowrey\artax - what should I be looking for?
@DaveRandom Ah, TorrentPHP dependency does
ahh OK
You have any unpushed changes for that repo @Jimbo?
@DaveRandom nope
kk cool
Can you see the onSubscribe method - that's where I'll do a react addPeriodicTimer which will use TorrentPHP to get the data and push it out
No idea how that would work in an async context
@Jimbo Y U REQUIRE dev-master?!?!?!?
In this instance it actually helps me but no reason for you to have done it in the first place...
@DaveRandom Because, because... I trust rdlowrey? :D
A data definition language or data description language (DDL) is a syntax similar to a computer programming language for defining data structures, especially database schemas. History The data definition language concept and name was first introduced in relation to the Codasyl database model, where the schema of the database was written in a language syntax describing the records, fields, and sets of the user data model. Later it was used to refer to a subset of Structured Query Language (SQL) for creating tables and constraints. SQL-92 introduced a schema manipulation language and schema...
I thought it was Data Declaration? Hmm
@DaveRandom During build though we export from dev database to the production.
Ah right. DDL
Yeh that just makes no sense to me, what about all the changes that happen to the data in live (client generated content etc)?
@DaveRandom It's not well organised.
I've had to fix bugs on live sites because we didn't have them locally.
If you always deploy a whole new db, sounds like it's a ticking time bomb for eating changes in the database and clients losing data
Hence my trying to establish some sort of structure. Not even part of my job really.
@Fabien Everyone has gremlins. What I've been describing is how it should be done, I'm not going to pretend that every site we have works like this either...
Go back 4 weeks and everything was done through filezilla and sequel pro
No branches. Git repos only for keeping code in one place.
It's all back-end invisible problems though. So it's just left alone because so far it's not blown up too much,
@Jimbo Yeh, fuck stability, I live on the edge...
@Fabien tick tick tick tick
I'm making changes, but I am still limited at knowing what to do.
Annoyingly, no-one will appreciate the disruption if nothing has ever exploded, but I promise you the disruption of getting everyone/thing to work in a sane way is way less than the disruption of it all going wrong
Anyhoo. Issues faced are how to keep the internal DB synced to staging for the purpose of initial build. We rarely ever do legacy work.
@DaveRandom There's a composer.lock though
@Fabien By reversing the one you treat as the master, and "restoring" backups of the live into dev instead of the other way around
@Jimbo yeh but I shouldn't have to worry about something exploding because I ran composer update...
@DaveRandom Wouldn't we be developing on master then though? Anytime we want to add files/pages etc to the site we'd need to add them on master before we can work on them in dev?
I understand it from the point of we've released the site and the client is using it. But prior to that I think I am misunderstanding something.
@Fabien wait, what? Why does adding files/pages have anything to do with the database?
The only word you could drop in it's place to get a worse reaction would be Wordpress.
Files get added through the CMS. Pages created, products added etc.
Well, regardless, it's not an issue. What you do is get a copy of the current live data, then put all the queries you had to execute in order to achieve the new feature into a SQL script, which you run against the live database when you deploy
(after backing it up, obviously)
We don't do any SQL manually.
Everything is done through drupal.
ugh @Jimbo this is turning into a huge pita, any chance you could do a composer update in TorrentPHP and commit the updated lock file and make sure packagist knows that dev-master points to that commit?
@Fabien so what about orders etc? (you mentioned products so I assume you have orders too?)
And using a script to copy/update the db across the boxes still hits the issue of production can't connect to dev due to it being on local.
@DaveRandom How do I do the packagist thing? (Force update? I just did that anyway)
@Patrick Yeah. Pretty much everything in general.
@Fabien ...and your current problem is exactly you're gonna have a bad time by doing that. Although that said you can't be alone, there must be some good solution to this that someone has come up with

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