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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Oh! And then i found this one: talks.php.net
2 hours later…
$slot_date_var = $date->format('Y-m-d');
echo $slot_date_var; // Shows 2014-05-13 which is correct
//When I insert it into the database it becomes 0000-00-00 with DATE as Type and 1996 with TEXT as Type, why? Yes I tried many things online, none worked for me.
3 hours later…
@BrandonGelfand first guess: because you didn't quote it. 2014 minus 5 minus 13 happens to be 1996.
course, if you were using a prepared statement rather than cobbling your own SQL queries like a caveman, this wouldn't even have been an issue.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@Qantas94Heavy hey
i have a problem with extending php class
could you help me please
@Qantas94Heavy pastebin.com/KFbYdhvW
this is my connection class
... the problem?
i'm extending it here
PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object in /home/esofthol/public_html/abcd/mis/php/class/getPermission.php on line 17
this is my error now
17 line mean
 $sql = $this->db->prepare("
why does not extending $this->db ?
@samitha how do you instantiate getPermission?
its fairly obvious, isnt it?
constructor of getPermission: public function __construct($loggedUser){
constructor of getConnection: function __construct(PDO $connection)
you are never setting $connection
you are overriding the constructor of the parent class
on a side note: you are not using a single method from the parent class, so why are you extending from getConnection anyways?
hello Sir
wait a second i'm reading your massage
@Gordon i tried a lot tuts on that sir but unable to got it correctly
@samitha yeah, I can see that. But do you understand what you are doing wrong now?
yes but what do you mean by single method from parent class ?
you mean to use a method to get the getPermission in getConnection class ?
without extending ?
@samitha what I am trying to say is that getPermission should not extend getConnection because nothing of getConnection is ever used in getPermission
So how to solve that ?
So @Ocramius has written Instantiator which is basically automated factories. Imagine I want to DI an object using Auryn but it requires constructor params that aren't available at compile-time, I will most likely have to create a factory for this. What does everyone think of DI'ing Instantiator instead, and using that instead of a Factory for everything? It means my constructor signature isn't clean though.. ?
@Gordon so do i need to use __construct in every class i'm going to write to extends the connection?
@samitha look again. its no longer extending getConnection
Feels like the same as DI'ing Auryn\Provider, which = service locator
@Gordon yes i mean without extending class do i need to use bellow in every class ?
 private $db;

  public function __construct(PDO $db){

 $this->db = $db;

@samitha yes. if you want to use $db
can't we write a class that extending parent connection ?
so i can use $this->db->
in every class ?
@Gordon Hi! Was I so wrong with my comment? :) Currently I cannot find the article again... Did you update your blog?
@samitha yes, you can, but then you still have to pass the $db into the constructor of the subclass when you override it
and the constructor in your getPermission needs to call the parent constructor
is that the general concept of PHP classes right ?
public function __construct(PDO $db, $loggedUser){
    $this->getUser = $loggedUser;
@hek2mgl have you seen my post about Singletons here?
sec, reading ...
check the links in it.
@Gordon your first concept it easy
and what your prefer ?
@samitha I prefer object composition over inheritance
@Gordon You are using the UML plugin in eclipse for the diagram, isn't it?
Composition over inheritance (or Composite Reuse Principle) in object-oriented programming is a technique by which classes may achieve polymorphic behavior and code reuse by containing other classes that implement the desired functionality instead of through inheritance. Some languages, notably Go, use type composition exclusively. Basics An implementation of composition over inheritance typically begins with the creation of various interfaces representing the behaviors that the system must exhibit. The use of interfaces allows this technique to support the polymorphic behavior that is s...
@Gordon is that your first ?
@hek2mgl nope. the UML was done with argouml
@samitha yes
@Gordon thanks sir.you are real god of PHP
coffe and tumbleweed... mornings
  public function __construct(PDO $db,$user){

 $this->db = $db;
  $this->user = $user;

} can i modify your code like above @Gordon ?
@hek2mgl problem is that Singletons add hidden dependencies, make for untrue signatures, add global state, break encapsulation and add tight couplings all over the place. And no, just because PHPUnit can help you with testing them doesnt mean you are free to use them. PHPUnit needs to be able to test legacy code. That doesnt mean you should produce in the first place. And also no: statics are not "good".
@Gordon Basically, 99% I'm with you
@samitha sure
@Gordon so i can
$setPermission = new getPermission($dbh, $_SESSION['userName']);
@Gordon Even Erich Gamma, one of the Singleton pattern's inventors, doubts this pattern nowadays:... <.. Wow! good research... What should I say now? .... :)
@hek2mgl hmm "thanks. very enlightening" would do ;)
@hek2mgl I got lots of good information from theknowledge.me.uk/mywiki/books/…
@Gordon :) My concern is, that a static factory method - potentially - may lead to the same problems, but just the Singleton pattern is named "bad" in all the discussions.
@samitha yeah, but again: if you are doing that and your code is not calling anything from getConnection, then don't extend it from getConnection. It makes no sense.
@hek2mgl if it leads to the same problems its no way better
@Gordon Now we agree at 100% :)
@hek2mgl however, you can easily build factories that dont use static methods
and that dont have any of the problems
Yes, of course. That's why potentially
like (new Factory($depA, $depB))->createFromFoo($foo)
@Gordon On thing remains (imo).. I have some libraries, which are using the Singleton pattern. I would not use the pattern again if I would rewrite them. This is because I realized for myself that the tests were hard to achieve... However, now it is working since years, and I think once implemented and tested, the pattern is easy to use in applications and I like the API of those libs... That's why I don't changed them so far.. Am I so wrong with that?
@hek2mgl i would not change them if they don't pose a problem now.
Thx for the discussion Gordon!
this whisky is how I like to explain Singleton: you can drink one Singleton. The taste is soso. Nothing harmful will happen. But if you drink the whole bottle, you can be sure to be a mess. Same thing with the pattern.
you're welcome
I can follow this argumentation :D
PS.. You may delete my comment on your website, now were we discussed it here... like you wish..
(or put discussion there)
@Jimbo I just inject my injector into my factories and the factories can then configure/setup the injector and that let's me keep injecting factories instead of the whole injector
In theory though without any checks when calling the factories build/make/create method it could return any type of object
@David Yep, factories can have the injector. Just annoying that for any object I have that requires constructor params (and so can't be auto-injected for me by my DiC) I have to create a factory for every single bloody one
@hek2mgl I approved it but it's not showing up for some reason
@Gordon can you give me the link? I cannot find the page again... Would like to read other articles...
Like for this lib of mine, I'll need a: ConnectionConfigFactory, a ClientTransportFactoryand a ClientAdaptorFactory. Not to mention the TorrentFactory and FileFactory that already exist in the lib
@David ehh ... kinda yes, but I suspect, that you are going the wrong way about it
@Jimbo I'm not sure I get the last part, please clarify
@tereško Please clarify
@David the above sentence shows how I'll be using 5 factory objects for that lib
@David a fully imlemented DI container is is solving the same problem as a factory, but from the other side. If your instance X needs an instance of B, you can either inject it in the constructor, or pass a factory, which then will create the instance of B within the X
@Jimbo When you say constructor params do you mean params that are not objects, like strings, arrays etc?
@David Yeah, scalars for example
But also, with the above example, the ClientAdapter needs an instance of ClientTransport which needs it's own factory...
@tereško I seem to think of a DI container as constructing all the objects, often single instance objects of the application, for example the DI container's create/make/get method will have a very broad return type of object because it can return so many different types of objects but a factory on the other hand can have a consistent return type, a mapper factory will return MapperInterface or controller factory will return ControllerInterface. My factories just configure the injector
Root composition for the DiC...
and when I call the factories build method it will return what the methods @return specifies but really in the background it just uses the injector, so in theory without any checks I could tell my mapper factory for example to create me something that has nothing to do with a mapper and it would return that, thus breaking the @return type.
I am too low on coffien to go into long discussions, but in reall world you would be using DI Containers only for few types of classes.
@tereško I just like the injector's sort of magic/auto injecting so I use that in the factories
When I used to do it manually it took forever
well... DI containers is a "smarter factory"
@tereško Wait... Auryn resolves everything in my application for me.. from controllers to anything in the model layer automagically
the difference is that DI Container gets used outside of the class which needs the dependencies.
@Jimbo then you are severely abusing it
@Gordon SplFileObject rocks!! Didn't know this
@tereško How? It's saving me so much time and enabling me to write nice code. Auryn instantiates the Controller object, then runs the controller Method. As a result, everything that's injected into there is also auto-resolved for me. I can just typehint for anything, anywhere and BAM. done.
Yeah and I just let my factories avail of the "smarter factory". I don't inject the same instance of the injector into every factory which contains configuration values for all the objects, it's a brand new injector instance which the factory can then setup/configure so it can create the types of objects the factory is supposed to return,
mornigni peopel
Morning @PeeHaa
@hek2mgl :)
@Jimbo It's a great thing just creating the new class, specify it's dependencies in the constructor and it all just works. I used to have factories with way to much code that just grew and grew every time a new class was created. The magic injectors can be a little bit of a pain to debug though I have found a few times since they are just recursively calling a method
@David I've been using this 'magic injector' for a year straight in my code, I've never once had to debug anything except in my own classes
@Jimbo I've had 2 or 3 occasions where I was just lost in all the recursion using xdebug
@David I don't get it, if you put your break points in each object you want to go through, then you just skip the recursion thing
Then jump between breakpoints in each object
You don't have to F7 through every single recursive call haha
Yes but I didn't think of that at the start
I scrape web content using xquery, curl. I want strip out tag but leave its text.
my xquery: (//div[@class='text'])[position()>1]/h3/a/text()
@Jimbo I'm still not seeing why you say you would need multiple factories. The constructors in those objects need concrete implementations, shouldn't the injector resolve these dependencies and just inject them?
@David Yep, but for example the Config object needs to have the config read from a file, or a database. It's not hardcoded
So that's not known at compile-time, it's runtime
So I can't DI the Config object, as it has constructor parameters that need to be aquired
So I'll need a ConfigFactory, which will get the parameters from the file / db, and then return the Config object with these params
Can you not pass a callback for param called $arguments in the ConnectionConfig::__construct method?
@David Hmm, how do you mean?
I'm sure the injector let's you set values for method arguments?
Like if the param is a string, int, array etc, but set the param as a callback so the injector can invoke that callback function which will return the array of config values
@David Yep, but the injector is of course only doing it's stuff in the bootstrap. As soon as I'm in the Controller I don't have access to the injector any more (otherwise it would be a service locator)
I just got my new 512GB SSD through the post :D
@David Although, I do like this callback idea.. hmm...
Thing is, the library I'm using is my library, so I can modify it to expect a callback
But when I'm using someone elses libraries, which is often, their code won't be expecting callbacks
So a factory it would have to be unfortunately
I'm not 100% sure how your injector working but I'm talking about something like
$injector->setParam('ConnectionConfig', 'arguments', function() {
// Do whatever to get config values and return the array which get's injected into the object
Hmmm, I guess I could do this in my bootstrap. Would it be bad to have a load of extra stuff like this in there?
@Jimbo Yeah that's the thing about using someone else's all right. I have my own injector which supports callback params to do any extra work that is needed to get the argument
@Jimbo I'm not sure, hard to picture it without seeing it all
@David You can see how the number of factories can build up quickly though right
Yeah definitely
@David This is where I become a little concerned that using Factories can actually make my code harder to understand. Keeps my constructor signatures clear, but if an object uses 5 factories as opposed to just doing "new Object1(newObject2, $etc);`...
Newbie would more easily understand the latter imo
In my application's I would generally have controller, view, entity, mapper, repository, service factories
I try to keep it at that, otherwise it just becomes over whelming and begins to get hard to keep track of it all
What do you have in the mapper bit?
What do you mean?
I have controller, view, entity, repository, factories
I don't have mapper though ;)
How about response, request, filters, formaters etc?
Well mine just creates data mappers
@RonniSkansing They'll come from the framework right?
@RonniSkansing Comes from the main injector
I couldn't make a factory just for request etc, I would go insane
There is already enough files to keep tabs on
I can't remember which one it was, but I did that, for a Response object I believe
Because a certain type of Response from symfony required a constructor param
Well I love using Auryn for autowiring magic
It's good isn't it
@RonniSkansing You using that silex skeleton thing I put up?
@Jimbo no I do not use Silex (I used too, but got sick of it =]), I was just corious to the specific context.. If I remember right it was the way it had its provision in a config filey thing =]
I mostly use Auryn, FastRoute, HttpFoundation and mix of packages
Waiting for Arya to become abit more super stable [=
Yeah, I'd be using Ayra if it had authentication in there. That's the only issue I have with it
Although the Silex version I put up has a lot more documentation as it uses Symfony components
Well, I would like if each component inside Arya was packaged seperate packages (like the request, response, sessions) and etc.
What kind of auth?
@RonniSkansing Like Symfony's firewall
I will just reread your project docs
You know, protecting endpoints from different types of users
yea [=
@DanLugg morning
I hate, with the fury of over 9000 suns fusing together, and the unwavering stillness of the black unravelling void, Pear.
@DanLugg mronign
I just got a new 512gb ssd and... dare I say it, windows 8 from reddit x)
brb. really cannot postpone the haircut anymore or people will think I am some dog
@PeeHaa At least you don't look like a hobo @DanLugg
You're a hobo.
A hobo with windows 8 ;) actually it's 8.1 which I heard is much nicer
@DanLugg Will you be heading to any PHP groups or meetups or anything in the US anytime between august / sept this year? Just in case, as I'll be on holiday over there and will probably go to a few events in Seattle
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for 'date_voted'
MySQL 5.1
probably because what you passed in was not a timestamp .. therefore it was cast to "null"
Hello Everybuddys
Yes but it works fine in 5.6?
It doesn't do that in inserting values, it does that when creating the table
@Jimbo Probably not anywhere near Seattle. Haven't looked into much, but if there's anything happening in southern Ontario (Toronto area) I'd be interested in going.
I'll have to look into it
Southern Ontario, north-eastern US
1 hour later…
I wish more imperative languages had "piping" as a first class language feature; instead of $x = foo(bar(qux(zip($y))));, you could:
$x = zip($y) as $_
   : qux($_) as $_
   : bar($_) as $_
   : foo($_)
Hi Everybody
I need a help
I am working on Facebook Login Authentication 1st time
I am able to make simple login
but I don't know how to save data after 1st login into database
@VaibhavDass have you spend time reading their api, tried out different solution, read other peoples solutions?
Hi everybody
@VeeeneX Hi
I have this localhost/foundation/js/foundation.min.js with GET in my HTML HEAD `src="/foundation/js/foundation.min.js` and the problem is that I cannot use `src="./foundation/js/foundation.min.js` with dot
How can I overwrite htaccess to allow localhost/projectname/foundation/js/foundation.min.js?
because when i use ./ i will have localhost/projectname...
Any ideas
@DanLugg How's that better than:
$x = zip($y);
$x = qux($x);
$x = bar($x);
$x = foo($x);
@bwoebi +1
@bwoebi a way to obfuscate code, may be?
@DanLugg that's precisely what's happening under the hood... So all you want is syntax?
ARG, why did my macbook go to sleep in the middle of the compile. Now I've got who knows how long left :-/
Mac makes me sad
and my desktop VM I was compiling on ran out of disk space... wow
something really doesn't want me building this lib
@ircmaxell What is it? Either that's a huge lib or you need to de-junkify that disk :-P
Well, I only had a few hundred mb left anyway
I just gave a VM 16gb ram... :-)
and only 32gb HDD
@ircmaxell Ahh right, more perf comparisons for super-secret project?
rebuilding again, wonder how long this will take
I think we should have a sweepstake on whether it will be successful. I'll take "power cut and battery runs out before completion?"
[rtyper:WARNING] prebuilt instance <Loop -1, gen=0> has no attribute '_keepalive_jitcell_tokens'
[rtyper:WARNING] prebuilt instance <Loop -1, gen=0> has no attribute '_ll_function_addr'
[rtyper:WARNING] prebuilt instance <Loop -1, gen=0> has no attribute '_ll_loop_code'
[rtyper:WARNING] prebuilt instance <rpython.jit.metainterp.compile.DoneWithThisFrameDescrFloat object at 0x284e8e90> has no attribute 'rd_loop_token'
[rtyper:WARNING] prebuilt instance <rpython.jit.metainterp.compile.DoneWithThisFrameDescrFloat object at 0x284e8e90> has no attribute '_x86_adr_jump_offset'
Holy crap I just got d/c. Apparently it's 1998 again.
I don't know why the slash, I just remember typing that in MSN (like I say, apparently it's 1998 again)
Does MSN messenger still exist?
ok, so apparently you need to give it 16gb of ram:
[Timer] Timings:
[Timer] annotate                       ---   91.8 s
[Timer] rtype_lltype                   ---  245.2 s
[Timer] pyjitpl_lltype                 ---  426.9 s
[Timer] backendopt_lltype              ---  133.5 s
[Timer] stackcheckinsertion_lltype     ---   27.6 s
[Timer] database_c                     ---  107.8 s
[Timer] source_c                       ---  205.0 s
[Timer] compile_c                      ---  118.8 s
[Timer] ===========================================
[Timer] Total:                         --- 1356.6 s
That's not too bad, PHP takes longer than that if you include a lot of extensions
It does for me anyway, but I have a crap computer...
hippy-c zend_bench.php
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'T_USE', file
What do they claim compat with?
(PHP version)
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to executeTest() must be an instance of callable, string given, called in
Guys, I need help.
I'm having a problem of Namespaces.
I get this error, "Fatal error: Class 'Users\mysqli' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\Projects\SMS\classes\class.users.php on line 7"
Anyone online?
mysqli is a root class, you need to either use mysqli to import it, or access it via the fully qualified name \mysqli
                          php                jit                hhvm               hippyvm            qb
simple()                 122.78321            1.00000            7.82856            3.91044            8.65294
simplecall()             164.11008            1.00000            4.81768            3.13966               FAIL
simpleucall()             45.38684            1.07147            4.89605            1.00000           44.12263
simpleudcall()            64.86547            1.00000            6.38619            1.00197           57.64771
Thank you.
Any of you guys know this vim question?
Q: Vim: read modeline after opening the file?

Levi MorrisonI work on a variety of projects and many of them set file-specific vim settings. I am not allowed to run with modelines set; is there a way after loading the file to load the modelines settings? So if I open tmp.c with vim: int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return 0; } /* vim: set expandt...

@ircmaxell looking good
so far, but going to try to improve the untyped version a bit
I'll join in tonight, haven't done anything yet today, trying to sort out accomodation :(
dude, don't worry about that at all
take care of your home life first
@Jimbo :D
@ircmaxell hihihi you're old :)
Now we also have to tell OPs how to copy/paste text...
And yes I am amused fast :)
@PeeHaa ...
@SecondRikudo C'mon that is funny
@PeeHaa could you stop abusing custom close reasons?
It's getting annoying and uncalled for.
Not sure whether it was unclear or suggestion tbh
@PeeHaa It surely wasn't "wut"
Pick one that fits and move on
No need to berate the OP in the process.
That is not berating as far as I think to know the meaning of "to berate"
@PeeHaa You aren't helpful, you are sarcastic and annoying. Put yourself in his feet, you ask what you believe to be a constructive question, and you get answered with "it's off-topic because of wut"
Yeah I see that. However what I don't see is how anybody would think that is a constructive question
We have existing close reasons to guide. If you don't use them, you lower whatever small chance the user has to actually fix his question(s in the future).
@PeeHaa Obviously, he did. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked it.
@SecondRikudo Yeah agreed there
@SecondRikudo Your view of the world is too bright imho :)
@PeeHaa First do no harm.
It even costs you more to spend time and writing a response instead of using the helpful backed in ones.
If you can't bring yourself to try and be helpful, you shouldn't use your privileges to be harmful. That's my opinion
And when I catch myself make a comment like that I take a break from Stack Overflow.
@SecondRikudo Yes I see your opinion. And you are free to spread it
Q: MySQL getting data that can contain multiple sub data

Ben BeriI have a table called fields_data_for_site which is connected to a table named sites, where fields_data_for_site.site_id = sites.id I want to use PDO and return the following array in one query: "site_name" => "MySite", "site_link" => "mylink", "f" => [ "callback" => "usr2", "action...

I think I was too bored XD
@DaveRandom You're going to watch the game tonight?
@PeeHaa I'm busy washing my hair not caring.
This world is made up of DI
2 hours later…
private function getRequestList($mode)
    $result = [];

    if ($mode & AddressModes::PREFER_INET6) {
        if ($mode & AddressModes::INET6_ADDR) {
            $result[] = AddressModes::INET6_ADDR;
        if ($mode & AddressModes::INET4_ADDR) {
            $result[] = AddressModes::INET4_ADDR;
    } else {
        if ($mode & AddressModes::INET4_ADDR) {
            $result[] = AddressModes::INET4_ADDR;
        if ($mode & AddressModes::INET6_ADDR) {
            $result[] = AddressModes::INET6_ADDR;
I feel sure there is a more succinct way to write that ^ but I can't see it, any ideas?
const values are currently just 1,2,4 but if changing them could improve it they can be changed
@DaveRandom I think I would simply fill the array and call Thing::prefer($list, AddressModes::INET4_ADDR); but not sure whether that makes sense for only two options :P
Also sheit. My chrome is crap again
@PeeHaa Don't follow
Basically an extra method that sorts the addresses based on preference
But as stated that may take things too far
Yeh doesn't really make sense for 2 opts, and it's not like there will be any more opts in the near future
no worries, it's readable enough as it is for now
btw, hopefully Artax will have async DNS resolution by the end of this evening :-D
@DaveRandom :)
What's cooking btw? What's the use going to be?
Can I ask a question ?
@90intuition Apparently you can, because you just did :)
I'm wondering, in the days of free image hosting services (facebook), free video services (youtube), free file hosting (dropbox, google drive) , is there something like free php hosting >
@90intuition Yes there is, but it sucks
there is not something, that doesnt sucks :P ?
I mean, I test my html websites on google drive or dropbox
@90intuition The free tiers on all the services do suck a bit, but they are good enough to get you going - check out AWS free tier and heroku
But now I need to use php, so I need something else
That said, you can get a proper VPS for peanuts these days
1000 times ^
I pay $30/qtr for mine, and that's not even an especially cheap one
virtual private server
It's what young people refer to as cloud solutions @90intuition
pesky kids
shhhh don't tell anyone, sure that link expired, but still works ...
also, e'nin
@DaveRandom blah blah
function getRequestList($mode)
    $result = [];

    $blahBlah = [
        (AddressModes::PREFER_INET6 | AddressModes::INET6_ADDR) => AddressModes::INET6_ADDR,
        (AddressModes::PREFER_INET6 | AddressModes::INET4_ADDR) => AddressModes::INET4_ADDR,
        (AddressModes::INET4_ADDR) => AddressModes::INET4_ADDR,
        (AddressModes::INET6_ADDR) => AddressModes::INET6_ADDR,

    foreach ($blahBlah as $requirement => $value) {
        if ($mode & $requirement) {
            $result[] = $value;
Evening @bwoebi and @JoeWatkins and @Danack
/i suck at naming variables some times.
btw my prediction is a 2-4 drubbing for England. The sooner they're out the better...my pub is far too busy for my liking.
@Danack $modeMap - if I pass PREFER_INET6 | INET6_ADDR | INET4_ADDR (valid combo) to that the result array will have 4 els...
would need to be $mode & $requirement === $requirement
Clever solution, but seems like overkill for 2 opts
@DaveRandom Dat break?
ow wait
Picks them out preferentially in order.
Oh yeh I see it now
@Danack yeh you only get 1 el in the result array, needs 2
(up to 2)
evening @tereško
*/me has been playing Shadowrun Returns .. kinda nice
@bwoebi I've pushed the fix for bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=67212 to github, how do you merge between phpdbg's github and the php-src git repo?
Good morning guys
Can somebody please tell me where that single page movement came from. I want to kill it by its roots
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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