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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

the stars menu seems like a mess
@PeeHaa what single page?
@Lucio Single page sites in general
do you have an example?
Imma make money of this one!
Maybe something like this:
@PeeHaa that page just keep loading..
@Lucio Yes that's one of the reasons sites like that suck
I do not always consider parallax scrolling a spa
@RonniSkansing I just hate sites where everything is crammed on a single page, because that is what everybody else is doing.
It is stupid
What do you think about this one?
@PeeHaa I think it is going to get a little worse before it gets better =]
@RonniSkansing I'm afraid so too :)
@Lucio What about that site?
you said "I just those kind of site"
No that site has an actual functioning menu
But there are several sites with a single page that are very specific and useful
Check out this one for instance: flukeout.github.io
You are missing the point :)
I guessed so since the start :D
:P There is nothing inherently wrong when a site consists of only a single page, when there is only one page to show for
Oh, I thought you were talking about any site. Point taken
Sites that dump all info on a single page (most likely with loads of heavy images) where there should be a menu and actual separate pages is what annoys me
That is because the one behind the design, knows nothing about design.
Well if they can't design and they can't code, what's their purpose? :P
what is the most efficiente way to get a specific chunk in a string using regular expression ?
efficient & regex on the same sentence is ... ask for too much :)
@Oddant If you want a decent answer you would have to provide more info
let's say i have URLs of this form
i want to get "first" and "second"
gotta go, ciao!
later @Lucio
@Oddant luck with that
@Lucio thanks sir
BTW are you spanish @Lucio?
Or use C.
@PeerHaa based on how fast he left I would say mexicano
@Oddant And where does the most efficient requirement come from? Are you doing this for lots of URIs?
just tell me how you would do if you were me
@PeeHaa you can say so, why?
please don't make football references
@Lucio I have been looking the entire day for somebody spanish!
@Lucio ow.... :(
Well you know what happened ±D
@PeeHaa lol, you can count with me
@Oddant It depends on the specific use case
just ping me whenever you need spanish..
the use case is nothing more simple than that
I just want to extract "firt" and "second"
and "third", excetera
Will it always be in that format and will you also need other path parts in the future?
may I go now
no always that form :
this/is/first/example (-> 'first')
this/is/last/example (-> 'last')
@Lucio Yes you may :)
:D g.night
yes but which fonction should I use ?
preg_match or a simple parse_url() with an explode on the path
Or if those URI's are always going to be like that even substr would do
@PeeHaa did you party last night?
@HamZa Hell yeah!
ow wait.....
@HamZa Yeah last night was madness!
hehe yeah
/me licks @JonathanBredoChristensen
Oh no room owner powerz to view that deleted message :P
> !!/listen give me a lick
england scores again :P
no jokes ? some men here and then actually give a damn to football ?
@Oddant Oui, mais on est tros fort en PHP :)
@Oddant Anyways, have you thought about a simple explode()?
yea that's the first thing occuring first in my mind all the time
I was just curious about regexp
@Oddant regex is a bit too much for such a simple task.
but isn't it sweet ^___^
@Oddant When @HamZa says regex is too much you know it is too much :)
hehe :)
@Oddant Have you seen this tutorial, it was one of the first articles I read to learn regex
@PeeHaa It's been such a while since I was active here. I need to focus a few more weeks on school sighs
@HamZa Only a couple more weeks to go and it's freedom for you :)
That stupid prestashop/phonegap app project is done
Now we only need confirmation from both school/client
@HamZa Is it somewhere public?
@PeeHaa No, but I do not mind to share the code...
(of course not public)
It's crappy anyways lol
But that actually could be a nice project. Making a phonegap for prestashop. A bit more flexible than what we've made
What do you do: consume the prestashop data and massage it into an phonegap app?
thanks @HamZa
but gee, parse_url() was all what i wished for :)
@PeeHaa Yes, for example. When the client clicks on "order menu", phonegap does some ajax-fu to get "categories" in json format. The problem is that prestashop does only provide XML. I also don't want to do clientside logging (prestashop api can give access to hashed password) so we built a layer around the API
An API around an API :P
@DemCodeLines hey
@Oddant welcome
@Oddant Hi!
are websites going pretty much extinct with the arrival of apps?
Only downside is that phonegap is terribly slow...
@DemCodeLines consider most of recent apps websites somehow
I mean, should I even bother thinking about website ideas? Or should I only bother thinking about app ideas?
I mean, If you have pure skills in apps coding it shouldn't be a burden to push your head in web development
What if I can develop both, but don't know which platform to go for?
@DemCodeLines app is meant for certain purposes. Do not build an app that could be a simple website. Unless you have obscure reasons or your client is so consumed by this trend
@HamZa I'm a college student. So I would create it for fun instead of doing it for some client.
So we're both students!
But I feel it would be pointless to create a website when most people now don't visit websites and instead use mobile apps, unless of course i am wrong about people not using websites.
@DemCodeLines do what you like most for now is my advice
@DemCodeLines I do not want to install every single app for every website I use
you will know what to do later when your boss whip your back
@HamZa but the problem in question is: do people even use websites anymore?
@DemCodeLines I often prefer a site over an app
I don't have any prove to argue about that since after all I don't care
@PeeHaa Have you installed phonegap?
@HamZa Nope
@PeeHaa Then it would be a pain to send you the code to try it :P
heheheheh :D
Yeah, it wasn't easy to install cordova/phonegap shizzle.
@HamZa what is so cool about phonegap ?
@Oddant That you can create a cross-platform app to certain degree with just html/css/javascript
you use it ?
It also provides an API (plugins) to use the phone's hardware (camera, vibration, accelerometer etc...)
@Oddant I had to since I would be doomed if I had to make this for both Android and iOS in less than a month
I have to make a cross platform app too again. It think I will give titanium another shot, but if it still sucks I'll throw it out right away
@PeeHaa What kind of app?
@HamZa ecommerce / webshop
@PeeHaa hehe, prepare yourself :D
can you make a ecommerce app with phonegap
@Oddant I just made one with my team
i was going to choke dude
@HamZa :P
@Oddant Well it's basic, also it's for a school project which outsourced us to a real client. I'm tired of it and I should not waste a lot of time in it
@PeeHaa how much time do you have?
@HamZa alrighty
@HamZa About a month
@PeeHaa Do you have android?
@PeeHaa I could send you the .APK if you want to take a look if it's "something" for you? I could send you the source if you need it
@HamZa Send it :)
I will build it..., momento
god damn it I've been scream at my computer for half an hour trying to work out why this cache isn't working, I've only just realised it's because the second request hits it before the first has resolved :-(
@DaveRandom google.fr/…
@PeeHaa Got some problems with phonegap build website, so I built it myself. Can you extract .7z files?
From here: "The numeric value of a single measured sample." Does anyone understand 'numeric' to mean integer in that context?
@Danack nah
it's a decimal
@HamZa yeah np
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