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@cspray ever since I became dayshift, I usually get tumbleweed moments here..
@DaveRandom nice!
my personal best :-)
Perhaps I shouldn't learn Lisp.
It is interesting a lot of programmers seem to think it's such a great language, and yet it's used so rarely in production.
rarely? is it ever?
@ircmaxell (trying to find link) A lot of ebay's early system was written in Lisp, and was very powerful.......but when the guy who wrote it left, they had to re-write it all.
@ircmaxell s/ebay/viaweb - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
moar (bollox) at paulgraham.com/avg.html
"What we were able to do, in Viaweb, was display a color as a swatch
representing the current value, followed by a button that said
"Change."  If the user clicked on the Change button they'd go to
a page with an imagemap of colors to choose among.  And after they
chose a color, they'd be back on the page where they were editing
the object's properties, with that color changed.  This is what I
mean about simulating subroutine-like behavior.  The software could
behave as if it were returning from having chosen a color.  It
> It made our software visibly more sophisticated
than that of our competitors.
hurrah! just what we needed..
@Danack do you remember who has that var_dump/print_r -> array converter thingy here in room 11?
@reikyoushin I don't even know what that is - var_export($foo, true) ?
@Danack nope, its a site..
2 hours later…
Reset the Net Is SE participating in this?
2 hours later…
@JoeWatkins good morning
@SecondRikudo i have voted to delete crappy answer here you may want to clear too and make it cleaner
hi all
can any one provide me a good working link of code which contains "how to upload an image in specific folder with specific name"
moin chaps
@Danack oh gawd, that is AMAAAAAAAAAAZING!
@Danack I'm gonna loop the piano solo for hours!
@Danack by the pits of hell.. what was that Oo
good morning
@NullPoiиteя killed
@AlmaDo the bug you had yesterday in phpdbg was fixed by @bwoebi last night, fyi ...
@JoeWatkins I'm doing re-compiling right now
I guess git clone was enough to get updated version?
yeah should have been, it was committed to php-src
git pull would have also done it ...
oh I thought you meant php-src
so should I clone whole php-src instead?
you might aswell if you are testing 5.6, more bugs were fixed yesterday in php-src
ok, I'll clone that
@JoeWatkins that did it
$ phpdbg -eempty.php
[Welcome to phpdbg, the interactive PHP debugger, v0.4.0]
To get help using phpdbg type "help" and press enter
[Please report bugs to <http://github.com/krakjoe/phpdbg/issues>]
well done @bwoebi :)
oh, I was about re-compiling in any case - to enable readline support
you know -e is not required anymore
^ no, I don't know
sorry bad docs
lack of docs :(
the first thing to do - please - it's man page. I'm begging (:
well man pages don't work for windows or embedded devices or much really ... it's gotta be built in help
Good morning.
@JoeWatkins well.. we have man php, but php is not only for *nix
watchpoint is now working..
phpdbg> w $current
[Set watchpoint on $current]
cool ...
thanks, @bwoebi
moin @Duikboot
morning @Patrick @Duikboot
How's everyone doing?
mysql> CALL REGEXP_SPLIT('55fooxbazbarbar andbaz', 'foo|bar');
| part    |
| 55      |
| xbaz    |
|  andbaz |
3 rows in set (0.21 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.23 sec)
hi, @CSᵠ @Leri
@AlmaDo noooooo, sql & regex? 0.23s, try on some real data...
@CSᵠ for now the intention was "make it work"
and the time is derived from DDL too (since stored proc can't return row set, it's create temporary table + insert + drop table statements inside)
@AlmaDo whatcha trying todo?
@CSᵠ I thought it's obvious from proc name .. :(
@AlmaDo yeah.. more details? gimme spicy details
@CSᵠ more details? preg_split() :p
The idea is to implement that thing for MySQL without UDF
I've added delimiter capturing too
mysql> CALL REGEXP_SPLIT('55jdkdfl9k031lmw', '[0-9]+', 1);
| part   |
| 55     |
| jdkdfl |
| 9      |
| k      |
| 031    |
| lmw    |
6 rows in set (0.21 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.23 sec)
@AlmaDo as stored procedure I don't see too much use of that.
If it was a function, it would be different story.
@Leri you can't return rowset from function
maximum that's possible - to return delimiter-separated list (comma-separated, for example)
Well, the idea is to be able to use in query expressions. If I have data I want to split using regex, I doubt I'll call mysql stored procedure, instead of using regex implementation of my language.
And delimiter separated list can serve that purposes.
not sure I got you. How to use it in expressions? Because there is no "array" data type in mysql and the function should return something "array-like"
if you have an idea - tell it to me, I'll implement
select * from `table` where `broken_f_key` in (regexp_split('14,547;545', ',|;'))
@AlmaDo The ugliest but the most demonstrative example I could think of
@Leri so it's intended to return row set, right?
hi, @salathe
@AlmaDo Pretty much, yes. Well, in that context comma-separated list could also work, but that's not what I have in mind.
@salathe morning.
@Leri with comma-separated it won't work if you'll use IN. You'll have to use FIND_IN_SET() instead
also, IN with select is equal to = ANY subquery
I meant purpose. :) Anyway, you've got my point. However, I doubt it's implementable.
I'll try to do something..
right now I have some bugs in SQL-version which do not appear in PHP-version
Off to doctor (nothing serious, just food poisoning). If you come up with something interesting, ping me, @AlmaDo.
Later, @All
oh, good, solved bugs
moins, again ...
@Leri unfortunately, all my tries ended with ERROR 1415 (0A000): Not allowed to return a result set from a function for now ..
morning, @Jimbo
what does this even mean ...
I do not agree with most of the arguments regarding the design intentions. Any programming language tryes to keep the things as simple and as readable as possible. The thing with PHP is that it's at a higher level than other languages. It was made for web, so it evolved like so (http processor). Because it's at a high level, and designed for web it's "easyer" to understand. It's focused on web. You can learn java at the same pase as PHP if you use it for web (use the same language features that php provides) . -1 — Geo C. May 21 at 7:08
> Why use someone else's code that has been tested has been shown to work! Such a dumb idea... I'll make my own!
I dismissed that as "utter nonsense" because it seems to be ... then someone else +1'd it ... I honestly dunno what it's trying to even say ...
In a sarcastic tone
I saw that on the authenticator thread
I saw that on the authenticator thread
I dismissed that as "utter nonsense" because it seems to be ... then someone else +1'd it ... I honestly dunno what it's trying to even say ...
Sometimes I think I go there to punish myself.
my internet gone strange ...
@Leri if you're still interesting, there is a way to manage that in single select, but it isn't helpful if talking about common case (i.e. expression handling)
    @part  := SUBSTRING_INDEX(@split, @delim, 1) AS part,
    @split := SUBSTR(@split, 1+CHAR_LENGTH(@delim)+CHAR_LENGTH(@part)) AS s
      @string := 'foo8923^432barbar%- 331baz=34',
      @regex  := '[^a-z]',
How are the kittens Joe?
yeah, all well :)
How long will you keep them for?
Good mornig :)
morning, @PeeHaa
@Leri if you want to look how (ugly) it's inside, I've made a git repo
may be I'll add regexp_replace too - that is possible to handle with function
Morning PeeRandom
Morning DaveHaa
@Fabien "PeeRandom", sounds like a Saturday morning before I've completely opened my eyes.
Pray n spray
^^ Exactly.
Which is normally followed by "SON OF A BITCH, ITS EVERYWHERE"
I usually sit first thing in the morning for this reason ^
^^ Same, except all the time when at home, <-- lazy.
Also, establishments don't take kindly to you sitting in the urinal.
goodday everyone :)
@DanLugg Sitting is the lazy option, you don't have to support your own weight
@DaveRandom Also, the moment you realize you're been in the bathroom for 15 minutes because you're reading something on your phone and all you did was go in there to pee?
Numb legs.
@DaveRandom Very lady like.
I try my best
Sink in room. Student house?
Mate's bedroom
@DaveRandom I think I have that same bag...
@DaveRandom Also, can I get a Coke please?
She still has that sign on the wall in her house
lol, neat
Also the mini blackboard we stole from the same pub at the same time that says "Quiz night on Sundays"
And a man-putting-up-an-umbrella road sign
Um, different picture?
^ that
lol, those guys must always have the heaviest umbrellas.
I used to have a wicked huge convex mirror I swiped from a bar.
I dunno where it's gone now.
It must be such a pita running an establishment where you sell alcohol and people think they're being so original by nicking everything that's not screwed down
I have many, many pint glasses and I haven't ever bought one afaik
Yea, it'd probably be smart to have a room full of theft-worthy rubbish near an exit.
That way everybody goes home happy.
holy shit. That's hell of an answer
Also, because I live in a real country, my pint glasses are actually a pint and don't feel disappointingly small in your hands.
@DaveRandom Um, I think I we have a proper pint.
500ml, no?
PDOStatement::execute() does some sort of caching?
@DanLugg A real pint is 568ml
I have it in a loop and it isn't changing the argument I'm passing
500ml is better than the useless American ones but it's still just isn't good enough
@DaveRandom Well, in Canada, we just drink more anyway.
Also, moose skull chalice.
@JoeWatkins btw. I could persuade Ferenc to still include my latest phpdbg fixes in beta4… :-)
hey @NullPoiиteя
@PeeHaa hello Sir
@bwoebi do that probably ... also that was weird, you pinged me as I was sitting at the computer again ...
@JoeWatkins hehe… but I was talking in past tense this time.
I achieved it last night.
as he locally had already tagged (you see it when Ferenc adds a new NEWS section)
also @JoeWatkins your run-tests.php looks like a gigantic mess with OOP paradigms forced where their existence isn't justified...
@DanLugg I'll see your moose skull chalice and raise you this:
I may have to buy one of those
My review:
> I'm not buying that - have you seen the new keywords in the constructor? This mug has clearly never heard of dependency injection. Also, no strict comparison within isEmpty()? You don't put "var" as a class member either; you need to use the correct access modifier: public, protected or private. Finally, leave the closing ?> off, you don't want any errors from those pesky new lines, do you? Poor show, I wouldn't drink from this mug of anti-logic death.
Anti-Logic Death
@DaveRandom Right... "buy" a pint glass. wink wink
@PeeHaa how you doing ?
@PeeHaa you know i got my first job offer ... ( though i have tried for first time ) :)
@NullPoiиteя Good and busy
@NullPoiиteя gratz!
@NullPoiиteя is it offer already? Or you're just going to pass interview?
@AlmaDo every thing done ... now i just need to decide salary and may be negotiate (although i have no experience )
@NullPoiиteя cool then
@bwoebi is unfinished ... other people were meant to join in ... I think there's 4 tests lol
@JoeWatkins 8 tests.
The tests aren't bad. Just the run-test.php code itself I mean
well it has to be a single file and I'd rather use classes to organize it than endless functions ;)
Stupid segfaults and SOAP
does anybody know of any codebases using behat?
@JoeWatkins most things you even don't need to segment in functions/methods…
most things anyway are just called once…
@Jimbo Stupid segfaults and SOAP
@Jimbo You have three options. 1) Kill yourself. 2) Kill SOAP. 3) Kill everyone in the whole world.
Hmm... concerning URI credentials:
        ^---^--- there ain't no easy way to get this in PHP, is there?
@DanLugg What do you mean by "get" it?
Obtain it.
Isn't that in $_SERVER?
^^ Nope.
Yeh but from what? From a URI string or the credentials that were use for the current request?
@DaveRandom Oh, sorry.... derp; current request.
Otherwise I'd just parse_url
That's assuming you are using HTTP basic auth
Right, hold on, I think I derped something.
Wait, I don't think that ^ applies.
Well in that case you aren't using HTTP auth, in which case putting the credentials in the URI is meaningless
Need advice regarding VPNs and DNSs, I'm not good with that crap
I'm going to connect my VPS to the HideMyAss! VPN, I'm guessing this will cause my IP address to change.
@SecondRikudo Obviously
Also why HMA?
@PeeHaa Have a better one?
That's the one I found
We'll discuss which one to use later, hear me out please :P
Someone told me I need a DynDNS service, like no-ip.org to keep track of the IP address given by the VPN.
@DaveRandom cunning ...
Now, I already have a domain (two) pointed at that VPS, how can I make sure that the domain stays attached to the VPS even though the IP changes?
@DaveRandom Yea, see; that deals with the Authorization header, which is fine. I'm talking strictly about the <userinfo> group of the URI.
Do I simply point it to the hostname given to me by the DynDNS service?
/cc @rdlowrey re: userinfo passed through in URIs (Apache 2.4)
@PeeHaa @DaveRandom Halp
@DanLugg I don't get what you mean. If you paste a URL with credentials into a browser, the browser will negotiate either HTTP basic or HTTP digest, in which case the details will be available in PHP with $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] and either $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] or $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'] (depending on what the server asks for)
If the server does not request authentication with a 401, the details will not be sent to the server
@DaveRandom So the client is responsible for building the Authorization header out of the userinfo from a URI? That doesn't sound right.
I thought it was just a component of the URI, which, depending on server configuration would be used, or not.
In the case of not, it's just flak in the URI, which is fine because it's still obtainable
@DanLugg No, the auth details will never be sent to the server unless it responds with a 401
Say I put http://foo:[email protected]/ into the address bar. The browser first sends a regular GET / HTTP/1.1
If the server responds with a 2xx, that's it, job done
So, lemme make sure I understand:
1) I punch in http://foo:bar@qux
2) Browser sends the GET as you just described
3) Server responds with 401
4) Browser negotiates using foo:bar
5) Etc.
If browser returns 200, nothing happens with foo:bar, client discards and carry on

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