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How would an AJAX page fit in? Say you have part of your site based on AJAX retrieved from the DB. How do you handle the back-end part to ouput?
I have no idea what you are saying. Neither in this nor in previous line
I'm asking how you'd go about setting up an page that is solely for retrieving content for AJAX purposes. Does it still fall in to the view as something is presented?
then only difference between "ajax resource" and a normal page is the format in which your output: html or json
actually, we should call it AJAJ
Your views must be a little sizeable.
Fat model, skinny controller and rotund view.
soundcloud.com/bonobo <-- Some pretty cool music.
ELI5 BDD || TDD? What's the difference? Initial reading has people suckling the tit of BDD.
I was under the impression it was more like DDD || TDD (domain driven design)
Maybe I should just D&D
I'm a wizard!
@DanLugg cape and wand or it didn't happen ...
That wasn't supposed to be animated
am unsetting the cookie, but cookie is rolling back to the old value on page refresh, pl suggest me to fix this issue
403 Forbidden Forest
@DanLugg Has a forbidden forest
@Fabien I don't use it in the template it was really overkill and I was able to create pages just with slight modifications. However, it's perfect for admin panel. Basically, it's plug and play so far.
Best game ever.
@Leri cool cool
@DanLugg Lol, looks like it's what's happening at the other side of Frogger
lol; seriously though, C64
All you Counter-Strike Source guys need to get in to Surfing
@Fabien BTW, I liked this Have you ever used it? If yes, what's your review.
just ordered pieces for the most utterly useless over-specced PC that I've ever built!
@Fabien That'd be an intense game in it's own right
@DanLugg It's awesome. TBF that video is of the best surfer on CSS
Even still, levels built to accommodate that for noobs would be awesome.
@Leri Not used it. I'm not much of a Fed. Or at least i try not to be, :P
@DanLugg There's tons.
I reckon'd
Add me on Steam and we'll surf.
setcookie("cart", "", time()-3600);
even then on page refresh cookie cart still exist, where i went wrong?
lol idonthavesteam.jpg
Here's a progressive level one with some serious eurotrash music
@DanLugg what's that game btw?
Perhaps a bit. But I havent' been much of a gamer since about 2008
@Ocramius Which game, the image?
@Fabien Well, I might not use that. Just playing around. However, I am going to: angularjs everything!!!
Aye. I hear a lot about angular.
Good things or bad ones?
Better than Backbone :P
Well it let me automatically update a table based on JSON data in like 5 lines of code as opposed to 60 in a JS class
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is of a more experienced opinion than my own.
@Fabien Actually, knockout js is nicer for just bindings, however, when routing comes in play angular seems to be less PITA.
You guys seen Polymer?
@DanLugg yeap
@Leri I'm gradually replacing all my frontend code with angular, and I'm liking it quite a lot
I just miss AMD loading, but that will likely come with 2.x
@Jimbo aaaaand yep, replacing my angular directives with polymer already =D
@Jimbo look at this, isn't it just awesome? educastellano.github.io/qr-code
(remove the fact that it is a QR code :P )
Yeah that's pretty cool (the auto generation)
@Ocramius Nice review, thanks. ;)
It's not auto-generation at all, that's the cool thing
it's actual custom DOM, backed by shadow DOM
which means that your custom elements are not just parsed out and replaced, they actually retain their place \o/
The API landed in the latest chrome already, and is already recognized by googlebot as well =D
@Jimbo What's the skinny on that Polymer?
@Fabien look at the example I've linked :P
@Ocramius Still trying to understand what it is.
@Fabien custom DOM elements
@Fabien for example <line-chart data-series="..."/>
Different from things like document.createElement("article"); ?
old IE fix thingies
Good afternoon.
Anyone has a link to that presentation about not using tables for layout?
Lots of cartoonish drawings over it, very informative
People still need to learn that lesson?
@Fabien well, it now is likely to land in HTML as "imported" html elements :-)
@SecondRikudo but, but bootstrap uses tables?
@Fabien about what?
I personally think it's awesome. We get better semantic output, much more flexibility and a readability
@BenjaminGruenbaum Angular.
Backbone is just horrible.
Angular has a nice use case, if you fall in that use case (medium sized dashboard application, or something similar) there is a good chance it'll make your life easier.
@BenjaminGruenbaum type this in the JS console:
CHAT.user.current().is_moderator = true;
Now I can pretend I'm a moderator!
I'm blue da-bu-di-da-bu-da
CHAT.user.current().is_moderator = true;
CHAT.user.current().name +=" ♦"
@SecondRikudo be careful with that (:
@BenjaminGruenbaum What would you use for a large application?
But actual moderators don't really have that diamond in chat.
So that has little merit (and even if you do, on the main site, there's no space between that and the actual name
What would you use in php for a large application? Which framework would you use?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Depends
Define "Large" and also, for what purpose.
For most medium-large applications, I wouldn't use a framework at all.
@SecondRikudo are you Fabien?
well ... damn
looks like I will be a CTO soon
and I am still not sure what I think about it
@SecondRikudo That was obviously a rhetorical question. Anyone claiming to have a one size fit all answer has no idea what they're talking about :)
@tereško go for it. Seriously.
@tereško Congrats :D well deserved.
well, it's not yet
Make sure they pay you appropriately.
Jesus what's that been? about 5 months?
riiiight ... a medium size I company in eastern europe
It's not about pay, it's about professional growth. I think it's a good opportunity to experiment with management and see if you like it.
@Fabien almost exactly 5 month
It's a little about pay.
Especially if you're not getting enough.
@tereško relax :-)
Frankie says...
@Fabien btw, I'm now able to do a sloppy muscle-up :D
@HamZa Nice progress!
They'll come a lot more naturally from here on out.
thanks, working on it...
Opinions on this dashboard looks-wise?
I like the layout
Scales well enough, but in my experience from dashboards is to strip them down as much as possible
If you can find a template that uses SASS or something similar, that's useful too.
Clean, nice layout.
@Jimbo That slime green hurts my eyes
@PeeHaa Maybe you should tell @Jimbo about it :P
I'm a fan of 'clean-style' stuff
@PeeHaa What hex goes well?
Wrong person to ask :P
I suck at shit like that
@Jimbo Similar one I am going to use.
Partially because it uses LESS.
@Fabien The widgets are quite metro-style'ey
immo better: i.imgur.com/TSJKTS3.png @Jimbo
@Jimbo #44769C is nice :)
@Fabien Yeah the blue is okay
@Jimbo Most will be stripped out. They cater for as much as possible in these things.
You guys liking blue huh
@tereško Good luck
@tereško I missed that, congrats! :-)
It's like a medley of mixed messages between well done and watch out :P
Congratz @tereško
Chief Tereško Officer
@Jimbo I'm looking for a board like that! Did you find anything that is MIT or BSD licensed?
make you own ?
@tereško my designer is too busy for that, heh
@Ocramius There's lots of free admin themes out there.
@Ocramius If you make your own, like the one I found, using your own class names and styles ordered how you want, it's your own ;)
@Fabien "free" != "MIT/BSD compatible"
I need to re-distribute it as an open-source package
why #BADA55 text color is so crappy :\
Sorry wrong ping
@Fabien que?
@Jimbo only if I didn't copy :|
@Jimbo design is only a small part of this
@Ocramius Whose to say you copied? I can be similar :P heavily inspired by, etc...
you also need the backend code
@Jimbo yeah yeah ;-) no :P
@DaveRandom I mostly forgot what I was going to ask. But yesterday Jimbo and I required some Dad knowledge on this whole UKIP and EU Election stuff.
@tereško oh, I just need the frontend :)
@Fabien thanks for pointing it out, that's awesome =D
It will be a challenge to remove all that jQuery crap from there...
@Fabien Oh right. Well I'm probably not the best person to ask - but I'm not sure it means a whole lot? I mean all it really means is that we sent a bunch of people to Brussels who don't want to be there, and so far as I can work out even the people of Brussels don't want to be there, so they should be in good company
Maybe JCVD can sort them out.
Jesus Christ's Venereal Disease?
heh. That too.
@AlmaDo He kinda makes sense there.
@Leri no. If one will just try - then it's a way to learn
@AlmaDo Um, just read the question itself.. Yeah, it's pretty trivial. :)
I get with foreach a result list like:


how can i filter with if results like:

Frist row who contains "E" to display this result?

I tried so, but this is not fully correct:
if(strstr(substr($variant_code->product_code, -3), 'E'))
also, comment is false. That guy definitely spent more time on question & comments than on simple try..
@LeviMorrison Kerning seems to be a bit off. I thought it was just the Chrome/Win font rendering issue but it looks crappy under FF too. This is on my laptop with crappy display though, I'll have a look on a higher res display later, but it seems like more than just a rendering issue...
@MirkoSimic strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false ?
Also @LeviMorrison if it looks crappy on low res then it's probably not a good thing, there will be a lot of people visiting the site with crappy displays
@Leri don't understand completly what you mean, if i use my if request, i see all this names who contains this letter, and my problem is, i need only 1 result (first or last) with this letter
How's it going @Duikboot?
Good, how are you.
Good thanks. What you up to?
@MirkoSimic Try: if (strpos($variant_code->product_code, 'E') !== false) instead.
@Leri if i try this i get again completly me filtered list with letter "E"
@MirkoSimic break inside if.
@Leri that's exactly my problem because i don't know how can i filter results after output?
i filter results (all rows who has letter "E"), but how can i filter last or first result from this output?
Is it an array of results?
@webarto no, this is custom output, after i have first or last result i must filter his image...
It doesn't make any sense, the way you put it, it's not programming related.
@MirkoSimic Algorithm that contains or without any conditions triggers syntax error in my head.
Pričaj srpski da te ceo svet razume.
@webarto ovaj put izgleda da ni srpski ne pomaze .(
Can you show some code?
$i = 0;
foreach ($results as $variant_code) :
if(strpos(substr($variant_code->product_code, -3), 'C') !== false) :

$product_variant_id = $variant_code->product_code;
echo $product_variant_id . '<br />';

OK, so this will print out something that contains C, what do you want to do next?
@webarto only first or last value from this output

$i = 0;
$product_variant_id = [];
foreach ($results as $variant_code):
  if (strpos(substr($variant_code->product_code, -3), 'C') !== false):

    $product_variant_id[] = $variant_code->product_code;


echo $product_variant_id[0], $product_variant_id[$i];
@webarto bas ti thanke you od srca :)
@webarto it's possible to put this result in variable?
in Sandbox, 1 min ago, by Community
don't know what you mean; only us humans here.... cough...
@ircmaxell I think.... I found... the love of my life.... Nah.
Hey, @ircmaxell I've a question, more of an idea, and it might be stupid but I want to confirm it with someone who actually knows something about authentication and the likes
Is it possible to develop an authentication system which is based on RSA private/public key system?
As in, the user, instead of registering with an email address and a password, uploads his public key to the server, and from that moment on, every time said user arrives at the site, his public key is instantly matched and he's authenticated for the website.
Think it's feasible?
Such a 'bro' thing to do :P Poor guy.
@Fabien could have been his mother from the looks of it. Not sure
@SecondRikudo some websites do that via java applets iirc... not nice, not at all :(
What prevents it from being implemented over HTTP?
Via cookies and whatnot?
1 message moved to bin
That's you @PeeHaa ^
The Gif Police.
And... moved to bin :P
Can you imagine the recoil :-/
Just out of the blue, if you're doing websocket stuff and you tell React (reactphp) to get some data from the database before returning it in the event loop - does this block?
I need to get my head around non-blocking
@Jimbo Make taking some data take really long and see always is an option when unsure.
IEveryone doing SPAs, google has just completed (I saw the page refresh in front of me right now) JavaScript indexing. You no longer need tooling for that. Google will now execute JavaScript - the SEO JavaScript problem is solved.
@BenjaminGruenbaum noice
@BenjaminGruenbaum Google already did that?
I want a hipster PC.
Till my wife tells me to get rid of it that is.
@PeeHaa they made the switch like, 1 hour ago. I just asked what it changes stackoverflow.com/questions/23891555/…
(Also, yay for not feeling bad for pasting my question because capped)
A: Does Google or other search engine execute JavaScript?

DavidThere have been some experiments performed for SEO purposes which indicate that at least the big players (Google, for example) can and do follow some simple JavaScript. They avoid sneaky redirects and such, but some basic content manipulation does seem to get through. (I don't have a link handy...

I had some of my javascript ran a while ago
1 message moved to bin
Didn't you see the article? They announced a big change on Friday, and released it about now.
I don't much like SPAs currently tbf. Maybe it's just my negative experience with one.
@Fabien you mean how facebook, gmail or this chat behave :P?
heh. maybe I should prefix what I said with 'Building' :)
heh I take it that stems from Phil's post on reddit :)
@ircmaxell The future looks... scary.
Ah the old 'fifty seven responsibilities principle'.
Perhaps you could coin that. "The Heinz Responsibility Principle"
Spaghetti Responsibility Principle
Sponsored by Heinz
Oh, @tereško I finally watched that SOLID video. And it clarified something that I've been unable to figure out for a while.
yeah .. it kinda did
the interpretation of SOLID has changed .. not sure if it's a good or bad thing
@ircmaxell Did you make that SOLID video?
Or are you talking about a different SOLID video?
@tereško Well, I always felt that there was an "underlying truth" to the whole thing. That each principle was just a "view" on a deeper concept.
and it turns out that's right. But I was mis-interpreting each principle, which clouded the deeper view.
I guess the major differences are in LSP and OCP
@webarto Finding bugs in ImageMagick would be harder if they used valgrind, or understood that reading from uninitialized memory is bad, even if it doesn't immediately show as a bug. imagemagick.org/discourse-server/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=25627
@tereško yeah, that's fair
I got tagged on the reddit with the php
May 15 at 11:48, by tereško
well, if you ask nicely: http://yow.eventer.com/yow-2013-1080/the-solid-design-principles-deconstructed-b‌​y-kevlin-henney-1386 (won't play on firefox and the start is inflammatory)
nice :-)
@SecondRikudo It's the one @tereško just permalink linked.
@Fabien I guessed since he replied me with it
Good morning.
Ah fair enough
Moaning @LeviMorrison
Morning @LeviMorrison
@DaveRandom Do you have kerning issues when you look at other sites with Fira Sans? Or just on leviathon?
In any case, I have access to crappy monitors today ^^
@JoeWatkins And @LeviMorrison got tagged with PHP Web
Yeah, that happened a couple weeks ago when I posted on the website updates ^^
he's had that a while now
ah, well then, shows how much I pay attention on Reddit :-)
hehe ... good call, good call ...
You've been branded! You can check out any time you like...
A lot of Factories in this Glome Cashback thingy @tereško
I'm trying to follow it through, even if you don't think it's very good.
@Fabien that project was not "designed"
it was written in ~2.5 weeks
actually 2, and half of week for debugging
@tereško If you knew of a better project available to look through online I'd gladly look at that. :) I enjoy going through live code.
suggestion for what to do with "shop" service, because it is a horrible mess
Aye. But there's probably something to be learnt.
Blog remains as the cleanest learning/example project, imho.
that's spooky!
@Leri In doing or reviewing?
get spooked, kid
@Fabien Both. It has almost every basic aspects you'll need as professional web-dev.
@Leri What I'd like is to see a well built blog. Sure I could try and build one, and have. But seeing how it's done is a very beneficial method of learning for me.
Mainly because I have never worked in an environment where that's the case. Is that typical?
@Fabien Well, in two weeks I should finish blog on my brand new php platform but doubtfully, it will be worth as example. I advise you to look into WordPress (you know I am kidding, right?).
lol yes :P
Are you planning on posting it on Github?
@Fabien No, commercialize all the thingz! Seriously, it'll be in bitbucket as private repo.
bitbucket.org/fabor If you ever feel obliged to provide read only :P
@Fabien If I won't end up in a mess, sure. :P
What's the reasoning for list() to assign in reverse?
@Leri That'd be awesome thanks. Fingers crossed for something you're willing to show off :P
$a = []; list($a[], $a[], $a[]) = [1, 2, 3]; produces $a == [3, 2, 1]
@Fabien Oh, btw, you'll be amazed with my css skills there (if everything goes right). :D
@Leri heh. I'm sure it'll work out. Just don't look in IE7
@Fabien I barely support IE 8. :Ь
Rightfully so. MS is on IE9 only now.

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