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ok , naming related question
should I have lowercase "controllers" namespace or PascalCase "Controllers" folder ?
@krakjoe Hi, I plan add suport of phpdbg in next eclipse PDT version. Have you any documentation for remote debugging protocol?
@tereško I like to leave them lowercase just because it makes it easier to reach from terminal.
@DanLugg undefined behavior is undefined
Really? I thought it was established to assign in reverse for a reason...
is it documented?
It is documented, but I was just curious as to why it does that.
> list() assigns the values starting with the right-most parameter. If you are using plain variables, you don't have to worry about this. But if you are using arrays with indices you usually expect the order of the indices in the array the same you wrote in the list() from left to right; which it isn't. It's assigned in the reverse order.
Anybody ever used these guys or can recommend a similar service (spam filtering)?
likely just BC reasons
Alrighty. IIRC it's always been like that; I just didn't know if it was silly, or if I'm silly for thinking it's silly.
I'd wager it's popping off the array.
@salathe When people post bug reports like that I hope they realize that behavior typically encourages the person responsible to do the opposite of what they are asking.
Also, I highly encourage you to look at his email address domain and visit that site.
And he's complaining about PHP.net? lol
The world needs a powerwashing.
And he came up with a abbr..
> On top of that every line of code is preceded by the lord's prayer and the whole lot is then dipped in holy water just to be on the safe side.
Like, Halal for code?
@Danack you really got sirius with 'em IM folks, nice job :D I'm sure it has lots of bugs, but somehow it works.
@LeviMorrison delete that guy from the internet for having no sense of humour and a shit computer ...I'll leave you to work out the details of how to delete him ...
I'm not fond of the running elephpant but I did tone down its frequency a bit (theoretically, at least)
Hello @JoeWatkins
One GIF eating his CPU... let me degrease my rifle.
Hello @LeviMorrison
@webarto lol
hi @Baba :)
Easily misconstrued.
@JoeWatkins how are you doing ?
someone should reply to that thread, ask bjori if kittens will perform any better ...
@Baba oh, not bad, for the sake of brevity, yourself ?
He clearly needs a machine upgrade. I highly doubt he can run a find | grep | awk | sort | uniq chain with the machine he's on.
Hipster computer
@JoeWatkins stressed out ... have been very very very busy
yeah been a while ... so you had a break and thought of us ... :)
@LeviMorrison [UFAGS]
A @Baba ... hmm. Hi.
@bwoebi how are you doing ?
@bwoebi long time :)
@Baba with you it's always a long time from time to time…
@bwoebi true ... especially when there are lot of deliverable
@bwoebi you should see be often now
@bwoebi What did i miss ?
The great purge of 2014. :D And this
@Baba Fabien said it.
@bwoebi hahahaha how many was lost :)
@Fabien And it's big, not great, hmpf!
I think i read about it in hacker news
@Baba That'd really wonder me^^
@bwoebi i was referring to news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6990570
or there was another purge ?
yay. Hi, @Baba - long time
@AlmaDo Hey ... how are you doing ?
@Baba that was last year. He's talking about Anthony's purge.
@bwoebi not aware ... give me a hint ..
@Baba actually, waiting till you'll reply :-p
May 13 at 17:56, by ircmaxell
This room's owner list has been cleaned up. Anyone disagree with the current room owner list (any individual member)? Feel free to say so!
oh.. right. We all were purged :p
heya @Baba. Long time again
@AlmaDo would look at it in a moment
@PeeHaa hey .... how are you doing :)
Goood How's you?
@PeeHaa not bad .. have been very very busy
@PeeHaa Isn't it quittin' time yet?
@Fabien For the day or for the rest of my life?
@AlmaDo you have been waiting for a long time .... :)
@PeeHaa Rest of your en slaved follower life...
Multiping sorry :(
Hi has anyone every tried to work out "Factors" in PHP?
@AlmaDo Your point on the array_shift but it seems like a less verbose option then ..
omg the article phil linked to there is even worse
> The effort to make the Zend Engine based PHP fully thread safe was always considered too complicated by the PHP core developers, so it was never done. However it was not too complicated for Facebook, so they made its HHVM based implementation as thread safe as it should be.
what the fuck ...
all of it pretty poor but, towards the end just descends into madness
Ah, you're learning about the horrific reporting of phpclasses. Not just for bad code, but for bad news as well :-)
@LeviMorrison Link to another site?
@Baba not only array_shift() - there are some improvements to other things too :)
@tereško what do you think about the Controller creating the View object and returning it?
bad idea
@ircmaxell php should have a blog ... this has to stop, if you don't read internals, then your first knowledge of new things comes from places like phpclasses or sitepoint ... if php had a blog, then blogs that get written about things we are doing at least are based loosely on fact ...
Why would you do it?
What is the benefit?
@tereško Well, you can have a n:n relationship between controllers and views.
@JoeWatkins go for it
I don't see a better way implementing it if you want a controller to not be tied down to only one single view.
you can have the same without binding the two
unless your naming is inconsistent
@tereško By returning an array with the View name and parameters?
@SecondRikudo that would be how Springs is doing it
@AlmaDo Can you review them please and make correction when necessary .... thanks ..
@tereško What's the advantage over just creating the View?
but I tend to just have a consistent naming scheme for controllers and views and which view is loaded gets decided by data from the Request instance
@SecondRikudo because you do not need a view class do test the controller
@tereško But sometimes the problem doesn't stem from the Request object.
Sometimes it's because some data validation failed, or because something else happened.
you would have to give an exact case where you have encountered such issue
@SecondRikudo what has it to do with loading different view ?
@tereško I want to redirect to an error page when a user entered invalid input.
I have a view that handles JSON errors and I want to grab that one in case of ajax validation errors.
@Baba yeah. but still - since that was your post, I wanted to inform
why not just have a view loading the error template ?
@JoeWatkins What do you expect from people not qualified to speaks about it?
@SecondRikudo why are those two connected now ?!
@tereško Because that would be repeating code all over the place, if every single View (or almost every) would need to load the same template under the same conditions.
@AlmaDo cool .. I can't wait to see the changes ..
@JoeWatkins only if you use something better than Wordpress. </joke> Well, use something which does the job.
@SecondRikudo i have no ida what the hell you are talking about
what repeated code, where ?
@tereško Say I have a LoginController, which handles the login pages
@JoeWatkins Who do you expect to write there? (I don't want a dead blog)
And I have a AdminController to handle the admin interface.
If someone registers from the LoginController but enters invalid data, I want to show an error.
@SecondRikudo so you load the login view which sees that there was an error in authenticateion, thus it load an error template instead of form template
@bwoebi well I would write there, if I don't have the knowledge to write about a subject then I would get it before I wrote about it, or ask someone who does some relevant questions ...
the rest of view's logic is not affected by that
If someone inserts a new user from the AdminController and enters invalid data, I also want to show an error.
how is that a problem ?
@JoeWatkins try it, I won't stop you.
@JoeWatkins Well, you could make that part of the RFC process. To write a blog post describing, in plain English, the concept being proposed. Which would then get edited and posted
Why would I have two views, both handling the exact same logic under the exact same conditions?
The exact same validation logic and the exact same error template logic.
1 min ago, by Second Rikudo
If someone registers from the LoginController but enters invalid data, I want to show an error.
this was about authentication
1 min ago, by Second Rikudo
If someone inserts a new user from the AdminController and enters invalid data, I also want to show an error.
@tereško No, registers
this seemed to be about form authentication
not logs in
@ircmaxell yeah, good idea actually
as in, wants to sign up and become a new user.
ya know what, do what you want
Both's goal is to create a new user
i have been repeating "view is not template" over and over and over and OVER again
@tereško That's exactly my point...
View isn't a template.
@ircmaxell *hides* Not everyone is a great blog post writer…
yes, but you are acting as if it is
So why would I make two views, with the exact same method and logic?!
if you have a repeated UI logic, you use presentation objects for it martinfowler.com/eaaDev/PresentationModel.html
/me sighs
Hello together i wan't to create a little Whatsap Chat script in PHP i allready downloaded whatsapp API but now i dont know how i can call these methodes like send-message could somebody help me out over skype or private chat ? i would realy appreciate it thanks in afford
@bwoebi that's actually true, but we're not looking to entertain here, we're looking to communicate actual facts in a palatable way ... I'm not expecting that we get a billion readers a minute, I'm just expecting to establish a source of reliable information for the blogosphere ....
@ircmaxell was that about me =/
@JoeWatkins oh, you can be sure, there are always things interpreted wrongly.
it would realy made my day if somone coud help me a little (:
@JoeWatkins very true, but much of that can be "polished up" by a decent editor.
@tereško nope. Quite the opposite actually
well that's something we should all work on and look for before publishing articles ... there are lots of us there's no reason that I should write something and publish it without it being read and changed by others ...
anyway, time to ride home
@ircmaxell mh, okay
@ircmaxell yeah, editing like process is what I'm thinking of I guess ...
@DaveRandom Hmm, font squirrel doesn't have the weight we are using.
Not sure ^^
<-- Smells a Github PHP Blog group coming.
Github markdown isn't to different from Ghosts too.
why github?
I figured people could contribute and revise easily there.
@ircmaxell I looked at the answer you provide here -> stackoverflow.com/a/5121899 and I don't understand how to use it when I have a div with more than one class.
the line after the code: //*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' class ') is a query that will match when the element contains more than one class
@LeviMorrison ^ the top line is Chrome, the bottom is FF, both on Win 7
so, if you're looking for a div with baz class: //*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' baz ')
Or, just use Symfony's CSS compiler
@DaveRandom looks identical?
Hmm... it's not top-notch quality but it's readable.
@ircmaxell thanks
@bwoebi Yeh, but both look crappy. Point is that it's not just this issue, it affects moz as well
Lester showed me a screenshot of Source Sans Pro that's really, really thin and horrible.
@LeviMorrison Yeh but the kerning looks odd (consider the "ill" in "still", and the "sl" in "translated")
@DaveRandom the only thing which looks crappy is the point on the i.
@DaveRandom Try applying text-rendering: optimizeLegibility and see how it goes.
@LeviMorrison Improves it at 150% zoom (everything looks fine) but at 100% it still looks crappy
I'm aware that this is largely because of my crappy display
Yeah, but apparently some user's machines nearly crash because of the elephpant gif.
So I have to accomodate ^^
bjori reckons just write announcements
in news ...
@JoeWatkins That's what I'd recommend too.
I'd rather not have more infrastructure to maintain ^^
What so just "your computer sucks, deal with it"
@LeviMorrison You're joking, lolz… Is that a win 95 computer with Netscape?
barely infrastructure ...
@bwoebi ... didn't you see the PHP-Internals message about it?
@LeviMorrison I did. Not taking it very seriously…
@JoeWatkins Yeah but we already don't keep things up to date on existing infrastructure ^^
And @LeviMorrison don't exaggerate, he writes "eats up my CPU" and not "makes my computer nearly crash".
I can run my computer for hours on 100% CPU without problems usually…
> if you write 2 entries in the next 2weeks I'll create a blog.php.net dns for you
yay ...
^^ Sorry; I figured exaggeration was okay on this one
@LeviMorrison Well, I assume he already exaggerated in his mail ;-)
I have a job interview (fresher with 0years xp) in a month .. I put up php and js and c as programming languages in my resume . So other than the basics of php like the basic functions and mysql pdo and prepared statements what other things should I focus on.. Given that I have some knowledge on oop from my java classes
How to do a decent hand shake, how to sit correctly in a chair during an interview.
Other aspects of php and oop :P
Handshake is easy ... First tym do it politely ... And after getting rejected, take your sweaty palm grip his hand firmly shake it vigorously with a smile on the face and say the pleasure was mine..
@LeviMorrison Indeed, that was my first thought, but I see the same issue in FF
I wonder if it is because of font-weight 300.
Maybe FiraSans-Book is actually a thin 400; I'll try to find out.
@DaveRandom Force refresh and see if that helps at all.
@DaveRandom I just updated all the fonts to newer versions; see if that helped.
@JoeWatkins woot!
@JoeWatkins well, that makes sense for features that are shipping. But what we're talking about is potential things that may never happen, so news isn't quite the right "feel" IMHO...
Who is the person who gives the go ahead on those kind of things .. blog.php.net that is?
@Fabien Hannes I think.
I'd much rather see a planet-php.net style aggregation of contributor's blog posts.
Sure, but let's call it planet.php.net ^^
@LeviMorrison Fine by me. :)
I would just worry that extension authors would overwhelm it.
If we get enough posts for any one group to overwhelm another... fantastic!
@SecondRikudo Toda Raba IDF :P
Plus, extension authors have no idea how to work the homepage new script :P
@webarto yw?
@salathe Well, I see it less a place for "blog" posts, and more "explain what's happening" internally
@ircmaxell See what?
@salathe a blog.php.net
We already have a place to post "what's happening"; be it with internals, docs, the website... and that's the homepage. Just because it's only ever releases at the moment doesn't mean we can't make better use of it.
is the homepage the right place to talk about RFCs that haven't been accepted?
is some sort of "official" blog?
I've seen the news feed as "This is what's coming in the next release". A place to announce accepted RFCs. Etc
but I also see a need to talk about things that are just proposed, and giving a "laymans" description
I don't see why that can't be done externally and aggregated in?
Everything will be coming from individuals, no matter how involved with the project you are.
well, it shouldn't be opinionated. whereas external intividual blogs can (and should) be
Maybe I see the homepage as something more flexible than most. I'm not totally against a more "official" outlet (blog.php.net) for those really interested in the goings-on of the project. I'd still love to see a planet.php.net aggregation of individual developers' blogs, that would be a much more diverse read. They're really targeting different groups of users (likely with lots of overlap).
yeah, I just don't seem them as mutually exclusive
No, not at all. :)
@ircmaxell actually most RFCs should be understandable by layman. (if not technical RFCs like e.g. phpng thing, where the only information for layman is performance boost) That's not why we need a blog I think.
quick idea, no thought, just puting it out
what if homepage had two sections of news. One for end-users (which was always release-worthy anouncements, so accepted RFCs, etc), and one for "devs" (name needs work) talking about pre-release things (proposed RFCs, engine refactors, etc)
what do you mean with devs? for ext devs or for PHP devs (frameworks, whatever, so that they already can consider earlier what's coming)?
It would be good to have a section just mentioning the possible future of PHP, yeah
with a massive caviat that nothing in this section may actually happen
@ircmaxell possibly contributors?
@CarrieKendall what do you mean?
maybe i misunderstood, but i thought by dev you were implying php devs (or contributors). dev is fairly ambiguous given the context
I'm with anthony, the news feed is news that is actually happening, and with the opinion thing aswell, this isn't for opinion, it's for the distribution of actual facts ... I like the idea of a planet.php.net too where extension authors words can be found, but I don't want anyone's opinion on anything, I want the actual facts and I want them to be separated from opinion by design ...
@CarrieKendall well, contributors, but also framework devs, who wouldn't actually contribute to internals, but should (or may want to) be aware of what's going on...
@JoeWatkins That's cool. A well-managed blog could certainly do that, and do it well. :)
I really need to write a blog post: "Programming is hard, stop pretending it's not"
It seems like a bad topic, since the people, who should read it, are not reading any blogs .. unless you aim to just rant, which might be kinda therapeutic
actually pretty good, so far at least
seen it
the latter part is mostly 'Lets fix MVC (because we all know that Rails === MVC)' .. good ideas, kinda bad choice of context
so I want to keep it short I think, right ?
do I need to say more than that ?
@JoeWatkins don't forget Laurence
he's @ zend right ?
I thought he worked at zend ... okay ...
he's at baidoo IIRC
> In solving these problems, the phpng branch gives us a considerable performance improvement in real world applications,
^^ Perhaps worth giving an early example (up to 20% on WP for example)?
yeah good point ...
> it additionally opens the door for a JIT capable compiler that can, and will meet our expectations.
^^ Is that the prime benefit (aside from performance)?
I didn't even think of JIT in the context of NG, except for the fact that it came from profiling done while trying to add JIT...
I think NG can stand on its own without JIT at all... It's mostly a cleanup and memory optimization
well, I guess the facts are that it's a cleanup and memory optimization patch ...
but the reality is that it's probably worth another go at JIT ... and people want to hear about that, and I want to drive home the point that this doesn't include a JIT right now
it's not really a prime benefit, it does stand on it's own, but it's additional I think ...
but yeah stick to facts ...
well, but it stands strong on its own without JIT, and I think that point should be made as well
By the way, LLVM has an optimization phase you can run to move heap allocations to the stack where possible.
The LLVM backend for D does this.
So doing all these memory changes so we can have JIT... well...
It's somewhat misguided since we are pretty sure they were using LLVM for their JIT attempt.
@ircmaxell It's been a while since I watched that video but yes, it was really good from what I can remember.
better now ?
> but rather seeks to solve those problems that prohibit the current, and any future implementation of a JIT capable compiler achieving optimal performance by optimizing our memory usage and cleaning up some core API's.
@LeviMorrison the end really meanders, but the beginning and mid was quite nice
Hey guys
@JoeWatkins better. I think JIT talk there is a distraction, but I know why you're doing it. So...
good evenings.
@LeviMorrison whatever you've done, the current state of leviathon is all good
@DaveRandom Hahaha it might be broken right now, technically.
what happens when you commit news @LeviMorrison ?
We use <base> for whatever stupid reason and it is messing up paths.
It looks very different, is it a totally different font?
@JoeWatkins Ask bjori.
@DaveRandom It's falling back to a system font, most likely.
@LeviMorrison I've never used <base> but it always sounded like a shoot-yourself-in-the-foot band-aid to me...
much like #! urls
hey guys
@LeviMorrison How can I tell what's in use? Computed styles just give me the original family declaration, not the one it's chosen
(I don't do front end much)
@DaveRandom I second that opinion
As far as I know browsers don't ever tell you which font it actually uses.
it's usually a sign that you have been forced to develop in environment where "page" is living in a subdirectory
weird, seems like a piece of information designers would want and also seems like it shouldn't be that hard to present to the user
@tereško yup, that's more or less what I thought, and it seems like it should probably be handled in a more sane way with name-based vhosts and/or server side URL rewriting
Guys, I've been wondering about something. How would you make it if you are making a REST API and you don't want the output json Fields to have the same name as the DB columns. I guess some kind of mapping is in order to do that, but whats the best way to avoid traversing the retrieved data row by row, column by column, and generating the json
@zigi SELECT dbcol AS jsoncol is probably the most efficient way, but there's an argument that it would be putting the logic in the wrong place
yeah exactly
An MSSQL person would probably tell you to use a view in the DB because they totally love their views
I am working on a project that keeps an array with all that but even worse
something like
$map = array(
    $dbField => array($frontEndField, $parserFn)
so for 5000 rows from the DB it takes them like 10 seconds to traverse it and parse the data
and my hair went white
cause they do N*M where N is the number of rows, M is the number of cols
that's just crazy
@zigi you may switch such tasks to erlang/scala then
there is too much code written already :(
in php
especially for mapping
mostly using some JSON abstraction classes doing bullshit
traversing with php all the model records
that's crazy
well, but even with faster languages, you'd still have O(n) there
so you may want to map/reduce that
this is one place where some nasty references and the stupid result binding API might gain you something, although I'm struggling to put it together in my head
@DaveRandom Okay, look now.
you know the problem is
there are some functions that are parsing the data
and they slow down
the whole process
@LeviMorrison much better (Y)
I am still wondering why do they parse the output on the back end, not the front end
@zigi please write complete sentences :P
@zigi make the DB preparse some data?
Yes, sorry, I would try to write more full and complete sentences.
@DaveRandom Really? It looks good now?
In terms of the font rendering it looks fine
Good. Either the updated fonts or adding the missing woffs did the trick.
show me pseudo of your parsing routine @zigi ?
@JoeWatkins Not sure if you saw but bjori pinged you in #php.doc
when ?
Err, #php.pecl
@JoeWatkins, let me see because I am not the one who wrote it.
@JoeWatkins, have you worked with Zend, I mean do you know basic structures like Rowset
Hi all..
@zigi allergic to frameworks
haha that's good
I am almost done
@JoeWatkins Ping.
The main point of this particular entry is to talk about PHPNG, right? What it is and is not?
@LeviMorrison yeah
why are you allergic btw
I mean you have written something of your own for sure
NOTE: the code i provide is really simplified
$parseMethod is the bottleneck ?
man I provide you with really lean code

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