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1 hour later…
good morning
Good Morning
Fcuking MySQL on new Linux doesn't get recognized by php5-fpm setup
Mroning !
@TimothyPerez and a huge trademark infringement right there, Fcuk™ doesn't like to use they are trademark as a clean version of F**k.
@OmeidHerat Morning
Figured it out finally, was driving me mad
that is why I always stick with a LMAPP or XAMPP stack.
Meh, I always custom build my servers from scratch
I'm getting quite fast too... I can usually do it in about 10-15 minutes now.
that is heaps good, but I never touch installing a production server, just because that is not what I should.
of course my own servers are something else.
I wrote a good simple doc for manual install of NGINX / PHP 5.3 (latest stable) / MySQL (latest stable) / NodeJS (latest stable)
In case you want it
Sure, I would like to have a look.
let me put it in paste bin
It's too big for this chat
I also wrote the option to choose either APACHE or NGINX
Apache FTW.
@OmeidHerat Almost done, getting url
I think it's pretty thorough. :)
Just follow the commands in your bash/shell prompt
Tested in Debian & Ubuntu
@TimothyPerez Can I give a suggestion ?
Not everyone has, apt-get and nor they are Repository include the software mentioned, it's a good start-up though.
Ubuntu is great but not a Server Thing, you should switch to red-hat, or SUSE.
I haven't used Debian though from Ubuntu I can have a rough idea of it.
Anyone who has Debian or Ubuntu has apt-get and can edit their repository list by opening /etc/sources.list file
I was a red-hat & fedora guy.
Never going back
Once you go Debian.... you never go back
hahah, aight then.
you might like to add Debian/Ubuntu on the title then :D
@TimothyPerez , once you go BSD .. you start to see how silly the Debian is
@tereško ah, a BSD guy. I never took you for one.
@OmeidHerat updated the Tutorial
@TimothyPerez Awesome!
Updated a couple of things on there actually
Removed some outdated stuff...
If you went step by step you'd be able to setup a server pretty quick. The FTP Server & Postfix are optional
@TimothyPerez Cool, I like the removal of apt-get dist-upgrade.
Yeah, that was crap...
These were actually suppose to be my personal notes that I've put together over a couple of weeks.
But if they make sense, then I guess other people can use them.
the dist-upgrade was because I was going from lenny to squeeze on a rackspace server.
aight, brb.
@TimothyPerez so you took me for ... ?
@tereško Windows ME
go fork yourself
fork you!
posted on October 14, 2011 by Stuart Herbert

The PHP North West User Group ran it’s 4th (and largest yet!) PHP conference – PHPNW11 in Manchester last weekend. No conference – especially one as well-run as PHP North West – can happen without the small army of folks who give up their time to organise and staff the conference. I’m afraid that I didn’t manage to photograph everyone involved on the day (sorry!) but here’s to everyone who ma

@tereško seriously though, freeBSD is good. I think they both have their strengths and weaknesses. I put a lot of research when I decided that what I was going to use.
howdy people ! time for quick question :D
/me is typing his question ...
I have array $propertyAsColumns , the array keys are names of my class's properties, private properties start with _ e.g. $_private while public properties without _ e.g. $public , I am NOT going to use magic methods, I am writing down getters for each (they need to be treated differently), so I have getters for all in the format getPropertyName()
I'm going to sleep now
Later guys
@Sudhi your style is PHP4'ish
@Sudhi -> Talk to @tereško he'll set you straight.
I want to use something like following (using sed as example)
`sed -e /^_\([:alpha:]\)/get**convert \1 ToUpperCase**/`
@TimothyPerez : I am sorry, I haven't used PHP4 that much
In fact the only PHP I have used is 5.3.3 , but I am not well versed with OOP/OOD and thus you are (sort of) right in saying that my style is PHP4'ish
in the sense that it doesn't make use of class autoloaders, magic methods for setters and getters
probably because I haven't implemented magic methods at all
and I do not want to experiment with already running code
anyways, I guess @TimothyPerez has gone to bed, so all this talk (rant?) is irrelevant
@tereško : so any suggestions ?
in still trying to find the "question" part
oops, let me get to the point then
I have series of variables _varOne , _varTwo
I want getVarOne, getVarTwo
if I had sed, I would use `sed -e 's/^_([:alpha:])/get\1/'
the question is
1. I have to do it in PHP, how ? (preg_match or preg_replace ?)
2. How do I convert the `\1` to `[:upper:]` ?
@tereško : is that clear enough for you ?
change "I have series of variables ..." to "I have series of strings* ..."
.. confused
are you talking about using php from CLI ?
@Sudhi, 1) don't use public variables in objects. Public fields is part of data-structures, not objects. 2) use NetBeans or PhpStorm, they have "Add getters and setters" options (not sure about NB) and will write this code for you.
@OZ : I am on vim , and I really want to shift to NB/Eclipse/some_IDE, but I just can't do that right now
and these are not public fields, these are private properties and I already have getters written for them (I can use little bit of vim magic :D )
the thing is, now I have to write a pseudo getter, getAllInfo() , which should return array of these properties as array ( 'pvtPropertyName' => 'propertyValue', ...)
@tereško : no, I am not usinig PHP from cli , I am going to get _varOne, _varTwo as keys of an array e.g.
foreach (self::$varAsColumns as $var => $column)
{ $getFunc = *sed -e 's/^_\(\w\)/get\1* ;
$info[$var] = $this->$getFunc(); }
the thing is I want to convert the first matching alpha from lower to upper
and rest part of the string should go as it is e.g. I want getVarName from _varName
@OmeidHerat When I get a little more money, I'll buy myself an Apache :D
^ model one, of course >_>
any help people ?
okay at least tell me `sed -e 's/$PATTERN/$REPLACE/g' equivalent in PHP
hell .. why would you even use self::$varAsColumns ?!
I will try and figure out the rest
and what is sed doing there
@Sudhi Are you looking for a tool which generates class methods?
@ChristianSciberras : not exactly, I have my getters already, I am creating a method which will call all these getters and put the result in an array
@tereško : You know what a `sed -e 's/$PATTERN/$REPLACE/g' does ?
@Sudhi Something like:

foreach($props as $prop){
    $method = 'get'.ucfirst($prop);
@Sudhi in php is does exactly NOTHING
@ChristianSciberras : yeah, kinda, replace $props with self::$varAsColumns , and the foreach with foreach ( $array as $key => $value) and I would be working with $key
@tereško : I mean sed on a bash script
instead of writing some stupid regexp you should expain what you have and what you want to get
bash is not a script
sorry, I meant bash shell (please don't shout/yell/kick me out :P :D :-S )
okay, here is the deal, I have private properties say $_var1 $_var2 $_var3
@Sudhi @tereško does it all the time, to everyone. lol
> I have series of variables _varOne , _varTwo. I want getVarOne, getVarTwo
I have corresponding getVar1() getVar2()
@Sudhi are you trying to code generate?
now I am writing getAllVars , which should return
array ( 'var1' => $this->getVar1() , 'var2' => $this->getVar2 );
@JohnP : code generate ? whats that?
@tereško : bingo !
@tereško @OZ : no no, not get_object_vars !
Why on earth I would be writing getters for all my 'effing private properties if I am not processing them before returning ?
additionally , you can do $vars[] = $this->{ 'get' . ucfirst( substring($name , 1 ) ) }(); .. which you shouldn't
@tereško : okay the first link was good read (for later) , as for second line, the piece of code seems promising , but can you elaborate on why I shouldn't do it ?
that article elaborates it quite well
hmm, I skimmed through it (sorry, lemme go back and read it thoroughly)
okay I read the article, and I think I am probably right in having getters, in the sense that they are stored in a database, and I want to encapsulate that detail
on the same lines, I do not want to effect the name of the columns of the table to effect the way my private properties are stored in the database, hence the $varAsColumns array (which simply maps private properties with class constants for column names)
@tereško : is there any thing wrong in doing this ?
you must have thought some n00b is happily writing reams of code for setters and getters of fruit names, didn't you ?
there is a reason, I am writing getters, e.g. a TIMESTAMP in my mysql db should be converted into appropriate DateTime object when I call the getter, and for that I must write getter for that particular private field, no Magic Method is going to help me doing that
@tereško : what if $name doesn't start with underscore (perhaps a special protected field ? or inherited class variable ?)
how do I convert
'get' . ucfirst( substring($name , 1 ) )
to conditionally *substring* $name (there was a reason I was *regexing* this part with ^_\d )
@Sudhi then you should get your naming conventions straight
and just for future reference , which of the preg_* family does a sed equivalent of `sed 's/$pattern/$replace/g'`
@tereško : mine are straight, I can't speak about others, and their code is anything but straight (very amusing piece of spaghetti code, if you ask me)
preg_replace() , if i understood what sed does
and i still thing that a mega-getter is a quite horrible idea
@tereško : point very well taken, in fact, it so happens that I would be the sole 'end user' of this class, so I will drop this mega-getter right away (i.e. commenting out)
:1672014 You can do:

$method = 'get'.ucfirst($property);
$method = preg_replace('pattern', 'replacement', $method);
$this->$method(); // ...
But IMHO you should use a set of if's instead of a regex replace.
class FacebookUser {
    public $name = '';
    public function __construct($rawData=null){
        $this->name = $rawData->name;

class FacebookAPI {
    public function currentUser(){
        return new FacebookUser( $this->api('/me') );
^ In case I wanted to have PHPDoc / more consistent API interface, that's the way to go, no?
@ChristianSciberras public $name?
@OZ_ What about it?
.. if you have to ask
@ChristianSciberras what about encapsulation?
@OZ_ It's a data object. No need for encapsulation there.
@ChristianSciberras with method?
@OZ_ The only "method" is the constructor :D
@ChristianSciberras it's not "just data object" when it has behavior.
@tereško Well, no one bothered to write that code. So, I figured there could be some reason why.
and even DI in constructor
@OZ_ What behavior? There's no behavior. The object is there to just document its properties. It doesn't do anything more than that. You're not supposed to instantiate it directly. And that's no DI in the traditional sense.
@ChristianSciberras any method, which change state of object IS behaviour
@ChristianSciberras there is fucking vanilla traditional DI
seems like I'm talking with wall.
@OZ_ You're looking way overboard.
There's no DI, there's no encapsulation and there are no methods.
As I said, you're not supposed to instantiate it.
@ChristianSciberras so you are idiot.
I could have made currentUser() return an array for all its worth.
@OZ What the f is wrong with you? Seriously??
@ChristianSciberras thanks for the preg_replace sample code, I will keep in mind to use if conditionals as Regex can be destructive
you require object in constructor and still thinking there is no DI
@OZ_ I passed a friggin array not an object.
it's array?
A better way would be:

foreach($rawData as $name=>$value)$this->$name=$value;
@OZ_ (object)$someArray; // omg I just made DI!!111 (not!)
just idiot.
"hide posts", what a nice button
@OZ_ You're the one being a jerk.
@OZ_ Says the guy that just insults for the fun of it... Be my friggin guest.
lol, that kid now trying to downvote my answers :) lol
your efforts is pointless - it will be detected by script
stop insulting each other pls
@Gordon Good morning.
Reminds me of the good old days on C++ chat..."why is my code causing an access violation?".."idiot".."I thought so, thanks!"
morning! :)
@Gordon : Howdy ! Greetings from India :)
@Gordon : what are your thoughts on avoiding getters ? tereško linked me to this article by martin fowler
@Sudhi I think it was me who originally posted that link here, so make an educated guess ;)
@Gordon seen dart yet? I like their way of doing DOM manipulation :)
@ChristianSciberras no and i dont care. im not an early adopter.
@Gordon Short and sweet :P
ohhk, well, then it looks like I need to rethink about using magic methods for getters and setters ... ohh wait, that still doesn't solve the 'avoid getters' rule of thumb
@Gordon ever thought about ipv6-friendly PHP code?
A client wants me to log user IPs, and I was wondering whether I should convert and store the IP as IPv6
hmm, perhaps I should finish off my Gangs of Four first, and that may help in understanding Law of Demeter and Tell Don't Ask
thank you all, time to write some code :D, bbye @tereško @ChristianSciberras @Gordon @JohnP
Hey, @JohnP didn't see you lurking around. :) Good morning.
good evening :)
@ChristianSciberras An IPv6 packet walks into a bar. Nobody talks to him.
@Gordon I just had to star that :D
@JohnP not sure its awesome. i mean, yeah, it looks cute, but should the world largest land predator really be held like this?
of course it stops being cute once they start to get older :D
same with people who have big cats for pets
@Gordon Why not?
though two little pandas would be even cuter :)
What they are missing is some armor and a saddle
that would be too much awesomeness to handle
@NikiC they are wild animals
The polar bear ( ) is a bear native largely within the Arctic Circle encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. It is the world's largest land carnivore and also the largest bear, together with the omnivorous Kodiak Bear, which is approximately the same size. An adult male weighs around , while an adult female is about half that size. Although it is closely related to the brown bear, it has evolved to occupy a narrower ecological niche, with many body characteristics adapted for cold temperatures, for moving across snow, ice, and open water, and fo...
there we go
seems to be broken though too. that should read weighs around 350–680 kg (770–1,500 lb)
they are huuuge
anyway, i've seen too many documentaries about wild animals in captivity by now. i just think we are not doing them a favor with it.
and an animal that usually walks a dozen kilometres a day simply cannot be held in captivity in an appropriate way
I'd agree with you there. You won't believe the conditions of the animals in the zoo here
they waste away
ideas about riding polar bears or tigers are best left to the imagination
i remember when i was in thailand and took an island safari. they took us to an animal show. they had tigers there and kept them in a cage of about 3sqm.
ah yeah, the temple right?
I read that they keep them drugged
and they had an aquarium as well. they had mantas and stingrays all perched together in like a 5sqm water pool. those animals could barely move
Yeah, it's pretty sad. They don't survive long or breed when put in conditions like that.
i still wonder if one should report that to greenpeace or wwf.
Sad indeed
I wonder how SO chooses the image to display with a Wiki article. They are so many images of cute polar bears on that page and they take the hunting image...
I'm much in favor of those large open kind of zoos
none of them around this part of the world though
@JohnP we have close by. called "zoom erlebniswelt"
but i saw a documentary recently that there is problems in those too
That's nice. The government here is closing down the zoo in the city to be moved to a park thing further away. Conditions will be much more improved. It's mostly elephants and birds here
the animals showed disorders and odd behavior despite the much larger areas to live in
@JohnP In Berlin we got a Zoo and a "Tierpark". The latter has those kinds of large areas for animals ;)
Not worth going to the zoo here
We have a few nature reserves though
mostly small bears, elephants and foxes
I think the cutest animals are firefoxes (lesser pandas)
(And not just because of Firefox ^^)
The red panda (Ailurus fulgens, or shining-cat), is a small arboreal mammal native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. It is the only species of the genus Ailurus. Slightly larger than a domestic cat, it has reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail, and a waddling gait due to its shorter front legs. It feeds mainly on bamboo, but is omnivorous and may also eat eggs, birds, insects, and small mammals. It is a solitary animal, mainly active from dusk to dawn, and is largely sedentary during the day. The red panda has been classified as Vulnerable by IUCN because its population ...
That's me when I've had a few and just hit the bed :D
zat iz zoooooo cuttte awwww
@Gordon 's german accent slips through when he sees cute wild animals :D
@JohnP ;)
I really don't know how people can use Chrome after they have seen these cute firefoxes...
@NikiC i really like the current chrome tv ad though. its so touching.
Chrome runs tv ads?
english version of it
oh man! That is just beautiful!
yeah, google can really do ads
I really liked their original chromebook ad too youtube.com/watch?v=TVqe8ieqz10
heh, "Don't throw it in a river"
I thought Google didn't run tv ads. Or any sort of advertising other than on web. As far as I knew anyway
I don't think that the chromebook ad was on tv
I guess they decided people need more educating after their "What is a browser" vid
Any of you storing sessions in the DB?
@ChristianSciberras Sweet! I will make a Chopperpad by then :D
hi Omeid
Hi John
@NikiC nope
@Sudhi Variable variables, Yack!
though ill upvote @NikiC because i didnt know const NAME = VALUE; is treated different internally than define.
Hm, okay. I started doing so after some ddos attacks (which flooded the session dir to such a degree that it was impossible to remove the files). (Though probably I should have just changed when I start the session ^^ hm)
@Gordon and also aren't constant's Global too ?, so they have almost the same level of Global var evilness.
A: define() vs const

NikiCIt seems to me, that the question was misunderstood. As of PHP 5.3 one may define constants outside classes using the class keyword, too. So I'm going to describe when and why i use const instead of define(). First of all, one has to know a major difference between those two: const can only tak...

(Actually that was my first answer on SO ^^)
@OmeidHerat yes
@NikiC typo? "As of PHP 5.3 one may define constants outside classes using the class keyword, too." const?
anyone got iPhone 4 S ?
does not use Apple products
@Gordon +1
although i admit that i think their designs are shiny and pretty and desirable things
The apple products are made for consumers.
heh, the apple is for consumption :D
@OmeidHerat Yeah, and what are the Android products made for? Not for customers?
@NikiC Developers.
that applies to all apple products except for those who are specifically for developers.
what I mean is that they are prefect for average user not for experts.
@OmeidHerat I wouldn't agree with that. The android phones around nowadays are amazing
@JohnP Indeed, because there is amazing developers.
@OmeidHerat In that case this world has more developers than end users, interesting. (Or do I misinterpret the market share values?)
Apple is spoon feeding you which is quite pleasing, but not necessarily the best thing.
They have a high level of brand loyalty
@NikiC No my wordings are wrong, I feel like my language skills are week and can't convey it correctly.
I am trying to say something along these lines
2 mins ago, by Omeid Herat
Apple is spoon feeding you which is quite pleasing, but not necessarily the best thing.
did someone try xdandroid on an htc? im feeling adventurous
OK, here I got a question:
what questions do you ask yourself before going with ORM ?
@OmeidHerat How large my database will get since lots of tables might decrease performance.
aight, any other ?
I think there might be, but I don't know about them.
@Gordon do you run base android on it or sense?
Can anyone suggest how directory containing Registry, Context classes might be called?
I want to remove sense, but I'm wondering whether the base OS will still sync everything with FB, Twitter and other (contacts, emails and whatnot)
@JohnP win mo
ahh damn
hi guys !!!
Any suggestions?
@OmeidHerat im writing a large comment on ORMs
@Eugene how about /bad_code/ ? or maybe /fake_oop/ ?
@tereško Exactly what I thought ^^ (Okay, admittedly I have lot's of this in my older projects too)
well , me too , but that was before is started to learn OOP
Hello! Do you know anybody who is a PHP developer and has also know Python Web Development?
Hellloo!!!! Is someone there??
What do I see. I see lots and lots of blubber, but no normal professional explanation. Bad code, good code - no matter. Explanation counts. No explanation, no meaning in answer.
sudo pee
How is the Command ?
sudo poop
@tereško this is nice video, but you should know that even if most of your project is OOP it is normal, that you don't follow all OOP concepts.

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