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@Naruto His example script has the chars in an array, he hasn't actually specified that it must be done like that though, he only specified the desired result...
@DaveRandom true :)
@DaveRandom I'm sorry for that.. It needs to be in an array
Regardless, it's not a huge leap from code point + x to array indices
Okay, I was just in the JS room.
@AlexStanese you need to stop being a vamp.
@DaveRandom @Naruto you need to stop feeding the vamp.
@AlexStanese OK, well consider what String.fromCharCode() actually does. It picks an element by key out of an array, only in this case the array is pre-defined (the ascii table)
I made it http://jsfiddle.net/LhsSm/4/ untill lvl 200
But it still needs to continue that 4'th pattern untill lvl 500
Is it wrong to use GET requests to insert data?
@user3123545 It is.
On almost all cases.
@SecondRikudo What if it's many divs, lets call them products (each div), and each div has a link with it's own ID, u can only send a GET request to remove that item, any solution?
@user3123545 Why can you only use GET?
@user3123545 Send a post request instead
How can I send a POST without a form then?
Why can't you use a form with a button instead of a link?
@SecondRikudo Indeed.
What's the solution?
@LeviMorrison Use position fixed on it and use overflow-y: auto.
Try it out, it may not be as ugly as you think it might come out as.
And with that, I need to leave. I'll catch ya'll later :)
Doesn't work for me.
Does not scroll; does not have a scrollbar.
@LeviMorrison You need to make it a set height
Use top: whateverpx; bottom: 0;
Then it'll scroll
@SecondRikudo This is the first thing we can agree on :D But I still don't like your plan :D
@DaveRandom But i have 2 separated links, ?r=controller&action=delete or add&id= the clicked id. I'd need javascript to change the url from action=add and delete, and I want the site to work for both, js and without js.
@DaveRandom Actually no, forget what i just said ._.
@SecondRikudo If we put it in a media query for some min-height it will work; just not sure about the scrollbar. Will think about it.
Maybe ask some others.
@user3123545 OK here's a truth that it's worth getting used to: the modern web is useless without JS. Save yourself a lot of time, effort and horrible APIs by dealing with users who have disabled javascript by showing them a prominent message that says "no javascript, no worky", and move on ;-)
@LeviMorrison Scrollbar is styleable.
Doesn't mean you should style it ^^
@LeviMorrison Heh, why not? :D
@DaveRandom Well since I started web dev, everyone been always telling me 'your site will be worth nothing if it doesn't support javascript' etc like I should make it supported in all browsers, in all cases
Alright @LeviMorrison I'll catch you later I gtg
@user3123545 It depends what you are doing. But let me put it this way: I work for a company who operate an e-commerce platform, so we have to cater for the lowest common denominator of people who use e-commerce sites - in other words, we have to cater for basically everybody. Even in that scenario, we require Javascript, and we don't support IE<8 (and we are dropping support for IE8 in a couple of months)
@DaveRandom Fair enough ;) Also one more question - How can I post the clicked button's value in the form? Never done so, tried to search but getting the wrong questions
So, I've never "squashed" or done a rebase before in GIT. Anyone fancy helping me out? :-)
Hi, I asked this question yday but it was closed. Anyone willing to give me a hand? stackoverflow.com/questions/23505613/…
@LeviMorrison jsfiddle.net/LhsSm/5
@user3123545 In the very simplest form, <input type="submit" name="action" value="Delete">, $_POST['action'] will be 'Delete'. You can have as many of those as you like with the name action, the only value that will be sent to the server will be the one associated with the one that was clicked
There are nicer ways to do it but hopefully that will get you moving
@DaveRandom Merged. Like two months later :)
@DaveRandom Ah never knew u can have more than one submit, thanks ;)
Guys, I'm noob at PHP and I'm working my ass here since 3 am (it's 7 am here) to make a form work, it doesn't behave the way it should. I have one form that works (built-in in the CMS) and I'm trying to make a external register script. Can someone please help me debug it real quick?
I'm doing a PR. I need to squash / rebase. I haven't done this before :-)
Lucas, I had the same issue, post it with the code on SO and you will likely have great support in under 10 minutes
@LucasB some code? or anything?
> U think an invisible flying magician flooded the entire earth 1000 years ago? p.s.- How's the tooth fairy?
@rdlowrey Awesomesauce. Timescale isn't relevant as long as it's pre-RC :-)
Now, what else can we sneak in under the radar??
@Naruto I'll make a pastebin of both, but I'm pretty sure the solution would be to point both forms to a file that echoes all variables that these forms are passing and compare them, you know? Is it possible? couldn't find on google
@DanLugg I was genuinely looking for a reason, because I found lots of shells (not sure if they're sea ones), and Yahoo decides to troll me.
@LucasB var_dump($_POST); OR var_dump($_GET) ?
@Jimbo git rebase --interactive HEAD~6
I am hiring some new developers and they are all excited about AngularJS, BootStrap, and Laravel Framework. I was interested in Jquery / JqueryUI, but that seems like a lot to include in the header of every page. Back when I was first learning, the internet was much slower and we fought over every kilobyte that was included in the page, what are your thoughts now? Does it matter?
@DaveRandom I do this in master or switch to contenteditable branch first?
@TOOTSKI I can't read that shit. It angers me to think that the same people responsible for maneuvering 2 tons of steel down the highway beside me are responsible for that thinking. I agree with the "invisible flying magician" statement, though, maybe not choice of words.
@Alan Nope, not really. Maintainability is king - it'll make it much easier to include the minified JS file in the header and be done with it.
You can cache it, CDN etc
@Jimbo Switch to your contenteditable branch, then run that command. It will open vim, leave the first commit in the list as pick <hash>, change all the rest to squash <hash> (i.e. change all picks except the first one to squash), then save an exit. It will think for a minute, then it will open vim again, and you can enter a new commit message for the new commit (which will contain all the work from those 6 commits)
> They would have achieved much more than we did in 200 years (remember we did nothing of note prior to the 19th century.
Also consider using a template engine like Twig - that which Symfony uses. You place your common js files like angular, jquery etc in a "base" template, then your other templates extend from it and you don't need to change it in more than one place in the future
Then you'll need to force-push that branch to github, and your PR should update itself
Cool, It looks like they should play nice together. I am "new" to PHP programming, I have been editing other people's code for 15 years without writing any of my own to speak of. Some of this kind of scares me because there seems to be a lot of "magic code" stuff where a couple small commands do BIG things when put into a <div>. It used to be the kind of thing you could skim past while debugging.
@Naruto, thanks for the suggestion, i'm getting close
@Naruto I've managed to get the POST results from my form, even though it had refreshed the page
But I can't get the POST results from the working version, because even removing the form action="" it still works and changes page, and when I come back there's nothing in the array
Did someone turn off the feeds? I just realized I haven't seen one in a long time.
If I start learning Laravel, will I still be able to get good help on Stack Overflow, or should I stick with plain vanilla PHP? I hate the idea of being the only guy that can debug things. I have that situation with my forum software and it made hiring developers difficult.
@DanLugg hopefully.
@Naruto working version: pastebin.com/GxzjRedL my version: pastebin.com/MbF0xtNh
I'm real sorry for the messy code
@DaveRandom Awesome, I've learned something very useful today, cheers man
It's been a long night
@Jimbo No worries, but you're not done yet (I just realised, sorry :-()
@DaveRandom shit, I force pushed
@Jimbo Not a problem, only really a problem if some other work is derived from your branch
@Jimbo so many good jokes went through my head
All you've done so far is rewrite your own history
is there a way to make a print_r($_POST) in a new tab/window on submit
@Alan Haha, I shouldn't have made it so easy.. surprised nobody else chimed in actually.. such is room 11
because my form changes pages when I submit
You need to git pull --rebase upstream master now @Jimbo (assuming you have added the upstream remote and that it points to the thing you are trying to merge it into)
Then - and here's the fun bit - you need to resolve the conflicts
Upstream? I have never heard of this word in this context
I'm still in the contenteditable branch on command line
@Jimbo git remote add upstream https://github.com/Behat/MinkSelenium2Driver.git
Okay, then run the rebase upstream
@Jimbo Then you have to pull from upstream/master, rebasing on to your local branch
(git pull --rebase upstream master)
Where I need to put it? — user3612295 2 mins ago
However, apparently you will get conflicts, and that's where it gets interesting, because it means you have to read some code
I very much agree with this comment.
I don't agree with the question needing to be flagged by default. They should be closed by default. — PeeHaa Apr 27 at 21:56
@DaveRandom lol reading code to solve conflicts. git --clobber ;-)
@AmalMurali yea, he's just trying to keep it real...
just ignore me...
@DanLugg Remind me never to accept a PR from you, ever :-P
@DaveRandom Now I'm confused. It seems to have pulled in a load of code that I haven't seen before (well, a few if statements anyway). Now I don't know what I'm supposed to delete
@Jimbo Did it say something about a conflict?
@DaveRandom Yeah
Applying: Added contenteditable support
Using index info to reconstruct a base tree...
M src/Behat/Mink/Driver/Selenium2Driver.php
Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...
Auto-merging src/Behat/Mink/Driver/Selenium2Driver.php
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/Behat/Mink/Driver/Selenium2Driver.php
Failed to merge in the changes.
Patch failed at 0001 Added contenteditable support
The copy of the patch that failed is found in:
@Jimbo Just a sec, let me see if I can try it locally quickly
@Alan Recommend you go for the latest version of Laravel or Symfony and keep up-to-date with it. When hiring developers there are many places that ask for experience with a specific framework
@bwoebi Should I assign this to you? bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=67225
hnnng messy code is getting messy... must.. clean.
@DaveRandom Thanks man, if you can't I might as well just delete the PR and do it all again. Not messed with rebasing and all this malarky before
@Jimbo thank you. Back when I was first learning to program I learned HTML, Coldfusion, ASP, Webware, WebGroove, PHP, and some others you have never heard of. I just hate learning things that nobody else can help on, only to find out nobody was ever going to learn and have it become obsolete. I like PHP vanilla because it provides a great foundation regardless of the other languages which makes me nervous to learn a framework
@Jimbo lol how have I not seen this joke before!
@rdlowrey I just made it up :-) Feel like that stormtrooper right now :D
$ git commit -am "This isn't the commit you're looking for" && git push -f
@Alan what exactly is your goal in this?
to study programming or produce pages quickly
do you want to learn a framework for employment opportunities?
Hmm my .htaccess URL rewrite seems to be removing all my request variables...
@tereško I think programming is more important. I am self employed and so I don't care about employment opportunities. I would rather produce long term maintainable code than quick pages
@tereško And also to be able to tap into a large group of programmers without a steep learning curve to bring one on board
@Alan then start going through this list of materials: stackoverflow.com/a/16356866/727208
You can't imagine how rewarding this is:
@Ocramius BASTARD!
OK @Jimbo, so far as I can see, if you change the body of the switch to this then that should be all you need to do, but you'll probably want to verify that it still works as expected
@tereško Thanks, will do
@Ocramius I may not have mentioned that I hate you, btw
I do it for the hate indeed :D
I like this song tutorial.
How can I see my print_r($_POST); if it changes pages when I submit the form? The page I want to see the post is register.php, so to see it I have to logout, therefore destroying the session, along with the post
@Alan to decide which framework to choose, you need to build a solid background in OOP ideas and be able to recognize flaws. There are flaws in all of the frameworks. Some are even intentional, because they help to solve some more specific issue. When you understand the subject that will be talked about in those lecture, you should also be able to reason about the code in each framework beyond "framework X is the best, because it's the only one that I can use"
And in some frameworks (like in codeigniter) the flaws are there because they are made of condensed stupid ..
@DaveRandom Is it another git force push then after that? To the branch, not master?
@LucasB Use tamper data for firefox, otherwise something like file_put_contents('logs.txt', print_r($_POST, true));
@HamZa I'm using

$output = print_r($_POST, true);
file_put_contents('/test.txt', $output);

But file won't write
@Jimbo Yes, should be
Understood, thanks. Going AFK for a bit, driving kids to school. Think I will spend the next week or so on Lynda instead of programming :)
@LucasB remove /
i think it is a better one for the community
Is Lynda not awful?
@averroken welcome to the PHP room
@HamZa Thanks
@Alan actually you have to be very careful with Lynda .. it;s like the w3schools of videos ... the content is accessible to newbies ... and usually bad
@Jimbo Yeh well you shouldn't be able to push to their master, and if you push to your own master it won't matter because you haven't been working in your own master (i.e. nothing will happen)
@averroken dude that's so wrong, changing the whole question. If you have another question then post a new question
@averroken you also need to address the original close-reason: "it is not clear what is being asked here" why the hell you completely changed the question ?
@HamZa Thanks, it worked. Sort of. Big fucking suprise the array returned empty. Like the cherry on top of the cake lol
@DaveRandom Do I need to "continue rebasing" now? Before committing

@LucasB Happy debugging
@twiz Yes. But I don't know what else to do. I am a dentist, so unlikely to go back for a BS in CS, but I need help. I ended up hiring 2 local programmers mostly just to be able to turn to them and ask questions when I am stuck. Don't get me wrong, they will be working hard on other things, but I could have outsourced to contractors instead. They don't start till the 19th, so till then trying to figure out what to do.
@Jimbo You'll need to git add the modified file first, then git rebase --continue
Lynda can teach some overall concepts, but I usually want to take their stuff and apply it in a way I don't know how to do and end up stuck over my head in code.
I have unlimited access to lynda (student account) and I don't even use it
Then git push -f origin contenteditable and (assuming you have not angered the git gods too much) you're done
@Alan Use the 1000s of other PHP resources out there? ha
@DaveRandom Thanks man, absolute lifesaver. I really need to get a book on GIT to understand exactly what voodoo you just made me perform
@twiz none are better than StackOverflow :)
@Jimbo Nobody understands git. Not even Chuck Norris.
@Jimbo git-scm.com/documentation but I'm lazy/busy to check it out :P
Yes, then is the unclear gone and now i flag the already given answers to mod for delete them.

Otherwise mods will not delete that because "there are good answers given"
But my question was too simple

So i solved it on this method.

I hope that the mods will delete the answers.
@Alan I actually would recommend picking this book up instead: wrox.com/WileyCDA/WroxTitle/… (it should also be on torrents)
Hi guys. Any idea on how this is throwing "Undefined variable: i"? <?php $variationPrefix = 'variation[' . isset($i) ? $i : '{VARIATION_ID}' . ']'; ?>
@rdlowrey <3
@Jimbo note that all I really did was look at the commits that caused the conflict and not really try to fully comprehend the codez, I highly recommend that you double check that the code still actually works before you say "hey, ready now!" to them
@tereško Thanks, I will look at that, I have a few Orielly and Sams but can look at that as well.
@Alan This site is pretty cool too: phptherightway.com
@enzo the reason is explained in the error message
@Fabien glad you like it
It makes me feel better about myself.
@Alan well, this one had the least mistakes from ones that I looked through about a year ago
@tereško I know, but I'm doing isset($i), isn't that supposed to not execute $i unless it's defined?
@twiz nope , it's not. It is more of a surface-level collection of latest trends.
@enzo enclose the ternary part in parentheses ()
@HamZa awesome, that works, thanks!
@rdlowrey I'm giving another talk at some company in Liverpool on Friday on DI, best practice and Auryn of course
@Jimbo awesome!
@DaveRandom Works awesomez, cheers man
np :-)
i have mod attention requested
@tereško Well then... I guess I think that's pretty cool... ha
@twiz well .. lets take this example: phptherightway.com/pages/Design-Patterns.html : it recommends static factory antipattern, singleton antipattern and strategy pattern
1 out of 3 is not good enough for me
Anyone with PHP-source fu should look at this bug: #67222 (3v4l)
@twiz and under MVC pattern it links to list of php frameworks, most of which are Rails clones and which are only related to MVC because they use said name in their marketing materials ... not in the code
wanna be Rails clones :P
@LeviMorrison I think that given LSB the bug is valid ... but IMO if you're depending on late static binding you deserve whatever you get. It's hard for me to care.
Actually I can't tell if that's supposed to happen or not.
Has anybody used @depends for dependent phpunit tests before?
I'm pretty sure it is indeed a bug.
@hohner Yes, I have.
@LeviMorrison is there actually any point to it?
You are saying if the test you depend on fails, don't run this test.
So if you want that behavior then use @depends ^^
it looks like it just couples everything together and makes it more brittle
surely each test needs to be fully independent?
each one tests a separate unit of functionality...
Ideally, perhaps.
I'm just saying that @depends is useful if the depending test fails you can skip the current test. I'm not going to debate its merit.
@hohner I agree with your opinion here. Tests are better if they don't depend on the results of other tests.
But it's largely an academic debate ... just get code coverage.
phpdbg does not build properly on master @JoeWatkins @bwoebi
even if it's more expensive + slower, I'd rather have isolation
During linking I get this (plus more):
> sapi/phpdbg/phpdbg.c:162: undefined reference to `phpdbg_setup_watchpoints'
Expense/speed should not be a consideration in unit tests. The only way things will be prohibitively slow is if you're incorrectly writing integration tests and not unit tests.
To clarify: integration tests are good, they just aren't unit tests.
@hohner Yep, using it right now - I'm doing web acceptance testing with mink/behat + phpunit. Testing that something works might require (@depends) that the user can login first
@LeviMorrison +1
@rdlowrey +1000
I've inherited a codebase that doesn't know the difference between integ. and unit tests. So the test suite is taking 2mins when it should take 1s :)
@Jimbo I haven't used behat yet - looks really good. Fell in love with phpspec recently, but nobody wants to use it on project.
@rdlowrey That (somewhat naively, IMO) assumes that all of the code in a given test suite operates at the same level. If, say, creating a TCP client fails, then obviously creating an HTTP client will fail, as will the myriad of other higher-level protocol clients that operate over TCP, and I don't want the noise of hundreds of failing tests because some fundamental low-level thing failed. I just want the test suite to bail and say "something is very wrong, fix this before you try again"
@DaveRandom Not at all. You mock the parts of the system you aren't isolating for each specific case. You don't need all that nonsense if you're writing unit tests correctly.
@DaveRandom If you are writing integration tests, sure.
@rdlowrey I agree that reliance on LSB is bad, but these should be the same 3v4l.org/iVTC2
@DanLugg Yeah it's definitely a bug
Introduced with the automatic Closure $this binding in 5.4, no doubt.
@DaveRandom all you need a proper mocking model like Mockery or Prophecy
@rdlowrey I do, to be fair, suck at unit testing. I always seem to end up in cases where I am mocking basically the entire application.
@DaveRandom Should you not be able to mock only immediately local objects (relative to the object graph), and avoid having to mock their dependencies by just not depending on them in them mocks?
^ That. And FWIW I rarely have time to unit test everything. My testing philosophy is basically:
1. Write testable code so I can unit test as much as possible;
2. Write integration tests to cover anything that's difficult to unit test because PHP or suboptimal design;
3. ???
4. Profit!!!
5. Come back and fill in the corners with more unit tests when I have time.
StreamReader::__construct(Stream $stream) => MockStreamReader::__construct()
@tereško Ha good point. I haven't read through all of it, but I have found it useful on several occasions.
Probably, it's a while since I wrote any unit tests, to be honest. It's not part of my job at the moment, and I have written depressingly little code outside work for some time :-(
Sob sob sob. ;-)
Kind of weird that it has those problems though, since it is on github
@twiz There's a lot of things with problems on github. That's like saying "How could it be wrong!? It's on the internet!!"
@DanLugg No... haha
I'm not talking about problems in general, just basic simple issues like that.
The repo has been forked 1141 times and has 100+ contributors and it is a webpage that ranks highly on google searches
And countless developers still use garbage like CodeIgniter. Popularity is a terrible maybe the worst indicator of quality.
lol, the Chrome cloud-to-butt has been forked 223 times
Or it's a great measure of developers conformity. Depending on how devout they are.
@DaveRandom Hey now! that is some high quality code!
It really, really isn't
Yea, I'm sure, but it works to the extent it "needs" to right?
So, technically, does CodeIgniter
I honestly have no clue.
Forking means people are contributing; perhaps that means it's full of bugs?
Well at least it means it was full of bugs, and maybe still is.
"Providing a return type is optional." - Thank god
Either way, it seems like they just want to be thorough, but it maybe wasn't written well.
@twiz Its very opinionated in the end
For the singleton, it does say at the bottom: "You should be wary when using the singleton pattern, as by its very nature it introduces global state into your application, reducing testability. In most cases, dependency injection can (and should) be used in place of a singleton class. "
@Vamsi If you don't want opinions, you should never need any resource besides the PHP docs.
I mean it is called "PHP the Right Way". I should hope the people reading it realize that could only be an opinion.
... and on that note I lol and leave
<-- Quickly registers phptherightway-imo.com
Umm... Did anyone else just get notified that they need to vote in the Februrary moderator election? ha
i came across a bit code in mysql, not fully sure what it means.
ALTER TABLE posts ADD FULLTEXT search(title, body);
what does "search" mean? is it an alias?
@Fabien C'mon there isn't ever a truly "right" way to write code. There's nothing inherently wrong with using a Singleton or other anti-pattern, its just known to cause problems in certain cases.
Yes. Well it's just arguing semantics.
Can anybody tell me how can I pass this array through a hidden field?

[customfield] => Array
[13] =>
[9] =>
the values are empty, yeah
nah, the stuff you deleted.
you could json_encode
If I understood your question.
something like

<input type="hidden" name="customfield" value="*Magic here*" />
I would appreciate if you could do it for me, you'll take 5 minutes, I'll take 1 and a half hour ;3 - then I can see how you did it and study from there
I'd like a pony.
@LeviMorrison @bwoebi ... can you look at this please ...
@JoeWatkins I've been hacking on the php-uv extension ... I'm starting to think that our best option is to make that awesome instead of doing a whole new SAPI.
libuv is awesome
If anything, PHP should be completely rewritten on top of libuv :)
Is it right @twiz?

$arr = array('9' => , '13' => );
echo '<input type="hidden" name="register" value="' . json_encode($arr) . '" />';
@rdlowrey Eeeaarararm mumble PHP shit... mumble mumble Node totally best thing evah... mumble just giving up because they've run out of ideas mumble... not even Irish mumble
(said reddit)
jQuery libuv is wonderful and does all things!
git commit -m "Big update, lots of shtuff."
I'm always useful in my git comments.
shtuff wasn't the original word though.
Everyone post your worst "giant commits"
OMG too much to list

Showing 161 changed files with 6,071 additions and 7,646 deletions.
(don't ever do that BTW)
Guys, this is causing blank screen and nothing shows up on error_log, am I missing something?

$arr = array('9' => , '13' => );
echo '<input type="hidden" name="register" value="' . json_encode($arr) . '" />';
Initial commit

Showing 39 changed files with 2,105 additions and 4 deletions.
I think my favourite thing about that is that "Initial commit" has 4 deletions
@LucasB use null ?
can I pass empty values in json_encode like that?
ah, thanks!
I didn't know what to put, since it wasn't 0 or something
it was simply null lol, but I didn't remember this word
// this will make @daverandom (and every other sane person) cry
// 2 days later... Note to self: you're a fucking idiot
lol @PeeHaa
@Vamsi The problem with null is that the var won't be passed at all, it should be empty, not null, I think
I think it didn't get posted
isn't showing up in the print_r
@Fabien good. That reminds me about problem with employee with surname Null
Someone compiled phpng? "Doesn't work" for me.
^ what is it?
I didn't sleep today
doing this fucking script
@TOOTSKI Gee, that's helpful?
it's done
why not just array(9,13) or use ''
@DaveRandom I got php.1 and php.1.in files instead of binaries.
I'm out, thanks for those who trew some crumbs in my direction
Ah, I should have added --disable-all
@DaveRandom :D
@TOOTSKI what's the sense in that option?
Because shit is broken I assume.
Throwing lots of errors.
sounds like "something isn't working, so I've disabled all code => problem solved"
Hi there...
@AlmaDo It borks on phar, I don't need that, "disable all and enable what I need" I meant.
Me neither :D
@AlmaDo --disable-all disables all the things that are compiled in by default, so you can then enable them explicitly if you want them. It useful when developing because it drastically reduces build times and helps to isolate compile errors.
Build complete.
Don't forget to run 'make test'.
btw, I would like to point out, point 4 of Don'ts in room-11.github.io is a bit misleading (atleast to me...)
@AlmaDo lol
@Fabien that's base class for all error reasons
I missed this ... is nice, so share ...
nice for me :D
good for you :D
you should prob not publish the contact info
actually, @JoeWatkins I'd delete that IIWU
Lovely weather outside, eih, noice?
@TOOTSKI I thought edit history was for everyone? I know delete history is for admins
nm - unsure
Edit is available for everyone/public, just tested.
So, delete it. As you did.
yeah, delete is owner + mods...
Let's just sweep the whole affair under the rug.
edit pattern established...
I hope there's isn't edit limit so I can program a marquee for chat.
It's will be the most useful thing ever, who needs to work, right.
I always find the things we do on the clock funny. Like making a cup of tea. Technically at that point you're being paid to make tea.
well, you have 2 minutes
and are limited to the quickness of edits
A lot of us get paid a fair bit to chat in Room 11
Especially this Google guy.
cd /opt
git clone --depth 1 --branch phpng github.com/php/php-src.git
cd php-src
./vcsclean && ./buildconf && ./configure --disable-all --enable-cli && make -j8
./sapi/cli/php -v
ah use configure from the wiki
i ws just saying that in skype ...
there's probably some important switches in there ...
Me :D
well, fucking hell I'm back
forunately I think it's easy to solve

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