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"I'm not arguing with a guy who has a Mario icon" That showed you!
"But, it's a-me! Mario!"
Generic htmlspecialchars on all request variables? And an unprotected recursion on the request variables ... wtf
can I ask a quick MySQL question in here, since the MySQL chat is dead?
I wonder, what happens when you post a 10000000-element deep array to OpenCart
@Ocramius that attitude simply makes me crazy. Yes, you can work around but why?! Also as you said any library that is framework agnostic is pretty much useless due to such awful things.
nvm I sorted it :)
@tereško It gets... cleaned.
@Ocramius I love that your Mario avatar has anything to do with anything
Every time I go into the opencart issues I expect to both laugh and cringe.
Probably at the same time.
@tereško I'm pretty sure it would be limited by the max_input_vars ini directive.
Because hash collision attacks.
hashdos, I remember that
@Ocramius they fixed it. Nice job. One less shit there now. ;)
@rdlowrey i was referring to posting <input name="foo[][][][][][]][][][]...">
I think that would be limited as well, but I can't say for sure without finding the relevant code.
Possibly some fatal error for a recursion limit
@rdlowrey I doubt this is limited. Could possibly generate some nice gc segfault
Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!
@ThW I think that was added on some of the latest versions , 5.4 IIRC
@ThW that's for userland functions, not for internal inifinite recursion
yeah i think so, too
@bwoebi but opencarts clean() method is userland
with this contribution of mine to nightmares of people who can spell in ANSI C, I will now take a nap
I'm AFK too
Nighty night.
@ThW but $_POST will only be unset after that.
Also AFKing, night for now
@ThW and that's just when debug is enabled
Yeah the limit is from xdebug
Night :D
mornings :)
Good morning
Fun comment encountered in code:
				for mutable properties, uncomment this

				please, don't uncomment this
Best code ever!
Q: explode in $where_clause

user3609914I am working on turning my text search field in to a boolean search field by using the explode function to break the input in to words based on operators and search them against the database field. my current code is mentioned below, seeking help.. if(!empty($_GET)){ $vResume_screen=$_REQUEST['v...

it's funny how the vulnerability database shows multiple vulnerabilities on most popular forums software's, but when you search xenforo, it shows 0 results lol
@user3123545 Isn't that because nobody heard about it :P
I'm a bit confused about something I saw about namespace autoloading. It says that as long as your directory structure is correct, it should just work. php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload-register.php#92514
I can't seem to get it to work that way though.
What does your code look like?
exactly what that guy posted.
    spl_autoload_extensions(".php"); // comma-separated list
I ran print_r(get_declared_classes()); and it doesn't list my classes.
@PeeHaa But xenforo been there since like 2010
@twiz That's not how autoloading works ;)
Ha yea... that might make sense. haha
It doesn't load the class until it needs it, is that right?
I kind of forgot about that... let me mess with this.
@twiz it triggers the autoloader if it needs a class and the autloader tries to load it
@bwoebi If dmitry hasn't told you yet, please take a look at ext/pdo_sqlite tests with enabled opcache
@NikiC is that related to what I did?
@bwoebi yep
Did you break the build again bob?
@NikiC someone really needs to make opcache statically build so that these issues won't keep happening
@ircmaxell At some point I just created a php.ini
After a while you get fed up trying to remember just which options you need to pass to run-tests.php ...
Just finished a first version of my DualDirectoryIterator and DualRecursiveDirectoryIterator.
@NikiC that's what I did when helping @joe with the return hints patch
@hakre wassat?
@hakre Dual?
@hakre Did I hear RecursiveIteratorIteratorRecursiveIteratorRecursiveRecursiveIteratorIterator?
If you need to compare two directory trees to each other, it's handy.
@hakre why not two directory iterators in a multiple iterator?
@NikiC recursion?
nb: if anyone has a directory iterator-esq library that works reliably on Windows AND can deal with non-english characters accurately, shut up and take my money
@hakre two recursive iterator iterators of recursive directory iterators in a multiple iterator, then
good evening (almost night)
@NikiC won't do it if you want to make use of RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getSubPathname() while in a recursive iteration.
@NikiC Division by zero
@hakre why not?
Because both directoryiterators wouldn't be within the same subpath in the current iteration.
Hence the DualDirectoryIterator.
okay, I have no idea what you're doing
comparing directory trees while traversing
I just crashed valgrind.
So many nice people in here :) not even saying hello! so friendly!
@bwoebi Happens ;)
if you can't crash it, it was not for real.
What never happened to me is crash gdb
Would be really funny if your debugger crashes while debugging
Or maybe your debugger crashes while debugging the crash in the debugger?
okay so If I say good evenening (almost night) no one says hello but if someone says good morning alot of people say hello hmmm "no" logics...
great then
Hello, Good Day
@MikeM. Hi
Complaining bitterly about not getting greeted enthusiastically should be on the "Don't" list.... not for room 11, but more broadly. Rules for life.
isn't this like opinion based:
Q: Should I use IF ELSE or is there any other method that I can use?

solomonculasteI'm building a php application using laravel 4.1 that has a set of questions for each type of user. For example, Question number 1: "what is your gender? Male or Female". If the user inputs "male" then it will show another question for male category and if its female then it will show another qu...

Related to xkcd.com/1015
php-dev root# export TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=./sapi/cli/php
php-dev root# export USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0
php-dev root# valgrind --leak-check=full -- ./sapi/cli/php -c test.ini run-tests.php -c test.ini ext/pdo_sqlite/
@NikiC not getting anything related to my changes…
Q: How to check if string is not in array

n_ckSo I would like to do something (run a loop) with items that are not in an array, I tried the following but it doesn't seem to work. What is a good alternative way to do it? Thanks! $car = 'Volvo'; $array = array( 'Audi', 'BMW', 'Ford', 'Chevrolet'...

some more DVs on that one, then we can delete it already.
PeeHaa I assume you're dutch regarding to your word: Appeltaart
You assume correctly.
@bwoebi what's in test.ini?
@NikiC just to enable opcache
@bwoebi but how?
do you have enable_cli=1?
I forgot to include the ext itself, lol
@bwoebi :D
@Chris lol
@NikiC still not getting anything related to my changes…
wat. Comments don't get oneboxed?
@HamZa, I gave him the first answer, lol — biolarnative 1 hour ago
Why didn't mine work? :-(
@HamZa, I gave him the first answer, lol — biolarnative 1 hour ago
Idunno :P
I copied your link and it works. Magic!
Request for opinions. I just started developing messaging service (and demo application for it) with cakephp framework. Is that bad, really bad or maybe something else?
For me, it seems that it is bad.
@TOOTSKI Back in December you 'revamped' the addnote.php stuff on php.net.
Erm question - Usually, namespaces are being written with a capital first letter?
You also stopped using lists and instead use divs and spans.
I'm going to change that. Please use semantic markup.
Also, you removed the XKCD image?!?!?!
@user3123545 it's just a convention
So... autoloading will only work if you make your class names lowercase?
That can't be right...
@twiz autoloading works regardless
it will just fail if the autoloader doesn't support your particular class naming scheme
or if the file doesn't exist
or if you have a typo
or if you have developed on a case-insensitive system and then moved the code on a case-sensitive FS
@Ocramius Even with the default behavior without specifying an actual autoload function? Like this: php.net/manual/en/function.spl-autoload-register.php#92514
@twiz in that case it will just fail, yeap
Well I mean it only seems to work as long as everything is lower case
I don't think I made stupid typos, but maybe I should go back and check...
@twiz that's odd O_o
what's your autoloader like?
literally just this:
@twiz Time to start using the composer autoloader.
@LeviMorrison ping
@twiz The "standard" autoloader that comes with php normalizes the class name before loading it and part of that normalization is making everything lowercase.
@Danack Is there a standalone version for that?
@twiz Theoretically you could make a standalone version - I wouldn't recommend that though. It only takes a few lines of json to setup the composer one.
  "autoload": {
        "psr-0": {
            "": "src/"
Plus the composer.phar
Well I mean I'm already using composer for 3rd party libraries, but didn't realize that was a good solution for your actual code.
ok... well... I think I'm about to feel like an idiot... hah
The autoloader with it isn't perfect, but it's more than good enough.
Or you could use PSR-4 :D
@Jack I really have no clue, is one preferred over the other?
Depends on your namespaces, really.
@ircmaxell I agree with you on that in most cases. I figure, when working with rails, you accept the magic.
Not fair, PHP has the magic too.
Yay, I got the composer autoloader working!

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