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@NikiC yes, off list.
Hi @PeeHaa. Your gist helped me a lot, but I just had a comment: gist.github.com/PeeHaa/30ea991303005970a532
@NikiC Btw. do you know why Dmitry opened the branch only yesterday?
@samyb8 Use:
$url = $currentUri->getRelativeUri() . '?connect';
echo "<a href='$url'>Login with Etsy!</a>";
Is a code coverage CRAP index actually useful? Because the name suggests otherwise....
> Asma Abdul-Qahhar <[email protected]>
5:26 PM (2 hours ago)

to info

I have inheritance for you Kindly contact me
looks legit
From what I read about it, sounds to me like its just an opinionated rating of how "clean" your code is.
I'm guessing I'm wrong?
Anyone here working with MySQL workbench?
@PeeHaa Ah now it redirects me, but after Allowing access it crashes with: " Fatal error: Call to a member function getScheme() ..." line 19
@twiz wrong, it give some metrics, what these metric say depeands on how you analyse them
It will not tell clean code from shit code
Maybe it would be better to call it the simplicity of the code.
How do I import a MySQL workbench Model to an actual database?
@samyb8 typo. replace $uri with $currentUri
I'm really fascinated by the rails security issues: weblog.rubyonrails.org/2014/5/6/…
but yeah, convention over configuration, people, because conventions are cool, right? ;-)
Either way, it seems that the coverage percent is the main factor used for CRAP, which is somewhat pointless since you already have that number.
CRAP is more about how much a code is likely to cause bugs
@SecondRikudo You want to export to an actual database
@HamZa Correct
@SecondRikudo let me load mysqlworkbench...
@Ocramius As far as I can tell though, it is just a combined/weighted measurement of your coverage % and the number of branches.
@SecondRikudo Go to "database" in your menu > "forward engineer"
@twiz correct, and that gives you an idea of how much that code is actually relevant in comparison with the coverage
which is pretty much a good prediction of how much it's likely to cause problems
whole branch of network fails.. could you guess the reason?
Sure, but it seems to me like it would be more useful if the report just showed the number of branches.
@AlmaDo Someone spilled their coffee on a server?
no. someone stolen a WAN cable ..
stupid, stupid, stupid..
Well at least no one has to clean up coffee....
@AlmaDo hahahahaha
yeah. I've almost forgotten that I'm in Russia
Anyone familiar with using API's?
@Ocramius Its also slightly ridiculous since branches are often necessary, so a lower score isn't always better.
Isn't everything an API?
Bitcoin API*
@twiz depends on how many branches - if you have too many, you may consider splitting into different smaller methods
the point is avoiding bugs, and clarity helps that in first place
@HamZa Works, thanks :D
And yes your right everything is a API :)
kittens aren't api's ... lesson no. 1
@JoeWatkins They're API's. But nondeterministic.
@Ocramius Right, but that's my point. CRAP just combines 2 important numbers into another number that at best tells you the same exact thing as the original numbers.
@NikiC git.php.net/… woopsie and thank you :-)
except you nao have a single number
/me stops computing areas of surfaces, because we can measure edges, so areas don't matter
No, its like calculating the area of a surface because you want to know its height and width.
The area might tell you that either your height is too large or your width is too large, but not which one.
The dimensions will tell you that, because the dimensions are that. haha
eh... whatever, this isn't important anyway.
If anyone needs me, I'll be cowering in a corner with my opinions....
PHP.net: A or B?
@LeviMorrison color scheme of A, layout of B
Wasn't an option.
@bwoebi no problem ^^ the zts build never works for very long :D
@LeviMorrison B, ffs :D
@ircmaxell I was about to say the same thing
I figure if I just keep asking periodically eventually you guys will pick the correct option.
@LeviMorrison eek wrong side
I kinda like A
@LeviMorrison Isn't this basically a test of whether or not we're from a LTR culture....
@LeviMorrison btw, if you do A, please put the << and >> both above the function navbar
@TOOTSKI the underline of the flash notification is wrong color?
@NikiC I wonder what effect changing it from "" without ZTS to null (passing a null value) under --enable-debug, to catch those issues
@NikiC Sadly they don't fit :( I tried.
@PeeHaa Ask @LeviMorrison :P
Also still no dismiss X :(
@NikiC Other question. Could you ask for phpng branch being shown in lxr?
@ircmaxell not sure I got that
@bwoebi ping cataphrac about that
he's doing lxr I think
@NikiC not having IRC here just now.
@LeviMorrison but it's really weird now :/ having the << left of the breadcrumb
stackoverflow.com/questions/23501466/… .. close reason: "you don't pay me enough to write a book"
@twiz Across all PHP.net sites the tertiary nav is on the right... except here.
@NikiC right now, without --enable-maintainer-zts, TSRMLS_CC is "". I'm saying define it as , null, and TSRMLS_DC as , void *__tsrmls_value when debug is enabled, so you'd at least get a compiler error if you left one off (without having to build ZTS manually)
@LeviMorrison actually it's not tertiary here I'd say…
and only when debug is enabled, so you don't get any performance degredations in production builds
@ircmaxell or actually pass tsrm_ls and only make TSRMS_FETCH null out
@bwoebi On these pages it's honestly primary ^^
@NikiC only for debug though. As there would be performance overhead to that
I personally never use the 'primary' navigation.
@LeviMorrison that's why put it on the left.
@NikiC I think that's a pretty sane change. And theoretically shouldn't be a BC break (though it will, since many people never actually compile ZTS)
@bwoebi That still says that the navigation is more important than the content, which isn't true.
@LeviMorrison could you drop the green bar at the top?
would like to see how it looks "normally"
@LeviMorrison why?
That is not my doing. I've argued against it from its inception.
@LeviMorrison where is here?
@twiz On documentation pages on php.net
@LeviMorrison It's also weird that the white links at the top don't have :hover, whereas the ones on the right do. Also, I don't really like that violet it uses ^^
The former is just a detail that needs fixing ^^
Do you just not like purple or is it too light, too dark or ..?
@LeviMorrison just don't like the purple
How did PHP.net end up with purple, anyway?
@LeviMorrison can you overflow into the left part if it doesn't fit?
@NikiC Not as currently implemented; it wraps. Could look into it though.
I agree about that issue in general.
I think the nav shouldn't be viewed as tertiary. The importance isn't really hierarchical.
It is a significant navigation element. When I see navs on the right side, I tend to expect them to relate to the current section (often using anchor links).
Speaking of that function/method list... *frowns at Mongo docs* leviathon.homenet.org/mongocursor
@salathe something about MongoDB and data loss
@NikiC hehe
So, refresh leviathon.
I can move it to the right and let them expand as needed.
That's a bit of a sweeping statement. You might as well say that you can't perform CRUD by calling a controller method. I assume you do use CRUD to "manipulate your model's state?" — Robert Harvey 7 mins ago
@salathe Silly Mongo docs, can't even follow the template everything else uses.
Why do I need a book? I know what a controller is. To add to your italicized text: It can also request from the service layer any computing operation whatsoever.Robert Harvey 39 secs ago
@twiz You want to know what the name of that right sidebar is? Related functions
Fun story of my day: A co-student of mine asked me for help debugging their php website. After spending some time I noticed that the passwords were hashed using md5() but the tokens they generated were hashed using password_hash() (bcrypt)
@LeviMorrison Yes, that means on the same level as what you are currently viewing. I'm saying that right-side navs often imply that they link to a lower level.
hi all
someone please help me in my issue
Q: How to compare inner array values and display error message if value is matched and success message if value doesn't match?

phpBuddyI've an associative array titled $rebate_by_product. This associative array is dynamic in nature means it can be very long or very short depending on data it contains. For your reference I'm showing below the small instance of it which contains three rebate entries. Array ( [op] => preview ...

Why the f*ck is s/he doing this?!!!
I've spent whole day debugging why the hell oauth was not working due to this fuckin' shit.
@Leri uhhhhhhmmm it's opencart what did you expect :P
I'm just opening a random issue then
@Leri I think you missed the part of that page saying "opencart"
@PeeHaa I'd kill that guy who decided to start project on opencart with a pleasure. :)
@Leri I feel your pain brothah. As a matter of fact I did kill the person :)
@Leri drugs ?
I just know you will love that project
@tereško Or simply idiot. -.-
Well, the problem is that if I remove that cleaning routine I have feeling that will cause xss vulnerability (author definitely relies on that escaping). If I won't almost every token will be fucked up. Not sure, what to do...
don't touch it
don't touch anything in the "system" folder
@LeviMorrison better :)
@tereško Hmm, well, then I end up in caching variables I need, before those globals actually go in that Request class, which sounds sane (well, at least, I'll be able to say I did not touch anything). Thanks for advise.
Yay, for global registry (renamed service locator). :D
I also removed some of the visuals on the footer (look at a short page like: leviathon.homenet.org/manual/en/mongo.core.php).
@LeviMorrison Less readable for me..
Off to home. Later.
@SecondRikudo I'm not sure about the "tag frequency thing"
seems like an ugly waste of space
@tereško Especially when you have a huge fucking jquery tag on there like me :P
I just realized my only gold badge is basically: "You have a lot of accepted answers with 0 scores" which is probably a bad thing
Unsung hero?
@LeviMorrison I stopped caring :P
@LeviMorrison Want another one? :P
Not sure what you mean?
I can arrange you one.
@SecondRikudo is selling counterfeit gold badges!
@NikiC :P
@SecondRikudo lol! It Counts as 61% for me with as 42% - it's 103% :D But there are other tags there too Oo
@LeviMorrison Post a good answer to my mysql question. I'll accept it. It'll gain votes in no time, when you get to 100 votes, you get a gold badge.
@SecondRikudo which question?
@SecondRikudo but it has answer
@AlmaDo So?
If I accept your answer it'll be on the top.
If it's on the top it'll get votes by sheer popularity.
How do you think NullPoiиteя's answer got so many?
no, no. That's no more rep. hunting (for me). Your question is well-answered. I doubt it's possible to add something significant
@AlmaDo It is rep hunting :P
@SecondRikudo yes, that's why I'm not going to do it
@AlmaDo :P
oh, got next nice answer badge...
Fortunately, for some useful post..
@AlmaDo I have seventy of those :P
mmm , my total is only 30
@AlmaDo That ASCII formatting alone makes it upvote worthy
@NikiC Stole your stuff :-P
@bwoebi to have it in a presentable state before publishing :)
@SecondRikudo It's because it got my name in it.
shame that they are not showing "helpful flags" count
@AmalMurali Eh ... you missed the part about me not liking ifsetor ^^
23 for me
@NikiC at least this seems to be useful thing to measure knowledge here on SO
@TOOTSKI I'm going to include "TOOTSKI" in every one of my answers. Let me see how that scales :-P
@NikiC lol :D
@bwoebi well, and there was a certain instruction count target ;)
@NikiC which still could be reached after publishing…
@NikiC hm, a little bit earlier I assume it already was publishable
Actually it's too late to still change anything there… ;-)
Could someone care to explain the difference between 5.3 and 5.4 performance wise, a bit in detail?
What was done to make it faster etc.
Dears Can i verify that facebook url contain image
using php
or facebook developer api
@TOOTSKI Interned strings
Inline cache for things like "which function is being called by this opcode"
@JoeWatkins I'm able to use your uopz extension to change functions at runtime for test mocking with uopz_function(), right? And is it possible to then revert that back to the original functionality?
@TOOTSKI Oh right, that should have the most important bits
@rdlowrey yes, and yes, call uopz_restore
bye-bye runkit.
we totally threw that in the bin ...
@NikiC Thanks! Anything else (more)? (Sorry for bothering)
Honestly the ability to mock out class methods for testing is the only thing that keeps me from writing everything with functions ...
@TOOTSKI That RFC has the significant changes
There were also some smaller things, as always
I think there were optimizations to access of string offsets
And to ternary operator with large variables (but that may be 5.5?)
@NikiC Awesome, Chris Wells says thanks :)
for ($a = $b = []; count($a) < 512; $b = &$a[], $b = $a)
Uh... yea.
@DanLugg ummmmmmm
@DanLugg LOL
Run it with < 8, that's still a helluva tree, even if it's all references.
Who's the main madafaka?
in b4 hindis
cPanel/WHM question: Is there a way to, when creating an account in a specific package, automatically set cron jobs to run in that account?
Contact cPanel/WHM support ;)
@DanLugg what? You get a very large array?
Yea, it's all references, but when it blew by on the screen I was a bit surprised.
why were you surprised?
you're creating a really deep reference tree.
be happy PHP even ran that. Most compilers would just laugh at you and delete your code outright for even suggesting that
@ircmaxell :D
Anthony funny today.
> I'm sorry Dan, I can't let you do that. rm -rf ./project
Loki became a mare, was impregnated by a stallion, and gave birth to an eight-legged horse; an early illustration of dangers of polymorphism
Occam's razor may be effective, but Bjarki's axe feels better in practice.
You'd expect someone who's been a member for longer than I have, and asking more than 40 questions to know how to ask a question. — Second Rikudo 8 secs ago
A: Recursive closure, nested closures

Niet the Dark AbsolTry something like this: $values = ['string1','string2','string3']; $callback = function($q) use (&$values,&$callback) { if( !$values) $q->method(); else $q->method(array_shift($values),$callback); }; $callback($q); This should suit your needs :)

Does this make any sense?
Fairly sure that I’m never gonna use #OpenCart: https://github.com/opencart/opencart/issues/1402#issue-32918176
@SecondRikudo I hate people that don't contribute by answering other people's questions. On the other hand, it might be good.
What the hell.
Q: Can't insert into MySQL database

user2470370 Error Number: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'desc,status) VALUES('6','titletitle','IrBs5vE641P.jpg','summary','<' at line 1 INSERT INTO td_story(user_id,title,thumb,summary...

@Leri ^
@HamZa I don't mind a person contributing just by asking.
Seriously, 9 upvotes for that?
As long as he asks... You know... Decent questions?
A: Can I comment a JSON file?

PedI've found a little hack that allows you to place comments in a JSON file that will not affect the parsing, or alter the data being represented in any way. It appears that when declaring an object literal you can specify two values with the same key, and the last one takes precedence. Believe it...

@Ocramius What an idiotic post below yours... $this->clean() really? Clean from what exactly?
@SecondRikudo true
@AmalMurali looks correct.
@bwoebi But how does it become "recursive" that way?
@DanLugg haha +209/-128
@AlmaDo Redundant.
It will be auto deleted in a few days anyway. No point in deleting it.
@AmalMurali self-referencing closure? look at the use statement...
really? Didnt knew
@AlmaDo Same
A: Enable automatic deletion of old, unanswered zero-score questions after a year?

Jeff AtwoodJust to formally document the exact policies we have in place to remove old abandoned / dead questions, the Community user will delete questions in the following circumstances: If the question is more than 30 days old, and ... has −1 or lower score has no answers is not locked ...or... it ...

@bwoebi Ah, missed that. Why is &$values being passed as a reference?
@AmalMurali to use array_shift() on it. (and array_shift return value should change on every iteration)
Ooh clever.
@Ocramius You're lucky that it wasn't Daniel Kerr that replied
He'd have told you that you're an incompetent asshole that is wasting his time by complaining about best security practices he implemented
At least that's what usually happens
That would start a hell of a shitstorm
Oh gods, what have they done now...
@Ocramius htmlspecialchars all the things!
That reminds me.
stackoverflow.com/a/3126175/168868 -- rewrote my prehistoric stuff on when it's safe to escape and when it's not safe to escape...
Hm, do you think this question should be deleted?
@AmalMurali imho, yes
@Charles Awesome answer. I searched for something like this while writing this one, but couldn't find it. Going to add this link :D
> Thanks for sharing your thoughts - they have been noted.
Thanks but fuck you @Ocramius :P
@crypticツ what's that?
@PeeHaa lolwut? link?
> And htmlentities for escaping? UTF-8 called and wants its characters back.
WTF this shit is bad
@PeeHaa Run for the hills
@PeeHaa If you sent that draft you probably wouldn't have 1226 emails.
Obviously that turd of a thunderbird crashes when trying to "process" the mail
-> , "Sorry, I've been having trouble with my email; if you sent something important, please resend"
Isn't it a tad too late for an auto responser? :P
Come at me bro.
ow well. Will have to wait. I'm done for today.
Screw you guys I'm going home
Word up. Have a nice night :-)
@PeeHaa later
Requisite video link:
good mornings.
have you moved to australia/japan ?
@SecondRikudo hahahaha
morning @hakre
heja! :D
> Some applications always encode like OpenCart, some allow encoding to be overridden, and others send back raw data. There are pros and cons to all the methods.
WTF. Am I the only one who was unable to login/chat for the past 20 minutes or so?
@Ocramius cool, but as always, their community is saying it's okay, rather considering refactoring.

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