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Chrome ftw
Yeah, I wrote unintuitive and assumed I wrote it wrong, click to auto correct and it showed punitive.
@JABFreeware On Chrome by the way.
Not intuitive is probably more correct.
Still nobody got #3 yet? Wow
Firefox released 29
I've actually stopped trying :(
Looks too hard.
#3 is easy. You just need to think outside the box a little bit :-)
I lack that skill, I guess
Man, twitter is really good at preventing image hot linking :)
once you get it (or see it) you'll go "duh"
It worked for me @rdlowrey!?
I don't know what's happening with mine :/
Would all passengers cooperate with any step of the algorithm? — Lior Kogan Oct 12 '11 at 21:20
okay well it IS in the same directory
ls prooves it...
Is there a methodology to finding the answers? Or just experience with hashing helps?
@JABFreeware Same upper/lowercase?
@Fabien experimenting.
For some, the length of the hash is a clue. For others, it's a step in the wrong direction
include 'FrameWork.php';
looks the same to me
and a different file including a different file, but in the same dir, works without a problem
in general though, the characters themselves is a big clue
@ircmaxell: Are there any more "easy" ones? :P Like #3
and I know it doesnt matter a lot, but my IDE can follow it...
@JABFreeware What if you tried include './FrameWork.php';
so here are the ones I'd call "easy" (meaning that with a little creativity, you should be able to get it reasonably quickly): 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14
I'll try that
@ircmaxell are you trying to make me smart enough to get into Google?
yup :-D
PHP Warning: include(./FrameWork.php): failed to open stream: No such file or d irectory in /var/x/y/z/AccountManage.php on line 3
ha! hmmm...
I wouldn't expect anyone to get #8, 10, 15...
@JABFreeware are you including a file which also includes another file?
So I have this old codebase that depends on Services_JSON because it existed before the builtins became a thing. Apparently they updated their code at some point so that every time you do an encode, it automatically adds a content-type header...
yeah.... :( why?
@JABFreeware screw it...
@ircmaxell Got #3. That was hard, but really fun
$easy = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14];
$me = [1, 2, 5, 9, 12, 13];
print_r(array_diff($easy, $me)); // 3, 6, 11, 14
@ircmaxell: See? It was not easy :P
Say you have this directory structure:
You use include 'includes/bootstrap.php'; in index.php
In bootstrap.php, you want to include db.php, how do you include it?
@ircmaxell Aye. :( Wonder who will be the first to 100%.
I wonder if there will be any
I also wonder how many people try to find answers in the source code.
@HamZa you would include it in the bootstrap.php
@JABFreeware Say I want to include db.php in bootstrap.php, how do I include it? db.php and bootstrap.php are in the same folder in "includes"
@Fabien I'd be curious to know as well :-)
include "db.php"
@JABFreeware wrong
relative paths are not allowed?
@JABFreeware remember, you're using index.php which is the file that's being opened
> We have hit 500 full time team members at FBM today! What an exciting thing!
@JoeWatkins :D
@HamZa augh so its relative from the index.php
@JABFreeware well relative to the file that's being opened, in your case index.php. That's why it's better to define a variable which will contain the path to the root of your application
@TOOTSKI ha, your 20 guess was a bit out ... makes me look good tho, right ?? :D
God Tier
@JABFreeware I used something like this last time:
$sitePath = __DIR__ . '/';	// Path to the website

include_once $sitePath . 'config.php';
include_once $sitePath . 'library/functions/debug.php';
that makes sense
@JoeWatkins But seriously, I've done so little compared to you and we both started at the same time :)
you are working there too ?
I didn't know that !!
@Fabien: What source code? JS? :o
@HamZa hmmm....so just as a test, I used the absolute path
no workies
@ircmaxell Definitely! You're one crafty man to come up with these. Now onto the next one!
@JABFreeware aw man dude, could you send me .zip file or something?
I want to go to sleep, but this puzzle is not letting me.
echo var_dump(file_exists(ABSOLUTEPATH) returns true
include_once(SAME PATH)
@NikiC I was under the impression you knew of some big ones off the top of your head ^^
@JABFreeware I give up, it's a PEBCAK problem
haha thanks :P
Also, @NikiC, I can give you access to my machine to test HHVM stuff. I have a Debian repo install as well as one that tracks master.
7 messages moved to bin
I don't mind discussing, just spoilers... :-D
Talkin' 'bout opression :D
Yeah, yeah, pardon.
@HamZa I got it...it was a combo problem
and it even managed to find the first one correctly :)
@JABFreeware combo?
the newest is I forgot about removing the PDO driver
iterator_to_array(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($map)), true);
originally it was the paths issue
such iterator much array
so thats why it still doesnt work. Because PDO is throwing an error
thanks for your help :)
@JABFreeware welcome
@HamZa: It fails for #13 :P
@AmalMurali since it isn't a hash?
right :P
@AmalMurali yeah, should only actually work for one of them though...
That one I did solve already, :/
did you run it thought?
RIP TDD http://on.fb.me/1luakLD i'm shopping for new programming techniques. a bunch of new techniques.
+ infinity
@ircmaxell Which one?
The PHP one or Python? I ran both.
@AmalMurali and? only found one, right?
Yeah. Am I missing something?
no, was just curious. As I hadn't actually ran it, just looked at the source and assumed it would only find one
@tereško the comments to the FB post are fun
I did the most idiotic thing xD
boolean false
boolean false
boolean false
boolean false
boolean false
boolean false
boolean false
boolean false
boolean false
boolean false
boolean false
boolean false
Not a single true was given.
rofl was that meant for me?
No, it's meant for @ircmaxell's hashy thingy.
ooh xD
@TOOTSKI: Which tool? Custom?
Well I said yes to making basic/starting forum software rofl
@AmalMurali Yeah, yeah.
using a few most important tables
I think Alma also wrote some custom class for this. :P
this is yet how I am going to work with the database : i.imgur.com/Hm4QXK9.png
The most visited site in my country used md5(md5($password));, I guessed that easily.
Mine is just a script :D
inb4 @ircmaxell deletes :P
@MikeM. first time seeing someone designing a database with MS excel
rofl even through I can't crack md5 passwords I know it's insecure as fuck
Who cares if it's secure? It's just a game :D
rainbow tables
@AmalMurali deletes what?
well HamZa it's just on what I think I need then I am going to create it in line with the mysql database
@ircmaxell: this
Fabien it has a color indicator on the left side
@MikeM. It's secure, 10 years ago.
@MikeM. the point of this game is to prove that :-)
@MikeM. he was talking about a technique on how to crack hashes :)
@AmalMurali that's not one of them... So...
xD Tootski
@ircmaxell: Is 9/15 Jack?
@AmalMurali yup
I guess he has only the really hard ones left to solve.
HamZa ms excel is good for DB designing/ideas xD
I'll tell you one secret, @MikeM., but promise me you will not abuse it :P
hmm whats the secret amal xD
That you can mention people by prepending a @ before their name. :P
@ircmaxell Nope, was just saying they've could used sha1 or anything else than "double" md5 to somewhat prevent tables.
I know that "secret" but just forget it all the time :P
emm ..
> Heroku today announced a set of new tools for PHP developers that aim to give PHP the kind of enterprise-grade support the company already offers for Rails, Python, node.js and other languages.
@MikeM. Probably a good thing. Most people don't like being highlighted. I don't mind though
@AmalMurali aw why did you tell him :O Now I will be pinged too much
rofl HamZa as long as I won't forget to put the @ then you won't
@HamZa But... but.. I gotta help newbies :D
@HamZa: BTW, are you playing this game as well?
@MikeM. Try mysql workbench
@AmalMurali I stopped after the first one. It's time consuming...
Ewww I hate ERD's xD
@TOOTSKI well... "somewhat" being the opportune word :-D
HamZa I only use php and html for the basic forum software do you think it will workout that it looks a bit on some forum software?
@MikeM. what do you mean?
Like most forum softwares uses javascripts to add additional functionality
my challange is to create a basic forum system but I only know php and html (and a bit of css) do you think I can get it to the point of a forum system/software?
It's possible but JS might make your site fancy... Anyways, why are you re-inventing the wheel?
Also do you have a deadline?
No I do not
it's a personal project :D
Oh ok cool
> I spent a few years growing up with a closet in my bedroom. The closet had an odd design. It looked normal at first, then you walked in to do closet things, and discovered that the wall on your right gave way to an alcove at, making for a handy little shelf.
> Then you looked up, and the wall at the back of the alcove gave way again, into a crawlspace of utter nothingness, where no light could fall and which you immediately identified as the daytime retreat for every ravenous monster you kept at bay with flashlights and stuffed animals each night.
> This is what it is to learn programming.
@ircmaxell this is gone :D
> I use this code for Secure Password Hashes
Famous last words.
@TOOTSKI /me facepalms
with a high enough iteration count (no, 2 is not it), that's not horrible...
It's not, but it is, I would discourage any "class" examples in notes.
agree 100%
@LeviMorrison I'm aware of some, but I wouldn't go create bug reports based on behaviors other people described (and that might be fixed in the meantime)
@ircmaxell: One of the algorithms in $algorithms (on that php.net comment) looks like it could be the solution to #3
@AmalMurali does it?
I don't know what to make of such questions :-P
could be on the right track. Or it could be a red herring
I cannot say which (well, I won't)
@NikiC Well I can give you access to my server if you'd like to. You seem pretty busy though.
@LeviMorrison I think he's not really interested in fixing or analysing HHVM bugs
@ircmaxell: wow, only 2 (including me, just now) found algorithm 11 so far?
@NiekBergman :-)
I'm quite surprised that only 3 people found #14
@ircmaxell Stop it, you'll say that for each :D
Trying to boost competition.
I got work to do, damnit!
well, no, I'm not going to say 15, 10 or 8 are "easy" in any way shape or form
I'm still trying #3
@AmalMurali Try it until you fail few times but don't stick to one :)
7 levels of md5, sha1. Oh yeah!
@TOOTSKI yeah :D
@ircmaxell: here's one for you: 8097880544751088228
No salt.
@NiekBergman that's not the game :-P
Can I haz passwordz if I give you hashish?
That was print int(binascii.hexlify('password'), 16)
(yes, Python, so sue me :P)
@Ocramius if you give me hashish, I'll give you passwords :-P
Heh. I believe I tried all sorts of weird shits for #3, but wtf
@NiekBergman interesting...
Either it's too easy and I'm overthinking or it's too hard and I'm nowhere near :(
start simple. And look closely. Don't just disregard if it doesn't look right, right off the bat. Look closer
List of combinations I tried for #3: eval.in/private/f8b7cf275556dc lol
what do you mean "you tried"?
try to recreate one of the given hashes first. That will get you on the track better
@Ocramius LOL
That's what I've been trying to do.
Oh, so what are those results for?
s/$hash/$hashish all of the codebase
foreach (explode("\n", $r) as $k => $val) {
    echo hash('someHashFunction', $val) . "\n";
@ircmaxell ^
Oh, you're trying to double hash...
what's the input to those hashes?
The string in the paste above
Which itself is random combinations of md5, sha1, sha256 etc. in various order
when you see it, you'll shit bricks
I'll give you this hint: you need nothing more than what's in that file.
What do you mean "file"?
@AmalMurali that
Or my paste?
@AmalMurali your paste
@TOOTSKI , maybe you find this interesting: vimeo.com/89691354 (lecture, language: russian)
Well so far I have managed to get 1 :P
@ircmaxell Use __FILE__ as the salt? ^^
@LeviMorrison lol, nah
@tereško horošo, spasiba :)))
you're welcome
dunno whether we have any other regulars here who can understand russian
/me only understands fake russian :-P
@AlmaDo is Ruski @tereško
@AlmaDo vimeo.com/89691354 .. you too might be interested in this lecture
@ircmaxell we is kiiiiil you
Japanese is hard, that's hard...
@tereško thank you! I'll check tomorrow
@TOOTSKI no, no no. you no understand. There is no "we". There is only "ve".
@ircmaxell :D
Japanese has some very simple structures though. At least my limited knowledge believes so.
@ircmaxell All or some of these algorithms should be solvable by reading your blog. :P That'd be a nice touch.
@Fabien nah, I'm not that self-referential
It's partially/mostly for the benefit of the person pulling their hair out :)
@JoeWatkins and @TOOTSKI we may have to come up with some other name: github.com/tadejm/eventador, github.com/Jamiltz/eventador
Yeah, I'm not special after all :P
@TOOTSKI new awesome term "gownacode" (говнокод)
@tereško a.k.a shitcode :D
@ircmaxell I'm not quite sure what you mean by "in the paste". Are you saying one of the lines in the paste is useful as it is? Or that the paste contains one line and it needs to be hashed again (perhaps with a secret method) to be useful?
@AmalMurali I never said "one" line ;-)
Oh damn, I should've posted a shorter paste :P
Maybe similar_text() will help...
Is it possible to search for a particular person's messages in the chat transcript?
Using "when said by"?
Use their user id, not name.
Both works the same, I think.
it converts. Works for me when I put any text in there.
Ah, I was missing the search term :P
now if only i could get the replies to me
@rdlowrey crappy ... don't worry, @TOOTSKI is on it ... right ?? right ??
In case anyone was wondering ... writes to STDOUT/STDERR in different forks/threads are definitely not atomic. Even if you try to use flock on them you'll get interleaved output in the console.
@AmalMurali try just using your eyes
@rdlowrey Mutex
Yeah I was probably delusional to think it might work without that :)
won't work in forks actually because no mutex shared everywhere so don't support it ...
@ircmaxell Yeah, if I knew where to look :(
50 mins ago, by Amal Murali
List of combinations I tried for #3: https://eval.in/private/f8b7cf275556dc lol
yep, 47 lines.
probably it's staring right at my face
I've always thought that it must be possible to implement nbio using just mutex ... you ever looked at that @rdlowrey ?? php.net/manual/en/mutex.trylock.php <- nb call to lock mutex
how long is the final string?
so you can likely reduce that 47 lines, no?
as most aren't an even divisor of 80
@JoeWatkins I'm not really sure what the trylock has to do with nbio? Unless you mean "if this fails continue on with whatever you were doing and try again later" ?
well what I mean is, implement those parts that require threads in other implementations of event loops ...
it's file system writes isnt it, that require threads ?
And reads ...
but only some ?
Any file system operation of any kind requires a thread
ah right, so all local file stuff ...
And the problem with using a nb mutex is you then have to poll to see if you can acquire the lock yet.
Instead of being notified lazily when you're able to do something.
extremely cheap, and there is already a loop ... because events ...
on some level, libevent polls
But even acquiring a lock on the file doesn't help shuttling data from your disk to a socket client ... you can't sit there and block the thread for everyone else while a 100MB file is sent to one client.
My portion of pain for the day: just stepped (with bare feet) right onto a BNC. :(
@NiekBergman the connector? or the cable?
The connector.
okay so unavoidable ... but nobody can say we haven't thought about it ... because we did ...
What're you guys up to anyhoo?
@NiekBergman ouch... been there, done that, got the blood
Well, luckily I'm not bleeding, at least.
@ircmaxell: stepped right on to the connector for a CB radio small-whip antenna.
Why I have that lying right on my bedroom floor beats me, but yeah :P
must resist the sleep.
@Fabien fighting crime ...
okay, I'm not fighting crime ... I'm on my sofa ...
I could totally fight crime tho ...
heh. From your sofa?
no no, I'd have to leave the sofa ... only reason I don't bother with it tbh ...
I was a mechanic for an hour this evening ... that was dirty ... not in a good way ...
I have some ideas for async/await style functionality with yield and some new objects I want to try so that if one of your event callbacks is a generator and it yields a Future instance the SAPI itself will act as a co-routine and give back the result (or throw into) only when the operation completes. Basically just compiling what I'm already doing in userland.
All kinds of engineering.
There's really no point IMO to allow await, so all you really need is async (yield).
don't like async/await
function somethingAsync() {
    try {
        $result = (yield someNonBlockingIo());
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // ... handle
That's what I'm talking about.
That's a million times better than "Thenables" IMO.
The code isn't synchronous but it feels like it is and you handle errors like it is.
I want Inarizushi :(
@rdlowrey I prefer the promise monad
Well my issue with that is no one will ever use your program if they have to write everything in functional style. To me the above is a nice compromise between imperative and functional.
And, to be completely honest, imperative things are still more comfortable to me. It might make me less of an alpha nerd, but that's just where I am right now. I definitely see the benefits of functional all of the things but I'm not totally cool with 100% functional yet.
well ... promises are cool, they are a palatable way of exposing concurrent execution maybe, however ... I don't really think they are ideal, I really think to write code organized enough to really make the most of concurrency you require what is provided by a proper object orientated api ... I don't like async/await because it's an attempt to dumb it down that fails, it's not actually simpler than the thing they are abstracting ... promises do actually make it simpler and that might help ...
then().then().then() is much uglier than the above example IMO.
@rdlowrey I said promise monad, not promise.
and it's a big difference
Oh, I see.
because the same code now can be used for single values, as multiple values, as async results, and it all just behaves the same
hello all!
I may have to blog on that
I'm newish to php and traversing an array with objects is driving me up the wall...
@vimes1984 you can just ask your question, you don't need to ask or wait until prompted
or jump straight into talking about kittens ...
or sushi. Man I want some sushi.
it's a lot of code
@vimes1984 if you need help regarding urban mountaineering, try outdoors.stackexchange.com
right i have an array like so
@tereško ROTFL
well don't post a lot of code ... pastebin is nice ... or eval or whatever ...
room-11.github.io this is also a good read ;)
@vimes1984 Use pastie or some other paste service for that kind of text.
@Fabien it's fine like that here
auto-boxing handles the scrolability of it, as long as it's not too often
with nested objects I need to compare to one of the values ["Name"]=>
string(17) "Beginner" check if it's actually "beginners" then save the whole array up to the top
into a new array
@ircmaxell It's #1 on the Chatroom PACT Do's. If this isn't the case we should remove it.
that would be something like $array[0]->Level->Name
@Fabien several times I've voiced my concerns about the "pact", and about how rules should be enforced not by the text of them, but by the spirit
nice to hear your all so nice here
and "use a pastebin" is an IRC throwback where there was no good multi-line support. This chat has it
I did read the rukles which is why I was asking I never no how to breech the subject of asking for helo

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