@Jack: Nah, it was accepted long after my answer was posted :)
> Well, it's bcrypt and the method, strength and salt are already given .. and it changes for each pass/salt combo, so that means the password contains both arguments in a particular way.
@DaveRandom Well I am aimming to make my developing easier, by having easy query management. Currently in my db class, I have 3 dynamic functions, delete, insert, update, and insert one contains count rows option too. But none of these methods support advanced queries, such as comparing dates, key-words such as LEFT JOIN, group, etc. To do that I will need to call the PDO class and manually write it. I would like to know if there is a released class that does so (No libs)
@Jack: I don't think it works like that. Say a question has many answers with the top-upvoted answer accepted. The OP accepts the lowest scored answer for a second. Then according to your logic, everyone on that thread with a score > accepted_answer will get that badge.
Your answer must be the highest scoring (so there can be only one) and the accepted answer must have a score of more than 10 .. and your answer must have more than 2x of that ... therefore the bare minimum is 23
@user3123545 What you are talking about there is a query builder, which really is a lib - if you try and wrap it all in one class you are trying to cram too much logic into one place and breaking SRP
@DaveRandom What I am talking is, instead of doing $q = $pdo->prepare(..).. $q->execute(array...), simply do $db->insert($table, $rows) while $rows is an keys array, which atleast for me is easier to use
@user3123545 Yeah that's fine (at least, common consensus is that it's fine, personally I don't like having insert() method etc) but before you were talking about having methods for joins - that needs a query builder lib
@AmalMurali Tip: whenever you try something, look at the result, and compare it to all of the hashes. The passwords and salts are all the same, so look for patterns in all of them :-)
> In many programming languages, it can be useful to have a feature that allows the programmer to define a small anonymous function inline that can be treated as a program value, stored into variables and invoked at a later time.
the term "program value" is used one time, throughout the entire manual, and it's in that sentence ... so if you want to know exactly what that means, tough shit ...
you can deduce what it means ... but that's not what we use language for, we use language so that deduction is not necessary ... if I wrote that in the php manual @salathe and @DaveRandom would be all over me
select patients.patient_id,patients.patient_name,patients.nic,prescriptions.prescription_id,prescriptions.diagnosis,prescriptions.examined_by,prescriptions.examined_on from patients,prescriptions where patients.patient_id = prescriptions.patient_id or patients.patient_id like '%$v1%' or patients.patient_name like '%$v1%' or patients.nic like '%$v1%' order by patients.date desc limit 0,999999999
I assume that was an epic fail on the part of someone in Taiwan ripping off some product or other, and going "yeh, that key looks like the right symbol"
(which, to be fair, if I tried to copy some Chinese text or something, I would probably end up doing the same thing)
This is funny - my htaccess works fine on http://htaccess.madewithlove.be/ but not on my server :( Nevermind - found the issue :D Funny how complaining about problems makes them go away ;)
@JoeWatkins Depends how much of an idiot I was. Last local election we got a leaflet through the door from the BNP, I'm not certain the was a single valid sentence on the whole thing. And those people are supposed to be pure English
@AustinBurk One of the best things about chat, is that after you've exhausted all resources, tried anything you can think of, even gasp looked at the second page in Google
Once you start writing your problems in chat, you suddenly find what's wrong :D
I saw him on an interview with paxman ... it seems like had he been able to intellectualize his arguments at the beginning, he might actually have been a force for good ... it was naieve to think he could retain control of such a thing, but when you listen to him speak honestly about how it all started you cannot help but feel empathy ... now I imagine he spends most of his days in solitary, for his own protection ...
Oh right, I spend quite a lot of time consciously ignoring any news items related to either because neither have any real traction and both can go fuck themselves
It's really difficult not to get angry about people like that. It goes beyond stupidity into the realms of small man/small member syndrome, and they just suck stupid people up along the way, but it's the stupid people who actually go out and cause the real harm.
@JoeWatkins Sometimes. In recent years he's become too much of a caricature of himself, which is annoying, sometimes it gets in the way of reporting the actual news
yeah they are total dicks, but tommy is a lad our age, only he's not intellectual, he hasn't a clue how the world works really or didn't, and when you listen to his version of events and provide him the benefit of the doubt that he's being honest, you have to empathize with what he's saying or be dead inside .... I don't think many would have actually done it, but many would have thought it ... I have a brother in the army, when I see dick heads at picket lines of funerals and parades
I'm offended, angry even ... 10 years ago I might have even turned up ...
@JoeWatkins Yeh that's not on. I don't necessarily disagree with the point they are making (it's hard to tell, they usually aren't very coherent) but that it most definitely not the way to make it.
Okay I need a few people to check and test my chat.Yes I know the design is very similar to stackoverflow, that's because I didnt have anything in mind. After I am done with it, I will obviously change it. Login with any name and password. - it's not complete yet btw
@DaveRandom yeah he totally made bad decisions, but that very first night it all started, there's been times in my life I think I would have done the same thing, and I was more aware of the consequences than he was ...
Yesterday when I realized I'm following the loop in the code (as in, reading the same lines more than 5 times), I figured it's time I stop for the day XD
I'm so tired of trying to work on this piece of code :( It's some patched-together piece of crap that I should really just dump and start from scratch It's also important :/
@ircmaxell :/ As soon as that loaded, I immediately started trying to break out of the shell.
2 - the original BCrypt, which has been deprecated because of a security issue a long time before BCrypt became popular.
2a - the official BCrypt algorithm and a insecure implementation in crypt_blowfish
2x - suggested for hashes created by the insecure algorithm for compatibility
2y - suggested...
@user3123545 maybe. Maybe not. you'll have to guess
So I was browsing the internet and came across some Q&A/quiz site that was vulnerable to Heartbleed I tried, sure enough, worked, so I made an account and contacted the site admins
Is there some clean explanation on how bcrypt works? I've read this answer by ircmaxell, his blog entry on bcrypt and the Wikipedia article on bcrypt. But I'm still confused.
Maybe twenty minutes later, they sent me this message:
Hi! Thank you for warning us. We have checked this using the McAfee tool and they state that (site name) is "not Heartbleed vulnerable" . http://tif.mcafee.com/heartbleedtest?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=www.(site name).com&commit=Scan
And, of course, they had updated OpenSSL right before sending me that message
and I used www . sudomemo . net / heartbleed.sh (find your own copy, you don't know for sure that I haven't put some killer virus in their, l33t haxer I am)
bcrypt is a key derivation function for passwords designed by Niels Provos and David Mazières, based on the Blowfish cipher, and presented at USENIX in 1999. Besides incorporating a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks, bcrypt is an adaptive function: over time, the iteration count can be increased to make it slower, so it remains resistant to brute-force search attacks even with increasing computation power.
Blowfish is notable among block ciphers for its expensive key setup phase. It starts off with subkeys in a standard state, then uses this state to perform a block encryp...
@shrtwhitebldguy http://david.heinemeierhansson.com/2014/test-induced-design-damage.html <-- Testing Rails MVC is "hard", because Rails MVC isn't really MVC, but some bastardization thereof
$2a$07$usesomesillystringforemUFsKduCdorWGPSNWMxzm/Z3Z8NpF6q is the hash. 2a is the identifier (bcrypt), 07 is the cost parameter, usesomesillystringfore is the salt. This part is common for all the 4 cases.