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@AmalMurali ooh populist answer? :)
@salathe Is there an audit log for user notes in the manual that is public or I could access when logged in?
brb lunch
@Jack: Nah, it was accepted long after my answer was posted :)
> Well, it's bcrypt and the method, strength and salt are already given .. and it changes for each pass/salt combo, so that means the password contains both arguments in a particular way.
What do you mean by method here, @Jack?
@DanLugg I would use this in a LOT of places :P
@AmalMurali Accepted answer is >= 10 and yours is at least twice that ... therefore -> populist badge
@DaveRandom Well I am aimming to make my developing easier, by having easy query management. Currently in my db class, I have 3 dynamic functions, delete, insert, update, and insert one contains count rows option too. But none of these methods support advanced queries, such as comparing dates, key-words such as LEFT JOIN, group, etc. To do that I will need to call the PDO class and manually write it. I would like to know if there is a released class that does so (No libs)
@Jack: I don't think it works like that. Say a question has many answers with the top-upvoted answer accepted. The OP accepts the lowest scored answer for a second. Then according to your logic, everyone on that thread with a score > accepted_answer will get that badge.
Not just score > accepted answer, score > accepted answer x 2
Though, I see that you don't have the badge .. strange
Yeah, that's what I meant. See this Meta answer.
ahh there it is!
But wait... devnull doesn't have that badge either. Weird.
yeah, because of this.
Seeing how you need to read at least three meta posts to understand Populist badge is far from ideal.
I still don't understand. Are you saying the accepted answer would require to have at least 11 votes and mine 11 x 2 = 22+ votes?
> Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with score of more than 10 by more than 2x
Even then, only devnull would get it as it's awarded once per question.
Yes, indeed.
Either way, the badge description needs an update, I think.
Nope, when actually reading the badge description it's all clear to me.
well ... I have 3 "populist" badges
Your answer must be the highest scoring (so there can be only one) and the accepted answer must have a score of more than 10 .. and your answer must have more than 2x of that ... therefore the bare minimum is 23
@user3123545 What you are talking about there is a query builder, which really is a lib - if you try and wrap it all in one class you are trying to cram too much logic into one place and breaking SRP
Yeah. 11*2+1. But it may not be obvious to someone who's reading the page for the first time
Then they should read it again.
Again and again and again until it makes sense!
Yes, you can apply the same for people who don't believe in love at first sight; just walk past again.
@DaveRandom Tell me again how much you love Subversion.
@Jack Can I tell you via the medium of self-immolation?
Is this the correct way to encrypt using bcrypt?
$options = [
    'salt' => $salt
    'cost' => 7,
echo password_hash($pass, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, $options)."\n";
@AmalMurali Yes.
I'd have a higher cost.
Depending on your server.
@AmalMurali why are you specify the salt?
@DaveRandom What I am talking is, instead of doing $q = $pdo->prepare(..).. $q->execute(array...), simply do $db->insert($table, $rows) while $rows is an keys array, which atleast for me is easier to use
Yeah, this is for hashguesser game :P
@DaveRandom s/why/do
@AmalMurali oic
@AmalMurali Nope, that's wrong :) you need $2a$ and not $2y$.
@SecondRikudo ?
@DaveRandom "Why do you specify the salt?"
@user3123545 Yeah that's fine (at least, common consensus is that it's fine, personally I don't like having insert() method etc) but before you were talking about having methods for joins - that needs a query builder lib
"Why are you specifying the salt" is also correct, no?
@Jack Ahh, should have read "specifying"
@AmalMurali "Why the salt?" is also correct :)
That is correct but fingers don't always do what I tell them to
@DaveRandom s/are/do
my bad
They rarely do what I tell them to, in fact
@Jack y teh salt bruh?
I know that salt, bro.
For a second, I thought Jeff Atwood came in here
Yeah, Jeff downgraded his rep to blend in.
hahahaha you are right @AmalMurali
Oct 16 '10 at 6:26, by Jeff Atwood
I'm all about the PHP. It is the only language that matters, man! :)
@AmalMurali No, don't specify the salt
@AmalMurali no, it is just a kid who lacks imagination
@Jack huh? that's not true. You want to be using 2y
@ircmaxell ehm, have you forgotten about your hash guess puzzle?
@ircmaxell For a game, carry on.
@Jack not at all
is it wrong to use jeff Atwood profile pic
Oh, you're talking about my game :-)
@Engineer yes
LIARS everywhere
there you go, welcome aboard
@ircmaxell but why
@Engineer: Because.
@Engineer it's wrong AND dumb AND probably violating some copyright
@Jack you realize it's my game, right?
@Engineer because the image is from his site his site's logo
@ircmaxell ehm ... so ?
did i state otherwise?
but its just image not product
just checking :-)
@Engineer And images are not copyright protected because?
if i use facebook logo as my profile pic then is it copy right issue?
@ircmaxell What a time waster lol .. I've got 9 of them, though :)
Aaand of course Kolink repwhores on it
@Engineer yes
@Jack you can definitely get more
Tip: look at patterns :-)
i dont think so :)
@ircmaxell: In this game's context, should I be specifying the salt at all? Or is it only the $pass that needs modification?
@Engineer and you are wrong
@AmalMurali you have all the information you need. There's nothing random, and nothing "secret" other than the algorithm
@tereško i am not wrong its just picture and i didnt copied his name or any thing else
@AmalMurali also: each algorithm is different.
5 mins ago, by ircmaxell
@AmalMurali No, don't specify the salt
@Engineer If he made the image, it belongs to him. And you aren't allowed to use it unless you ask.
@tereško ok i will change my profile pic
@AmalMurali I thought you were talking specifically about normal password-hash, my bad. Didn't think it was for the game. Sorry :-)
I'm talking about this message. Is that correct (in this case)?
For example, for my profile picture, I asked the guy who colored it from the manga if it's okay for me to take it and use it.
@ircmaxell: Ah, I see. I've got 4 of them, stuck on this one.
@Engineer since you are seemingly unable to fucking READ: blog.codinghorror.com
> Copyright Jeff Atwood © 2014
Logo image © 1993 Steven C. McConnell \
@tereško is it ok now
@AmalMurali Tip: whenever you try something, look at the result, and compare it to all of the hashes. The passwords and salts are all the same, so look for patterns in all of them :-)
@tereško i will change my profile picture as soon as possible
@ircmaxell Yeah, that's how I got #7 ;-)
1, 2, 12, 13. Probably the easiest ones there, lol
I'm currently pondering at #15 .. it doesn't look like a regular hash :)
The distribution is just off.
Did you collect these from all the oss projects you've been looking at? :)
@tereško are you there
@Jack some, some from blogs and such, and some I just made up
@tereško i have changed my profile picture
@SecondRikudo i have changed my profile picture
@DaveRandom there's a public mailing list for user note add/edit/delete
Participate in my study by playing this game! :-D
I've created a chat, I need some people to test/review/suggest it, anyone interested, or should I post the link here?
Dear PayPal, Your documentation is a bag of smashed arseholes. Yours, The web development community.
@ircmaxell Unless you study is "how many people can only get the trivially easy ones" my contributions so far will not be a lot of use to you
@DaveRandom :-). That is part of the test, yes
@user3123545 I'll only test it if you failed to allow sql injection
@DaveRandom I'm the data point that opened the page, read the text and went 'nope, nope, nope'.
@DamienOvereem What do you mean, lol?
I have got the two that are blindingly obvious (where the output length is based on the input length) plus one that was basically guesswork
@DamienOvereem Oh like, protecting from sql injections
Good morning~
@ircmaxell I found the first hash algo, but i dont understand how to put it in the field, just put the hash result or what?
nvm i got it
hhvm docs are terrible
> In many programming languages, it can be useful to have a feature that allows the programmer to define a small anonymous function inline that can be treated as a program value, stored into variables and invoked at a later time.
the term "program value" is used one time, throughout the entire manual, and it's in that sentence ... so if you want to know exactly what that means, tough shit ...
@AlmaDo, I think you have something to learn from Rikesh, for example. — bonaca 19 secs ago
yay :D that made my day
@JoeWatkins Does it mean variable?
you tell me ...
sorry for any dought, but i need a help for mysql
@ircmaxell Anyone completed everything yet?
sup guys!
you can deduce what it means ... but that's not what we use language for, we use language so that deduction is not necessary ... if I wrote that in the php manual @salathe and @DaveRandom would be all over me
select patients.patient_id,patients.patient_name,patients.nic,prescriptions.prescriptio‌​n_id,prescriptions.diagnosis,prescriptions.examined_by,prescriptions.examined_on from patients,prescriptions where patients.patient_id = prescriptions.patient_id or patients.patient_id like '%$v1%' or patients.patient_name like '%$v1%' or patients.nic like '%$v1%' order by patients.date desc limit 0,999999999
@SecondRikudo no, there are global stats at the bottom (best so far is 9)
is my sql select statement
I'm super tired. . .having trouble keeping my head on my shoulders. . .it just wants to fall off all the time
@pythonian29033 Time to go home and sleep
sleep is for loosers ...
prescriptions table has only 2 rows
Hey, does this look about right?
RewriteRule ^reporting/(.*)/(.*).reply$ submit_report.flipnote.php?mode=$1&flipnote=$2

POST HTTP/1.1 /reporting/1/foobarbazqux.reply --> submit_report.flipnote.php?mode=1&flipnote=foobarbazqux
@JoeWatkins Pet hate, most irritating typo ever, makes me unreasonably annoyed, loose -> lose
@DaveRandom you have issues ...
Actually no, most irritating typo ever is are/our
but above statement gives data for unrelated patient_id
I can't say the order of letters have ever annoyed me ... ever ...
"Are service is award winning" - well that may be, but your grammar isn't so I will never be using them
I can best that ...
real life photo taken by sister in home town
one sec
read all of it ...
not even a god damn word ...
@JoeWatkins procecuted?
the police !!!
that is not fucking real
@DaveRandom GOOD JOB
it is real, I still have it somewhere
@DaveRandom You had one job
Came free with some weird beauty aid of some variety that my gf bought from one of those innovations companies
@DaveRandom You mean, inavashen kompanis
dude, I'm not being racist ... but could they be Jamaican ?
if they are, I feel better about the existence of that sign ...
I love the PHP chatroom
I'd star that but we have our own snipers
in my head, they are ...
I assume that was an epic fail on the part of someone in Taiwan ripping off some product or other, and going "yeh, that key looks like the right symbol"
(which, to be fair, if I tried to copy some Chinese text or something, I would probably end up doing the same thing)
@DaveRandom Ummmmmmmmm, copy paste? Google Translate?
@DaveRandom okay, but would you take it to china town and stick it through doors, or just keep it to yourself, for us to laugh at ?
@SecondRikudo nope
This is funny - my htaccess works fine on http://htaccess.madewithlove.be/ but not on my server :(
Nevermind - found the issue :D
Funny how complaining about problems makes them go away ;)
@JoeWatkins Depends how much of an idiot I was. Last local election we got a leaflet through the door from the BNP, I'm not certain the was a single valid sentence on the whole thing. And those people are supposed to be pure English
I'm actually surprised nobody's gotten 3 yet...
@AustinBurk One of the best things about chat, is that after you've exhausted all resources, tried anything you can think of, even gasp looked at the second page in Google
Once you start writing your problems in chat, you suddenly find what's wrong :D
@SecondRikudo I'm happy now ^o^~♫
@DaveRandom the bnp are dicks and everything ... but I do feel sorry for tommy, or whatever his name is ...
@JoeWatkins ?
I saw him on an interview with paxman ... it seems like had he been able to intellectualize his arguments at the beginning, he might actually have been a force for good ... it was naieve to think he could retain control of such a thing, but when you listen to him speak honestly about how it all started you cannot help but feel empathy ... now I imagine he spends most of his days in solitary, for his own protection ...
not bnp ... wrong bunch of dicks ...
much of a muchness ...
Oh right, I spend quite a lot of time consciously ignoring any news items related to either because neither have any real traction and both can go fuck themselves
Someone didn't get enough sleep ^
I like watching paxman ...
It's really difficult not to get angry about people like that. It goes beyond stupidity into the realms of small man/small member syndrome, and they just suck stupid people up along the way, but it's the stupid people who actually go out and cause the real harm.
@JoeWatkins Sometimes. In recent years he's become too much of a caricature of himself, which is annoying, sometimes it gets in the way of reporting the actual news
Yeah I like watching paxman too
yeah they are total dicks, but tommy is a lad our age, only he's not intellectual, he hasn't a clue how the world works really or didn't, and when you listen to his version of events and provide him the benefit of the doubt that he's being honest, you have to empathize with what he's saying or be dead inside .... I don't think many would have actually done it, but many would have thought it ... I have a brother in the army, when I see dick heads at picket lines of funerals and parades
I'm offended, angry even ... 10 years ago I might have even turned up ...
@JoeWatkins Yeh that's not on. I don't necessarily disagree with the point they are making (it's hard to tell, they usually aren't very coherent) but that it most definitely not the way to make it.
I like Paxman doing the weather forecast:
There's a british politician too who I like watching. very good at debating.
Okay I need a few people to check and test my chat.Yes I know the design is very similar to stackoverflow, that's because I didnt have anything in mind. After I am done with it, I will obviously change it. Login with any name and password. - it's not complete yet btw
@SecondRikudo ya, I wish! still got 1hour 15mins at work before I can even think of home
@DaveRandom yeah he totally made bad decisions, but that very first night it all started, there's been times in my life I think I would have done the same thing, and I was more aware of the consequences than he was ...
@pythonian29033 Are you still productive?
now I am yes
Don't complain then :D
it's a 3day week in south africa so we have no work scheduled for this week. . .fixing old bugs, only two of them
Yesterday when I realized I'm following the loop in the code (as in, reading the same lines more than 5 times), I figured it's time I stop for the day XD
@SecondRikudo either it was hell of a day for you or (more probably) it was hell of a code..
@AlmaDo Both :D
I'm so tired of trying to work on this piece of code :( It's some patched-together piece of crap that I should really just dump and start from scratch
It's also important :/
@ircmaxell :/ As soon as that loaded, I immediately started trying to break out of the shell.
@ircmaxell translate freezes
Nice idea though
@ircmaxell amaze
Yup, translate does indeed freeze.
@ircmaxell Did you make that?
@AustinBurk nope
What's the difference between 2a and 2y (as algorithm identifiers)? How do they differ?
Let me get this straight. You bastardized a pattern, bending it beyond recognition, then wonder why the patterns promises don't hold? #sigh
@ircmaxell On your hash guesser, do you do tricks like take sha512 and cut it to half and use it?
A: Insecure versions of crypt hashes

Hendrik Brummermann 2 - the original BCrypt, which has been deprecated because of a security issue a long time before BCrypt became popular. 2a - the official BCrypt algorithm and a insecure implementation in crypt_blowfish 2x - suggested for hashes created by the insecure algorithm for compatibility 2y - suggested...

@user3123545 maybe. Maybe not. you'll have to guess
So I was browsing the internet and came across some Q&A/quiz site that was vulnerable to Heartbleed
I tried, sure enough, worked, so I made an account and contacted the site admins
Is there some clean explanation on how bcrypt works? I've read this answer by ircmaxell, his blog entry on bcrypt and the Wikipedia article on bcrypt. But I'm still confused.
@AmalMurali what do you mean "how it works"?
@ircmaxell I knew the technology was being developed and was fairly advanced. But this just blew my mind how far we've come.
Maybe twenty minutes later, they sent me this message:

Hi! Thank you for warning us. We have checked this using the McAfee tool and they state that (site name) is "not Heartbleed vulnerable" . http://tif.mcafee.com/heartbleedtest?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=www.(site name).com&commit=Scan
And, of course, they had updated OpenSSL right before sending me that message
@AustinBurk XD
I need to learn how to exploit that bug
Not for malicious stuff, but for educational. I know some webmasters who use some very outdated software. This would be a good wake up call
just google heartbleed dumper, it's easy enough

Way too easy, actually
A skiddie's paradise >.<
To make it easier I just did this:
mkdir $1
cd $1
../heartbleed.sh $1 -t $2
@ircmaxell someone bitching that mvc "doesnt work" again ?
10 mins ago, by ircmaxell
Yay! http://david.heinemeierhansson.com/2014/test-induced-design-damage.html
and I used www . sudomemo . net / heartbleed.sh (find your own copy, you don't know for sure that I haven't put some killer virus in their, l33t haxer I am)
Use cat * | tr '[\000-\011\013-\037\177-\377]' '.' | grep "$1" to grep for strings in binary crap
@TOOTSKI Whoa man
They've killed me in CS because of lag. I'm mad now.
Heard of www.dreamincode.net?
Some big coding site
@ircmaxell at first I thought that his keynote speech was just caused by failure to express ones thoughts
@ircmaxell How the hash is created etc.
now this starts to look like his personal crusade
bcrypt is a key derivation function for passwords designed by Niels Provos and David Mazières, based on the Blowfish cipher, and presented at USENIX in 1999. Besides incorporating a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks, bcrypt is an adaptive function: over time, the iteration count can be increased to make it slower, so it remains resistant to brute-force search attacks even with increasing computation power. Blowfish is notable among block ciphers for its expensive key setup phase. It starts off with subkeys in a standard state, then uses this state to perform a block encryp...
@ircmaxell: Already read that.
@tereško yup. But he wants to make the world a better place! By making software quality worse! :-)
problem stems from his core principle: "my framework design is awesome"
since this principle cannot be question, he is left to adjust the code and practices around it
Won't bother with pastebin since it hides extra crap anyways in the chat. I've #'d out cookies and stuff.

/home/dreaminc/public_html/forums/uploads/....../home/dreaminc/public_html/forums/uploads/.i.....htaccess./.htac/home/dreaminc/public_html/forums/uploads/.htaccess.ptio..........0.......dreaminc........dreaminc.....@[email protected]....................(.......P....................P....(.......................HTTP_HOST=www.dreamincode.net...HTTP_CONNECTION=keep-alive......HTTP_ACCEPT=image/webp,*/*;q=0.8........HTTP_USER_AGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows
time to email their admin
@shrtwhitebldguy http://david.heinemeierhansson.com/2014/test-induced-design-damage.html <-- Testing Rails MVC is "hard", because Rails MVC isn't really MVC, but some bastardization thereof
The worst part is that any idiot who knows how to run a shell script can do it and just scroll through the data as they please
@ircmaxell i gave up <.<
I'm about to
@AmalMurali then I'm not sure what else you are looking for?
@user3123545 too bad...
I'm really surprised at some of them, that nobody's gotten them
hell, it would be just fine if Rails was not MVC, but it also completely violates SoC
$2a$07$usesomesillystringforemUFsKduCdorWGPSNWMxzm/Z3Z8NpF6q is the hash. 2a is the identifier (bcrypt), 07 is the cost parameter, usesomesillystringfore is the salt. This part is common for all the 4 cases.
it violates almost all of the principles of software design. And he said so, because he doesn't believe in them :-)
@AmalMurali yup
which means the input to the "password" field must be the only thing that changes... (if you believe that I'm not mucking with the hash)
@AmalMurali salt is only the salt, not the 2a$07
Then the only thing that needs modification is the $pass here (which is modified in a particular way - say some combination of md5(), sha1() etc.).
also, don't use password-hash, use crypt()
@ircmaxell because they violate the main tenet of his belief:
9 mins ago, by tereško
problem stems from his core principle: "my framework design is awesome"
Sadly, the parallels between DHH and Taylor are... frightening...
which Taylor ?
Oh.....that blog post was by DHH. Ah - I see now.
Off to re-read david.heinemeierhansson.com/2014/… in a new light. This time with a laugh track.
@PeeHaa Ping!
What was the name of that local Dropbox application?
Pong is always the best response to ping.
@PeeHaa Merci!
@Fabien 4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2002ms
@ircmaxell lol
@tereško we are all saying the same thing
@ircmaxell: Okay. So, the strings under Salt section is useless for this particular case?
(Algorithm 5, that is)
Something tells me someone is looking for an epic facepalm image link :P
is it?
Probably not.
Hi Php people :-)
@ircmaxell: YAY!
emm .. question about ruby:
was foo.save same as foo.save() ?
I dunno
I believe the answer is yes*
* mostly.
Takes some patience.
@ircmaxell: Post your game on Hackernews and reddit? :D
ummm, what now?
@AmalMurali got flagged as spam on reddit/netsec (or at least never actually hit the new page)
but go for it!
@_teresko @ircmaxell we are saying the damned same thing. And you missed my point as to what the future will be like.
> The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed. -- William Gibson
couldnt remember the full quote
@Fabien Damnit, barely even got a second to see the finished result before it all reset -.-
lol yeah.
$form .= "<input type='text' id='name' name='name' value=' ". isset($nameReturn)?$_POST['name']:'' ."' required />";
return $form;
this makes the field itself disappear
anyone know why?

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