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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

Greetings people
2 hours later…
I hate early morning multi time zone meetings
The world should be flat. Nobody likes this timezone business
or we should stick to one timezone
everybody goes to sleep at the same time
But then who wants to go to work at 12 midnight while its still light outside
I will :)
I read somewhere that getting dark actually triggers cues in your brain
we need to beat that
I'm not a morning person
At 5 AM you get the best ideas, anyway, so starting work at midnight helps!
That's because you're delirious at 5AM!
It's like when we're drunk
I guess at least I'm +5.30 GMT. My boss has to wake at like 4 for this meeting
I wish I can sleep at 6am local time
you're a night person?
lol i like it JohnP
the world should be flat.. i like it..
it should also be one continent -- and the third would countries should be abolished... and the US shouldn't be the ones in power (and i say this being from the US)
grrr, collisions with circles is annoying
I think I am
lol what's more annoying is people asking 'how does oop work? can i use $this-> in my index.php? what do you mean no?? ive seen it done!!!'
I don't feel sleepy at night
im hungry.. think i'll order a pizza :)
...I'm an idiot. I missed a boolean check. Now it should work fine...
hmm whats my pizzahut username?
figured it out! (i think i actually have like 9 'cause i keep forgetting them)
mmm, pizza...
lol on the specials page... "New $12 Box".. last week it was $10
omg the meeting had already started! >.<
I hate timezones!!
pizzahut here sucks
Talk to you later guys!
we go for dominos instead
oh well -- meeting is late? i'll make it to the next one lol
have fun on your meeting :)
that would be my excuse :D
yeah pizza hut here isn't great either (utah), but my kids (the one that can eat it) like it -- and i like their wings.. and they're the only ones that carry pepsi products (I despise coke)
and my pizza is ordered :)
welp, it works fine when the circles collide bottom-to-top, and sometimes left-to-right...otherwise they grind inside of each other
Physics is lame
that's cool
you are creating your own law :P
yeah.. now i got some time before dinner is here... i'm thinking about making a you-tube channel for programming videos... but what should i make a video about? lol
If I had control over the laws of Physics, we'd all be pretty fucked right now.
i'd do one on making an MVC (a few actually), but there are already so many of those out there...
@Zirak remind me to never give you my powers that grant me exemption of all the laws of physics.
at least you have that control on your program
that's why I like programming
holy crap, this is driving me insane. I've been drawing circles all day. Why won't these circles collide properly!?
I'll fire a question on SO...
ooh i should make videos outlining how to make this: demo.clockspot.com, since it's already something i'm going to be making anyway so i can kill 2 birds with one stone and make video's for my youtube channel while I program it... wacha think?
erm, how'd you draw a circle with ascii art? @_@
that's cool Justing :)
All I forgot was the cases where changing both the y and x directions were necessary
...and, crap.
lol gotta love it..
the tiny tiny little issues you don't think of that screws everything up....
btw -- my pizza is delicious :D
yes, dinner is planned... Dominos pizza!!
hey Justin, is pizza considered expensive over there?
@apnerve yes
@Phelios pizza IS expensive but it's not considered like 'fine dining'
but figure every time we eat pizza -- the bill usually comes to around 50 bucks... (my family anyway)
although I think the dogs eat more then my oldest child..
a regular size here cost around 25 ringgits
@ Phelios 25 Malaysian ringgits = 7.8456 US dollars wouldn't even get me half a pizza :)
we usually spend 159.45 ringgits on each order...
morning ! guys , gals and everyone who hasn't decided
Pissed off person is pissed off
@Gordon Mod him
stackoverflow.com/questions/7606513/… needs more migration votes
gtg now, cya
@NikiC that spree up there will probably get picked up by the script. but i had some more in the last few days that i will ask to be investigated.
@Gordon , you're bad
@tereško i honestly dont care for the reputation loss. That's just 12 rep when a single uv gives me 10. What I do take an issue in is that the unhappy person who did this indicates that something is wrong with those QAs where there isnt. That might make potential readers feel unsure about them. The downvoter doesnt hurt me, he's hurting those seeking help from those QAs.
hi, rep. farmers :)
@tereško hi, how are you?
yeah , DVs always seem so pointless
@tereško eh, who flagged that? invalid.
I haven't seen a @tereško flag in aaaaaaages!
sorry guys , i have been busy lately
good afternoon
Vivaldi is genius.
hmm, that raises interesting question - what music do you listen during devel?
slow stuff like classical only in the mornign
@KamilTomšík whatever suits me then
rock, hiphop and the rest when you're trying not to fall asleep
I have it that way too, in the morning I usually prefer silence, then during the day I tune house radios and when I really don't want to sleep, you know... that fast stuff nobody likes to listen :-P
the only important thing for me is that it runs without me having to do anything and is of the same genre. apart from that, its usually what i enjoy at the moment
I like The Queen in morning and some more quiet in evening.
but classical musik is great too, I like it, I'm just lazy to make playlist so I tune radios and I don't knowabout classical radios, yet
I've started listening to dubstep in the night. It's like listening to transformers transforming all the time
keeps you awake though
yeaah, dubstep is great too
Anyone of you using Zend Studio? Do you know how (if possible) to make a folder symlink through ZS?
there is a few notable exceptions though which I cannot use for work though because they make me play air guitar => cannot code then
@Gordon lol
@KamilTomšík that's a good one
Say I have an application/script which I use in several projects. I have this script/application as a project by itself. What I need to do is to link a this application/script in the current project of my choosing.
Of course I could do it through CMD, but if I have ZS, why bother? :)
anyway, was curious because I've heard that classical music stimulates brain better than any other kind of music... can somebody confirm that?
nah, apparentlt that's fake
that whole disney Mozart pack or whatever
@KamilTomšík Yes, it works with plants. Hard Rock kills plants :D
@Gordon :-) yeah, that can wake even dead ones :-D
and this one doesnt work either: youtube.com/watch?v=yGywo81G6lk but it always cheers me up. such a happy tune.
@Gordon can't understand this kind of sounds (can't call it "music")
@Gordon favorite before weekend :-P youtube.com/…
drums, guitar all banned
@OZ I can, I'm very tolerant to good music, and although I don't like hip hop in general, there are great songs too
@OZ_ Don't insult modern-day teens :O! (</sarcasm>)
@KamilTomšík not my taste, too contemporary and too mainstream
@KamilTomšík not my taste, too contemporary and too mainstream
@KamilTomšík It was hip hop? I thought it's heavy metal.
did the chat just die?
died for me
slow and intermittent connectivity to chat index
@OZ that was example, there are great metal songs too
this is my wake-up song :) youtube.com/…
@KamilTomšík n/a in my country
@Gordon that one is great too
Good morning!
19 mins ago, by Gordon
@KamilTomšík n/a in my country
ok. im out and leave you with this:
@Gordon where the f* do you live? isn't that the country where apple sued samsung? :-P
@KamilTomšík hehe, its complicated. google GEMA for all the n/a :)
ltr and have fun
I just 502badgateway-ed viper-7. muahahaha
@ChristianSciberras I don't think that's your code...
i need help guys....
posted on September 30, 2011 by Ulf Wendel

PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.1.0 (download) has been released (documentation)! It is a drop-in solution to add MySQL replication support to any PHP 5.3+ application using any of the PHP MySQL APIs (mysql, mysqli, PDO_MySQL) when compiled to use the mysqlnd library. It extends the mysqlnd library by replication and load ...

hi guys actualy i need help
i want this user like
.htaccess url rewriting
and kitten again, nice
tell me please, what are you thinking about "auto_increment" (in mysql)
do you have negative experience with auto_increment, or not
hi guys
hi @te
Good time everyone !
@tereško agree, but there is a lot of data except users ID. Say your opinion more explained, please.
hi @OmeidHerat, @GitsD
hows going guys
@tereško ?
I've got an associative array that contains a key "modified" which is the timestamp of the file in the array... Is there a function that can compare another timestamp to all keys in the array, and return a bool of whether the timestamp is lower in any of the keys?
I thought that was array_walk but it doesn't return a result, just its success.
@Greg 2 line of code explains better then 2 pages :D
can you post an example array ?
array(3) {
  array(2) {
    string(20) "/path/to/FileOne.dat"
  array(2) {
    string(20) "/path/to/FileTwo.dat"
  array(2) {
    string(22) "/path/to/FileThree.dat"
Cool, I will have a look.
cheers. Gotta go to the postoffice now, brb.
@Greg This Should do the trick:
array_filter($data, function($Node) use ($testTimeStamp) {return $Node['Modified'] > $testTimeStamp; });
Ahoy hoy...
@ircmaxell hi
@ircmaxell is auto_increment bad or not?
I can't decide - use it in new tables or not
Not in the least
Yo @ircmaxell whatup ?
Always use it as the pk. Even if you have another unique column (or more than one)
Not too much. Just got to the train station...
sweet, starting a new day ?
sometimes I try to realized how amazing is everything around us.
I am going to have dinner.
by the way, any optimization for the code I posted like 10 lines above ?
@ircmaxell I've seen a lot of code around which suggests to handle PHP error states like so: switch($error){ case E_ERROR: ... }
But that is wrong since $error is not usually a single error, but is a bitfield. Right?
Anyone out there running a Portable Chrome ?
@OmeidHerat There's a portable version?
@ircmaxell will not it affect some "clusters", replication ... etc ?
Or did you mean some app based on embedded chrome?
@ChristianSciberras no, not an official one
I do have an app with CEF, why do you ask?
I need to pack XAMPP with a browser inside a CD to create a life version of a web application to send for approval for some dummies :)
@OmeidHerat Is it on Windows?
Also what does the app consist of?
does it have forms?
well, if you already got the xampp part working, I do have the other part you need :)
PHP MySQL HTML5 and CSS3 with JQuery.
But I have to get it off my home dev computer, later on today. Are you in a hurry?
not in a rush, but I have only two days.
hey this code
$search = array('p','r','a');

$bold = str_replace( $search , '<b>'.$search.'</b>' , "programming" );

echo $bold;
I got the xampp working as it's officially portable
give result like this AArrArrayyArrArrayyArrayyArrArrayyogArrArrayyArraymming
can any one tell me what to do..??
@OmeidHerat ok, I don't want to waste your time, so here's what we can do.
You keep looking for an alternative (maybe you get a working one).
And if you don't find a solution by the end of today, I could give you mine if you want.
Thanks that will be great, for now I will go with firefox portable or something like that.
can any one solve my code..??
@BasicBridge It looks obvious. The second parameter is wrong.
$bold = str_replace( $search , '<b>'.$search.'</b>' , "programming" );
ok fine what to do in condition like this
$search = array(
  'p' => '<b>p</b>',
  'r' => '<b>r</b>',
  'a' => '<b>a</b>'

$bold = str_replace( array_keys($search) , array_values($search) , "programming" );

echo $bold;
@BasicBridge get someone else to write your code!
@salathe Lucky I'm idle during a break...
@ChristianSciberras hey thanks man so much got it..!!
@BasicBridge Welcome :)
@salathe Can you please give my issue a look, please?
20 mins ago, by Christian Sciberras
@ircmaxell I've seen a lot of code around which suggests to handle PHP error states like so: switch($error){ case E_ERROR: ... }
20 mins ago, by Christian Sciberras
But that is wrong since $error is not usually a single error, but is a bitfield. Right?
@ChristianSciberras try and raise an error of multiple levels
@salathe Tehehe, got me there :)
PHP will not have more than one, e.g. it'll never be E_ERROR and E_WARNING
@salathe You sure about "never"?
Eg, a notice is never equal to a strict?
users can't merge errors either, you can't do trigger_error("blah", E_USER_WARNING|E_USER_DEPRECATED)
@salathe OK, didn't know that.
@ChristianSciberras huh? notice is notice, strict is strict.
So what are the constants that work like a bitfield? E_ALL and?
OK, looks like it's E_ALL only...
sorry got distracted, yes only E_ALL
God! there is table in source of this page !
table, for layout :|
@OmeidHerat thanks for that snippet
@OmeidHerat what's wrong with tables?
all good mate.
tables are not meant for layout.
Tables are for tabular data and for the lazy
@OmeidHerat if I wanted to lay out some data i.e. names and addresses, what should I use instead?
table is data structure it shouldn't be mixed with representation.
@Greg that is just fine.
they shouldn't be used as page structure.
A: Why not use tables for layout in HTML?

Konrad RudolphI'm going to go through your arguments one after another and try to show the errors in them. It's good to separate content from layout But this is a fallacious argument; Cliché Thinking. It's not fallacious at all because HTML was designed intentionally. Misuse of an element might not be...

I was hoping you wasn't going to tell me to use <div class="column"> etc...
@Zirak so true, I gotta admit that there is nothing easier then table based layout.
@OmeidHerat I can think of a few easier things...
cross-browser ?
I got a job in a small marketting company's IT division a couple of years ago and had to teach the web designers not to use tables... Every argument ended with shouldIuseTablesForLayout.com
post the link only for some stars! now its too long and most likely the link will be trimmed out.
lol, look at the comments in the source
Did editing the post remove the star?
> Fact: Chuck Norris hates layout tables!
@Zirak it will be edited :D
@salathe I am waiting for easier options, but I am wondering if they are cross-browser ?
@Greg Nope
@Greg no, I assume the star got revoked.
Edit a starred message, the edit's shown to the right
Or someone removed the star
oh yeah


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
@OmeidHerat good point
@OmeidHerat huh?
morning folks..
Morning @Justin
ooh sweet i love it when this happens..
wake up, check my account and i have more money than when i woke up :D
or than when i went to bed
Ooh, hey, it's payday for me too
@Justin Prostitution? Again?
@Zirak yep
Somone got 10 mins to help me out with a MySQL trigger issue?
@salathe :
user not really the chat for it -- but post your question anywho
Will wait for normal posts..
just impatent and stuck.. you know what it is like..
i say this isnt the chat for it, because there is a mysql chat..
but we go off topic of php here all the time
Ahh yeah that good point :)
hate PHP
like we cover mysql and javascript and lots of stuff here just because we can :D
@OmeidHerat my easier things weren't about browsers or tables
mysql rulez
@OZ lol
@RyanKinal i don't technically have a 'job' so when I wake up with more money than i went to bed with, it's usually because someone paid their down payment or paid their final payment for a project i've done.
@salathe Oh, then I assume its either about portable-development or that snippet of code I wrote for Greg.
I would like to know the easier option for any of them
@Justin I know how that goes too... used to be freelance
yeah the beauty about my 'freelance', is i dont go find work anymore...
i got tired of competing with people that can do it for pennies on the dollar -- so I started going on job interviews and on my resume i put on it that im also available for contract work... so i get a lot of my work from development companies... and some word of mouth
but whats sad, is i'm a developer without a website.. i can't figure out what i want the damned thing to look like lol
@Justin Wow. That's pretty sweet. If I ever leave this job, I might have to try that.
yeah it took me a lot of job interviews to get it... a lot of them offered me full time positions so i had to figure out a way to politely decline but push the contract-work
@Justin Very interesting
@Justin do you get better payment this way ? how about work cover, super and work place experience ?
@OmeidHerat no, I was thinking like... blinking, breathing, digesting food, etc..
Yeah I generally get paid better this way... 'cause they pay my rate, not what they would pay if i worked for them... I was doing it out of my house for a while, but I recently incorporated and rented an office :)
@salathe hahaha, agree but blinking sometimes cost a lot over time :P
@Justin That's gotta be pretty awesome.
I have one client that pretty much doesn't care how much something costs, because his programmers can't do the projects he gives me... so I like when he brings a new project to the table
'awesome' sure, but a pain in the ass...
@Justin How so?
at least working for a development house, if someone doesn't like what i've done i can say 'well here is the customer support department'... but now being myself, i am the design department, the development department, the cancellation department, the billing department, the tech-support department, and the customer service department
oh and the part time janitor
I wish both my kids could walk or the one was older... i'd make them the janitor...
@Justin Yeah, that was the part I didn't like about freelancing - I'm a terrible accountant :-P
It's stressful being all aspects of a company.
yeah -- I try and push that off on my mom as much as possible.. or my wife... they're both good with money lol
luckily i rarely actually have to 'bid' a project... 'cause most of my clients are return clients - and all they know is i charge by the hour...
which is why i need to find time in my other-wise hellacious schedule to program a time-clock and customer management system thing.... so i can keep better track per client..
@Greg Sandbox crashed my browser :P
@Justin I had some clients like that. Unfortunately, I under-valued myself, so I was getting crap for payment.
@OmeidHerat haha get out of there!
Any got an idea for a simpler version of regular expressions?
I need a simple regular-expression-like format for laymen.
Similar to the $format used sprintf etc
@RyanKinal yeah.. when i first started i was charging 15 an hour... after that i started thinking i'm under valuing myself as well -- so i first doubled it.. charging 30... that worked out well and now i charge 60
I need to use it in a preg_match like context; where basically I need to know if $string matches $format.
@Justin I think the highest I got was 30, but that was for a very limited timeframe. I mostly got around 20.
The final format will severely limit the feature set of regular expressions, but that is fine.
@Justin Meeting people like you is bad for me. I know I'm not very good at freelancing, but I love the freedom of it.
yeah when i get the people that don't know about the industry -- i go down to 40 but those are also usually the ones i bid a total price on
like the people that think 'i go to a website, i click.. and stuff happens'
Something like:

    'Hello lonely world! 4+5=10 is wrong'
    'Hello %word world! %decimal+5=10 is %word'
); // true
@Justin Right right
I'll always remember shooting the sh*t over the phone with another dev, during a project, and him saying "I know what you're getting paid, and it's crap. You're worth so much more than that."
@RyanKinal i think a lot of 'freelancers' have issues because they don't think outside the box like I did to generate projects. they stick to craigslist, or guru.com or whatever..
only 'site' i look for projects on now is craigslist when i'm bored... but i don't post on there anymore.. i just look at the computer gigs section
Never mind, I'm going a different route.
posted on September 30, 2011 by PHP Classes

PHP 5.4.0 Will not Include APC, Is MODX CMS better than Wordpress? Top PHP Developers in Every Country - Lately in PHP Episode 16 By Manuel Lemos PHP 5.4 beta 1 was released but APC is not going to be included at least in PHP 5.4.0. Manuel Lemos and Ernani Joppert discuss this and other happenings in the PHP world, like the adoption of more robust Continuous Integration methods to prevent sh

@Justin Yeah, competing with people who will work for less than minimum wage is hard. Repeat clients are awesome, though.
It was always satisfying to finally land a contract at my preferred rate, and then make my client realize they actually saved money by hiring me.
yeah lol
Speaking of saving money (read: time), after years and years of resistance, I broke down and tried a PHP framework. I think I'm in love.
Is there any way how I can contact the moderator who has declined one of my flags?
i've had a few ask me why it's so expensive (non technical people) 'cause they got bids from others so what I tell them 'if you want the lower price then pay the lower price with the other developer.. but when you can't understand them, cant get in contact with them, and the project ends up to be garbage or not what you expected give me a call and my bid will stand'
@Justin Hah, sweet
but i have a meeting in about 2 hours, so im going to get ready....
@Justin Nice chatting with you :-)
Heh, I'll just flag that answer until it is removed or I get a ban.
@ChristianSciberras if still you want that piece of code
preg_match("/^Hello \w+ world! \d+\+5=10 is \w+$/","Hello lonely world! 4+5=10 is wrong");
posted on September 30, 2011 by John Mertic

I was talking to my boss the other day on his drive into work. He was complaining about how bad the traffic was getting in the South Bay area over the past few weeks during rush hour, and corolating this to how much ecomonic growth is going on in the valley right now. People are hiring like crazy, and as a result it’s becoming harder and harder to find talented developers. I contrast this to th

anyone here has experience with Microsoft TMG (IIS) ?
Just ask the question... Maybe yes, and maybe no...
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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