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@Ocramius :D They also have cheapest weed for sure. They make it, almost legally.
It's the main business there.
In Serbia (where I am currently) 1gr = $1.
@webarto is there a good DSL connection in serbia?
/me got interested
Yeah, 100mbps for $50. Fiber optics.
Usual one is 8mbps, and that's like $10.
I'm starting to look for a place nao :D
Very cheap life, I live like a king really (God bless USA).
Less worries man... really.
But it's always good to have spare firearms.
I wanted to live in Montenegro (Durmitor), but connection is really crappy.
I really don't have a reason to live in city.
Tallest people in Europe, teenage girls are taller than me, and I'm 1.95m.
My brother lived there for 10 years, he suddenly found himself in middle of 5 million euros deal which fallen apart because of mafia and decided it's better to flee to Russia.
And you people judge me because I'm crazy...
yeah, we do ;-)
@webarto yep.
My childhood was spent in bunkers and in poverty, shame on you @ircmaxell and @Ocramius.
Dis is my house now:
@webarto well, if it's fine now, then it's ok
but you really need to move :\
I have 5 AK's in basement there, shhhh, don't tell anyone :P
@webarto you know we're messing with you
Kidding, life is good now, thanks to USA :P
And PHP.
@Ocramius Yes, but we are not wanted anywhere, 1 million people fled to EU during 1992-1995 war and some done pretty bad shit there so they make us honest educated people look bad.
Sorry for choking here, had too much of Burn energy drink :P
it's all good man
@webarto Albanian people have a much worse reputation in the countries where I lived, fyi
it's a good distraction from what I need to be doing: preping a talk
@webarto and in Germany, it doesn't look like people care much about ethnicity
@ircmaxell What conference? :)
@Ocramius Yeah, they just want you to work your ass off :P
Yeah, but that's only for when you come here :P
@Ocramius Why are you in Frankfurt Am Main, again? :)))
@webarto because Italy is a dump
But I can tell you that I won't stay here forever, it's totally un-interesting imo
I have that feeling too, cold people IMHO...
I just need to get some decent life/health insurance that works regardless of where I move before I do that
@Ocramius How much do you pay for that?
so far it's always been "What if I move tho the US or South America?" - "Errr... uhhh....."
@webarto absolutely nothing atm - I still need to fix it
I dreamed of that but only thing that keeps me here really are parents... in other life maybe :)
@Ocramius Are you even insured?
In USA I think it's about $1000 for a family, not sure.
@webarto yes, but I need to fix it
I just want something where I can throw money at and it fixes stuff for itself :-)
Welcome :)
Insurance here is mostly free... worst case you pay 200€ for a year.
I always throw money to fix something unless I directly bring damage to another person.
@webarto nyccamp.org <-- I never submitted for it this year ;-)
cool location
yeah, my second time speaking at the UN
Are you going to wear Google shirt? :)
one of them, yeah ;-)
There was this guy from Google at DebConf11 (in my country), I took some pictures of him, and he wanted to "make" me delete them.
There isn't much of PHP in Google Engineering, right?
Do you mind sharing why didn't the Facebook thing work out for you?
@webarto there is some
@webarto I didn't care for their culture
I was pissed at "tower of hanoi" interview question they gave me. (code a solution in php or language of choice within 60 minutes)
I could have solved it, eventually, but like that makes me a good developer.
I have walked out of interviews for less
Nice expression, I like it.
I seriously have
I wish I could see their faces :)
I am probably not able to pass even one of those interviews
one company was interviewing me for a VP of Engineering role. They asked me to do a 2 hour code challenge in front of them (gave me a laptop, an IDE and a problem). I said "If this is what you want your VPoE to do, you're looking at the wrong guy" and walked out
they called me an hour later offering me the job. I just laughed
@webarto That's not bad.
@Ocramius you'd be surprised. With the right mood, I'd bet you could nail it...
Fiber Power S 20/5 ~$15 ... @LeviMorrison this is what I use, it's good, don't need more.
@ircmaxell Priceless :)
yeah, I've done and had some fun interviews
@ircmaxell yeah, but I'm just not good at all at puzzles. I'm no good coder at all imo. I maybe can organize decent architectures, but my code is no-go IMO
@ircmaxell To be fair, a VP of Engineering needs a certain amount of technical understanding.
Misguided interview question is misguided.
@Ocramius In December last year, I took interview for some Berlin company, there were 4 questions, math specific, and 2 hour deadline ... I don't such that much at math, but I would need 2 hours just to refresh memory. I just clicked on X and said, thank you.
@Ocramius I am a crap coder as well. I understand architecture really well, but the code I write is crap
@LeviMorrison I don't mind technical questions. But VPoE doesn't "need" that much hands-on, but they need a ton of communication ability. Having them sit for 2 hours banging away is pointless. If it was spend 2 hours talking to a team, awesome
Yes, there's plenty of code monkeys like @Ocramius and me :P
@webarto I'm fairly slow at coding tbh
@Ocramius I haven't done anything today...
I probably write 1KLOC/week
(excluding comments and method/class signatures)
@Ocramius I want my teams writing less code. I want them writing smarter code. Spend more time undersatnding the problem, and write once
agreed on that, but people still don't really get it :-)
sounds like everyone is doing KATAS KATAS KATAS!
Can any of you guys give me any advice on my website? colourity.com
@ircmaxell Like @Ocramius said, some just measure by how many pluses are there in diff. Bad, bad.
@Colourity get a background for it :)
Don't you already see the background? Or is it too subtle? @Ocramius
> That Sir, is radical. This is exactly what we needed.
This is what my current boss wrote after I spent month writing 500 lines :)
Anyone got a suggestion how to figure out a segfault that occurs in the context of several thousand lines of PHP code? :)
SSH management for end user, allow/deny rules, etc. Had to really think of it.
@RouvenWeßling Witchcraft? :)
@ircmaxell is the only one here who can give you some concrete guides if he has a moment to spare.
@RouvenWeßling do you have a core dump?
exactly where I was going ;-)
@ircmaxell No strictly a core dump but I do have it open in lldb
can you generate a backtrace?
@ircmaxell Nothing easier than that: gist.github.com/realityking/10214636
what version of PHP? is it a debug build --enable-debug? Opcache/any caching method?
because it looks like a bug that was fixed a while ago in 5.5
5.6-dev (but error occurs on 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5)), enable-debug, no opcache
no opcache? oh, then it's not that bug
it's CLI and for the 5.6 I only enabled the extensions I need to reproduce, OpCache is not among them
Here's the thing, I know exactly which line of PHP code triggered it (added it to debug another problem) and I'm sure it's related to reflection
can you move up to frame 3 (zend_do_fcall_common_helper_SPEC) and print out the execute_data struct?
@RouvenWeßling what line is that?
@RouvenWeßling Can you somehow reproduce without thousands of surrounding codes?
@webarto If I could I would have
Okay. I thought you've figured that right now.
@ircmaxell github.com/padraic/mockery/blob/0.9.0/library/Mockery.php#L428 Adding var_dump(get_class($object)); right below that line
The general issue I'm trying to figure out is described here: github.com/padraic/mockery/issues/311
If I add the same line right above that than it works fine
the garbage collector is being triggered somewhere in there
And here is execute_data:
(lldb) frame variable *execute_data
(zend_execute_data) *execute_data = {
opline = 0x000000010141e158
function_state = {
function = 0x00000001010018b0
arguments = 0x00000001006901a8
op_array = 0x000000010141a268
object = 0x0000000000000000
symbol_table = 0x0000000000000000
prev_execute_data = 0x000000010068f6b8
old_error_reporting = 0x0000000000000000
nested = '\x01'
original_return_value = 0x0000000000000000
current_scope = 0x00000001013c7178
current_called_scope = 0x00000001013c7178
current_this = 0x0000000000000000
I am having problem with multi curl. php document has very less information on it. any tutorial or resource or any help on it?
hmmm, so this is null... because of the static call, that's fine
@fallenAngel google: Artax rdlowrey
@webarto that link is showing access denied
Maybe gc_disable() is worth a shot
@webarto that link is showing access denied
@RouvenWeßling won't help, well, not worth it
it looks like perhaps a destructor is being run that calls that code
what destructor?
ahh, interesting
/me feels like a boy scout. Well prepared.
@webarto wait i have found one tutorial of artax, let me check it
also, disabling the GC shouldn't help because it isn't being run, it's happening automatically, and will just delay this issue if anything (to the end of the execution)
Q: PHPUnit test fails when setting object property within catch block

webartoI'm testing setSubject method which sets subject to (empty subject) if it is missing. Zend_Mail throws exception if undeclared property is trying to be accessed (e.g. email subject is missing, better throw some exceptions). More info: http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-11371 This is what ...

Let's... hunt... bugs.
do {
    $status = curl_multi_exec($mh, $active);
while ($active && $status == CURLM_OK);

// echo the content, remove the handlers, then close them
foreach ($channels as $chan) {
    echo curl_multi_getcontent($chan);
    curl_multi_remove_handle($mh, $chan);
what does CURLM_OK stands for?
@fallenAngel Dude, you don't even know how to use ircmaxell Google, here.
@RouvenWeßling what's the exact message of the segfault?
@webarto well, i am exhausted i am on it from hours without much improvement. Sorry for the trouble
@fallenAngel Stop torturing yourself with curl_multi, just use this Artax lib.
uh that will be a sec
@ircmaxell Segmentation fault: 11
actually, go back up to frame 0
holy crap. this is going to be fun
glad you enjoy yourself :D
Aaaaaaand there goes talk prepping down the toilet :P
@webarto is that wrapper over curl_multi?
@fallenAngel No, it's HTTP client, streams/sockets. You don't need curl at all.
(zend_object*) (executor_globals.objects_store.object_buckets[object.vaue.obj.handle].bucket.ob‌​j.object)
print that expression (the structure at that address in stack frame 0)
@webarto does it support parallel processing? without any third party lib is it possible to do paraller processing?
@fallenAngel It all says in Readme.
@webarto ok thanks
@Jack Sorry about the misplaced RFC ^^
hmmm... This presentation is getting difficult to finish. I need to think on this
@ircmaxell We can do this some other time, I'm in no rush
And here's the print: (zend_object *) $4 = 0x00000001000010e9
can you dump that structure?
that was more difficult than it should have been given the result:
(zend_object) $17 = {
ce = 0x0000000000000000
properties = 0x0000000000000000
properties_table = 0x0000000000000000
guards = 0x0000000000000000
Well, there's your problem
now, why
Seems like I "lost" my object
Well, that happens when an object has been garbaged collected
which means something is making a copy of the object without increasing its refcount
considering you say reflection class is causing you problems...
from what I can it happened when new ReflectionClass() was called
yup, digging into reflectionclass's constructor now
at least the object is consistently available before and unavailable after that
nope, that's the issue
it adds a reference to the variable, but not to the object handle
change $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($object); to $reflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($object));
yeah, something is wonky and is pre-maturely destroying an object. I think the reflection issue may be a red-herring
something is storing a reference to a zval without actually inrecrementing the ref, but then is decrementing the ref...
I just changed it to $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($object); and that works :)
what about get_class?
because that's definitely interesting ;-)
works fine as well
I wonder if it's trying to delref the object from the destructor, but it's already being deleted
Looking a bit trough that code (BTW internals needs to cap file length, that's not fun), it seems to me the safest solution would be to always store the entire object and use Z_OBJCE_P wherever needed.
well... That shouldn't be a problem sotring the ce (class entry)
yeah, not really sure. Something is fubar, but without replicating it locally and debugging, can't really do much more
Will give it a try later...
Code to reproduce is online
Checkout github.com/realityking/swiftmailer/tree/phpunit-broken, do composer update, run phpunit and boom :)
Thanks a lot already! I'll patch Mockery with one of the workarounds.
.............................................................  854 / 1160 ( 73%)
@LeviMorrison No worries :) thanks!
hello humans
good moaning
that's an interesting one.
btw it's been so long i've forgotten how to post questions so that it shows the preview.. and so long that I also forgot where to find the help guide for that stuff
(also note that I'm aware this chat isn't for JS questions.. and this isn't my question nor did I answer it. just thought it was interesting and wanted to share lol)
@mmmshuddup I think the problem is that he inserts more than one element with the same identifier.
@Jack touche! lol nobody thought of that
whatever is in at.id[i] maybe it has duplicates or something
@mmmshuddup It could also be css issue actually, because the stand-alone code he tried was with the container and not with a child element.
For someone with that rep I would expect better questions, though.
monring y'all :)
Ahoy hoy, from the land of VirtualBox woes.
How's it goin' @tereško?
well .. looks like I will be listening to Machinae Supremacy whole day
Q: VirtualBox guest not acknowledging expanded drive; Win7 on Win7

Dan LuggI think I'm experiencing a wierd issue; I hope I'm not, and that I'm just somehow missing something consistently. Here's a quick breakdown: Running VirtualBox 4.3.10 Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (SP1) Host OS Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (SP1) Guest OS When I initially created the VM, I had configured i...

^^ If anyone thinks they can take a crack at it; would be much appreciated.
@tereško Meh.
I'm on a black metal + post rock kick.
Specifically black metal + post rock fusion.
any band I should know about ?
Hard to say; you can take a trip through bandcamp.com/tag/blackgaze
only band that I know from that particular area is Soen
A lot of what's on bandcamp is... meh. But sometimes there's good stuff.
^^ One of the better tunes I've found.
heh , last week I practically had only this band playing on a loop
@PratikJoshi how exactly you came to the conclusion, that Indians are "good programmers" ?
@tereško I rather like it when it picks up.
lol, he sounds a bit too much like Maynard though.
.. yeah, kinda, then again, last Tool album was released 8 years ago
good morning
Good Morning
@tereško Ok, "he sounds a bit too much like Maynard though, not that it matters"
:-P Good tune though; will have to check out more of their stuff.
well, I like 'em a lot. Both for the melodies and for the lyrics.
hi friends
good mornig
Night all.
Do I need to generate new keys for openssh now?
your money were stolen
=oO Nos!
lol and your data was used by NSA (:
anyone done any heartbleed fixes yet?
you need to revoke all your SSL certificates
that's for sure
yes. throw it away in new patches (:
good moarngs
luckily im on Debian oldstable
@AlmaDo I bet the NSA knew about this the whole time and has been stealing keys for retroactive and real-time decryption of services.
yes. 0.9.8x is stable
cant the nsa request root certs anyway
@crypticツ I bet Robin Seggelmann is working for NSA
@Petah all root certs are for is for trust
or was
The private key is generated by the server admin, the key is signed via a signing signature via the root cert
@AlmaDo is that who is to blame? He must be walking around with a bullet-proof vest.
@crypticツ he proposed the corresponding HeartBeat commit into OpenSSL in January, 1 2012
btw. that's why this breach is called "HeartBleed"
heartbeat is bleeding info
if you want. you can see approved commit
Is he also the one who broke the random number generator?
ugh.. I doubt we should blame him in everything :p
but your money... were stolen :p
Did he also kill the dinosaurs?
my bank closed vulnerability only yesterday in 19:00
god knows how many data was lost.. and my personal data - possibly too
Robin Seggelmann <[email protected]> and Stephen Henson <[email protected]> are to blame for #heartbleed http://git.openssl.org/gitweb/?p=openssl.git;a=commit;h=bd6941cfaa31ee8a3f8661cb98227a5cbcc0f9f3
he is sad..
*gets pitchfork*
@crypticツ are you really using TSL1.0 anywhere ?
unless you have not updated your servers in ~4 years, this bug should not directly harm you
@tereško I update daily for security patches and do other updates weekly. Is this only for OpenSSH? I already updated to the patched OpenSSL.
I might be mistaken, but the vulnerability is in openSSL
@tereško sad thing is: we all are using services (banks/payment systems e t.c.), which were using vulnerable openssl versions :\
so even if our servers are secured, we still would be affected
@AlmaDo less then third of my income goes through banks .. I am not all that concerned
@tereško yet it's 1/3
and the thing isn't just about money (but them also). Your personal data was attacked probably
i know, i know
I am just fed up with all of it
as for me.. yup, updated so OpenSSL 1.0.1g 7 Apr 2014 but who knows how many data have they stolen :p
that's for sure
hi, @Fabien
hi @
It's worth pointing out that OpenSSH is not affected by the OpenSSL bug. While OpenSSH does use openssl for some key-generation functions, it does not use the TLS protocol (and in particular the TLS heartbeat extension that heartbleed attacks). So there is no need to worry about SSH being compromised, though it is still a good idea to update openssl to 1.0.1g or 1.0.2-beta2 (but you don't have to worry about replacing SSH keypairs). — dr jimbob yesterday
who said anything about ssh?
@AlmaDo I did above, was asking if I had to change my ssh keys since openssh uses openssl, but looks like I am good.
@AlmaDo The message I replied to
@crypticツ well .. if you are not using ECDSA, then you should be changing your keys anyway =P
@tereško how do I tell?
@crypticツ look at the public key
good moaning
@tereško it says 'ssh-rsa' at the start
so, you are not using ECDSA
unable to put spy on HttpSession
gimme a moment, I will link you to a lecture
what's the difference?
oh, I'll read it too
@AlmaDo Check this ... number theory in disguise :)
@Jack the disguise is that Pisano == Fibonacci :p
anyway, good catch, I like it
0.2kg from my weight milestone this morning :D. Considering the weekend of junk food I just went through that's surprising.
@tereško this is just making me more paranoid of being on the internet. I'm going to end up throwing my laptop into a fire and disappearing if this stuff keeps up.
@crypticツ welcome to my world
> "Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face." -- Jim Buthcher, [2000] Storm Front
@tereško Storm Front? Isn't that the white supremacy group?
@Leri Seems legit ;-)
I always liked The Codex Of Alera better
well ... I like both series
@Achrome yap, me too…
I'm reading the Coldfire trilogy now.
by C.S. Friedman ?
maybe I will give it a try later, when I get a new phone
It's a very interesting mix of science fiction and magic.
the last two fantasy series that I have been reading where Sword of Truth (Terry Goodkind) and Forest Kingdom (Simon R. Green)
the latter one was quite hilarious
For me, it was The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss.
Anybody from new Zealand ?
all from Internet
good mornings
@Achrome Definitely one of the best
just done patching my servers =p
so did I
> when all the net security people you know are freaking out, it’s probably an okay time to worry.
@tereško How close are we to a new PC in the list of things you have to buy?
Damn, nowadays even 5yr old kids can find security issues =S
prepare to bank total scam..
Working on some legacy spaghetti procedural code with functions that regularly perform several DB queries.
I'm trying to introduce unit tests.
Would you recommend separating each query out into a separate function that just does that one query?
I would probably start with a sensible integration test first.
So many dependencies! Each test requires including the relevant function files, setting up the database connection, and initialising the user $_SESSION and then analysing the database after the function runs...
Right, hence my suggestion :)

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