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du helllo?
@stevether what folder are you trying to mkdir in? What user are you running the php script as? You either give the user write access to that directory, or change where you're writing to.
hey all
first time in stack chat looks cool
Hi @ParampalP
you might want to read the chat FAQ as well.
thanks @OmeidHerat just did :)
If I want to design a secure auto login system with cookies. Should I track the user's ip, browser info, session_id in the db and compare it when the user comes back to the site or is there a way to do this with tokens as well?
1 hour later…
how to prevent duplicate keyword in statement in mysql?
example select group from table1
who know about that?"
best regards
@user872148: Two ways to avoid that.
1) Try and avoid using keywords when naming your databases, tables or fields. (ALWAYS THE BEST OPTION!)
2) Put "back-ticks" (Shift and the button above the tab button, on a PC) around the field name.

So, "select group from table1" becomes "select `group` from table1"
oh what a day what a day
hey , mysql people
did mysql have a data type for storing IP addresses ?
@tereško: no
oh , @zerkms
maybe you can tell me this one
how in russian would be "this email address has been registered already"
( all my russian skills are strictly "read-only" )
do you serve email service or email is a name-replacement?
(it is important to translate correctly)
no , it is for registration form
an error message
Такой адрес (email) уже используется
like this
i think the "используется" isnt right .. you register for email surveys in this form i have
the user wont be able to "login" or anything
that's why I asked
are you a mail service provider (like gmail) or just use it for registration as unique user identifier?
as i said , it is just an registration ( subscription ,if you will ) form for people
if it is a subscription then: На этот адрес уже оформлена подписка
yeah , i think this will do , thanks
how do you guys usually store IP addresses? as a string?
in which database , @CodeCrack
it depends on what IP will be used for
depends on what they're used for. for display purposes, yeah...as a string
@CodeCrack in serious databases , like postgre , you have special data types for it : postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/datatype-net-types.html
@tereško: oracle doesn't have it
oh .. well
cannot blame me for trying
cannot realize why it should be moved to a separated type actually... following the "idea" - email, skype_uid, url, etc - are also candidates for special types? ;-)
mysql database
@tereško: well, asked colleagues-gurus
they said that it is possible to create a custom type and after that create a table contains a column of that type
because is in
just my guess
yeah , inet addresses are more specific case
email and urls ar just strings , they do not "include" specific things you can do with them
@zerkms , things like "vectors" are another structure you might want a data type for
1 hour later…
kindles kindles kindles! I am so excited by this!!
If Anyone Can help Please
@JohnP i was excited about the new kindle until i saw its 7" and has no 3g
@Gordon yeah, they are using the 7 inch to see whether it takes off. I'm not too bothered about the 3g. Going to wait till the reviews come through to look into it
If you use an android phone with 2.2 you can enable hotspot and your kindle can connect to it. Instant 3g!
@Eugene ayubowan
sadly the discounted kindles are US only :'(
@OmeidHerat how's the doomsday button project going? :P
41 messages moved to bin
omg :-D
morning, everyone
@Gordon I'm especially interested in that e-ink one
@KamilTomšík better to go for the kindle3 if you browse the net on it
they are all e-ink anyway, except the Fire
@KamilTomšík morning. I think I could like the Galaxy Tab but its no longer available due to Apple being the stupid evil megalomaniac company they are. Ive considered a Lenovo but they are quite heavy.
@JohnP had no idea, I really liked sharpness of display - or at least it looked like so on screenshots
@Gordon :-D it's funny, isn't it? apple is trying to make more money and instead of that everbody hates them :-)
It's exactly like in the screenshots. Really easy on the eyes. No night reading though
@JohnP will think about that, but the problem could be I don't have much use for that :-) and buying just because I like it...
@Gordon the tab isn't available in Europe because of Apple? :s
@KamilTomšík its not about "wanting to make money". its about "how".
@Gordon or... how not :-P
@JohnP yes, they sued Samsung because it looks too much like an iPad … and won.
and they only could because they patented this: esearch.oami.europa.eu/copla/design/data/000181607-0001
I personally don't get how this were possible anyway...
im not sure its exactly a patent in the legal patent sense
@Gordon isn't patenting something which already existed in 80s illegal?
@KamilTomšík not if it wasnt patented then ;)
and apparently apple can now sue everyone that makes a breadboard with rounded corners
or at least it should be useless - I do get why patents are important but it shouldn't be possible to patent anything which was already discovered or what is not working at the time of giving apply
there's a lot of noise being made about how the US patent system is broken
and especially - it shouldn't be possible to patent big phone
OMG it looks like ipad! sue them.
@Gordon nope, chuck testa :-P
this is bad for customers
speaking of which patents, did you know that the Happy Birthday song is copyrighted?
You can't actually sing it in a public place with more than a certain number of people
@KamilTomšík samsung argued apple stole their design from stanley kubricks odyssee movie docs.dpaq.de/44-samsung2001pic1.pdf and afaik they collected several other examples for similar designs existing long before ipads.
@JohnP didnt know
enters the public domain on 2016 (eu) and 2030 (us)
The funny thing is, Samsung builds the panels for the iPad and is apparently the only one able to produce the amount and quality Apple needs for them. And that makes them very dependent on each other.
God bless viral licenses which will liberate the world from evil black-box commercial software. Enter Anonymous, the Internet police force of the future.
Oh wait, I meant Internet Rambo, not "police force".
Now Samsung announced they will sue Apple for patent infringement on the upcoming iPhone5 and will demand no delivery to south korea
it just sounds like a big kindergarten
Everyone's suing somebody else
dammit I should have been a lawyer during these times!
Speaking of Oracle.
@Gordon hehe, true - samsung displays are great, they're re-selled as acers and even hps :)
@JohnP you should, I should too, but it's too late, at least for me
I'm sure by the time we switch to becoming lawyers the world will have adopted some hippie license that encourages love for all companies
ironically they were the little upstarts promoting the 1984 ads
How the tables have turned
in fact, googling for apple+sues will yield many many more lawsuits apple is doing or did and it just reveals the whole madness of this patent business
@Gordon When's the last time M$ sued someone over their logo? Weren't they supposed to be the patent kings (maybe back in the day)?
@ChristianSciberras MS gets paid for every samsung android :-D
so they're quite happy
@KamilTomšík Wait, so Apple ain't happy with their business?
MS has lost a bit of steam with Bill leaving
anyway few weeks ago, they patented charms - mini-start menu which will show when you move mouse to the left bottom in win8
@JohnP that's not true, ms was not about bill
@JohnP But it's always been MS. On the other hand, Apple has always been about Jobs...
@KamilTomšík I haven't seen anything praising Ballmer. I think it's probably some kind of founder mentality
@ChristianSciberras yeah, Jobs has been a huge part of Apple
@KamilTomšík lol!
@JohnP think what you want, it worked, ms got developers, they got market because of that crazy guy called balmer
great thing about ms is that they were always developer oriented because they know os without apps is useless
@KamilTomšík wow that's old! Good times though
unfortunately, it took a long time for them to realize they overcomplicating a lot of things, win8 is fresh air
MS and Apple
apple? cmon :-)
Win7 is quite good. I switched directly from XP
@KamilTomšík im not sure about this. MS had a market long before Bill left simply because there was no competition. And afaik Ballmer isnt exactly as visionary as Bill is credited to be.
didn't go through Vista
@Gordon true, bill is visionary, but I think it's good to have new people there
Well, the desktop OS space is still windows. That's unlikely to change anytime soon unless there's mass adoption of cloud
which is unlikely right now
@Gordon for a long time, ms software constantly add new features now it's going to change which is great, less is more
MS just needs to get their killer hardware product
that's what's missing
@KamilTomšík im still convinced all MS needs is aptitude :)
@JohnP already logged on using live-id, so I'm partially floating in the cloud :-P
@KamilTomšík it's ok for you guys and your high speed internet! I get about 20kbps in the afternoons here
I need an offline desktop. Same for most people in this region
@Gordon that would be worse thing which could happen to ms market, seriously. I love being able to grab flash drive, download certain program and go to friend and it works
@JohnP true, hi-speed internet is really important
@KamilTomšík which would still work if MS had a decent package manager and software repository
@Gordon and what exactly would change? in which way it would be better to type aptitude myapp?
@KamilTomšík less unnecessary bloat, faster windows, more software options
@Gordon I think that's what windows store is trying to solve
@KamilTomšík thats an app store and you know what i think about apps :)
anyone there that can help me out with this issue I am having with php curl: stackoverflow.com/questions/7544652/…
@Gordon I'm quite sure firefox will be there as first top-app available
getting desperate here
@KamilTomšík we'll see how it turns out :)
@Gordon I hope in best
there's really no better os for desktop than windows
@dandoen Try curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));
@salathe I actually have tried that
@dandoen okay then don't try it
i just didn't mention it in the post
You don't give anywhere nearly enough information to accurately provide a solution
what else is there to mention
@dandoen test it against your phpinfo.php if it submits anything, if it does, they're probably blocking automated traffic so you'll need to send also proper user-agent headers
@dandoen and possibly accept & re-send cookies as well...
@dandoen we can't test against the target server, so the problem could be any one (or more) of many likely issues
@dandoen or if you don't mind about language, try phantomjs, it's webkit based javascript runner
I can't even get the provided URL to load
that's strange
it should redirect to that page
@KamilTomšík so do I understand it correctly to try to curl to my phpinfo.php file?
@dandoen yes, start up apache or whatever, write phpinfo calling php info, perform curl request and have a look to sent headers
@dandoen vunet.vu.nl doesn't respond for me
oh that's strange
maybe they blocked outside of country access
@dandoen or you can try it against stuff.tomsik.cz/req.php
@salathe works for me
@Gordon doesn't for me :-D
@Gordon great, you can solve his question then :)
@dandoen can you provide a real url, username, password, etc. for us to test with?
Did I ever happen to mention that HTML sucks? No? Here's the latest news; HTML5 sucks 5 times more. Congratulations W3C. Awesome job you're doing.
I'd love to
but it's my student username and password
@salathe its some sort of Microsoft Forefront TMG. My naive assumption is this means there is some measures to prevent logon via crawlers. emphasis on naive assumption.
@dandoen that means they either have issues or blocking you
@dandoen change your password temporarily?
@ChristianSciberras html5 rocks, now I can memorize proper doctype :-P
@KamilTomšík That's bad man.
@Gordon heh, sure
I can but it contains all my email, private information and everything
@dandoen and we're back to not being able to test the service
@KamilTomšík Yeah, the doctype is one thing I'm ok with. But the new tags suck. Article/div/span/section soup.
@salathe thx
@ChristianSciberras feel free to use for bad things... until I'll delete it :-P
but it will be there at least for today, have some scraping work too
@Gordon notice they asked "how cant I get" :)
hello php
@KamilTomšík Oh, ok. I was actually going to run to xssed.org... lol
@keyur bye sanity
@salathe lol. didnt even notice. someone should answer: by asking poor questions on SO.
@salathe can you access this: tytt2.vtc.edu.hk/…
why bye??? anything wrong with you?
I doubt you'll receive a lot of attention ;)
it's quite obvious it's just debug script
function temp(){
var device_id=document.getElementById('hide').value;
// alert(document.getElementById('hid'+j).value);

type: 'post',
url: '<?=base_url()?>index.php/admin/tracking/get_location/'+document.getElementById('hid'+j).value,
// data: 'season_id='+season_id,
dataType: "json",
success: function(msg) {

// directionsDisplay.setMap(null);


var newLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(value['lat'],value['long']);
@KamilTomšík I was hinting at some sarcasm... xssed.org is dead...
here i cant open infowindow with altitude
@ChristianSciberras that's what I was hoping for, you can't be that dumb :-P
@KamilTomšík Verrrry funny Mr Tomšík.
@keyur im tempted to move that to bin.
my script stop from here: elevator.getElevationForLocations(positionalRequest, function(results, status)
@ChristianSciberras yeaaaaah ;)
@keyur this is not the place to ask paste a couple dozens lines of code and ask people to fix it
posted on September 29, 2011 by Rasmus Lerdorf

While waiting for a connection in Frankfurt I had a quick look at what it would take to make ZeroMQ and libevent co-exist in PHP and it was actually quite easy. Well, easy after Mikko Koppanen added a way to get the underlying socket fd from the ZeroMQ PHP extension. To get this working, install the PHP ZeroMQ extension and the PHP libevent extension. First, a little event-driven server

@Gordon what you say?
but i m not able to solve this problem so tell you
@keyur thats 150 lines of unformatted javascript code
this is the PHP room
@dandoen yes
@salathe so it seems like they are using the exact same server etc
but is there anyway we can chat in private, that way I am more at liberty to share a username and password
that works to log in
@dandoen you can type @user /direct <password> to send a password
@dandoen I'm kidding! don't try it! :P
@dandoen sure go to webchat.freenode.net and join channel ##salathe :)
@JohnP nah. you have to open the direct message console by typing ALT+F4 on Win/*nix or Apple+L on Mac
lol ^_^
@Gordon Apple+W actually
@dandoen ⌘+Q works best
true haha
Another shortcut is CTRL+W on win
@dandoen yeah. sorry. never bothered with those macs
A: Quick Recursive search of all indexes within an array

salatheThe following snippet loops over all of the arrays (recursively) to extract the key/title pairs. $index = array(); $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new ParentIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($buttons)), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($iterator as $key => $valu...

is hakre being weird in those comments, or am I completely misunderstanding what he's saying?
@salathe ah, i remember. apple-L prints the @ right? it's alt-gr Q on win which is why I always close my browser window when i try to find it on mac
@salathe not sure what he's trying to say
@salathe are you there?
Q: regex tweaking advice needed

jiraiyaI have this regex which some kind folks on SO helped me with yesterday. Anyway I have been editing it to do another match now and have almost got it. Basically in the following text I need it to match to the space before the year and the append a "|" to that match. I can get it to match but it in...

> I have this regex which some kind folks on SO helped me with yesterday. Anyway I have been editing it to do another match now and have almost got it.
… but because I am not really interested in learning how to fish I just come back and ask to be given yet another fish. And because it works so nicely, I will do that whenever I need to change the pattern again.
in short, I am a thin client ^_^
Hello all ofr my dear Friends how are you all ? @JohnP @Gordon @dandoen Happy navratri to all indian festival
@salathe also
@Hary have no idea what that is but same to you
@Hary yeah, same to you but you forgot to ping the other 19 people in chat.
Hey guys. Using a PDO prepared statement I want to insert a bool into a database and PDO keeps throwing an exception like this: General error: 1366 Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'Ist_Klassensprecher' at row 1' in /home/tagebuch/public_html/Models/Schueler.php:78
@Gordon and once finished, there are also some people in other rooms
Navratri, Navaratri, or Navarathri (; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ) is a Hindu festival of worship of Shakti and dance & festivities. The word Navaratri literally means nine nights in Sanskrit, nava meaning nine and ratri meaning nights. During these nine nights and ten days, nine forms of Shakti/Devi are worshiped. The 10th day is commonly referred to as Vijayadashami or Dussehra. Significance The beginning of spring and the beginning of autumn are two very important junctions of climatic and solar influence. These two periods are taken as sacred opportunities for the worship of the Divine Mothe...
@sinni800 id suspect boolean is stored as tinyint(1) and you are passing a boolean instead of 0 or 1 which results in Incorrect integer value: '' e.g. empty string.
I use $stmt->execute(array([...], ":Ist_Klassensprecher" => $Schueler->Ist_Klassensprecher). The value in the $Schueler object was set like this: $Schueler->IstKlassensprecher = false
Oh god. So it dies somewhere on the way and gets interpreted as an empty string?
... Should I just do (int)$Schueler->Ist_Klassensprecher?
@sinni800 try (int) $Schueler->Ist_Klassensprecher
Got it
Well what do ya know, it works :D, thanks.
@sinni800 np
@sinni800 you can probably use php.net/manual/de/pdostatement.bindvalue.php to get that working with your boolean as well
I am still struggling with getting a response out of this thing: stackoverflow.com/questions/7544652/…
@Gordon this would kind of break how I do my database querys in all my models... It works like this
@sinni800 if it works it works
@Gordon not all people agree with this statement :D. It should be beautiful and well engineered too.
just the stupid form is returned, without ANY error or anything
makes me want to jump of a building or so
@sinni800 absolutely. but working software is more worth than non-working software and making it beautiful and well-engineered takes time and experience (and money). Im not saying hack it together though, but just make it work early. then refactor later.
@Gordon Well at least there's the other side of the coin: If you work longer to achieve "working software", it's often more maintainable
Also another thing
A pdo query: "SELECT * FROM Benutzer LIMIT :start, :limit"
I of course insert the two parameters later, but it gives me a syntax error.
Well what the hell, it seems to treat the two limit parameters as strings
> An array of values with as many elements as there are bound parameters in the SQL statement being executed. All values are treated as PDO::PARAM_STR.
... PDOStatement->bindParam it is, then, @Gordon
This is just strange... $prepared->bindParam(":limit", 30, PDO::PARAM_INT); gives the error Fatal error: Cannot pass parameter 2 by reference in /home/tagebuch/public_html/Models/Benutzer.php on line 19
It works when I just create a variable and assign 30 to it, then use the variable in the statement
But it's just strange.
@salathe not sure where the value in that answer is
can anyone give suggestions to the code my program generate?
@Gordon I guess you're not reading the same question as I am.
@salathe i was refering to your answer to stackoverflow.com/questions/7595399/…
@Gordon yeah me too
@salathe if he wants to fetch the element values by attribute he should use XPath. If he wants to get the attribute values, he can simply use array notation. whats the point in mapping the values to attributes apart from answering literally
@Gordon or, he can do what I showed him. the point is, a) gets the values into something simple he can use, b) it doesn't use XPath which he'll likely not learn, c) he can't just use array notation because of the XML structure being used.
@salathe but thats horribly cumbersome
no more cumbersome than your xpath alternative
shoud i better use PDO or mysql_*?
@PeterRader PDO or mysqli. mysql should not be used anymore
is php4 not on servers anymore?
@PeterRader hopefully not. the current is 5.3 with 5.4 coming end of year. even 5.2.x has reached end of lifecycle
shoud i keep mysql_-classes on my generator? or should i replace it compleatly?
@PeterRader mysql is not officially deprecated so it will work for a loooooong time. people are just encouraged to familiarize themselves with mysqli because it offers more features and supports features found in current versions of MySql.
i understand. ill disable mysql and enable pdo by default then.
ill add an message too if anyone reactivate mysql_.
pdo needs driver-files to work?
How to raise our salary in our company ?
@Hary move to europe or usa.
@Gordon but how ???????
@Hary plane, ship, train, bus.
@Gordon it need visa
@Gordon train shame shame
gud joke
@Hary apply for visa then
@Gordon but it is so costly to afford if i have visiting visa
I m not rich
@Hary then increase salary in your company
@Gordan this is Question still how i can raise ?
wonders why people from India have this habit of spelling my name Gordan
@Hary yes, it is. See my answer above. Yes, I know: Recursion!
sry for spelling mistake
which programming languages pay more?
@Hary erlang
can u plz sugest me how to apply job from here in Europe nd usa ?
@Gordon I think if any company provide me visa then after it is easy to me
@Hary no idea. sorry. ask the company you applied for to assist you with that.
@Gordon kkkkkkkk
can i synch the call of differen class-methods?

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