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@DaveRandom in terms of design, how is it an anti-pattern? it's definitely more convenient to write. is there any real reason to fully an instantiate a factory class?
@webarto Nothing is ever pluralised with an apostrophe. They are only ever for possession or abbreviation
For possession they go everywhere (I think), there are some exceptions to abbreviation
(it is != it's)
@hohner For a start, you are still tightly coupled to that class
You may as well just do new Thing
@DaveRandom Thanks, that's what I thought, but I'm seeing people write both ways, not sure.
@webarto One of the most common mistakes in written English. Basically as long as people know what you mean from the context it really doesn't matter.
hi, @reikyoushin
Depends on Thing's dependencies.
@Leri Yeh but I'm talking specifically about coupling there, obviously there are some advantages but you are still coupled to a concrete class
I have 200 IPs.
This IP's broadcast address is
@DaveRandom ^ :)
This IPs' broadcas... afaik. ^
@webarto Grammatically correct but not semantically. Use IP address
You don't have 200 Internet Protocols
@Leri That would be possessive on a plural
"I have 10 chickens, these chickens' names are..."
"I have 10 chickens, this chicken's name is..."
Also if the singular ends with an s
@DaveRandom Oh, thanks. ;)
"His name is Chris. Chris' height is..."
Yup, now it says both ways are correct*ish* :)
@DaveRandom I just imagined if we had 200 Internet Protocols. Probably, this chat would not exist and also life of network engineers would be the hell.
@Leri These days at the application layer we basically do only have one, because people HTTP All The Things regardless of how appropriate it is for the job in hand :-(
Sometimes I want persistent state
hmm, should array_filter() have an optional invert parameter? :)
@DaveRandom It's all about trends and since WebSocket is becoming a trend that would not be an issue.
@Jack No :P
@Jack array do_everything_with_array(array $array, int $flags, array $callbacks)?
@PeeHaa looks way better than just a number.. but can the DB autoinc a char or do you do it in PHP?
@webarto Don't trust the English of English speakers.
I don't know, what's an invert anyways? @Jack
is constructor injection the same as dependency injection?
@DanLugg It really sucks that I know some things better than 'em :D
@webarto For instance, return an array with only non-null values.
@DaveRandom How does Factory::create($class) force tighter coupling than (new Factory())->create($class) ?
array_filter($array, 'is_null', FILTER_INVERT)
@webarto Arguably, many English-as-a-second-language speakers know better than first-language speakers.
Incoming related cross-post:
in C#, yesterday, by Kendall Frey
user image
@Jack That does not give you much, also might be not intuitive for beginners.
@reikyoushin Numeric autoincrement in db And I convert it in here. The main reason for this was so that I would have access to base62 identifiers. So instead of having: /397432897438973834353435 I would now have something like /Hkdu659X8
@Leri Define beginners.
array_filter($arr, function ($i) { return !is_null($i); }); is clear enough.
@Jack Developers with some experience getting into php.
Also, preg_grep() has an invert option :)
@DanLugg Haha, noice :D
@Leri I think !isset would be faster
actually .. return $i !== null;
@Jack Can be useful :)
@DanLugg hahahahahaha
@Jack yep, or that
@Jack Reverting regex is hard(er)...
So? I feel it's quite natural for any filter to have an invert ...
@PeeHaa U WOT M8?
lol, 2 of our stars come from the C# room :-P
Perhaps this is a platform of invasion that hasn't been exploited before; take over the starboard, the room will fall shortly thereafter.
@Jack So if implementation reverts results for you will save your time, while reverting result of callback is not a big deal and moving one in implementation does not give you anything in userland.
Just reverted mine :D
@Jack in which dimension?
@Leri You mean invert, right? :)
@AlmaDo The boolean dimension? ;-)
@Jack Oh, invert. /me is tired
How to know which function to use ..performance wise ?
@Jack ugh.. it's about - array_filter() hasn't such flag in this dimension :\
And how to benchmark my php script ?
It's not really about saving time, though .. I can write a closure pretty quickly ;-)
Can't edit anymore. @roomowners, will any of you be kind and s/revert/invert for me? :)
@AlmaDo Really? How much dimension does a equality comparison have?
Better make possible to invert function result :P
@MADTerry better to use profiler. But if you're lazy you can use PHP itself. I've created this simple lib for that
@webarto wat =.=
@Jack ? I mean there's no third parameter. Or am I missing something?
array_diff($array, array_filter($array, 'is_null'));? hehe
@AlmaDo Ehm, read up a bit :)
@almado bookmarked :)
array_filter($array, ! is_null(), FILTER_INVERT)
yeah, that would be so much clearer
@webarto won't work :p
@Jack Well, your point is more fluent API, but I don't think it really gives much (and as I said, it might be confusing at first).
@Jack how is it cleaner without iterator element? :D
It shouldn't work :P
@hohner Because the instance of a factory can be injected. Generally you wouldn't do (new Factory)->create();, you would create the factory instance in the bootstrap and inject it into the thing that needs to do the creation
but i am curious how you can say a function is better to use or this operator is better
or ... function invert($op) { return function($x) { return !$op($x); }; } ... and then array_filter($array, invert('is_null')); =D
time testing
memeory testing ?
@DaveRandom got it, thanks
@Jack HAH!
@MADTerry supported
@Leri we're talking about a language with much bigger surprises than a cute extra parameter ;-)
@almado "supported" ?
btw @rdlowrey I've been meaning to ask you thins for a while, I saw you saying you don't like the idea of interfaces for factories, why is this? And more to the point, if interfaces could specify return types would that change you view?
Good monring
Morning Anthony
Because then you create factory for your factory(?)
@PeeHaa lol, i've been staring on your function and i still don't get it. wahaha. my head feels like its floating or something right now, maybe that's why..
Is it safe to use eval() ...what are cons if i use eval () after making sure that no arbitary code is being executed ?
@DaveRandom Because IMO factories aren't/shouldn't be part of "the API" ... They're just facilitators for wiring together an application. To me defining interfaces for factories is indicative of over-engineering.
@PeeHaa weird, that shouldn't...
@reikyoushin stackoverflow.com/questions/5422065/… <-- this is the origin
callable is all I need for a factory.
@ircmaxell That's what I thought
@PeeHaa cool, thanks!
@PeeHaa it's a string, you need a double \\ to escape
Defining interfaces for factories exposes way too much knowledge about what's happening internally to the outside world.
I don't want to know or care how a library creates the things it needs internally.
@PeeHaa e_not_enough_backslashes
<3 @ircmaxell
var mail = 'pieter@hier';
var emailPattern = new RegExp("^.+@.+\\..+$");
@PeeHaa Because JS string interpollation doesn't work like PHP ;-)
Oh @ircmaxell already told you :-P
Just use the // notation :P
@DaveRandom ... :P
@MADTerry in the library that I've linked - you'll be able to measure memory
morning, @ircmaxell
You don't need an interface contract for a factory. If you really want to customize what a factory is doing then simple inheritance should be enough.
@rdlowrey Yeh but surely you want to guarantee that it's going to give an instance of the thing you expect it to (within reason)
@rdlowrey well, you may, if it's part of an abstract lazy proxy...
I don't want something that I'm expecting to give me an DOM object suddenly handing me a SoapClient, for example
Nobody wants a SoapClient.
At a certain point you can't prevent stupid, though. Internal object creation is not part of the public API.
I see zero value in FactoryInterface. This is just my opinion.
I just feel it's unnecessary overengineering.
Hmmm, I shall ruminate
@rdlowrey 98% of the time, I agree with that statement
@rdlowrey So much agree; I want delegates to make them more explicit!
I'm sure there are places where it's appropriate ... but I don't think it's necessarily correct to create an interface for everything.
@rdlowrey ++
@rdlowrey I create interface when I think there might be different implementation as well, otherwise I go with a class directly. How correct is that in your opinion?
@Leri Sounds sane to me.
@PeeHaa is there a explanation besides just that implementation? :P
The bcpow() is also seemingly randomy ;-)
@reikyoushin determines the number of characters necessary to represent the $i value...
looks pretty sane to me
@ircmaxell i just want to know what each part does so i could better understand..
@ircmaxell Number of digits only applies if the log10 is done, no?
not saying he doesn't need it :P
@Jack no, because it depends on the base. And it's not digits, characters in the final representation (in this case, self::POOL)
Does jvm make additional optimizations for final local variables? /me could not find any official reference
oh okay, it's over the pool size.
pingy @PeeHaa ping
then yes :)
@ircmaxell "number of characters necessary to represent the $i" ~ you mean converting from deci to hex or something?
/me looks @JoeWatkins ^
@ircmaxell well yeah, it would be no of digits if it were log10, rather ;-)
@Leri why are you expecting that man will sit and type something in chat during his birthday? :p
@reikyoushin converting from base 10 to base62 (the character list above)
@reikyoushin No there is not such a thing that I know of
@Lusitanian dawg
@Jack exactly :-)
@AlmaDo Because I'll do so on mine. :Ь
In PHP4, was there ever any point in doing $var = &new Thing;?
@Leri sad. So no one will congrat you except people in chat?
hey can anyone tell me how to secure phpmyadmin on my vps so that by typing example.com/phpmyadmin doesn't show phpmyadmin... my server is nginx..
@DaveRandom I've seen that in a lot of php4 code actually.
@PeeHaa i'll take a break and "stare" at this function again after.. maybe my head is still floating in space. thanks
@nick don't place in to /phpmyadmin folder
@nick How is that securing it?
@Jack I know, as have I, but I don't get why you'd do it. I know you had to reference objects when passing them around if you want them to be the same thing, but I don't get why you'd do it at the point of new
@AlmaDo : so what are you suggesting? change the folder name?..
@DaveRandom Now you got me curious too ;-P
@AlmaDo My colleagues will, probably. After work, I'll get home and either go to sleep or work on side-project (depends on how tired I will). I am not a big fan of getting old. :D
@PeeHaa : no.. securing in the sense that phpmyadmin is a common name.. so anyone can type it... and i dont want others to view it..
@nick yes. change it (: Restrict access for all IP's except white-listed, add authorization e t.c. e t.c.
Also, the "hash" is trivially reversible... /cc @PeeHaa
@reikyoushin and @Jack maybe this will make clear what's happening
public function fromHash($hash) {
        $id = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($hash); $i++) {
            $id += strpos(self::POOL, $hash[$i]) * bcpow(strlen(self::POOL), $i);
        return substr($id, strlen(self::PREFIX));
@Leri that's not true. you are. because you're doing it every day :p
@AlmaDo hmm.. and i do that in nginx config file? right?
@nick do what?
@AlmaDo : the configuration...
@DaveRandom Oh, I think that new Whatever() used to return a copy of a symbol without a name ... hence the & to save memory or sth? ;-)
you decide
@ircmaxell The point is not obfuscation, but making URI's shorter :)
@Jack Yeh but surely that symbol would get destroyed immediately anyway? Maybe just a speed issue to prevent a pointless memcpy of sth
@PeeHaa completely fair ;-)
@DaveRandom php4 didn't have garbage collection, did it? :)
PHP4 was garbage
@Jack Oh maybe not
@Jack yes, it did. It didn't have circular-reference detection, but it did have a reference counting GC...
Ah right
So ... with or without & wouldn't really have made a diff, except that you prevented a copy from being made temporarily.
@PeeHaa: So you're saying, it should have collected itself?
@Jack it made a difference, because in php 4.x, objects were by-value. meaning if you didn't pass by reference, any edits you made to the object were on a separate copy
I know, I was talking about the $a =& new Whatever(); in isolation.
@NiekBergman It kinda did ;)
Oh wow, seems there's a recording of me being on the radio monday by the way :o
@Jack yes, because anything the constructor assigned would be also copied by value when the constructor "returned" the inew instance
But then it would get destroyed since refcount == 0? hmm wait what?
What's your rules/opinion on alternative control structures for PHP? endif; endforeach; in particular?
@Jack no, refcount would be 1, since $a has a copy of it
@NiekBergman ow kewl. Let me bookmark that so I can listen to it when I have a system with speakers
@Fabien horrible
@Fabien if you find yourself needing them, that it makes code cleaner or easier to read, you're already doing something else horrifically wrong
@Fabien moveto templates
@ircmaxell Are copies considered when keeping track of refcount? Doesn't make sense to me.
I can't think of a reason to need them, nor do I like the look of them. The only time I can justify possibly using it is inside a template.
Aren't the two objects separated from each other after the copy has taken place?
@Jack refcount ARE the copies...
are we still talking about php4 here? :)
both behaved the same
@Jack only when the write happens
hi guys. any one know a good guide for working with .htaccess files? looking do to some URL masking
everything there applies to both 4 and 5, except the "object passed by reference" part
References themselves probably work the same in both versions ... that wasn't really something I was confused about, though :)
@JoeWatkins Happy belated b-day ... I wasn't at the computer at all yesterday to pass along my wishes.
wtf we're building in Drupal 6 because PHP 5.3
substr_replace($first[0][0], $resource, $first[1][1] - $first[0][1], strlen($first[1][0]));
I think I know what I'm doing ^^ ;-)
@Farhad yum install nginx and you never have to worry about .htaccess again :P
@Jack Yeah, you know how awful you name things there. :p
why is the return value of bcpow() a string? codepad.viper-7.com/BnNKX5
@reikyoushin Because it operates on strings.
@Leri That's more PCRE than anything else hehe
@Jack i thought it operates on numbers?
Yes and no.
It operates on numeric strings heh
@Jack uhh, okay then
I've done literally nothing at work today but reading a book and chatting. :/
/me feels useless
Not sure why he's not using ** hehe
@Leri I second that emotion.
Although there was that one day I spent playing 2048 lol
That was definitely useful =D
@Leri On-call developing
What's that?
Just sat there till something needs to be done
@Fabien Chat client on/for android and UDP game server needs to be done. :D
What game?
Quake IV for Android? :D
I was talking about it some time ago. Something like multiplayer battle game.
You ever play a game called Subspace?
Also known as Continuum?
Later I moved on Android.
@Fabien I am not a gamer. :) No, I have not.
@ircmaxell does it really take time to process that? codepad.viper-7.com/KLeOg0
i want a 1st person bomberman!
@Fabien This?
Never sunk as many hours in to any game as that one.
Looks pretty similar what I am making. Well, in fact, mine is pretty similar.
Why this is invalid syntax: $ref = array_key_exists($key, $ref)?(&$ref[$key]):null; (i.e. if key exists, then reassign $ref as a reference to it, and, if not - then null)
@PeeHaa non-dawg
this will work
  if(array_key_exists($key, $ref))
     $ref = &$ref[$key];
     $ref = null;
but not with short ternary if :(
@Lusitanian Wazzap nigaah
You can shorten your code by having braces on the same line as if and else hehe
@Leri You are not a gamer but you are making a game?
@PeeHaa let's A) set a release schedule B) stick to it and C) create a list of all users of our lib then D) talk about whatever your wordpress idea was :P
@AlmaDo Meh, $ref = &$ref[$key]; =D
no. why it isn't valid to use & with ternary if? what's the difference?
@PeeHaa also we need to maybe consider stop letting contributors do all the work. or no?
@Leri Well continuum is still running, even if it is almost dead. AWESOME game.
The creator is the same guy who helped make skype.
Today is the day of fails in PHP for me Oo
@Lusitanian What else are they for? When some annoying thing is in it long enough they will eventually fix it :D
first this ~ now this & :\
@reikyoushin no, seems like a bug on their end
@Lusitanian When you say release schedule what do you mean in specific?
@PeeHaa just like. when are we gonna tag 0.5 and 1.0?
@iroegbu Yes. Not being a gamer does not mean I can't create one. Also I am doing more network stuff than game creation.
Well yeah, but the point ise evry time I thinkn we are close someone / some service changes shit and a new issue appears
@PeeHaa true. maybe we can perpetually go like so: 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.10.1, 0.10.2, 0.11, etc
@AlmaDo It's probably because ternary is an expression and thus can't be a reference.
@Jack egh..
not sure. So we can't treat ?: as control operator?
@Lusitanian new service added / new feature added -> minor version + fixed some service -> patch version?
@AlmaDo just like how you can't treat if as an expression? :)
@PeeHaa agreed
You can in Haskell, though heh
@Jack if isn't an expression
@SecondRikudo Oooooh Gai is awesome. Shame it's futile
@Lusitanian Can you post that on the issues and/or readme pretty please?
@PeeHaa yep
@AlmaDo Right, and ?: is not a control operator :)
@Fabien He'll never beat me. It's a nice warmup though
@Jack well, it has sense of control operator, but.. I see. This may be the reason (because in common case parts could contain anything)
@Jack solved
$ref = array_key_exists($key, $ref)?$ref=&$ref[$key]:null;
@ircmaxell even 3v4l times out on me.. hmm
Yeah, that works ...
Indeed :)
@reikyoushin no idea, maybe they don't have bc math properly installed
it is instantaneous for me locally
Not just bc math, viper's pcre is also crap
@ircmaxell must be.. will try it locally too. thanks!
Anyone work a lot with VMs and configuring optimal host machine environments?
I work a lot with VMs ... but those are already optimally configured :)
@Jack I'm thinking of buying a new box, and transitioning to a VM-centric environment; such that I basically have a naked host OS, and virtualize everything.
So I'm looking up hardware configurations, optimal host OS/environment, etc.
Any input is appreciated :-)
All I can say is: good luck :)
How can I change which is my default PHP version. nginx OSX php-fpm
@Lusitanian \o/
@Lusitanian have you seen Persona
@iroegbu indeed
Just the thing we needed. Another standard
always relevant
Oh PHP storm isn't free :)
I always tought it was free ( currently Sublime user )
i want to use \ArrayAccess for a model that has lots of custom properties. but i also want to validate certain properties with custom logic. should i use ~30 setter methods to do this? or dynamically do it through some kind of mapping?
@Lusitanian I think we're up to like.. 1693782492 standards by now.
Why not __set() and __get() then? @hohner
Surely, SURELY we can unify them.
@DanLugg yes. let's build a new standard.
Are there sublime users here?
@hohner Also, 30 distinct properties for a single object is ... a lot of things.
@Lusitanian Not just a standard but the standard
The standard that standardizes all of the standards
@Lusitanian We'll pitch it as ISO -1
@Duikboot Yes, sublime isn't free either :p
And now we have N + 1 standards.
@Jack i'm modelling a json-schema which has 26 reserved keywords. each keyword has different validation logic.
I got asked using a license but I can just click no thanks.. ?
@Jack if i don't use a custom setter, i need to know which validation strategies (is_string / is_array, etc.) to use for each keyword
One port, one language, one protocol.
@Duikboot its free trial for an unknown amount of time yet
@hohner hmm, so an array of objects then?
one object for each type.
> One port to rule them all, One protocol to find them; One language to bring them all and in the darkness cloud bind them.
@Jack something like that. i don't want to delegate each keyword its own object, because that seems like overkill. maybe just a multidimensional map or something?
i mean, i don't mind a separate object - but that will result in over 30 small objects that have little content
I get a missing field name exception in doctrine when I turn the apc extension on (without changing any code). when it's off everything runs... this does not make any sense... :x
@hohner How many types do you have? array, string, etc. ?
@Jack there are like 26 different keywords. each keyword has custom validation
yeah .. well .. closures then? lol
i shudder to think what that might look like :P
it's basically either 30 classes, or a multidimensional config type thing
it's gonna be big either way me thinks.
yeah lol
@Duikboot I think Sublime is good... Fav feature is the editing across multiple lines. Magic!
Im looking for some nice plugins
for sublime

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