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@DaveRandom Sorry but the WSDL is not accessible remotely... its only private
@shasi It's hard for me to debug then, since the response XML you show contains the right result. Did you get this from a trace on your SoapClient object?
try and validate all of the columns against all of the possible data types, giving a score to each column for each type, and then giving a 'bonus' score if it had something that looked like a column header in the first x data rows. e.g. if the column contains 'First name' or any variant then give that column a bonus to it's 'firstname' validation score. Then choose the column types by choosing the highest score first,
assigning the data type to that column, and making the data type unavailable to other columns, to prevent having multiple 'firstname' columns.
@DaveRandom Yes, i got it from SOAP UI response. But not able to get it from php
The bit I missed from my diagram was the ability to completely turn off importing a row of data.
@shasi Right, I need to see what the XML PHP is generating, you need to use the trace option and __getLastRequest()/__getLastResponse()
@Danack The thing in my config is that the column headings from the XLS need to be changed in whatever they want
And got stored in the database that way.
Oh, you're implementing a database in your database.
how we can retrieve user's latitude,longitude? I've tried available solutions with IP address but its not accurate. Dont suggest googleGeo as there wont be user intervention 2 input address
@Danack Yo dawg, I heard you like databases...
@TheLuckyGoof You cannot
Exactly :)
@DaveRandom any paid solutions? whatismyipaddress.com/ip/ is the only accurate solution i found
@TheLuckyGoof That's not accurate. It doesn't even put me in the right country, because all my traffic is routed through a datacentre about 1200 miles away. IP address is the best means you have of determining a remote host's geographic location, and it's so inaccurate that it's a completely pointless exercise.
@Duikboot If you're implementing something like Salesforces' ability to add plugins to their system, you may need to do that. But if you're not writing something that needs to be that extensible, then you might want to push back against that requirement as it will make life harder for everyone. However, if you do need to do that then,
@DaveRandom it can still be useful to display localized ads for example, best you have to work with and 100% accuracy is not required
@Patrick Still useless. Everything like that relies on a) ISP's reporting sane data (not guaranteed) b) your user is not using one of a hundred billion trivially easy techniques to artificially alter that data.
@Patrick ...hence the reason I get a lot of ads in French
I'd still recommend doing something like the import I mocked up, but with an extra step that allows the user to select which row has the column header fields in first.
Dammit this one is hard to do yeah your mockup looks right but I think I might to extend it.
@DaveRandom I still think it's useful, different ads for us/europe for example. Better than just showing one or the another.
@Patrick have you tried it?
@Duikboot One thing that I regret implementing on the last project was the ability to edit the data being imported. I don't think this was worth the time spent. It's a lot easier just to tell the users to edit the data in the excel file and restart the import process.
@TheLuckyGoof I've used their free database a long time ago dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/geolite
@Danack I actually disagree with you on that, I used to have to do data imports of hundreds of thousands of records on a regular basis, it was really fucking irritating having the software chunter though them all (took ~5 mins) only to have it blow up because of a couple of bad records and have to do the whole thing again, it was a very serious UX issue for me.
Although I do take your point about it adding a lot of complexity to the implementation
@Patrick As someone who doesn't believe in the usefulness of online advertising to the extent that most DMAs do, I think we'll just have to agree to disagree...
@DaveRandom No worries, not exactly something I am emotionally invested in :D
@DaveRandom Were you doing the data imports or was it a tool that someone else used?
The issue for me was trying to train an accountant to use an online editor, rather than it being too difficult for me to use.
@Danack I was doing it because I was the only remotely IT-savvy person in the company, it was importing transaction records in the accounts package
@Danack Then either a) your UI wasn't good enough or b) the user was one of those willfully stupid people who refuse to learn how to do it. I know how I intuitively expected the UI to work, in such a way that even an idiot could do it, but there is a certain class of people who refuse to even try to understand, and you can't do anything for them, they just need a pencil.
Possibly inserted into their eye socket at great speed.
If there's one thing I don't miss, it's providing IT support to end users
Well, obviously I'm going to say I don't think the UI was a problem.
@Danack Indeed, and I'm reasonably sure that's fairly accurate as you are not an idiot
@Patrick I tried, their db doesnt have latitude, longitude info thanks
@Patrick ^ this is what I'm talking about. People think it's fucking magic.
I seem to be quite angry today, I may have to turn the internet off for a while.
Possibly though, the process difference makes the use case different from my case to yours. The import process took about 5 seconds from importing a file to showing the errors, so starting from scratch was not an issue for my users. If the errors only showed up after 5 minutes of processing, then yeah, having to start from scratch would be a little annoying.
@Patrick i want latitude, longitude of particular street from where the user is browsing, how can i achieve this
^ are you the NSA?
Obviously not, they already have that data.
A black car will soon drive up to his house and take him for a "ride" ;-)
@Danack Sage Line 50 is the worst piece of software ever designed, coupled with the fact that it's also one of the most abused pieces of software ever designed (probably not as badly as Excel but close)
:P its for an app, to find a near store
@TheLuckyGoof and you can't do that btw
mobile app? then use gps
@TheLuckyGoof Then have the user enter their postcode like every other website on the planet. Users are used to it, they really don't mind doing it...
@Patrick no webbased app
@TheLuckyGoof html5doctor.com/finding-your-position-with-geolocation or what DaveRandom suggested
@DaveRandom yeah. the client is keen to achieve this so make sure before i give up
with atleast some valid ref 2 convince
@TheLuckyGoof It's only possible with mobile devices, and only if the user gives you permission to access their location (which, fyi, I never do)
booo~ hisss
Apart from Google-based things, since they could already kill me with the flip of a finger whenever they please, so I may as well get the best experience
+1 for zip store finder, I would also never give access to the location and had to uninstall apps from my phone who sent it in the background (facebook looking at you...)
Feb 7 '13 at 10:10, by DaveRandom
Yes, that is something I worry about. Google have managed to get a public image of a kind of BDFL for the internet, but I do worry that Larry and Sergei are sitting in a lair in a volcano somewhere, plotting the demise of mankind.
@DaveRandom we cant implement for web based solutions u mean?
@DaveRandom Look at that guy, he doesn't have a Google+ account ... kill him!
@TheLuckyGoof No. The client's computer doesn't know where it is, there's no way you can expect it to tell you where it is.
@DaveRandom thanks.
@Patrick thanks for good ref, let me go through it
Did not know j2me was still alive: stackoverflow.com/questions/22504241/…
I thought google maps/geo have a solution developed, but they didnt AFAIK
@Leri There will be a lot of legacy devices out there though, a bunch parking meters etc run on it
Which is probably the reason why there's a machine in the great northern car park in manchester where if you put a £2 coin in it, it gives it back to you and takes £2 off the amount you owe
It's been like that for years, everyone knows about it, yet no-one has fixed it...
@DaveRandom Well, parking meters and such devices are okay but mobile devices... I don't see why one should develop for them. Even getjar, which was one of the largest market has deprecated them. I hope I am not missing anything.
cool. Never knew about - if move mouse over the right of "Bitwise operators" here - there will be anchor :p Is it made few time ago? Or I'm slowpoke?
private const long one = 1L; :D
@AlmaDo ask @Levi, it can't be that old as it wasn't that long ago that we were complaining that you couldn't do it
oh, ok. Just noticing. Nice feature
@Leri private long long parts;
Hey guys, we all know echoing some HTML in an if, you just close the php tag, do your HTML, then reopen your php tag to close the if statement.
Does this work in a method within a class? You don't use an if, you type it after the method opening bracket {, do your html, then end the method with }
also, why bitwise operators are inconsistent?
$a = 1;
$b = true;
var_dump(true & 1, false | true);//ok: 1, 1
$a = ~$a;//ok, -2
$b = ~$b;//fatal ?
why & or | allow bools (or strings as well) while ~ does not?
Because PHP
but this is crappy sh*t
I expected they all work in same way
but I've faced this, double checked and now I'm lost
@AlmaDo because php $b = ~1*$b;
Hey guys! Can anyone recommend a stable & fast sdk for the twitter api?
I didn't checked anything about * - but checked that bitwise NOT is failing on obvious case
Been trying out several sdks and none of them worked.
@AlmaDo BTW, why do you use bitwise operators with booleans?
By SDKs do you mean libraries? o.o
@Leri same reason as with strings or integers
Get an oauth library, Twitter is easy enough to implement on top of that
@Leri and no matter what's the reason: we have bitwise AND with bitwise OR (and other operators too) - working with this - so treating this as allowed, but ~ is failing. That's crap
@MagnusBurton Are you doing complex stuff, or just basics like "get these tweets for these users"
@Jimbo I basically want to enable users to login using twitter on my website.
@SuhosinPony libraries, yes. Couldn't find the word
@MagnusBurton I used a Twitter library a while back
Will see if I can find it
I normally just use oauth library now
Can I find it on the OAuth website?
That's the twitter lib I used
@SuhosinPony That wouldn't work for me.
@Jimbo I've tried three of the libraries there, none of them would work for me.
@SuhosinPony If I want to implement twitter on top of an oauth lib, how would I do that?
Somebody is talking oauth?
ow... openid...
@MagnusBurton Are you looking for letting users in or requesting access to resources of users?
@AlmaDo Well, ~ is unary while | & are binary... That might be considered as an excuse.
@Leri rejected :p poor excuse
@PeeHaa Basically what I just want is to be able to login to my website with my twitter user and post a tweet from there.
God the Twitter docs are so poor
@AlmaDo I always cast to int (or very occasionally string) because nothing else makes sense
casting like a wizard!
What you are essentially asking is "why doesn't this thing which I am doing which is stupid work"
@DaveRandom not sure. for ^ there is sense
Anyone familiar with a quick and easy tool to create UML diagrams and export them into image files? (Ideally, the service stores those files and allows sharing)
@AlmaDo So what you really want is a logical XOR then...
@AlmaDo $a = array_flip(range('A','k')); echo $a['E'].' '.$a['I'].' '.$a['P'].' '.$a['Q'].' '.$a['X'].' '.$a['k'].' '; :P
@DaveRandom I mean - there are some cases when It may be useful to operate on bits even if operand isn't integer
hi, @rdlowrey
Morning @rdlowrey
@MagnusBurton The twitter docs are the best out there when it comes to oauth docs
@HamZa too long :p my method is shorter
As a matter of fact some services almost copy/pasted the thing
true ...
@PeeHaa Its so hard to find things and the lack of examples makes it poor
@AlmaDo Yeh but if it's not an integer or a string, how can you know what the bits are? The internal representation of a bool is not and should not be guaranteed (implementation detail) - so if you want so operate on the bits of it, cast it to something where you know what the bits actually are.
@PeeHaa This will be really useful, thank you so much!
@DaveRandom yep. I mean strings
@MagnusBurton np :)
@PeeHaa You forgot to add /nakedly self serving :-P
@DaveRandom not a real use-case, but just to show that bitwise stuff with strings may be useful:
$a = 'foo';
$b = 'bar';

$a = $a ^ $b;
$b = $a ^ $b;
$a = $a ^ $b;

var_dump($a, $b);//bar, foo
@AlmaDo Right, well | & ^ ~ already work on strings...
<blink>Shameless plug</blink>
so bits would be interpreted correctly
@PeeHaa By the way, can I use this without having composer installed?
that's why it's odd for me that ~ is failing :\
modern.ie is pretty cool
@MagnusBurton Yes
IIRC the dependencies are not really needed and will be nuked in the future
@DaveRandom yes. So I've posted this. I.e. - it's working well.
@AlmaDo Replace this with this and leave us alone. :Ь
Does anyone know a way to turn all colors in an image to another color - and leave black/white(could be made transperancy)
I have an logo with two colors, letters are right now green, and numbers are black, i want to change all letters (thats green) into another color
@Leri sad. I know the reason and was able to look into lxr. But I'm sure there's some things, becase of which it is as it is now
@Jacta You mean in GIMP ?
@AlmaDo Then I'm sorry, I just don't get what you are complaining about. When you do a bitwise op, you either do it string-wise or int-wise, so you cast to the appropriate type. You can't just expect the engine to magically know what you meant when you do something that's not supported...
@AlmaDo Honestly, ~ behaves properly while binary operators don't. It would be quite a lot work to fix them and, more likely, will break legacy apps.
I suppose there's an argument that you could force bool to cast to int for bitwise ops, that would be more C-like
How is ~ failing on strings again?
But personally I'm fine with forcing the user to express what they mean...
@DaveRandom and thus the reason is because with ~ PHP is unable to cast type properly?
What is "^" called in english or better: what is the use in php?
@Jack It isn't, the issue is that you can't ~ a bool
yes. bool will cause fatal
right, so just add case IS_BOOL: behind IS_LONG :)
since other operators won't fail - I've asked
If you really want to do something useful with bitwise ops, make shifts work on strings
I realise it would be a fairly nasty loop-and-carry but it would still be useful
and shat should be the result?
"hello" >> 1 becomes "ello"?
^ lol
No :-P
still no (:
Imagine a char* is just an arbitrarily sized integer
In fact, one sec
so what should it do? ;p
@DaveRandom fail with multibyte?
@AlmaDo No, carry the bits between bytes
oh I see
@DaveRandom And usefulness of shifting strings is?
@Leri It allows you to handle integers larger that your platforms native max int size by representing them as binary strings
:15365743 I decided to bail out of the sentence half way through
Fair enough but limited use-case. If we take fact that web-hosts are mostly x64, that would be pretty useless.
@HamZa meaning dynamicly with php :)
@Jack If I understand pack() well, it's pack('I', unpack('I', $a)>>1) (:
@DaveRandom Seems like upgrading to an x64 machine would make more sense :)
for 'hello' only I would be enough
What if 64 bits are not enough?
@Leri Actually, not really. You deal with 128-bit ints more than you might think (GUID/UUID/IPv6 addr)
IPv6? I heard that's just an urban myth.
@DaveRandom :P
^^ I love that function.
I've been using it for CIDR address range matching .. isa good!
@DaveRandom Do you really do int/math operations on uuid/guid? If so are not they meant to be just identifiers?
@Leri You may do when generating them
what's everyone's opinions about using static methods for factory classes?
i.e. ::create($foo) instead of (new Factory())->create($foo);
Depends how you use it
The static factory is basically an oxymoron, it recreates most of the issues that a factory is supposed to solve
Is it IPs or IP's?
@DaveRandom Are you trolling now? -.-
@webarto "internet numbers"
Totally going to put that.

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