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Good morning
Morning @ircmaxell
morning @ircmaxell
@Fabien so how it goes, achieved 1024?
:'( I can't dedicate my time to it. I have 'work'... in some sense of the word.
@Fabien screw the 'work', heh
@rdlowrey Unless they all expose sockets ^^
@LeviMorrison SQLite.
Tell me, what is your score when you get 1024?
I don't know. I've completed 2048.. it's around 21-22k..
But even if they all expose sockets, they would then all need to either (1) expose asynchronous send/receive functions at the underlying library level (unlikely) or (2) require a manual implementation supporting non-blocking send/receive.
/me has written his own version as an android app
@ircmaxell of 2048?
@ircmaxell I've rejected the idea to port on IOS since there's pretty same 1024 game (in fact, that js 2048 is based on it)
@rdlowrey yup
cool :)
not releasing it or anything, just using it to learn
aww :(
especially seeing as the one everyone's playing is already there: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.estoty.game2048
@rdlowrey Yes, of course. It's still possible at some point in the future ^^
Also, does the PG stuff have any version requirement of Postgresql that might be a problem?
No. All the functionality has existed in the underlying lib for years and years.
It's just no one in PHP was ever doing async non-blocking things, so it was never made available.
What tool do you use for mysql databases
@user3350338 It's not nice to call database admins 'tools'.
MySQL is dead. Oracle killed it. Also, consider upgrading to a database that isn't terrible: howfuckedismydatabase.com
@rdlowrey When did oracle buy MySQL? Nooooo! I loved MySQL. They can't do this to me!
It's been a while now
@Danack UNless they are working with mysql. In which case it is toally justified
> In April 2009, Oracle Corporation entered into an agreement to purchase Sun Microsystems,[81] then owners of MySQL copyright and trademark.
If you want to keep using MySQL that's what MariaDB is for.
Anybody in here of the IE support team?
what is IE??
All of the best practices have names like SOLID, OOP, GREAT, only database best practice is ACID.
@rdlowrey That link is awesome XD
The only thing that runs our <blink>***LEGACY***</blink> app
@SecondRikudo ACID isn't "best practice" it's a headache
The only thing that ran our <blink>***LEGACY***</blink> app @mAsT3RpEE
@rdlowrey The counter theory is that Oracle have no particular reason to kill MySQL as it doesn't compete with their real databases, and having it around keeps a large amount of money out of Microsoft's hands.
@PeeHaa you mean they're actually still alive?
@reikyoushin I sure hope so. I really need to find out something
@PeeHaa IE6?
@reikyoushin Nope. A clint just called (IE11) telling me she cannot change the UA string anymore in the dev tools of IE. I have no fucking clue why that is. When I open the page I can just pivck a UA string
@PeeHaa No repro, the problem is most likely on her end, not yours.
@PeeHaa needz your halp though.
I'm trying to test how a site looks from mobile.
The site is hosted locally on my PC, both the device and the PC are on the same network.
When I try to access from my phone (via the PC's IP address) it gives off the wrong server block from nginx
@SecondRikudo Yeah, but I doubt she would accept that. It's kinda a huge bitch :)
@SecondRikudo Have you told nginx it is the default?
@PeeHaa No, I have no server currently at "default"
How do I do that?
@PeeHaa why does she need to edit the UA string?
server_name  _;
@reikyoushin Because totally stupid legacy app
Muchas gracias
And when I say legacy I mean I see people running around on horses and in armor
@SecondRikudo np
@PeeHaa Wrong
Isn't that a fall through thing?
Go read the docs for server_name and listen ;-)
Actually, it's listen 80 default_server
Can't you just tell it? :)
(long story short, you want listen 80 default;)
But thanks anyway XD
@DaveRandom That indeed does look familiair :P
PS I love the way that I never see you and the only times you say something to me it is because I am wrong about something @DaveRandom :D
If you don't declare a server default then it uses the first server block in the config, and people often create a server block in the main config file using _ and so it appears to work
@DaveRandom Than what is _ as name?
@PeeHaa you mean romans?
@PeeHaa It's "an invalid name". Actually you could use anything that's syntactically valid, the purpose of it is to prevent "real" requests from hitting it
aaaaaah makes a lot of sense
Thanks sir
@PeeHaa Yeh I know, I promise I shall return soon, got a lot on atm
Having bathroom redone next week and have to rip bath/sink/toilet out this weekend and take all the tiles off and shit
^ lots of home refactoring, i see..
I supposed I should probably do the shit before I rip the toilet out
Feedback please: tchizik.com/taboola
Resize your browser and look from mobile
If anyone can test this in IE (especially lower ones) and tell me how it does, I'll appreciate it.
@SecondRikudo you dont want the image to be the same size(width) as the grid block?
@reikyoushin The mockup specifically left out a padding
So I did the same
(Unless that's not what you meant?)
@reikyoushin Yeah well, I wanted to get feedback, I already know how it looks myself :P
Also, that tool doesn't emulate other browsers
@Danack Except they don't have to actually kill it to "kill" it. Simply by being Oracle they destroy its usefulness. Things like not adding tests for new bugfixes, not constantly adding new features, etc. MySQL is now like a government program. It's inefficient and slow to adapt.
And it wasn't great before -- it was just free.
@rdlowrey Meh - in some ways there's been more development on in the last couple of years, than there were in the final few years of Sun owning it.
@DaveRandom :P
libmysql still has no facility for establishing a connection asynchronously. It's 2014. Seriously. If that's "more development" ... I don't even know ...
later, home run
Nobody uses libmysql anyway
@rdlowrey Only you care about establishing a connection asynchronously :P
@SecondRikudo There's a reason why node.js is overtaking everything.
I'm not the only person.
PHP development is just stuck in the dark ages.
j/k :P
Not really, PHP simply applies to the mainstream
for 98% of all applications and websites, there's no need to support anything async.
And for those 2%, it's apparently a complicated hassle with a steep learning curve.
That's the reason PHP is still popular.
@NikiC Don't the php extensions use libmysql?
@rdlowrey PHP uses mysqlnd
libmysql is only used if the person compiling PHP is incompetent
@NikiC I'm pretty sure mysqlnd can't do async connect either.
I just got asked "1 thing that would make our framework better" by my boss. I said "no global scope". He was like "ha fat chance"
@rdlowrey I have no idea
Q: Internet Explorer 11 doesn't show user agent strings

PeeHaaI just got two calls from clients saying that on IE11 they don't see a list of user agents in the dev tools anymore. I tried it myself on my machine, but I do see the list. The only two things in the list are: default and custom. When I tried to let them set the UA string using custom it doesn't...

@rdlowrey I think you've pooh-poohed this before, but people are claiming to be doing async stuff with mysqlnd - planet.mysql.com/entry/?id=32136
@Danack You can perform async queries. You can't connect to a server asynchronously.
That's what's missing.
So unless you incorporate threading to connect without blocking the main execution environment it's not usable in a non-blocking application.
And in any case, the existing mysql extensions in php aren't usable at all for non-blocking because they force you to busy-wait and ask over and over whether or not the operation has finished.
@rdlowrey The only thing we need is an exposed socket… that'd be all?!
And threads.
And you have to make sure allowing non-blocking behavior doesn't make it too easy to accidentally break all the existing blocking functionality.
The point is this: if you want to do non-blocking then Postgres offers far better support. MySQL is not the right tool for the job.
Postgres is free, open and it's easy to migrate to it from MySQL.
> it doesn't work â„¢
why does it have a "â„¢"
@rdlowrey you know, people don't like too much changed… to begin using Aerys is already a monster step…
And MySQL is terrible. I have a limited number of hours in the day and they're better spent not putting band-aids on suboptimal libraries when better functionality already exists elsewhere.
@rdlowrey why?
@NikiC Beat me to it :D
@bwoebi Rephrase: it's terrible for non-blocking use-cases. By comparison to other RDBMs tools it's inadequate. It's not my job to fix mysql so you don't have to use a good database :)
Open source means people contribute. If someone wants non-blocking mysql support inside a single process in aerys they're free to write the C code necessary to expose that functionality in userland. I can't do everything ;)
@rdlowrey I just want it to have usable in some way, it doen't need to be an optimal solution…
So do I. But I have to prioritize what I work on.
@rdlowrey As asked already please make it before RC…
@bwoebi I will try, but if it isn't allowed into 5.6 as a "bugfix for missing functionality that should be supported" I'm holding you personally responsible :)
@rdlowrey hehehe :-)
@PeeHaa eh?
That's until how far I know it out of my head.
(+ above)
Yeah, Ben, we do. Thank you
2 messages moved to JavaScript
You're welcome
Possibly a stupid question - is it valid to make a HTTPS request without a servername?
@Danack Define "servername"
Do you mean something like
datefmt_format_code() [ext/intl/tests/dateformat_format.phpt]
IntlTimeZone::toDateTimeZone(): basic test [ext/intl/tests/timezone_toDateTimeZone_basic.phpt]
We all love Derick.
@rdlowrey no, fix the tests so that the code works correctly... That's why you have tests!!!
It's been weeks as far as I can tell since the Travis build did anything but fail. And it's always these tests.
weeks? years
@ircmaxell We have a working build in the meantime
I've seen it pass sporadically a couple of months ago.
I spent a shitload of time fixing tests back then...
@ircmaxell One of those days I'll go to one of your talks
@NikiC :-)
never on master though, only on the release branches, right?
or did I miss that work?
@ircmaxell just out of curiosity, what kind of presentation software did you use?
google docs presentations, presenting from PDF
@SuhosinPony can you tell your friend to enable "Issues" for the rrpg repo? Or if you have admin access do it yourself? I only have push access, otherwise would have done it myself. =o)
Q: Check all $_POST vars and validate based on class

Maciek SemikFor my Jquery, I use classes to define the type of validation used on that object. For example: <input class="NUMBER_VALIDATE" type="text" maxlength="80" name="PRICE" id="PRICE" value="PRICE"> Jquery checks all the NUMBER_VALIDATE to make sure they are numbers and then displays error. I also w...

I came to that question via the validation tag, but I am not a PHP guy at all... I'd love someone who understands server vs client side validation to take a crack at it... Get some misinformation cleaned up with a GOOD answer :)
@ircmaxell I'm pretty sure the tests are the offenders in this case ^^
You'd have at least one upvote waiting for you!
@crypticツ Sec
@crypticツ Done, I havent actually done anything on that repo yet. :P
Anyone ever written a Product/Add-On/Plugin for vBulletin (forum software) and willing to help me a bit getting started? :)
@LeviMorrison Well, yes and the people who maintain those sections ;-)
@SuhosinPony I've just been fixing security issues and minor errors. You know if he is going to upload the source for the new site?
Would need some help wrapping my head around the used terms (Product, Add-On, Plugin, etc.) to understand the docs.
> "Plugins" are all kept in the vB database. Plugins are not autonomous php files.
Seems like WordPress lost its place #1 on the "worst software" list.
18 minutes to go
@rdlowrey finished the php version of regex for URI class. If you're interested you can look it up here: http://pastebin.com/i0Jiwpqt

Now i just need to write a validator that uses this info and other logic.
why the statics? :)
@mAsT3RpEE I think PHP interns strings now; I doubt the $cache is necessary.
^^ any internals gurus, feel free to correct me.
PHP 5.3 is going to reach EOL this month right? According to php.net/releases/5_3_20.php the 1yr support for security fixes started a year ago.
Wait, string interning shouldn't make a difference anyway
$cache probably isnt' necessary anyway though.
It is. if it's not there the function logic would execute? no?
Actually i could hard code the regex. But that would mean the code would be unreadable. using cache gives me the best of both worlds. code can be fully understood. but if it's ever called in a loop or something i won't spend valuable time building regex over and over.
@crypticツ yup
@mAsT3RpEE What function logic? The concatenation?
ya. wouldnt the concatenation start all over again?
@ircmaxell hmmm it contradicts this post php.net/archive/2013.php#id2013-07-11-1 which would mean 1yr from that release which would be July. Wikipedia even uses that as the EOL time.
@mAsT3RpEE Use a heredoc.
@NikiC very much disagree here It is very uncommon to directly use an integer as a string.
@crypticツ I don't know the exact date, it's coming up
I suppose as long as it happens =oP
@ircmaxell Huh, why?
this thing is taking up all my time. every time i reach here i get unlucky
@NikiC that's one of the powers of PHP, that you can do it trivially...
It's common as in "The number is " . $n, but not common as in passing a number to a string function
$year = substring($age, -1);
@NikiC even Java lets you do that...
@ircmaxell As said, I'm totally okay with (and would prefer) an explicit string cast in such cases
eih, if you're going there, then revamp the entire type system, as it stops making sense
@ircmaxell I honestly don't get your point. I mean, I totally see that this is useful sometimes, but it's not something you do all the time.
It is in no way integral to PHP or it's type system
Please don't tell me you also want to keep 0 == "foobar" because it's important that "foobar" is the same as zero?
@NikiC some of the intricacies should be cleaned up, but as a concept, no I don't think it should be changed significantly
after all, if you're going to change it, you're literally creating a new language
@ircmaxell No, I'm changing one minor detail, in one place?
And in a newly introduced feature at that
@NikiC Well, you're changing that numbers can't be treated like strings directly anymore...
which is not a minor detail
@ircmaxell In that particular context, yes
I'd also remove the ability to treat null or false as an array. Does that create a new language as well?
@NikiC no, that's an edge case that's being cleaned up
but not letting you treat numbers like strings is not an edge case, but pretty much a core defining feature
discuss later, dinner
@ircmaxell did you lose some weight?
@BenjaminGruenbaum a little
@ircmaxell you can tell :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum @ircmaxell was definitely thinner than any pictures/videos circulating on the internet when we had drinks around New Years.
Time for gravatar updates :)
@rdlowrey I need a picture of me that I don't hate
I find the older I get the less I like any pictures of myself.
My corporate one isn't bad, but I'm using it for corporate uses (it's a crop of a pic from me at Sunshine 2013): plus.google.com/+AnthonyFerraraAtGoogle
that upsetting moment when an Oasis album from after the year 2000 pops up in your random playlist

@mAsT3RpEE Grats ;)
Now do 8192
@NikiC 4 that i'll make a bot. what's the point of being a programmer.
what's the best ai algo to use for that? im thinking swarm?
@mAsT3RpEE minimax, alpha beta
Hmmm, I may try making a genetic algorithm to try to figure out an optimal strategy
but i like swarm. that's my absolute favorite. not as strong as the rest but efficient and consistent.
Early afternoon on a Friday ... also known as Beer o'clock! Ah the joys of self-employment.
I have beer...
@rdlowrey Lucky dog. Got some new craft beers, just waiting for 5pm.
s/self-employment/working from home/
@rdlowrey does that mean you work in your pajamas?
@mAsT3RpEE I try not to. I've been working from home for more than six years now. I learned early on that if I didn't stick to a routine I would turn into a black hole of a person.
He works nude.
^^ My routine.
If the NSA hijacks my webcam they'll get a nice surprise ;)
@rdlowrey nice to know. how do i get out of my black hole? i also work @ home. sometimes i forget 2 shower. what's your secret.
I miss working from home :(. My wife works from home so it was easy for both of us to keep a routine.
@mAsT3RpEE No secret ... although I've been known to forget about the shower for most of the day. The key is going to the gym for me. After that I'm at least forced to clean myself up :)
I'll try that.
@rdlowrey Yea, something like that. The context is that nginx can be setup to have a catch-all 'server' that drops requests to port 80 for a servername that doesn't match your real servers, but apparently can't be setup to drop HTTPS requests so easily. So was wondering if that's an oversight in nginx, or just something that shouldn't be happening anyway.
Well officially an HTTP/1.1 request made to a server that serves more than one virtual host that doesn't match a name is supposed to return a 400 Bad Request
If a server only serves one hostname then it's up to the server's discretion how to respond.
The problem (from the server standpoint) is with an HTTP/1.0 request ... do you serve the default host? That's really all you can do because HTTP/1.0 is silent on the issue.
And this is why you should never ever trust the Host: header.
Apache screws this up too and is capable of providing bad information in the SERVER_NAME field it passes to PHP.
cool - sounds like an oversight on nginxs side then, to allow one behavior for port 80, but not for 443.
Well ........
I wouldn't necessarily call it an "oversight." Most people want that kind of behavior.
The behaviour is probably not standard - it's to allow you to just drop connections people doing scans of IP addresses with no host name attached, rather than bothering to serve up even a default page.
Well, a cert could technically use an IP address in its Common Name field (though that would be stupid).
And the SAN extension also allows for the specification of IP addresses separate from DNS names.
So it isn't technically invalid to have a cert associated with an IP.
But in practice no one should really do this.
Currently nginx requires you to setup a fake cert to read when it starts up for the catch-all 'server', before it then doesn't use that certificate and just closes all requests.
A fake cert? Interesting. Sounds kind of hack-y
Hello all
I will be updating my server's TLS implementation soon to deal with things like this in light of the 5.6 improvements (which is why all these things are fresh in my mind).
I promise I don't sit around all day thinking about the nuances of server-side TLS.
Can anyone help me? I programmed a web application in C#/XAML only to find that it was the wrong choice. I am learning PHP/CSS/HTML/Javascript. I am trying to switch my XAML design to HTML and am getting a severe headache. Can anyone help?
If you do listen 443 default_server; in the catchall domain block, it assumes that ssl is on, and so expects you to set where the certificate exists, and then errors if you either don't or it's not a valid cert. If you don't listen to port 443, all https requests to IP address of your server, get passed to the first real domain that uses https.
/off to raise an nginx issue.
Yeah that seems unintuitive to me. I would rather startup failed so I could fix whatever I was configuring incorrectly ...
I have the HTML and the XAML. It needs some tweaks that I can't figure out. Anyone have any experience with these?
@antman1p Not to troll. But have you considered dumping your whole application and starting again from scratch. php is kind of unique. If you started your app from scratch it would take no more than a few weeks. Converting might take you longer. I don't have an experience. sorry.
I did dump it. All I did was start the design in html. I am trying to get it to look like the XAML... I am close, but I need a little help.
@mAsT3RpEE after I get the design down, I will move to the Javascript, and finally to the PHP.
@ircmaxell Just finished watching ^^
Pretty good presentation.
1. Start by jotting down everything your app needs. make all ur UML diagrams / etc.
I wouldn't ask questions like, "Anyone disagree?" though ^^
2. Make bare bones classes with functions that do nothing.
3. From there it should be easy to start implementing parts of your application in php. forget about css / javascript. make sure you test every piece of code as you move on. use something like phpunit.
4. Eventually you should have all your components working. then focus on building up your html.
5. Finish of with javascript / ajax.
6. If you invested in some sort of a template based architecture then the last part should already be done.
have you read PoEE?
also the mythical man month?
another good read is agners optimization manuals.
@mAsT3RpEE Yeah ... no
what's your formulae NikiC :P
if the code is in github can you assume it is open source? (GPL/BSD/MIT/etc..)
@reikyoushin it is open source, but it doesn't mean you can use it
also, must be from the author, you can't be sure if it was ripped of somewhere without rights
I already have the html written for the design. Again, it is close to the XAML I created. I just need some help matching it up in a few areas. I don't know when I'm supposed to use columns, tables, forms, etc...
@antman1p the specifications usually tell you what each element is supposed to be used for
its "semantic" meaning
@mAsT3RpEE Definitely not anything that starts with UML
@reikyoushin Did you just put open source and GPL in one sentence?
@NikiC You don't draw visual diagrams of all your classes beforehand?
<-- never once created a UML diagram of a class.
@mAsT3RpEE No, I would never do that
@mAsT3RpEE I did so for some time, but then I realized that it slows me down
I prefer napkins and informal design
I might look at generated UML classes of the written code (I don't actually do that, but it sounds like it could be reasonable), but drawing UML diagrams before coding is a waste of time
Major waste of time, actually
@antman1p what you are saying. I have the design. now i just need to figure out the php stuff? right? What I'm saying is you should try to do it the other way around. Do the php stuff 1st then do the design second. If you continue down this path:
1. you might endup with a design that is really hard to implement.
2. you might end up with an impossible design to implement.
@mAsT3RpEE what you didn't realize is that he's not even interested in that stuff, and that's fine :D
No, I don't need to figure out the PHP stuff. I need to finish the design in HTML.
It is almost there, I am just stuck getting it exactly right.
The PHP stuff should be easy.
JavaScript I might need help with, but I need to finish the design first.
My favorite approach to programming is to start off with one PHP file with just code in there and from there factor out functions and classes along the way.
@NikiC nah, drawing UML diagrams helps talking and reasoning about the code, not so much when you do it for yourself alone but when working in a team. though sequence diagrams are the most useful to me.
If I start with a "proper" design right away I usually loose myself in an incredible degree of overengineering ^^
I already know what my functions are going to be. I wrote it all in C#, so I have a psuedocode in a way.
I just need someone to look at my design from the XAML, look at my HTML, and tell me what I am doing wrong.
In other words you are not starting again. but are attempting to convert your code from c# architecture to php.

Don't think anyone will help with that. You have to state exactly what you are doing. and what you would like. Someone would respond then. Do you have samples of your code.
@NikiC Same :)
No, I don't need help converting C# to php. LOL
@Gordon Really? I can imagine drawing a sequence diagram if I wanted to visualize some non-trivial protocol (like a TLS handshake), but that's about it...
I need help in getting my html design to look like my XAML design.
I have both in hand. One does not look like the other and I need them to. LOL
What's XAML?
It sounds awfully close to XML, so I assume it's something very, very evil.
link please. or paste code in pastebin.org
poor w3c foundation. will their sins ever be forgiven?
@NikiC let it go.
ok. 1 sec
@LeviMorrison thanks!
@ircmaxell how much did they pay you?
@ircmaxell Did your employer pay fees?
@LeviMorrison I like to, since few likely do
@ircmaxell What do you do if they disagree? "Thanks for your honesty" and move on?
@LeviMorrison discuss it
@LeviMorrison you aren't necessarily always right :)
so yeah, you discuss
@LeviMorrison no, the conference paid hotel, and I had airfare paid for by another trip ;-)
hey does pdo's $db->beginTransaction() actually starts a transaction or turn the autocommit off?
@mAsT3RpEE Here is my HTML/CSS pastebin.com/LrFED5ui
1sec and I'll post the XAML... WHat I want this to look lke.
@mAsT3RpEE Here is the XAML pastebin.com/rV5ceuJb This is what I want oit to look like.
gonna take a second. i dont have any xaml viewer. apparently chrome doesn't show. can you point out exactly where its wrong to save me time.
You can view it in Visual Studio
What my issue is how to get things to stay alligned on the page correctly.
If you see the XAML outcome, as compared to the HTML, you;ll see the problem
i figured. let me see. but this is more of a css issue than a php one imo.
I know. I only asked in this room bc I assume people who are using PHP are making webapps. The HTML room is like 4chan.
Lord of the Flies over there.
woah, did I just see a VB6 app written as XML? :O
no luck. my version of vs does not have XAMLPad (msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/ms742398(v=vs.90).aspx). I'm using vs8
this is my advice. for field names. email, name, no, etc. make them labels. give them a style of fixed width and have then fload left. give them inline-block format.
Where is the perfect way to do custom functions(ex, assign_a_date_permit()) in laravel/or any MVC? model, or controller, or in separate folder?
@mAsT3RpEE ok. Did I do ok other than that?
that should align all of those items:

form label.sp4 {
display: block;
float: left;
width: 400px;
height: 21px;
line-height: 20px;
overflow: hidden;
something like that.
no checkboxes on the right also need alignment.
Where do I put that?
do the same. make labels for texts near checkboxes and have the checkbox appear inside the labels. also give them a fixed width.
OK, I will have to try all of this when I get home. I have to leave work now. Please continue with anything else that you see and I will look when I get home. I really appreciate it!
<label class="sp4"><input type="checkbox"> Text here</label>
that's all i can see. sorry i cant help cause i dont know what the xaml is supposed to look like.
Hello. :)
guys....i am planning to purchase a vps. If I dont opt for WHM/CPanel would I be able to install them on my own?
Most VPS people hand you something much better than CPanel anyway o.0
@LeviMorrison i don't understand....could you elaborate?
@Saptarsi You get SSH access to the server
Direct control as if it were your own terminal (if you're familiar with linux)
You can upload files better than you would with ftp, install software better than that of a shared host, access mysql directly via the command line, and install whatever software you may like.
@SecondRikudo u mean to say I can install CPanel as well?
Yes, but there's no need for you to do so.
What do you need CPanel for?
@SecondRikudo phpmyadmin to be precise and I am not that much familiar with the terminal that much.....
@Saptarsi Yes, You can install PHPMyAdmin on a VPS
I did.
Although, learning how to use the terminal and the actual commands for SQL/MySQL can give you a deep understanding of how the database operates.
windows users will find it difficult.. so throw it away and install only linux..
@SecondRikudo thanx a lot....it would be much appreciated if you could provide me with a link to a tutorial on how to install phpmyadmin on a ubuntu 12.04 vps....and yes I will learn soon...I just shifted from windows to linux for the purpose of learning only...
@Saptarsi In that case, you should start with a local PC, rather than a VPS
I started learning linux by installing Ubuntu on my own PC
I have both Windows and Ubuntu as dual boot

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