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@JoeWatkins Thanks that would be tits!
OK @PeeHaa we're looking good for the general principle, can I possibly borrow your fpm conf and php.ini files?
I'll give them back, promise
yes you can. I made pictures of it so don't think about breaking shit, giving it back and telling me it already was like that
Well if you're going to be like that, maybe I don't want it. I'll just go fuck someone else's server up via the back door instead
You may want to setup a more sane mem limit and stuff for your php-fpm pool though :)
Anyone have an opinion on The Art of Software Testing (shop.oreilly.com/product/9781118031964.do?code=WKTEST)? It's half off on O'reilly this week.
@seagoj oh, really?
Yeah, that link has the code discount code attached.
@PeeHaa thanks, yeh I only want it as a layout so that I remember the settings that it's important to set rather than the actual values
@seagoj it was a pun
Having some issues with vfsStream. If anyone can help out I'd appreciate it. stackoverflow.com/questions/22365519/…
Q: PHPUnit - testing function which uses realpath()

user178047I have a function that checks if user supplied filename is under the /opt/ directory. It uses realpath so users can't pass in something like '../etc/passwd' for security reasons. function check_file_path($relative_filename) { $abspath = realpath('/opt/' . $relative_filename); return ($ab...

But basically it looks like vfsStream and realpath don't play well with each other
That sounds like an extraordinarally bad approach!
Well shit, maybe just setting up a ram disk for unit testing would be preferable.
I don't like realpath cause you require permissions on all folders along path. This normally results in ugly warnings / notices. But that was back in php 5.2. Is it still the same?
Warnings can be dealt with in production by just logging them instead of letting them get echoed out.
@GordonM Yes, I agree the answer provided to that question doesn't seem any better than your two ideas. (which I also agree are not good)
Just wondering, can I refer to a table name in a query as database_name.table_name.column_name?
it can get crazy. if there is a virtual folder /home/user/www/ which you have permissions on but which points to /www/user/ which you don't. using realpath can actually cause you to lose permissions on a folder you originally had access to. bear that in mind when using realpath.
Someone find a PHP dev and poke them with a stick until they implement stream wrappers in realdir, touch, etc!
Or maybe the admin was just stupid i dont know.
@GordonM Here's some more info about known issues in vfsStream github.com/mikey179/vfsStream/wiki/Known-Issues
With that much filesystem support missing or broken it makes vfsstream not look like it's really much use after all.
@GordonM Yea, perhaps. I've done a few things with it but not enough to run into most of these things
Seems like it is more a problem with PHP and unlikely to find much more support though =\
does anyone have a link to url specification bookmarked? I need a regex for path.
rfc 2616
sorry 3986
damn, a chat room! I haven't seen one of these since 1996!
@gillytech Isn't it still the 90's?
@PeeHaa No i think chat rooms were 80's. 90's had had guestbooks.
It is if your company still uses PROGRESS
hey I have a question for the group. I asked this question for kicks but I am being shunted... any tips for me? I'm sure people have experienced this... programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/232198/…
Am I a bad person when I have never heard of progress before?
I occasionally do that, but that reeeeally doesn't happen alot
Progress is one of these old business languages that started up in the 80's and beyond
"business language" I take it is a horrible as it sounds? :)
Aha, well I'll just take my misplaced semicolons somewhere else then! I don't know, never used it or seen the code before. I'll bet it's pretty solid but used for older systems (like the CA DMV) green CRT monitors, oh the horror
Farewell friend
@gillytech Is that because you haven't turned your computer on since 1996?
yeah I figured handwritten code doesn't compile anywhere near as fast
btw @PeeHaa is there a good reason you put those settings in fpm conf and not php.ini?
like memory_limit and such
@DaveRandom IIRC it was the easiest solutions to let my codepad load different ini values
Why wouldn't you have a different pool for the codepad?
I have
I´m not entirely sure what it was, but for some reason something didn´t work TM
Ahh. Gremlins.
yep :)
Isn't it the issue that you just cannot load different .ini's for different pools or something like that?
@PeeHaa That is correct - it's only one .ini file per fpm not per pool - which sucks.
Aha good job memory
Fun fact I knew it was you I had the dscussion with and you jumped right in when I was about to ping you :)
My spider sense was tingling - actually discussed it with someone an hour ago as well.
I may have another go at adding support for it in the next couple of weeks. Though I don't understand php module start up at all.
Dat title:
Q: I don't know what's wrong

user3413113import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import java.text.NumberFormat; public class InvestmentValue { public static void main(String[]args) { String interestRate = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "Enter the interest rate as a number" ); String initialValue = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, "...

why is mozilla not showing the name of users on hovering over image?
and cursor does not stay as pointer...
@Danack Also don't look at me for that I'm useless :)
@PeeHaa Yeh that is true, but I don't see why your www.conf would be polluted by that, for me the codepad.conf would probably have a complete set of definitions for that env and keep the www pool clean using the system ini file
@user3184462 I had that issue once, but then I installed this patch
@user3184462 it does?
@user3184462 also does work
@DaveRandom I don't know why, but it is there alright. Now staph harassing me :D
Sorry, I'll get back to my nginx config and leave you be :-P
BTW does it work yet?
@PeeHaa : that's a good way of running away..
Yeah I do that
good for you... :)
fpm is working (or at least, starting) fine, just configuring nginx to find out whether it actually does what I'm expecting it to
Spent ages pissing about with the setup so I can just check out a tag from upstream and build it and it's automagically deployed
I expect you are running centos right?
for any interested parties: RFC URL
Yeh, basic minimal CentOS6 image
@mAsT3RpEE Was that supposed to be a link?
deleted it. 2 big for chat. uploading 2 pastebin
I'm weak, people. night all

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