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It should be .. probably some BC thing.
I dunno what that is ... IS_CONST != IS_CONST doesn't appear to make sense ...
Argh, this is infuriating ... zend_do_begin_lambda_function_declaration() followed by zend_do_begin_dynamic_function_call() just doesn't seem to work in the right way.
@Fabien php -S localhost:8000
it runs but osx has a default one I think
rebooting one sec
@Fabien osx has a lot of default things, but rarely are they up to date
$a->crop(["width"=>100, "height"=>100])
@Patrick @Fabien ??
Which style would you chose ?
Second. Pass a single array seems easier.
@Fabien :)
+1 for third
@Patrick You'r coming up with third?
@Simon_eQ why is the same class handling upload and cropping?
@Patrick convenience & newbie friendliness.
You could create an object where you set width, height, watermark etc and then pass that to something that handles uploading
@Fabien That's (almost) fine. It just means the previous instance of nginx was shutdown without removing it's PID file.
@Patrick You mean send to something that handles uploading?
Hi there, is there any possibility to send a message direct to one Person who comments your post?
@Jack I am not sure, but I think an entity representing the image would make sense for a start
@Danack is also invited to cast his wisdom.
Then an UploadHandler or something along those lines, not sure of the context here
My thread was closed and now I dont know how to reopen it although I edited it.
@Patrick Yeah, but your comment went like create object where you set width, height, watermark ... but that includes crop already :)
@Simon_eQ You've got a class that is altering an image, and uploading some data. That seems to be weird straight away.
@Danack Why is it weird? It's not like all are in the same method.
@Jack Got you. fixed. But I am still not sure. I feel that the cropping and representation of the image should be separated
In object-oriented programming, the single responsibility principle states that every class should have a single responsibility, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class. All its services should be narrowly aligned with that responsibility. The term was introduced by Robert C. Martin in an article by the same name as part of his Principles of Object Oriented Design, made popular by his book Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices. Martin described it as being based on the principle of cohesion, as described by Tom DeMarco in his book...
aka what's the class name? ImageAltererUploader?
@JoeWatkins what's the configure line you want to use for 5.3?
@Danack you don't want to know.
@Patrick hmm, watermarking and cropping are both image "transformations" in a way ...
I downloaded source tarballand managed to build
apparently you need really old bison, no package available
strangely though I don't have the error
how old would you say?
Plus, I know about single responsibility, I'm not much in favor of creating 10+ single abstract, interface classes just for a simple file alter and upload.
Oh right OK cool
Pre 2.3?
@Jack true. But the entity should not know about its persistence right?
For sure @Patrick
if you got a minute maybe you can make it happen ??
@Jack so if you have an image entity, shouldn't something else handle the persistence (which cropping is in a weird way)?
@Patrick Oh I'm assuming that it's a canvas that you pass around
Like a GD or imagick handle.
ah I see
So when you upload it will serialize, maybe?
I lost the screen with version on now, it started at 1.3 ... urf ...
No way! ... hmm lets see
So you would have your image canvas thingie with setWidth etc and then something that uploads/writes to a file
yeah and not a list you can remember, silly versions like 1.58 and 1.63 ...
@Simon_eQ that would make 2 classes...
@Simon_eQ and if you don't have something written for the upload already, chances are you will need it again so decoupling it makes sense
I thought I saw much BDMS with DBMS. I thought.. but ORDER BY NULL bite me..
@JoeWatkins ooh ooh, it looks like i can compile it.
yeah I got php buiding with a release tarball no problem ...
no, from php-src
fancy doing a zts build and trying to build pthreads ??
ehh sure ...
oh I gave up with that, don't want to fuck with flex/bison etc, I'm using them for work atm
I forgot to do PHP_AUTOCONF=/usr/local/opt/autoconf213 ./buildconf
why is anyone still using 5.3 ... it's pretty unreasonable ... I keep deleting all the code to support it but then putting it back in ...
doh !
Yeah =S
okay, the base php compiles now.
@JoeWatkins I just clone your pthreads?
yeah you need configure with --enable-maintainer-zts too ... thnx ;)
the guy has SIGUSR1 undefined message, but I include signal.h ... so I dunno ... I can't make it happen here ...
which is the default for me heh
yeah it's a good practice to use as default ..
@JoeWatkins Just --enable-pthreads ?
is default, just configure with-php-config (if not default) will do ...
We have liftoff :D
--enable-pthreads is implicit, so that configure option is optional ...
@Patrick How would you integrate the cropping class into the uploader? By extending the crop class? using it as a trait or passing one object it as a dependency ?
@JoeWatkins bunch of warnings but no errors
strange ...
php_readline.h:26:2: warning: Readline module will *NEVER* be thread-safe
lol ^^
why php is falling down in tiobe index! tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/PHP.html
Yeah, SIGUSR1 is pretty standard, maybe his build environment is just b0rked
yeah ... there's support for libedit ... which is the least finished library in the world afaik ...
I do get some failed test cases btw
And one test seems to hang
@Simon_eQ @Jack paste.jesse-obrien.ca/uE what do you think? image is kinda a bad name for the class though
@Patrick If it's a crop operation I'd rather have all the crop parameters in one go.
> TEST 32/45 [ext/pthreads/tests/shift-pop.phpt]
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 132906963 bytes)
@JoeWatkins ^^
@Jack I was thinking that it crops when you request the output, but that might not make sense I guess, especially if you do that multiple times
I suppose that's a viable approach.
@Patrick You are still using one class for cropping and watermarking, plus I don't know what $connection is or if how/when image validation is being done.
@Simon_eQ you can use one for image manipulation, but don't also add upload stuff in there
the failures I'm getting are because of gc differences I think, didn't get the shift-pop one though, you are running debug ?
@Simon_eQ $connection was just an example as your uploader will need to know where to upload and how to authenticate there
@JoeWatkins gdb you mean?
@Simon_eQ I would handle validation in your controller and throw an exception in the Image class if you pass an invalid image (which should not happen if you validate beforehand)
@Jack --enable-debug I mean
oh .. i think so. yes :)
dunno then ... 5.3 is not great ... I want to remove support for it ...
Do it, do it!
You won't sleep tonight
Asking why pthreads doesn't work in 5.3 is a bit like asking why electric trains won't run on your Victorian railway network
@Patrick I think the way you would implement it, if the lib had many tasks like resize, watermark, crop, delete images and check image type, size, dir.. then it would end up with at-least 10 files.
I like this simple approach paste.jesse-obrien.ca/uG
yeah I think move with the times, there's no way I can keep maintaining it if I support all versions forever, support should move with supported versions of php I guess ...
@Simon_eQ again, the uploader should not also be cropping the images. It's a violation of the SRP.
I think the Single responsibility principle is best used if the application has a potential for Open/closed principle
@AlmaDo nice game !
@JoeWatkins The guy even said he could get an older version to build, he can either use that or upgrade PHP
@DaveRandom it does actually work there, I started developing it there, but 5.4 solves problems that are otherwise insoluble, it will suffer same kind of problems as all other 5.3 php code (gc/consumption) only exaggerated and there's nothing I can do about it ...
I'm not trying to redefine any theory, just saying something that makes sense from my point of view
@Simon_eQ and by that you mean always? what if I want to use your cropper but not your uploader? or vice versa?
@HamZa doh... spent 10 minutes. And realizing that I shouldn't do that :p
@Simon_eQ I should also be able to extend one of your classes if I need different/additional functionality
Released: 11 Jul 2013
5.3 seems really old in my head ... that's only 9 months ago...
anyways, gotta hit the gym... laters
@Patrick You can. The class may let the methods act as if they were independent from the upload method.
Ok, think about it :)
What do you know, chat window still doesn't work as a terminal. They really should fix that.
@DaveRandom lol
Service daverandom stop
@DaveRandom btw: damn you for recommending me to use CentOs. Now, I can't vagrant up :)
@Simon_eQ Why not??
@DaveRandom Tried several times last night, apparently it seems like something made by a Ubuntu groupie.
I installed it, but can't access it from virtual box
@ircmaxell Another user notes gem:
$match = true;
for ($i = 0; $i < $lena; $i++) {
    $match = $match && ((ord($a[$i]) ^ ord($b[$i])) === 0);
return $match;
with CentOs 6.4
? Someone trying to build a constant-time comparison function?
@ircmaxell I know, a "constant-time" comparison function that's way less constant time than just using === ...
also: var_dump(hash_pbkdf2("sha256", "PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256-fail-affects-scrypt-no-security-issue-bGoDFpr8", "nacl", 1, 40) === hash_pbkdf2("sha256", ";B3nR6wQ2-_LSg\"mH #yszm`[#z8B&L", "nacl", 1, 40));`
function hash_compare($a, $b) {
    if (!is_string($a) || !is_string($b)) {
        return false;

    $len = strlen($a);
    if ($len !== strlen($b)) {
        return false;

    $status = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
        $status |= ord($a[$i]) ^ ord($b[$i]);
    return $status === 0;
that one look right?
yeah, looks good
@ircmaxell on the hash_hmac page. now edited to be more reasonable...
don't get me wrong, much more reasonable, just eih...
why eih?
I dunno
@HamZa woo, I've got 256. And still in game :(
@ircmaxell Just found a bug in hash_pbkdf2 ...
you didn't initialize the $length argument :D
@mAsT3RpEE yes it is pretty fun
morning all
So if it's not passed, you get a random-length PBKDF2 output :D
@LeviMorrison Dunno if your question was already answered, but yes, method call dispatch is cached, if the method name is constant
It uses a polymorphic cache where the class entry is stored together with the zend_function which the method name resolves to with that class
So it will check the class entry of the object against the CE in the polymorphic cache and if it matches use the cached zf
Otherwise do a standard get_method resolution
@Jack are you sure you used the right variable… ~2?! isn't it ~1?
@Jack I'm wondering… Ah well… going to try myself
anyone knows a way to collect test evidence with behat and selenium (I mean run a print screen, etc..)
i m creating a session variable during signup and how to auto populate a form if the variable is set
i need to make a request
what is the best way
@rogcg The word you needed to google is 'screenshot' - gist.github.com/michalochman/3175175
Only works with selenium for pretty obvious reasons.
A: find a specific word in string php

Amal MuraliUse preg_match_all() with word boundaries (\b): $search = preg_quote($token, '/'); preg_match_all("/\b$search\b/", $row, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); Here, the preg_quote() statement is used to correctly escape the user input so as to use it in our regular expression. Some characters have special...

Is there something seriously wrong with this answer?
You got into a voting war with someone
Not really.
I usually explain the reason when I downvote. :P
In this case, he posted an exact duplicate answer 4 minutes after mine was potsted. So I made the "-1: This answer is same as mine comment" ;)
@bwoebi Think so, you can see the yacc changes here.
Oh, and thanks btw :D
@AmalMurali You shouldn't downvote like that. It takes people longer than 4 minutes to write an answer - you should only (imho) downvote if it's wrong.
@Danack: Well, it was an exact copy. Same variable names, same spacing, same output. It looked like it was copied verbatim. That's why I downvoted ;)
for me - the post should be really weird, really stupid or offensive to get my -1
It was then edited within the 5 minutes grace period to look like this.
@AmalMurali No it's not identical, from the original versions:
preg_match_all("/\b$search\b/", $row, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);

$pattern= "/\bsome\b/i";
preg_match_all($pattern, $row, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
@AlmaDo: Almost same rules, except I also downvote copy-paste answers and incorrect answers (with an optional exaplanation as to why)
Yeah they're going to be similar due to the nature of the question, and the single possible answer, but they're definitely different variables.
@Danack: As I said, it was edited within the 5 minutes grace period, so it's not shown in the revision history.
A: Is there an editing 'grace period' on answers after they have been posted?

Brad GilbertThis has always been a feature. If you edit your post within 5 minutes it doesn't count as an edit. Jeff and Joel have discussed this in an early one of their weekly podcasts. Jeff wanted this because he would go and edit his own stuff. It was podcast number 20. You can also read the transcript...

@NikiC no, it should be the native length of the underlying hash function
@ircmaxell hm?
@Jack what's the syntax? var_dump([foreach ($x as $y) yield $expr]); << like that?
hash_pbkdf2("md5"... should be 32 characters long
off to the office, discuss later
@bwoebi Yeah :)
@Jack getting parse error unexpected ']' with that?
@bwoebi Oh yeah, sorry ... it should be $x = [foreach ($x as $y) yield $expr] heh
I hadn't put the other grammar in yet.
@Danack thanks for that!
@Jack same problem?
you're sure your github branch is the same as you have locally?
Let me check ...
Nope, no diff ...
$list = [1, 2, 3];
$doubles = [foreach ($list as $number) yield $number * 2];
That doesn't give a parse error ... it gives an error, but not related to parsing.
yes that works (getting the fatal error)
great .. sort of :)
@ircmaxell yeah, that's the part that wasn't working. see git.php.net/…
@ircmaxell Likely you assumed that a = 0 at the end initializes all variables in the row - but it only initializes the last one :/
Awww... my colleagues just got certificates in the mail here at the office... Looks like I however provided my home address during registration, so they're not here. Heh.
Also, good morning (UGT) folks.
@Jack you most likely need to change that. Cause: there's not expected that any closure is called by name there. So there's no handler for that there.
Because it's TMP_VAR?
From what I gathered, a closure is normally called using a CV
yes sir
How to unstar messages as room owner ?
I seeeeee
that's why we cannot do functionReturnsClosure()();
It's just not implemented that this is possible.
That would explain it heh
Alright, I'll see what I can do (cracks fingers)
just ping me when you encounter problems :-)
sure, thanks again!
This fortnight's PHP newsletter wades into a contentious debate: Do you use the 'author tag' in your documentation? http://buff.ly/1quG8Cn
^ mentions @ircmaxell and @Ocramius
If you put author tag in your documentation, people will find you =S
@bwoebi hmm, if OP2_TYPE == IS_CONST is checked here, then why is it checked again here? Obviously it won't be equal to IS_CONST in the latter branch ;p
@Gordon saw, I still think it's useful, mainly because I use it (not write it) myself :D
@Ocramius im removing them from the code whenever i see them
they are misleading
git blame will tell you the author of a line
@HamZa Just unstar
@HamZa Press the arrow facing downwards after the name
>> cancel stars
@Gordon I know, the article sums up also my points btw :)
When I have a mock and use expects to overwrite a method response, the original method still gets executed? (phpunit)
@NikiC Ahhh, sigh
why wasn't that caught in the tests? I thought I added a test for default key size
Q: How does PHP's foreach handle references?

swahneeWhile playing with xdebug's reference counting feature, i came across this strange behaviour: $a = array('foo', 'bar'); xdebug_debug_zval('a'); foreach ($a as $key => $s) { xdebug_debug_zval('a'); echo "$s\n"; unset($a[$key]); xdebug_debug_zval('a'); } The output is: a: (refc...

@Gordon :-)
@Simon_eQ thanks
Could someone enlighten me as to which part of this answer would warrant this whiny comment?
"Simply looking at the relevant 5.3 branch source code." Sort of drives home the validity of the original question, and makes the dismissiveness of your reply (helpful as it is) seem unwarranted. I came across this question for a very similar reason: there is value in learning the documented default values for an older version if that happens to be what is running. — danielpunkass 50 mins ago
@AlmaDo I could get 1024 ...
@HamZa I stopped at 512 - not enough time (:
but - it's a timekiller, that's for sure (:
how dangerous can a set_time_limit(0) and a while(true) loop be.. ?
@nick like playing a game of russian roulette?
@nick Add ignore_user_abort() to that and you have the perfect recipe for blowing up your server.
@rdlowrey we still are not done with the "blow up your server" thing since yesterday? :)
Blowing up servers transcends all space and time ;)
yesterday people wanna wipe out the server, now we're gonna overload it?
room 11 sure seem like a lot of fun >:)
@DaveRandom Here's the valgrind output on the segfault I got when shutting down the xml script in case it helps you: pastebin.com/DzUettep
@rdlowrey Yeh looks like the same thing I was getting, not had time to look into it further yet. I guess something is getting free'd during the document destructor
yeah looks like it.
@DaveRandom You probably know this (and I haven't looked at any of the code) but the error trace and this xmlCleanupParser() documentation makes me think the DOM extension is freeing something it shouldn't be freeing. So when libxml shuts down you get the double-free from xmlCleanupParser() ...
@rdlowrey Yeh that was my thinking, I'm wondering if I can work around it using the GC variant of the mem allocation functions in libxml but I need to go read the sauce because the libxml docs aren't totally clear on what the difference is
the ________ docs aren't totally clear ... a lot of that going around with C libs these days.
If it's going to require changing shit in DOM then I'm going to sack the idea off because the change will probably break the other 1001 extensions that depend on libxml as well
hey guys....here is a chrome add-on that scans site headers and returns info like server types, frameworks used, etc. Is there anyway I can stop it and other programs like it from analyzing my website?
@Saptarsi Tools like that can only scan the information you provide. How do you stop it? Don't provide identifying information in your HTTP responses.
@rdlowrey : how do you do that?
I know what that bug is in dom
it does not maintain refcounts
@nick Look at the headers in the responses your server sends. Configure your application and web server so that they don't send headers the headers you don't wan them to send.
Unfortunately if you're using some garbage software like wordpress there will be lots of other ways to identify the application.
if you can apply that patch and avoid the error, then kick up a fuss and merge it ... I tried, a few times ... nobody listens ...
@rdlowrey : i dont like cms..
@rdlowrey the program shows 'php' if I use php to build my website.....now how do I prevent it from showing 'php'??
@rdlowrey did it fix it ?
@Saptarsi use a firewall and block the non-legit bots.. but that will be tedious to maintain and a little mistake will kill your SEO rankings..
@JoeWatkins sorry was away from the desk. Will try.
Good morning! So I am scraping some data off some text files that I pull from another site. I use a couple includes to grab the files, and then explode the data to capture it...only problem is, sometimes one of the files doesn't come through and my list is missing data. Because there is so much data, its difficult to tell when there was an error in the include. Is there a method I can use to alert me when this happens?
@radleybobins check the data before you explode? or some other basic error handling? or do you mean something different?
@JoeWatkins Nope, still segfaults on shutdown.
shitty ...
@patrick yeah, i guess i've never handled errors on include before, and I'm not sure how to approach it, is there a specific method I would use? Do I just check for metadata and if theres none return my own error?
there's probably other places that need to inc refcount, I only looked for a few minutes at that particular bug ...
but it didn't take long to see there was an omission, if you go at it with that in mind you might get somewhere ... the double free is because it wasn't meant to happen, dtor keeps being called and should be decrementing refcount ...
but it wasn't incremented, so free keeps being called because the logic in dtor is lazy and refcount == 0 doesnt always make sense ...
Can someone please explain to me what the point is of having an ArrayObject class?
@radleybobins wait... you are including files from other servers?
PHP used to display pages and PYTHON/RUBY for functions - is this situation possible?
@rdlowrey nope
@Saptarsi why mix languages?
@Patrick maybe because of something that can be done better in ruby/python... and pull the content in php
name it ...
actually, don't bother ... it's a daft idea ... I can't think of a real world situation that this would happen, use one or the other, if python is better and doing something by such a wide margin you are considering mixing the two in a single request (putting considerable pressure on the hardware serving your request), then I'm quite sure PHP is just a burden and you should use the other language ...
I used to have a php webapp with python background workers, but the background stuff was running on another server and only talking to the app through an api. But nowadays I would write everything in php
having part of a system in another language is a perfectly sensible thing to do, calling upon two server side languages like python/ruby/perl/php to serve a single request doesn't seem reasonable ...
@Saptarsi Are you talking about using PHP as a templating language? I know perl supports PHP as a templating language
@Jack ya, then you can remove that check there ^^
@SuhosinPony suppose I want to implement websockets on my website, it is currently build on a pure PHP backend with a MySQL database....now I have heard that PHP and websockets dont go along that well....the few libraries that are available like Ratchet, Wrench, etc lack on a detailed documentation and tutorials.....whereas Ruby/Python is far more socket friendly with lots of tutorials and starting points....that is why I am thinking about mixing languages...
@Saptarsi PHP and websockets work fine.
@Saptarsi You could outsource websockets to node.js (socket.io) if you feel you need to.
@Saptarsi Using the PHP language for websockets is perfectly plausible. The PHP web SAPI and websockets should never be used together. I agree that the existing implementations are basically useless in any general real world sense, though.
@rdlowrey I haven't found one single tutorial where it says how to use websockets with php along with a DATABASE.....am new to this websocket technology.....feeling damn frustrated....
@SecondRikudo Guy Sensei is about to go HAM
Database shouldn't matter, it's the SAPI that's the problem.
@Saptarsi The issue you're encountering is this: any real websocket implementation will use non-blocking IO. This is a completely different paradigm from what you're used to where you can just dispatch a database operation and wait for it to complete.
So you have to use a non-blocking database library inside your non-blocking websocket application.
@rdlowrey u mean something like MongoDB?
webscale all the things!
Any database. There's nothing inherently non-blocking about MongoDB.
@Saptarsi node.js has significantly better support for the non-blocking ecosystem at this time. If you want to do serious websockets it's your best option right now. But you'll have to learn about and understand non-blocking IO either way.
@rdlowrey now asking a stupid question.....what's the true definition of the term non-blocking???
I'm just going to refer you to google on that point. I don't really have time to go in-depth right now :)
ext/mysqli can do async queries :-)
Except ext/mysqli is not at all useful in a non-blocking application.
A: Echoing a query doesn't work (returns "Resource id #18")

Your Common SenseIt makes me always wonder - who are all those people? The OP, who can't even copy/paste the simplest code example from any tutorial, and who thinks that almost every literal in SQL query have to be quoted The zealous participants, who scarcely understands basic syntax but eager to share their...

ext/mysqli can't connect asynchronously for one.
And you have no access to the underlying socket connection used in the DB connections with mysqli.
It's only useful for performing multiple queries at the same time inside a blocking synchronous application.
Same for ext/pgsql. Although I am working to fix the pgsql in the next few days so it can be used for non-blocking things in 5.6
@AmalMurali lol, commented.
I may or may not have time to expose non-blocking capabilities with mysqli in time for 5.6 ... and even if I do you'll still have to work around the synchronous connection attempt via pthreads or something to use it in a non-blocking application.
@rdlowrey :) ok.....so u r saying that if I make a website with a chat facility I should build the website with PHP and the chat part with node.js + socket.io??
@DanLugg: Haha.
@rdlowrey nice
Please don't post non-answers as answers. If you've got complains about the way this site works, please discuss it on Meta. — Amal Murali 51 secs ago
@Saptarsi I can't speak for socket.io, but right now if you want to use websockets I would suggest node.
@rdlowrey thank you
@Saptarsi you want socket.io because it provides fallbacks for browsers not supporting websockets
I've submit "rdlowrey" as a verb to Urban Dictionary, as a term indicating asynchronicity.
> "I just rdlowrey'd the shit out of that application, it's now webscale bitches"
@Fabien Yup :P
@patrick yes, i'm so sorry about the delay, i got called out of the office for an emergency
@patrick but I am pulling the files from a different server
I have a question: Let's say I have a PHP application with some kind of public interface, a function or application class. Can I use this public interface in another PHP application without polluting the global namespace with everything the interface depends on? Something like private includes that don't bleed out of the current file. Any ideas?
@SecondRikudo Think he'll live?
@Fabien Of course not. I will be very disappointed if he will.
Eighth gate = Death. They made it very clear.
I hate working out what I need in an install, I want ./configure --with-all-the-things
I like how his eyebrows are on fire though :D
@Lucius That's why I always namespace my apps.
Whether I need them or not.
@DaveRandom windows has that but we don't ... not fair really ...
@SecondRikudo lol. Yes I am looking forward to next weeks
@JoeWatkins kitchen sink installs ftw
On an completely unrelated note, never give Percona your email address or they will hunt you down for ever more
sometimes handy tho --everything-shared --ignore-errors kind of behaviour, --enable-snapshot-build or something iirc ...
@SecondRikudo Thank you, that's definitely the correct choice. Though I usually don't like using PHP namespaces.
It just loops if you click OK.
Thanks guys, it was hilarious %)
@webarto That's why Chrome has a "stop this page from generating any more alerts"
When documenting parameter/property types, I typically use the type[] syntax for numerically indexed, ordered arrays. However, I'm curious if there's any variant I should use for [string => value] look-ups.
Or if I should just document it as type[], regardless of the key expectations. Or if I should just document it as array.
@SecondRikudo Yes, it's easier for me to click Spam anyways. They called for it.
@rdlowrey hey......while using php and node.js together do I have to use a MVC framework for PHP so that it becomes easier to combine node.js?
@Saptarsi You don't "have" to do anything.
anyone can help me with a selenium/mink googlechrome issue?
@DanLugg no. The type of the keys is not relevant

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