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Objects essentially have a state. Many people prefer to expose stateless class APIs as statics, which was fine until PHP starting supporting namespaced functions.
Java, on the other hand, constantly battles with this problem. :)
@Achrome I'm on path re-creating this, and I wanted to know if the upload/crop/watermark/resize functionality should act as separate entities.
What do you think?
@Simon_eQ Looks like a job for the strategy pattern
@Achrome So, no SRP ?
SRP still applies.
SRP only dictates that one class should be responsible for encapsulating exactly one functionality.
SRP isn't a design pattern that competes against other design patterns. It acts as a way to keep your classes/methods/functions small and maintainable.
I agree, but the problem is how to form the relationship afterwards. They will be independent from each-other that to crop before uploading would be like, to crop and upload
It should be used regardless of design pattern and even if you aren't using a pattern at all
$crop = new crop($_FILES["img"], 0,0);
$watermark = new watermark($_FILES["img"], "watermark", "center");
$uploader new upload(....)
Look how vague the application gets.
How does one object get anything from the other?
Actually this is how I'd have my end result as
@Simon_eQ You could define a TransformationInterface, from which you derive WatermarkTransformation, CropTransformation, etc., as well as a TransformationAggregate which is composed of multiple other transformation objects (a queue). Then, you can "run" the transformation against an image.
is it better to use php framework like laravel, codeignitor with nodejs or can php itself without these frameworks will work the same way?
@nick WAT?
How would you "...use php framework...with nodejs"?
$processor = new ImageProcessor($srcImage);
$processor->process(new ImageCropper(//params));
@nick Don't use Laravel or Codeigniter. Both are horrible.
And since PHP frameworks are built on top of, ya know, PHP anything a framework can do PHP is capable of doing.
@cspray : i want to combine php and nodejs together.. nodejs for the websocket part. it's not possible? :O
@Achrome horrible in what sense?
@DanLugg @Achrome That is what I mean. Maybe for an industry-standard and big application it would make sense, otherwise it's overkill.
@nick Laravel is built on top of using statics everywhere. Codeigniter is just a confused architecture and badly written code.
@Achrome btw: there is something not quire right about that script. What does ImageProcessor and process do?
@Simon_eQ I would disagree there. Small projects are best to improve your grasp of programming
@Simon_eQ I disagree. For the library that you written it would be great. I could easily create new transformations by only implementing one single interface. With the current architecture I'd have to extend your base class or wrap it or otherwise do far much more work
If you expect your library to be used by other people that is the perfect place for adhering to SRP and designing with contracts
@Achrome : so what should i use? are any frameworks good? and first of all can i even combine the php with nodejs.? because i have a confusion here..
and i need to query mysql from nodejs as well...
and i heard nodejs syncs well with mongodb.. so here's another confusion..
@Simon_eQ ImageProcessor is a generic processor which can take a transformer as a dependency and applies the transformation to the image.
@nick I'm not sure what you mean by "combine". Going by the definition of the word; no, you can't combine PHP and nodejs.
PHP and JS are awful enough languages on their own...I can't imagine the monstrosity that would result from their combining into one. ;)
@cspray I'm fairly sure he's asking about the architecture
@nick Symfony, Silex, Slim, even Zend is pretty good, but a little difficult to get into.
I guess one of my issues here is, sacrificing simplicity for comportability
I don't wanna abuse 3v4l, but CodeViper doesn't output monospace (unless you <pre>) what's a good alternative?
It would take a hell lot of coding to perform simple a simple operation.
@Simon_eQ In the long term small, single purpose classes that you can compose will be simpler.
@Achrome : and what if i don't use mvc.. just my own things..
3 hours ago, by Saptarsi
@rdlowrey :) ok.....so u r saying that if I make a website with a chat facility I should build the website with PHP and the chat part with node.js + socket.io??
As for the architecture, you're looking at 2 servers. A nodejs server handling websockets, a PHP server routing and serving resources, and in those resources, a client side Javascript which syncs with the nodejs server
@DanLugg eval.in?
Awesome possum. Thanks @PeeHaa
@nick I use Silex quite a bit and don't necessarily follow "MVC" in every single app
@Saptarsi PHP sockets are basically shit as compared to node.js socket handling.
MVC is an overloaded buzzword at this point anyway. Separate your concerns and write good tests.
@nick MVC is just a fancy term thrown around more than it should.
Also, as our very own teresko used to say, there are no truly MVC frameworks in PHP.
MVP, yes. MVVM, a few. MVC, none.
/goes to @DanLugg's profile to revenge-upvote
lol, don't do that; I don't want it reversed ;-)
But the key is A) interfaces, B) aggregation/composition.
@DanLugg It doesn't. I'm an expert on this, trust me!
Why two interfaces btw?
What 2? ImageInterface and TransformationInterface?
imo imageInterface and TransformationInterface could be one. No ?
You can do without the ImageInterface tbh.
But it makes it easier to extend the functionality to, say, videos
@Achrome Not necessarily, it could represent a remote image stub; you could have DiskImage, MemoryImage, etc.
(which would negate the getFileName, but that was just a stub method for demonstration)
"ImageInterface" may not be the best name anyway, but whatev's
@Simon_eQ I would say no because I'm likely to create more transformations and wouldn't want to implement the ImageInterface every time
@Achrome ok i need a suggestion.. i have built a website with php and mysql.. now if i want to build a websocket based chat system as a part of the site. what should i use? (keeping the database as mysql...)
@nick There are so many options here
@Simon_eQ Just think about it this way: is ResizeTransformation an image? No, it's a transformation.
Should my FluffyCat.jpg be representable as a transformation? No, it's an image.
@nick How many users and how well do you know JS?
For a small scale thing, set up a node.js API. For large scale usage, look at something like AMQP/Jabber
@Simon_eQ If you notice, the WatermarkTransformation takes another ImageInterface as a dependency.
@DanLugg hmm, makes sense.
But I'm sure this violates at-least one thing I'm not sure of at the moment.
$transformation = new TransformationAggregate([
    new CropTransformation(200, 400),
    new WatermarkTransformation(new Image('MyWaterMark.png')),
    new ResizeTransformation(100, 200, true),
Passing objects, with dependancies as arrays?
Sure thing boss. How else do you expect to pass a collection to an object?
@Achrome : shoot some... @PeeHaa : 10k concurrent and dont bother about that.. i will look into the part i don't know..
@DanLugg Don't boss me:) How about a factory/adapter pattern.
@Simon_eQ What? How does that apply?
10k concurrent and you will look into the part you don't know.
Node.js, AMQP, ejabberd
You don't need to know erlang to work with Jabber
Or RabbitMQ/ZeroMQ
TransformationAggregate is merely a wrapper around an array of transformations. It implements the TransformationInterface in order to adhere to the expected contract and be passed around as any transformation could. When invoked (->transform()) it merely invokes every transformation it's composed of.
Huh where did that post come from?
@PeeHaa : ya because i dont even know how to say how well do i know.. even Dennis Ritchie said that he knows only 5% of C
Ah Damn mouse batteries are going dead :(
@Simon_eQ What do you think it's violating?
I thought if TransformationAggregate was made to be a factory or a delegation pattern, them I could pass as dependency only the task and object. createSomething('watermark', watermark $watermakrObj)
@Simon_eQ Uh, well okay. Yea that removes calls to new, but that's a different step.
@nick To support that many concurrent users, you probably need a good DevOps to set up the whole infrastructure.
Coding comes after that.
PHP has an AMQP extension
Which you CAN use
@Simon_eQ People seem to forget sometimes that somewhere something needs to call new. Objects don't just manifest from desires.
@nick Yeah but when / if he tells me that it's a lot less scary
@DanLugg To the RFC mobile!
@PeeHaa :)
@nick FWIW I heard great things about Go from @baba
@PeeHaa lol, PHP-RFC: Telekinesis factories as a native construct. -- Sick and tired of new? Support this RFC so you only have to think about your shitty guestbook, and it will be done!
@PeeHaa Go is great. I don't like the naming conventions, but it's good.
@JoeWatkins! write us ext/telekinesis pretty please!
^^^ @JoeWatkins this! so much this!
@JoeWatkins I fully support this as well ^
@DanLugg it's a lot to go from what I've done so far, but interesting enough it makes me wanna give it a try. Maybe it will prove useful to flex my non-existing OOP muscles :)
@Simon_eQ If you feel uncomfortable with passing arrays, you could implement chaining instead
@Simon_eQ lol, use that as a guide, but certainly don't constrain yourself to the approach I suggested; I'm no OOP-guru. I just model things in a way that makes sense to me (which sometimes makes no sense to others, but I'm getting better)
^^ yes, method chaining
Or simply unchained ->enqueue($thing) :)
Is that even a word??? enqueue it looks stupid now that I have written it
Well, at-least I'm not new to method chaining :)
Yeop, same with enqueue/dequeue
@Simon_eQ Method chaining is just an API concern though; if you're worried about type-safety, etc, just do this:
class CollectionOfFoo
    private $fooArray = [];
    public function addFoo(Foo $foo)
        $this->fooArray[] = $foo;
    public function addEachFoo(array $fooArray)
        foreach ($fooArray as $foo)
No matter how you slice it (save for reflection) you can't get a non-Foo into the CollectionOfFoo
@DanLugg implements ArrayAccess? :P
@DanLugg You could enforce type safety on the chained method $transformer->transform(TransformationInterface $transformation)
@SecondRikudo Sure, whatever; and IteratorAggregate while you're at it ;-)
@Achrome You sure can. Again though, that's really just an API concern. It's still accomplishing the same goal
@DanLugg and JsonSerializable for the lulz.
So, it seems the trend is becoming "DSL ALL THE THINGS", as if native keywords are becoming profane
I suppose that freaking one-class-per-file doctrine would mean I have to use almost 10 files to finally get the job done.
I'm sure, no newbie is gonna touch the lib afterwards. :)
@Simon_eQ That ensures code sanity and decoupling at a very basic level.
Damn, now the code is looking at me in a sexy way.
Time to do teh monkey business.
and thanks @Achrome @DanLugg ...
No problemo @Simon_eQ
@Simon_eQ Also, yes. Even if it's 100 files to get that job done. Until we have inner/private classes or something like that, I can't think of any reason these days to do multiple classes per file
@salathe CollectionOfFoo implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, Countable, SplSubject, JsonSerializable, Serializable { }
I'm still pissed that we don't have interface TreatMeLikeAnArray extends ArrayAccess, Countable, Iterator { } which can be passed to array_map in lieu of array, et al.
@DanLugg agree!
I was thinking Traversable would be enough, but you'd still need to count and index it.
@DanLugg blech, no!
Okay, then internally, something equivalent to array implements ArrayAccess, Countable, Iterator and then array_* would start accepting Iterator or Traversable or something.
One way or the other.
@DanLugg Double blech
Sure arrays and traversable things have some overlap, but that's all it is.
All I know is, there should be a cleaner way to do array_map($f, iterator_to_array($something)) -- that being, array_map($f, $something)
^^ I went a step too far there with IteratorAggregate
there is, make your own function (pleeaaasssee don't use the word array in there) and shazam.
@salathe no, I want to pass an object to an array typehint!
@bwoebi just... no. :)
@salathe Okay, example: I wrote array_first, array_last, array_any, etc. Some fairly primitive functions. Now, my choices are: A) hint nothing, validate in the body, B) hint array, fuck traversable, C) hint array, write traversable_* proxies that send iterator_to_array() to the array_* functions.
@salathe But ... but ... I want to finally be able to defeat the whole purpose of the typehinting system :-(
@DanLugg you're instantly losing by wanting to convert an iterator into an array to do anything with it.
^^ I know, which is why I should be able to foreach the damn argument, and accept Traversable and array as acceptable types without having to check in the body, less a fatal.
Nevermind, my position is flawed regardless.
What you really want then is function (array|Traversable $foo)
^ Yes.
which has a whole world of issues you've probably not sat down to think about
Probably, however I don't want "dual typehints", I think array should be traversable, or traversable should be array.
you'll end up doing if (is_array($foo)) { ... } else { ... } inside the function anyway.
@DanLugg I guess you want string to be traversable too?
^ Hence adding Countable, ArrayAccess, etc.
@salathe Yes, actually. I'm "one of those" ;-)
Fuck str_split, a string is a byte-array.
or at least make arrays auto-implement Traversable, Countable and ArrayAccess too. (this time seriously)
@DanLugg Ohh, so you want function (array|(Traversable,Countable,ArrayAccess) $foo) ??
@salathe No, I want function (array $foo) where something that is Traversable, Countable and ArrayAccess is valid.
What @bwoebi just said.
@DanLugg So you want function (Array $foo) (if that were possible)
If by A rray, you mean a different type than array, then yes.
yes, I mean some magical class that quacks like an array
^ they're case insensitive
@salathe Yes. Please deliver Gandalf.
@DanLugg Nah, I'd deliver a hand-written note saying, "Make your bloody mind up which type you want (and, use iterators, SPL F*** yeah!!)"
in crayon
What I really want (since we're writing letters to Santa here) is a native collection type that can be defined through a literal construct, that makes some semblance of sense to the OO paradigm.
Can I call that native collection type, "Bob"?
You can call it "Lusitanian's Mom" for all I care.
@salathe are you talking to me?
@bwoebi Can I call you, "native collection type"?
@salathe reminds me of Call me an ambulance
@PeeHaa lol, it doesn't create my image!... whaaaa
@salathe hmhm… no!
@Gordon makes sense.. :)
@PeeHaa I clicked the links... holy crap I shouldn't leave my volume turned up!
@salathe : the plane.. me too. :P
I only checkout SO links using curl :P
@salathe what links?
btw could it be that his server does not handle multiple certificates on 1 IP? (is that SNI or something?)
@reikyoushin That should result in an ssl error instead of the wrong site AFAIK
@PeeHaa chrome gave me a ssl error on the first link
@PeeHaa You mean, like this? (image totally SFW)
> You attempted to reach www.allalaskatrans.com, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as www.bethscraftshop.com.
yeah right
@salathe I REALLY like that color on chrome warnings BTW
Much better than the previous red one
batter WTF dude
@PeeHaa selected text of selects isn't vertically centered in my firefox. Fix ASAP please!
@bwoebi Screeny?
I think I looked at that earlier but thought nobody used FF anymore :P
Praise the fucking lord they have softwarerecs.stackexchange.com now
@Achrome What's the problem? I know PHP is an STD
yes I needed three pings fo dat
Mother of spam
@PeeHaa Why shouldn't I use it?
I'm going to get me a pet and call it Gigabyte
@bwoebi Because it apperently makes my selects look wonky :)
haha :-)
I'm trying to install Microsoft Visual Studio for three damned hours now… It just doesn't succeed…
[0E30:069C][2014-03-12T21:27:31]e000: Error 0x80070643: Failed to install MSI package.
[0E30:069C][2014-03-12T21:27:31]e000: Error 0x80070643: Failed to execute MSI package.
[0678:0B0C][2014-03-12T21:27:31]e000: Error 0x80070643: Failed to configure per-machine MSI package.

^ and help page doesn't help… :x
It now outputs [2, 4, 6] ... hurray!
time to go to bed (again) lol
@Jack nice :-)
the next step is to open up the parent scope to the newly created closure.
can anybody help me in mailchimp email subscription
1 message moved to bin
@user3164335 Link to mailchimp docs where that endpoint is explained please
i am confused while doing curl call for mailchimp
$url = sprintf('https://us2.api.mailchimp.com/2.0/lists/subscribe&apikey=%s&id=%s&email_address=%s&output=json', $apikey, $listID, $email, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$ch = curl_init($url);
1 min ago, by PeeHaa
@user3164335 Link to mailchimp docs where that endpoint is explained please
But your questions states the 1.3 API?
i just randomly picked that code from net and then i cam to know that 1.3 is deprecated so
sorry for that
Soooooo have you tried the current API?
i am consfused with its parameter
I also don't see a output param AFAICT
@PeeHaa there's a return value on the v2.0
"euid - the email unique id
leid - the list member's truly unique id"
... as if the email unique id is not `"true"` enough hehe
Better yell at the PHP documentation maintainers, then: php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.execute.php. Without the :, there'd be no way to differentiate between a placeholder :where, and the sql reserved word where. Yes, it'd be silly to use such an obviously reserved word as a placeholder, but since the : differentiates everything, it's not an actual conflict. — Marc B 9 mins ago
i have update my question with my code
@reikyoushin :P
please have look
but with this code i am getting unknow error
3 mins ago, by PeeHaa
I also don't see a output param AFAICT
I'm not going to copy paste myself a third time btw
^ do it, do it! :)
can you check my curl url.. is it right?
is PHP6 allot differ than 5?
@user3123545 Yes it supports ponycode
@user3123545 Considering PHP5 is tangible and PHP6 is non-existent, yes.
@cspray Details...
@PeeHaa Troll somebody else ;)
Sometimes you just have to step away from a discussion...
There is a well-know technique in order to crack ssl traffic (it is called SSL Strip), so I want hash my password before it will send over network. — RdlP 8 mins ago
Anyone here ever use morris.js for graphs and line charts?
@PeeHaa bet you didn't see that coming?
@David And no, but it looks shiny though
@David But what is the question?
@PeeHaa I can't get the stupid thing to just show the x axis labels I want which are the months of the year.
Well that's just bad fortune
@Fabien hahahahaha classy!
@David Can you {insert fiddle service here} it?
^ good guy @PeeHaa
@PeeHaa Don't have a clue. It should just be easy. It loves to show the years going across the bottom but not months
@David fiddle the shit so I can have a look
hahahahah @rdlowrey WHAT THE HELL TOOK YOU SO FUCKING LONG!?!??!?!
@PeeHaa ;)
I especially liked the comment about it is soo very well known, but yet OP is totally clueless about it :D
I got PHP to control a 7 segment display, next step, write a class for it :-)
This looks like a pretty cool film.
@ThW nice!
BTW what I still don't get is why people only make specific parts SSL. That is just stupid. I doubt the resources are such a huge problem
Booooooo I expected a stack overflow crash :(
Or at least some overflow blowup thingy :)(
Hasn't been accepted yet.
guys.....I have a php mysql site...now i want an android app for it...is it possible to hit the php scripts from android device and get the response?
@ThW make it a count down timer then you have a bomb..
@Fabien weird
@Saptarsi that's what you call a web service..
@reikyoushin can u elaborate?
> rdlowrey isn't defined. Can you define it?
^ no..
@reikyoushin I did!
Definition A Web service is a method of communications between two electronic devices over the World Wide Web. It is a software function provided at a network address over the web with the service always on as in the concept of utility computing. The W3C defines a Web service as: The W3C also states: Explanation Many organizations use multiple software systems for management. Different software systems often need to exchange data with each other, and a web service is a method of communication that allows two software systems to exchange this data over the internet. The software sy...
5 hours ago, by Dan Lugg
I've submit "rdlowrey" as a verb to Urban Dictionary, as a term indicating asynchronicity.
5 hours ago, by Dan Lugg
> "I just rdlowrey'd the shit out of that application, it's now webscale bitches"
@PeeHaa Damn right! You can't come to Canada with less than 14 dollars.
@DanLugg asynchronicity > pthreads > joe; openssl shit > rdlowrey
@reikyoushin quite impressive elaboration
Also, am I safe to assume that under most circumstances that using __destruct to close encapsulated handles is "okay"?
I'm sure there are corner cases.
@nick you can learn a lot of things if you know how to look for it. ;)
Something like:
class File
    private $handle;
    public function __construct($filePath, $mode) { $this->handle = fopen($filePath, $mode); }
    public function __destruct() { fclose($this->handle); }
^^ note: naive example is naive.
Looks fine to me
Thrown exceptions will still destroy the object when it's out of scope (other references notwithstanding)
@DanLugg why wouldn't it be?
@ThW cooool
@DaveRandom I can't think of a reason; hence I'm tasking room 11 ;-)
@DaveRandom Sooooooo your server is kaput now I presume?
My question reworded: I reckoned that ^ was okay; are there corner cases I should be aware of where __destruct won't be called?
segfaults :P
Q: When will __destruct not be called in PHP?

user198729class MyDestructableClass { function __construct() { print "\nIn constructor\n"; $this->name = "MyDestructableClass"; } function __destruct() { print "\nDestroying " . $this->name . "\n"; } } $obj = new MyDestructableClass(); When the above script is in a comp...

how does the plugin "IPFucked" does it? It sets a fake IP, and when I do $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] I get the fake IP
Alright folks, I'm off; time to embrace the wonderful blizzard.
@PeeHaa I nuked it earlier, am rebuilding it and I thought I'd build PHP from sauce so I wasn't subject to waiting for Remi to pull his finger out to get 5.6, but when you do that the fpm service isn't created so I need to do it manually
Been dealing with plumbing for the last couple of hrs, not actually tried yet, going to do it now
@user3123545 It doesn't
That is impossibru
@DaveRandom Fancy :)
is there any way where i can be able to take while loops out of foreach loop echoing the same result at the end.. keeping in mind that every while loop is interdependent..
and they are within a single foreach loop
Other than, "not wrong," what's a good term for the correct way to implement changes to a script that references an API
It's on the tip of my tongue but I can't spit it out.
@nick I read that first sentence three times now and I have no idea what it means :P
@tPlummer I read that first sentence three times now and I have no idea what it means :P
Either the beer is kicking in (possible) or you two are talking gibberish :)
@PeeHaa . i forgot to mention mysql query within while loops.. so now u can understand right??
Aha mysql query within while loops!
Nope sorry still no idea what you are asking
@nick Ok, so say some jerk went in and edited a bunch of core code in a worpdress plugin, so when then plugin updates, everything is overwritten and the site breaks.
@nick That's not the standard for effective way to make that kind of change.
@tPlummer I read the whole thing three times now and I have no idea what it means :P
@nick Are you sure you know what reading is?
Although arguably that is not one word
@PeeHaa, yeah but like...in a word.
@tPlummer : no i am not.. can you explain.?
Common sense?
aaaargh damnit two words
What about: sane
That is one word right?
@nick Ok, crash course in reading. 1. Make a fist. 2. straighten your index finger. 3. Bring extented finger infront of your eye socket. 4. Thrust index finger forward into eye socket.
@peehaa I'm sure the germans have a word for it.
@tPlummer : and where did you learn that from? do you happen to do that from time to time?
feeling sorry for you..
never mind..
@nick Just trying to relate to how anyone within earshot of you must feel.
@nick or in the same chat room
@peehaa maybe it's just the word "standard".
@peehaa I just feel like there's a better word that would make me look smart in an email.
@tPlummer Well yeah, but it looks like person X has different standards than most of us
@tPlummer : first of all i don't understand why you are talking to me in this fashion.. i just had a problem i asked.. if you don't / can't help then don't ..
@tPlummer de facto :)
@nick Does your problem involve a constant throbbing pain between your eyes?
@tPlummer : no.
@peehaa Standard coding convention
That was the term.
God my brain sucks today
@tPlummer so what standard coding convention do you happen to use that doesn't make a pain in your eyes..?
> edited a bunch of core code in a worpdress plugin
@PeeHaa okay ... in order to measure my progress, we'll need some kind of baseline ... I tell ya what, when I can get dinner without an audible argument, I'll start work on the implementation ... I'll keep you updated, obviously ...
uhmm.. if it's a plugin, it's not core right?
@tPlummer you mean PSR? (jk) :P

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