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@Patrick Okay, I'll do that and no, I don't feel like rewriting the whole thing. :P Exams are a pain as it is.
@Jack @Patrick I'm sure I can find it from here. Many thanks for the help.
Reading the Smarty manual, still not seeing why would anyone want to use it.
I mean, why not just use PHP code?
@SecondRikudo the template system is pretty useful
@SecondRikudo, I know one reason. You can make a commercial product with encoded PHP yet still allow your users to modify look and feel by playing with templates. What's great - it offers them significant flexibility without letting them into the business logic too much.
@DarkAshelin PHP is a templating language at its very core, why not use it?
Other than that - i find Smarty pretty useless and I don't use it normally.
@SecondRikudo well as for me: I learned Smarty at school and never learned how to use templates without Smarty
@romaninsh You can achieve clear separation between "logic PHP" and "presentation PHP". I'll give you a secret, it's not even that hard.
I also don't see it necessary to learn it myself since Smarty does it just fine
5 minutes of reading + 10 minutes of testing, and you're all set.
@DarkAshelin You lose flexibility when you rely on a framework.
@SecondRikudo - Smarty contains too much logic .. In my opinion - not much of a separation.
@SecondRikudo I use other template engine.
@SecondRikudo not with Smarty, you don't really lose flexibility there, since you can't really call it a framework to start with
@romaninsh What problem are you solving by using a template engine?
@DarkAshelin cc ^
I'm saving time with it, that's all
Code separation from HTML design.
also it's what I'm used to
and finally, I just think {$var} looks nicer than <?php echo $var;?>
@DarkAshelin php has a template syntax... <?=$var?>
Agree about {$var}
а на русскому тут принято ? )
@Patrick doesn't seem to work on every server
@EvgeniyTkachenko English please
@romaninsh You're solving the wrong problem.
@DarkAshelin then upgrade your php version...
@Patrick tell that to my boss
@DarkAshelin No, you tell that to your boss.
Also, this shorthand syntax works perfectly on any properly configured server.
What PHP version are you running?
@SecondRikudo, i don't really have any problems ;)
@DarkAshelin it my first try. I asked - Can I speak on Russian? :D
3 mins ago, by romaninsh
Code separation from HTML design.
@DarkAshelin If you're running a PHP version where PHP shorthand syntax doesnt work, your server is very vulnerable.
That's the wrong problem to be solving with a template engine.
@SecondRikudo , what do you propose ?
@romaninsh Normal PHP
It's rare for me to link to articles from 2009, and yet I still sometimes use it as reference.
@SecondRikudo, oh, it's too bulky first of all. and it's active templates, i need passive templates for my needs.
@romaninsh "Passive" templates?
@SecondRikudo $template->set('tag','abc'); - this can't be done with PHP, and I use this style extensively.
@SecondRikudo also $template->eachTag('tag',$callback);
@romaninsh Of course it can be done with PHP
I'll tell you even better, you can use $template->tag = 'abc'
How's that sound?
@romaninsh And yes, that's possible too.
Let's start with this: Anything that can be done with Smarty can be done with PHP, by definition.
Mostly because Smarty is build with PHP...
@SecondRikudo, what you say is possible, but it does not suit my needs. I need to load template first, and then manipulate it's template.
@romaninsh I probably don't understand your needs then.
@SecondRikudo and i DONT use smarty.
(Note that I'm not making this hard on you in the first place, I just have no idea why would you want to use a templating engine, that's all :P)
@romaninsh Replace Smarty with your favorite PHP templating engine, whatever.
Doesn't change the fact that it's built with PHP, and therefore PHP can do whatever it does, and probably better too.
I associate objects with templates and then add one UI object into another. Templates are visual presentation of each object.
@romaninsh Correct, what's wrong with doing it with PHP?
The example I linked to you above is very basic
It only works with strings
It's not very difficult to expand it to work with actual objects
@SecondRikudo - i can't manipulate templates in PHP file. I can't get content, replace it and then render the template. I can't check presence of certain tags either.
@SecondRikudo I think it's mainly what we're used to, if there's no really big reason to change, people don't change
@romaninsh Sure you can.
@DarkAshelin I guess so, but I don't see why one would use it over PHP in the first palce.
I learned Smarty at school, never learned the original php templating system
It's learning a different syntax, it's slower by definition, it's less flexible by definition.
@DarkAshelin Have you learned PHP?
PHP is the templating system.
@DarkAshelin I learned visual basic at school, should I have stuck with that too?
but not how the templating works
@Patrick You mean you haven't?!
I mean I learned PHP with Smarty right away, not php separately
I don't know how to load templates without smarty
@SecondRikudo - PHP is template engine, but there are different template engines and they have different features. So it can't suit everyone's needs.
@romaninsh PHP has all of the features, because all other template engines are built on PHP
So PHP can suit everyone's needs.
it's like argueing why people use frameworks at all. Convenience, pre-made functions, habit, etc. You don't need it but people appreciate it
@SecondRikudo Great. So i AM using PHP then ..
@SecondRikudo php just doesn't suit me, for use in templates
@andho How so?
Hi good morning.
> PHP has all of the features, because all other template engines are built on PHP
^ wrong
@andho What are you missing?
@SecondRikudo why the name change
@iroegbu Reasons
Takes some getting used to
@SecondRikudo Read the "Template Inheritance" section: twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/templates.html
it's not the template inheritance that's missing. It's the ability to update the blocks from different code.
@andho "Update blocks from different code"?
<!DOCTYPE html>
        {% block head %}
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
            <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} - My Webpage</title>
        {% endblock %}
        <div id="content">{% block content %}{% endblock %}</div>
        <div id="footer">
            {% block footer %}
                &copy; Copyright 2011 by <a href="http://domain.invalid/">you</a>.
            {% endblock %}
Every time I see stuff like
{% for item in navigation %}
    <li><a href="{{ item.href }}">{{ item.caption }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
I just have to laugh
given that base template, you can change the contents of any of the blocks defined here from any code
@andho I can do that just with php syntax ;)
I use that

<li><a href="$href">$caption</a></li>
<div id="content"><?php echo $this->content; ?></div>
<?php render_content($page['footer']); ?>
wow such amazing ;)
@PeeHaa where is the default content
Default content?
then code: $page->add('Navigation',null,'navigation'); - associates view class Navigation with the and also consumes contents of the tag as a template for the lister.
That would mean a 404
If you really need default content that would be supplied by my views
I think the only real difference is that with languages like JavaScript you can update a single part of the page. Like in a SPA.
@PeeHaa so your view would have something like this:
But I don't like SPA websites
$this->set('title', '<title>title</title>');
Yeah something like that only without the tags in that specific case and probably I fill the template rather than the view
@andho I'm still not convinced, everything you described thus far can be done with vanilla PHP, and pretty trivially too.
@SecondRikudo, let me summarize the opinion. Using PHP as a template engine is valid option and it SHOULD be used like that more often. There are however usage patterns when a pseudo-templates must be used with a custom format tags. The features which PHP can't offer are:

- named tags.
- looking up existence of tags
- short syntax for iteration and modifiers
- accessing partial template thunks
- separating "importing" and "rendering"
@romaninsh that's just not true
- $var
- isset($var)
- Why the hell would you need a shorter syntax? Modifiers are mod($var) or mod1(mod2($var))
- Output buffering.
Why would you want to learn another syntax just for those silly helper functions that you can trivially make yourself?
- $var is not same as named tag.
- isset checks for variable, not for the tag. again.
- imagine bigger template and need to extract footer syntax
- output buffering does not let you play contents, it's awkward.
@romaninsh Define "tag" then.
@romaninsh Then your footer needs to be a different template.
@romaninsh How's that different from <?=$tag?>?
well, think about it as <div id="tag">
@romaninsh Give me a practical example where that used, and where a variable won't cut it.
Because I surely can't understand the difference =_=
you guys still going on about this?
There's no conclusion yet.
@SecondRikudo - if you really want to learn - i'll prepare gist for you. If you just talking with me for argument sake, i don't want to waste my time.
@romaninsh I'm currently looking at smarty because I need to, but I really do want to understand what does a templating engine do better than vanilla PHP templates that I make myself.
I don't count "better syntax" because that only means I have to learn another syntax
I'll write a blog post about it
Smartys was designed to separate code from html for easier use for non-techies no?
IE "Hello, {$user}"
And it's fairly old
@Fabien That's just stupid.
Smarty provides logic as much as PHP does
It allows for loops and functions and whatnot.
So how's that different from simply teaching my non-techy designer a bit of basic PHP?
Yes but the core principle was to provided that separation
@SecondRikudo - but that reintroduces LOGIC into template and defeats the purpose of separating it.
@SecondRikudo formatting too.
@SecondRikudo You mean Dumby? ;-)
@Fabien I pretty much trivially achieve a clear separation with vanilla PHP templates.
I don't like Smarty personally. But I get how it might feel less daunting to a non-programmer
@Fabien Have you tried PHPTAL before?
Nah as in no, or nah I hate it ?
@Fabien In a real template, all you really need are variables and loops.
Any further than that should be handled by the "logic" side of PHP
simple conditions.
@SecondRikudo I don't disagree.
Sure, that too.
@Jack Nah as in I haven't tried it. :) Googling it now.
I mean, I saw a (bad) PDO example in the Smarty docs for crying out loud!
Why the hell would you need PDO with a templating engine?!
@SecondRikudo agreed, the docs are terrible
@Jack Looks cool. Can't say I'd use it though. I didn't use Smarty for long either. Was more a method of learning.
I've used it quite extensively and it hasn't disappointed yet.
I particularly like the i18n feature.
For me I simply don't get enough chances to do something along those lines I guess.
On a vanity level I think {} is cooler than <?php ?>/<?= ?> :P
Watchout... we got a {badass} over here.
<span tal:content="variable">holder text</span> :)
Why do you use it? Time saving?
Or <span i18n:translate="">Translate me please</span>
It's a relatively clean HTML syntax.
Internally it compiles into .php of course :)
@Fabien It does save me time when I have to do i18n :)
@Fabien Done

include "template.php";
$content = ob_get_clean();

$content = preg_replace_callback("/\{([a-z0-9._-]+)\}/", function($match) use ($templateVars) {
    return $templateVars[$match[1]];
}, $content);

echo $content;
I wrote that just now in about 4 minutes.
@SecondRikudo lol
Just don't use {stuff_like_this} anywhere in your html :)
echo isset($backlink) && backlink != '' ? $backlink : '';
Almost accidentally wrote that. ^^
@Jack is the english text your i18n key to find the translation?
@Patrick Yeah, that's one of the options ... the alternative is to use translation keys.
Well I don't get the opportunity to do any templating these days anyway.
Nor much in my past tbh
What do you currently do? @Fabien
@Fabien How's that "Make a go game with HTML5/PHP" going? :P
<--- Drupal Developer
@SecondRikudo It'd on the ideas board :P. My spare time is dedicated to C until @rdlowrey frees up :P
7 or 8?
@Fabien C?
The latter looked quite promising (not sure if it's released).
What are you doing with C? :|
What is C doing to him, you mean?
@SecondRikudo learning :). When I can sneak it in.
No specific agenda atm. Only a general one.
The last few days I dabbled in Objective C and Java hehe
Fun times?
Yeah actually.
It's fun to get out of your comfort zone.
What was the project?
Ah, glad you asked ... just a sec.
greets! i've got a question relating sql
@JuliusLoa this is the php room
@Fabien Pet project #43 - turn this into a phone app :)
it's kinda relative to php.
Pretty cool.
@Fabien Yeah, I was surprised at how similar the canvas worked between the two.
@JuliusLoa in that case room-11.github.io/#dont_3
Be sure to remember your room 11 buddies when it sells for millions :D
@Fabien Can't sell it ... licensing issues.
@Leri Drupal 7. also :(
@Fabien looking for a new job yet? :(
@Patrick I like the environment and it's a 3 minute walk from work. Plus I don't own a car and etc.. -_- tl;dr nope.
If you don't have to work overtime it's fine then. ^
It's a comfortable (but not challenging) place to be. So I need to use spare time to become awesome.
(My duplicate please, more accurate)
@Fabien undefined constant awesome. :D
@Fabien seems alright then. I never have a lot of energy for spare time projects after work :(
@Patrick Yeah. That's the only thing. Mines mostly weekends while I am on this lose weight kick too.
@DaveRandom leri.write('@DaveRandom', 'morning'); :p
@SecondRikudo lol. I'll never watch that scene and not see it now
@Fabien XD
What's seen can never be unseen.
Quite frankly I wonder what PHP jobs are available non-agency. I think the best ones are the ones you get recommended rather than recruited.
@Fabien, agreed. You can get a lot just from networking.
@Fabien Working for an ecommerce shop (custom code) :)
Aye. I've worked for a single site place before. Seems more my gig.
But that site was an adult-dating site :P So I left for ethical reasons, heh.
@SecondRikudo I think it's off-topic since your duplicate talks about eregi and how to catch the matches
@HamZa The duplicate has a better answer, not the one accepted.
@SecondRikudo oh ok
/me can't apply for better job, because me iz student
@Leri I work at a DIY shop. I think you're in a better position :P
@Leri Being a student is best. Even if you don't have much money you have nice freedom :P
@Fabien I agree. I have time to play around with lots of things. Although I have not left much time.
Savour it.
I loved being a student.
@SuhosinPony are you ?
Not any more.
love**d** :P
@SuhosinPony love __d__
love d
You love D?
We finally made it!
So I switch my tab for 5 minutes and all you guys are talking about is D?
My friend called himself "TheDeeMeister" on xbox. I had to inform him Meister is German for "Master"
So you are "Master of the D"
For clarification he chose the name because we call him "Richy D"
My friend signed up for a certain service as 'IHaveABigDick' and me and some friends paid for a name change to IAmABigDick... still don't think he's noticed.
Haha, nicely done
i didnt get any responce in expresscheckout return URl
any idea?
transaction made perfectly but ididnt get transaction ID
@Mark what do you want us to do? Guess blindly? Do you have some code, response data etc?
@Mark Of course we should guess?
class foo { private $bar; }
how do I check if $bar exists?
is isset() enough?
@iroegbu empty
@patrick and @leri
@iroegbu Scope?
within the class... I think empty should do, thanks @SecondRikudo
Note that if it's falsy empty will return true.
@iroegbu depends what you mean by "exists".
@SecondRikudo Reliable way is property_exists.
@Leri Well, that would return true regardless if the method is defined (even if empty, wouldn't it?)
@SecondRikudo well, @iroegbu did ask about "exists" something that is falsey can exist
@Mark sql, api stuff, html, etc all in one file... are you familiar with separation of concerns?
man missed out on that awesome discussion
@Mark also, mysql_query is deprecated
@salathe falsy means it exists as false. I want to get false even if private $bar = false;
@iroegbu soo "$bar" doesn't exist if it's false!.. okaayy, thanks for clarifying
Still not scary Joe.
it does exist if it is false
"I want to get false even if private $bar = false;"
(my brain might be melting)
@iroegbu Perhaps you should share with us what you're trying to achieve :)
Checking for property existence is not a very common thing.
With XP being dropped soon, that means another blow to IE8
Another blow to a dead horse?
lol. IE8 needs to be kicked while its down.
ok... I want to have variables such that `private $bar` means it exists.
if it hasn't been defined then it doesn't exist.
@SecondRikudo Yes, and I think, that's what @iroegbu is asking.
@iroegbu Hmm, $this->bar !== null is an option I suppose.
@iroegbu what is the problem you are trying to solve? some context might help :)
I think property_exists solves my problem... @Jack null means it exists and is null
@iroegbu Why would a private property not be there?!
@Jack Because of magic unsets(?)
Any of you guys play MineCraft?
stackoverflow.com/q/22249737/1158603 I'm struck at this issue from past two days...please suggest me how to fix it
Haven't played *Craft for a long time.
@TheLuckyGoof Do you post with different account?
I've started up again. Going to do a BuildCraft/IndustrialCraft build. You tried them mods?
@Leri its my team member's account, both working on same project
Then why are you stuck at it?
@Jack The currency conversion is happening but its showing previous currency choice so till we refresh the page its showing old conversion INR<-->USD
@Jack I've disabled cache, unset cookies but no use
@TheLuckyGoof opencart is large, poorly structured mess. I have doubts your team has made it even bigger mess. So basically, it's impossible for us (at least for me) to give you advise.
Damn me = suck at ascii art
i'm sending JSON to a php server. my JSON i'm sending contains a ' (apostrophe) which php's json_decode seems to hate... what should i be doing?
@Leri yeah but we completed 80% of the requirements in that open mess, got to ship to to production and this is our last mile/last bug
@TheLuckyGoof My 2 cents in that mess: create service that will do conversion and update page using ajax. :D :D
@Leri not a problem with conversion rate but its not switching between the currency units untill page is manually refreshed after choosing it.
@Leri intgreenthegap.prayerkart.com This is what it is happening
Well, then something f0rked up the cache ... append some crap to the url to make it unique.
I disabled cache & unset cookies but of no use... unique URL? let me leave a trail, thanks
No one wants to create a BuildCraft Minecraft server then? :( I'm looking at you @SuhosinPony
I reckon you guys would love it.
@TheLuckyGoof you should not ship shit :)
@Fabien I only play some tf2 every few days, way more fun than minecraft
Yeah I wanna deliver best of it
@Patrick Both are fun :P. Besides BuildCraft is a whole different beast.
You get to build energy based machinery. Refineries, nuclear reactors, wind farms etc...
@TheLuckyGoof Do you run 2 separate sites for the currencies (I noticed the subodmain changes)?
no they are two different stores
@Fabien I prefer things with bullets and explosions :P
@TheLuckyGoof so completely different codebase?
You can build a gun :-/
and nuclear reactors explode.
Oh boy do they explode.
@Fabien if I want to build things I play engineer. turrets > reactors
@Patrick no same code, no duplicates, It was given to me like that :P and am employed to fix it
@Fabien I dont have time for minecraft :P
Sure you do... think about the epic place we could build. Bit of weekend teamspeak/minecraft fun. On your Feed The Beast server :X
You could double up an learn LUA while you play with ComputerCraft
@TheLuckyGoof I can't really help you without seeing the code/doing your job... But double check everything that has to do with switching between shops and the currencies. Changes are that the order is messed up somewhere so that you still get the wrong currency loaded for certain parts of the site.
@Fabien I'm trying to code on weekends. :P
Plague Inc Evolved already cost me yesterday :(
@Patrick yeah I fear after 10s of vqmod files, its just a cache problem, manual refresh (after switching between currencies) make the system perfect. Its been nightmare for me
Morning @NikiC
@SuhosinPony But... buildcraft :( If you change your mind watch this. :P
@Fabien It's Lua not LUA. :)
yeah sorry :-/ FoH
@TheLuckyGoof Fun fact: we build nightmares for ourselves.
@Jack unique url didnt fix it
Anyone actually used Lua?
Or made any games?
I've used LUA
@Fabien I used with corona. Did not have time to make complete project.
My my, there sure alot of these PhoneGap type Platforms around at the moment eh :x
Didn't know of these frameworks
From what I have heard (which isn't much), game programming is quite hacky...
@Fabien Depends on your skills. Honestly, I'd say GUI programming is hacky.
Sure is a different way of thinking/programming
Far flung from my normal day-to-day programming of getting an id, ajaxin' and updating the mysql database :|
You can find some older gamers on github
Oh cool :) Wolfenstein 3D :D
Diving into WP code and finding a wild line of code $message->body = '' . $this->get('ConfirmationText');
@Fabien It's going to be a couple more weeks, but I am going to help :)
@rdlowrey That's no problem :) I've got plenty to learn still.
Anyone still put W3C validation icons in their footer? :P

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