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Wow Skype on Ubuntu is quite different
time echo hello world in hhvm and php, there's really not much we could do to improve it I don't think, it's pointless to talk about making it ten times more complicated if it's going to be ten times slower ...
unlimited resources to our effectively none ...
@Fabien no stupid ads, no videos or other garbage? just plain contacts list & chat window? :D
Is ::class actually documented anywhere?
(what I would like to know is when it was introduced, can't remember if it's 5.4 or 5.5)
@DaveRandom 5.5 iirc
there ::class
@Jack Bollocks. Is there a sane way before that to do static::class? (also I hate myself for having this requirement)
@DaveRandom get_called_class()?
@AlmaDo Well thats shitty, needs to be somewhere in language.oop5, it's not even in php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.changelog.php
what can I say? It's PHP. shitty and PHP are two sides of one coin :p
@Jack Oh sweet, thanks. See I don't know it even exists because it is a shitty requirement in a shitty design
but I have to work with what I got :-(
@JoeWatkins The engine ideas are exactly that, ideas ... we may as well have said the next php should be more like cheeseburger :)
well yeah but they are ideas from a previous rm, so I suppose some people are taking them seriously ... but I won't engage internals it's always a waste of time ...
The thing is, anyone can come up with such a list (though maybe not that extensive) .. the real value is in how you can grab something measurable and attainable.
Otherwise you can fish the morale from the bottom of the ocean.
Oh sweet, PHP Storm understands @return static
Since when?
Dunno, works for me in 7.1
Hmm .. well, that's cool anyways.
@AlmaDo Yeh but docs are a whole different ball game, say what you like about PHP, there are few languages/platforms with documentation as good.
Actually I've been neglecting the docs a bit recently, might try and burninate some of the shit over lunch
Hi, there
Hmm, git should use -lresolv, right? Somehow it can't resolve git.php.net but nlsookup has no problem ...
The Interwebs is making me laugh.
@SecondRikudo you're too cruel :D
@shortCircuit There's nobody by the name of 'anyone' :)
C'mon Ferenc, gimme my karma ...
@AlmaDo No, he's not. We just don't trust who uses hello as a greeting. Well, @Baba is an exception. :Ь
Can a DIC help me if I need an object with both newable dependencies and already instantiated dependencies?
@Leri Actually room-11.github.io/#do_5 is more applicable :)
Guys, how would you go about converting languages for dynamic strings within JavaScript files? The language translations can be made available server-side - would you create a small lib with caching / logging to pull from server side and place in JS variables for inclusion in the JS files when they're loaded?
@Leri yeah. that he is
For example, a certain controller may take the Request object (already instantiated) and the Authentication service (which needs to be instantiated)
And in your JS files that need the different languages, put something like %language_string% and do some replacing with variables -> %string% mapps
@Jack ldd /path/to/executable
Well, is it possible to make an application which would work like this : there will be a list of programming languages . suppose someone wants to learn php. Then he clicks on php,and the applications displays the user maybe github repos grouping them from beginner to intermediate and advanced
@JoeWatkins otool -L /path/to/executable hehe
@shortCircuit Yes, it is possible.
@Jack I read that as _oloo -L...
@SecondRikudo Authentication should be done before the controller runs, no?
@Jack Well, I'm doing the login one now :P
then the main problem is how do I group them. Do I have to manually go through all of them, determine which can be qualified as beginner
@shortCircuit Either you, or someone else. Yes.
I was hoping to find some algorithm
You could even make it a wiki-like community based page, where users can edit and add their own sources. And correct errors.
@shortCircuit Well, if you can think of an algorithm that'll review a tutorial/repo and asses its difficulty level, you'll be able to sell it for a lot of money :)
@Jack Also, it's only an example, it applies to any service...
It would take months to manually go through most of the codes ...
@SecondRikudo You could pass a service proxy.
The Request object is already instantiated by now, and I need services/forms for my constructor. I could always go with $controller = $injector->make("WhateverController"); $controller->bindRequest = $request; but that sucks.
For rapid prototype you could just use dic of course.
@Jack I want to use a DiC because managing all those dependencies by hand would be hell
If it's not a DiC I'll have to create a service locator or something XD
If there are so many dependencies, it might be a code smell ;-)
@Jack It's not that it's code smell
Every Controller needs different services and forms
Passing DIC to a controller could be seen as service locater heh
That's by nature.
Can you group controllers in such a way that they only require a few?
Tuts plus websites already has a difficulty level mentioned with each tut.... Maybe I have something to start with
@Jack How does that help me? I still need to dynamically determine what dependency each controller needs.
The router is the one calling the controller, you know...
I write a controller provider for that.
@SecondRikudo Don't use an SL :-) DiC's are so easy to set up
12 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
Can a DIC help me if I need an object with both newable dependencies and already instantiated dependencies?
@Jack You mean, a factory
One sec...
@SecondRikudo I suppose you could see it as that.
Oh never mind
Auryn. You do it in two steps. You make the controller, so it does all it's recursive DI using that. THEN you call the method on that already instantiated object to recursively DI your controller method requirements, or your "services".
I see that Auryn can do it :D
So two steps, one for constructor, one for method
$injector = new Auryn\Provider;
$dependencyInstance = new SomeImplementation;
$injector->define('MyClass', array('dependency' => $dependencyInstance));

$myObj = $injector->make('MyClass');

var_dump($myObj instanceof MyClass); // true
It can use existing instances, so that solves it
I just didn't look hard enough
Why define dependencies like that? Are you not using the autowiring from the typehinting?
@Jimbo The Request object that is needed in the controller is constructed beforehand (as it's being used in the Router as well)
Yep, like Silex already has it's Request object sorted before you do the controller / method execution
You can share this object ;)
Then typehint for Request anywhere and it's yours
Here's the code I'm using to resolve the controller / method with all args etc
return function () use ($controller, $action, $args) {
    return $this->injector->execute([$this->injector->make($controller), $action], $args);
And in order to take scalar values in your controllers, from something like the /request/{slug} so you can do __construct($slug) { } in your controller, you need to prefix them with a semi-colon
array_walk($params, function($value, $key) use (&$args) {
    $args[sprintf(':%s', $key)] = $value;
Did I bore everyone to death?
chirp chirp
That awkward moment when you receive packet length as a negative number (clearly overflow). And I have no idea, wtf was that big..
Maybe I have bug in reading length. pastebin.com/64gbvs2D
@Leri lol
And I am sure, I was reading correct bytes.
@Leri Umm... can't you just do bytes.length / Byte.SIZE?
(or Byte.SIZE * 8 is it's in bits)
Also wtf in general, how the hell is a byte type of a variable size?
A byte is always 8 bits...
Hi All
Im thinking of moving from ASP.net to PHP for my e-commerce sites
@DaveRandom Not sure if I got you. If you are about Byte.SIZE blame java, not me. BTW, that part is really out of context. I'll post relevant code.
@JoeWatkins We can't make it as fast - and we don't need to. We have opcache.
there seems to be alot more plugins and support available for PHP, whats everyones thoughts on this? is it a good move
@Corbo152 That's something of a "how long is a piece of string" question. Also remember you'll get a massively biased answer in here being that it's the PHP room.
@Corbo152 sounds like you don't really know what you are doing, so my suggestion would be: no
@NikiC how much use would opcache be, aren't you talking about different structures, wouldn't we therefore need as much revision in opcache as we would need in /Zend and other places, what's the point in doing all that work to go just as fast as we do now, all that work should result in a performance gain, not in theory the same performance but in practice probably worse ...
In general though, ASP.net usually means you have a Windows stack in place, PHP wants a *nix stack really (yes, you can run PHP on a Windows stack, but don't)
@JoeWatkins Huh? I don't understand what you're saying (grammatically)
we wouldn't use opcache as it is now, we would have to rewrite that aswell, right ?
@DaveRandom running php on a windows stack right now... (migrated from ASP.net). it runs but it's a hassle :(
@JoeWatkins No, opcache caches opcodes
AST is only an intermediate state in the generation of opcodes
From the opcache perspective nothing changes
i have always worked on .net sites in the past but PHP seems the way forward
I know, but I thought we'd have a different structure than we have now ? I'm told some of the optimization that opcache does would be done by the compiler itself, so I'm not sure how much use opcache would be, we would need an optmizer sure ...
@Patrick Yeh you are gonna have a bad time with that. It's a total architecture change, not something to be undertaken lightly. Do you have some custom built e-commerce platform already in place? Oh, wrong person
but the point is, once we have done all of that work, we are looking at best to get the same performance we have now ...
and in practice probably worse ... for a while at least ...
if you said if we do all that work something will perform 10x better then it would be worth doing all the work, but hoping to match what we have now doesn't seem worth it to me ...
PHP internals guys: Can you bring operator overloading to userland? :(
or even 1.1 - 1.5 times better, some reasonable amount ... to match it doesn't seem worth it to me ...
@SuhosinPony we're not allowed
@DaveRandom This is what the f... I am doing...
@JoeWatkins Why? :(
don't know, I like it ...
@JoeWatkins Is it easy to do? I'm willing to run patched PHP lol
yes, you can do from ext
there's one on pecl and one on my github ...
Oh nice
read method reads to byte array and advances pointer.
I'm using a really dirty workaround to get useful typehinting
String, Integer etc classes -_-
(is there a better way to do that?)
@SuhosinPony Throw exception if invalid primitive type is given.
@Leri I was doing that before but it's so much boilerplate
at the top of every function
@NikiC the only thing I really like about the idea of AST is it can lift the keyword restriction we have now that bob wanted to patch, because that stops us discussing some nice ideas ...
@Leri Can you explain, in english, what you expect the PredefinedLengthDataReader to do? (humour me on this)
@Corbo152 At my place of work they copied the old asp.net site code to codeigniter and then changed things around until it "worked". It has been a long process rewriting part for part from the ground up with native php and it's still ongoing. Unless you know what you are doing (which you likely don't, no offense intended), then don't do it. It's really easy to create a big mess
That api looks kind of insane...
if((int)    $param        !== $param)        throw new NotInteger_Exception;
if((string) $anotherParam !== $anotherParam) throw new NotString_Exception;
Just a really un-elegant solution
Alright, now to figure out how to get this authentication thing going
I was thinking of implementing teresko's solution on stackoverflow.com/questions/3430181/acl-implementation/…
But there's one thing I'm missing
and it can do it tidy, or as tidy as everything around it ... it's probably worth having a go at it, Felipe knows more about it than me and we discussed it at length not long ago, his explanation was good enough that is satisfied logic and I saw no good way around it ... he was saying we could move some of the optimizations to the ast stage eventually we might end up with about the performance we have now, but it we'd also have something considerably more complicated than we have now ...
The user object XD How the hell do I get it before the controller
@DaveRandom Read first four bytes from stream which define packet length, allocate buffer for packet, read packet in allocated buffer.
@patrick i wasnt intending on moving old sites from .net to PHP but rather starting developing new sites using it, i.e using e-commerce platforms such as magento etc.
@SecondRikudo rov'd
@SecondRikudo are you using doctrine or something custom? either way you should be able to access it before the controller
@Patrick I'm making my own
There's also another type of packets, where I need to look at delimiter. That's why I have abstracted that in separate class...
@SecondRikudo then just pass your entity manager to whatever needs the user object?
@NikiC do you rate any of those other ideas ?? (and as always if I'm wrong then prove it with code or logic, I don't mind admitting I don't know much about it, I've looked at bwoebi's stuff and dabbled with the ast in clever, but that's the limit of my experience with these things)
@Patrick That means I need to make an entity manager :D
@Leri Right I get it now, what does Java do with endianness?
@Patrick i follow the if it aint broke dont fix it rule so the .net sites will be left alone, im just thinking of moving forward
@SecondRikudo that's what we pass into the controllers etc from doctrine. I guess for you it's whatever you use to access your repos/entities
@DaveRandom Big endian.
@Patrick Actually, I don't. I just new them in the services when I need them.
However that's for jvm. Hold on, I'll look for info about dalvik
I guess that means I need to inject the Authentication service to my Dispatcher that calls the Controller
oh god, not the facades thing again ...
/bored of that ...
@SecondRikudo and how do you plan to unit test that?
@Leri I'm eyeing up that & 0xFF. You're going to great lengths to account for the case when a byte is > a byte and then cutting some bits off it when it is
@Patrick Well, Domain Objects are newable objects. I don't see the problem.
Also (it would be stupid if not but...) are you sure that the input data is big-endian?
locate all the composer roots that might need update in one go: $ find -name composer.lock -type f -not -wholename "*/vendor/*"
$ find -name composer.lock -type f -not -wholename "*/vendor/*" | xargs rm -rf
Q: How to get size of an image in PHP?

MaskI want to know how many Kb,Mb an image is by PHP

such a dubious question.
@webarto instead of rm trying to figure out how to update them :D
@SecondRikudo for just the domain object it's not a problem, but you are persisting them too I assume?
Oh also @Leri you stated explicitly 4 bytes, yet you are basing the number of bytes you read on what the system integer size is, which doesn't seem right
@DaveRandom Server is using .NET platform, that does not defined endianness. Unfortunately, I don't have information about server's hardware. So I can't really answer.
@Patrick Define "persisting"?
@hakre Need to update some string in those files or what? :)
@Jack I thought there was more to it :(
@Leri Windows is (almost) always little-endian
@SecondRikudo whatever you use to populate an entity with persisted data should be injected. persisted = db/filesystem/api
@webarto Yeah, at least something like getimagesize()
But communication protocols should define endianness, not a specific host
"Network byte order" (you'll see this in many RFCs) is big endian
one two three four five little endians.
@Patrick Yeah, that is cached via the DiC
Same instances of DataMappers and Services etc.
@JoeWatkins I think there's some kind of misunderstanding here. AST is not about improving performance
@Jack Now that is lacist
@DaveRandom Oh, thanks for noticing that. However, integer size in bits is always 32 for java. i.e. is platform independant here.
Optimization usually happens at the bytecode (or block) level
Not at the AST level
@Leri Why bother with all those calculations at all then?
@NikiC First Line I searched for a thorough/brief tutorial on that topic but I couldn't find any.
@SecondRikudo I don't use a DIC, but what's preventing you from giving those instances where you need the user for auth?
@DaveRandom I was trying to achieve forward compatibility but sounds non-sense now.
@Patrick Because I generally haven't instantiated them yet.
I guess I'll just have to do that.
@NikiC there's no misunderstanding, I get it, but Felipe was saying that we might move some optmizations from the opcache stage to the parsing stage because using ast makes them unnecessary, or possible earlier ...
@JoeWatkins No, you still don't understand it
Forget AST and performance
AST and performance have nothing to do with each other
Syntax tree is about simplifying the compiler and allowing more syntax
If you think about AST in terms of whether it makes our code slower of faster, then we can drop that idea right away ;)
Am I allowed to redirect a user to a login page after displaying a 403 Forbidden header?
(Like, user tried to access somewhere he's not allowed, page is 403, redirect to login).
I'm not talking about the performance of code :s
I know it can be done with JavaScript, but am I allowed to send both the 403 header and the Location header?
@SecondRikudo Why don't you send redirect status code? I.e. why do you send access forbidden?
I'm lead to believe two separate things, 1) ast is more complicated and slower than the parser generator based impl we have now, not that it's important, or impacts the performance of user code, and 2) that having it might allow some optimizations to occur earlier ...
is either of those things wrong ?
@Leri Well, because it's more correct? (It is forbidden)
@Leri I get where you are coming from but actually it's not significant here. If the length header is always 4 bytes and Java is always big endian, the it doesn't matter how large the int size becomes, you still always want to populate the 4 least significant bytes of the int, which will always be on the "right", so cutting all the crap out won't actually break anything
however, if the int type is signed and the length header field is not you're gonna have a bad time with 32-bit ints...
@SecondRikudo It's forbidden but at app level, not at http level...
Same deal as PHP, actually
@Leri Okay, so what would you send?
@SecondRikudo HTTP 302: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_302
@Leri 303 is better for that
@JoeWatkins AST and parser generator are non exclusive. I would still use the parser generator for the AST. There's not requirement to go write a manual parser ^^
@JoeWatkins But yes, AST is slower in general (we need to create an intermediate structure) and yes, it allows some minor optimizations earlier
302 is just generally broken
@DaveRandom Oh, sure, in fact you are sending to another location (i.e. see another).
yeah that's what clever does, I'm going on just that and what I've read of bobs patch ...
@SecondRikudo i think the best practice is just to return a forbidden code and include a login form in the same page, without redirection
@SecondRikudo 403 is "you're not coming in, go away", your status is "you could come in if you were allowed to" so you want to send them some place else to find out if they are allowed to, so definitely 3xx makes more semantic sense away
@DaveRandom Int type is signed for java, actually, everything is signed... packet length can't be negative so it might be defined as uint.. Well, wish me a luck in debugging. :D
@JoeWatkins From a quick glace, yes, that's now it would look like ;)
@DaveRandom sounds like a girl...
@DaveRandom Wasn't there a 4xx status "Login Required"?
@SecondRikudo thats for proxies i guess
@SecondRikudo There was (is) a "payment required", there's also 401 which is for HTTP auth and in a browser will result in a browser native un/pwd dialogue
Yeah, I don't want that XD
@webarto Err... just like your mother?
My mother was a girl 40 years ago, and that's not nice, it is generally accepted that we make fun of @Lusitanian's mother.
@NikiC I like what it brings to the table, I'd like to be able to extend the language from exts, which I'm given to understand would be more feasible, easier to extend the language, lift the silly keyword restriction ... but not sure it's worth doing it, if it cannot also perform better than what we have now as well as doing all the things I like about it ... because it's considerable work and added complexity ...
I will find you, and I will kill you.
@Simon_eQ For an introduction blog.golemon.com/2007/01/youre-being-lied-to.html is okay ;)
Server: "202 Accepted", Client: "That's what she said!"
@JoeWatkins Whether it's worth it is subject to interpretation ;)
@Leri does this work? If so I suggest you just do that and cut out the complication...
@DaveRandom That should work. I'll test.
Also if your int type is always signed 32-bit and the incoming data type is always unsigned 32-bit then you're screwed no matter what you do, you need a bigger int type or you need the incoming data to drop the msb...
@Jack but "Advanced Payment Required" :P
(do you really need a >2.3GB size for a single unit of transfer anyway?)
bobs keyword patch was refused soley on the basis of it's performance and complexity, regardless of the existence of opcache which alleviated the performance impact for that in exactly the same way as it will for ast ... so it is subject to interpretation but not mine or yours but everyone's, and based on history I don't think people will go for it if there's a chance of degradation ...
@webarto hehe
You may be suffering from the websocket frame problem, where the size is aligned to 64 bits (kind of) but no sensible application would even use a 3rd of it
@DaveRandom No. And that's why I was amazed. In fact, data should be < 64 bytes...
Razer Ouroboros... must... have.
that patch gave us minimal but comparable kind of benefit and had comparable kind of problems ... I'd love it for all the reasons I said, and I said performance isn't all that important, but to do all that work for everyone to say no would be a kick in the balls ...
@DaveRandom Not a websocket. Custom tcp server/client implementation...
@Leri Yeh I know, just the same design mistake...
could you actually do it @NikiC ? and how much work actually would it be ?
@JoeWatkins A lot ^^
Linus would do it over the weekend, surely :)
@NikiC crazy weekend or many months ?
@Leri Really, IMO, 65535 bytes (i.e. 16 bit length header) should be an adequate frame size for any application. Your message size can be as large as you like, of course, but the single unit of transfer shouldn't be larger than 64K, because if it is you're shooting yourself in the foot when it comes to error correction and resuming transfers
@DaveRandom Too many 0xf's in that frame size.
@JoeWatkins More than crazy weekend ^^
@Jack Say wut?
But not many months. At least if motivation is existant ^^
@DaveRandom 0xFFFF
@Jack I don't follow. That's a problem because...?
Nvm :)
I think people would forget about complexity etc if it done something "wow" like let exts change the language in a way that might reduce the need for soooo many rfcs and core features ... how possible is that ?? I asked Felipe the same and he said probably possible, if we could see a way to do that it would almost certainly be worth it ...
@DaveRandom I agree, however I am not the person who makes that decisions.
@Jack If that was a joke then it's clearly too subliminal for me :-P
Yeah =S
@JoeWatkins Possibler, but still not very possible :D
@DaveRandom +1
Also: morning
You can't really do language extension from an ext if you're using a parser generator
@NikiC that was pretty much what he said ...
is there an option that would allow that to happen ?
Only with a hand written parser I think
Wait, can you currently extend the language from an extension?
The AST only helps in that the extension only has to have a custom parser, not a custom bytecode generator ^^
Or perhaps I read that wrongly ...
@Jack No ^^
Okay heh .. wait, no to what? :) @NikiC
now I recoil from that, but that probably doesn't seem that complex to you ?
@DaveRandom If you embark on the ext/openssl/tests file/cert cleanup we were talking about in the next few days let me know and I'll do the same so we can avoid duplication of effort. It's just not a high priority for me in the next couple of days because there's no deadline looming or anything :)
@JoeWatkins A handwritten parser?
@rdlowrey Yeh totally, would be good to do before 5.6.0 but other than that it's not really that important. I still want to get IDN certs sorted before I start properly on that task
That would be pretty much effort for a language of PHP's complexity...
@NikiC reading it now, thx.
is there anything else that it could do that would make people go "wow" ?
Yeah I definitely plan to clean those things up and add more thorough tests prior to 5.6 ... cleanliness is godliness ;)
@JoeWatkins Could implement LINQ. Does that make it wow?
Plus when the extensions are thoroughly tested people can much more easily add/change/fix things without the original maintainers having to sign-off on it.
yes, that'll do it !
I don't use ms stuff so not had any experience with it, but yeah that's pretty wow ...
@JoeWatkins At least AST allows to implement such things - currently that is absolutely impossible
An extended ArrayObject handles empty() different from ArrayObject and an ArrayAccess implementation? 3v4l.org/PQbCm
I guess something like that is vastly more complex than the few examples I have found show it to be, so guessed it might be a long thing with lots of discussion but yeah that's a pretty major advantage even to have the ability ... lets hope people could be a bit forward looking about that when it comes to vote if the initial impl didn't come with it ...
but I'd definitely stress that kind of thing, if I were to rfc it ...
@ThW Interesting, an empty string that's not empty :)
I do like the idea of an externally extensible language though, even if it would mean a hand written parser ... it'd be soo nice if PHP weren't all or nothing ... why shouldn't people be able to load whatever exts they want to make it do whatever they want, those past ones like prop accessors, annotations, scalar hints ... if there were implementations of these things in the wild the community would soon decide on the defacto implementation for each thing, it would just emerge wouldn't it...
@Jack in hhvm it is empty
Even more interesting .. it does seem like a bug.
If nobody picks it up, I can have a look inside later :) @ThW
I will post an issue
How would you make sure that the user is allowed to access a controller/action?
I mean how to actually implement it, how would you preform the check?
acl container?
@PeeHaa Zoom in
How do you define what level of access is needed for a specific controller/method?
@JoeWatkins I'm sure everyone likes that idea - it's just technically not that easy ^^
Do you keep it in a database? A static variable on the controller?
not in the controller itself
database would do
@PeeHaa That would mean that each time you create a controller, you'd have to make changes to the db as well
@reikyoushin looks great, but something is wrong. At least, not such brilliant as it looks. See at 4:00 - the man standing on the board has one of his foots not standing on it. But the angle is abnormal and he can't do that if only "board is flying". Thus, either it's some trick or the board isn't just "flying" and there's something else
Also many things are near impossible in terms of gravity (well, board is flying, but man in it has his weight)
those things are only possible if the board is "gravity null-ficator", i.e. weight of anything on it is zero
@ThW The issue seems to be here.
@AlmaDo Depends
Many forces are stronger when the distance between the two objects (i.e. the floor and the board) is smaller
@SecondRikudo depends. It may be force that is from board to man standing on it, but in that case there would be movement upwards - but it is not.
@AlmaDo Do you know the Maglev?
no way that someone could stand in abnormal angle is he has his weight
only some force (like Coriolis or similar) - but board is static, it doesn't move
@Jack if you say so :-) - that is far above my knowledge. I posted a bug: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=66834
well, with normal angles - there are no questions :p
@ThW So what would you expect here? A call to ->offsetExists() and a call to ->offsetGet() or just the latter?
Should be both, right?
@AlmaDo yeah first thing i thought was they were in harnesses.. maybe im right all along
@ThW Thanks ... I'll have a look see, this bug goes way back.
@reikyoushin but if that was true.. jesus - that is one of my favorite films! :p
@AlmaDo nah, i really think it's a fake though.. yet it's cool. :)
I like good theories about time trips
one of the most original things I've ever seen is in anime Steins Gate :p
if i close this tab (PHP chat), is that equal to 'leave the room'? it's just that i don't want to leave the room or be seen as leaving the room. i just want to close frst the open tabs for some other browsing activities.
/me wants to throw my phone to server
@AlmaDo one of my favorite things about time is that there is no such thing as aliens, but there will come a time when humans will come back to the past.. and the people at the present would think that they are the 'aliens' when in fact those are just people who came from the future.. (possibly not a unique scifi theory but that's what i've come up with :P)
@Jack Thank you. Here is another report bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=36786 for the ArrayObject, looks like that had been fixed in 5.2.1

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