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Is there any way to access my local VM using the putty terminal ?
@Simon_eQ vagrant?
let me google it
Urgh, it's because the domain isn't set up correctly. No wonder I can't fix this with my .htaccess file....
@Danack txs
@Danack Putty does not work ?
@Simon_eQ do you just want to ssh into a vagrant vm? You can do that by just doing vagrant ssh in the vagrant dir.
switching tabs worked ...
@Danack No, I just need to connect to my Virtual Box using putty, without SSH (Since it is all in my localhost)
In other words, I need the appearance the that putty provides, as opposed to the native terminal provided by the VB.
I'm not sure if vagrant was the solution at all
how do you think you will be able to connect to your vm other than by ssh (well and telnet)?
@Simon_eQ What OS is running on your VM ?
@HamZa CentOs 6.4
@Simon_eQ Then you can use putty if you're using windows
Basically windows doesn't have a built in SSH client. You use putty for that
I tried using connection type : raw and entered the local ip address,
@Simon_eQ Yeah, but you need to configure your VM.
@HamZa VM to accept raw connection ?
What networking adapter are you using ? NAT ?
Yeah NAT
I guess I should mess with the ssh service ?
OR iptables ..
@Simon_eQ First, try to "reach" it. For example using ping. Well, ping could be disabled on the host though ...
@Simon_eQ Are you at home or at a library ?
At a library.
I don't know if that is relevant though, because I am trying to access my localhost
@Simon_eQ Yeah, because the simplest way would be to use "bridged" if you're on a cable at home with a "normal setup" and a dhcp server
I guess I will manage for now with the built-in terminal.
It's just damn small :)
I think you can't just reach your VM via NAT. What I would try is to use 2 adapters:
1- NAT to connect to the internet
2- Host-only adapter to be able to reach it from windows
Maybe after I'm down using NAT I could change the adapter, reboot and try again.
RHEL5 is seriously a fucking zombie operating system. It has an OpenSSL from 2008… it has production support until 2017…
it sure is...
3dprintingindustry.com/2014/01/09/print-pasta-fazul-right-plate - this definitely needs to come out ... I neither want to go outside to get something nor do I want to cook
@ThomasDavidPlat do you lift ? :)
@HamZa serious question :D?
@ThomasDavidPlat Yeah, well when I read this "I neither want to go outside to get something". I thought "it's actually great to go outside and move that lazy body that's almost all day sitting behind a computer"
It's not that I'm a fat guy eating chips and sitting in front of the computer all day long. Actually I really used to go to the gym (although I've neglected it a bit the last two months). But over here in Germany it's still pretty cold in the evening so I hate it to go out then..
hehe I see
@SakhalTurkaystan hi
did I screwed some conversation? ^^
@SakhalTurkaystan meh
why do chrome themes suck so much
@SakhalTurkaystan not really. @HamZa was just a little conused by something I said :D
@HamZa (-_-)
@SakhalTurkaystan Why are you making that face ?
Hey guys I little confused with Controller and Model in MVC. Model is only responsible for communicating with database and Controller is responsible for communicating with Model and Viewer? So in model I shouldn't have any function that not communicating with database? Please help me to clarify my doubts.
@HamZa why are you making meh?
@SakhalTurkaystan I meant to say "no"
@Loclip nonono. Don't start thinking about models like that.
... Here starts another MVC discussion ...
I'll just have a smoke then I can explain it a little bit (if nobody else does in the meantime)
Thank you thomas I really want to know how to use MVC correctly
HamZa thank you for those links, stackoveflow community always explains it better than books :)
@ircmaxell ICEFACES!
oops, wrong window :P
@cspray hehehe
@HamZa the second link points it out pretty much. Once beginners start thinking about the model as a class that's dedicated to manipulate the database, they're ruined for the real meaning of what models really are :D
<< this person doesn't know the fundamentals of MVC
@HamZa doesnt matter. its enough to be mental about MVC
good evening
did you ever realize "fundamental" can be read as fund-a-mental? I guess there is a reason for that
hello @igorw
@Gordon lol. Never thought about it like that.
@igorw thanks for silex.sensiolabs.org/doc/cookbook/json_request_body.html. I used it as a blueprint for a JsonRequestListener in Sf2
If could stop with unicode only...
@Gordon glad it was of use :)
@igorw Hello
@igorw do you have an an suggestion how to test stuff that uses timer events on an event loop (in php)?
@ThW probably best to test that kind of stuff from the outside of the process
there's not really any good tooling to do timed asserts unfortunately
but you can build your own
I thought about something like Sinon.JS
@ThomasDavidPlat those words still confuse me, I would like to see a php example.. In my head one model example is User where $user = new User($id) will give us the user with current id and then we can do $user->isAdmin(), $user->isLogged(). So basically it just communicate with database and give us some business logic that controller handle appropriate
Testing it using integration is problematic because it involves hardware, I would need to build some fake Firmata server for that.
@ThW so make a mock implementation of the hardware part
in php objects
I hate OSX... :-P
@igorw I can mock the board or a single pin without any problems
@ircmaxell Are you happier with some Linux distro? (Windows has to be hated per definition!)
Actually, windows isnt bad
but yes, Goobuntu actually is quite awesome
@ircmaxell at least OS X is better than windows.
not at all
and why not?
windows I can modify a lot easier than I can modify OSX
example: Windows has sane application switching behavior
^ OS X too?!
@ircmaxell I don't see the need to modify OS X much… (except disabling some services you fucked up yourself and have no idea how to fix :-D)
@ircmaxell like this? manytricks.com/witch
@Loclip ask yourself: does your user class need to know how to communicate with the database?
@ircmaxell that's why I have mission control set to open automatically when my mouse goes into the very left corner of the screen. Very handy, really.
@igorw yes, except you can't re-bind Command-Tab, because it's not a bindable event (it's hard-coded in the docker control application)
@bwoebi right, because switching windows should require mouse movement ;-)
in the best case the user is just a plain class holding properties that represent the classes identity within it's domain
@ThomasDavidPlat well I could make a class that user model would use?
@ircmaxell actually I don't see why you need too switch so often? If you really need something often, then arrange it in a separate space perfectly to work on and switch between spaces via command + right/left arrow (I have bound it to alt + arrow)
Don't get me started on spaces
an awesome idea implemented so poorly that it's inusable
if you ever used spaces in KDE, spaces in OSX are completely unusable
Since OS X 10.8 they're much better I find…
1. Each monitor has its own set of spaces
2. You cannot bind **windows** to spaces
3. You cannot set application-window affinity
and that's just the defined behavior. It gets MUCH worse (like when dialogs open on different spaces from the window, etc)
@ircmaxell that's the only thing which sucks (and very rarely it gets stuck between spaces…^^ But that's more funny)
What do you mean with application-window affinity?
When I use workspaces, I use them as contexts
so I have one workspace setup as my "coding" workspace, with an IDE, a browser window with docs, etc
I have one that's a communication workspace, email, chat, etc
I have one that's a browsing workspace, for general surfing, etc
so I can context-switch between events
Well, I want Netbeans (or whatever IDE) to always open on the coding workspace
Maybe I'm just somewhat unique, but how is the visual grouping of software on screen one and different software on screen two not enough?
My experience with 'spaces' on any system ever: useless.
@LeviMorrison it makes due because context workspaces suck in most OS's
It's more cons than pros.
@LeviMorrison it makes sense when you are on a single monitor, because it reduces the amount of apps you need to shift-tab through
@LeviMorrison I used them for about 4 years with KDE, and LOVED it. Killed me to switch away... Really made things easy
@Gordon I suppose. If you need to do that many things that you need more screen estate, the solution isn't workspaces, it's more real estate.
That's my opinion anyway.
@Gordon I fully agree.
@LeviMorrison well, I don't know. Because you're not in general doing all of those things at once. You generally "switch tasks"
@LeviMorrison I never tried working with multiple monitors… working well with just one large monitor…
@Loclip exactely. Since your domain object has no knowledge of your persistance layer you need to keep track of it's state in your application somehow. That's where Data Mappers come in (for example).
@ircmaxell Well, sometimes you are… mainly chat and surfing are done simultaneously from time to time…
@LeviMorrison I have no need on a multi-monitor setup for them. I never have that many windows open that I would need them there. But when I am on my thinkpad alone then I put like two or three apps per space. its so much easier then to get to the apps
@bwoebi That's 2, but how many more contexts can you add without saying that you're not switching between them
@ThomasDavidPlat nice thank you, another one question, I read Views are not templates, why I can't use a template as view? Where templates belong then?
@ircmaxell coding. (php docs = browser + chat for quickly asking + IDE)
@Loclip as you already said right, you would have an own class for doing that. Still these two would be considered as part of the "Model" layer
anyone ?
@ircmaxell but that's maybe personal attitude… I think you can't do it right for everyone…
@bwoebi that's a stretch I think... But you may have a few chat instances opened
/me is out to lunch, later
can i ask question related to php and mysql ..Question is more about clearing a point
@Loclip your view can be a template, but it is not limited to it.
@ThomasDavidPlat what exactly you mean? one example?
@Maria ask your question and someone will answer
Question is I am making photo gallery album thing is i need to show High rated Model picture in a div on main page WEEKly i have a table withh image id name rating total votes but how to count for every week do i need a time stamp something it is lil confusing for me
Thank you loclip
@Gordon I regularly have a browser open with several terminals. Since the terminals are doing monitoring they needs to be visually available, so this takes up a full screen or more.
@Maria yes you would need either a timestamp or a datetime field to do that (maybe "created_at")
@reikyoushin hmmm Thankx for telling i will keep that in my mind
@Loclip well. Views, especialy in webdevelopment, are often misunderstood to be just HTML templates. That is not the case. A view can be anything that produces output, but contains no logic.
Multi-monitor setups are way more useful than I thought they would be.
@Maria what exactly you want to count? how many votes per week?
@LeviMorrison work browser on my left; stackoverflow, google/research tabs, etc on my right.. no need to alt+tab ^_^
@recikyouskin oh ok but created_at for image ? or can you eleborate a bit :s
@loclip yes
@ThomasDavidPlat ok thank you
@Maria created_at field which will be populated by a date when you insert that entry into the database
@Loclip maybe you don't want your application to produce html output, but instead want an XML. Think about rss for example
@Maria you need to have a table Rating where you will have id, albumid, rating and rate_date and connect that table with album and then do something like this using SQL "SELECT * FROM album, rating WHERE album.id = rating.albumid AND rate_date BETWEEN DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 1 WEEK) AND now()` I havent tested it but something like that
Q: MySQL Query to select data from last week?

coderexHi I have a table with a date field and some other informations. I want to select all entries from the last week, (week start from Sunday). table values : id date 2 2011-05-14 09:17:25 5 2011-05-16 09:17:25 6 2011-05-17 09:17:25 8 2011-05-20 09:17:25 15 2011-05-22 09:17:25 I want to...

I really need to visit a language course :D
@reikyoushin ok thank You :) tc
@loclip from album,rating here we are selecting two tables ?
@Maria yes, you could use INNER JOIN instead
@loclip Thank youuu it is looking very thankful to push me forward :)
@Maria no problem good luck :)
Ok please don't star random things thanks
@HamZa unstarred.
please don't star random things. More Info: room-11.github.io/#dont_7
@HamZa removed ;)
@bwoebi oh, you can as a room owner ?
@reikyoushin we were doing that just at the same time?^^
@HamZa yes.
@bwoebi lol.. =p
> or random messages without interest
seems there's something weird about this phrase.. hmm..
@JoeWatkins I sometimes think I should change my name because I keep getting 'mentioned' if someone shares a DomDocument code getting class names.
how? you put a @ in front of class in those cases?
Ahh, xpath
this is my first PR.. but i don't know how LOL >.<
@room11owners seems i made it somehow.. phew. Feedback pls.
Looks good :)
@Jack feel free to change them.. I wasn't able to think much about the text
The copy can be refined and added where it's currently missing, later :)
@Jack I'm about to go in 15 mins or so too.. see ya!
@bwoebi I think I got something rather neat ...
you know how pooling/workers are a bitch in pthreads because of referrences and memory and whatever ...
class WebWorker extends Worker {
	public function run(){}

class WebWork extends Stackable {
	public function run() {
		$this->complete = true;

	public function isComplete() {
		return $this->complete;

	protected $complete;

$pool = new Pool(8, \WebWorker::class);

$pool->submit($w=new WebWork());
$pool->submit(new WebWork());
$pool->submit(new WebWork());
$pool->submit(new WebWork());
$pool->submit(new WebWork());


if you keep a reference, like the first call to submit, you are responsible for the object, if you do not, like the other calls to submit, when collect is called the object is destroyed (free'd)
I think better ... ?
Nice! I think this is a pain point for a lot of new pthreads users. It was for me, anyway.
It makes total sense that you have to manage the memory yourself if you think about it. But it would be a more "PHP-appropriate" solution to have an easy thing like that available.
someone said the other day if I could make it so you could go create a bunch of workers and not care about memory they'd use it ... this seems to fit the bill ...
::collect is tidy enough right ?? better than having to iterate yourself in userland I think ??
Question ...
ctor args to worker ? is that important you think ?
Not sure what you're asking?
new Pool(8, \WebWorker::class, new SafeDatabase(), new SafeLogger())
so that db/logger are passed to ctor of WebWorker when they are spawned
Yeah, I think that's important to have.
no biggy if they are an array right ?
I think the other big issue is having to keep a reference to stackable tasks you pass to workers. If you could auto-collect stackables as well that would be awesome.
new Pool(8, \WebWorker::class, [new SafeDatabase(), new SafeLogger()])
@JoeWatkins not to me.
I'm fine with the array.
so you like a setCollector then invoking the collector prior to Worker::submit() ?
see that might slow you down some ... you might have thousands of tasks executing and need to traverse them all to find dead ones ...
@SuhosinPony Definitely don't want to discourage. Just sometimes getting exasperated when I see the same mistakes - that are so easy to prevent - being made again and again...
@JoeWatkins Ah true ... then don't worry about it right now. I think the performance is the most important thing. If I need to manually free things when they're no longer needed then that's fine.
@NikiC perhaps it's already been talked about before, but care to elaborate a bit on why calling a method on a non-object cannot be converted to error + return null easily? issues with the way those opcodes are implemented? I got the argument on a high level
@rdlowrey you just have to invoke $pool->collect, you should be able to pop that into one of your existing stacks, right ?
collect ever X connections/tasks/whatever ...
> into one of your existing stacks, right?
Not sure what you're asking?
well as you're accepting connections or stacking tasks (whatever the tasks are) you can periodically invoke $pool->collect ...
@SuhosinPony For learning more about crypto, I recommend matasano.com/articles/crypto-challenges (if you have the time to go through it, it will give you a very good and practical overview of attacks on many cryptographic primitives and protocols, covering everything from symmetric crypto, over public-key crypto to hash functions). For a more theoretical understanding I've found coursera.org/course/crypto quite nice (mostly about symmetric crypto though)
Although right now I'm GCing stackable tasks immediately on completion so I don't really need the pool myself.
I think it's a really helpful addition for new pthreads users, though.
@igorw $obj->method($a = $b), $obj is NULL, the error is suppressed. What happens?
yeah for sure, bit late for existing code I guess ...
@NikiC the method call returns null, execution continues
The pool would probably still give me more performance though. Right now I use some pretty slow (relatively) logic to make the stackable task results derived in worker threads act in an "event-driven" way.
@igorw What's the value of $a?
bye guys!
@reikyoushin later
unless I'm missing something fundamental about how method calls work, it would have the value of $b prior to the method call happening at all. but your asking makes me second-guess my understanding of how this actually works.
@igorw No, no, that's the behavior I would expect as well
So, now how do you implement that
Here's the opcode stream that code likely has:
INIT_METHOD_CALL $obj, "method"
ASSIGN ~tmp = $a = $b
SEND ~tmp
@igorw do you have any other TLS things you'd like to see squeak in for 5.6? I might add OCSP stapling support for servers still. I don't plan on adding NPN because I won't personally ever implement SPDY. The other "roadmap" thing I plan on adding right now is TLS ALPN extension support ... I'm looking to add that for 5.7 as it will almost certainly be a requirement for HTTP/2.0.
You know in INIT_METHOD_CALL that $obj is NULL, so you don't want to actually call anything. But you can't just jump past the DO_FCALL, otherwise you'd skip the assign
So you need to selectively execute some parts
And don't forget that you can also have something like $obj->method($existingObject->method($arg)) in which case there are some SEND opcodes that do need to be executed, so you can't just skip them all
So the easiest thing you might settle for is to introduce special checks in DO_FCALL which will clean up the unnecessary stack pushes and the call slot and stuff like that and skip doing the call there.
ok, working ...

class WebWorker extends Worker {

	public function __construct(SafeLog $logger) {
		$this->logger = $logger;

	public function run(){}

	protected $loger;

class WebWork extends Stackable {

	public function isComplete() {
		return $this->complete;

	public function run() {
			->log("%s executing in Thread #%lu",
				  __CLASS__, $this->worker->getThreadId());
		$this->complete = true;

	protected $complete;

class SafeLog extends Stackable {

	protected function log($message, $args = []) {
(sorry for all the codez)
Which you can do. And then you have resolved one error. But for the remaining 300 you will need to go through the same thought process and figure out some way in which to save the situation
Exceptions on the other hand literally require just one or two extra lines of code
As such I really don't think it's worth trying to convert those to recoverables if a much easier and at the same time better solution is available ;)
@rdlowrey honestly I don't know that much about TLS stuffs, so not really got anything to say about it
okay, just thought I'd mention it :)
The SNI stuff should help a few people out, anyway. I certainly needed it.
@igorw Is that somewhat clear?
It's not that we can't do it, it's just a total waste of time
@NikiC thanks for painting a better picture, yeah this helps a lot
would it be possible to inside of INIT_METHOD_CALL set up a fake callable that just returns null?
and then actually executing it, with the sends and pushes, etc
yes, there is more overhead than not doing those things, but it's an exceptional case anyway - and you would have had the same overhead in the non-error case so arguably it's not making things worse
@JoeWatkins Is there any way to assume an empty method and not require the superfluous run() method when you don't need it? I know that's a really small annoyance but I thought I'd mention it
To this point I've only worked with extensions and not gotten heavy into zend-specific things, so I'm still pretty ignorant in regard to what is and isn't possible with things like the object API and parser stuff like the @NikiC wizard is talking about.
that started out as a dirty hack for something that I since avoided the need for, however, I justified it ... mostly because of laziness ... it's probably possible to remove them now yeah ...
@igorw Yes, that's possible. Though I think in this particular case checks in the fcall helper would not be very hard.
@NikiC as a matter of fact, I think it most certainly is worth fixing -- being able to fail gracefully is worth a lot. e.g. simply not rendering the part of the page that is failing while having the rest still work.
insert standard request for 'function does not exist' to also fail gracefully here
less of an issue because static analysis, but generally do agree with
@igorw I totally agree.
It's worth fixing. I fixed it already and I fixed nearly a hundred other such cases.
Internals just isn't ready for graceful failure yet ;)
@JoeWatkins So I don't have to manually keep a reference to the stackable here?
$pool->submit(new WebWork());
fixing these two cases (and perhaps a few others if they're common) without changing everything to use exceptions might just pass internals. don't you think?
@JoeWatkins AWESOME.
Although, unfortunately I still don't think I can use the Pool for my current server stuff. The reason being that I have to know exactly which worker is taking too long in the event of a request timeout so I can call Worker::kill()
@DanLugg lol
how do you keep track of the worker now ?
@DanLugg holy...
$this->requestTimeouts[$workerId] = $this->now + $this->requestTimeout;
@DanLugg I couldn't even begin to imagine the unholy atrocities in that codebase
Then once per second a timer event checks to see if any entries in $this->requestTimeout have expired
I've seen really bad procedural code and code written in really bad frameworks but I don't think anything quite like that before
And the keys are then used to kill the timed-out workers, new workers are spawned and the client receives the appropriate error response.
can remove run on stackables but not worker for some reason ...
you have access to workers from within the pool, $this->workers
@JoeWatkins Cool. I'll be working on thread things in the next couple of days or so. I should be able to give you some feedback before or during the weekend.
And will hopefully have some sweet pthreads-powered benchmarks to share.
And now for the funny part @cspray @ircmaxell, that's the base expression AST node class for the Java implementation of PHP.
@DanLugg huh?
The UML.
that's not a god class then, it's just an abstract root for nodes
I know it's not a "god class". It just looks like the sun, coming up over the hills.
Inaccuracies for the sake of humor.
Zzzzz nite ...
good night!
(but it's only 3:30pm)!
yeah, my unit test for Led::blink() works.
@ircmaxell github.com/ThomasWeinert/carica-chip/blob/master/tests/… a unit test for a method that uses a timer on the event loop
dats a lot of mocking
yeah, i will have to optimize that
just messing with ya
but ugly is better then untested
Well, that's very much not true
a bad test is infinitely worse than no test
Uhmm... is there any codec that you know of that allows uneven pixel width/height?
looks like FFMPEG is trying to force even pixels upon me for some reason (kinda obvious, codecs are optimized for that)
@ircmaxell I was not talking in general, but this specific case. I will have to fins a better way for the mocks. But it is a step forward.
@Ocramius Divx - maybe?
@Danack giving it a shot, thx
@Ocramius If you're hoping to play it back on arbitrary devices, you may be better off just adding a border to get to even sizes.
I need something like onConsecutiveCalls() for the property set.
@Danack I'm building a test case - some idiots upload files with uneven width and we need to resize them. FFMPEG goes bonkers with that
@Ocramius I think it's the codec that throws the issue rather than ffmpeg, but if Divx fails then maybe Intel Indeo avi - (or just steal some idiots upload)
yeah, currently trying to reproduce a sample "broken" video
looks like no tool will convert to an uneven size. Wondering what they used to create these files
@Ocramius If you have a windows box nearby, Virtualdub + raw avi output, will definitely give allow an uneven video size.
oh, interesting
need to crack another windows image :D
or maybe in ffmpeg`ffmpeg -i input.avi -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 output.avi`
And watch the hard disk go crazy.
Yes, should work, but I wold prefer to loose the connection to at(), only testing that the property digital is set to TRUE, FALSE, TRUE
I will have to look into the mock objects. But not today.
Good Night

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