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Good morning.
Fuck Ant!
@Jack doesn't seem like a good idea, wont' the ant die ??
@JoeWatkins No, the ant is extremely resilient.
Question, who do you think should be responsible for creating the data mappers and domain objects used by services?
@ChiragPipariya isn't that a JS question? O_o
everything keeps disappearing of the page ... fix it fix it fix it ...
@SecondRikudo Developer. :p
@SecondRikudo You
1 min ago, by Second Rikudo
user image
Who should have the instance for the factory? The caller? (i.e. Controller or View?) some other guy? The service itself?
View should not. Mapping is not part of presentation.
Probably the service.
Mapping is model-layer.
@SuhosinPony Or repository(?)
@SuhosinPony But should the service be responsible for creating the mappers/objects as well?
The mapper un-serializes them. The service creates them
@Ocramius them?
them = your domain objects
@Ocramius And the mappers themselves?
they're usually a dependency that is injected into services
Here's what I generally do:

1. Low level data access layer returns data transfer object.
2. Repository, that hold delegate to data access layer, modifies (if needed) and maps dto to domain objects.
3. Gets domain object from repository and applies its business rules to it.
I can understand domain objects being created by the service because they're practically end point objects
@Ocramius Great! Injected by whom?
The controller/view that uses them?
Some DI container, usually
Makes sense
A different question then
How do you guys usually arrange/group/create your controller structure? (i.e. one per page, one per a group of related page, one per letters of the alphabet :P?)
one per user :)
@SecondRikudo One per application.
One per atom in the hosting machine? :P
Seriously, one per related group is the most intuitive, imho.
BTW, one per page is as awful as one per application.
@SecondRikudo I tend to split controllers as if they were single callables
every controller = 1 single action
Good Morning
@Ocramius Sooo.... RegisterController LoginController DoSomethingElseController?
it's just a possible approach though. It is un-practical for CRUD
@SecondRikudo yeah. For RESTful stuff I have one controller per resource, for example
ohai @ThW
As opposed to perhaps UserController { register(); login(); doSomethingElse(); }
(Which is I guess where @Leri is getting at)
@SecondRikudo Yes, it's what I do generally. However, drawback is that it loads more data than needed actually.
@Leri How so?
If you only invoke the action you need?
@SecondRikudo Think of properties that are related to one method and are not for another.
What @Leri means is that you will have more dependencies that may not be used everywhere
@Ocramius Again, I can't see how
@Leri Then they most likely shouldn't be properties, but local variables inside the methods?
@SecondRikudo a registration action will use a form (for example) that is not the same of the login one
@Ocramius And? Does that mean I have to create both forms?
I create the registration form in the registration action, and the login form in the login action...
@Ocramius Well, you can inject action directly, though.
@SecondRikudo the forms are instance properties, not method variables.
@Ocramius Why would they? How'd they get there?
if you use method variables, you can't override a form if you reuse the controller somewhere else.
plus you would hardly be able to mock them.
I'll ask this, who gave the form to that Controller?
DI gives stuff to controller.
^ that
Also, I would probably not use form objects, so that might not be the best example.
(I use a Request object that hold the POST variables for processing)
Then what about the session container? You don't interact with the session during registration?
The generation of the actual form is done in a template.
@SecondRikudo the form is more than just an HTML concept. It retains validation/filtering logic as well
So it usually is abstracted into a form object, especially when it becomes hairy (many fields)
doesn't mean that object has to be also bound with the HTML. It can just handle the data
@Ocramius How do you classify that form object?
(I've never used one :P)
A helper class?
"a mess"
that's what form classes in every framework I've used are :D
I also tried to write my own: the result is always a mess :D
@Ocramius Yeah well, I'm not using a framework
but hardcoding it in controllers is even worse
@Ocramius You can actually create DataProviders, Filters and Validators, so you can split and move mess in them.
@SecondRikudo you may want to look into InputFilters in ZF2 - they're pretty much forms without the horrible output part. Symfony has a more extended "Form" component as well.
an InputFilter = Filter[] + Validator[]
Less mess, Less maintenance hell.
@Ocramius Hello @Ocramius, I followed your advice and moved the projects. :-)
@ThW osom :D
@Ocramius I'm thinking about something that takes the $_POST array as a parameter, and has a bindValidator($name, callable $validation) method that bind a validator against a given name
for example
bindValidator("firstName", function($name) { return !empty($name); });
And then when you call the validate method, just run over all the validators and see they all return true.
Maybe even add a third parameter for the error message.
@SecondRikudo you're re-inventing something that was designed dozens of times. Instead of rolling your own, go out there and look for existing solutions FIRST. I'm not saying "don't do it", just stick your nose out of your 4 walls first :D
@SecondRikudo have you looked at the symfony validation component? I think it does pretty much what you are describing
@Patrick yeah, also Respect\Validation and stuff like that. I can't stand Symfony's because it validates objects that should never reach invalid state
@Ocramius I generally try to roll out on my own first, then see if existing solutions are any close to what I've done :D
@SecondRikudo seems borked :P
Hey guys, can anyone help me with this:
Q: How does __call() magic function exactly work in PHP?

Mostafa ShahverdyI have an object named $obj. I have overridden the __call function for that class, so that when I call $obj->setVariableName($value) then this happens: $obj->variableName = $value. I don't know when and how exactly $obj->setVariableName($value) is called in the project. So, during running the app...

@Ocramius I am not validating objects, just the postIterator against the validation rules
@MostafaShahverdy room-11.github.io/#dont_1
@Patrick nice :-)
Oops, sorry
@MostafaShahverdy You can inline link to your question.
This was common, and still is on other rooms.
Got it
@MostafaShahverdy some example code is also missing (IMO)
@Ocramius Bu my question is not about coding. I completely described the problem, I think there might be something that I don't know about __call()
Maybe I don't know how exactly __call is triggered
class Form {

    private $vars = [];
    private $validators = [];

     * @param array $varArray Could be either the POST or the GET array
    public function __construct(array $varArray) {
        $this->vars = $varArray;

    public function bindValidator($name, callable $validator, $error) {
        $this->validators[$name][] = ["validator" => $validator, "error" => $error];

     * @return array Array of errors. If it's empty, it means all validations passed.
Simple and fun
@MostafaShahverdy I'd still need to see a trace or something like that.
@SecondRikudo you're still not filtering your data btw
Define filtering?
@SecondRikudo only valid data should make it through
all other fields should be ignored
@Ocramius "ignored" by what?
they should be dropped from the data that is pushed around
otherwise somebody, somewhere, may pick up a field, say isAdmin (RoR style!) and pass it to a domain object
None of the data is supposed to move forward unless all the form fields are valid anyway...
If you have errors, I don't continue execution
@SecondRikudo so what if I pass additional fields that are un-related with your data?
@Ocramius Why would you do that?
because I'm an evil user
More likely, why would I put unrelated data in my form?
I can do whatever I want with CURL
@Ocramius Well, fields I don't use, I don't care
And fields I do use are validated.
So you pass also those additional fields forward?
sounds like is a security threat to me
What do you do when you have a few too many drinks at PHPNW in Manchester and miss your last train home? Why, you wake up at 7am at a random dev's house in the middle of Yorkshire - that's what!
@Ocramius Why? I'm not using them...
What do I care if you create a isAdmin=1 in your cURL request, if I don't do anything with it?
is there any way to get closest color of hexa decimal color value in php?
@Jimbo std
@SecondRikudo you don't know that in the controller. The controller just passes the data one layer down
and you should pass further the minimum necessary, not anything else
@Ocramius I am thinking about an event loop for the unit tests, something that would allow to trigger events based on time. Any suggestions?
@Joe Watkins?
@Ocramius So basically, only what passed validation?
@SecondRikudo correct
@ThW I'm not the best guy to answer that, but igorw maybe has suggestions for that
@JoeWatkins StdClass
@Ocramius var_dump(debug_backtrace()); gave me a huge amount of data (recursively).
I'm using ZF2
@MostafaShahverdy well, just the object types was enuff
no need to dump all the objects as well, since you likely are dumping the entire container :P
Give me a sec ;)
@Ocramius Hmmm, how do you deal with errors in validation? (in terms of UI and getting errors back to the user)
Belated thanks to @J7mbo for his awesome talk at #phpnw last night. New concepts, live coding demos, clear stance and confidently delivered.
You can't get much better than that! :-)
@SecondRikudo stashing them into an array is fine as a start.
@Ocramius But then you have to explicitly check for errors each time.
Gave me this:

called by __call in SocialNetwork\Entity\User
called by __call in SocialNetwork\Entity\User
called by __call in SocialNetwork\Entity\User
called by __call in SocialNetwork\Entity\User
called by __call in SocialNetwork\Entity\User
called by __call in SocialNetwork\Entity\User
called by __call in SocialNetwork\Entity\User
called by __call in SocialNetwork\Entity\User
called by __call in SocialNetwork\Entity\User
$validVars = $form->validate(); $errors = $form->getErrors();
@Jimbo Congrats. Is your talk available online?
and let me test it for setVariable3 too
@Leri Not yet, I'll put it up soon though
@SecondRikudo the third way is having a ValidationResult object.
Good morning,
@Ocramius Here's what I got for now gist.github.com/MadaraUchiha/9364984
@Ocramius What's the second? :P
@SecondRikudo ah, but why the heck did you change nickname? :D
@Jimbo Cool. Don't forget to ping me. ;)
@Ocramius An experiment
It might change soon again
@Ocramius and for setEmail (which is called it setVariable3) it gave me this:

Called by setEmail in SocialNetwork\Entity\User
Hi, I would like to start creating something like this, http://i.imgur.com/zwCZGwn.png. So I made my database model but I am not sure I organized it well.

What do you think about something like: http://paste.jesse-obrien.ca/t8
oh, so it is happening in the scope of your object, @MostafaShahverdy ?
@Ocramius Both the first one was from __call scope, and the second one was from setEmail
@Duikboot You're missing the label from your label-form table
@MostafaShahverdy can you make up a gist with it? I still don't have the full picture
@SecondRikudo Isn't that just the name?
maybe I have to rename name to label.
@SecondRikudo the second thing in a validation result is the list of validation errors
@Ocramius sorry for bothering, but you're an expert leet guru master here, is "create table if not exists" not expensive (slow) call if table exists?
Or I should save name and label...
@Duikboot <label>First Name: <input name="firstName"></label>
Actually, there should also be the valid data, @SecondRikudo
@webarto nah. Also, DDL is not performance sensitive
- - - - - - -
id form_id form_type_id name label
like that
@Ocramius so like $result = ["validVars" => ..., "errors" => ...];?
@Duikboot Also, placeholders
And initial values
kinda, yeah. It is the prototype that I had in mind for ZF3. The main advantage is that the InputFilter retains no state itself
@MostafaShahverdy is by chance the instance a proxy?
@MostafaShahverdy Please don't place links that open into a very large box on its own. Add a word or a dot afterwards
Like that ^
"initial values" as in... ? :)
@MostafaShahverdy also, could you add the caller code as well? Just relevant lines so that I can build an 3v4l file
@SecondRikudo Sorry, I didn't know it will open a large box.
@Ocramius Thanks, Mario.
@Duikboot <label>Database Host: <input name="dbhost" value="localhost"></label>
@MostafaShahverdy It's OK :)
@Ocramius I don't have access to caller lines.
@webarto BURN!
For next time, you can edit your latest posted messages by clicking on the up arrow in the keyboard
@Ocramius What do you mean by that?
@MostafaShahverdy I see that you are using the ORM. Was just wondering if our stuff could be interfering
A: What's the best way of scraping data from a website?

Jesse SherlockYou will definitely want to start with a good web scraping framework. Later on you may decide that they are too limiting and you can put together your own stack of libraries but without a lot of scraping experience your design will be much worse than pjscrape or scrapy. Note: I use the terms cra...

I'd like to answer that, but it would appear to be a question based on opinion ...
@JoeWatkins Premise of that question is false, "the best way" is... we all know :P
> It's remarkably easy to write nigh-unscrapable sites if you want to

says expert ... wtf ... if I can download it I can render it ...
if I can't download it, it's not a website ...
@Ocramius any feedback on my form object thus far?
@JoeWatkins lol... that's all I have to say as someone who has coded his fair share of bots/scrapers
@SecondRikudo seems ok
That :D
@MostafaShahverdy I can't see how your __call would call setEmail if not manually invoked via __call
yay. I was thinking to link that too
@Ocramius well, its not calling my setEmail. setEmail is the thing I added later to show that when I add that, it works
@Ocramius consider there is no setEmail
and when I call $obj->setEmail("[email protected]"), then it must act as there is a setEmail function. right?
@MostafaShahverdy like 3v4l.org/5qPrj ?
@Ocramius No, give me a sec, I'll give you another gist
@MostafaShahverdy make an 3v4l directly - I'm copy-pasting your stuff in there anyway
@MostafaShahverdy it is? 3v4l.org/R4Zqg
what is $user->__call('setEmail', ['[email protected]']); for?
Are there laravel users here? :-)
@MostafaShahverdy call is an magic method for an object
and acts as an "if no other method fits this call, i shall take it"
this would be the same as $user->nonExistingMehtod('setMail',...);
@easteregg But it doesn't work in this way
but its kind of strange, that this is called directly
@easteregg But I dont have access to how my nonExisting function is being called
hm? what do you mean? the call method takes two parameters. the first is the name of the method called, and the second is an array containing the attributes
-> public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
public function __call($name, $arguments)
@easteregg Yeah, but I'm not the one who calls the $obj.
have a look at this object
$obj->noExistin(...) is being called somewhere I don't know
i guess it calls internaly the setter "setEmail"
i could be, that this is some sort of global setter method
do you have access to the sourcecode?
@easteregg yes, but its complicated
at least for me
i assume, that this is the same as calling $user->setEmail('[email protected]');
Real programmers don't read sourcecode, they read opcodes.
Yeah :D
emacs Master Race
sigh I'm seriously thinking about registering shouldiusemysql_queryinmynextproject.com and have it say "No" :P
path of "Pick one or more random entries out of an array"
//span[@class='dc-title'] ?
@JoeWatkins You want random titles with xpath?
want the xpath of title span ...
So basically emacs = god mode
@SecondRikudo If it's good enough for Facebook... :coolface:
I am off to linkedin to send automatic "endorse me" mails to EVERYONE!
@SecondRikudo How was this weeks manga? I've not read it yet.
@JoeWatkins I used zend stuff, getXpathQuery(), not sure how to do it "properly".
@Fabien Nothing much happens, Gai tried to fight God, Gai gets owned.
But next chapter might be better :)
Oi don't ruin it
@Ocramius Brace yourself for jQuery endorsments :D
From the janitor
Moar YayQuery
if(!preg_match('/[A-Za-z0-9]/si', $property_node->field_details[0]['value'])) {
I know, there's about 15 of these inside a method too
At least it could be abstracted :P
there's a lot of could bes' in this class
I wouldn't really call it a class if I didn't have to -_-
have a question about git. Would you rebase a master branch in order to squash the "merged ... from ..." merge commits?
Why would you want to squash them?
They polute history (in my eyes, maybe I'm wrong)
Depends on your workflow, I like to have complete history.
Guys my wifes dad is having a website built for this group he's a part of. He has an initial document with a few details to get the ball rolling in terms of negotiation with a dev/designer costs etc
What key things would you say must be included before agreeing to use someones services?
Like making sure code quality is good, or that bugs found post-build don't cost an arm and a leg
general stuff
@SecondRikudo Check Linux for example. they have just the merge commits. While I'm currently want to have the opposite, only the "real" commits and not the merges, I would be happy with the Linux strategy as well
I feel unhappy with: ...
324234 merged feature X ...
eff54d3 implemented feature X ...
@SecondRikudo this stackoverflow.com/a/5309051/171318 seems to be my solution
@SecondRikudo Unfortunately this does not integrate well with github. But the console is fine for me
@AlmaDo column names can't be bound to a prepared statement
@AlmaDo You'll need some sort of dynamic sql.. I think to remember I did that once in a store proc.. let me check
@Fabien How about general maintenance after the project has complete? Customer re-assurance (Espcially the in-law.. )!
@MackieeE I mentioned about an agreement that having a per month hour allowance of free 'maintenance' and anything over the specified hours can be charged.

This shouldn't have an upvote :[
@hek2mgl make sure to rebase before squash
@hek2mgl I've updated as "Important note: I'm not stick with prepared statements, actually. It was most obvious direction for trying. But if that's possible with some stored code - that also can be an answer. The only requirement is that resulting column must change with only change of user-defined variable value (i.e. no need to re-create anything else)"
> The file was reportedly uploaded to the web by officers of Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) loyal to ousted President Viktor Yanukovich who hacked Paet’s and Ashton’s phones.
@AlmaDo It's really hard to get what you want
@AlmaDo Can you give a simple code example what is not working?
@hek2mgl so is it my English so bad or is it my request too hard? :p
@AlmaDo While I'm not a natural speaker as well, it is the English
@AlmaDo That's why I'm asking for a simple not working code example :)
@hek2mgl huh. The point is - that I just want some way to do that. If not with prepared statements - then ok. I'm ready to try with stored procedures
but - yes. I'll try to do that myself first
Suggestions ? I am creating a form builder: http://i.imgur.com/qTE76li.png
But I would like to add field ( so they got listed in the table like in the screenshot ) But what is the best approach to set up there the whole form ( But I don't want to save it yet ) Only when the form is totally done.
'Ello. :)
@AlmaDo "that I just want some way to do that." Do what ?
select column that is defined in some user variable
I've showed a way how to do it and I told that you cannot bind a column name to a prepared stmt isn't possible. What is still unclear?
good lord. I've posted what I want to do.. ok, nevermind. I'll try that with stored code
is it a socket chat ? because i think it is...
@user3361854 this one?
can you elaborate?
sending is post, receiving is WS, because SO...
Because BC :)
hmm.. I'm impressed.. by the way do you know the backend programming language used in stackoverflow? like php, python....?
Meanwhile... The mysql driver is not currently installed... it's there, what gives?
SO is written in assembly!
Anyone aware of an extension implementing the A* algorithm?
Q: A* search algorithm in PHP

aherlambangDoes anyone have an implementation of the A* algorithm in PHP? I know that wikipedia has a pseudocode and a link to a C++ one, but I can't seem to find one already written in PHP. I am also looking for an efficient written A* algorithm

Hmm, doesn't look too great...
@Jack i just closed that ;)
@Jack finding an implementation is not difficult. im mainly wondering about an extension for added performance
Take c++ code, tack on extension code -> voila!
Though, it probably requires some translation work between the data structures.
Oh, it's a heuristic .. well, interesting anyway :)
Does anyone know, wether yeoman is something similar to composer?
I know it is probably more js related question, but since it does tuch composer as well, thought it would be better to ask here.
As I undersand yeoman deals with dependencies as well as the composer.
@Eugene Addy Osmani has a 5 minute Yeomans workflow video which is useful
It's about getting it set up but it you'll still develop an understanding
Ok. Watching it now. Thank you.
Morning @reikyoushin
morning @Gordon @reikyoushin
Morning :)

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