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@SuhosinPony Tell me how this user meta.stackoverflow.com/users/230506/james has near-to-perfect information? He/She ran for mod after only being here 6 months and 13 years of age
challenge, print 2014 just using these chars < ? ! @ ; _ = ( ) -
@Fabien still on tilaa ?
@Simon_eQ Read his questions & answers, look at his metrics on Meta and the main site. If it makes sense to you to vote for him, do so.
@Simon_eQ Yeah but I've not logged in to it for a while sadly :(
@Simon_eQ If you don't trust him, don't vote for him.
I only vote for people who I know will be able to handle the job, because I know what it's like to handle a large community.
@SuhosinPony "trust" === subjective. So, again ... the way you determine a maturity is as flawed as any other method.
@Fabien I tried to install ghost, but things did not go well.
@DaveRandom Now it returns immediately, after killing 36 rogue processes .. but the test still hangs.
@Simon_eQ Better than basing your decision based on his age without even hearing him out.
@Simon_eQ fabieno.com is running on Ghost on Tilaa.
@Fabien I know. How did you do it?
@MadaraUchiha at-least its much safer assumption than anyonther.
@Simon_eQ I can't remember having any issues, it was a long while ago tbf
@Simon_eQ You don't need to make assumptions at all. Not when you can see the candidates history very transparently.
function getUserAvatar($database, $id){
    $sql     = 'SELECT * FROM `avatar` WHERE `user_id`=' . mysql_real_escape_string($id) . ' LIMIT 1;';
    $result  = mysql_query($database, $sql);
    $row     = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

    return $row;

$results = picture($database, 17);
Is that syntactically correct?
@SuhosinPony Yes, but morally it is not.
And whoever writes 'use PDO', I know.
@MadaraUchiha Aware.
Just interested in syntax for now. :P
You should be preforming error checks.
it's not
should be escaping as int, not string
Ooh ooh, sprintf() :D
@MadaraUchiha Changed it
@MadaraUchiha About the framework, the abstraction part is taken care of.. but I need more tips :)
@Simon_eQ Remind me?
A: Accessing a MySQL Link Identifier from within a Function

Suhosin PonyYour function can't access your MySQL link identifier First of all, you're mixing object-oriented paradigm ($database->query($sql)) with procedural paradigm (mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) which will make your code a nightmare to maintain. Assuming that $database is a mysql_ link identifier, you'l...

@SuhosinPony He isn't exposed to SQLi with intval() which only lets numbers through
@MadaraUchiha I know
I changed it to intval, he didn't have it in his question.
sorry wrong link
yesterday, by Madara Uchiha
@Simon_eQ Abstract your application properly.
@PeeHaa Nice :D
I haven't used mysql_ for a loooong time :P
@Simon_eQ And you say you have that part "taken care of"?
Yeah, I believe so. Template, controller, logic are separate.
@PeeHaa Not exactly :P
@Simon_eQ Have a github link or something similar?
file hierarchy scheme is taken care of
@MadaraUchiha I'll, I just need to dust it a bit.
@Simon_eQ Is that... Windows XP?
@MadaraUchiha Found tons of related questions here.. Too lazy to search through them, its not my job. stackoverflow.com/search?q=triangle+numbers
@MadaraUchiha Win 7
nice question too, btw (not math :p )
may be there's better way
@Simon_eQ move your index.php into a public folder and have it call your front controller where you bootstrap your app (outside of the public folder).
@AlmaDo just try to create it exclusively and check for errors
@Simon_eQ I love when there's a classes folder. :)
@hek2mgl how? ftp_put() ? it will overwrite file if it exists
so you'll loose your data :p
@salathe What do you suggest? Plugins?
@Simon_eQ if the directory contains plugins, go for it.
@AlmaDo I can search some old code for you if you want.. There are solutions posted on the PHP website regarding this
@AlmaDo Btw, Yes, I know, it's hard to believe those FTP servers still exist, but they actually do .. Aha..
that reminds me of: Question - "How to check if table exists in MySQL?" / Answer - if(mysql_query('DROP TABLE '.$table)) echo 'Table existed'; (old joke, thus, yes, mysql_query() )
@AlmaDo what's wrong with that?
@hek2mgl no. OP problem is that no SIZE is supported
@hek2mgl ???
</sarcasm> ?
@Simon_eQ what is your article.class.php (brrr, please rename to Article.php)? An entity? A "controller"?
@Jack yeah :DD
@salathe It doesn't. ex: articles.class.php is where db query is made, template is called and output the contents of for a specific article.. So, it not quite easy how to describe it, being noob and all. But, this framework helped me from doing spaghetti codes, so I just want to ideas on how to improve it.
@AlmaDo Question: how do you make sure that a file does not exists while attempting to create it? Can you answer?
@Patrick entity is basically, a pdo wrapper class and function caller...
@hek2mgl On a local file system?
@Jack Doesn't matter
@Simon_eQ That means, you haven't abstracted properly :P
@Patrick I'm still not clear on what bootstrap actually is. I know it initializes the application, but the index file takes care of that ... so, I don't know if I will ever need a bootstrap
@hek2mgl fopen($f, 'x');
@Jack That's correct
Ehm ... okay
@hek2mgl I can't understand how it's related to file renaming. But - in FTP context you can only put file to create it. And that won't check if file exists, it will overwrite it or create new file
@Jack Althougt I've asked Alma..
@Simon_eQ it should not be in the index file. it should be in your Bootstrap.php (or FrontController or what you want to call it) and your index.php should require that file and do nothing else
@MadaraUchiha maybe. The entire idea came to me after finishing this github.com/simon-eQ/Fragment.
@Jack again, fail: no SIZE support ..
@hek2mgl Thought it was genuine question :)
@AlmaDo It's about race conditons. Even if the SIZE would exists, doing so is vulnerable against races
@Simon_eQ and for the articles, split that up. One class is the entity. Then separate mapping (doctrine might be a good idea here) and all the other stuff and make different classes.
@Patrick Just for now, this is what the index files contains
require_once 'config/db.config.php';
require_once 'config/common.config.php';
$allowed_class_names = ['home', 'blog', 'pages', 'article'];
    $o = new Fragment($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $allowed_class_names);
    $i = $o->starter();

@DaveRandom Hmm okay, it's the worker not being able to read the whole code from stdin.
@hek2mgl If it is supported - then I've proposed thing which @Jack already posted
@AlmaDo Then it is a misunderstanding. However, consulting the remote size before creating a FTP file is wrong and therefore not related
@Simon_eQ and this is what it should include:
require_once '../Bootstrap.php';
how that is related to posted question? Oo.. and, besides, OP knows about fopen() + x - and knows that in his case that will fail. Thus I doubt it matters..
@Patrick But what would that really change? other than one more file == additional overhead.
@Patrick there is a catch to this whole framework-thing. It is supposed to be very simple and easy to use. So, that usually means at the cost of using less-than-conventional methods, such as ORM, Plugins, Vendors, autoloading...
^ killed :D
@Simon_eQ First off, separate your web public files from those which are not.
@Simon_eQ so what happens if your webserver stops executing php code? Your source code will be public. Which is why you move everything outside of the public folder except for a simple index.php
Only web public files should be... well... public.
@Patrick Huh, never thought of that. That's a good argument.
@DaveRandom I'm starting to think there's something wonky with how the test suite handles processes because when I run the .php file generated from a hanging test it works as expected and closes. The test suite is what seems to be hanging -- not the test script (which works fine in isolation).
@Patrick very good point. But still require_once '../Bootstrap.php'; tells the user where all the files are, so he/she can go manually to the file. plus, these things could be handled from the nginx/apache itself rather than to a specific file
@MadaraUchiha Good point about the public part. I think I will work on that tonight.
Also, I would replace any calls to proc_close with proc_terminate as in my experience proc_close can hang indefinitely even if you close all the descriptor handles you opened for the process.
@Simon_eQ no he can't go there, because you move one directory up and those files are not accessible from the web :)
I'm wondering if the run-tests.php isn't being victimized by proc_close hanging indefinitely.
@rdlowrey OK no worries, well being that I don't have commit access it's probably best if you just commit that instead of me pissing about creating PRs etc
Yeah, I'm just thinking out loud right now. I think it's a "run-tests.php hangs because proc_close is broken" problem.
@DaveRandom lol, also I think we can safely omit the check for proc_open in your tests because this is right near the top of the run-tests.php file that executes everything:
if (!function_exists('proc_open')) {
@AlmaDo php.net/manual/en/function.ftp-fget.php .. What about this? Reading a single byte would be enough.
the test suite relies on proc_open so it won't even run without it.
@DaveRandom Wow. How does that even work?
@hek2mgl how to perform "reading of first byte" with that?
@AlmaDo Of course the server will transfer more than 1 byte before the connection gets closed by PHP. But you need to understand, that there is no race-safe way without this. The SIZE header is meaningless. It just tells you the size of the file at the moment the server answered, not now
you can only start from some position. But not end with some position or "take some chunk"
fclose() ?
so you'll download file. Which should be avoided
@AlmaDo I told it multiple time, it has to be downloaded to be sure.
how? .. how will you do fclose? you won't fclose() until ftp_fget() ends. thus - whole file
but what's wrong with moving? (I assume permissions are well-set)
Moving sounds ok as well, but just in the first place.. It is tricky til nightmare in multi client environments
so that's why I posted - I doubt that another way could be invented with restrictions like OP has
ok, later all
@AmalMurali _ is an undefined constant (effective value "_"). Using logical negations and arithmetic subtraction you can coerce it to int(1), then it's just a matter of manipulating 1s to do what you want. The actual calculation it's doing is -(-1 << 11) - -(-1 << 5) - 1 - 1;
@rdlowrey lol yeh I wondered if it might be redundant
@rdlowrey Test script hangs in isolation for me.
@AlmaDo later
I thought that didn't look right
@Jack change proc_close to proc_terminate in ServerClientTestCase.inc and I bet it stops hanging.
I've tried closing the stdin pipe after sending the code ... that has an immediate effect, though it now gives errors hehe
@rdlowrey Sure, just a sec.
@Jack line 64
(in isolation, I mean)
I really think that the proc_* functions are inconsistent across platforms and that's the source of the issue.
@Jack Which test file are you working with specifically?
@rdlowrey Adding fclose($this->workerStdIn); at :58 works though
File = bug46127.php
Okay, I'm going to work with that one right now so we're on the same page.
pffft that one runs just fine in the test suite for me :(
Oh, I get stream_socket_client(): SSL: crypto enabling timeout
That's at least something.
Removed the 2nd argument to stream_socket_accept() (suggested by Chris earlier) and now I get stream_socket_client(): Failed to enable crypto.
I can't reproduce on win or *nix :(
everything about that test "just works" for me
Actually .. with that change, let me try running the whole suite again.
No more hangs, yay ... they just all fail now =(
@AlmaDo I didn't saw that you use the same name for source and target file. No the ftp_rename command looks better. +1 ;) Sorry, I was blind
lxr being down is killing me
Turns out it's a proxy or something.
After a long time I got a response from a proxy saying it was unable to contact the real server.
Hello, I have a problem with my script. I'm trying:
$memcache->set('sounddata_'.$soundid, $this->_view->info, false, MEMCACHE_SECONDS);
and sometimes I get: [26-Feb-2014 16:09:57 Europe/Amsterdam] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 58996118 bytes) in ....
in that line
wow, how big is that data?
56mb? :D
just a table record
and I don't know how to generate an exception with this
to controll what is the data thats affecting to this
@MGE What version of php are you on?
Q: $this with php in functions and classes

user3356408Hey guys i have seen some code which really confuses me ..The code is <?php public function replace_variables( $subject, $otherVars ) { $linkPatterns = array( '/(<a .*)href=(")([^"]*)"([^>]*)>/U', "/(<a .*)href=(')([^']*)'([^>]*)>/U" ); $callback = function( $matches ) use ( $othe...

PHP Version 5.3.26
@MGE You'll probably need to upgrade to either a newer version of php, upgrade your mysql library, or change the column type to be smaller.
Q: PHP massive memory usage for SQL query

DanackI've stumbled across an odd issue while optimising my Apache + PHP memory usage. Basically the code blows up with the error message "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 50331646 bytes)" when trying to bind the results of a MySQLi query. The relevant ta...

Basically it allocates the max possible size needed for the data in a column, rather than the actual size needed.
Though, if you are storing 59MB sized files in your DB, that could also be a problem.
how can I make an exception in the line to take whats the info thats affecting me?
@MGE Sorry, that sentence makes no sense to me.
if I try
@MGE Don't store 50+MB BLOBs in your database...
Is not DB
But 50MB in a cache seems equally crazy.
@Fabien So, hows it going? Work, PHP and life ?
@Simon_eQ meh. Working at an agency now making Drupal sites...
Not getting to progress my PHP much because by the time I get home I just want to sleep
So things could be worse but they could be better
How's things your side?
@Fabien @Jack @Danack
@Fabien sane as always, just playing around
    $memcache->set('sounddata_'.$soundid, $this->_view->info, false, MEMCACHE_SECONDS);
catch(Exception $e){
    error_log("Error with soundid ".$soundid." erroN: ".$e->getMessage());
thys is not creating an exceptuion, directly save FATAL ERROR allowed memory in the errorlog file
You can't catch a fatal
can I take the data size
perhaps the object is recursive and that causes the memcache software to allocate huge swathes of memory? just a guess.
Alright, changed my nickname for first time in a very long time.
do u know how can I take the data memory size?
"Rikudo" alone sounds nice @MadaraUchiha
next time you run for elections, consider changing your madaraUchiha to anything else. It makes you look like a poor tibetan peasant imho
@MadaraUchiha btw is there Zend test in Israel?
Not that I know of.
Not that anyone looks at it here. Everyone's out for a degree.
I found that strange, considering the founders have some company php-related ... (something I read long time ago)
Somebody knows how can I take the var memory size?
What Tibetan would give themselves a Japanese name I wonder ...
One who likes anime
Really likes it.
@Jack Aha!
The man makes an excellent point
tbh this whole thing is a load of bollocks
That's interesting.
Nobody knows how to calculate the variable memory size
Recompiled my PHP using -with-openssl=<path> and without changing anything else it passes all the tests.
@MGE something something ZVAL something ...
The thought occurs that for any test where we're not explicitly testing the wrappers (so all except for 3 tests), we could use not blocking I/O and stream_socket_enable_crypto() and all these issues disappear @Jack @rdlowrey.
@DaveRandom lol funny you mention that ...
> <rdlowrey_> The alternative would be to forego IPC altogether and do all the test work inside a single non-blocking event loop. The only issue with that is people would then need to understand non-blocking IO to understand or edit the tests.
I thought the same thing.
@DaveRandom I would've been concerned about the issues Anatol was experiencing if I hadn't spent so much time testing and re-testing in many different environments.
That's literally the only thing I did yesterday.
@rdlowrey what IRC channel are you on there?
@rdlowrey inorite
the other one
hmm i connect via efnet
Oh, I'm sorry.
It is efnet.
freenode is the one with the very busy ##php
My brain switched off for a minute
its so weird, I can't take the variable memory size, but I'm saving in error log the serialize of the data I want to save and there are not 53mb in data
My experience is that the freenode php channels aren't nearly as high-quality in terms of the average user skill level as our beloved room 11 so I don't bother with them anymore.
i only have space for two chats on this screen.
Yeah I just do #php.pecl to interface with internals people and room 11 now
as sherlock puts it: i had to delete something.
damnit what's the server I should be using?
mother fucking god damned irc I hate it so much
It irks you.
Da dum tsh
It does indeed :-P
I spy ... an arg unpack patch on master =D
So @rdlowrey what is the general response to non-blocking idea?
I think they're still in shock heh
The way I see it the only tests where that won't work are tlsv1.*_wrapper.phpt
There doesn't seem to be any explicit tests for stream_socket_enable_crypto(), which is interesting
@DaveRandom: Why do you hate IRC? :o
It's possibly the single least user friendly form of electronic communication ever devised
Poor cow
@SecondRikudo Y U CHANGE UR USERNAME?!?!?!?!?
Changing avatars is bad enough
An experiment of sort.
I like node.js more and more.
@DaveRandom No one commented ... the current approach works fine, so I'm not sure how necessary it really is at this point. If you want to port the tests over to that approach then it would certainly make the test suite run a lot faster than spawning tons of new processes.
@Leri What for?
@rdlowrey I'll see how sanely (readably) it can be written
@Fabien 1. Learning is really easy (time is wasted on code organization rather than learning itself). 2. It handles connections pretty well. 3. I might implement little server to change IIS for .NET web apps, because I hate it so much. :D
The third will start when I'll feel comfortable.
I should admit that I have doubts node.js (without creating c++ modules) can handle really large apps.
4. It's javascript so any js dev can pretend to be the knowledgeable server developer :)
@N.B. There was web-os but not any js dev could pretend to be mobile developer. :)
Not to say anything about knowledgeable.
@Leri - naturally, I'm joking but in every joke there's some truth :)
Also, when it comes to large apps - its event loop can handle really big numbers when it comes to connections, but then the "single thread asynchronous omgwtfbbq hipsterism" kicks in and soon js devs realize that using node.js needs understanding and that sticking some piece of software doesn't scale your site to google scale
No offense meant to anyone
session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: The session id is too long or contains illegal characters, valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and
@N.B. I'm still learning it but what I see is that you can handle quite large number of connections however, heavy stuff should be done somewhere else. node.js is good to reduce number of servers in server-farm at the first glance.
Yes, but that somewhere else isn't done in a different thread when it comes to node.js
However, you can do exactly the same thing with PHP
You can use libev for incoming connections, spawn several threads to perform work (node can't), and use php v8js to use js to process web requests
@N.B. can't really compare until php has a c-ext providing the http layer
also, there are threading libraries for node. Don't know if they are any good
@andho - true, unless you use a server that can dispatch messages to listeners, in a format that's easy to parse
But that's a topic on its own, I better not get started :>
I'm just hoping for something like an http-ext for php sometime in the future
@Leri @igorw's talk on react discusses comparisons with Node
but that's just crazy
@Fabien where is it
You can achieve stellar performance with event loops and proper http parser infront of php
It's definitely on par with node.js, I'm working such project at the moment and it's not behind node at all
And even though I haven't heard igor's talk, I bet he's experienced the same performance levels
There's no reason why react wouldn't perform good, if not better than standard setups (crapache and nginx)
react is not an option for me because I am planning to implement multiplayer game server on websocket with following flow:

node.js handles connections, passes received data to .NET dll and reports back response.
@Leri have you heard of Mongrel2 maybe? It's a server that supports web sockets protocol
@N.B. now let's wait for libs/ext that provides non-blocking I/O
@N.B. No, I have not.
@N.B. 1) github.com/chobie/php-uv 2) note that libuv is not 100% single threaded. It does some stuff in other threads (filesystem I/O, for example) in order to provide a more cross-platform solution
@Leri I have a multiplayer game server project idea that @rdlowrey may be helping with. He had no reservations about using PHP for it.
@Fabien thanks
Note that I don't use react.
PHP is perfectly capable of doing these things, though.
@Fabien Use hhvm
2 years ago I didn't know php can do non-blocking sockets
@SuhosinPony I'd rather use @rdlowrey brain :D
libuv is not single threaded because you can't do non-blocking filesystem operations.
@rdlowrey you can't do non-blocking with a single thread, am I right?
Not for file descriptors
@Fabien php can perfectly handle that but: 1. I don't want my project to become boring commercial project and with php it will. :) 2. I think I know php well enough to stop doing half-learning projects with it.
@Leri lol PHP is commercial now? :P
File descriptors are always reported as writable, so if you want to integrate filesystem access into your non-blocking single-threaded code you have to have a way to farm out filesystem work to threads.
This is what libuv does
@andho No my project will. :p
It keeps a thread pool around and farms out filesystem work to worker threads
But presents a unified interface to your non-blocking code so that you can interface with filesystem resources in the same way you deal with things like sockets
@Leri hmm... I mean in a .NET/Java = Enterprise kind of thing. hehe
Of course, courtesy of @JoeWatkins awesome pthreads work you can accomplish this in PHP without libuv as well.
So I prefer to use the stable and well-tested ext/libevent in combination with ext/pthreads to do non-blocking filesystem things inside my event loop
ext/libuv is still experimental and the API is still changing.
@andho I enjoy writing C#/java more than php. /me hides
@Leri You are allowed to enjoy C# ;)
@rdlowrey *in a proper cross-platform way
@NikiC Thanks. :D
@DaveRandom yeah, but if it's not cross-platform it's not useful.
True, just being pedantic :-P
filesystems vary widely in how they do things. Without threads it's impossible to do anything non-blocking with filesystems in any broadly useful way :)
Windows uses the window notification system, which is actually really nice in a convoluted sort of way once you understand it. I did quite a bit of hacking around on this a few months ago. It's really confusing, this idea of window handles for things that don't have windows though
Is there a way to use the use keywords not to reference to traits but to functions, in another namespace?

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