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@ThW 90% speed gain (on the whole script)… yay!
and all I had to do was a (string) cast in the execute-array…
@internals, what's suggested way to have both released php binaries for php development and binaries compiled from php-src master?
That's irrelevant information, imho, but I have just moved to nginx.
I'm really sorry
I was not aware of the rule
You can inline link to your question in message.
So it remains readable. If anybody wants help s/he will.
Happy Weekend! :)
@Jimbo Ngnggurggh
Not a huge fan of this "being awake" business
@DaveRandom Lol, it's gone 1pm.. don't tell me you've just got up now
No I got up at 10, which was too early, and now I am paying for it
Same, got a new wheel on the back of my car. Gonna sell it
Then sell the bike
Then pay off debts, and get into new debt with a new bike in June :D
morning :-)
@DaveRandom I forget ... How old is your son (just wondering)?
Lack of sleep is the first association my brain makes when I think of children.
Hey Leri/Jimbo/DR/rdlowrey
and Dan Lugg
lol yay I got my own newline
You're special
I'm also on the toilet
Morning @Fabien
I always wonder if she had an inkling that her video would reach 10s of millions of people
@Fabien yo
its snowing... again :-(
@DanLugg I hate it. :(
I wish it snowed more here :(
we're lucky if we get once a year
@Fabien Lucky you!
Where are you, btw?
Southampton, UK
@Fabien Dafuq did I just see?
@MadaraUchiha One of the internets many mysteries
I'm not sure I want to see this week's episode, should I even?
@Gordon ping
@salathe pong
@Gordon your RFC requires a 66% majority right?
The vote is to allow the following syntax, nothing more:

public function __construct($this->foo)

Notes: The curly braces must be present. This syntax is only available for constructors. Only $this→ is allowed, not $blah→.
@Gordon that's correct?
^ yes, it is.
@salathe exactly.
Great, I just added that to the RFC just to make things super clear.
@salathe thanks
@salathe you forgot to vote yes while modifying the RFC :-D
@bwoebi hehe
I like the idea of $blah instead of $this because my classes can really named as blah. :)
@MadaraUchiha i dont know. Ill ask @salathe when the time is over :D
@Gordon Note to self: when Gordon asks about this, the answer is "yes".
It looks like #phpdoc has a new site, and it looks awesome! http://phpdoc.org #php (hoping that this change was actually recent)..
@Jimbo has been living under a rock recently? ^^
Ah damnit, that's why I added the brackets at the end.
@Gordon How long's it been like that?
@Jimbo not sure about the exact date. but I guess it's still almost recently ;)
so no worries
@salathe should know
is there any technology to send request to php server to server ?
was ist before xmas?
@samitha You mean, from one server to another?
@Gordon it has been like that since at least early december
@samitha http?
Yeah it's called HTTP
Lol @Gordon got it first
@salathe Okay, I'm a little behind then -.-
So, can i use it for localhost to bluehost ?
localhost(MY PC)
@samitha You can use it from localhost to the moon if the moon had a server connected to the internet there
and a HTTP server
I love how Zeev keeps playing his games, and nobody ever calls him out for it
So, i want a long poling connection
@samitha Don't know about long polling, I went straight from AJAX to websockets and skipped out long polling
websockets is from CLIENT to server right ?
also server to client
@samitha It's everything you want
@Jimbo I want a pony.
@salathe And no overhead for a new HTTP request to be created every time you want to send / receive data
@Jimbo so can i use CURL there ?
@samitha Websockets != cURL
@Jimbo I want a ponycorn
Why do you want ponies / ponycorn?
Hoping ponycorn wasn't a typo....
@Jimbo because I like them
@Jimbo Let say i have a mysql query.(Localhost:MY PC) ,So i want to run it in another database ? for that can i use websockets ?
Who doesn't want a ponycorn?!
@samitha yes, you gotta use websockets over http implemented through comet on top of mysql … through curl
They're flagging the automatic frozen message for abuse?
@Gordon did you see the abuse flags?
@MadaraUchiha nope?
ah there
Tell them to hit the "flag for moderator" instead next time
It's not something 10k users can handle :)
@Gordon mmm.sound good.but i don't know how to code it ? i know CURL,websockets,http but i don't know how to use all those together
It's official! Perl has been frozen for inactivity LOL
@Gordon :-) (Don't unfreeze it!!)
@samitha no offense, but you dont know anything if you think that was a serious suggestion
Using PHPUnit I am testing my dispatcher and it needs a ControllerFactory, which in turn needs another 2 or 3 dependencies and they probably have another few dependencies. I am using the getMockBuilder() method is there a way to skip the constructor dependencies? I Thought I could get a mock object without having to give the object it's chain of dependencies
@Gordon Why are you talking to little avatar people?
@David $this->getMockBuilder('MockedClass')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock()
@David If you're mocking the ControllerFactory, you won't need it's dependencies unless your Dispatcher also uses those dependencies, in which case you should refactor
If he's on my small avatar list, there's a goo reason he's there.
Oh, I have not read messages upon me.
@Gordon I am new enough to unit testing, would disabling the constructor dependencies be a normal thing to do?
@David yes
@andho My dispatcher doesn't know anything of the ControllerFactory depdencies
@Gordon Ok thanks.
@David np
I just set the include path to pear in phpstorm and now I get PHPUnit API's
When would you actually instantiate a mock with its dependencies?
Q: Subsequent duplicate close votes should automatically upvote the possible duplicate comment

Madara UchihaWhen voting to close as a duplicate, an automatic comment is generated, that's good. But sometimes that comment is lost in the influx of other comments, not visible to viewers or sometimes the OP (even though that one was improved by the banner OP is seeing when his post has pending votes). My ...

What do you guys think?
@MadaraUchiha i think it's not necessary in most cases, but the suggestion is reasonable and I upvoted it. I just wouldn't rank it high in priority
@MadaraUchiha followed the link ended up after a few click here :P
A: Capitalize "possible" in the automatically inserted comments when you vote to close as a dupe

Jeff AtwoodIt's not a complete sentence, so it doesn't need to be capitalized. We don't capitalize the tabs on the user page, or the homepage, for example.. or, heck, even here on the question page itself.

@David when would yu actully istantiate a mock?
When you need a mock of a dependency
@samitha Problem is, DB calls are BLOCKING. So you'll need some async awesomeness, workers etc, to handle this then provide the answer back over websockets
Although tbh, my application isn't going to have that many users at first so I'm just doing db calls and sending the data back over websockets
@RonniSkansing I'm saying is there ever a time you will give a mock its dependencies? It doesn't make sense to me because you will just be overriding the method return types wont you?
@ThW Am using doctrine for mine, how does an ORM fit in with this?
It's going to have to be an additional layer for me I think, I don't use mysqli unfortunately
You will have to ask the doctrine people that, not me
@David what you're dealing with is a partial mock, where the non-mocked methods are the real deal. I don't like to do partial mocks, but you would need real dependencies if you use partial mocks.
@Jimbo He won't get anyways. Stop talking to tiny avatars, friendly suggestion. :)
@Leri I have hope for those people, because I still remember when I was one
@Jimbo I don't remember when you were a vampire. ;)
Well, I gave up helping him.. he simply did not want to understand just wanted working codez.
@crypticツ give me work
@Leri His question was about general stuff, not specific code examples though. But fair enough, just trying to do my good deed for the day :)
and what's the overall architecture in CVBacklogUI?
@andho SpaghettiStrap
Is like Boostrap
what about booztrap
@Jimbo I can't see his messages, but after @Gordon's (sorry for ping) response I guess he was acting vampire'ish, as always.
@Leri I didn't see that, haha
@Leri Er....btw you're allowed to type people's names without the '@' - e.g. "I bet PeeHaa hasn't woken from his drunken stupor yet".
@Danack @ frees me from memorizing spelling of all usernames. Also I guess, no kitten died because of that ping. :)
In PHPUnit what's the best way to set for an exception not being thrown? To assert that one was thrown I use $this->setExpectedException('SomeException'). Is there anything similar like that for checking if one did not get thrown?
@David If an exception gets thrown, it automatically fails, afaik.
You can always try/catch and $this->fail
try {
  throw new Exception;
catch (Exception $e) {
  $this->fail("Exception thrown!");
@David Just assert that the function returned an appropriate value - even null would be fine.
If PHPunit reaches that assert, it shows that the exception was not thrown.
@David you do not test for no exception thrown
@MadaraUchiha I currently have 3 mocks for testing my dispatcher. Once I have a mock created I am using $mock->expects( $this->once() )....... The expects() method seems to do assertions am I correct? I just want to override the return of 2 methods without doing an assertion
@Danack @Gordon ^
if you have a public function divide($dividend, $divisor) you write one test that tests that for a given input the expected output is returned. in case of division you throw an exception when $dividend in zero so that would be your other test then, testng that the exception gets thrown.
@David I think there should be a $this->any() instead of $this->once(). Not familiar with PHPUnit though
Anyone here uses PhpStorm from Linux?
@andho It still seems to say 1 test, 2 assertions
I just want 1 test, 1 assertion
i think you can just give a return value without expects, let me see
@MadaraUchiha I use it from windows using this theme github.com/abhimanyusharma003/phpstorm-spacegray
@BasicBridge Windows doesn't really help me :)
@MadaraUchiha me
@David expects always does an assertion
@Gordon How do you properly update it (also what distro)?
oh the mockery
@MadaraUchiha download the new version, extract to desired folder, done
@Gordon My Dispatcher::dispatch(RouteInterface $route) Will check if the controller file exists and if it does it will ask the controller factory to instantiate the controller. How do I override the ControllerFactory::build($name) method without using the expects() method which seems to do an assertion?
@Gordon Don't you make desktop shortcuts or launcher shortcuts?
@MadaraUchiha oh yes, I do but I have a symlink
@MadaraUchiha I think it auto create desktop shotcut on linux when you install it.
@Gordon Or is it okay in this instance for my one test to have 2 or 3 assertions?
@BasicBridge No, it doesn't. You extract it from a zip.
@Gordon How does that work?
@MadaraUchiha my phpstorm is in like /opt/phpstorm-3345-234 (or whatever the version is) and then there is also a symlink in opt pointing to the current version. when a new one comes I simply extract to opt and change the symlink
@David its okay. the expects assertions are something you have to live with.
@MadaraUchiha Last time I install it on ubuntu, I think I set folder to executable after extracting it, then a shotcut appear on laucher
@Gordon Okay but for almost all other tests shouldn't you have just one assertion per test?
@David maybe you can use mockery. Mockery might be not as integrated with PHPUnit, so maybe just ignore it.
@Leri No idea about android
@David yes, but more in the assertFoo sense. the expect assertions are not counted towards that. in general you just want to make sure your test tests one thing. that might take more than assertion
@Gordon Okay thanks for the help. I will get the hang of this pretty soon
@BasicBridge Well, that solution is discouraged by docs itself. :)
@Leri Oh :) I thought this type of things mostly happen in PHP welcome android too :)
@BasicBridge PHP community is much more helpful in fact. Or it's just room 11...
It's because we're so friendly and tolerant :P
@Gordon I created a symlink, added a .desktop link on the desktop, but I can't add it to the Unity Launcher :(
@MadaraUchiha just run phpstorm.sh through the symlink. when it starts, it will add an icon to the unity launcher. right click and stick
This query doen't work .
SELECT * FROM `student_master` WHERE  SM_ID IN (SELECT Column2 FROM Sheet1) OR SM_First_Name LIKE '%(SELECT CONCAT(Column3,Column4,Column5) FROM Sheet1)%' OR SM_Last_Name LIKE '%(SELECT CONCAT(Column3,Column4,Column5) FROM Sheet1)%' OR  SM_Full_Name LIKE '%(SELECT CONCAT(Column3,Column4,Column5) FROM Sheet1)%'
Only working with SM_ID IN (SELECT Column2 FROM Sheet1)
dammit. I ran out of mossy cobblestone
No, that doesn't work properly.
When I do it like that, the icon becomes a gray box question mark, and when I click it, it doesn't run.
@samitha Are you sure that the query just isn't still running?
(That's a joke son).
@MadaraUchiha hmm that worked for me
what do you mean ? @Danack
@Gordon Probably because I've altered the paths, it's still cached somewhere
i want to search a column from another table columns @Danack
@samitha I mean that will be slow as fuck. No indexes possible, plus 4 concats per row.
(To a path that no longer exists)
@Danack ok.Then any good way to do that? MATCH doesn't work in innoDb :///
fulltext now works also in innodb
i didn't upgrade to 5.6
@samitha I don't know exactly what you're doing, but I'm going to guess you've just borked up your table design and so you're trying to force your queries to a bad table design, so the query is going to be incredibly slow.
You know LIKE '%(SELECT CONCAT(Column3,Column4,Column5) FROM Sheet1)%' isn't going to execute a sub-select, right?..
so how? @salathe
@salathe Er....?
@samitha I've no idea what on earth you're trying to do, and quite frankly don't care. So I'll butt out.
@Danack what?
@salathe Thought your "You know Like..." was directed at me.
@Danack Nah
@Danack But, you do know... right?
Hmm, guys, when I visit this site: http://torrage.com/torrent/<INFO_HASH_HERE>, it returns a .torrent file which I can open in text editor and see what I want. But when I do a file_get_contents() call to that same URL, I don't get the same data back, just garbled nonsense. Any ideas?
/yeah - it's not doing sub-selects, just doing 4 concats per row.
@Jimbo try to set referrer and user agent
@Jimbo garbled nonsense, like gzipped...
@Danack eehhh, no it's not. They're string literals.
@Wes Nope, that's not working
gzip? y u no use curl?
@salathe Well getting the actual file gives binary data, but with some parseable stuff at the top like the torrent name and size
But I just get crap with a file_get_contents(), or curl_*
@Jimbo It's not crap, it's gzipped.
Notice the Content-Encoding: gzip header.
Awesome, thanks guys. I wasn't even looking at the return headers, probably should have been ;)
gzdecode() it is
hi, sorry for off topic, i need your help serverfault.com/questions/570186/run-squid-behind-nginx
Q: run squid behind nginx

RezaShI'm trying to run squid server behind nginx. my sample configuration : location ~* ^/get/(.*) { proxy_pass http://ip:3128; proxy_set_header Host evenstatichostnamefortest.com; proxy_set_header Request-URI http://evenstatichostnamefortest.com/samplefile.zip; proxy_redirect of...

@rdlowrey 2 1/2 - the lack of sleep thing is now largely gone, and replaced with way too much to do
Is he coding yet? :)
@DaveRandom For a moment there, I thought you meant his lack of sleep
i know that operations like ++c+ ++c; or c++ + ++c ; are termed unpredictable in c, but for a given compiler, the o/p must be same, for the same operations on different variables have same initial value.. and if i am right, then what can be the explanation for this: eval.in/96934
@blackbee Presumably a difference in heap vs. stack access. Would be interesting to look at the asm that produces
@Gordon since you seem to be knowledgeable about this subject - can I poke your head with some methodologies questions?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm a one eyed among the blind :)
@Gordon I'm reading on EVO, it seems like a form of agile but I really have no idea how it is different from 'other' agile.
I mean, agile is an umbrella term (like HTML5 or Web 2.0) I get that, but I'm trying to classify things.
What is actually Undefined Index means ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum hmm, never heard of it before. But www.gilb.com/dl59 reads like it has a lot in common
@Sonic99 array('foo', 'bar') has index 0 and 1. trying to access something else but 0 and 1 is an undefined index
I hate these marketing buzzwords :D I do however want to understand them.
Notice: Undefined index: Title ............. on line 99
$Title_save = $_POST['Title'];
@Sonic99 Title is the index that does not exist.
@DaveRandom erm, and how do i do that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Agile really contains a lot of old ideas
there is basically nothing new in Agile Software Development, except for maybe the explicit focus of putting people first and not the project or the process
@Gordon Every (well, I'd say 4 out of 5 ) places I've seen that do 'Agile' do things that seem very contradictory to common sense.
yes, because of marketing
Probably not what they intended.
in the crosstalk magazines I linked you yesterday there is an article by Andy Hunt called unconfortable with Agile. It's quite insightful
You linked me to a long list of magazines, do you remember which one?
(Which issue?)
@BenjaminGruenbaum can a ajax like polling be done using the Observer interface?
What observer interface? What's 'ajax like polling'?
any idea how we can map the font curves in xml?
i mean polling is used to notify the user whenever there is a change in database.. i mean web page to be updated using data from a web server without the
need for a full page refresh.
and its done with ajax..
@BenjaminGruenbaum no. but there is a search function on that page ;)
but thats in php and javascript...
I think it was March 13
@Gordon lol, lemme find it. Thanks :)
is there any similar kind of thing in java .. j2se..
@BenjaminGruenbaum also, another key distinguisher is that Agile is not so much a Methodology than it is supposed to be a mindset
@blackbee This is not java chat group
@Gordon like I said, like HTML5 or Web 2.0 :D
@blackbee yes, there is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum i wouldnt call these a mindset.
what is it called?
I'd link you to my talk from IPC last year but they didnt upload it yet :(
Got the slides :D?
Cool, gonna read.
@BenjaminGruenbaum how is it done??
The (hopefully) final iteration of the Improved TLS Defaults RFC is now live. TL;DR section for those short on time: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/improved-tls-defaults#tldr_definitive_progress
@rdlowrey either that's php 5.7 or you need to get voting on it really fast if I understand correctly.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Don't worry, it'll get into 5.6 ;)
@Gordon I'd call "Agile Mimicry" "Cargo Cult" - that's the term :)
Can anyone help me out to solve UNDEFINED INDEX PROBLEM please...i paste the code below
$id = isset($_REQUEST['Id']) ? $id = $_REQUEST['Id'] : '';
if ($id != 0) {
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("halftimedb") or die(mysql_error());
$sql = "SELECT Id,Title,description,Image,Category from News WHERE Id='" . $id . "'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);

<form action="edit.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<div class="OuterWrapper" background-color:white; >
<div class="row" id="wrapper" >
@BenjaminGruenbaum you know, I want my own Buzzwords ;)
@Gordon :D Well, good presentation.
@Danack I've said it before but ... the key to internals is clearly to only propose changes that would make people look really bad if they voted against them ;)
And now, I must take the dog out for a walk. Have a nice afternoon, room 11.
@rdlowrey well, your offered change was hard to object to, it doesn't really break anything and it improves a default.
You should do some of those on Rails :D
Can anyone helpme out above code problem please?
@Sonic99 No - but I can tell you need to learn how to debug code youtube.com/watch?v=LUTolQw8K9A
@Sonic99 Don't use mysql use mysqli, or PDO insted. Don't use $_REQUEST use $_POST if you are posting the data from form,
@Danack Crap sound quality, I think it's totally useless to watch jetbrain videos they always have poor voice quality
@BasicBridge Then just open up phpstorm, set a breakpoint and figure out how to debug code yourself.....it's really not hard, and is a lot easier than trying to guess what is wrong with your code.
@Danack I know that I was just saying. I hate there videos but I love phpstrom
I'm using Netbeans PHP IDE.can i debug with this?
@Sonic99 You can, it's just a bit harder to setup.
ok.I'm going to download php strom
php strom is free edition
@Sonic99 30 days
@Sonic99 I think there developer preview is free with lots of bugs
@BasicBridge EAP is quite stable IMO
@BasicBridge Possibly fewer bugs than the last release actually.
unfortunately I need to use array(), can you please provide me with the right code. Thank you. — user2703038 1 min ago
@m59 Haha
@m59 You should have told him he'll need to upgrade php to solve his problem.
@Danack I think you mean he needs to uninstall php to solve his problem.
That works for me.
@user2703038 Please be aware, this is StackOverflow, not CopyPasteOverflow. Do a bit of the leg-work yourself. — Dan Lugg 32 secs ago
I am learning to unit test and I was wondering do you ever have other methods besides test*() in your tests? Using PHPUnit
@David yes, like setup
I have noticed I need a mock of my ControllerFactory during a few tests and it takes 3 lines of code, is it acceptable to have a private getControllerFactoryMock() within the test class?

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