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Hi everyone, what's the best tool for websockts in PHP
hi guys, my log is full of this: [31-Jan-2014 18:18:31 America/Chicago] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/suhosin.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/suhosin.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
that is happening on 2 separate servers...
and I can not find nowhere in code that I call suhosin or similar
@DušanRadojević Check your php.ini file?
I am on a shared hosting
I will do a php info now
I am confused since script does not call suhosin anywhere...
Q: PHP log full of suhosin errors

Dušan RadojevićHello I have simple php script well it is more a html file with few php lines. Yet it produces tons of errors in log that look like this on every line: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/suhosin.so' - /usr/local/lib/...

in phpinfo there is no suhosin present
There is no suhosin in phpinfo() because php cannot load it
@DušanRadojević it has nothing to do with your code calling anything Suhosin related. This is a startup error where PHP cannot load the extension. Search your php.ini file for 'suhosin' and comment out all lines which contains the word. This will stop the loading and setting of directives for it. You should not be using Suhosin either way, it's crap.
My code works beautifully on my testing server but it's not working on my VPS
It only works right if I type in 'php "script.php"' instead of navigating to script.php
Can anyone take a look at this ?
Q: htaccess to Nginx Rewrite - Ajax/Jquery not working

vongolashuI installed a script and it had htaccess for apache but I use nginx so I used the online htaccess to nginx conversion tool and converted my htaccess <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^uploads - [L,NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_F...

Did you enable AllowOverride in your conf file?
Never mind, that's not my area
Ok seriously my script runs if I run it as root..
And define doesn't work either
Why is my server so screwed up? I just paid for it too...
I can help in server related stuff maybe
whats the problem ?
Well, I have a web application on wampserver
I converted the paths to match my linux vps
And the scripts seem to run fine if I ssh in as root and type "php "<path_to_script>"
did you chown the script to webserver user ?
whats happens if you open in browser
But file_get_contents doesn't work if I try accessing it with the browser
Gonna lose internet hang on
what does it shows in browser ? Is it owned by webserver user ? Whats the general action script is to perform ?
1st thing I would advise is checking owner of file
Whoa how do i still see your messages?
maybe coz your net still connected ?
Wait, what the heck?
...sorry about that, lost my internet connection.
nps, btw ya good with htaccess/nginx rewrite rules ? I have a small problem of my own
wait, who?
It looks like Netflix is more important than the 9PM internet block
Me? Not really... still need to get my webapp running.
do what I said
it might be the problem
what does it shows in browser ? Is it owned by webserver user ? Whats the general action script is to perform ?
1st thing I would advise is checking owner of file
Alright, one moment
I did ls -l, most everything is owned by root
The file executes, but file_get_contents doesn't work
you use apache ?
and centos ?
httpd, yeah
Yes, centos
use this command and lemme know output lsof -i | grep :http
lsof -i | grep :http
Apache's not using anything atm afaik
try ps aux | grep httpd
or just directly chown your php file/script to apache user
command will be
I got it, well no it's not fixed but I know chown
chown httpd:httpd script.php
Oh, I was chowning to apache not httpd
it should be chowned to the user httpd runs as, apache or httpd
The script runs...
Hang on, let me tail -f my error log
[Fri Jan 31 21:13:29 2014] [error] [client -------] PHP Warning: file_get_contents(movielist_fbbd863f90bdce1.ugo): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/ds/v2-us/preferred.php on line 195
whats the link or path you are using in file_get_contents ?
its saying the script is running but the path given to fgt is wrong
Hang on let me try the full path
what path did you use ?
when script runs it will use the path from where the script is located
aka its searching for movielist_fbbd863f90bdce1.ugo in same folder where the script is
Same directory
The .ugo isn't being created...
Hang on, pastebin, brb
pastebin.com/tbZUN16q Expires in an hour
Perhaps python isn't running
wait you created .ugoxml
but reading .ugo
Yes, the python converts it
whats the exact path of that ugo file
full path
and full path of this script ?
Same directory
try echo(file_get_contents("./$output_name.ugo"));
use that code ^^ and retry
your script is wrunning, its not getting or finding the file
(unless I run it as root...) hmm
One sec
error.log ?
do you have teamviewer ?
It's a VPS
Just ssh..
One sec brb
I mean your PC, looking at the console and testing it myself would be easier than question and answer
I suppose..
Slightly hesitant as I just watched that Malwarebytes video haha
seeif you can install teamviewer, can probably help you in a few mins itself
Lemme grab the client
@vongolashu You almost certainly don't want to be using the "if (!-f $request_filename){" stuff in nginx. You should be using location blocks and matching the requests instead.
millions of ppl use TV -_-
Yeah I know
@Danack can you post the rewrite rules you think should be used instead ?
@vongolashu fyi my nginx config is here blog.basereality.com/blog/11/Complete_Nginx_config_for_PHP it may help inspire you
Can we send PMs here?
I aint mostly stuck in nginx but rather in rewrites with it, thanks for the link, reading it
@AustinBurk no idea
@vongolashu Assuming you just want to send everything through a single file (RewriteRule ^(.*)/?$ index.php?rp=$1 [L]) that's in my conf - it's the last default nginx location.
@vongolashu Alrighty
@vongolashu yeah - that's the thing. Nginx shouldn't be using rewrites as such - the location block does the same functionality but in a slightly different (and better) way.
@AustinBurk connect to my TV instead, will change the location with yours then
139 324 443
pass: 1256
oh Hang on.
@Danack will try your suggestion in a bit
copy paste it so I can delete it
I just dl'd the teamviewer client, one sec...Installing
Running it...one sec
@vongolashu Give this man a medal! ;)
And I learned something new today too.
actually it would have been fixed when you chowned the file but you only chowned user, not group
and ugo was still owned by root
It's been too long since I used Linux... I used to always use it.
Thank you! Now I'll go try it in my DS.
I was doing some linux work myself side by side, so good thing was in mood to do it haha
I finally got it running. Lost my internetz yesterday. But how does psr-4 work like?
    "psr-4": {
        "CvRing\\Backlog\\": "src"
I dunno
that doesn't autoload for me
hmmm, are you using composer?
I use --optimize-autoloader so maybe that makes it for me.
ok let me try
I just clone the repo, and then run composer to run included composer file. You can also install the repo using composer, but I have not tested to see if that works.
how do you run it?
php -S localhost:8080 -t web
that should work right
that's how I do it locally
keep in mind nothing really works yet since the controller is not setup to actually run the backlog code yet.
it will give a default UI with error about files not existing
I'll just update the README with instructions to run it first
Well running it should not be dependent on the built-in server
@crypticツ yeah I'm also adding __DIR__ to a few paths
Whatever server is being used they just need to point webroot to the /web
@andho are the paths not working?
it wasn't because at first I ran it from repo root. php -S localhost:8080 web/index.php
yup, it's the --optimize-autoloader that did the trick
@andho need to figure out why it needs that.
@andho FYI my fork is going to be several commits ahead at times so make sure nothing is overlapping. I don't think anything would right now.
Any php expert here ?
@Sonic99 no, we all only mock PHP
In a patter lik egiven below, is it possible to just get the IDs part before each "," in a array ?
I want to do a ID search and want the list of IDs in a array from this kind of text database
@vongolashu you'd probably use the CSV functions
hi guys.. uhm pastebin.com/n2BuMheH
@Cecil you should really have some sort of primary key on that table
@TutelageSystems: auto-incremented?
@Cecil I am not 100% sure but you should be also able to use a LIMIT 1 at the end. I believe MySQL should support that feature
@Cecil never mind lol, just checked the documentation on that. But yes a primary key, auto-incremented is the easiest
hmm.. okay..
@Cecil I feel like people in this chat has already told you a dozen times and you don't listen, but stop using mysql_*() functions, and protect your queries from SQL injection attacks.
@crypticツ: fine, i'll change that soon. i really have just to start on basic.
@Cecil no, you're teaching yourself the wrong way to begin with, which is not how you do things.
It's easier to learn the correct way than to un-learn the wrong way
@crypticツ: thanks for your concern.now, im obliged to really change it.. the right way as u told. :)
@Cecil use a primary key, auto-incremented and then your query will changed to be deleting where the primary key matches (since you only want to delete the one row).

You could also do a simple search on github for some mysqli libraries or something that you can use. They might not protect you from attacks, but will help you in syntax when moving forward
@TutelageSystems "They might not protect you from attacks" So you mean the most important thing when it comes to running a query? You don't need a library you just need to RTFM.
okay. done printing the screen for this chat to remember. thanks. thanks
Some people apparently are terrified of reading the PHP manual
i admit that
It's the most accurate and detailed documentation you will find on the subject.
@crypticツ No the most important thing is security, it is always number one. Just if you have actually told them already then there is no need to me (or us) continue to tell them to secure their queries properly. They will make no steps forward at all unless they do it, I just figured using an actual library will at least improve their syntax and get them use to the proper calls
@TutelageSystems having a begginer use a library will not teach them how it works. They will learn the lib, but not know anything about PDO or MySQLi
If I want to learn to drive a car, I don't sit in the back seat.
@crypticツ yes that is true, but i think a lot of people forget that we were all beginners, and we all made some pretty horrible websites at one point or another. Maybe a library isn't the best, but to start with escaping data. Either way it is up to Cecil to make the choice to actually do something about it and learning it
@crypticツ wasn't trying to start a giant word war
Delete Confirmation Isn't working
 while($test = mysql_fetch_array($query))

                echo"<td> <a href ='delete.php?Id=$id'> onclick=return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this?')>DELETE</a>";
				echo "</tr>";
@Sonic99 you need to put quotes
where ?
@Sonic99 for your onclick attribute
your a tag is wrong, you have an extra > after $id'
there is a space between return and confirm so HTML thinks the attribute value ends
echo "<td> <a href='delete.php?Id=$id' onclick='...'>DELETE</a> </td>";
If in doubt always check the HTML source output and see if it came out correct.
Fixing like this? but still no luck .. any errro here
echo "<td> <a href='delete.php?Id=$id' onclick='onclick=return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this?')'>DELETE</a> </td>";
@Sonic99 now you need to escape your quotes around the confirmation string
also why is there two onclicks now?
echo "<td><a href='delete.php?Id=$id' onclick='return confirm(\"Are you sure you want to delete this?\")'>DELETE</a>";
@cryptic thanks it's working now
Hi everyone,
If someone know some table names of my database, does this provide any security issues? Just wondering. If yes, how this will help that one do something?
Notice: Undefined index: Id in C:\wamp\.................\add.php on line 28
$id =$_REQUEST['Id']; <--- Line 28

if($id == 0)


//Some coding goes here
Id came in URL
@JamshidHashimi Keep in mind plenty of software where the tables are known, but what gets them hacked is that they don't properly protect their queries. Hiding the table is security through obscurity and just makes it a little more difficult to attack, but does nothing otherwise for security.
@Sonic99 have you read the manual?
@JamshidHashimi If you don't feel comfortable letting someone know the tables, then you probably aren't too sure of how well protected the queries are =oP
@crypticツ yes i read that but still i'm unable to solve that.in this program im going to Add and edit do the same form /Because of that i'm checking Id.. If Id is a 0 then they recognize as a New Insert & if alady ID there then it recognize as a Edit.
@Sonic99 you read the entire PHP manual?
Including the part about how to check if a variable exists?
yes i read several posts.. it says isset($_GET['id']) needed
am i correct ?
Im newbie & understand php manual is quite difficult
@Sonic99 yes, so how are you applying such a check for that variable in the above code?
When i click Edit url then it comes Id with the URL
@Sonic99 that tells me nothing about how you are applying isset() to your code to attempt to solve the undefined index problem.
post the code
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/multi-line-button.css"/>


$id =$_REQUEST['Id'];

if($id == 0)

	$Title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["Title"]);
	$Description = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["description"]);
	$imageName = mysql_real_escape_string($_FILES["image"]["name"]);
	$imageData = mysql_real_escape_string(file_get_contents($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"]));
(see full text)
@Sonic99 you will need to do a check before you assign your $id variable using the method you posted.

so something like

// Test to see if $_GET['id'] is set
// if it is, then assign it to $id
// if not, then error message or die?
@Sonic99 use pastebin.com to post large code blocks from now on please.
<div class="OuterWrapper" background-color:white; > what's going on here?
thats a div with set width
@Sonic99 its not correct HTML
In here i use 2 HTML forms to Add & Edit
Don't take this the wrong way. But you need to learn HTML before you try learning PHP. You are going to waste a lot of your time and others if you don't, because you are making silly mistakes in your HTML that you would otherwise know are wrong. Once again, not to sound rude, but just trying to give you sound advice.
@crypticツ Thanks. I am doing this in admin panel part. I think there shouldn't be so much security issue in that section. Because someone must have right to access admin panel. The place where I use the table name is, during editing the record of a table. Like this: /admin/static_tables/my_db_name/3
Add is working BUT Edit is not working ,When i click edit it shows nothing
aaah! ok.thanks
@JamshidHashimi Are you passing the URL args as values in your query?
good morning
@crypticツ I am using CodeIgniter Active Record. Yes I am doing.
@JamshidHashimi First bad choice in using CI =oP, second make sure you run all the query values through Active Record. Also make sure the logic is correct so manipulation of the URL values won't say allow someone to modify a different table or database, etc.
whitelists are always nice =oP
@crypticツ yeah I am using Active Record. Will take care of those points.
@crypticツ Whiltelists?
@JamshidHashimi Say user Bob should only be able to access database Foo and Baz and only be allowed to edit tables Bar and Blah.
Basically an ACL for the user
@crypticツ I got your point. That's what I have applied. The users will access parts of the system according to their roles, assigned.
So in conclusion, there is not a severe security issue implementing this way. I will take care of my queries and also think about alternative ways in next version :)
Thank you Cryptic.
@JamshidHashimi I'm not sure about Active Record when it comes to safety. Say ->from($tableName) not sure if AR protects the query if it's user supplied. You don't typically put a user supplied value as the table name.
You'd have to check the source to see what AR is doing.
@crypticツ You may be able to provide some insight on this one:

I have two entities that I am dealing with Product, and Category
For Each of these I have a mapper, a storage interface and a concrete storage implementation: i.e.
Product, Mapper\ProductMapper, Storage\ProductStorage and Storage\ProductStoragePDO;

To instantiate the equivalent of:
$mapper = new ProductMapper(new ProductStoragePDO(new PDO($dsn, $username, $password)));
$product = $mapper->getById($productID);
lather rinse repeat for a category
How / where would you implement the table that binds the category and the product together
( a link table between the two )
@Orangepill You think too highly of me =oP
@crypticツ You don't think highly enough of yourself :)
@Orangepill I know my limits and know to not expect much >.<
@crypticツ a quote from CI manual: " It also allows for safer queries, since the values are escaped automatically by the system."
@crypticツ This was regarding AR
A know a half a dozen ways to do it .... I just don't know which way I should do it.
@JamshidHashimi but values passed via the 2nd paramater. Best way to know is to just check out the source to see if it will make values passed via the table or database field safe.
1 hour later…
Anyone here
good morning
I'm trying to format the timestamp created in my database but it keeps turning out like this 2014-02-01 01:22:20
Currently I'm rendering it out like this `<?=$image ["date"] ?>` but have tried other options like `<?=$image ["date F J, Y"] ?>` and many other methods. I've read the php manual but dont understand it very well. All I want is the timestamp to display like this February 1, 2014. Can someone help me out please?
<?= date("F d, Y", strtotime($image["date"])); ?>
@Orangepill thank you so much! That was exactly what I needed. I tried using the strtotime previously just didn't have the right syntax. Thanks again. I can sleep now.
Hai Guys.
I need to implement. Live chat plugin in my website.
Can you suggest me any free plugins?
I need some buzzwords for research actually. I'm look to have user enter a website url and me give a window of that site, like an iFrame, but iframes are usually evil. I need to be able to apply my own style to this site. Not sure what I should really be looking/reading in to
nm got it
Quiet today
@Fabien week end
They should change it to week beginning. It's the time people most look forward to
Nice thought there, but most people hate Monday week beginning
Exactly. So switch the names. it's a bit morbid to always look forward to the end
@BasicBridge they hate Mondays because they hate their jobs. Their own fault.
If everyone had their ideal job no one would clean bathrooms for a living :P
Besides I like my job, but I still prefer weekends.
how is cleaning not ideal?
@Fabien oh yes, they would. some people enjoy that. it might just be that its the little thing that gives their life purpose.
even if its just for keeping them from drifting
Enough to cover all the worlds poop cleaning positions?
@Fabien I lack the numbers on these to make estimates :)
On a more web related note. I'm trying to access #document from <object> but beginning to think its not possible. All I am trying to do is create a view of someone's site from my own with my own css applied. <object>/<iframe> the right path or nay possible?
This isn't for profit. Just for fun.
@Fabien If i'm wrong bill gates is working on this thing. Easy self cleaning toilets
@Fabien does it have to be javascript? else you could send the url to the server, load the content via ext/dom, apply your changes and then send a page holding that content back to the user
what you can get the doc if it is within the content security policy
@BasicBridge yeah, he is.
@Gordon Nah, doesn't have to be JS.
@BasicBridge It's fine if it's in the toilet :P
What's ext short for?
@Fabien extension. us2.php.net/DOM
I'll give it a whirl. JS is the ideal solution but I'm not sure on its possibility.
@Fabien you can't access the parent document from an iframe unless they're on the same domain or the website explicitly allows it.
It's part of the cross-origin policy.
Aye, any other ways to achieve the goal without iframe/object then?
Hey Joe
hi @Fabien :)
morning room
moin @AlmaDo
Any of you gamers notice these Steam boxes making an appearance?
I'm not sure if it's Gabe with a huge troll because I am fairly sure it's just a PC with SteamOS pre-installed :P
@Fabien serverside.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Fair enough cheers. I'll start reading into PHPs DOM. I've dabbled before with XPath and always been a mild failure :p
That might be a better route tbf. I know even less about it but I'm more likely to use it at work.
Thanks again :)
@Fabien I work a lot with it.
Like it?
Yes, much easier then using JSON or SimpleXML :-)
Given my above goals and zero familiarity, any recommended starting place for reading? Doesn't have to be a resource, just a few buzzwords to google around about.
Morning room
@Fabien just use express and add a handler, you can use jQuery 2 within NodeJS and just do what you'd do on the clientside
Awesome thanks. :) I'll get reading. I've already got nodeJS installed fortunately too.
Friend recently introduced me to FireShell. Makes me realise how long I have been out of the front-end game.
@Fabien a-basketful-of-papayas.net/2010/04/… and old blog post I wrote some time ago.
I wouldn't use it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wish jQuery would include support for xml namespaces in the core :-(
How come?
@Fabien check out Yeoman, it comes with bower for dependencies and grunt for tests - but also Yo for scaffolding, instead of having one generator you can get a generator of your liking and use that.
Than again - I don't use frameworks in most of my code.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah cool thanks. I actually tried to set up YeoMans workflow once on my Pi but it had issues with the Pi's distro
@ThW thank you I will take a read :)
I don't get that… If I execute some query in pma (yes, I'm sure I don't hit the query cache…) it takes approximately 1.5 ms; while measuring in my script (PDO with execute) it takes 30+ ms…
@bwoebi What does EXPLAIN say?
is the output different on pma and pdo?
one minute…
well, i have read a few tutorials on serversockets, sockets and threads in java for a client/server chat.. but what i am not being able to figure out is ... if i am implementing the server side in php, then do i need to use the sockets in java or just send the messages via the post method from java and receive the others messages from the database by the inoutStreamReader??
Burnt my finger making crumpets. I feel like I have been betrayed by my own country.
@blackbee You can implement Websocket servers in PHP. For example with RatchetPHP.
@ThW only difference is that with PDO there is refs => "const,const" while with pma it's NULL (where the values are prepared)
can you explain a bit about synchronizing the two
i mean java client and php server
err wait
@bwoebi have you tried to send the query with pdo directly (not as a prepared stmt)?
in pma there's no key used on a line but in PDO there is
@ThW no, will try.
@ThW no difference…
@blackbee really java or javascrip[t (browser)?
no not javascript.. native java .. j2se
Phew, it's been a while since I booted from Windows
@blackbee What are you trying to do?
@ThW If I execute the query via /usr/bin/mysql I also get 0,03 s… :x
i am trying to make a chat application , specifically a chat room, written in java .. (no swing or awt, just console interface) and since there has to be a server so i thought that i could use php to pull and push data from and to the database.. and if i were able to do that, i could signup for a free webhost like 000webhost ..
just not via pma (wtf…)
@PeeHaa Boo! That's not PHP! Heretic!
@blackbee PHP is great at being an HTTP server side, I'm guessing your chat isn't going to use HTTP
@blackbee will not work
crap is language agnostic :)
why won't it work??
@blackbee and here should be legal issues, I would think most (free/shared)hosters will forbid chats.
@ThW Shared hosters forbid chat??
that is gonna break my heart :(
@MadaraUchiha I am not big fan of using http for stuff like that, but what's wrong with chat that uses http?
@PeeHaa all kind of apps that require persistent http connections.
@Leri Nothing wrong... He stated he's going to use sockets, which I'm 99% sure that means he's not planning on using HTTP.
This chat uses HTTP, and it's one of the finest chats I've seen.
well, i am not hell bent on using sockets, if this can be done with http, then its cool..
i will do it, it would reduce most of my work, because i am finding threading and sockets is a little difficult to understand...
@MadaraUchiha This chat uses wss well at least this is what my network data shows (I might be wrong, though).
@Leri They probably changed it. But I remember it used to use AJAX to poll data every second.
This might depend on the browser.
Fact is, you can make a very good chat platform with HTTP, it's just not necessarily the best tool for the job.
@MadaraUchiha Completely agree. :)
@blackbee Concurrency is the hardest thing to debug from my experience. However, it can make sh*t work fast.
so can i, although its not the best way, have a thread that sends message using post request... and another thread that polls the server and then print any new messages to the console ??
@blackbee Send should be an async task fire and forget, receive can go in background thread with infinite loop, however, that's cpu intensive work. For my implementations receiving is also an async task (although, this is harder to implement).
And as you mentioned, you create client with java, so take a look at java.nio package
@ThW oh. oh. MySQL will not use indexes if you query the wrong data type … that's why stringkey = 11 didn't use the index… but pma optimizes that internally…
@bwoebi Good to know.
ok.. @Leri .. i have a friend waiting for me at the station, and i completely forgot about it.. i'll be back in 30 mints..

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