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it's like nobody was looking when this was merged ...
@DanLugg why would you compile it again ?
no need
if (...) {
    if (...) {
        if (...) {
            if (...) {
                if (...) {
it can be written to a file stream as it is ...
doesn't matter
think apc_bin_dump
If your code is moving East faster than it's moving South we're going to have problems.
an op array doesn't look like that
or work like that
if (...) {
    if (...) {
        i中 (...) {
            中中 (...) {
                中國的 {
@rdlowrey ^^
$obj->rep=intval($repval)+intval($val) ;

it's a serial stream of instructions, each one executed in order, the structure doesn't represent that because an instruction can tell the vm to jump around, I don't have the words for it, but it doesn't look like that ... bob can probably explain it better ...
@DanLugg I think the pony is coming for your cyclomatic complexity. The <center> cannot hold. He comes.
so you can write them to a stream and load them no problem, no matter how much they branch nest or throw ...
@rdlowrey Wait, I thought we established you have a Chinese character set?
Oh no, do I have to dissect more humor frogs?
Chinese... East... ribbet ribb-splat
Sometimes I reach for humor, other times I just reach out and fall off a ladder.
Is it just me or is the WordPress Loop ugly?
@rdlowrey @philsturgeon a better solution exists, https://github.com/igorw/php-src/compare/function-autoloading#diff-057763e7b765a6c5c50714033fd04ff4R185 everyone poke @igorwhiletrue ... poke poke, poke poke poke ...
@m59 It's just you. The WordPress loop is the pinnacle of side-effect-based programming.
Off the ladder I go.
That didn't make it sound any better lol
1 min ago, by Dan Lugg
Sometimes I reach for humor, other times I just reach out and fall off a ladder.
@JoeWatkins Yeah, theoretically ... but little point to it. Recompiling PHP code is probably faster than unswizzling a bindump and verifying it for correctness...
@DanLugg so...it does suck?
@NikiC yeah I guess, you'd have to work pretty hard to try and match it, probably could be done ... but effort ...
People talk like it's just awesome. Then read the tutorial and first code I see:
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
i wanna flag the question i just posted but i dunno what.. >.< gaah!
@DanLugg s/side-effect-based/awesome/
s/awesome/glorious unicorn farts/
Glorious! Glorious unicorn farts!
@NikiC did you get anywhere on your router blog post ?
@JoeWatkins It's not like I'm doing to do that now...
It's tuesday, there's still real work to do ^^
also I just tested dmitry's xx_malloc patch...
I was looking at it, any good ?
tried it on my parser, got 13% speedup on a simple test
not bad
and 17% memory savings
(numbers may be a bit off because I never know which numbers I need to divide...)
anyway… It is better than without the patch…
sounds great
parser perf improvements? I'm talking about the allocator improvements. Only was testing on parsing code, because that creates lot of objects for AST, so it's probably a pretty "good" case for the allocator
Are you sure that's a duplicate?
it's going to take me forever to pull it, but sounds worth it ...
Nevermind. I'm making more dumb jokes. I'll just delete it. ohhhh
I wonder if he wants the number to be random each time.
oh is tiny ...
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Zend/zend_alloc.c
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
oh only one, simple ...
@JoeWatkins why the merge?
or do you have your own alloc changes as well?
no I don't
maybe my master is behind
@bwoebi not sure how familiar you're with the vm stack, but do you have any idea about this:
I took just a quick look over the patch and think that it may has another problem.
PHP compiler calculates the necessary argument stack and then VM allocates it at once together with execeute_data.
The "argument unpacking" doesn't allow this. The patch tries to extend stack at run-time, but it may work improperly.
For example when we are at stack boundary and execute something like test(...array(1,2), 3, 4);
ZEND_VM_STACK_GROW_IF_NEEDED() won't extend stack because compiler preallocated space for "3" and "4", and it'll lead to pushing above stack boundary.
that's re arg unpacking, for context
well… I have less idea of your changes than of the vm stack… I'll have a look now.
The problem is pretty tricky, I couldn't yet find a nice solution for it
he says there's no zts support
[joe@fiji php-src]$ sapi/cli/php -i | grep Thread
Thread Safety => enabled
works fine ... once you fix the build errors ...
@JoeWatkins Compiling with zts != being actually thread safe, right? ^^
oh oh
I havent looked any files yet
at least I'd guess that the allocator needs a bit more explicit ts support than throwing in a bunch of tsrmls macros ^^
yeah, will poke around ... I thought he meant there was no support to even build
well ...
pthreads passes all tests, consistently, I was hoping it was going to be something obvious that makes it lack thread safety ...
For the record: pthreads compatibility (all of the things!) is extremely important to me as of the last couple of days.
I can't explain how pleased I am with pthreads right now :)
@JoeWatkins Well, maybe it does work with it already, I have no idea really..
I will ask, might be something on windows or some systems, pretty sure he won't be wrong ... however, it's going to be hard to tell when you achieved safety if it is passing all tests now ...
Hello peepz
@NikiC wondering what happens with test(1, ...array(2, 3), 4); as when you make the vm stack grow, it puts a new bunch of memory on top of it and moves the old top to prev?
then isn't the first entry lost if you grow?
can't you just erealloc() in that case instead of making the vm_stack growing?
@rdlowrey it'll be worked out whatever ... (and yay!)
@NikiC I especially mean that one: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_execute.h#209 … so you'd have the args on two different stacks which would be bad…
yeah… doing erealloc() seems fine to me…
@rdlowrey please tell me I did this correct like you suggested, or not =o(
erealloc(EG(argument_stack)->top, ZEND_MM_ALIGNED_SIZE(sizeof(*page)) + sizeof(void*) * (count + (EG(argument_stack)->end - EG(argument_stack)->top)));
@bwoebi Uh, that's how it always worked, not related to my changes
@crypticツ Is there something specific I'm looking for or do you just want general feedback? :)
before 5.5 all argument pushes all did a stack grow 1 before pushing, right?
before php 5.5? no idea…
or did I misunderstand what you mean?
@crypticツ The hasOption method might better be renamed verifyOption or validateOption, but I suppose it doesn't matter since it's private.
@rdlowrey anything I may have done wrong in anyway. =o)
Just cause' has* typically (to me, at least) denotes a return type of bool.
I mean that you actually make the stack grow… and so it might be possible that you have one part of the args on the one page and another part on the next page… so you need to erealloc to still remain on the same page
@bwoebi Yes I get that
@DanLugg good point
@crypticツ I looks good to me (not checking for minute syntax errors or anything). Clear readable names. Asking for things instead of looking for them.
if (empty($this->config[$configOption])) {
@NikiC so… that's all I think
And what you say sounds right, but as that's how it always was in 5.4 it has to somehow work - but right now I'm not sure how...
@crypticツ ^ Careful with that if you have config options that can be FALSE or "" or "0" NULL
^^ true fact.
@NikiC lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_5_4/Zend/… actually don't see much a diff to master here…
@rdlowrey so should I use isset() and then the old $var == '' ?
not sure what you want to say me with php 5.4
The diff is that a stack push grows the stack (rather than relying on prealloc for most pushes)
@crypticツ array_key_exists() might be best, if "empty" values are valid in any way.
@crypticツ ^^ That. It just depends. Remember that isset evaluates to FALSE if a key exists but is NULL.
@bwoebi You got me wondering now ... this all doesn't make sense to me anymore. After all, pretty much all the code assumes that arguments are linear in memory, so I don't get how this works
< confused too^^
browsing php 5.4 source… and I wondered where i_create_execute_data_from_op_array was^^
just to notice it was inlined in zend_vm_execute.h…
lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_5_4/Zend/zend_vm_execute.h#358 but actually compiler prealloced here too
I assume the check usually was just unnecessary… it was just "if needed"… but actually memory always was continuous here, no?
@bwoebi That's just the allocation for the main stack frame (ex, cv, t), but not the args
@reikyoushin was it you who recommended 1.0?
@PeeHaa what1.0?
one point o
@PeeHaa what's that o.O?
1.0 of what?
Ah wasn't you me thinks :)
@PeeHaa maybe lol
Start work on a API to convert images for @MadaraUchiha or implement filtering in my cms?
@MRS1367 Pro tip: "I have born" is not English. :-)
@PeeHaa maybe their Query Not Work?
@PeeHaa -> tnx :)
I corrected it in my profile
np :-)
Also @MRS1367 you are in soo many rooms it may result in a room overflow ;)
okey that one was just bad
/me blame booooooze
@NikiC ah… okay the single stacks were merged… but that disappeared in php5.5?
@CarrieKendall :D
@bwoebi So in the end, you're right... I'd have to readd that code in some way to make things correct
that, or realloc
@PeeHaa also, good omrnign to you too :P
realloc sounds like perf penalty
not sure…
@PeeHaa -> cuz I like and work with them
@CarrieKendall Hey I got the characters rigth!
@bwoebi well, there is probably some reason why it was implemented like it was
@NikiC there's anyway just a tiny number of function args…
@MRS1367 Nobody likes perl
and wanna to learn many other things in these PLs and technologies
@PeeHaa as if you deserve props, i decoded it :P
I have to learnt it for one of my projects
in Image Processing with MATLAB
@MRS1367 Well perl is the same thing as php only even more stupid :)
feel free to benchmark it… because the whole thing needs to be copied anyway when merging the args into a single stack page
@PeeHaa lolz..
and if people use more than one arg expansion… they are doing something wrong anyway…
@PeeHaa Hey now, that's not true; some people enjoy eating fried napkins. There's a market for everything!
now I wonder how that tastes
@NikiC also you'd need to do that comparison always… which would be also a small perf penalty. and when you think about the fact that arg unpacking shouldn't be a thing which is used all over the code… I don't think it's worth it…
@bwoebi Not sure what you're talking about here
you can't just realloc a stack page
@NikiC why not?
stuff points to it
e.g. function_state.arguments
Actually, that looks frickin' delicious.
Yes. Yes it does.
God damn you
okay, then… -.-
@bwoebi I think alloc new stack page and copy shiz is no big problem here
@PeeHaa If you're getting too hungry, just think of them as little used diapers.
after all, hitting a stack boundary is pretty rare
hmh, ja
@DanLugg They do kinda look like it :)
lol, I know, eh?
When "developers" are defending their FW / tool of choice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc
@PeeHaa Don't make the effort for me
@MadaraUchiha It might be actually useful to have some oauth api where people can push services and register them on my machine after review
@PeeHaa osom
@PeeHaa i thought it was becca, but the id was different. lol
It's only tuesday man
ah, good :)
there's kimsufi again?
When I see .php on the end of URLs nowadays I'm genuinely not sure if I'm being trolled or not...
I'm sure it was posted already, but shmeh.
bye guys!
@NikiC I know what dmitry meant
@JoeWatkins won't you merge your last changes to phpdbg into php-src?!
there seems to be some more in the works from that terry guy
he didn't mean it doesn't support zts, the new allocator patch, he means zts doesn't take advantage of the fact this is all mmap'd memory ...
it supports zts fine, what zts doesn't do is support it ... or take advantage of it ...
I have a feeling I might regret this approach:
public abstract class Expression { }
public abstract class Unary : Expression { }
public class BooleanNot : Unary { }
public class BitwiseNot : Unary { }
public class ArithmeticPositive : Unary { }
public class ArithmeticNegative : Unary { }
public abstract class Binary : Expression { }
public class BooleanAnd : Binary { }
public class BooleanOr : Binary { }
public class BooleanXor : Binary { }
public class BitwiseAnd : Binary { }
public class BitwiseOr : Binary { }
public class BitwiseXor : Binary { }
Actually, maybe not.
@reikyoushin later
@DanLugg now I'm 99.9% sure you were trolling. That's commitment.
@DanLugg yuk C#
@m59 lol, not trolling.
WordPress loop is actually based on mass creating/modifying globals.
@m59 Oh... you meant about that.
You're causing great distress in my heart :'(
Sorry, my I flush my memory about every 8 bananas are the best fruit to make a carburetor work in the coldest months of the swimming pool.
WordPress loop is actually based on lies, deceit and the souls of puppies.
If the WordPress Loop is good programming, atheism seems slightly more viable.
Let's not go there now, shall we?
Awwww come on, that one was good =D
"WordPress" and "good programming" don't belong in the same sentence with each other
If anything, WordPress is the only evidence of a greater being, and he's an asshole.
Thank goodness, I'm not crazy.
I wouldn't go that far.
Hey guys
enin @RonniSkansing
Hey Joe, hope you are having a great day. The days is almost over here
And I am reminded why I suck at jQuery :(
/me sleeps now ... nite chaps ...
Night Joe
@Fabien need any help?
yes please
Night @JoeWatkins
What's up?
Fiddle Basically I am trying to make it so the public functions are accessible properties/methods
var fabFullPage = $('body').fabFullPage({selector: 'section'});
Results in: TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'scrollNext'
Which is probably due to something dumb me doesn't know about.
@JoeWatkins 'night
@m59 If you're basing your sanity on my sanity you are screeeewed
@Fabien I'm not sure I understand, but are you returning this or whatever does have that scrollNext so that fabFullPage will get the right value?
basically I want to be able to provide methods like fabFullPage.scrollNext(); So I could run that from console
So the user could define an event and use the method to scroll to the next slide
What's the best web hosting out there?
Depends on your needs
@Fabien A website with not very many web pages but A LOT of back-and-forth mysql data retrieval.
@Fabien I'm pretty sure you're missing return this; somewhere, but jsfiddle is so messy
I am.
How much web could a web host host if a web host could host web?
There's the original template
I hope to get some understanding the DataMapper pattern better. I made a small example https://gist.github.com/RonnieSkansing/9cbdb6d1b8f5582944ee
I am unsure who should have the tablename data (just for the table). And if the dataStorage should really be crud like thing. I looked at quite a few examples that have a PdoAdapter with crud.
I tried building a return in to their, but once again, sucky javascript/jQuery :p
Word riz-zoom elevenizzle. Peace.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute A lot is subjective.
My suggestion is get a VPS, tweak as needed.
I have never used a VPS before.
No time like the present to learn.
@Fabien your return statements are undefined, but come to think of it, that only affects chaining.
It looks like no matter what you do, you're going to have the body returned to the variable :(
Plus, it's crazy expensive
Again, subjective. What are you calling expensive?
@m59 Not ideal :-/
I look at shared hosting plans and then I look at VPS plans
and I'm like:
@Fabien you could do this sillyness:
  var x = obj;
I feel like my site is posssessed or something.. a file that's not anywhere in the nginx root folder, or any nginx folder for that matter is displaying some text on a webpage that it shouldn't be O_o
Seems unorthodox, I must've gone wrong somewhere.
When i google datamapper php, datamapper example php i get nothing but ORM's. Anyone know some good examples of some datamappers
and I can't exactly use a linux CLI to find where the file with the text actually is
because the text quite litterally consists of
"hi "
@VoidWhisperer why can't you do that?
doing that returns a few thousand files...
@VoidWhisperer narrow the search to .html .htm .php
trying to figure out how to
@m59 I'll scrap the template and pinch get inspired by a plugin I know works in a way I like.
Cheers for the help though
I'm not sure if there is a way to search with grep based on file extension
not liking this PSR-4 thing
an easier way to do this might just be looking up all of the .htm, .html, and .php files on the system
@Ocramius You don't like something designed by a committee? I am surprised.
@Ocramius Any specific reason why? I've looked over it and wasn't initially a big fan.
@RonniSkansing I'm really not sure if these would be classed as good examples - but here (and the rest of the directory it's in) are the datamappers from my webshite.
Makes reviewing code harder, makes discovering code harder
@Danack Thank you!
so far reviewed some internal projects that moved to it and it seems just like scrambling stuff
Nothing is better the real examples, going to read it now
@Ocramius Well, I haven't swapped over because I didn't see the point and if it makes discovering code harder that's enough reason not to for me.
@Ronni It doesn't use ORM - just straight DB abstraction, i.e. everything looks like (and is underneath) a set of DB queries.
@Ocramius Do you think part of that is just not used to it yet?
@cspray no, I'm probably gonna have the same problem again
@Danack yea that is exactly the implementation i am looking for. I am fed up with ORM's
browse to a directory, open a file, say "wtf", go back, check autoloader, see it is psr-4, change mindset, keep in mind things
and you need to keep in mind a directory per namespace
it's quite annoying imo
@RonniSkansing I need to write the documentation for how the DB abstraction works. It's not obvious in places.
@Danack okay =]
what the f..
There's no .html .htm or .php file on my server containing that text
let alone in any of my website roots
@Ocramius Is there any point upgrading my own projects from psr-0 ?
It reduces inodes
@VoidWhisperer Are you using a framework? Sometimes they put templates/content into custom file extensions
that was the point of drupal since drupal is used on shared hosting environments
@Ocramius On the first run, and then OPCache wins. /oh wait that's just for me.
hey guys....
@Cicada3301 I'll help if I have time
@Danack yes, it's pretty much stupid to architect your project around a thing that to me is a compiler pass
┏(・o・)┛♪┗ (・o・) ┓
@Jhawins thx!
I hang in the JS room, but most of my work is in PHP.
But my ride will be here soon, so I'll be leaving whenever that happens.
@Jhawins :D awesome! don't worry... It won't be for today, I still have no idea what the requestor actually needs
Oh haha alright.
@Ocramius They also missed the opportunity to make the autoloader use plugins didn't they? i.e. it's still one autoloader per 'executable', so you can't define your own autoloader for a project and tell composer 'use this autoloader when loading stuff from this project'.
@Danack you can do that with composer
just define a "files" section under your "autoload" section - each of the listed files will be included
used for functions and you can obviously add your own autoloaders there
Composer's docs recommend PSR-4
It took me a long time to come around but I'm pro-composer these days. I still don't know WTF I'm doing and I don't ever use it. But it's a good thing.
@Ocramius too tired to express myself clearly - I meant like this r.je/php-psr-0-pretty-shortsighted-really.html
@rdlowrey One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us.
@Danack ah, that blogpost
I still need to see a single project where PSR-0 can't work for some reason.
@Ocramius tbh I don't give a crap how my files are laid out, though can see if you've got a massive code base, that you would like to make use with composer, but don't want to move all the things, it could be annoying.
@Danack yes, but that's what happens with refactoring/new technologies/time
And that's not something valid for a project born now
@Ocramius But it's forcing it to be a certain way, just because composer has one autoloader to rule them all, rather than being a plugin architecture.
@Danack do you really need a plugin architecture for that?
that's what I'm questioning - isn't it just simpler to adapt to a single way that is proven to work since 2005~2006?
My collections repository is proudly not PSR compatible.
I don't think autoloading is a problem so complex that it requires different flavors. I'll change my mind if I actually find a project that needs something like that
And I mean to say, I don't think it is compatible with any PSR.
@LeviMorrison yes, but you can still just use a classmap
@Ocramius If you want to be able to say "Compser, here is my library, when you try to load files from it, use this autoloader routine". As I said, I don't particularly care - but can see that other people could be really annoyed by it.
@Danack you can
@Danack {"autoload":{"files":{"myshit.php"}}}
even works with smarty 1.x
if that even exists xD
@Ocramius That says: "If you want to require certain files explicitly on every request then you can use the 'files' autoloading mechanism. "
That's not the same as autoloading classes as needed.
@Danack yes
@Danack a file that calls spl_autoload_register($something) is enuff
if you had a strategy there, it would be included at each request anyway
because that's really core stuff
So yeah, it's not compatible with everything, and that's ok :P
Just giving that a try.
  foreach (require __DIR__ . '/autoload_files.php' as $file) {
        require $file;
@Ocramius dat file system hit.
@Danack your server is totally going down :-)
@Ocramius It's an amazon micro - it very well may.
For the record - this is the only thing that actually annoys me with the composer autoloader. You may have also encountered it; caching that a class doesn't exist really fucks with auto-generating classes.
well, it skips autoloading on second attempt
@Ocramius yes, so if you do:

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