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@DanLugg מה שתגיד
@Lukas Yes
@MadaraUchiha +1
Alright, it's on bitches! I'm at work for 5 more hours, I think I can do it.
@Dan Wow
5 more hours...
I have 1.5
Well, then it's only 1.5 hours of Nyan cat for you.
Hey so I was wondering if you have really really short time to learn php barely good enough, is suggesting you to <<<EOD go through as many string functions[1] and array functions[2] in php as you can. And a bit or two about mysql connections[3]. And general info about the language[4] and some faq[5] and finally practice thoroughly here[6].

[1] - http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.strings.php
[2] - http://in2.php.net/manual/en/ref.array.php
[3] - http://in2.php.net/manual/en/ref.mysql.php
[4] - http://stackoverflow.com/tags/php/info
@DanLugg the original website seems to have made it better - nyan.cat
improved quite a bit
True fact.
@Prasanth Yeah, links in chat don't work that way... See the chat help
yeah i just pasted off a chat msg from elsewhere.
@Suhosin Thanks for the help, everything works now
Someone had my twitter password :(
DMd everyone on my list
Changed PW and deleted all the Direct Messages now.
@Fabien doesn't Twitter have TFA?
two-factor authentication/authorization (I don't know which word officially)
can i ask questions here?
But you already did
so its okay..
@Geniusintrouble read the room description
@crypticツ Enabled now. TBH I rarely ever use Tweeter.
@Fabien I have no social media accounts, well except a FB for my cat =oP. Deleted everything else.
im stuck in one the the php gd stuff...
could you please view it and let me know it s possible?
Q: PHP gd create image, add to folder and db

Genius in troubleI have created this image: header('content-type: image/jpeg'); //Store the values of our date in separate variables //list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', date('F/jS/Y')); //Load our base image $image = imagecreatefrompng(BASEPATH . '../images/blogMainImage.png'); //$imag...

I have a problem, can anyone help?
@Geniusintrouble it's funny your exact message is here: github.com/PHP-Chat/cv-pls.com/blob/master/…
@crypticツ lol
@crypticツ My cat has a FB too.
@crypticツ hehe.. yes.. i hadn't asked that before..
@rdlowrey you here?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes.
what's up?
Do you have updated Aerys benchmarks online?
I have a friend who is working on a new router for node (Petka, or @Esailija here)
I don't but I can tell you that using the same CPU as the techempower benchmark my current dev version does ~120-125k/s for routed json responses.
Without routing it's more like ~140-145k/s
Cool ^^ You should definitely talk to each other.
Well, if his concern is routing he may want to talk to @LeviMorrison and @NikiC ... they did the actual performance-critical aspects of the router in aerys.
Basically it does a couple of things:
1. stores any routes that don't require pattern matching in a map structure for fast lookup
Is it in PHP or C?
2. compiles all the individual URI routes into one big regex so that a single preg_match() call can be used instead of over and over.
It's in php.
So it's just a two-stage check. Does the map key exist? If so, return that. Otherwise match against the big composite regex.
Can't beat my http://nyan.cat record because I have a scheduled call :-( #productivityproblems
@rdlowrey Interesting. I was wondering how you would increase the performance in that aspect of routing and it never occurred to me to just create one regex.
@cspray Yeah the slowest part of most routing approaches is calling preg_* over and over.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Tomorrow's the big day :)
@MadaraUchiha awesome :)
I'm doing Miluim in March
@cspray I originally undertook the effort without proof of any kind that it would be faster.
It turned out to be and that was great.
Fun, where?
Then NikiC did some perf improvements that I haven't fully reviewed.
@MadaraUchiha Navy, same place.
@rdlowrey that's pretty clever :)
We should probably put the routing functionality somewhere on github on its own so people can take advantage of it in userland ... All I did for aerys is suggest the approach and (bravely) convince @LeviMorrison he should implement it for me :)
I think it's kind of difficult to get the manual regex compilation part right ... at least I remember comments to the effect of it not being the easiest thing ever attempted.
You can call static methods straight off a trait... weird.
^ Yeah that. Should maybe put that in the manual entry for traits.
@rdlowrey There are things like you can't have named parameters sharing names in the final regex.
@LeviMorrison You can get around that, no? (?J), or are we talking different purposes here?
@DanLugg It's just an example of something I didn't think about when going in that I had to overcome.
Ah yea..
Names of named subpatterns are also pretty restrictive.
Simple freaking twitter bootstrap navbar dropdown doesn't work!
Works for me.
increase the available space for the result place and click on Teams.
the dropdown doesn't work right.
it increases the height and adds a horizontal scroll bar
I don't like drop-downs in general, so we don't use that portion of twitter bootstrap on php.net
So I'm not much help
quick random question, prefer filepath or file_path ?
@crypticツ filePath or file_path
kk, thx
Hi all.
@rdlowrey Routing is tricky when you go outside the box of iterative regex...
@crypticツ getFilePath
@MaciejCzyżewski not sure exactly where you are getting 'get'
@crypticツ It's not a function?
@crypticツ sorry I love prefixes...
@MaciejCzyżewski never said it was. Just wanted to know what format of the word would be good.
@crypticツ I think prefix explain more what function do.
@MaciejCzyżewski I agree and I do use that, but this is not for a function =oP
@crypticツ i like that last one
if it is a primtive value
yey! somebody put the file permissions of directories to 711, and everything went boink. LOL.
isSetOption() or issetOption() ?
chmod -R 711 ./ # now I want a Slurpee
@DanLugg same thing that went to mind after i saw that.. but there's no slurpee here near our office.. stupid 711s.
@crypticツ isSetOption() (just so the camelCase is consistent)
@crypticツ issetOption for consistency with isset() (if that's what it's doing)
@DanLugg it doing empty() so checking if option set but is not left blank
However I've personally gone with the get*, set*, has*, remove* prefixing; so I'd be hasOption in my world.
@DanLugg hasOption is better though..
notNullOption hehe, jk. this sucks
@crypticツ If the option is blank, is it the same as if it weren't there; as in ignored?
well the options are all required thus far
so either they are missing or left empty should be fatal
then hasOption should work for you too..
@rdlowrey I was toying with the idea of writing a blog post on fast routing (but need to check first whether "look here, this is five times faster than your c implementation" is applicable, otherwise there's little point to it ^^)
@NikiC Well to me the idea of using a C extension is kind of silly if you can even get comparable results in userland. Thoughts?
IM BACK :D Ahhh!!!
@rdlowrey That's the point, yes. I'd bet that a smart PHP implementation can be a good bit faster than that weird Pux thing I've been seeing everywhere recently... But would need to test that first ^^
Replacement heatsink is in and my PCs 2 week vacation is over!
@NikiC I'd say it's very likely. I'd be shocked if that pux/mux/wtf thing were actually worth using.
The two-stage isset + preg_match on a composite regex match is really fast. Seems like a pretty-straightforward idea ... not sure why everyone isn't already doing that. It just makes sense.
evening @NikiC, all ...
yo, Joe.
What the fuck is a "pux" anyway?
my gut tells me it's not necessary, there's just so little to it, it's impossible to believe that you can't do something as good in userland ... @NikiC
a C extension put on reddit, a router
Some plugin to route...
well hn first
lol, I know, I was just commenting on the seemingly nonsensical name.
oh oh
combo breakerrrrrrrr
Thanks for that.
You know this guy?
"Uh, don't worry Barack. We already got this." -- NSA
I was gonna say "Bahama".
ah, the good ole answer then
@crypticツ that guy is legendary
@CarrieKendall I went through all his answers, he kept on also using section headers like SOLUTION!! in giant font
@crypticツ well, it was clearly a pro-strat that would widen his answer body and attract his target audience
But he know a bit about Stackoverflow markdown...
@crypticツ I just edited a few of his; typically with "STAHP YELLING"
^^ that user has got -22 rep today.. i didn't even dv'd any of it.. lol
Hah look me @reikyoushin all people hate me...
@DanLugg "I don't always edit a post, but when I do it's on a post being deleted" --Dan Lugg
@MaciejCzyżewski Have you pissed someone off? Weird downvote there.
Outside of clarifying my own questions on answers to them, I probably do comment most on things that are about to end up in the bin.
aww it doesn't let you save zoomed in state =o(
lol, didn't matter, was funny anyway.
@crypticツ zoomed in state?
green, nothin, green, nothin, nothin, nothin, RED.
41 answers.. good luck, you're going to need a large broom
@reikyoushin you can zoom into the graph by selection a section
@DanLugg nothin, nothin, nothin, nothin {6 page later}, nothin, nothin, nothin...
Whenever I go to the washroom, I have a paranoia that my shirt tail is hanging too low...
Whenever I go I get paranoid I am in the ladies by accident. Have to look at the urinals to reassure myself.
Hey @JoeWatkins ... Do you have any thoughts on possibly auto-setting a thread's class loader functions if they're strings? I know there's no way to do this if you've registered a non-serializable callable for autoloading, but it could be helpful for the simple cases so I don't have to pass in a bootstrap file path for the thread in generic cases. Is that even worth bothering with? Whaddya think?
@Fabien I ate a whole bunch of blue-raspberry candy the other day; and since then, everything looks like it belongs on the Discovery channel.
Actually, I guess I could do that automatically in userland ... just a simple spl_autoload_functions() call and iterate over them plucking string values and passing them into the thread directly.
@DanLugg lol
@rdlowrey do that, I'm hoping that @ircmaxells zend autoloader will get in, maybe then we can manipulate it ... but spl, yuk ...

How do I convert 5 into a Number? Which function?
Also: I had my first successful test with the threaded proof of concept aerys responder for synchronous responses. I don't know if I'll be able to get it into shape for benchmarking before the end of the night or not ... we'll see. Pretty pumped about it though.
nm, sorry
@deep I'll get you started with json_decode()
Disregard anything you hear from @php_fig. It is yet another bullshit PHP troll account. http://bit.ly/1akGTGY http://t.co/IqiY26qkJN
@Gordon, you been duped (following them) ... ^
Now if only the PSR-whatevers for autoloading required a Serializable object or callable string ... then everyone's code would automatically be safe for autoloading inside pthreads ...
What are Feds thoughts on using "display: table;"?
@Fabien Feds?
Front End Developer
Well I suppose anyone's opinion is okay :P
You'll probably be disapointed at some point when you try to use table-row - they don't behave the same as actual tables. So if you've got a table - display it as a table.
Do you stick to floats then?
(I possibly mean table-cell there rather than rows, but still, it fucks up if you ever try to use rowspan/colspan and probably other stuff as well)
This is useful for vertical-align
@Fabien i only use em when i need vertical-align: middle
I'm not allowed to design HTML or CSS.
and if i dont want a fixed padding..
Had a ASBO issued against me :P
still display: inline-block or float, if you want responsive sh*ts..
Aye, I do need vertical-align: middle; but I got the impression this display: table promises more than it delivers
@Fabien i only use display: table-cell for that.. not the display:table thingy..
usually on an <li> on menus :P
how come you still working so late @Fabien ?
@JoeWatkins Brand spanking new project. While the inspiration is there best to get shit done.
Also my PC part arrived today, so PC is back in action.
I get to do some PHP on this one too.
A contact form.. :X
Compatibility doesn't play well with display: table...
In Drupal 7
sounds like a challenge ... ;)
@Fabien dat the one using symfony 2? it's drupal 8. ;)
Honestly, I got the guy next to me to show me some drupal stuff, it's crazy convoluted.
@reikyoushin No idea, I am a framework newbie really.
I hear Drupal 8 is okay. Certainly better than 7.
       $jsonFile = '{"fn": "Deep", "ln": "Sohelia", "form": "10HS", "usrnm": "soheliadeep", "pass": "test", "email": "[email protected]", "pp": "http:\/\/www.gravatar.com/avatar/185e061c636d9360a11005fab5957fa3", "rep": "0"}'
        $obj = json_decode($jsonFile);
        $repVal = $obj->{'rep'};
        $val = $_GET["value"];
	    $obj->rep=intval($repval)+intval($val) ;
      echo $jsonFile

Did I miss something? I don't think so....
Because the site I used did that.
@JoeWatkins what's the difference?
is $obj->{'rep'} allowed?
It is allowed
It doesn't work even without braces and quotes.
its intended to access strings, two lines down you used the correct form ... be consistent ...
> A federal appeals court today nullified key provisions of the FCC’s net neutrality rules, opening the door to a curated approach to internet delivery that allows broadband providers to block content or applications as they see fit.
> Fixed broadband providers may not unreasonably discriminate in transmitting lawful network traffic. That rule, however, does not apply to wireless services.
I would be 100% in favor of this if we had any sort of real market for these services in the US. But unfortunately it's a very small oligopoly.
the json string declaration statement is not terminated
@rdlowrey that already happens here ...
@rdlowrey except the code which gives a shit on PSR :-)
it's not a real problem if you have half a brain ...
Are there any keyboard shortcuts in Google Chrome to move the current tab left/right?
@bwoebi Yeah, I'm just trying to be helpful :)
@rdlowrey I thought you'd prefer to not discuss about them
I'm not discussing. I was just thinking about how every single person who uses pthreads doesn't understand why autoloading in their threads doesn't "just work"
what was the problem?
@reikyoushin No; I mean moving the order of the tabs; sorry wasn't clear.
@DanLugg nah, i dont think so..
Damn mouse.
@DanLugg can't drag?
Serializable autoloaders is another place where anonymous classes would've been really helpful ... unless PHP wouldn't have known how to put them back together after serialization ... then disregard this statement.
@reikyoushin Of course I can, don't want to ;-)
@JoeWatkins Would your anonymous classes patch allow for the re-instantiation of a serialized anonymous class?
@DanLugg lol =p
php could serialize code, properly ... it chooses not too, it chooses to serialize just the member properties ..
have you ever looked at spl ?
No. I get the feeling I don't want to ;)
it's not php's fault I can't reinitialize autoloaders, it's spl's ... it's a pile of wank ...
when it's part of zend it will be more sensible
I mean what is that ...
@JoeWatkins If token_get_all gave byte offsets, you could seek through __FILE__ er... wherever you get the path, pretty easily...

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