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@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute is something wrong with it?
@zerkms Well, it isn't executing. Something has to be wrong with it.
@JoeWatkins For the sake of posterity ... that error I asked about earlier was definitely due to sharing one end of a stream_socket_pair() with a thread. When I created a server in the main thread and then connected to it manually in the Worker::run() method I was able to eliminate the error.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute how are we supposed to know "it isn't executing"?
Q: Creating a large sprite with ImageMagick via PHP Consumes 100% CPU

Madara UchihaSo I've this: exec("cd $upload_directory && convert \\( +append -limit memory 1 -limit map 1 *.jpg \\) -strip -trim -interlace Plane -quality 60 output.jpg The workflow is: User uploads *.zip file, containing about 30 pictures 2048x1152 each Application unzips zip file Application takes the ...

I told you ;)
@PeeHaa cc ^
@ircmaxell Could such characters ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ be of help in a certain attack vector ? source
@MadaraUchiha Also add the fact that the process is killed maybe somebody can provide some unrelated to cpu pointers at the same time
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute okay. "it isn't executing" answer would only accept "fix it" answer
@zerkms The values in the DB aren't updating.
Added @PeeHaa
I was asking if the format of that query is wrong.
But since no one has said anything, I guess it isn't.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute check the documentation about how to get PDO errors
upvoted. Circle jerks FTW!
@HamZa no, it's just eliminating all non-ascii characters
@ircmaxell thanks for confirming my thoughts :)
sorry, not
it's only 8 characters, weird, I have no idea
@ircmaxell Yeah, I know. That's why I asked the OP to clarify a bit the situation.
quite weird
@zerkms $this -> db -> setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute and?
@PeeHaa +1 ... I'm nothing if not an upvote whore for room 11 Qs and As.
@zerkms You asked me to look that information up, so I did. Also placed it in the block of code that deals with the DB. Needless to say, no message.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute then there is no errors there
Then why the heck is the db not updating
There is no a team with such a name for example
have you checked the number of affected rows?
only two rows should be affected.
two minimum and two maximum
no more no less.
have you checked it?
I'm doing it, and IDGAF. final in a trait.
Just ran the query in PHPMyAdmin. It worked, so nothing's wrong with the query.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute have you checked the number of affected rows through PDO interface?
Not sure what you mean by "PDO interface"
No rows are being affected. If any row was affected, I'd be able to see the changed value in phpmyadmin
have you checked it?
Everytime the code is executed, I look at the DB for changes, it's exactly the same.
why do you think I gave the link above?
and why did I mention you need to do that through PDO?
Your rowCount method returned a fatal error...
any details or we need to guess again?
public function updateLeagueStandings($teamName, $win, $loss) {
	try {
		$sth = $this -> db -> prepare("UPDATE teams SET wins = wins + (:winsNum), losses = losses + (:lossesNum) WHERE Name = `:teamName`");
		$sth->bindParam(':winsNum', $win, PDO::PARAM_INT);
		$sth->bindParam(':lossesNum', $loss, PDO::PARAM_INT);
		$sth->bindParam(':teamName', $teamID, PDO::PARAM_STR);
		$sth -> execute();
		$count = $sth -> rowCount();
	} catch (Exception $e) {
		header('Location: /error');
int(0) int(0)
and what is the fatal error message?
The error message was my mistake, mistyped a word. But above is the message that's printed.
int(0) int(0)
var_dump($teamName, $win, $loss)
ps: I don't see where the second 0 comes from
Would anyone see a glaring error with this? It should be spitting out each element from an array: for($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++){
echo $matches[$i] . "append me";
Instead, I get Arrayappend meArrayappend meappend meappend me
@tmyie use var_dump() for every variable you use
How would I write that into the above code?
@tmyie you probably want echo $matches[0][$i] . "append me";
also pre-calculate the array count instead of putting it in for() loop.
turn it into a variable before?
@tmyie yeah $count = count($matches[0]); then for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
thanks, you've helped a lot
No he hasn't
giving fish isn't a real help
@tmyie do you realize what caused the original issue?
oh actually you need to set $i = 1
I just noticed the output, doh
Is the first index a list of values?
yeah, i wasn't looping through the appropriate array, i was looping through both?
how come set it to 1?
well may be, but if you used var_dump you would noticed that by yourself
yeah, thanks. i'll use that in the future
@zerkms There are two because the method is being called twice.
Quick question : Can anyone give basic difference between SOAP and Rest API? Why one particular better over other?
@TGMCians it's a holy-war prone question
Technically I am going to make the web API so like to know before anything start. Nothing war as such :)
then forget about SOAP
the key difference - the former is a real protocol, whereas the latter is just a set of really vague recommendations
@TGMCians SOAP is the worst thing you could do to consumers
the funny thing about RESTful APIs - you can take any implementation and "scientifically prove" it's not a "real REST"
no one knows what it actually is and thinks their understanding is the most correct
But Why SOAP is used many complex applications I have seen though
it's enterprise friendly
java and whatnot
enterprise likes xml and everything around it
(not to blame xml, it's great)
But both (SOAP and Rest) send the request and response in the xml. Is it right?
@zerkms I did not get you what you are saying here. Is it difference between them
I simply asking to you guys the difference between them
It comes twice because that's how its supposed to be. Once to update the home team standings and once to update the away team standings.
@TGMCians it's pretty interoperable.
How? Can't we exchange the data using the Rest?
@TGMCians REST is undefined, vague. SOAP is fully specified, across documents and lending on sub-specs.
e.g. for rest you do not find any specs (apart maybe from RFC 3986 and 2116), for SOAP there is w3.org/TR/soap12-part1 etc.
you might want to take a look here: w3.org/2002/ws/Activity
Specification mean you here that Rest API allow to make any type of xml request?
REST is a set of recommendations. That's it
it's not a standard or a protocol
just a bunch of so called "good habits"
I'm confused now and going through the links which hakre suggested
w3.org cares about SOAP for Webservices. So you find a lot SOAP related material there.
If you're interested about XML, you can find also information about it on w3.org.
Today I should know the difference between them to make me more confident and let me read please
Sorry I still failed to understand more accurately :(
well, you don't need to sorry for that. To understand that more accurately it takes ca. 6 month up to two years.
hmm :)
Anyway, thanks guys for help :)

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